316 Types of Computers
316 Types of Computers
316 Types of Computers
Since the advent of the first computer different types and sizes of computers are offering different
services. Computers can be as big as occupying a large building and as small as a laptop or a
microcontroller in mobile & embedded systems.
Mainframe Computer
Desktop computers – A case put under or on a desk. The display may be optional,
depending on use. The case size may vary by much, determined by the required expansion
slots. Very small computers of this kind may be integrated into the monitor.
Rackmount computers – Their cases fit into 19-inch racks, and may be space-optimized
and very flat. A dedicated set of display, computer and mouse may not exist, but a KVM
switch or built-in remote control (via LAN or other means) can be used to gain console
In-car computers (carputers) – Built into a car, for entertainment, navigation, etc.
Game consoles – Fixed computers specialized for entertainment purposes (video games).
Smaller microcomputers are also called mobile devices:
Laptops and notebook computers – Portable and all in one case.
Tablet computer – Like laptops, but with a touch-screen, entirely replacing the physical
Smartphones, smartbooks, PDAs and palmtop computers – Small handheld computers
with limited hardware.
Programmable calculator– Like small handhelds, but specialized on mathematical work.
Handheld game consoles – The same as game consoles, but small and portable.
Mainframe computers
The term mainframe computer was created to distinguish the traditional, large, institutional
computer intended to service multiple users from the smaller, single user machines. These
computers are capable of handling and processing very large amounts of data quickly. Mainframe
computers are used in large institutions such as government, banks and large corporations. They
are measured in MIPS (million instructions per second) and can respond to hundreds of millions
of users at a time. Popular Mainframe computers are Fujitsu’s ICL VME and Hitachi’s Z800.
A Supercomputer is focused on performing tasks involving intense numerical calculations such as
weather forecasting, fluid dynamics, nuclear simulations, theoretical astrophysics, and complex
scientific computations. A supercomputer is a computer that is at the front-line of current
processing capacity, particularly speed of calculation. The term supercomputer itself is rather fluid,
and the speed of today's supercomputers tends to become typical of tomorrow's ordinary computer.
Supercomputer processing speeds are measured in floating point operations per second, or FLOPS.
An example of a floating point operation is the calculation of mathematical equations in real
numbers. In terms of computational capability, memory size and speed, I/O technology, and
topological issues such as bandwidth and latency, supercomputers are the most powerful, are very
expensive, and not cost-effective just to perform batch or transaction processing. Transaction
processing is handled by less powerful computers such as server computers or mainframes. The
supercomputers are very expensive and very large in size. It can be accommodated in large air-
conditioned rooms; some super computers can span an entire building. They are mainly kept in a
cool environment for proper functions.
Exascale Supercomputer
On 29th July, 2015, President of the United States, Barack Obama, approved the development of
an Exascale Super Computer. The Exascale Super computer will be 30 times faster and more
powerful than today’s fastest Super Computers. The need to develop such a high performance
Supercomputer comes after China’s surge in high performance computing. However, the US still
tops the list of Supercomputers with 233 high performance machines. China has 37
Supercomputers but they lead the list of the most powerful and high performance supercomputers
since June 2013.
Virtual machines
A server may run several virtual machines (VMs) for different activities, supplying the same
environment to each VM as if it ran on dedicated hardware. Different operating systems (OS) can
therefore be run at the same time. This technology approach needs special hardware support to be
useful and was first the domain of mainframes and other large computers. Nowadays, most
personal computers are equipped for this task, but for long-term operation or critical systems,
specialized server hardware may be needed.
Another approach is to implement VMs on the operating system level, so all VMs run on the same
OS instance (or incarnation), but are fundamentally separated to not interfere with each other.
Workstations are computers that are intended to serve one user and may contain special hardware
enhancements not found on a personal computer. By the mid 1990s personal computers reached
the processing capabilities of mini computers and workstations. Also, with the release of multi-
tasking systems such as OS/2, Windows NT and Linux, the operating systems of personal
computers could do the job of this class of machines.
Information appliances
Information appliances are computers specially designed to perform a specific "user-friendly"
function—such as playing music, photography, or editing text. The term is most commonly
applied to mobile devices, though there are also portable and desktop devices of this class.
Embedded computers
Embedded computers are computers that are a part of a machine or device. Embedded computers
generally execute a program that is stored in non-volatile memory and is only intended to operate
a specific machine or device. Embedded computers are very common. Embedded computers are
typically required to operate continuously without being reset or rebooted, and once employed in
their task the software usually cannot be modified. An automobile may contain a number of
embedded computers; however, a washing machine and a DVD player would contain only one.
The central processing units (CPUs) used in embedded computers are often sufficient only for the
computational requirements of the specific application and may be slower and cheaper than CPUs
found in a personal computer.
