NewsletterJune 2016

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Newsletter Final Term 2015-2016

Message from Managing Director

To the Scholastica family,

The end of the year is upon us and as ever, it has been a productive, eventful and inspirational
year. I want to start by thanking every member of our community for their hard work and dedica-
tion over the year – it really does take a village to raise a child and we could not have achieved
our goals without the cooperation of every member of our community – parents, teachers,
management, non-management, alums and students.

This has been a good year for our students as they have performed well in many arenas—sports
tournaments, plays and cultural events, foreign trips and conferences, field trips and expeditions,
academic competitions and Olympiads. We take the development of passions and talents of
each individual student as part of our responsibility in Scholastica, and pride ourselves on the
wide range of opportunities that we can provide—so that every student feels they have the
chance to learn more in areas of their interest, seek out those who share common interests, and
develop passions that can last a lifetime.

Of course, this is not to suggest that we ignore academics in Scholastica; our excellent results in
every O’ and A’ level exam is a testament to that! Our educational philosophy is based on a
student-centered approach to learning, where students are given the independence and space to
make choices, work together, problem-solve, research and think for themselves. We want to
develop students who ask questions and think critically, who don’t take information at face value,
and who are confident to tackle problems and challenges. We want them to be able to manage
their own time, and exercise self-discipline and self-control – essential skills for success in life.
This means that sometimes we have to allow students to struggle (rather than spoon-feed them)
because it is through struggle and hard work that real learning takes place.
As you all know, we take pride in being innovators who are always challenging the status quo
1. Academic Achievements Page 02 and pushing ourselves to do better. This year, we focused on our teaching methods in Maths and
Physical Education, while we continued to refine our approach to teaching English and Bangla.
We have also developed a new structure for our junior schools, and next year’s PG class will see
2. Sporting Glories Page 03
a restructured and redesigned curriculum as a consequence. We are also offering new subjects
in the O’ and A’ Level next year, which has been well-received by students. We will continue to
3. Field Trips, & Excursions Page 03 upgrade our infrastructure, furniture and facilities every year, and will update members of our
4. Gallery Page 04-05 community from time to time.

We thank you for your patience, cooperation and support throughout the year and we look
5. Success Stories Page 06 forward to another productive and fun year next year. I hope you all will have a restful and
enjoyable summer break and look forward to seeing you and kicking off the new year in July.
6. Awareness Programs Page 06
Yours sincerely,
7. Professional Development Page 07

