Overview of SOGI-Based Single-Phase Phase-Locked L
Overview of SOGI-Based Single-Phase Phase-Locked L
Overview of SOGI-Based Single-Phase Phase-Locked L
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number
ABSTRACT Synchronization is the key part to ensure the high performance of grid-connected systems.
Phase-locked loop (PLL) is one of the most popular synchronizations due to its simple implementation and
robustness under certain grid variations. Particularly, in single-phase applications, PLL based on second-
order generalized integrator (SOGI-PLL) is widely used because of its simple structure, certain filtering
ability and frequency adaptability. The sensitivity of SOGI-PLL to the dc offset and low-order harmonics
has been studied a lot in the literature and many solutions have been proposed. However, as more and more
power electronic devices are integrated into the power grid recently, the grid condition becomes more
complex. As a result, the nonlinear loop coupling phenomenon of SOGI-PLL is more severe and obvious
and thus the performance of SOGI-PLL is degraded a lot, especially under the conditions of grid frequency
variations and weak grid. A popular method is to use the frequency-fixed SOGI-PLL (FFSOGI-PLL) while
how to eliminate the estimation error under frequency variations remain an important task. Though some
scattered methods have been proposed, a simple yet effective strategy is still missing. Besides, it has been
shown that the system stability margin will be reduced due to the negative-resistance behavior of PLL.
However, the models derived in the current documents cannot accurately reveal the instabilities caused by
the standard SOGI-PLL for missing the dynamics of the frequency feedback loop. Moreover, the PLL
parameters are usually designed according to the PLL bandwidth to guarantee system stability under a weak
grid. How to optimize the parameters is still unclear. In view of this, this paper further summarizes and
reviews the existing achievements of single-phase SOGI-PLL, and points out the problems to be solved and
the development direction to improve the SOGI-PLL under more complex and non-ideal grid conditions.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
methods, such as zero-crossing detection, discrete Fourier frequency variations and harmonics [2]. Moreover, a
transform, adaptive notch filter, Kalman filter, recursive differential operator is used in the Deri-PLL, which will
weighted least squares method, artificial neural network, amplify high-frequency components and deteriorate the
frequency-locked loop and phase-locked loop (PLL) [6]-[8]. performance under harmonics and noises. The APF-PLL
Among them, the PLL technique is probably one of the most uses an all-pass filter to shift the phase of the fundamental
popular one used in grid-connected systems because of its signal by 90°, but it does not perform well in presence of the
relatively simple implementation and robustness under frequency changes and harmonics. The ideal Hilbert
different grid conditions. transform cannot be realized directly because it violates the
The PLL is a negative feedback closed-loop system, law of causality [3]. The practical Hilbert transform used is
which is mainly composed of three parts: 1) a phase detector an approximation with a finite response filter (FIR) or an
(PD), 2) a loop filter (LF), and 3) a voltage-controlled infinite response filter (IIR), and it is also affected by the
oscillator (VCO). The difference of various PLLs mainly lies changes in the grid frequency. The KF-PLL uses Kalman
in how the PD is constructed and how the phase error filtering technique to construct a pair of orthogonal signals at
information is yielded. For PLLs in three-phase applications, the cost of heavy computational burden. The Park-PLL and
a pair of orthogonal signals can be easily obtained through SOGI-PLL are two widely used single-phase PLLs that are
3s/2s coordinate transformation (i.e., Clarke transform) from immune to the change of the grid frequency, and have certain
the measured three-phase voltage signal. However, in single- filtering ability. The Park-PLL uses a positive and an inverse
phase applications, for there is only one-phase voltage signal Park transform and two low-pass filters (LPF) to form the PD,
available, the PD structure of single-phase PLLs is more but the two coordinate transformation modules not only
complicated, and many single-phase PLLs with different contribute to the difficulty of implementation, but also
performance are derived in the literature. greatly increase the nonlinearity of the PD and thus the
The simplest single-phase PLL uses a multiplier as the PD, difficulty in modeling. In addition, the cut-off frequency of
which is also known as the power-based PLL (pPLL) [9]- inner-loop LPFs of Park-PLL has significant impact on the
[12]. The PD output of the pPLL consists of a dc component dynamic performance, disturbance rejection capability, and
and an ac component. The first term is the phase error signal even the stability of the whole PLL. Hence, a compromise is
while the latter one is a double-frequency term. The double- needed [3], yet further improvement is difficult. The SOGI-
frequency component will generate oscillations in the pPLL PLL uses two first-order integrator to construct the OSG
and needs to be filtered out with an in-loop filter. However, based on second-order generalized integrator, which is easy
the introduction of the filter greatly reduces the PLL to be implemented digitally, and the nonlinearity is lower
bandwidth, resulting in a poor dynamic performance of this than that of Park-PLL.