Public computer
Computers that are open for public uses, possibly as an Interactive kiosk. They are normally fire-
walled to prevent abuse. Most are restricted to run only some pre-installed software. There are
many places one can use them, such as cybercafes, schools and libraries. There are normally
maintained in such a way that the operating system is difficult to change and/or resides on a file
server (in the case of, for example, "thin client" machines in educational establishments where the
system should be reset to its original state between classes). Public computers are not expected to
keep an individual's data files stored.
Personal computer
These are computers that are solely for one user (although the term has also come also mean any
computer hardware somewhat like the original IBM PC, irrespective of how it is used). This user
often may use all hardware resources, has complete access to any part of the computer and
has rights to install/remove software. Personal computers normally store person files on its disk or
non-volatile memory, and often the owner/user is responsible for routine maintenance such as
removing unwanted files and virus-scanning, but a personal computer in a business setting would
have staff and protocols to ensure important maintenance is carried out.
Shared computer
These are computers where different people might log on at different times; unlike public
computers, they would have usernames and passwords assigned on a long-term basis, with the
files they see and the computer's settings adjusted to their particular account. Often the important
data files will reside on a central file server, so a person could log onto different computers yet
still see the same files. The computer (or workstation) might be a "thin client" or X terminal,
otherwise it may have its own disk for some or all system files, but usually will need to be
networked to the rest of the system for full functionality. Such systems normally require a system
administrator to set up and maintain the hardware and software.
Display computer
Computers that are used just to display selected material (usually audio-visual, or simple slide
shows) in a shop, meeting or trade show. These computers may have more capabilities than they
are being used for; they are likely to have WiFi and so be capable of Internet access, but are rarely
firewalled (but have restricted port access or monitored in some way). Such computers are used
and maintained as appliances, and not normally used as the primary store for important files.
Troubleshooting requires an organized and logical approach to problems with computers and other
components. A logical approach to troubleshooting allows you to eliminate variables in a
systematic order. Asking the right questions, testing the right hardware, and examining the right
data helps in understanding the problem. This helps you form a proposed solution to try.
The following troubleshooting process is a guideline that can be modified to fit specific needs.
■ Explain the purpose of data protection.
■ Identify the problem.
■ Establish a theory of probable causes.
■ Test the theory to determine an exact cause.
■ Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution.
An Ammeter measured current. Ammeter is connected in series as shown in Fig 6 - 1 and not
across the circuit. Current flowing through the circuit will thus flow through the ammeter.
Ammeter has a low resistance and should never be connected directly across the supply voltage.
Since there will be nothing to limit the current flow, the instrument could be damaged.
A voltmeter measured Electromotive Force E.M.F. and potential difference. The voltmeter is
therefore connected in parallel with the resistance as shown as fig.7.5. Voltmeter has high
load V
0 100
100 0
x y
Fig 2 – 5: Ohmmeter configuration (circuit for measuring resistance)
The circuit for ohmmeter is shown in figure 6 - 5 above it, incorporates a cell E and a variable
resistance R. A resistor connected across the terminal XY allowed current to flow, causing the
meter pointer to deflect, the amount by which the pointer deflect varies inversely with the value of
the resistance, for this reason, the resistance scale has zero at right hand side and the pointer deflect
more towards the left with increasing value of resistance.
Methods of using ohmmeter
The terminals XY are first shorted together and variable resistor R is adjusted until the resistance
reading on the meter is zero, the short is then removed and the unknown resistance is connected
across the terminal XY. The resistance value may be read directly from the scale.
This is a single instrument used for general faultfinding and to measure current (ac and dc), voltage
and resistance. A switch or plug on the meter enables the various full-scale values of current or
voltage to be chosen. The terminals of a meter or Multimeter are usually marked + and - (i.e.
positive and negative). Two types of Multimeter are available for use in electrical measurement
and instrumentation: the analogue Multimeter and Digital Multimeter.
Analogue Multimeter
This type of Multimeter employs the principles of electromagnetic induction where solenoid coil
is wound over a laminated iron core in a magnetic field. This is produced by two permanent
magnets and is enveloped in a casing that has a glass where deflection of a pointer can be observed.
The pointer is deflected to the right when current passes through the meter from + to -
Digital Multimeter
This type of Multimeter displays discrete values on a screen of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD),
which are arranged as a seven-segment display connected adjacently to one another depending on
the maximum number of digits the meter can display.
a. To get the best results from the Multimeter, the following 'rules' must be observed:
b. For accurate readings, the meter should be used lying horizontal.
c. Do not tap the glass covering the scale.
d. When the meter is not in use, set the selector switch to either 'D.C' or 'A.C'.
e. When the range of measurement is not known, set the meter to the highest range and work
downwards if necessary. This protect against measuring above ratings.
f. Always set to zero on the appropriate ohms range before measuring resistance and make
sure the circuit under test is not 'live'.
g. Ensure that the polarity of the D.C voltage or current to be measured is the right way round
for the meter movement.