8. Notable achievements Page 08 Syeda Madiha Murshed

Managing Director
CIE Learner Awards Creative & Academic Achievements Thinkers’ MUN 1.2 Youth
12 Mar From Class VIII of Senior
Campus, Mirpur Kazi
Scholastica has been in operation for more Society Fardeen Ishraq and
So many of our students are such achievers! Bangladesh Samreen Mehak received
than 38 years and it continues to build such Here are some highlights from their academic the award for First
solid academic foundations that our students and artistic achievements this term: Special Mention. Raihan
graduate with flying colors year after year. Musa received the award
Name of Event Campus/Organizer Date Results for Second Special Mention.
CIE and the British Council jointly hosted 9th National Level Aloha Abacus 18 Mar From Junior Campus,
Kata Individual Girl Asian Pacific 25 Nov to Jasrah Inarat, Class I of Competition & Mental Dhanmondi- Nuzhat
the Cambridge Learner Awards Ceremony on below 7 Years in Goju-Kai 1 Dec Junior Campus, Uttara Arithmetic Tashfia Ferdousi, Class -
March 6 to recognize students for their The 6th Asian Karate, achieved 3rd place Kata 1st Runner-Up
outstanding achievement in the O, AS & A Pacific Goju-Kai Jakarta, Individual Girl below 7 Shushmeet Zaman, Class
Karate-Do Indonesia Years and 3rd place I-Winner
Level Examinations of May/June 2015. From Championship and Kumite Individual Girl Raytah Azmery Rahman,
Scholastica, 10 students received the award Technical Seminar below 7 Years Class I -1st Position
in different categories: BFF-Scholastica- Senior 29-30 Jan A team from Class XI - Lamia Kabir, class KGII-
Samakal Inter- Campus, Tahmid Raqeeb Atul, 1st position
Top in the World school Science fair Uttara Maheen Rahman and Suhrrid Supantho Ullash,
KG II- Champion in
 Sayed Jubair Bin Hossain – AS Level Mathematics 2016 Towhidur Rahman
Bhuiyan-become Champion. Senior Level-1
 Rafsan Al Mamun - O Level Bengali Aynun Nishat Ferozi,
Scholastica Model Senior 4 – 6 Feb From Senior Campus,
 Md. Sultanul Arefin Khan - O Level Class I of Junior Campus,
United Nations Campus, Uttara, Faheem Hossain Uttara achieved 1st Runner-up
Principles of Accounts Conference (SMUN) Uttara Khan, Fatiha Fahim and
Abrar Abir achieved Best Bangladesh Shishu Bangladesh 22 Mar Mashiat Nowar of Class
Top in the Country Delegate award. Gibran Academy Book Fair Shishu II, Junior Campus,
 Sumit Somani – AS Level Business Studies 2016 Academy Gulshan became Third in
Amin Bin Alamgir, Mir
“Ka” section in General
 Sumit Somani – AS Level Physics Naveen Alam, Monalisa
Dance competition on
Munia, Shan Chowdhury
 Mithul Roy – AS Level Economics the occasion of the 97th
and Navid Faiyaz
 Lamisaa Mahmud - O Level Business Studies
birthday of Bangabandhu
received the Outstanding
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
 Toriqul Amin Tonmoy – O Level Chemistry Delegate award while
and National Children’s
Shahed Sami, Nuzhat
 Syed Sanzid Hassan – O Level Computer Science Day 2016.
Tabassum, Shohan Islam
Art Competition to Satrong 25 March From Junior Campus,
High Achievement and Achol Chowdhury
celebrate the 9th Dhanmondi-Mahadi
attained the Best
 Abrar Farhan Zaman - O Level Literature in English year of Satrong Hasan Muhit, KG II -
Position Paper award. Second position from
Indian International Senior 4-6 Feb Abrar Farhan Zaman, Dance competition
Kha group
Model United Campus, Class XI, Senior Campus, to celebrate the
Nazah Raiyana Kabir, KG
Nations, Bangladesh 9th year of Satrong
Uttara Uttara, was selected as I - Second position from
2016 (IIMUN) the Rapporteur (Director). Kha group
International Organized by 12-13 Feb Naayab Hasan, Class VIII Aloha National Aloha Mar Tahmid Jawad Zaman,
Nature Summit Notre Dame of Senior Campus, Mirpur Competition Bangladesh class KG I of Junior
2016 College, achieved third prize in Jr.Level-5 Campus, Uttara achieved
Dhaka the ‘Slogan’ category. 1st Position
5th Inter- School International 13 – 23 Feb From Senior Campus, Poem Recitation Bangladesh 8 Apr Mashiat Nowar of Class
Bangla Olympiad Turkish Hope Uttara: Laamisa Zaheen (Rabindra / Shilpokola II, Junior Campus,
