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17 Monk Fe^ts

James "Grim" Desborough

The Le (pronounced Tay Lee)


The Le (pronounced Tay Lee)
17 Monk Feats

extending her ability to leap, tumble, and fall without

@crob^tic Motion
injuring herself.

Monk Level 4+, Tumble 5+, Jump 5+

The monk is able to leap, run and tumble with a Monk Level 1+, Constitution 12+, Wisdom 12+.
free-flowing movement and to jump down from great
heights, regardless whether there is a wall close to Benefit
them or not (as per their slow fall class ability). The The Monk is used to living a lifestyle of scarcity and
Monk receives a +2 competence bonus to Tumble sparse physical pleasure, allowing her to hone
and Jump checks and treat any fall as though her body and mind without distraction. The
it were twenty feet less than it is. Monk receives a +1 bonus to her Will and
Fortitude saves and, in addition, may subsist
Background perfectly well on half the food and water
The body follows the mind and the that a normal person requires.
monk learns to act, physically,
without thinking; simply letting her Background
flow from motion to motion entirely One of many common techniques for a
naturally and reflexively. With her Monk is to separate herself from the normal
mind disconnected, her motions concerns of the body. She eats the plainest food,
become light and airy; the natural drinks nothing but spring water, wears nothing
flow of chi and magic buoying them but simple robes or rags, and indulges in no
up, making her light on her feet and bodily pleasures. Through this regimen her

The Le Games 2 James Desborough

17 Monk Feats

mind is freed from their earthly concerns of pleasure Eventually the Monk may reach a level of oneness with
and indulgence and she is able to contemplate higher her surroundings, through her contemplations, which
matters, developing her mind and body as well as projects around her creating harmony, making her
learning greater endurance and the ability to go without seem to ‘fit’ with where she is and calming those around
for long periods of time. her.

C^lm @ur^
Chi Bolt
Monk Level 3+, Wisdom 12+, Charisma 12+. Monk Level 4+, Wisdom 12+, Strength 12+.

Benefit Benefit
The Monk projects an aura of peace and serenity The Monk is now able to project bolts of chi force from
around her, calming tempers, easing anger and lending her hands. By sacrificing hit points she may project a
her allies a +2 Bonus to their Will Saves while bolt as a ranged touch attack doing 1d4 points of
within 25 feet of the Monk. Barbarians and damage per hit point sacrificed. The bolt has a
beasts may not use rage or frenzy abilities range increment of double the Monk’s level.
while in this area and the Monk receives a A maximum number of hit points, equal to
+2 bonus to Diplomacy and Handle Animal the Monk’s level, may be sacrificed to power
checks while the aura is in effect. The the bolt. Firing the bolt is a whole-round
aura disappears if the Monk engages in action and the bolt is treated as a magical
combat or energetic action, and it will not weapon.
return until combat or the action is • Good bolts are blue.
completed. • Evil bolts are red.
• Neutral bolts are white.
A Monk may spend a great deal of time Background
in contemplation of the world around The Monk’s manipulation of chi
her and in meditation, trying to get in energy that flows through her body
tune with the life-pulse of the world and the world increases with study
around her and the flow of chi through it. and meditation. Eventually she learns

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17 Monk Feats

to control that energy, surpassing even what she is Disruption Strike (Su) with one normal melee attack. If
normally taught in the monasteries. the attack is successful, the target’s body is disrupted
unless it makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 +
A particularly skilled Monk can learn to gather the chi the Monk’s level). See table below for the effect.
from her body and transform its element to fire,
unleashing it in a flaming bolt of pure energy upon Disruption
enemies. This chi-flame weakens her physical body, but Type Effect
wielded in the right hands can severely harm enemies, Strength 1d4 pts Str Damage
disrupting their chi flow far more than the Monk’s has Dexterity 1d4 pts Dex Damage
been. Constitution 1d4 pts Con Damage
Intelligence 1d4 pts Int Damage