Intensity control
And focusing Deflection plates
grids (only one pair shown)
Fig 2 – 6: Schematic Diagram of a Cathode Ray Tube
There are two types of wave analyzer, namely:
1. Frequency-selective wave analyzer
2. Heterodyne wave analyzer
A wave analyzer is an instrument which can be used to measure the relative amplitudes of single-frequency
components in a complex or distorted wave form.
Basically the instrument acts as a frequency-selective voltmeter which is tuned to the frequency of one
signal component while rejecting all the other signal components. For instance, for measuring the audio
frequency range (from 20Hz-20 KHz), the analyzer has a filter section with a narrow pass band that can be
tuned to the frequency component of interest.
The wave form to be analyzed in terms of its separate frequency component is applied to an input attenuator
that is set by the meter range switch on the front panel. A driver amplifier feeds the attenuated wave form
to a high-Q active filler. The filler consists of a cascade arrangement of RC resonant sections and filler
The pass band of the total filler section is converted in decade steps over the entire avoid range by switching
capacitors in the RC sections. For selecting the frequency ranges, close-tolerance polystyrene types of
capacitor are generally used. Potentiometers are used to tune the filler to any desired frequency within the
selected pass band. A final amplifier stage supplies the selected signal to the meter circuit to an unturned
buffer amplifier.
The buffer amplifier can be used to drive a recorder or an electronic counter. The meter is driven by an
average-type detector and usually with several voltage ranges and a described scale. The bandwidth of the
instrument is very narrow usually around 1% of the selected frequency. Distortion occurs as a result of the
inherent nonlinear characteristics of the transistors in the circuit.
The Nonlinear behavior of the circuit elements introduces Harmonics of the fundamental frequency in the
output wave from, this type of distortion is often referred to as Harmonics Distortion.
There are three main types of Harmonic Distortion Analyzer these are
1. Turned-circuit Harmonics Analyzer
2. Heterodyne Harmonic Analyzer or (wave meter).
3. Fundamental-suppression Harmonic analyzer.
Fig 2 – 7: Graph of a waveform and some distorted versions of the same waveform
The majority of the instruments described so far, while giving a continuous indication of the measured,
have required the presence of an operator to observe variation in reading magnitude. This limitation is
overcome in some of the graphical recording instruments, in particular those designed to record permanent
variation in the level of a quantity, and with the ever-increasing emphasis on automation, continuously
recording instrument are finding many applications, temperature recorders being but one example.
Other forms of graphical recorder produce a temporary record, possible only a display of the instantaneous
values of an input signal, and these instrument which facilitate the detailed study of waveforms and analysis
of circuit performance are essential for any laboratory.
An abnormal undesirable state of a system or a system element induced by either a presence of an
improper command or absence of a proper one, or by a failure. All failures cause faults; not all
faults are caused by failures. A system which has been shut down by safety features has not faulted.
The job of a technician frequently entails “troubleshooting” (locating and correcting a problem) in
malfunctioning circuits. Good troubleshooting is a demanding and rewarding effort, requiring a
thorough understanding of the basic concepts, the ability to formulate hypotheses (proposed
explanations of an effect), the ability to judge the value of different hypotheses based on their
probability (how likely one particular cause may be over another), and a sense of creativity in
applying a solution to rectify the problem. While it is possible to distill these skills into a scientific
methodology, most practiced troubleshooters would agree that troubleshooting involves a touch of
art, and that it can take years of experience to fully develop this art.
An essential skill to have is a ready and intuitive understanding of how component faults affect
circuits in different configurations. We will explore some of the effects of component faults in
both series and parallel circuits here, then to a greater degree at the end of the “Series-Parallel
Combination Circuits” chapter. Let’s start with a simple series circuit:
Now let us suppose that R2 fails shorted. Shorted means that the resistor now acts like a straight
piece of wire, with little or no resistance. The circuit will behave as though a “jumper” wire was
connected across R2 (in case you were wondering, “jumper wire” is a common term for a
temporary wire connection in a circuit). What causes the shorted condition of R2 is no matter to
us in this example; we only care about its effect upon the circuit:
With R2 shorted, either by a jumper wire or by an internal resistor failure, the total circuit
resistance will decrease. Since the voltage output by the battery is a constant (at least in our ideal
simulation here), a decrease in total circuit resistance means that total circuit current must increase:
As the circuit current increases from 20 milliamps to 60 milliamps, the voltage drops across R1
and R3 (which haven’t changed resistances) increase as well, so that the two resistors are dropping
the whole 9 volts. R2, being bypassed by the very low resistance of the jumper wire, is effectively
eliminated from the circuit, the resistance from one lead to the other having been reduced to zero.