type of PLLs. A well-known problem of the SOGI-PLL is the sensitivity
In order to solve the inherent double-frequency oscillation to the dc offset and low-order harmonics. These problems
phenomenon in the pPLL, scholars turn to the PLLs based on have been studied long ago and now many useful methods
the adaptive filter (AF-PLL) like enhanced PLL (EPLL) and are available. However, as the increasing integration of
the PLLs based on orthogonal signal generator (OSG-PLL). renewable energies and power electronic devices into the
The EPLL is a frequency-adaptive PLL and can track the power grid, some other non-ideal grid conditions like
amplitude, phase and frequency of the input signal [13]. In frequency variation and weak grid are more severe and these
the steady state, the double-frequency component is new issues can affect the performance of SOGI-PLL a lot as
counteracted by the opposite component generated by the well. To ensure the performance of SOGI-PLL under a more
EPLL. Then, extra in-loop filter is not needed, and the complex grid condition, it is necessary to comprehensively
dynamic performance is thus improved. However, the EPLL review recent advances and to point out the focus for future
has large transient fluctuations, and is highly nonlinear due to research. Note that the suppression strategies of dc offset and
the over use of sine and cosine operators, which can make low-order harmonics are mature, while the loop coupling
the optimization of parameters and system performances very phenomenon is not well addressed until now. Hence, the
difficult. In comparison, the OSG-PLLs have received more solutions about the dc and low-order harmonics are briefly
attention. talked about hereinafter, and more attentions will be paid to
For OSG-PLLs, common OSG construction methods the corresponding solutions under frequency variations and
include: T/4 (T is fundamental period) transfer delay (namely, weak grid conditions, which can be the main contribution of
the Delay-PLL) [14], first-order derivative operator (Deri- the paper.
PLL) [15], all-pass filter (APF-PLL) [16], Hilbert This study first introduces the working principles and
transformation (Hilbert-PLL) [17], Kalman filter (KF-PLL) basic characteristics of the SOGI-PLL. Then, the related
[18]-[19], inverse Park transformation (Park-PLL) [20]-[22] studies are summarized from three aspects—dc offset and
and second-order generalized integrator (SOGI-PLL) [8], low-order harmonics suppression, nonlinear loop coupling
[23]-[25]. Among them, the Delay-PLL and Deri-PLL are phenomenon and grid frequency adaptability, and robustness
simple, but their performances are greatly affected by grid in weak grid. The advantages and disadvantages of various
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
ug ke 1 u ud ff
s uq
u e 1 PLL
dq PI
1 s
FIGURE 1. Block diagram of the SOGI-PLL and its main research topics.
methods are also reviewed. Finally, some discussions on the Bode Diagram
Phase(deg) Magnitude(dB)
future research direction are presented.
0 ke=0.8 ke=2
The structure of SOGI-PLL is shown in Fig. 1, in which ug is
the input signal, ωff (=2π50 rad/s) is the central angular -60
frequency, ωPLL and θPLL are the estimated angular frequency 45
and phase angle, respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 1 that 0 ke=0.8
the SOGI generates a pair of orthogonal signals (i.e., uα and -45
uβ), which are then sent to the Park transformation module -90 -1
(i.e., αβ→dq) to obtain ud and uq 10 100 101 102 103 104
ud cos PLL sin PLL u (a)
cos PLL u
Bode Diagram
uq sin PLL 50
Phase(deg) Magnitude(dB)
that of the input. for different values of ke. (a) Gα(s); (b) Gβ(s).
According to the Mason formula, the transfer functions
from ug to uα and uβ can be deduced as where, in the steady state, ωPLL is 2π50 rad/s. According to (3)
u ( s ) kePLL s and (4), the Bode diagrams of Gα(s) and Gβ(s) when ke takes
G ( s) (3) different values are drawn in Fig. 2.
u g ( s ) s 2 kePLL s PLL
As can be observed from Fig. 2, Gα(s) behaves as a band-
u ( s ) kePLL
pass filter (BPF) whose center frequency is equal to ωPLL.
G (s ) (4)
ug ( s) s 2 ke PLL s PLL
2 The amplitude gain of Gα(s) at ωPLL is unity and the phase lag
is zero. Besides, Gβ(s) appears as a low-pass filter whose cut-
off frequency is ωPLL as well. The amplitude gain of Gβ(s) at
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
ωPLL is unity, and the phase lag is 90°. When ke takes When the input signal contains a dc component, using a filter
different values, the bandwidth of the system changes, but is probably the most direct and effective method. Possible
the amplitude gain and phase difference of Gα(s) and Gβ(s) at options are: sliding discrete Fourier transform (SDFT) [30],
ωPLL always remain the same. It can be concluded that the delayed signal cancellation (DSC) operator [31], moving
output of the SOGI module is a pair of quadrature signals average filter, notch filter (NF) [32], and complex coefficient
with the same amplitude as the input signal and a constant filter (CCF) [33].
phase difference of 90°, and that the SOGI-PLL has a certain Note that the core reason of the sensitivity to the dc offset
ability to suppress high-frequency disturbances. In addition, in SOGI-PLL lies in the low-pass feature of Gβ(s), implying
as shown in Fig. 1, the SOGI-PLL brings the estimated that reducing the dc gain of Gβ(s) may be another option to
angular frequency ωPLL back to the SOGI module to serve as suppress the dc offset [34]. In [35], two SOGI blocks are
the resonant frequency for SOGI (denoted as ωr). In steady connected in series (named the CSOGI-PLL) to reject the dc
state, ωPLL is equal to the frequency of the input signal, which offset, and the dc gain of the new Gβ(s) decreases notably.