Disruption Strike
1d4 pts Wis Damage
1d4 pts Cha Damage
Target is Blinded
Monk Level 9+, Wisdom 13+, Strength Hearing Target is Deafened
12+ Balance Target is Shaken
* All effects last one hour
The Monk can strike hard with The Monk must declare the Disruption Type before
her fingers, disrupting the chi attempting the Strike, and it may only be done once per
flow through living targets, 3 rounds. If the target fails its save, it is disrupted
effectively blocking, or normally, but is immune to further Disruption Strikes
poisoning the flow of chi for one hour.
through their bodies.
This results in the If the target makes a successful save, it brushes off the
Monk’s blows having Strike, but the monk may attempt another Disruption
effects very similar to Strike against this target 3 rounds later.
poison attacks.
When taking this feat, the Monk must choose which
To do this, the Disruption Type she wishes to learn. Each time she
Monk attempts a takes this feat, she must choose a different disruption

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17 Monk Feats

type. No matter how many times she takes this feat, she with verbal components. Characters who remain deafened for
may only attempt this strike once per 3 rounds. a long time grow accustomed to these drawbacks and can
overcome some of them.
The Monk’s ability to perceive chi flow through living Shaken: A shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls,
saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.
beings advances drastically. The monk gains a unique
perception, and with that comes the ability to alter,
disrupt, or stop an opponent’s chi from flowing properly.
The monk deliberately strikes at her target, focussing Empty @ir
her own chi upon her target, ‘infecting’ and altering her
target’s chi to create the desired effect upon them. Monk Level 7+, Dexterity 12+

Blinded: The character cannot see. He Benefit

takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class, The Monk can now avoid a single blow
loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), against her, once per round by simply
moves at half speed, and takes a -4 knowing not to be where the strike
penalty on Search checks and on most would fall. She may attempt a Reflex
Strength- and Dexterity-based skill save (DC equal to her opponent’s
checks. All checks and activities that attack roll) in order to completely
rely on vision (such as reading and avoid the attack. This can only be
Spot checks) automatically fail. All
done once per round and cannot be
opponents are considered to have total
concealment (50% miss chance) to the used to avoid breath weapons and
blinded character. Characters who other area effects; it can only be used
remain blinded for a long time grow against normal ranged attacks and
accustomed to these drawbacks and melee attacks.
can overcome some of them.
The Monk may take this Feat multiple
Deafened: A deafened character times allowing her to avoid
cannot hear. She takes a -4 penalty on consecutive blows. She needs only try
initiative checks, automatically fails to avoid blows that would otherwise
Listen checks, and has a 20% chance ‘hit’.
of spell failure when casting spells

The Le Games 5 James Desborough

17 Monk Feats

Background flow of chi through her own body, allowing her to heal
An aspect of the various ‘no-mind’ techniques, the wounds and to defeat exhaustion. Through the fresh
monk learns to simply sense where a blow land, and flow of chi she can close wounds, heal bruises, and
will avoid it. Multiple blows can make the process more restore her body to become whole once again.
difficult, but experienced Monks can even avoid a
multitude of sword blows or arrow shots through this
capability. Such a Monk, for similar reasons, rarely falls
victim to accidents or practical jokes.
Honed Sense
Monk Level 1+, Wisdom 12+, Alertness.

He^ling Bre^th
The Monk has honed one of her senses, and with this
Monk Level 5+, Constitution 12+, Wisdom 12+ honed sense she gains a special +3 competence bonus
to any checks made that relate to that sense. This
Benefit might, most often, be Listen, Spot or Search checks but
With breathing exercises and meditation, the Monk is a Monk with a honed sense of smell might sense poison
able to heal herself at an accelerated rate through more easily or find it more easy to track an enemy or
meditation. Once per day a Monk with this ability can identify a perfume. When taking this feat, the Monk
enter a meditative trance for thirty minutes and heal must choose from one of the following senses: Hearing,
herself of 1 point of ability damage (to each attribute), Sight, Smell, Touch, or Taste. The Monk may take this
and heal herself a number of hit points equal to her feat multiple times, each time she does she must
Monk level + her Wisdom bonus (if any). choose a different sense.