School and Ashfia Islam of Class Nazrul) Academy Gulshan became 3rd in
V: 1st and 2nd Position, competition the cultural competition.
Drawing Competition. British Council Senior 10 Apr Dhruba Jyoti Paul, Class
Saif Al Imam Shota, Class Book Reading Campus, VII of Senior Campus,
17th Daily Star Awards VII: 3rd position, Poem
Recitation. From Senior
Competition Mirpur Mirpur achieved highest
score in the test
High achievers of O’ and A’ Levels of Campus, Mirpur: Abiba 644 Students received
certificates, 463
Scholastica received certificates and medals Imam Dyuti, Class VIII:
students received gifts
from Prof Muhammed Zafar Iqbal at this 2nd prize, Poem
Recitation. of books and 13 students
year’s Daily Star Awards. We are very proud From Junior Campus, received British Council
of the number of A-grade achievers this Membership.
CBA10 Youth North South 26-27 Apr From Senior Campus,
year–178 students in all! Among them the Umaima Binte Rokaiya of
Conference 2016 University, Mirpur Mohammed
following students received recognition for Class III: 1st position in
Dhaka Aiyaan Morshed was
Music Competition.
achieving the highest number of A*s in the A’ Suha Anadil Chowdhury
selected to give a speech
and Nafi Ahmed Haque
Levels (5 A*s):  Anika Faizah Jalil  Mashiyat of Class III: 2nd position,
presented the
Mayisha Ahmad  Shikhor Shams Wahed. Music Competition.
Conference Statement
Aloha Abacus & Aloha Abacus 13 Feb Aarba Waisa Tarfee,
Drama The 13th 6 May Tanaf Noor, Class VIII Of
Congratulations for your outstanding results! Mental Arithmetic & Mental Class I of Junior Campus,
Presentation in Children’s Senior Campus, Uttara
course Arithmetic Dhanmondi achieved National Theater Theatre achieved the Mancho
100% score of Bangladesh Festival 2016 Kuri Padak By Shilpakala
Odyssey Dance Bangladesh 15 Feb Afia Ibnat Halim, Class IV Shilpakala organized by Academy.
Competition Academy of of Senior Campus, Uttara Academy Peoples Our team from Senior
Fine Arts achieved the gold medal Theatre Campus Uttara
(BAFA) (1st position) (national level) Association performed their annual play.
Scholastica Senior 18-20 Feb Abrar Farhan Zaman, 1st SGHS National St. Gregory’s 15 May Senior Campus, Uttara
Interschool Debate Campus, Class XI Uttara, achieved Eco Carnival and High School student, Wasi Rahman
Tournament (SIDT) Uttara the “Top Ten Speakers” Tree Fair 2016 Chowdhury, Class VIII
award while Shafkat achieved awards for
Wahid Pritom, Class X 1st Position in Zoology &
Mirpur, got the “Top Ten Botany Olympiad and 1st
Novice Speakers” award. Position in Buzz it Competition
Bangla Essay Gulshan Club Feb Zarif Abrar Shahid of Anondo Binodon Shuvechcha 31 May Sadman Noor, KG II of
Writing Class II, Junior Campus, Star Award 2015 Sanskritik Junior Campus, Gulshan
Our high school program encourages students to Competition Gulshan achieved 3rd position. Forum was awarded a crest and
engage, invent, manage and compete in order to Sheikh Jamal Sheikh Jamal 4 Mar Arafat Zaman Dhali of
medal for singing.
become a group of diverse, talented and Junior Cricket Club Class II, Junior Campus,
Tournament 2016 Gulshan became Runner’s up.
intellectually sophisticated individuals. Through
this program we prepare our students to enter Aloha Mental Aloha 10 Mar Syed Aayan Subhan Class
Arithmetic Bangladesh II, Junior Campus,
into the great universities of the world! We are Competition Gulshan scored 100% in
happy to announce the inclusion of the following Level Eight.
subjects in the high school program from the BRAC Bank “Great BRAC 10-12 Mar A’ Level student of
next academic session. O’ Levels: IGCSE Gender Debates” University Senior Campus, Uttara ,
Tahrima Saiha Haq,
Combined Science and IGCSE Enteprise. A’ became Champion.
Levels: Law, English Language and Psychology. 2nd National National 11 -13 Mar Senior Campus, Uttara
Experienced faculty members will ensure that Biology Olympiad Institute of student, Wasi Rahman
our students receive the best guidance for Biotechnology Chowdhury, Class VIII
became one of the
success in their public examinations. Champions.