Thus, the voltage drops across R2, even with the increased total current, is zero volts.
On the other hand, if R2 were to fail “open”—resistance increasing to nearly infinite levels—it
would also create wide-reaching effects in the rest of the circuit:
With R2 at infinite resistance and total resistance being the sum of all individual resistances in a
series circuit, the total current decreases to zero. With zero circuit current, there is no electron flow
to produce voltage drops across R1 or R3. R2, on the other hand, will manifest the full supply
voltage across its terminals.
We can apply the same before/after analysis technique to parallel circuits as well. First, we
determine what a “healthy” parallel circuit should behave like.
Supposing that R2 opens in this parallel circuit, here’s what the effects will be:
Table 2 -3: Current and voltage drops in the parallel circuit
Notice that in this parallel circuit, an open branch only affects the current through that branch and
the circuit’s total current. Total voltage—being shared equally across all components in a parallel
circuit, will be the same for all resistors. Due to the fact that the voltage source’s tendency is to
hold voltage constant, its voltage will not change, and being in parallel with all the resistors, it will
hold all the resistors’ voltages the same as they were before: 9 volts. Being that voltage is the only
common parameter in a parallel circuit, and the other resistors haven’t changed resistance value,
their respective branch currents remain unchanged.
This is what happens in a household lamp circuit: all lamps get their operating voltage from power
wiring arranged in a parallel fashion. Turning one lamp on and off (one branch in that parallel
circuit closing and opening) doesn’t affect the operation of other lamps in the room, only the
current in that one lamp (branch circuit) and the total current powering all the lamps in the room.
In an ideal case (with perfect voltage sources and zero-resistance connecting wire), shorted
resistors in a simple parallel circuit will also have no effect on what’s happening in other branches
of the circuit. In real life, the effect is not quite the same, and we’ll see why in the following
A shorted resistor (resistance of 0 Ω) would theoretically draw infinite current from any finite
source of voltage (I=E/0). In this case, the zero resistance of R2 decreases the circuit total
resistance to zero Ω as well, increasing total current to a value of infinity. As long as the voltage
source holds steady at 9 volts, however, the other branch currents (IR1 and IR3) will remain
The critical assumption in this “perfect” scheme, however, is that the voltage supply will hold
steady at its rated voltage while supplying an infinite amount of current to a short-circuit load. This
is simply not realistic. Even if the short has a small amount of resistance (as opposed to absolutely
zero resistance), no real voltage source could arbitrarily supply a huge overload current and
maintain steady voltage at the same time. This is primarily due to the internal resistance intrinsic
to all electrical power sources, stemming from the inescapable physical properties of the materials
they’re constructed of:
Table 3 - 5: Current and voltage drops in the R2 short circuit (Ideal Circuit)
These internal resistances, small as they may be, turn our simple parallel circuit into a series-
parallel combination circuit. Usually, the internal resistances of voltage sources are low enough
that they can be safely ignored, but when high currents resulting from shorted components are
encountered, their effects become very noticeable. In this case, a shorted R2 would result in almost
all the voltage being dropped across the internal resistance of the battery, with almost no voltage
left over for resistors R1, R2, and R3:
Suffice it to say, intentional direct short-circuits across the terminals of any voltage source is a bad
idea. Even if the resulting high current (heat, flashes, sparks) causes no harm to people nearby, the
voltage source will likely sustain damage, unless it has been specifically designed to handle short-
circuits, which most voltage sources are not.
This text will consider analysis of circuits without the use of any numbers that is, analyzing the
effects of component failure in a circuit without knowing exactly how many volts the battery
produces, how many ohms of resistance is in each resistor, etc. This section serves as an
introductory step to that kind of analysis.
Whereas the normal application of Ohm’s Law and the rules of series and parallel circuits is
performed with numerical quantities (“quantitative”), this new kind of analysis without precise
numerical figures is called qualitative analysis. In other words, we will be analyzing the qualities
of the effects in a circuit rather than the precise quantities. The result, for you, will be a much
deeper intuitive understanding of electric circuit operation.
Catastrophic failures
Catastrophic failure occurs where the failure of function is total, as with diodes that conduct in
both directions, transistors without gain, or capacitors which become short-circuit.
Parametric failures
Parametric failure is where the component functions in the intended manner, but outside normal
operating limits. Examples of this are passive components which have drifted outside tolerance,
perhaps altering the response curve of filters.
Intermittent failures
Intermittent failure is a situation where the function is correct for the majority of the time, but
occasionally becomes for a short time either a catastrophic or parametric failure. Such faults are
commonly caused by poor connections.
Related to the parametric failure is the failure of the component to work correctly over the
intended range of environments – circuits may malfunction at low or high temperature, or under
conditions of vibration.
