Datta 2012
Datta 2012
Datta 2012
DOI 10.1007/s10973-012-2530-0
J. Datta (&)
Department of Polymer Technology, Chemical Faculty,
Gdańsk University of Technology, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland Elastic PU foam was a production waste from Eurofoam
e-mail: datta@urethan.chem.pg.gda.pl Gdańsk LLC (Poland). EG (POCH Gliwice, Poland),
518 J. Datta
propane 1,3 diol (PG) (Sigma Aldrich, Germany), butane Results and discussion
1,4 diol (BDO) (BASF, Germany), pentane 1,5 diol (GP)
(BASF, Germany), HDO (POCH, Gliwice Poland) as FTIR spectra of the glycolysates produced for the same mass
decomposing agent, and potassium acetate (KAc) (POCH, ratio of PU: glycol of 10:1 and with the use of various gly-
Poland) as catalyst were used. Glycolysis reaction was car- cols are presented in Fig. 1. An outstanding peak for the
ried out at PU foam/glycols mass ratio of 10:1. The amount of wavenumber value of 1,085 cm-1 is interpreted as origi-
catalyst was 0.5 % of PU foam mass. Reaction was carried nating from tC–O–C polyol group. The peaks characteristic
out in a 2-l steel reactor with mechanical stirrer and reflux for –OH groups of hydroxyl compounds (tOH 3,440 cm-1)
condenser at the temperature between 190 and 250 °C. and NH groups of urethane bonds (tNH 3,343 cm-1) are also
Reaction time was 33/80 min depending on glycolysis agent. noticeable. Intensive absorption bands at wavenumber
Two phases were obtained. The weight ratio of upper/lower 3,000–2,800 cm-1 correspond to symmetric and asymmet-
glycolysate phase ranged from 90:10 to 70:30. The upper ric bending oscillations of –CH2– and –CH3 groups. Bands
glycolysate phase was decanted after 24 h and analyzed. present at 1,550–1,350 cm-1 are interpreted as deforma-
tional oscillations of –CH3 groups and other oscillations
Measurements from the bonds between carbon atoms. The [C=O interac-
tions from urethane groups correspond to tC=O band with
Spectroscopic analysis of the glycolysates was carried out two or three peaks at the wavenumber value of ca.
by means of a FTIR Nicolet 8700 spectrophotometer 1,730 cm-1. The tC–O,ureth bands of urethane bonds at
(Thermo Electron Corporation) and ATR technique. The 1,222 cm-1 and tC–O,alc band at 1,008 cm-1 from hydroxyl
Specac Heated Golden Gate single reflection diamond compounds present in glycolysates are also visible.
ATR accessory was used which operates up to 200 °C. Similar results can be found in the reports of other
Spectra were registered at room temperature for wave- authors, who have researched the glycolysis process of PUs
numbers ranging from 500 to 4,500 cm-1 at 4 cm-1 res- [4, 5, 12].
olution with 64 scans. It is noticeable that the obtained spectra indicate the
The measurements were performed at the Gdansk presence of similar chemical substances in glycolysates
University of Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry. irrespective of the glycolysis agent used. GPC chromato-
The mass values and the molecular mass distributions of grams of glycolysates obtained during glycolysis of PU
the glycolysates were determined by chromatography with a foam with EG and propylene glycol are presented in Figs. 2
Knauer 64 GPC System. A set up consisting of five PL-gel and 3, respectively. For a similar retention time (ca.
columns (250 9 8 mm, 10 lm particle size) and refracto- 22–24 min) well-defined peaks of high intensity are present
metric or UV–Vis detector was used. Column calibration in the chromatograms. This indicates that the applied
was performed using polystyrene standards (Watters). glycolysis conditions allowed foam degradation until the
The measurements were performed at the Cracow Uni- total decomposition of PU chains and the separation of
versity of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering specific components, including the main ingredient origi-
and Technology, Independent Department of Chemistry nally used for producing the foam, i.e., polyether polyol.
and Technology of Plastics. The shape of the peak 1 with a very visible maximum
The hydroxyl number (LOH) was determined according (Mp1 = 957 in Fig. 2 and Mp1 = 1,068 in Fig. 3) confirms
to PN-EN ISO 2554. Based on hydroxyl value, the number
average molecular mass (Mn) was calculated from Eq. (1): prop 10
but 10
56:1 1000 f
Mn ¼ ð1Þ pent 10
LOH heks 10
Effect of glycols used as glycolysis agents on chemical structure 519
polydispersity lower than 2. This is advantageous because
100 glycolysates are supposed to serve as semi-products in the
production of urethane polymers. High polymolecularity
could significantly reduce or exclude the production of PUs
characterized by ordered structure that influences sought
after properties of the product. Number average molecular
0 masses (Mn) of glycolysates calculated by GPC method from
18 20 22 24
LOH values obtained from titration of terminal hydroxyl
Retention time/min
groups (Table 1) are similar. This finding proves that the
Fig. 2 GPC chromatogram of the glycolysate coded Et10. Peak 1 assumed functionality of glycolysate in Eq. (1) is correct.
recovered polyether polyol (Mp1 = 957); peaks 2, 3 reaction by- TG–DTG analysis indicates that the thermal stability of
products (Mp2 = 331, Mp3 = 199) glycolysates increases with the increasing molecular
weight of the glycol used in glycolysis. This phenomenon
1 occurs for the temperature at which degradation is marked
150 by the loss of glycolysate mass by 5 % (T5%), as well as for
the temperature at which such mass loss is 10 %. Our
research results, which have been partially published
520 J. Datta
dm/dt, %/min
of TG–DTG analysis indicates that thermal resistance of