Gerritsen 1980
Gerritsen 1980
Gerritsen 1980
where E,, the apparent activation energy, is equal to 79.1 kJ/mol, end the
reaction orders a, b and c are 1.03,0.09 and 0.23, respectively. The reaction
order in carbon monoxide c is pressure dependent, and at carbon monoxide
pressures above 0.15 MPa equal to 0.08. The selectiv<ty towards n-butyr-
aldehyde is not influenced by the hydrogen and propylene pressures, but
varies strongly with the partial pressure of -bon monoside. When this
partial pressure is lowered tiom 0.52 to 0.05 MPa, the selectitity increases
from 10 to 30. Similarly, an increase in temperature from 70 to 1066 “c
raises the selectivity from 6.7 to 11.5. With KieseEguhr and polystyrene-20%
divinylbenzene (XAD-2) as catiyst supports, the rate of reaction is first
order in rhodium complex concentration in the solvent hgznd PPhs. The
kinetics differ significantly from those found in homogeneous hydroformyla-
tion in, for instance, toluene.
1. Introduction
12 - 1.57 MPa total pressure- We also discussed the influence of such para-
meters as the type of support, the degree of liquid loading, the type of ter-
tiary phosphine and the introduction of cerkin organic add&i- into the
catalyst solution.
The present paper deals with the kinetics of the hydroformylation of
propylene by means of SIP rhodium catalysts. Attention will be peid in
particular to the question in how far the kinetics differ hxn those found in
homogeneous catalysis with rhodium complex dissolved in, for instance,
benzene or toluene; in SIP catalysis using PPhs as a catalyst solvent we are
dealing with heterogeneous hydroformylation (see part IL of this series).
2. Experimental
3. Results
0 I I I I
e (Y.1
The straight Line fih.mugh the origin proves that the reactor operates
differentially below 6% conversion; in the int.avd from 0 to 6% conversion
the initial reaction rate can therefore be expressed as:
=Reaction conditior-sr P = 1.5i -!@a; C2-3 /Hz/CO = l/l/l; t = 90 ‘c; E/F = 0.981 x 1O-3
g Rh_ s/cm3 G_
“Concentrations bsed on the Eeight of rhodium complex used in the catalyst prepara-
tion; these are not equal to the actual concentrations becauze of adsorptive withbwal
of rhodium complexes onto the pore walls (see part III).
32c 3GO 360 380
- +x 103 (K-1) -T (Kl
Fig. 3.
found to be 74.7 =C (see part II), which points to a phase transition of the
catalyst solution within the temperature range inv~tigated (50.5 to 106.8 C).
Figure 3 shows that the apparent activation energy is constant (79.1 kJ/
mol) between 50.5 aud 106.8 %. The absence of an activity jump around
the melting point of the catalyst solution is to be ascribed to the hetero-
geneous nature of the hydroformylation reaction (see also Part II).
The temperature strongly influences the selectivity (Fig. 4): below 70 ‘c
the selectivity is temperature independent, whereas above 70 “c it skongly
increases. As only minute amounts of by-products are formed (see pa& I)
selectivity changes are related only to a change in the ratio normal/iso-
r = kpg,= p$ p&
- In (P,)
Fig. 5. Reaction rate for propylene hydrofo_=ybtion as a function of the partid pres-
SUITS 0-r the reacbntd x, caxbon monoxide; 0, hydrogen; q, propylene; P, 1.57 MPa;
t, 90 ‘2. Catalyst: Kiselguhr MP-99; 6.0.44; [Rh], 5.5 mol/m’ ; P/Rh, 744 molhol.
Reaction orders for propylene hydrofonnylation at 90 Y=
ri_y)= -r
1 I I
0 O-15 0 -30 o-45
- Pi (MPCI)
ular complex B, mi&t play a do minnnt ca~yCz roIe under these conditions.
However, definite clarib on this point obtained +tb.rougbcombi-
nation of more ext.e@ve kinetic measlrrements (espe&Uy covering a larger
range of -bon monoxide presmrres) with in S&Q@ectroscopic skidies of the
complex sfzuckrres.
List of symbols
c. h c reaction order
E, apparent activaticn energy, kJ//mol
F flow of o!eti at 0.1 MPa and 25 %, cm3/s
P tot2l pressuJz, MPa
P/Rh molar phosp_hineto rhodium ratio, mol/mol
P partizl pressure, M-Pa
EmI rhodium complex concenkation in PPh3 at 90 C, mo!/m’
R gas constant, J/mol K
r reaction rate, cm3 c3i/g Rh. s
TP mean pore radius, run
reaction rate, cm3G/m3 PPh3_ s
L selectkity = n/is0
T absolute tempera-. K
t kmpeiature, ‘c
td streuntime, h
W weight of rhodium in the reackr, g
6 degree of liquid loa&ng at 90 “c