Control Systems - Q.B
Control Systems - Q.B
Control Systems - Q.B
Prepared by
BTL 1 Remember
7. Analyze the given signal flow graph and obtain the transfer
function C(s)/R(s). (13)
BTL 4 Analyze
BTL 6 Create
10. (i) What the properties of signal flow graph? (5) BTL 1 Remember CO1
(ii) List out of the rules followed in block diagram
reduction technique. (8) BTL 1 Remember CO1
11. Explain the procedure of deriving the transfer function C(s)
/ R(s) for the block diagram shown in figure using block
diagram reduction technique. (13)
BTL 3 Apply
14. (i) Illustrate the transfer function of AC servo motor. (7) CO1
BTL 2 Understand
16. (i) List out the assumptions made in ideal thermal system. CO1
BTL 1 Remember
(ii) What are the basic elements of thermal system? (3) CO1
BTL 1 Remember
BTL 5 Evaluate
BTL 6 Create
5. i) Compare AC servomotor and DC servomotor. (7) BTL 5 Evaluate CO1
4. With a neat sketch, draw the time response of second order CO2
BTL 3 Apply
system, with all time response specifications.
5. Infer the relation between static and dynamic error CO2
BTL2 Understand
6. C (S ) 16
For a system by 2 . Find the nature of
R( S ) s 8s 16 BTL 4 Analyze CO2
the time response and justify.
7. How centroid of the asymptotes found in root locus CO2
BTL 4 Analyze
8. The impulse response of a system is c(t) = -te-t + 2 e-t (t>0). Find CO2
BTL 6 Create
its open loop transfer function.
9. Classify type and order of the system. BTL 2 Understand CO2
10. List the standard test signals used in control system. BTL 1 Remember CO2
11. Mention the effects of Proportional Integral (PI) controller. BTL 5 Evaluate CO2
12. Compare between the steady state and transient response of CO2
BTL 2 Understand
the system.
13. State steady state error. BTL 5 Evaluate CO2
14. How is a system classified depending on the value of CO2
BTL 4 Analyze
15. Define settling time. BTL 1 Remember CO2
16. For servo mechanisms with open loop transfer function is CO2
18. What are the generalized error coefficients? How they are
BTL 1 Remember
determined? CO2
19. The unit impulse response of second order system is
BTL 6 Create CO2
.Find the natural frequency.
1. (i) Evaluate the unit step response of the following system.
C (S ) 10 BTL 5 Evaluate CO2
2 (7)
R( S ) s 2s 10
(ii) A Unity feedback control system is characterized by
open loop transfer function G( s) . Calculate its BTL 5 Evaluate
s( s 2) CO2
time response for step input of 12 units. (6)
2. Derive the expression for second order system for under CO2
BTL 2 Understand
damped case and when the input is unit step. (13)
3. Derive the expression for the unit step response of following
second order systems. (7 + 6) BTL 2 Understand CO2
(i) Critically damped system
(ii) Over damped system
4. Derive expressions for the following time domain
specifications of second order under damped system due to
unit step input.
(i) Rise time. (3) BTL 2 Understand CO2
(ii) Peak time. (3)
(iii) Delay time. (3)
(iv) Peak overshoot. (4)
5. The unity feedback system characterized by open loop
transfer function G( s) . Estimate the gain K
s( s 10) BTL 6 Create CO2
such that damping ratio will be 0.5 and find time domain
specifications for a unit step input. (13)
6. 10( s 2)
(i) For a unity feedback control system G ( s ) .
s 2 ( s 1) CO2
BTL 4 Analyze
Analyze the position, velocity and acceleration error
constant. (7)
(ii) Explain the graphical and mathematical representation of
following test signals (a) step input (b) Ramp Input (c)
BTL 4 Analyze
Parabolic input (d) Impulse input. Also point out the CO2
relationship between these test signals if any. (6)
7. A positional control system with velocity feedback is
shown. Find the response of the system for unit step input.
BTL 3 Apply
has unity feedback. Find the time domain CO2
specifications. (13)
10. (i) Sketch the root locus for a unity feedback control
system has an open-loop transfer function
BTL 1 Remember
K ( s 9) CO2
G(s) . (8)
s ( s 2 4 s 11)
(ii) List the rules to construct root locus of a system. (5) BTL 1 Remember CO2
11. Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop
Transfer Function is given by G( s) . Find
s( s 2)(s 4) BTL 1 Remember CO2
the value of K so that damping ratio of the system is 0.5.