makes the SOGI-PLL a frequency adaptive PLL. Similar to [35], an all-pass filter is added behind the SOGI to
However, it can also be found from Fig. 2(b) that Gβ(s) has obtain uβ [36]. In [37], a second-order SOGI-PLL (SO-SOGI-
almost no ability to suppress the dc components, indicating PLL) with a fourth-order transfer function is proposed, where
that the SOGI-PLL is sensitive to the dc offset in the input the two first-order integrators in the typical SOGI-PLL are
signal. Besides, reducing ke to attenuate the characteristic replaced by their second-order forms.
low-order harmonics in the power grid can lead to a very 2) DC ESTIMATION AND SUBTRACTION METHODS
poor dynamic response. To solve the tradeoff between the The second kind of methods to eliminate the dc component is
speed and accuracy, an extra filtering stage is usually utilized to estimate the dc offset and then send it back to either the
under distorted cases for the PLL. Moreover, the estimated input side [27], [38] or the SOGI output (i.e., uα and uβ) [39]-
angular frequency is fed back into the SOGI to ensure the [40] with a subtraction. The structures of three advanced
frequency adaptability, but an additional feedback loop is solutions proposed in [27], [39]-[40] are presented in Fig. 3.
also added in the SOGI-PLL. In other words, nonlinear
coupling between the SOGI and the PLL control loop (from The third kind of dc elimination methods is to examine the
Park transform to θPLL) appears and makes the modeling and transfer function from each signal point to the output of the
parameter design complicated. Furthermore, in the weak grid, SOGI module, and then choose the signal that is not affected
the negative-resistance behavior of PLL can reduce the by the dc offset to create the new uβ.
system stability margin [26], while the unique loop coupling Two equivalent methods are proposed in [41] and [42] and
problem of SOGI-PLL will become more prominent so that their structures are shown in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 4, a
the estimation accuracy is seriously affected. The main signal is drawn from keε−uβ, which can be used as a new uβ
research topics of the SOGI-PLL are shown in Fig. 1 and after inverting. The transfer function of the new Gβ(s) is
details will be described below.
u (s ) ke s 2
G ( s) (5)
Two zeroes appear in the new Gβ(s), which enhance the dc
elimination by sacrificing the ability of suppressing the high-
frequency disturbances.
A dc offset can be easily generated by many reasons, like
grid faults, saturation phenomenon of the voltage/current
sensor, dc injection of the distributed power generation
Due to the extensive use of various nonlinear loads, the grid
system, and the AD conversion process of fixed-point digital
voltage is often polluted with a large number of background
signal processor [27]-[28]. The presence of the dc component
harmonics, which cause certain fluctuations in the frequency
will result in oscillations at the fundamental frequency in the
and phase angle estimated by the PLL [43]. Correspondingly,
estimated frequency and phase angle of the PLL and thus
the current reference generated by the PLL as well as the grid
cause the dc injection problem in the grid current since the
current will be distorted.
current reference is generated by the PLL. Hence, many grid
The commonly-used solution to suppress harmonics is to
codes strictly restrict the dc value in the grid current. For
reduce the PLL bandwidth. However, this method sacrifices
example, in the standard IEC 61727, the dc offset is required
the dynamic performance and is not effective when the grid
to be less than 1% of the rated current [29].
voltage contains large amount of low-order harmonics [44].
To address the problem of the dc offset in single-phase
Existing solutions can be divided into three categories:
PLLs, the existing solutions in the literature can be divided
into three categories: 1) PRE-FILTERING METHODS
The first type of method is to place a filtering stage before
the input signal passes into the PLL (i.e., pre-filtering) [45]-
[46]. This method, however, works well only when the grid
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
1 ug ke 1 u
k ke
s s
ug ke 1 u PLL u
s 1
s 1
ug ke 1 u
ke 1 u ke
ke s
s PLL u
(b) (b)
FIGURE 4. SOGI structures based on signals without dc offset. (a)
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
u ud ff
SOGI u uq e PLL 1 PLL
dq PI
Frequency r
FIGURE 5. Block diagram of the FFSOGI-PLL based on parallel frequency detector.
ug ke 1 u ud
s uq
u e PLL 1 PLL
ke ke dq PI
2cos 1 s
n n
n1/ q
In view of this, some interests are attached to the study of The main drawback of this method is the use of memory
FFSOGI-PLL. However, if the fixed resonant frequency of buffers to process the samples for the DFT operation.