Page 2
“The exhilarating adventure trip for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award to the Gazipur Base Camp was of 2 days and 1 night where the
students remained under the guidance of their five respective Award Leaders. Scheduled with laborious assignments yet outlined with joy, the
trip was an absolute pleasure. Indeed it was an event which made all the individuals realize that we were all one humongous family. All the
Scholasticans are greatly recommended to participate in this unforgettable phenomenon. “ -Khondkar Rashkih Tasnim, Class – VIII Blue/SRU

Sporting Glories Scholastica

11- 12
Senior Campus Uttara team
became 3rd
Cup Uttara
We pride ourselves on the achievements of our Interschool
sports teams. This year, our teams participated Football
and performed well in a number of tournaments, Tournament 2016
ITHS Inter 7-9 Senior Md. Abrar Rahman of Class V
both in Bangladesh and abroad. Well done! School My Apr Campus, became Champion
Name of Event Date Team or Result Choice My One Uttara
Player from Badminton Senior Runner Up in the Team Event.
Scholastica Tournament Campus, Raabeed Hasan Khan, Class
2016 Mirpur VIII secured Championship in
DISA/AISD High 21 – 23 Senior Runner-up boy’s singles category.
School Boys Jan Campus, Muktadir Rahman (Mahin),
Football Uttara U-19 Class VII became runner up in
Tournament team boy’s singles category.
Raabeed Hasan Khan, Class
ISD Middle 29 Jan Senior 3rd place
VIII and Muktadir Rahman
School Girls Campus,
(Mahin), Class VII jointly
Football Uttara Girls
became Champion in boy’s
Tournament 2016 U-15
doubles category.
ISD Middle 6 Feb Senior Irfan Shabab and Olive Raabeed Hasan Khan, Class
School Badminton Campus, Shafkat of Class VIII became VIII and Sajnova Hossain
Tournament Uttara Champion (Kanti), class VIII achieved
Championship in mixed
Aga Khan 12 - 13 Senior The Boys and Girls Volleyball doubles category.
Interschool Feb Campus, Teams became Champion. Muktadir Rahman (Mahin),
Volleyball Uttara In the Boys category, Diyab Class VII and Rayeeda Afrida
Tournament Yasin and Sheikh Munim Prerona, class VIII became
2016 (AIVT) Tazwar attained the Most runner up in mixed doubles Trips in Bangladesh & Abroad
Valuable Player and Best category.
Setter awards while Jerin Anesha Khandakar, Class VI We are relentless in providing opportunities
Subah Maher and Farhana and Zarin Subha Raida, class for our students to grow, excel and gain
Rahman were awarded as VI secured 3rd position in
Best Spiker and Best Setter girl’s doubles category.
exposure to the wider world. This term was
in Girls category. U-12 Cricket 20 Apr Junior Tazrian Alam, Class I no different, with our school organizing
DPS 19 Feb Senior Champion. Siam Ibne Nasir, Tournament - Campus, Obtained Man of the Match several trips for our students:
Interschool Campus, Class V achieved the Highest 2016 organized Dhanmondi
Name of Event Location Date
Cricket Uttara Boys Run Scorer Trophy. by Baridhara
DOHS Cricket January -February
Tournament U-15 team
Academy Bronze Trip of Duke of Base Camp, 15th to 16th
International 24 -27 Senior Boys U-16: Runner Up DISA/ISD 14 May Senior U-15 team became Champion Edinburgh’s International Gozariapara, Jan
Turkish Hope Feb Campus, Middle School Campus, Award Program of Senior Rajendrapur, Gazipur
School Super Mirpur Boys Basketball Uttara Campus, Uttara
Cup Football Senior Tournament Field Trip of Class VIII, Public Library- 20th Jan
Tournament Campus, Boys U-19 team: Runner-up Senior Campus, Mirpur Shahbagh
Uttara Girls U-19 team: 3rd Position
Field Trip of Class KG –I, Bangladesh Air Force 2nd Feb
Scholastica 26 Feb Senior The Girls team of Senior Junior Campus, Dhanmondi Museum
Interschool Campus, Campus Uttara and the Boys Field Trip of Class KG –II, Bangladesh National 3rd Feb
Handball Uttara and team of Senior Campus, Junior Campus, Dhanmondi Zoo
Tournament Mirpur Mirpur became Champion. Exhibition Tour: Selected Dhaka Art Summit 7th - 8th
2016 (SIHT) SRU Boys team became students from Class VI to IX, 2016 – National Art Feb
Runner-up. Nowshin Hossain Senior Campus, Mirpur Gallery
and Sheikh Fayyaz of Senior Field trip of Class I, Junior
Campus, Uttara achieved the Campus, Dhanmondi
“Best Player of the Field Trip of Class III, Junior
Tournament” award Campus, Gulshan
Field Trip of Class III, Senior
Scholastica 3-5 Mar Senior The Blue Team became
Campus, Uttara
Interschool Campus, Runners Up, Jawad Rashid
Field Trip of Class III, Senior
Cricket Mirpur Rakin of Class X was the
Campus, Mirpur
Tournament Highest Run Scorer and
(SICT) Player of the Tournament. March -April
Field Trip of Class V, Senior Heritage Park, 2nd and 3rd
KOKOMO 4 Mar Senior Achieved 3rd position in the Campus, Uttara Gazipur Mar
Dhaka Campus, team category. Ahnaf Sadid Field Trip of Class III, IV, VI National Museum of 13th, 20th,
Metropolitan Mirpur Khan, class VI and and VIII Senior Campus, Science and 21st Mar, 4th
Table Tennis RaiyanTausif Islam, class IX, Uttara Technology, Dhaka Apr
Tournament clinched the title of Runners Field Trip of Class VII, Father of the Nation 14th Mar
arranged by Up in Junior and Senior Senior Campus, Uttara Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mohammedan categories respectively Mujibur Rahman
Sporting Club Ltd. Memorial Museum, Dhaka
Field Trip of Class IX & X, Sonargaon Museum, 19th Mar
DISA/AISD 4 Mar Senior Olive Shafkat and Irfan
Badminton Campus, Shabab of Class VIII became
Senior Campus, Mirpur (Narayanganj)
Tournament Uttara champions in the doubles Field Trip of Class KG –II, Novo Theater 19th Mar
2016 category Junior Campus, Gulshan
Bronze Trip of Duke of Base Camp, Gazipur 23rd Mar
7th National 10 Mar Senior Malvina Mehmud, Class III Edinburgh’s International
Roller Skating Campus, became Champion Award Program of Senior
Championship Uttara Campus, Uttara
Azmayeen Azan Chowdhury,
Class II Junior Campus, Field Trip of Class IX, Senior Sonargaon- 2nd Apr
Gulshan received medal for Campus, Uttara Shilpacharya Zainul
being champion in the area Abedin Folk Art &
of speed skating. Crafts Museum and
Panam City
Abid Ahmmed, Class II of May –June
Junior Campus, Uttara Exhibition Tour: Selected BRAC Center, Gulshan 2nd May
achieved one gold medal & students from Class VII &
one silver medal.
VIII, Senior Campus, Mirpur

