Pharma 10
Pharma 10
Pharma 10
Faculty OF Medicine
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• C<.>rnparing Type A and Type H
• tonklng Qlthe tDble abon, if we gi"e a pati(fl( Thiazide$ lIIId he ~utfcred fi'om
Guul, we can easily lower tho: dose and this side effeel "'ill probably disappear.
Ho..'C'I"tl', if the patient 'IIITen:d from l1Jrombo(:)10lX'1,a, It wlillast in the patient.
Ex: Aspirin (An.:tlgesic) ..1K'fI uocd 10 SlOp hea<.\ache, 11 mIght cause IlqIlJrotoxicily.
0) T)-pe I)
I O\:ht)'cd cff~slike
· Carcinogenesis: lome c~10to"K: Jru~ (used to treal eancer) react Wilh lhe DNA.u'ICI
I Thi5 type 1lf'I"C~ "'hen the patient SlOps using the drug abruplly ",,[bullt decreaslO&
the <lusc finl or ",en replacIOB II wah another drug ..'hich 'dll cause a rd,ound eITect
J. PaUrll(S
AI Age
Il) (ie"et" m.l~eup ,f ..'e ha\e apatieOl wilh a ml55inloll:mC, he nngh! nOt i:t'llhe
lx,,,,,hl "lllle dlug
() Alln~) >un.., Pl'OIJ"" ""gill he allertlc tn ,,'nit dnlp more Ih;m oth=
Dj H'Slor" of lhe diK:lsC lh,,,', why IH' ,I~ 'tJ~! ,l$l, ')'< 1l<~ """,,,I ,he p;lIlcm', m~Jic J I
J. Pracribq:
The physician should be careful wben prescribing a drug that is
Used for a long period of time.
Used In II. king critical pha.~c (ex. PrcgruulCY).
Tamara O:u"wish