the SOGI is not equal to the actual grid frequency, the In [52], Sun et al. combine the frequency-locked loop
estimated frequency of the PLL will contain a sinusoidal (FLL) together with the SOGI-PLL to realize the adjustment
ripple at twice the grid fundamental frequency. The content of the SOGI resonant frequency, named as SOGI with FLL
of this second-order harmonic is closely related to the PLL (SOGI-WFLL). It should be noted that the FLL is actually a
bandwidth [35]. If the PLL bandwidth is increased larger, the gradient estimator (GE) and three different GEs are proposed
total harmonic distortion (THD) of the current reference for the SOGI to estimate the fundamental frequency of the
generated by the PLL can be larger and the current quality of input in [53]. However, when the input signal contains the dc
the grid-connected converter is deteriorated. On the contrary, offset and harmonics, there will be certain fluctuations in the
if the bandwidth is small, the settling time may be long and detected frequency, so that the accuracy of the PLL is
the transient performance is poor. Such case is undesirable in affected. To reject the dc or harmonics, the methods in
some cases like the low-voltage ride through (LVRT). Section III or the multiple SOGI strategy can be used as a
In order not to affect the PLL bandwidth and to eliminate supplement. In addition, the proportional coefficient of the
or reduce the negative impact of the grid frequency variation FLL has to be carefully chosen by the tradeoff between the
on the FFSOGI-PLL, scholars have proposed many solutions, detection speed and disturbance suppression capability.
including parallel frequency detector based methods, phase In [54], a method based on the modulating function (MF)
error compensation methods and PLL structure modification is used to detect the frequency. Since the product of the MF
based methods. and the derivative of the input signal can be integrated into
the product of the derivative of the MF and the input signal
A. CATEGORY 1: PARALLEL FREQUENCY DETECTOR for integration, the high-frequency harmonics amplification
BASED PLL METHODS of the input can be avoided. Moreover, the integral operation
By removing the original frequency feedback and connecting has low-pass filtering effect naturally so that this method is
a frequency detector in parallel to the SOGI, the real-time not sensitive to harmonics and noise. What should be taken
frequency for the SOGI can be updated. Obviously, there is into serious consideration is the selection of the window
almost no coupling within the SOGI-PLL once the frequency length or the forgetting factor value of the MF.
feedback loop is replaced by the extra frequency detector. In [55], an approach based on fractional-order conformal
The basic structure of this method is shown in Fig. 5. mapping is adopted to construct the SOGI and is named as
In [51], the fixed window DFT is adopted to obtain the AFFSOGI-PLL. Its block is given in Fig. 6. The proportional
fundamental frequency. Though the DFT technique cannot gain ke and the resonant frequency ωr of the SOGI can be
get an accurate result under time-varying cases due to the adjusted in real time by changing the fractional-order q to
inherent spectral leakage and picket fence effect, such feature realize the frequency-adaptive feature for FFSOGI-PLL. The
of the DFT is used to track the frequency of ug adaptively. expression of φ / q is expressed as,
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
4 ke2 ker g
tan 1 ( ), 0 ke 2 G ( j g ) = (9)
ke (6) (ker g ) 2 (r2 g2 ) 2
, ke 2 r2 g2
G ( j g )=arc tan (10)
The AFFSOGI-PLL inherits the simplicity of FFSOGI- ke r g
PLL and at the same time does not increase the system order.
Seen from (7) and (8), if ωr = ωg, the estimated phase
However, these features depend on the accurate value of q
angle is exactly the same as the input. However, a steady
which is determined by the deviation of the grid frequency. It
is hence indicated that the AFFSOGI-PLL requires an extra state phase error is unavoidable in the PLL output if ωr ωg.
frequency detection link, but is not detailed in [55]. In the following, two methods that compensate the phase
In [56], Shamim Reza et al. use a linear Kalman filter difference are discussed.
(LKF) to obtain a pair of orthogonal signals which are then Define
sent into the FLL to estimate the frequency and amplitude of u
error arc tan( ) ( g t G ( j g ) (11)
the input. This method is not sensitive to noise. However, the u
method proposed in [56] needs to know the initial value of With some mathematical manipulations [59], θerror can be
the process noise, measurement noise and error covariance expressed as
matrix in advance, and the initial estimation state also needs
to be given manually. As a result, the implementation should
be carefully dealt with. g
1) sin 2( g t G ( j g )
The Teager energy operator (TEO) is introduced in [57] r (12)
with only five consecutive samples and is easy to implement arc tan
digitally. However, the TEO is shown to be sensitive to the 2( 1)[1 cos 2( g t G ( j g )]
frequency variation and harmonics in the input signal. Hence, r
the input signal must be pre-filtered first, and the frequency Seen from (12), θerror occurs as a second-order harmonic
estimated by TEO is suggested to be fed back to the pre- oscillation if ωr ωg. Hence, once the oscillation caused by
filtering stage to avoid any phase offset errors caused by grid θerror is filtered out, the fundamental frequency can be easily
frequency variations. estimated with a differential operator.
In summary, the parallel frequency detector based methods Hence, in [59], Shamim Reza et al. propose to use a SOGI
require a fast and accurate frequency detection. A simple yet whose resonant frequency is larger than the fundamental
effective solution is still ongoing. If the frequency detector frequency, and then compensate the errors of the estimated
has no filtering ability, the input signal must be pre-filtered, frequency and amplitude according to the frequency behavior
which means additional complexity in the implementation. It of SOGI. Indeed, the dynamics is improved, for the settling
should be also noted that if the frequency of the input signal time is inversely proportional to the product of ke and ωr.
changes too fast, the resonant frequency of SOGI can keep However, this method needs to use the phase unwrapping
on changing, which can eventually cause considerably large technique and a differential filter, which can be complicated.
transient fluctuations in the quadrature signal output by SOGI The computational burden is heavy. Furthermore, the phase
and distortion in the grid current reference [58]. angle cannot be estimated directly.