Page 3
Daily Star Award Program, SRU Mind your Manners Program, JRG International Mother Language Day, SRM Graduation Ceremony of Class III, JRG ISD Football Tournament, SRU Pohela Boishaikh Program, JRG Rabindra-Nazrul Jayanti Program, JRD

Independence Day Program, JRD Scout Camp, SRM Scholastica Interschool Debate Tournament, SRU Pathok Somabesh Prize Distribution Program, SRM Eid-E-Miladunnabi Program, JRD Khelna Bank Program, JRG Science Fair, SRM

After School Drama Club, JRU International Mother Language Day, SRU Foundation Day Program, JRD Faculty Recognition Program, SRM Pohela Boishaikh Program, SRU Say No to Tobacco Program, SRM 13th Children Festival, SRU

Student Recognition Program, JRG Scholastica Interschool Handball Tournament, SRM Let’s be fit & Clean, JRG Science Fair, SRU Annual Sports, JRU Prefect Badge Giving Ceremony, JRG Bangla Olympiad, SRM

Grandparents' Day program, JRD World Book Day, SRU Field Trip of KG I, JRD Mini Math Olympiad, SRM Career Day, SRU International Mother Language Day, JRD Faculty Recognition, SRU

Foundation Day Program, SRU Pohela Boishaikh Program, JRU Aga Khan Interschool Vollyball Tournament, SRU Annual Sports, JRG Bring Out The Best In You Program, JRU Spelling Bee Competition, JRG Independence Day Program, SRM

Page 4 Page 5
“Our school celebrates Pohela Boishakh inside the campus every year which is truly a fun event. This year I came to the
campus at 9 o’ clock in the morning and couldn’t help but stay till the end. We enjoyed to the fullest and made it one to
remember for a long time.” -M. Tanvir Zakaria, Class VIII / Maroon/SRU

Success Stories Awareness Programs

 Grandparents Day: Our Playgroup children
Abrar Farhan Zaman, Class XI, Senior Campus, expressed their love and gratitude for the
Uttara, was selected as the Rapporteur senior-most members in their family as
(Director) of the Indian International Model grandparents were invited to campus.
United Nations, Bangladesh 2016 (IIMUN).  Let’s be fit and clean: The young learners
Earlier Abrar attended five different MUNs as of Nursery were encouraged and made aware
a delegate of Scholastica. Congratulations! of the importance of healthy habits and
cleanliness through role play, rhymes and
other fun activities.
 Mind Your Manners: A week-long awareness
program where basic social skills like respect-
ing elders, good behavior and norms for
peaceful coexistence were reinforced in the
middle school.
 Bring out the Best in You: To instill values
and practice rules and regulations for good
behavior and responsibility for Class I students.
 Healthy Food for Healthy Life: Students of
Class II were reminded of the importance of
Our Senior Campus, Uttara healthy eating for healthy living.
student, Wasi Rahman  World Health Day: Students were made
Chowdhury of Class VIII aware of the meaning and significance of a
disciplined approach to fitness, and a healthy
became one of the champions
environment for good health.
in 2nd National Biology
 Career Week: Different professionals
Olympiad in National
including alumni were invited to address the
Institute of Biotechnology.
senior students of Uttara and Mirpur to create
Wasi has also been selected awareness about different types of careers
to participate in the and motivate them to work hard to achieve
International Biology their goals.
Olympiad that will be held  World Book Day: The program for different
in Vietnam in June 2016. classes of the Mirpur campus encouraged the
Also Wasi achieved 1st young writers to develop their creative ability
Position in Zoology and in writing and a book fair was arranged.
Botany Olympiad and Buzz it Competition in  The Earth Week: Interactive sessions were
1st SGHS National Eco Carnival and Tree Fair held with students of Class I and II to make
2016 that was held in St. Gregory’s High them aware about environmental problems and
encourage them to be responsible citizens.
School Dhaka. Congratulations Wasi!
 World Environment Day & Green Week:
The focus for this program in Middle Uttara
Our A’ Level student and Mirpur campus was to help students be
of Senior Campus, aware of preserving the beauty of the world
Uttara, Tahrima around us through conservation of natural
Saiha Haq, became resources like forests, water and energy.
Champion in the  Discipline Month: This month in the middle
BRAC Bank “Great and senior sections was a time for further
Gender Debates”. reinforcement of the school’s rules and
Recognizing the regulations, and to make students aware of the
need to empower importance of discipline in our lives every day.
female voices and  Report Card Day Briefing Session: An
to instigate discussion on prevailing issues awareness program titled “Making Sense of
regarding gender and identity, the open Grades” was arranged for parents on the
tournament was organized by the BRAC Third Quarter Report Card Day. The resource
persons and parents had interactive discus-
University Debating Club (BUDC) which
sions on issues such as the limitations of the
encouraged participation from school
grading system, reasons for getting poor
students, university students and even grades and how to handle different grades.
working professionals. 32 teams fought it out The topic provided a platform for parents to
with participants ranging from renowned share experiences and best practices with
institutions such as Dhaka University, North each other and discuss important issues
South University, BRAC, BUET, The Aga Khan where the school and parents can work
School and so on. Congratulations Tahrima! closely as a team.