The effect that component failures will have on the system depends on the fault tolerance of the
system, and the degree and type of failure. With high-reliability requirements, it is not uncommon
for designs to be deliberately made to tolerate degrees of failure, particularly at a system level. An
example of this might be a critical server application, where the operation of one system is mirrored
by a second fully-functioning machine which takes over automatically if the main system fails.
In considering the potential for failure, it is important to keep in mind that the majority of
components used in electronic assemblies do not have mechanisms that would cause the part to
degrade sufficiently to fail during storage or normal use, provided that they:
• have been selected correctly for the application as regards performance, protection against the
environment, and the level of thermal, electrical and mechanical stress applied
• were not defective when manufactured, and have not been damaged during assembly and test.
These are important provisos, but remember that the quality of manufacture of modern electronic
components is high, with typically fewer than 10 defective parts per million for complex
components such as integrated circuits, and even less for simpler components.
A peripheral is a device attached to a host computer, but not part of it, and is more or less dependent
on the host. It expands the host's capabilities, but does not form part of the core computer
The Input / output organization of computer depends upon the size of computer and the peripherals
connected to it. The I/O Subsystem of the computer, provides an efficient mode of communication
between the central system and the outside environment
a. Monitor
b. Keyboard
c. Mouse
d. Printer
e. Magnetic tapes
The devices that are under the direct control of the computer are said to be connected online.
1. Peripherals are electromechanical and electromagnetic devices while CPU and memory are
electronic devices. Therefore, a conversion of signal values may be needed.
2. The data transfer rate of peripherals is usually slower than the transfer rate of CPU
and consequently, a synchronization mechanism may be needed.
3. Data codes and formats in the peripherals differ from the word format in the CPU and
4. The operating modes of peripherals are different from each other and must be controlled
so as not to disturb the operation of other peripherals connected to the CPU.
To Resolve these differences, computer systems include special hardware components between
the CPU and Peripherals to supervises and synchronizes all input and out transfers These
components are called Interface Units because they interface between the processor bus and the
peripheral devices.
The control lines are referred as I/O command. The commands are as following:
Control command- A control command is issued to activate the peripheral and to inform it
what to do.
Status command- A status command is used to test various status conditions in the
interface and the peripheral.
Data Output command- A data output command causes the interface to respond by
transferring data from the bus into one of its registers.
Data Input command- The data input command is the opposite of the data output. In this case the
interface receives on item of data from the peripheral and places it in its buffer register.
1. Use two Separate buses, one for memory and other for I/O.
2. Use one common bus for both memory and I/O but separate control lines for each.
3. Use one common bus for memory and I/O with common control lines.
1. Strobe Control
2. Handshaking
Strobe Signal
The strobe control method of Asynchronous data transfer employs a single control line to time
each transfer. The strobe may be activated by either the source or the destination unit.
The timing diagram fig. (b) the source unit first places the data on the data bus. The information
on the data bus and strobe signal remain in the active state to allow the destination unit to receive
the data.
The data must be valid and remain in the bus long enough for the destination unit to accept it.
When the data is accepted, the destination unit then disables the strobe and the source unit removes
the data from the bus.
The handshaking method solves the problem of strobe method by introducing a second control
signal that provides a reply to the unit that initiates the transfer.
Principle of Handshaking
One control line is in the same direction as the data flows in the bus from the source to destination.
It is used by source unit to inform the destination unit whether there is a valid data on the bus. The
other control line is in the other direction from the destination to the source. It is used by the
destination unit to inform the source whether it can accept the data. The sequence of control during
the transfer depends on the unit that initiates the transfer.
The name of the signal generated by the destination unit has been changed to ready for data to
reflects its new meaning. The source unit in this case does not place data on the bus until after it
receives the ready for data signal from the destination unit. From there on, the handshaking
procedure follows the same pattern as in the source initiated case. The only difference between the
Source Initiated and the Destination Initiated transfer is in their choice of Initial sate.
The Handshaking scheme provides degree of flexibility and reliability because the successful
completion of data transfer relies on active participation by both units.
If any of one unit is faulty, the data transfer will not be completed. Such an error can be detected
by means of a Timeout mechanism which provides an alarm if the data is not completed within
In Asynchronous serial transfer, each bit of message is sent a sequence at a time, and binary
information is transferred only when it is available. When there is no information to be transferred,
line remains idle. In this technique each character consists of three points.
1. Start bit
2. Character bit
3. Stop bit
Start Bit- First bit, called start bit is always zero and used to indicate the beginning character.
Stop Bit- Last bit, called stop bit is always one and used to indicate end of characters. Stop bit is
always in the 1- state and frame the end of the characters to signify the idle or wait state.
Character Bit- Bits in between the start bit and the stop bit are known as character bits. The
character bits always follow the start bit.
CPU can select the receiver register to read the byte through the data bus. Data in the status register
is used for input and output flags.