In [60], a different FFSOGI-PLL with using a phase error
B. CATEGORY 2: PHASE ERROR COMPENSATION compensation (SOGI-WPEC) is proposed and its structure is
BASED PLL METHODS shown in Fig. 7. It is analyzed that uα and uβ have a constant
The second kind for frequency adaptability of FFSOGI is to phase difference of 90° at different frequencies while the
take the grid frequency deviation into consideration, and then amplitude difference relates with the ratio of ωr/ωff. Then, if
to compensate for the generated phase difference under the the amplitude of uα and uβ is controlled the same, there will
off-nominal condition. be no second-order harmonic oscillations in the steady state.
Assuming a pure sinusoidal grid voltage, i.e., ug = Vm sin However, seen from (7) and (8), there is a phase difference
(ωgt+Φ) = Vm sin θg, with the help of (3) and (4), the steady between the real phase angle θg and that of uα, which can
state output of uα and uβ can be obtained cause errors in the estimated phase angle. Hence, the core
u Vm G ( j g ) sin( g t G ( j g )) (7) issue is to compensate the phase error at different frequencies
accordingly. Compared with the typical SOGI-PLL, this PLL
u Vm G ( j g ) cos( g t G ( j g )) (8) does not provided the significant improvement in the view of
g dynamic performance and harmonic suppression capability,
where but do have a better dc offset suppression capability [58]. In
addition, unlike the SOGI-PLL, the FFSOGI-PLL proposed
in [60] may be unable to estimate the grid voltage amplitude
accurately under off-nominal frequencies.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
ug u ud ff
0 u 1 uq e PLL 1 1 PLL
dq PI
1 2
ff kePLL0
FIGURE 7. Block diagram of the FFSOGI-PLL based on phase error compensation.
It is pointed out in [61] that an inverse compensation filter SOGI-PLL based on the differential elements (DE), named
can be added after the pre-filter to offset the error caused by the DE-PLL or SOGI with DE (SOGI-WDE). The structure
the frequency offset. However, the frequency response of this of DE-PLL is shown in Fig. 8. This PLL is not affected by
method near the fundamental frequency is relatively smooth, grid frequency changes and does not introduce a frequency
and the implementation of the inverse filter may be a little feedback loop into the OSG. It should be noted that the
difficult because it is usually not a canonical system [62]- amplitude of the OSG output (i.e., y1 and y2 in Fig. 8) is not
[63]. At present, there is no literature attempting to apply the equal to the amplitude of the input signal, but the amplitude
inverse filter into the FFSOGI-PLL under frequency of y1 and y1f, y2 and y2f are the same in the steady state,
variations. respectively. Consequently, the product of y1 and y2f, y2 and
To sum up, the key of the phase error compensation based y1f can be used to generate the phase error signal and the
methods is to find a proper way to accurately calculate the estimated phase angle. It is revealed that the DE-PLL can be
difference between the actual value and nominal value of the transformed into a typical FFSOGI-PLL form whose phase
estimated phase angle under different working frequencies. It angle feedback loop is equivalent to adding a SOGI into the
is noted that [58] and [60] examined the phase differences feedback path [58]. Hence, from the perspective of small
under some approximations (for instance, the assumption of signal modeling, the DE-PLL is equivalent to the traditional
ωPLL=ωff), which can have a great influence on the accurate SOGI-PLL.
compensation. If the bandwidth of FFSOGI-PLL is small
(e.g., in [60], the PLL bandwidth is only 32 Hz), it can be D. DISCUSSIONS ON FREQUENCY VARIATIONS
approximately considered that this assumption holds and the Generally speaking, in order for the FFSOGI-PLL to be
amplitude of uα is nearly the same as that of uβ1. In other frequency-adaptive, most of the methods mentioned above
words, the nonlinearity caused by feeding back the estimated have to add more algorithms which are usually a little
frequency ωPLL still exists but can be neglected under a small complex. Here, to understand the performances of different
bandwidth condition. But, for a higher bandwidth, ripples in methods, three relatively simple methods are selected for
ωPLL can turn larger and the amplitude of uβ1 can have some further comparisons, i.e., SOGI-WFLL [52], SOGI-WPEC
oscillations which affecting the compensation accuracy. [60] and SOGI-WDE [64]. Parameters follow the design
Therefore, under high bandwidth conditions, the phase angle methods in [58] and four cases are used to test their
error compensation still needs further study. performances:
1) Case I: grid frequency steps from 50 Hz to 51 Hz and
BASED METHODS 2) Case II: grid frequency sweeps from 50 Hz to 52 Hz at
Contrary to the methods mentioned in Section IV-A and IV- the rate of +10 Hz/s;
B, the third category adjusts the structure of SOGI to obtain 3) Case III: grid voltage sags from 1.0 p. u. to 0.6 p. u.;
the necessary phase error information. 4) Case IV: grid voltage contains 3rd (5%), 5th (4%), 7th (3%)
In [64], inspired by the idea of [60], Guan et al. propose a harmonics, and the total harmonic distortion is 7.07%.