Page 6
“Scholastica is truly a center of education. Management and discipline are good… Teachers are cooperative.”- Mr. Mohammad
Altaf Hossain, Parent of Enabatun Noor, Class VII / Maroon/SRU

An update on infrastructural development Noor Mohammad Khan

Subarna Sharmin
Faculty, SRM
Faculty, SRM The 13th Children’s Theatre Festival 2016
Apart from the normal maintenance work that Kohinure Begum Student Counselor, SRM organized by Peoples Theatre Association was
we do every year, this year we are focusing on Rokhsana Sultana Faculty, SRM inaugurated by our Senior Campus, Uttara
putting in more safety and security Sukla Rani Roy Faculty, SRM students from Class III to VIII who presented
Leceka Halder Nurse, SRM
infrastructure, and improving the play areas Md. Razzaqul Islam Faculty, SRM
“Ekattorer Khudiram” by Mannan Hira at
for our students (particularly in the junior school). Angela Sweety Mondol Librarian, SRM Shilpakala Academy on 6th May! Tanaf Noor
Sharmeen Kabir Faculty, SRM of Class VIII was awarded the “Mancho Kuri
Junior School upgradation:
Uttam Kumar Ghosh Faculty, SRM Padak” for the spectacular performance as
We are proud of the Junior School program at Sanuara Jahan Faculty, SRM “Khudiram”. Congratulations!
Scholastica, which was carefully designed Ali Ummul Faria Faculty, SRM
about 15 years ago based on modern teaching Md. Akter Faruque Faculty, SRM
methods. Our curriculum development team Nazib-Ul-Kaysar Academic Supervisor, SRM
has re-designed and restructured the program
Sonia Mahmood Academic Supervisor, SRM
to ensure that we continue to apply new Lubna Jahan Academic Supervisor, SRM
knowledge about early childhood development Hena Catherina D Academic Supervisor, JRG
and best practices in teaching.One important Rozario
component of the new PG program is physical Rehnuma Wasim Senior Officer, Student
Affairs & Events, JRG
development and to facilitate this, we are
Nahid Nigar Manager, Procurement, Corp
installing new play equipment in the junior Sayed Mohammed Manager, Finance, Corp
schools. Shaidul Islam
Mohammad Iftakharul Deputy Manager, Student
Haq Affairs & Events, SRM
Tanvir Uddin Ahmed Deputy Manager, University Admission 2015-16 Offers
Name of the University Country
Salma Ahmed Academic Supervisor, SRM Columbia University USA
Maroofa Hossain Academic Supervisor, JRD University of Chicago USA
Mahmuda Begum Academic Supervisor, JRD Wellesley College USA
Sabrina Sharmeen Academic Supervisor, SPL-
JRD New York University USA
Professional Development Zeenat Rahman Academic Supervisor, SRU University of Texas at Arlington USA
Scholastica invests a great deal on training to Md. Razoun Siddiky Officer, Administration, SRM Texas Tech University USA
continually enhance the skills of our faculty Tohin
Syeda Nasreen Sultana Academic Supervisor, JRU
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign USA
and management. This year, the following University of Wisconsin--Madison USA
Hasanat Fatima Senior Officer, Student
teachers and management completed short Affairs & Events, SRU University of Massachusetts Amherst USA
courses on English Language skills:
Congratulations to all the teachers and Purdue University USA
Name Designation- Department- management who completed courses Georgia Institute of Technology USA
Location successfully- we salute you for your hard work University of Rochester USA
Sabina Siddiqua Faculty, JRU
and initiative for professional development! Pennsylvania State University USA
Julieas Michael Gomes Faculty, SRU
Sabrina Khan Faculty, JRU University of Michigan USA
Subal Kumar Ghosh Faculty , SRU Washington University USA
Ayesha Parveen Faculty, JRU
Mst. Farhana Akter Faculty, JRU George Mason University USA
Hasanat Fatima Senior Officer, Student McGill University Canada
Affairs & Events, SRU University of Toronto Canada
Mahfuz Aysha Faculty, SRU
University of British Columbia Canada
Tahira Zaman Faculty, JRU
Shamima Ahmed Faculty, JRU York University Canada
Sharmin Akther Faculty, SRU Saint Mary's University Canada
Asia Khatun Nurse, SRU Carleton University Canada
Caught in the Press

