Introduction To Virology
Introduction To Virology
Introduction To Virology
Introduction to virology
Viruses can infect all organisms (humans , plants,
animals , even viruses themselves could be infected by
other viruses),that's why they are described as significant
Viruses have shaped the history of mankind as follows:-ஜ
Outbreak of poliomyelitis caused millions of paralyzed(1
individuals , Paralytic illness that spread in the last
. century in the developed countries
Building of panama canal by the French failed due to(2
the outbreak of yellow fever that disseminated their
. forces and killed millions in the 19th century
Influenza still spreading in annual epidemics in every(3
country as well as pandemic across the countries every
20-30 years . One such epidemic known as Spanish Flu
which spreaded at the end of the first world war (1918-
1919) with the killing of at least 20 million people ,
pessimistic writers says it killed 100 million!!!!! So it
changed the history by changing the course of the war
and killing millions of Germans , according to the chief
staff of the German forces accused influenza of being the
cause of defeat of German troops. It killed 140thousand
American soldiers more than those killed by the war
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
ن أهل ُ فماذا أتوقعُ أنا وأنت ونح، وشتموا الواحد الحد ل إله إل هو، الرّقعا ُء السّخفاءُ سبّوا الخالق الرّازق جلّ في عله
ِ ومن التحطيم المدروس، إنك سوف تواجهُ في حياتِك حرْباً! ضرُوسُا ل هوادة فيها من النّقدِ الثمِ الم ّر، الحيف والخطأ
ولن يسكت هؤلءِ عنك حتى تتخذ نفقاً في، ومن الهانةِ المتعمّدة مادام أنك تُعطي وتبني وتؤثرُ وتسطعُ وتلم ُع، ِالمقصود
ّ ويقض، ويُدمي مقلتك، أما وأنت بين أظه ِر ِهمْ فانتظ ْر منهمْ ما يسوؤك ويُبكي عينك، ض أو سلماً في السماءِ فتفرّ منهمِ الر
-:The origin of virology
The discipline of virology is a new one in biology as it was
recently separated from it and recognized as an infectious agent
in the 20th century to be different from other infectious agents.
.But diseases caused by viruses are very old , from antiquity
The earliest written document of a virus disease is a hieroglyph
back to 1400BC, from Memphis depicts a temple priest showing
.clinical signs of paralytic poliomyelitis
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
-:Virus structure
Viruses are made of two major components :nucleic acid
core(DNA or RNA but not both) protein coat , some viruses have
a third layer which is a phospholipids' bilayer (Envelope), so
viruses either enveloped or naked. This 3rd layer is acquired from
.the infected cells
Viruses have different shapes and sizes, they form regular
geometric shapes despite the fact that they are composed of
irregular components. These structural features are not
haphazard ;they are usually determined by functional
requirements :for assembly, attachment and other functions of
-:Structure components
Capsid:-The capsid is the protein shell that encloses the nucleic
acid; with its enclosed nucleic acid, it is called nucleocapsid. This
shell is composed of protein organized in subunits known as
Virion:-A complete virus particle with its DNA or RNA core and
protein coat as it exists outside the cell. Also called a viral
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
ّ ن تبلغ المجد حتى تلْعق ال
ْل ُل تحسبِ المجد تمراً أنتَ آكلُه
Since viruses are made of irregular units, the simplest way to
arrange them in a regular structre is to arrange them in circles
regarding of their similarities, and these circles are arranged in a
Close examination of helical viruses revealed that the structure
of the capsid actually consists of helix rather than a pile of
.stacked disks
Some helices are rigid, but some are considerably flexible and
.longer helical viruses are often curved or bent
All animal helical viruses are enveloped, naked animal helical
.viruses do not exist, and they all have single stranded RNA
. Note we have also plant naked helical viruses
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
The End
Special thanks to my dearest friend Sameer
shwaiki from the 3rd year walla 3la rasi ya
za3eem and to my relative ANAS hijjawi also
from 3rd year for helping me in writing this
s Sameer shwaiki
Thanks Sameer shwaiki Thanks Anas hijjawi
s Sameer shwaiki