Using this ability also cures her of the following effects: Background
Blinded, Deafened, Shaken, Sickened, or Fatigued. If she Meditation and martial arts practice is often used to
is Exhausted when using this ability, she becomes hone a Monk’s ability to fight while blind, by
Fatigued instead. compensating with the other senses; but intensive
practice can hone any of the Monk’s senses to a high
Background degree allowing her greater appreciation of the world
Breathing aligns the Monk’s chi flow with that of the around her.
world around her, and allows her to concentrate the

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17 Monk Feats

Monk Level 5+, Dexterity 12+, Strength 12+

The Monk learns to use items in her environment as
improvised weapons without penalty. When such an
item is grabbed and used it has all the qualities of the
closest ‘real weapon’ known to the GM and player, but
suffers a -1 penalty to hit.

example: A broom becomes a quarterstaff, a blanket can

be twisted up and used as a chain or whip, sticks
become clubs, playing cards become throwing knives and
pebbles become slingshots.

These items do not retain these qualities for anyone else.

The Monk learns to use anything in her surroundings
as a weapon for her own self defence. Even when
completely unarmed otherwise, or in situations where
her bare hands simply aren’t enough to take on an
opponent, she now has the means to defend herself.
Iron Body Technique
Such improvisational techniques can be extremely Monk Level 5+, Wisdom 11+, Constitution 14+.
humiliating to her enemies who are often sent fleeing
the Monk’s presence, having been beaten off with Benefit
nothing more than a milking stool and a cowbell. The Monk’s body becomes hardened and toughened by
her training regimen, giving her a Damage Reduction
score of 2/- and an additional die of Hit Points.

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17 Monk Feats

that might be in control of her, but she must be

Background aware such effects are in control of her.
The Monk trains by standing for whole days under the
roaring torrent of waterfalls, being beaten with sticks
and numerous other painful treatments. She
concentrates her chi within her body until her flesh,
sinew, and bone becomes as tough as iron, turning
aside blows and becoming insensible to pain.

Monk Level 1+, Wisdom 12+, Concentration 5+.

The Monk’s meditative and contemplative skills are now
advanced enough that she can gain some good benefits
from entering a contemplative trance.
• The Monk may meditate instead of sleeping, getting
the same rest in four hours as a normal sleep would
provide in eight.
• The Monk may meditate upon a problem for an hour
before attempting to solve it, gaining a +5 bonus to
any Intelligence based check for one roll.
• The Monk may slow her heartbeat, halving the
effects of venom she has been poisoned with,
provided she immediately meditates for a half-hour
upon being poisoned.
• A Monk who meditates for an hour can clear her
mind of mentally controlling spells or psionic powers

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17 Monk Feats

Background the fore, makes her immune to any distractions or mind

Deep contemplation of themselves, the world, the controlling effects (so long as she is engaged in the
spiritual sphere, or nothing at all can give a Monk’s battle).
mind great fortitude and great clarity. By meditating,
she controls aspects of her own physical and mental
processes. A skilled meditative Monk is capable of
furious concentration and great insight through purging
herself of any distractions.
Penetr^ting Strike
Monk Level 4+, Dexterity 14+
No Mind
The effect of the Monk’s blows can be
Monk level 1+, Meditation. “stored up” through manipulation of
chi energy so that the blows
Benefit might, in effect, fall as one. The
The Monk may enter a no-mind Monk may attempt a Penetrating
state at the start of a battle. While Strike (Su) as a full attack option.
in this state she may not use any When she does this, she must use
special abilities other than martial arts Flurry of Blows as normal to attack
attacks and strikes, but she gains a +1 her opponent; however, damage
bonus to attack rolls, a +1 bonus to Armour from these blows is not dealt until all
Class, and she cannot be affected by mind attack rolls has been completed – the
control or enchantment of any kind while in that damage from each successful attack is
state. added together to deal a single massive
blow. Critical Hits are ignored when
Background making this attack.
The Monk has learned to act without thinking.
She does not even know her own actions until Each attack and amount of damage is
she performs them, which makes her attacks rolled separately, and then combined
and movements extremely unpredictable and, together at the end of the action for the
acting without her conscious mind being at purposes of applying damage.