Transfer of data is required between CPU and peripherals or memory or sometimes between any
two devices or units of your computer system. To transfer a data from one unit to another one
should be sure that both units have proper connection and at the time of data transfer the receiving
unit is not busy. This data transfer within the computer is internal operation. All the internal
operations in a digital system are synchronized by means of clock pulses supplied by a common
clock pulse Generator. The data transfer can be i. Synchronous or ii. Asynchronous
When both the transmitting and receiving units use same clock pulse then such a data transfer is
called Synchronous process. On the other hand, if the there is no concept of clock pulses and the
sender operates at different moment than the receiver then such a data transfer is called
Asynchronous data transfer.
The data transfer can be handled by various modes. Some of the modes use CPU as an intermediate
path, others transfer the data directly to and from the memory unit and this can be handled by 3
following ways:
i. Programmed I/O
ii. Interrupt-Initiated I/O
iii. Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Once the data is initiated the CPU starts monitoring the interface to see when next transfer can be
made. The instructions of the program keep close tabs on everything that takes place in the
interface unit and the I/O devices.
In this technique CPU is responsible for executing data from the memory for output and storing
data in memory for executing of Programmed I/O as shown in Flowchart below.
In this type of IO, computer does not check the flag. It continues to perform its task.
Whenever any device wants the attention, it sends the interrupt signal to the CPU.
CPU then deviates from what it was doing, store the return address from PC and branch to
the address of the subroutine.
There are two ways of choosing the branch address: 1. Vectored Interrupt and 2. Non-
vectored Interrupt
In vectored interrupt the source that interrupt the CPU provides the branch information.
This information is called interrupt vectored.
In non-vectored interrupt, the branch address is assigned to the fixed address in the
Priority Interrupt
There are number of IO devices attached to the computer.
They are all capable of generating the interrupt.
When the interrupt is generated from more than one device, priority interrupt system is used
to determine which device is to be serviced first.
Devices with high speed transfer are given higher priority and slow devices are given lower
Establishing the priority can be done in two ways: 1. Using Software and 2. Using Hardware
A pooling procedure is used to identify highest priority in software means.
Polling Procedure
There is one common branch address for all interrupts.
Branch address contain the code that polls the interrupt sources in sequence. The highest
priority is tested first.
The particular service routine of the highest priority device is served.
The disadvantage is that time required to poll them can exceed the time to serve them in large
number of IO devices.
Using Hardware
Hardware priority system function as an overall manager.
It accepts interrupt request and determine the priorities.
To speed up the operation each interrupting devices has its own interrupt vector.
No polling is required; all decisions are established by hardware priority interrupt unit.
It can be established by serial or parallel connection of interrupt lines.
During the DMA transfer, the CPU is idle and has no control of the memory buses. A DMA
Controller takes over the buses to manage the transfer directly between the I/O device and memory.
The CPU may be placed in an idle state in a variety of ways. One common method extensively
used in microprocessor is to disable the buses through special control signals such as:
These two control signals in the CPU that facilitates the DMA transfer. The Bus Request (BR)
input is used by the DMA controller to request the CPU. When this input is active, the CPU
terminates the execution of the current instruction and places the address bus, data bus,
The CPU activates the Bus Grant (BG) output to inform the external DMA that the Bus Request
(BR) can now take control of the buses to conduct memory transfer without processor. When the
DMA terminates the transfer, it disables the Bus Request (BR) line. The CPU disables the Bus
Grant (BG), takes control of the buses and return to its normal operation. The transfer can be made
in several ways that are; i. DMA Burst, ii. Cycle Stealing.
i. DMA Burst: In DMA Burst transfer, a block sequence consisting of a number of memory
words is transferred in continuous burst while the DMA controller is master of the memory
ii. Cycle Stealing: Cycle stealing allows the DMA controller to transfer one data word at a time,
after which it must returns control of the buses to the CPU.
DMA Controller
The DMA controller needs the usual circuits of an interface to communicate with the
CPU and I/O device. The DMA controller has three registers: Address Register, ii. Word Count
Register, iii. Control Register
i. Address Register: Address Register contains an address to specify the desired location in
ii. Word Count Register: WC holds the number of words to be transferred. The register is
incre/decre by one after each word transfer and internally tested for zero.
iii. Control Register: Control Register specifies the mode of transfer
The unit communicates with the CPU via the data bus and control lines. The registers in the DMA
are selected by the CPU through the address bus by enabling the DS (DMA select) and RS
(Register select) inputs. The RD (read) and WR (write) inputs are bidirectional. When the BG (Bus
Grant) input is 0, the CPU can communicate with the DMA registers through the data bus to read
from or write to the DMA registers. When BG =1, the DMA can communicate directly with the
memory by specifying an address in the address bus and activating the RD or WR control.