The simulation is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink and
y1 ud ff corresponding results are shown in Fig. 9. As can been seen
uq from Figs. 9(a) and (c), the SOGI-WFLL and SOGI-WDE
y2 e PLL 1 PLL
dq PI behave larger overshoot than the SOGI-WDE. Besides, Fig.
9(d) indicates that both SOGI-WFLL and SOGI-WDE are
y1 f y2 f
sensitive to the harmonic contents in the grid voltage. As for
DE cos () the SOGI-WDE, it has a relatively nice performance but an
oscillation at twice the grid fundamental frequency occurs in
FIGURE 8. Block diagram of the FFSOGI-PLL based on derivative the PLL output, which is especially obvious if the difference
between the real grid frequency and the nominal frequency is
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
FIGURE 9. Simulation results of (a) Case I, (b) Case II, (c) Case III, (d) Case IV.
large. One interesting thing is that these PLLs have almost In summary, the FFSOGI-PLL is superior to the typical
the identical performance in tracking a signal with frequency SOGI-PLL in terms of control design, dynamic performance
sweeping. and stability margin due to the absence of the coupled loops,
but it is greatly affected by the grid frequency variations. The
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TABLE 1. Advantages and disadvantages of different frequency adaptability strategies for the FFSOGI-PLL.
Type of the
Example Advantages Disadvantages Future direction
Ref. [51]
High filtering effect Trade-off of the window
DFT-based PLL
Ref. [52] Easy to implement Limited filtering effect
Combination of FLL and Only one parameter is Trade-off of the frequency
PLL introduced in the PLL estimation parameter design
Inherent low-pass Resource-consuming
Ref. [54]
characteristic of the MF Selection of the forgetting
MF-based PLL Fast, accurate and relatively
Category 1 Fast tracking speed factor for the MF
simple frequency detector
Need information of the
Ref. [55] Very easy to implement
frequency deviation
AFFSOGI-PLL Adaptively adjust SOGI
No extra filtering effect
Prior knowledge of the LKF
Ref. [56] High filtering effect
initial conditions
LKF-based PLL Immune to the dc offset
Ref. [57] Fast tracking speed High computational burden
TEO-based PLL Easy to implement Sensitive to harmonics
Ref. [59] No feedback loops Cannot estimate the phase
SOGI with frequency Unconditionally stable angle directly
error compensation High filtering effect Resource-consuming
Category 2 More accurate PLL model
Ref. [60]
Not accurate under high
FFSOGI-PLL with phase Easy to implement
PLL bandwidth conditions
error compensation
New simple OSG with high-
Ref. [64] Low computational
Category 3 Sensitive to harmonics frequency disturbance
DE-based PLL burden
merits and drawbacks of three kinds of solutions listed in this With the rapid development of distributed power generations,
section are summarized in Table 1. The principle of the the proportion of REPG is increasing year by year. Since the
parallel frequency detector methods is simple. The additional RESs are usually located far away from the main grid, the
frequency detector does solve the influence of the coupled impedance of the transmission lines becomes non-negligible
feedback loops, but increases the implementation cost. And, and the utility grid in remote areas tends to exhibit weak grid
if the frequency detector does not have any filtering ability, characteristics. In weak grid cases, the PLL and the grid are
an additional pre-filter is needed, which further complicates coupled through the grid impedance at the point of common
the implementation. The solutions based on the phase error coupling (PCC). Usually, the PCC voltage contains a large
compensations do not require additional frequency detector, number of harmonics, which seriously affects the estimation
but the accuracy of its output phase angle highly relies on the accuracy of the PLL [65]-[69]. Meanwhile, previous studies
accuracy of modeling and error analysis. The third kind of have revealed that the PLL can exhibit negative-resistance
methods (i.e., the modified PLL structure), requires neither characteristics within its bandwidth, resulting in significant
the additional frequency detector nor the accurate calculation phase reductions of the inverter output impedance. Thereby,
of phase angle errors, so that it might be a very promising the negative impact introduced by PLL would deteriorate the
solution. But the key of utilizing this solution is to ensure that stability of the whole system [70]-[73]. However, the current
the output of the phase detector is a pair of signals with a research on the instability problems with PLL taken into
precise phase difference of 90° (note that the amplitude may consideration in the weak grid mainly focuses on the three-
be different from the input) and can suppress high-frequency phase systems, yet the research on single-phase application is
components as well. Further research on the PLL structure relatively few [74]-[75].
modification methods can be necessary.