12. (i) Explain briefly the PI controller action with block
diagram and obtain its transfer function model. List out BTL 4 Analyze CO2
its advantages and disadvantages. (7)
(ii) Examine the effect of adding PD and PID in feedback
control systems. (6) BTL 4 Analyze CO2
13. Calculate the static error coefficients for a system whose
transfer function is G( s) H ( s) . And also
s(1 s)(1 2s) BTL 3 Apply CO2
Calculate the steady state error for r (t ) 1 t . (13)
14. (i) Evaluate the dynamic error coefficients of the following
10 BTL 5 Evaluate CO2
system G ( s ) . (8)
s (1 s)
(ii) Explain about dynamic error coefficients. (5) BTL 5 Evaluate CO2
15 (i) A unity feedback system has the forward transfer function
when the input r(t)=1+6t, determine
BTL 1 Remember CO2
the minimum value of K1 so that the steady state error is less
than 0.1 (7)
(ii) Derive the transfer function of P, PI, PID Controller. (6)
16 Demonstrate the Root locus analysis of the following system.
. (13) BTL 2 Understand
17 What is the response c(t) to the unit step input. Assume that
ς =0.5.and also calculate rise time, peak time, Maximum BTL 4 Analyze CO2
overshoot and settling time. (13)
1. (i) For servomechanisms, with open loop transfer function
given below explain what type of input signal give rise
to a steady state error and calculate their values.
20( s 2)
G( s) . (4)
s( s 1)(s 3)
BTL 5 Evaluate CO2
G(s) . (4)
( s 2)(s 3)
7. BTL 2 Understand
1. Describe the use of Nichol’s chart to obtain closed loop
frequency response from open loop frequency response of a
unity feedback system. Explain how the gain adjustment is BTL 4 Analyze CO3
carried out on this chart. (13)
2. Construct bode plot for the system whose open loop transfer
function is given below and evaluate (i) Gain margin (ii) CO3
Phase margin and (iii) closed loop stability. (13) BTL 5 Evaluate
G( s) .
s( s 1)(s 2)
3. Plot the bode diagram for the given transfer function and BTL 2 Understand CO3
estimate the gain and phase cross over frequencies. (13)
GH ( s) .
s(1 0.4s)(1 0.1s)
4. Draw the polar plot of the unity feedback system whose open
loop transfer function is given by G( s) . BTL 3 Apply
s(1 s)(1 2s) CO3
Determine the phase and gain margin. (13)
5. Draw the bode plot of the following system and estimate gain
10 BTL 2 Understand CO3
cross over frequency. GH ( s) .
s(0.1s 1)(0.01s 1) (13)
6. Using polar plot, calculate gain cross over frequency phase
cross over frequency, gain margin and phase margin of
feedback system with open loop transfer function. (13) BTL 3 Apply CO3
GH ( s) .
s(1 0.2s)(1 0.002s)
7. (i) Describe about the frequency domain specifications of a CO3
BTL 1 Remember
typical system. (5)
(ii) Describe the correlation between time and frequency CO3
BTL 1 Remember
domain specifications. (8)
8. Ke 0.2 s
Given G( s) . Draw the Bode plot and
s( s 2)(s 8)
Calculate K for the following two cases: (i) Gain margin BTL 3 Apply CO3
equal to 6db and (ii) Phase margin equal to 45°. (13)
11. (i) What is the effect on polar plot when pole is added at
origin to the transfer function? Explain. Draw the polar BTL 1 Remember CO3
plot of a first order system. (5)
(ii) For the following system, sketch the polar plot.
500 BTL 1 Remember CO3
G( s) . (8)
s( s 6)(s 9)
12. (i) Derive the expression for radius and centre of constant M
BTL 5 Evaluate
and N circles. (7) CO3
(ii) Obtain the relation for resonance peak magnitudes
( and resonant frequency ( in terms of damping CO3
BTL 5 Evaluate
factor ( . (6)
13. Draw the Bode plot showing the magnitude in decibels and
phase angle in degrees as a function of log frequency for the
75(1 0.2s ) BTL 2 Understand CO3
transfer function. G ( s ) . From the Bode
s ( s 2 16s 100)
plot, estimate the gain cross-over frequency. (13)
14. Construct the polar plot and determine the gain margin and
phase margin of a unity feedback control system whose open
(1 0.2 s )(1 0.025s ) BTL 6 Create CO3
loop transfer function is, G ( s ) .
s (1 0.005s )(1 0.001s )
15. Sketch the bode plot for the following transfer function and
determine the system gain K for the gain cross over frequency
to be 5 rad/sec. (13) CO3
BTL 1 Remember
Ks 2
G( s) .
