Pharma 10

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Faculty OF Medicine

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• C<.>rnparing Type A and Type H

"..}lam les TAT

I, Penicillin Ene hII10 tb ~ c<.>Il"u15ion!;
2 Tbiazides Goo
3,ChIo muine Sedation
4 Chloro enl<;ol Nausea, DiiU'l'hea

• tonklng Qlthe tDble abon, if we gi"e a pati(fl( Thiazide$ lIIId he ~utfcred fi'om
Guul, we can easily lower tho: dose and this side effeel "'ill probably disappear.
Ho..'C'I"tl', if the patient 'IIITen:d from l1Jrombo(:)10lX'1,a, It wlillast in the patient.

'TIle OIher minor types


L Continuous: use for a l<.>tij: Icon

Ex: Aspirin (An.:tlgesic) ..1K'fI uocd 10 SlOp hea<.\ache, 11 mIght cause IlqIlJrotoxicily.

0) T)-pe I)

I O\:ht)'cd cff~slike

- T eratogerw:$~' ITIiIlfomJatKJuvflh"'n'l, "de effects will be ~hO'1''Il after birth,

· Carcinogenesis: lome c~10to"K: Jru~ (used to treal eancer) react Wilh lhe DNA.u'ICI n ~econdary cancer.

17) Type [i'

I Thi5 type 1lf'I"C~ "'hen the patient SlOps using the drug abruplly ",,[bullt decreaslO&

the <lusc finl or ",en replacIOB II wah another drug ..'hich 'dll cause a rd,ound eITect

• C.,,<c.<lIf Ad"crse Kuetlon,'

We have thrtt ""'Jor cau..e.

J. PaUrll(S
AI Age
Il) (ie"et" m.l~eup ,f ..'e ha\e apatieOl wilh a ml55inloll:mC, he nngh! nOt i:t'llhe
lx,,,,,hl "lllle dlug
() Alln~) >un.., Pl'OIJ"" ""gill he allertlc tn ,,'nit dnlp more Ih;m oth=

Dj H'Slor" of lhe diK:lsC lh,,,', why IH' ,I~ 'tJ~! ,l$l, ')'< 1l<~ """,,,I ,he p;lIlcm', m~Jic J I


1-) ( h Ii...- Ii~~ ,""' m"""~"I,'I ,llld ,~,~ ",,,Ie' r".l1\Jk,

1. P'Ufr
- AnticarK:er a.Gmlts lIS I have ment,oned some anticancer drugs might be m;ponsible
for the fOllI\1tioD of some secondary ClllIctT!
- Digoxin: one of the \le$t drugs used to tre,at I,Xl1II:t:Stivc hc~tt lilllure, howe"er it is
,~IOX;C wnh II.'~ MITOW m.:ll'gin of safet}', so if}'Qu dO\lble the lIoK' the palK'l1t
1lllly 51Iffcr some ScriollS s'de effects
- .'".ntimim>bial dru¥S many peopkl are allergic to IlIese dmp. that's why you ha''e to
know the medical history of tile paticm s.., if ~ pallent" allerg,c to pemc,l1m)'Ou
should oot give him any kind ofpmidllin or cephalQsp<JTin

J. Pracribq:
The physician should be careful wben prescribing a drug that is
Used for a long period of time.
Used In II. king critical pha.~c (ex. PrcgruulCY).

" f)n'l:- f)m:: Inlencrion"

•Th,s kioo of mtefaction ~ns when a palleD[ is taking more th3n one drug at a
- Thc numb<.T ",fintet1lCtions depends on the number ofl~ drup wen Dlthe same


- We ha"e to be so carTful "'hen giving ~ than one drug al a Ilmt: npl...,,~lly

1 Wilen "'e ha'-c a narrow wmdo..'" narrow margm of safety"

2 When lhey arc UlN for II. long time

J In tile cue of chronic dise;tSn (cx- hyperu:ns;"'n, Diabc!es, cp,lq::>sy)

• Types ofo."l:- n."g InlCtllCtIQl'

A I'ha,'fT\3oOOlr.1Il(,11C 10lt1 ""'I jull.

I. G3~lroinle<;tiIl31 Ah.~o ..rtion Interaction,

Anlac,ds wlt.!t'ly lI.l'U fo.!l'I-'CI'l'l ukc.. a,lrll\)r """lralmng 'ugh ,,",dny.

huw~'cr ~nta,"us rCJd "itll So.! ,,~,"y,j, "10> Fe" ~,a"'ple "htn g,,,en ",nh
'(1r.xyclone lanl;biolicl. Itnlntrd~ d~t!e;\5e III ah;o;<J'l',ocm ";II~ Th<') "I", [",,<.1
!" Tn'''l' sails Ioke (""~. " ~1~' " ,\!, ! t $~11l
r,·I .. ,'c}'d",~ ,t ~I\('n "~,n~,, ,til IIL'n. the) ,,,II f,'rm "n lI11e,.-JCII....' " et.lmpln
1,·I,,'I,I!I,,"1 "hlt.Io" ,II J.",,',",I' llll' " .. n ,tt--;"''f'l,,'n "nr
I.' ,'n 'f ad'" ,n;<1 ered " "h "'dL I,'!r: n c10",· " ,II ,"",., '\ ,tlo " ,,'... ,I', I.., ,,,,,,',
, "'I' n ,"
-ChoIeStC1'amine: U.led to lower the cholesterolle,'cJ m lhe body It binds 10 bo1h:
Digoxin (for conge~l;ve hean failure) and WlIrfllrin (lIII anticoogul;mt).
. Antacids. Thc GJ tract PH i, very impon:mt for the ionizalioninonioniT.ation, 10
If }"Ou ore lakin~ lilly Iilllaci<,\ iI will affecI the Ph of the G.I trael and theref"rc lh,
I1tl:Dlioued mio, 50 you have to be cnreful with ""p;fllI, barblluTllla etc
- MO'IiliIy: for example the anticllolinergic dnlgll slo"" the mulibty aDd therefore
affect iu absorpfion.

2. Interaction during displ:lCement:

For cxalll'lc when we droj: A b4r>ds 10 albumin instead uftlrul;: B, the fr~ amount
of drug B "ill increa!e and 50 'lJ absorpl1uD ""ill iD.:rc:;ue;u well.

3, Tnteracting with certain drues durin2,

•UI1tl: drugs afTeeu the metabolism rate either by mduCllOD or inhibition and tllCTefore
afTeclthe p;tlient h1msel(

4. Interacting with certain drugs durin!! renal f.'.Iiminntion

5, Interacting wilh the receptors' of sOllie drn!!s

Tamara O:u"wish

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