V. ROBUST PARAMETER DESIGN UNDER WEAK GRID To analyze the influence of PLL on system stability, the PLL
CONDITIONS model must be derived first. The traditional modeling method
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balance the settling time and overshoot. In [84], Harnefors et disturbance in the PLL control loop. Under large disturbance
al. recommend choosing ωn to be one-tenth of the cut-off cases, the estimation accuracy of the phase angle is
frequency of the current control loop from the perspective of deteriorated, or even causes oscillations. On the other hand,
avoiding interaction between the PLL and the current control. the integral coefficient ki has low-pass characteristic in nature,
In [85], since a pre-filtering DSC is adopted, the in-loop which is useful to suppress high-frequency disturbances and
disturbance suppression ability is not the main concern to is conducive to the system stability. However, a very small
design the PLL bandwidth. Hence, according to the design value of ki may reduce the damping factor of the PLL itself,
goal of optimal dynamic performance, ωn is recommended to and also have a negative effect on the system stability. In
be ten times of the fundamental frequency. Then, based on other words, a too large or too small PLL bandwidth is both
the above guidelines, the PI parameters are obtained, while harmful to the system stability, but the relevant mechanism
the proportional coefficient ke for the SOGI (which is ignored needs further research.
in the PLL model) can be selected according to either the
minimum settling time criterion (ke = 1.57) [50] or the best C. DISCUSSIONS ON WEAK GRID APPLICATIONS
damping ratio (ke = 1.414) [32]. In summary, the existing modeling and parameter design
To be more accurate, as can be seen from (13), the model methods for the SOGI-PLL still have some shortcomings, as
of Fig. 9 is a typical type-II control system. The commonly summarized in Table 2. Traditional PLL model shown in Fig.
used design method for such system is the symmetrical 10 cannot describe the PLL characteristics under the weak
optimum method whose main idea is to obtain the maximum grid condition and large signal disturbances. The perturbation
phase margin at the cut-off frequency [86]-[88]. The and linearization model does fill in the gap of modeling, but
parameters are usually determined by the requirements of such method needs to be further revised when either the grid
stability margin, transient speed and harmonic suppression impedance or the PLL bandwidth is large. Moreover, there
ability in [8], [12]. In particular, in [50], ke and the PI are few studies that consider the loop coupling characteristics
parameters of FFSOGI-PLL are designed according to the of SOGI-PLL in the process of modeling, and the accuracy of
criterion of the shortest SOGI settling time and the output these models are difficult to guarantee if the PLL bandwidth
unit vector (i.e., sin θPLL and cos θPLL) distortion less than 1%. is large. On the other hand, for the design, the existing
However, when the grid impedance is non-negligible, the research mainly focuses on the selection of PLL bandwidth
parameters designed above may not meet the requirements of under the weak grid, and only qualitatively stays at the level
robustness. Some documents have noticed this problem and of designing the appropriate bandwidth to ensure the stable
conducted useful research on the parameter design of PLL in operation of the system under the weak grid. There is still
the weak grid. In [66], Zhu et al. use the type-II control lacking of unified approach for the selection of robust
system model of the PLL to establish the small-signal model parameters for SOGI-PLL (with accurate modeling) under
of grid-connected converter, and delineate the satisfactory the weak grid condition, and the mechanism of the influence
region to select parameters for the current loop and PLL by of each parameter on the system stability should be further
considering the gain margin (GM) and phase margin (PM) of explained. Therefore, the accurate modeling and parameter
the converter loop gain and the short circuit ratio (SCR). In design considering the loop coupling of the SOGI-PLL will
[89], in the case that the current loop bandwidth is firstly be the focus of further research.
chosen and the expected stability margins are set, the energy One thing should be noted is how to guarantee the system
system analysis consortium (ESAC) criterion is applied to stability with SOGI-PLL as the synchronization unit under
determine the forbidden area of parameters in order to select a weak grid. Reducing the PLL bandwidth is a conventional
the appropriate PLL bandwidth for large grid impedance. method but leads to a sluggish dynamic response. Actually,
The studies mentioned here all consider the influence of the FFSOGI-PLL shows a more robust performance than
the PLL on the current loop, but they are all for the three- the SOGI-PLL [49]. However, the current FFSOGI-PLL
phase SRF-PLL. In [68], the small-signal model of a single- can be very complex if complex grid conditions (including
phase PLL (i.e., Delay-PLL) is established with the frequency variation, harmonics and grid impedance) are
perturbation and linearization method and the parameters of considered simultaneously. Another possible option to
the Delay-PLL is designed. In [77], it is pointed out that with improve the robustness is to modify the traditional SOGI-
the same PI parameters, the SOGI-PLL is more robust with PLL. Adding a delay or inertial unit in the frequency
higher stability margin than the Delay-PLL. But, due to the feedback path to obtain a slow frequency adaptation has
loop coupling of SOGI-PLL, the current research on been confirmed effective in [81]. Hence, improvements are
parameter optimization for SOGI-PLL under the weak grid is needed and will be one of the future research direction.
still challenging.