1 0.2s 1 0.02s
16. Using Nichols chart, determine the closed loop response and
estimate Mr, ωr and ωb for a unity feedback system has open
20 BTL 4 Analyze
loop transfer function G( s) . CO3
ss 2s 5 (13)
17. With Mathematical expression define the following
Frequency Domain specifications (i) Gain Margin (ii) Phase
Margin (iii) Gain Cross over Frequency (iv) Phase Cross over
BTL 2 Understand CO3
Frequency (v) Resonant Peak (vi) Resonant Frequency (vii)
Bandwidth. (13)
1. Formulate the transfer function of the system whose CO3
BTL 6 Create
experimental frequency response data is given below. (Error
between actual plot and asymptotic plot at corner frequency
10 is -6db). (15)
2. Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function and
evaluate Gain cross over frequency, Phase cross over
frequency, Gain margin and Phase margin for CO3
BTL 5 Evaluate
G( s) .
s( s 2)(s 10) (15)
3. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is
given by G( s) . Sketch the polar plot and
s (1 s)(1 2s)
BTL 5 Evaluate CO3
determine the gain margin and phase margin. (15)
4. Sketch the Bode plot and hence evaluate Gain cross over
frequency, Phase cross over frequency, Gain margin and
Phase margin for the function CO3
BTL 5 Evaluate
10( s 3)
G ( s) . (15)
s ( s 2)(s 2 4s 100)
5. Using Nichols chart plot the closed loop frequency response
of a system having open loop transfer function as
10 CO3
G( s) . BTL 6 Create
s(0.1s 1)(0.05s 1) (15)
Characteristics equation – Routh Hurwitz criterion – Nyquist stability criterion- Lag ,lead, lag-lead
network, Performance criteria – Effect of Lag, lead and lag-lead compensation on frequency response-
Design of Lag, lead and lag- lead compensator using bode plots.
BT Course
Q.No Questions Competence Outcome
1. What are the two notations of system stability to be satisfied CO4
BTL 1 Remember
for a linear time-invariant system to be stable?
2. Why are compensators required in feedback control system? CO4
BTL 4 Analyze
What is compensation?
3. Give any two limitations of Routh-stability criterion. BTL 2 Understand CO4
4. How are the roots of the characteristic equation of a system CO4
BTL 1 Remember
related to stability?
5. Examine BIBO stability. BTL 3 Apply CO4
6. Realise the lead compensator using R and C network CO4
BTL 2 Understand
7. State Nyquist stability criterion. BTL 1 Remember CO4
8. What is characteristic equation? BTL 1 Remember CO4
9. The transfer function of a phase lead compensator is given by
(1 3Ts ) CO4
G( s) . where T>0. What is the maximum phase shift BTL 2 Understand
(1 Ts )
provided by such a compensator?
10. Evaluate the effects of adding a zero to a system? BTL 5 Evaluate CO4
11. What conclusion can be provided when there is a row of all CO4
BTL 2 Understand
zeros in Routh array?
12. Point out the regions of root locations for stable, unstable and CO4
BTL 4 Analyze
limitedly stable systems.
13. Write the necessary and sufficient condition for stability. BTL 6 Create CO4
14. What is the desired performance criteria specified in CO4
BTL 1 Remember
compensator design?
15. For what range of K, the following system shown in Fig is
asymptotically stable?
BTL 3 Apply
16. ( s 2)
A open loop transfer function is given as G ( s) .
( s 1)(s 1) BTL 3 Apply CO4
Find the number of encirclements about -1+j0
17. What are the effects of adding open loop poles and zero on BTL 1 Remember CO4
the nature of the root locus and on system?