DMA Transfer
The CPU communicates with the DMA through the address and data buses as with any interface
unit. The DMA has its own address, which activates the DS and RS lines. The CPU initializes the
DMA through the data bus. Once the DMA receives the start control command, it can transfer
between the peripheral and the memory. When BG = 0 the RD and WR are input lines allowing
the CPU to communicate with the internal DMA registers. When BG=1, the RD and WR are output
lines from the DMA controller to the random access memory to specify the read or write operation
of data.
Preventive maintenance is a regular and systematic inspection, cleaning, and replacement of worn
parts, materials, and systems. Preventive maintenance helps to prevent failure of parts, materials,
and systems by ensuring that they are in good working order. Troubleshooting is a systematic
approach to locating the cause of a fault in a computer system. A good preventive maintenance
program helps minimize failures. With fewer failures, there is less troubleshooting to do, thus
saving an organization time and money. Preventive maintenance can also include upgrading
certain hardware or software such as a hard drive that is making noise, upgrading memory that is
insufficient, or installing software updates for security or reliability. Troubleshooting is a learned
skill. Not all troubleshooting processes are the same, and technicians tend to refine their
troubleshooting skills based on knowledge and personal experience. Use the guidelines in this
chapter as a starting point to help develop your troubleshooting skills. Although each situation is
different, the process described in this chapter will help you to determine your course of action
when you are trying to solve a technical problem for a customer.
Check the condition of cables, components, and peripherals. Clean components to reduce the
likelihood of overheating. Repair or replace any components that show signs of damage or
excessive wear.
Use the following tasks as a guide to create a hardware maintenance program:
■ Remove dust from fan intakes.
■ Remove dust from the power supply.
■ Remove dust from components inside the computer.
■ Clean the mouse and keyboard. ■ Check and secure loose cables.
Verify that installed software is current. Follow the policies of the organization when installing
security updates, operating system updates, and program updates. Many organizations do not allow
updates until extensive testing has been completed. This testing is done to confirm that the update
will not cause problems with the operating system and software. Use the tasks listed as a guide to
create a software maintenance schedule that fits the needs of your computer equipment:
A preventive maintenance plan is developed based on the needs of the equipment. A computer
exposed to a dusty environment, such as a construction site, needs more attention than equipment
in an office environment. High-traffic networks, such as a school network, might require additional
scanning and removal of malicious software or unwanted files. Document the routine maintenance
tasks that must be performed on the computer equipment and the frequency of each task. This list
of tasks can then be used to create a maintenance program.
Basic input/output system (BIOS) - the built-in software that determines what a computer can
do without accessing programs from a disk. On PCs, the BIOS contains all the code required to
control the keyboard, display screen, disk drives, serial communications, and a number of
miscellaneous functions.
Bus – A collection of wires through which data is transmitted from one part of a computer
to another. You can think of a bus as a highway on which data travels within a computer.
When used in reference to personal computers, the term bus usually refers to internal bus.
This is a bus that connects all the internal computer components to the CPU and main
memory. There's also an expansion bus that enables expansion boards to access the CPU
and memory.
Cards – Adapter boards or interface cards placed into expansion slots to expand the
function of a computer, allowing it to communicate with external devices such as monitors
or speakers.
CMOS RAM chip – (Same as the CMOS configuration chip) A chip on the motherboard
that contains a very small amount of memory, or RAM – enough to hold configuration, or
setup, information about the computer. The chip is powered by a battery when the PC is
turned off.
CMOS setup – (1) the CMOS configuration chip. (2) The program in system BIOS that
can change the values in the CMOS RAM.
Dual inline memory module (DIMM) – a miniature circuit board used in newer
computers to hold memory. DIMMs can hold up to 2 GB of RAM on a single module.
Dual inline package (DIP) switch – a switch on the circuit board or other device that can
be set on or off to hold configuration or setup information.
Expansion card – a circuit board inserted into a slot on the motherboard to enhance the
capability of the computer.
Expansion slot – a narrow slot on the motherboard where an expansion card can be
inserted. Expansion slots connect to a bus on the motherboard.
Firmware – Software that is permanently stored in a chip. The BIOS on a motherboard is
an example of firmware.
Hard drive – The main secondary storage device of a PC, a small case that contains
magnetic coated platters that rotate at high speed.
Jumper – Two wires that stick up side by side on the motherboard and are used to hold
configuration information. The jumper is considered closed if a cover is over the wires,
and open if the cover is missing.
Keyboard – a common input device through which data and instructions may be typed
into computer memory.
Main board – (Same as the motherboard.) the main board in the computer, also called the
system board. The CPU, ROM chips, SIMMs, DIMMs, RIMMs, and interface cards are
plugged into the motherboard.