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17 Monk Feats

Example: An 11th level Monk is fighting a small golem

and attempts a Penetrating Strike. Her Flurry of Blows
grants her 4 attacks. Two of these attacks
Steel Fist Technique
were successful for [8] and [6] damage. Monk level 1+, Strength 12+, Wisdom 12+.
Normally each successful blow would be
applied separately. However, Penetrating Benefit
Strike sums up the damage so that a The Monk’s fists are extremely hardened and deadly,
total of [14] points of damage is dealt covered in calluses and capable of snapping bones,
at one time. breaking stone and smashing wood. All her unarmed
attacks receive double the normal Strength bonus to
Background damage. In addition, the Monk’s hands and arms are
Through practice, diligence, and immune to heat or cold based damage; her arms receive
understanding of the “chi flow” no damage from such sources.
through all things, a Monk can
learn the weak points in any Background
structure or creature. The Monk spends an age practicing and building up the
Approaching the target – power and toughness of her fists and arms. First she
often a block of stone in punches sand, then pebbles, then rocks, then boulders,
the monasteries – the over and over again until she feels no pain and her
Monk perceives it hands are as strong, if not stronger, than what they are
through her punching.
understanding of chi and
unleashes a flurry of
blows, connecting and
creating a ‘bubble’ of
Striking Scorpion
energy. At the end of the
Monk level 2+, Dexterity 12+, Improved Initiative.
attack the inevitable
takes effect, all at once,
which delivers a massive
The Monk is aware of her surroundings and able to
single blow against the
launch a pre-emptive strike against any opponent
The Le Games 10 James Desborough
17 Monk Feats

before she herself is attacked. Without moving the makes an attack check at -4 against her opponent’s
Monk may spend a hit point in order to strike first, attack check; if she succeeds, she catches the weapon,
before any opponent, against any enemy within her blocking the blow and entangling that weapon until the
reach. She may spend a number hit points up to her opponent can wrestle it free (opposed Strength check) or
normal number of attacks. These attacks replace the release it.
Monk’s normal attacks.
With a grip on the weapon the Monk
Background attempt one of the following during her
The Monk trains with other Monks, turn as a standard action:
taking attacks from all directions at • Automatically make a sunder strike
random until she learns to sense against the weapon with their other
where any attack comes from and to hand.
reacts against it with lightning • Attempt to wrestle away the weapon
reflexes. Such speed puts an (opposed Strength check).
immense strain on her body however, • Dismantle/disable the weapon (if bow
and she often harms herself in or crossbow) with a Dexterity check
performing such attacks. against DC 15.
• Attack the enemy with their own

We^pon C^tching
weapon (opposed Strength check, use
the Monk’s Strength to determine
Monk Level 2+, Steel Fist Technique.
Benefit With hardened hands and arms the
The Monk’s hands and arms are so toughened that they Monk is now able to turn aside blades and clubs, even
can now turn aside the blows of swords and other arrows, without fear of harm. When someone swings at
weapons. The Monk gains a +1 to her Armour Class as her with a sword she can catch the blade, something
she is now better able to protect herself against attacks that strikes fear into many enemies and is thought to be
upon her. As long a she has two hands free, once per magic, especially when the Monk then shatters the
round she may also use her martial arts training to blade with a strike from her other fist, rendering their
protect against blows that would otherwise hit. She enemy weapon-less.

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17 Monk Feats

Zen Moment
Monk Level 15+, No Mind.

The Monk can enter ‘the
zone’, a zen-like trance once
per encounter. This moment
lasts for 2d4 rounds, and
during this time the Monk
gains a circumstantial bonus
to her AC, skill checks, saves,
attack rolls, and melee
damage rolls. This bonus
equals 1d8, which is rolled
once, when she first uses this

The Monk can, for a short
period, enter a state of
absolute oneness with the
world. Every action that she
makes becomes more perfect
through this oneness; though
the glimpse of ‘nirvana’ is
fleeting, it can have a
profound effect upon her

The Le Games 12 James Desborough

17 Monk Feats


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The Le Games 14 James Desborough

17 Monk Feats

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• 17 Monk Feats, © 2006 The’ Le. Published by The Le Games,

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Also Available Now:

Neo Monks: the Dragonlord

The Le Games 15 James Desborough

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