Furthermore, in [59], it is found that the two parameters (kp VI. BRIEF REVIEW OF SOME OTHER GRID
and ki) of the PI regulator in SOGI-PLL have opposite effects SYNCHRONIZATION METHODS
on estimation accuracy and system stability. The proportional
coefficient kp has no filtering effect and can amplify the A. SOME RECENT GENERALIZED INTEGRATORS
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The concept of generalized integrator (GI) is introduced in The first method extracts the phase angle, frequency and
[90] for current control of the active power filter. Focusing amplitude information from the grid voltage at PCC, just like
on the grid synchronization, the dc and harmonic components what most grid synchronization methods do [99]-[102]. As
need to be well addressed. the adaptive observer is the combination of identification and
In this case, high-order GIs are more attractive than the observation, the grid fundamental frequency is viewed as an
standard SOGI [91]-[92]. As mentioned in Section III-A, unknown parameter. The adaptation law to estimate the
three modifications are made: CSOGI-PLL [35], SO-SOGI- frequency should be carefully designed to satisfy Lyapunov
PLL [37] and MSTOGI-PLL [40]. Recently, even a fifth stability criterion while the selection of Lyapunov function
order GI is proposed [93]. Though the dc and harmonic usually depends on the researchers’ experience. Moreover,
attenuation is better, the design and implementation for high- even some existing studies do consider the dc, fundamental
order GIs are complicated. Another option to deal with the component and main harmonics contained in the grid voltage
harmonics is to collaborate the SOGI together, such as the (e.g. in [100], 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th harmonics are considered),
multiple-SOGI (MSOGI), where each SOGI is tuned at a error is unavoidable for neglecting higher-order harmonics
specified harmonic frequency [94]. An equivalent structure and inter-harmonics. If more harmonics are included in the
of MSOGI is shown in [95] and it is demonstrated that the estimation model, the observer order and implementation
computational burden is reduced compared with the original complexity will increase a lot. That is, a balance between the
MSOGI-PLL. A prior knowledge of the harmonic orders is estimation accuracy and implementation complexity should
one of the drawbacks of this method. be made.
Apart from adding new paths or higher-order integrators The second method takes the system output filter into the
into the standard SOGI-PLL, some researchers are trying to model to reconstruct the whole inverter system and to realize
modify the SOGI recently [96]-[98]. The aim is to obtain a the ‘sensorless’ goal [103]-[105]. For instance, in [104], only
faster dynamic and simpler tuning process. Actually, it can one sensor for the grid current is needed. The grid voltage for
be used to improve the performance of MSOGI or DSOGI. synchronization and the capacitor current for active damping
of the LCL filter resonance can be estimated by the observer.
B. ADAPTIVE OBSERVERS Apparently, the system works well if the parameters are all at
In recent years, the adaptive observers (AO) are also widely their nominal values. However, the estimation accuracy may
used for the purpose of grid synchronization. With the help be low due to the parameter uncertainties.
of adaptive observer, the grid frequency can be obtained by If the grid voltage harmonics and system parameter
the arc-tangent operation of a pair of orthogonal signals that variations are considered, the system control with an adaptive
the adaptive observer estimates. Hence, no complex filtering observer technique is rather complex. To mitigate the
or OSG is needed. The fast dynamic response is another complexity of AO and to take advantage of fast dynamic of
advantage of the adaptive observer compared with the PLL. AO (that is, to improve the dynamics for the PLL by AO) at
Generally speaking, the adaptive observer used in the grid- the same time, some attempts are made to combine the AO
connected inverters can be divided into two categories. and GI-based PLL together. The results in [106]-[107] seem
promising and further improvements are needed.
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TABLE 3. Current techniques and future direction for the SOGI-PLL under complex grid conditions.
Specific grid
Current techniques and the classification Research status Future direction
Direct filtering methods
DC estimation and subtraction methods Select one method for specific
DC offset Mature
Non-dc signal extraction methods
Pre-filtering methods
Low-order In-loop filtering methods Select one method for specific
harmonics application
OSG modification methods
Parallel frequency detector methods A fast, simple, accurate
Frequency Phase error compensation methods Complex and inaccurate in frequency estimator;
variations some conditions More accurate compensation;
PLL modification methods New phase detector.
Typical second order system model
Typical type-II system model Accurate under small
bandwidth condition; Taking the loop coupling into
modeling Perturbation and linearization model
Nonlinear loop coupling consideration
Weak grid Extended perturbation and linearization phenomenon is not considered
condition model
Design under ideal grid
Bandwidth-oriented method condition; Insight of each PI parameter
Symmetrical optimum method Has to reduce the bandwidth design
under weak grid condition
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3063774, IEEE
JINMING XU (S’13–M’18) was born in Xuzhou, SHENYIYANG BIAN was born in Jiangsu
Jiangsu Province, China, in 1987. He received the Province, China, in 1996. He received the B.S.
B.S. degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2018 from
degree in power electronics from Nanjing Nanjing University of Aeronautics and
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China, where he
(NUAA), Nanjing, China, in 2009 and 2017, is currently working towards the M.S. degree in
respectively. electrical engineering.
In 2017, he joined the College of Automation His current research interests mainly include
Engineering, NUAA, where he is currently an the grid-connected inverters and control
Associate Professor. He has authored and strategies.
coauthored over 80 technical papers in many international journals and
conference proceedings. His current research interests include the grid-
connected inverters and control, and renewable power generations.
Dr. Xu was a recipient of the 2015 IET Power Electronics Premium
Award. He received the Excellent Doctoral Dissertations Award from
Jiangsu Province, China, in 2018.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/