Microprocessor – (Same as the CPU.) The CPU is the brains of the computer. Sometimes
referred to simply as the processor or central processor, the CPU is where most calculations
take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a
computer system.
Monitor – the most commonly used output device for displaying text and graphics on a
Mouse – A pointing and input device that allows the user to move a cursor around a screen
and select programs with the click of a button.
Power supply – a box inside the computer case that supplies power to the motherboard
and other installed devices. Power supplies provide 3.3, 5, and 12 volts DC.
Primary storage – Temporary storage on the motherboard used by the CPU to process
data and instructions. Memory is considered primary storage.
Random access memory (RAM) – Memory modules on the motherboard containing
microchips used to temporarily hold data and programs while the CPU processes both.
Information in RAM is lost when the PC is turned off.
Read-only memory (ROM) – Chips that contain programming code and cannot be erased.
Serial port – A male 9-pin or 25-pin port on a computer system used by slower I/O devices
such as a mouse or modem. Data travels serially, on bit at a time, through the port. Serial
ports are sometimes configured as COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4.
Single inline memory module (SIMM) – A miniature circuit board used in older
computers to hold RAM. SIMMs hold 8, 16, 32, or 64 MB on a single module.
Software – Computer programs, or instructions to perform a specific task. Software may
be BIOS, OS, or application software such as a word processing or spreadsheet program.
Components Required
1. Processor (CPU)
2. Computer Case
3. Optical Drive (DVD RW and SATA capable)
4. Memory (RAM)
5. Power Supply
6. SATA Cables
7. Motherboard (SATA Capable)
8. Processor Fan
9. Case Fan
10. Hard Drive (SATA Capable)
Tools Required
Screwdriver (for slotted and Phillips head screws)
Wire cutters and strippers
Needle-nosed pliers
Utility knife
Small flashlight
Adjustable wrench
Small container to hold screws
Heat sink compound
Grounding Strap
Things to be done before assembly begins:
Remove any parts or packaging materials that may have been shipped inside the case.
Remove the cover for the optical drive.
Make note of the cables pre-installed in the case.
Put the grounding strap on your wrist and connect the other end to the computer case.
Installation of the motherboard
Install the I/O bezel plate into the opening in the back of the case. It pushes in from the
Install standoffs in the case. The standoffs screw into the motherboard mounting holes.
Lower the motherboard into the case and align with the I/O bezel.
Installation of the hard drives
Find a 3.5" drive bay to install the drive in.
Slide the drive into place until the screw holes on the sides are lined up with the holes in
the case.
Installation of the optical drive
Slide the drive into the drive bay until the screw holes are lined up and the front of the drive
is flush with the front of the case (figure 18). Make sure that it is orientated correctly.
Installation of the CPU
Find the corner marking that designates pin 1 of the CPU.
Lift the small metal rod next to the socket.
Find the corresponding marking on the CPU socket and insert the CPU so that the
markings are lined up.
Push the rod down to lock the processor in place.
Installation of the RAM
Set the RAM board in the socket. Check to see that the notch in the board is in the correct
location. If it is not, turn it around 180º.
Press firmly on both ends of the board to set it into the socket. Make sure the tabs lock
into place.
Installation of the CPU Fan
Place thermal compound to the CPU following the instructions provided with the
Set the fan assembly on the CPU with mounting tabs aligned.
Pull the locking rod down on the fan assembly to lock into place.
Connect the fan assembly's power connector to the motherboard.
The first one on our list is built right in to Windows operating systems. The performance monitor
gives you a quick view of vital information related your computers hardware. From here, you can
check out your CPU, Memory, Disk info and Ethernet information. You can use Performance
Monitor to examine the effects of your running applications in both real time and by collecting
data to check out for later analysis.
Network, memory and disk usage. This tool gives you an in depth look at what processes are
affecting your CPU, how much memory is being used what is using it, individual process disk
activity and network information like current TCP connections and what processes are listening
on what port.
Speccy is another great computer diagnostic tool. This application gives information on just about
everything including software, hardware, peripherals, disk info, graphics & network data. Its easy
to use layout make troubleshooting and maintenance a breeze. Great application to start with when
you are looking for specific info about your computer.
HD Tune
HD Tune Pro is a great tool for HDD and SSD diagnostics. This utility allows you to benchmark
your storage device showing you the minimum, maximum and average transfer rates along with
many other useful tools. The other features of HD Tune include detailed drive info, error scanning,
& drive health. The pro version allows you to check the health status of multiple drives, offers
folder usage info, secure erase, file benchmark, disk monitor, cache test & extra tests.
Computer diagnostics are meant to serve a vital purpose. They are important tools which work
automatically, with very little effort necessary from the end user. They help you discover and fix
problems within your hard disks and network configurations. Rather than manually searching for
small, hard-to-find problems on your own, you can simply allow computer diagnostics tools to
take care of your problems for you!