China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter abbreviated as CPP) as Pipeline (PPL), Above
Ground Installation (AGI) Contractor for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project, invites
experienced and reputable Security Service Company to express their interest in supplying kinds of
Private Security Service and Consultant Service for EACOP Project in Tanzania.
ln addition, CPP intend to divide the Security work scope into 4 security regions covering 8 administrative
regions in Tanzania as below:
Security Region 1:Missenyi, Kagera to Mbogwe, Geita
Security Region 2:Kahama TC, Shinyanga to Igunga, lgunga
Security Region 3:Nzega, Singida to Chemba, Dodoma
Security Region 4:Hanang, Manyara to Tanga, Tanga
Companies or organizations expressing their interest are invited to document their request with:
ISO 18788:2015 Management System certification.
International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC)
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (Implementing the United Nations “Protect,
Respect and Remedy” Framework)
Proof of commitment to upholding the VPSHR,Proof of training must be provided.
Suitably qualified and experienced personnel and equipment to perform the SERVICES. At a
minimum all PSP Security solutions must have completed and passed a comprehensive, recognized
industry standard security guard training course.
Proof that hiring practices avoid the recruitment of personnel involved in human rights violations.
Sample of employee annual training documentation for guard, security control room operator, and
Sample of Incident investigation and reporting procedure and templates.
Sample of Training Certificate, Police Clearance Check, Medical Certificate References of similar
services for specific security guards. Mobile response vehicle drivers must be defensive driver
TIN Certificate; All Valid Business License and Permits.
Fully filled Key personnel list with CV (Appendix 1) and the associated appendixes in the requested
format. (Blank regards as unqualified item.)
Similar supplying experience within at least 05 to 10 years with a proven track record of good
Performance (Appendix 2) in the requested format.
Shall have an HSE Management System, Policy and related procedures in compliance with
international standards.
*Note; the training materials/Documents should be a sample only, submission of the full training manual is NOT
required. However, an overview of the syllabus and details of the typical training/retraining schedule should be
• Proof of registration with the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA).
• Proof of registration/application to the EWURA Local Supplier Service Provider (LSSP) database at the
time of submission of the response to this expression of interest is strongly recommended.
• Compliance with Petroleum (Local Content) Regulations, 2017 and Local Company definition for
• Tax Clearance Certificate for the latest 3 years available.
• Good Financial capacity to deliver the services as required.
• Must be authorized or possess the necessary licenses to operate.
Companies which have the ability, capacity, and resources to implement the activities listed above should express their
interest by sending together with the documents stated in the above section through an email to biddingbox@cpptz.com
(Max. Email Size: 20 MBs, all documents must be submitted in the English language) on or before24:00 hours East
African Time (EAT), on 10th October 2023. The subject of the email should be “EOI for
CPP-PROC-TZ-034-0925-COMPANY NAME”.CPP reserves the right not to consider companies that submit an
incorrect email subject and the incorrect format of Appendix 1 & 2.
The format of the required documents and relevant technical requirements which are mentioned in Minimum
Requirements should be downloaded from EACOP’s website
( https://eacop.com/opportunities-by-main-construction-contractors/china-petroleum-pipeline-engineering-co-ltd/).
Note: CPP will review and assess the documents provided by companies that have expressed interest in accordance with
this EOI and conduct evaluations based on internal criteria to determine which companies will be included in the list of
pre-qualified companies. Only the pre-qualified companies will receive, by signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), an
invitation to bid as a continuation of the call for tender process. CPP reserves the right at its sole discretion to make the
decision to select or reject a company and maintain its decision.
APPENDIX 1 List of the Key Personnel
Qualification Certificates
Years of
No. Title Name Location Notes
Experience Name of the Certificate Certificate No.
1.Please attach following documents: scanned CONTRACT for completed project or LETTER of AWARD for ongoing projects, completion certificate (if any), appreciation letters (if any) etc.
2.The information of the PROJECT mentioned above may be confirmed by CPP with the assistance of EACOP COMPANY.