Farhana Sultana Karim Faculty, SRU

Md. Harun-Or-Rashid Senior Officer, Laussane University Sweden
Administration, SRU University College London UK
Nargis Akter Senior Store-Manager, SRU University of Edinburgh UK
Khaleda Parvin Store-Manager, SRU
Imperial College London UK
Mohammad Zahidur Deputy Manager,
Rashid Bhuiyan Administration, Corp University of Nottingham UK
Alok Das Senior Officer, Student University of Warwick UK
Affairs and Events, SRU
Brunel University UK
Md. Musharraf Hossain Junior Officer,
Administration, SRU
Mahboob-A-Aziz Senior Officer,
Administration , SRU
Zeaul Haque Deputy Manager,
Administration, JRU
Md. Tareq Bin Jasim Officer, Administration, JRU
Safa Zerin Senior Officer,
Administration, JRU
Md. Kamrul Hasan Senior Officer,
Administration, SRU
Afroza Sultana Faculty, SRM
Md. Toufiqur Rahman Faculty, SRM
Tahmina Shabnam Faculty, SRM

Page 7
“In these past few years, Manha has grown into an honest, considerate, hard working girl and we know that we have “Scholastica” to
thank for that. The support and one to one attention that she receives from her teachers has sparked her interest in multiple areas.
Scholastica is a supportive community focused on giving each student the best education possible and your leadership provided
Manha with just that.”- Ms Sabrina Islam, mother of Manha Sabrin Haque, Class-II/JRG

Ms Nancy Chowdhury, Faculty CIE Teachers’ Two Scholastica alums, Lami Khandkar and
Notable Achievements by of Senior Campus, Uttara Training: O Naomi Hossain, have been selected to be a
Mr Subrata Sutradhar, Faculty Levels
Faculty / Management of Senior Campus, Uttara
part of the Women's Basketball National
Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon, team of Bangladesh this year! They
Our students are not the only ones in the represented our country in the first South
Faculty of Senior Campus, Mirpur
Scholastica family who have achievements to Asian Women Basketball Championship in
Ms. Shaheen Ferdowsy Begum,
boast about; here is what our talented faculty Faculty of Senior Campus, Mirpur Nepal. They played against Maldives, Sri
and management have been up to this term! Ms. Quamrunnassa Shuly, Faculty Lanka, Bhutan and Nepal.
of Senior Campus, Mirpur
Training program attended by the faculty and
Mr. Mohammad Serajuddin,
management Faculty of Senior Campus, Mirpur
Program Name Mr. Mohammad Ali Khan, Faculty
Name of Recipients
with short detail of Senior Campus, Mirpur
Mr. Rashedul Islam Khan, The Dhaka Ms. Tahmina Shabnam Yesmin,
faculty of Junior Campus, Gulshan International Faculty of Senior Campus, Mirpur
Ms. Nasreen Ahmed, faculty of Schools
Junior Campus, Gulshan Shafiqua Afroza Talukdar, Anondodhara
Association Faculty of Senior Campus, Uttara Shangeet
Ms. Raiyana Parveen, faculty of (DISA)
Junior Campus, Gulshan Biddayatan
workshop, 30th 1 year music
Ms. Jesmin Jerin, faculty of April, The Aga course under
Junior Campus, Gulshan Khan school, “Rabindra Profile of Lutfey Siddiqi
Ms. Shariar Majid, Faculty of Uttara.
Junior Campus, Dhanmondi Shangeet
Ms. Quazi Fahria Noor, Faculty Shommilon
of Junior Campus, Dhanmondi Parishad”
Ms. Maroofa Hossain, Academic Uttara Dhaka
Supervisor of Junior Campus, Maria Ahmed, Faculty of Senior Beginner’s
Dhanmondi Campus, Uttara Certificate In
Ms Tilottoma Zaman, Faculty of photography
Senior Campus, Uttara
Ms. Sumana Biswas, faculty of FAST Corporation
Ms Subrata Sutradhar, Faculty
Junior Campus, Gulshan (Pvt) Limited
of Senior Campus, Uttara
workshop for
Ms Maria Ahmed, Faculty of
Art Teachers
Senior Campus, Uttara Lutfey is passionate about Bangladesh –
in Dhaka at
Ms Mariana Islam, Faculty of Academy for whether in terms of marketing the national
Senior Campus, Uttara Planning &
Mr K.Noor Md. Mujtaba, Faculty brand, lending his expertise towards the
Development (APD). development of its investment context or in
of Senior Campus, Uttara
Ms. Nur Bahar, Manager, A training by the sustainable delivery of funds for social
Ms Joydipa Chowdhury, Faculty
Administration lighthousebang
of Senior Campus, Uttara enterprises. With a short break of two years on
Ms Samea Bushra, APM- IV, in between, Lutfey Siddiq was in Scholastica
“Next Level
Senior Campus, Uttara from 1986 till 1992 after which he went to
Leadership” on
Ms. Nazneen Sultana, Faculty of
16th & 17th UWC Atlantic College as a Prince of Wales
Senior Campus, Mirpur January at Scholar and obtained his International
Ms. Farhat Amin, Faculty of Lighthouse
Senior Campus, Mirpur Baccalaureate diploma. After school, he
Bangladesh, Banani.
Ms. Amina Arefin, Faculty of went to University of York, England and
Ms. Dipika Arefin, Faculty of Scout skill course earned a First Class BSc (hon) in
Senior Campus, Mirpur
Senior Campus, Mirpur Bangladesh Scouts
Ms. Salma Ahmed, Academic Econometrics. With a full LSE Scholarship,
Supervisor of Senior Campus, Mirpur Legacy of success – our alums Lutfey completed his Masters in Economics
from the London School of Economics and
Ms Rumana Nabi, APM-T&D, Workshop On around the world Political Science.
Senior Campus, Uttara “Great People
Ms Samea Bushra, APM- IV, Great Habits” Our alumni, Safeer Siddicky (A-level June Prior to joining UBS Investment Bank in 2010,
Senior Campus, Uttara organized by 2009), is a Graduate Research Assistant of
Ms Zeenat Rahman, APM- III, ACCA , LCBS Lutfey worked at Barclays and Deutsche Bank
Senior Campus, Uttara Dhaka the Center for Health Insights at the in London. Currently, as the Managing
University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) Director and member of the executive
Mr Rezwan Hossain, Faculty of CIE Teachers’ committee for the bonds and currencies
Senior Campus, Uttara Training : A School of Medicine. His research was
business at UBS investment bank, Lutfey has
Md Ashraful Alam, Faculty of Levels recently featured on the PBS show SciTech
Senior Campus, Uttara global responsibility for emerging markets.
in the US. He received a BS in Mechanical He is also a member of the Group Sustain-
Ms Ismat Ara Khan, Faculty of
Senior Campus, Uttara Engineering from the Georgia Institute of ability Council and the Investment Bank
Ms Tilottoma Zaman, Faculty of Technology, received his M.S. in Mechanical Innovation Board. In addition, he is a
Senior Campus, Uttara Engineering from the UMKC School of designated 'opinion leader' with an extensive
Abu Ashraf Quader Iqbal, presence in international media—he appears
Faculty of Senior Campus, Uttara Computing and Engineering in May 2015 and
regularly on CNBC, Fox Business, Channel
Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Faculty is now a candidate for an interdisciplinary
News Asia and others! (Lutfey was due to
of Senior Campus, Mirpur Ph.D with a joint appointment at the UMKC leave UBS in May 2016). You may visit our
Mr. Noor Mohammad Khan, School of Computing and Engineering and
Faculty of Senior Campus, Mirpur website to view his profile in depth:
Mr. Yestabshir Mahmud, Faculty the UMKC School of Medicine. Well done,
of Senior Campus, Mirpur Safeer! /LutfeySiddiqi.pdf

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