18. Point out some properties of Nyquist plot. BTL 4 Analyze CO4
19. Identify the necessity for lag/lag-Lead compensation. BTL 3 Apply CO4
20. Design a circuit for lead compensator along with pole zero CO4
BTL 6 Create
21. Explain the Phase Lag compensator and why is it used? BTL 2 Understand CO4
22. Draw the polar plot of Lag Lead compensator. BTL 4 Analyze CO4
24. Draw the circuit of lead compensator and draw its pole-zero CO4
BTL 5 Evaluate
1. By use of Nyquist stability criterion, discuss whether the
closed loop system having the following open loop transfer
function is stable or not. If not how many closed loop poles
lie in the right half of s-plane? (13) BTL 2 Understand CO4
G( s) H ( s) .
( s 1)(s 1)
8. From the first principles explain how you obtain the stability
of a linear system using Nyquist criterion. (13) BTL 4 Analyze CO4
13. Draw the circuit of lag-lead compensator and derive its CO4
BTL 1 Remember
transfer function. What are its effects? (13)
14. The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is
given by + CO4
BTL 4 Analyze
.Check the stability analysis of the system using Routh’s
array and also find the frequency of oscillation. (13)
15. Explain the effect of Lag, lead and lag-lead compensation on CO4
BTL 5 Evaluate
frequency response in detail. (13)
16. Describe the procedure for a lag compensator. (13) BTL 1 Remember CO4
17. i)Discuss the limitations and effects of phase lead
compensator. (7)
BTL 6 Create
ii)Discuss the condition in which phase lead network cannot CO4
be used successfully. (6)
1. Sketch the Nyquist plot for a system and find the stability,
whose open loop transfer function is given by
BTL 5 Evaluate
10 CO4
G ( s) 2 . (15)
s ( s 2)
2. The open loop transfer function of the uncompensated
system is G ( s) . Design a lag compensator for the
s( s 2) BTL 5 Evaluate CO4
system so that the static velocity error constant Kv is 10 sec ,
the phase margin ≥ 600. (15)
3. (i) Using Routh criterion, determine the stability of a system BTL 6 Create CO4
representing the characteristic equation
s 4 8s 3 18s 2 16s 5 0. Comment on location of the
roots of the characteristics equation. (9)
(ii)Write down the procedure for designing Lag
compensator using Bode plot. (6)
4. K
For the given system, G( s) , design a
s( s 1)(s 2) CO4
BTL 3 Apply
suitable lag-lead compensator to give, velocity error
constant=10 sec-1, phase margin=500. (15)
5. Design a suitable lead compensator for a system with unity
feedback and having open loop transfer function
K BTL 6 Create CO4
G( s)
s( s 1)(s 4) to meet the specifications as damping
BTL 1 Remember
d 3Y d 2Y dY CO5
6 11 6 Y U(t) .
dt 2 dt 2 dt
this system.
4. Discuss state and state variable. BTL 2 Understand CO5
8. State the condition for observability by Gilberts method. BTL 3 Apply CO5
11. What are the advantages of state variable techniques? BTL 5 Evaluate CO5
17. Define the following terms such as (i) State (ii) State CO5
BTL 3 Apply
Variable (iii) State Vector (iv) State Space Model.
18. Write the properties of state transition matrix. BTL 6 Create CO5
19. Give the types of systems that can be analysed through state CO5
BTL 2 Understand
space analysis.
20. Analyze the concept of canonical form of state model. BTL 4 Analyze CO5
21. Design the state model of a linear time invariant system. BTL 6 Create CO5
24. List the applications of state space model. BTL 4 Analyze CO5
BTL 3 Apply
x1 (0) 0
x 2 ( 0 ) 1 ;
Compute the state transition matrix.
8. Consider the following plant of the state space CO5
representation: BTL 1 Remember
Examine the controllability and observability of a state space
formed by the system. (13)
0 1 2
A ; B ; C 2 0
2 3 2
9. Examine the controllability and observability of the system
with state equation. (13)
x. 1 0 1 0 x1 0
x 2 0 0 1 x 2 0u;
x3 0 2 3 x3 1 BTL 1 Remember
y 3 4 1 x 2
G( s)
( s 3 4s 2 3s 3) (7) BTL 1 Remember CO5
13. Express the canonical state model of the system, whose
2( s 5) BTL 2 Understand CO5
transfer function is T ( s ) (13)
( s 2)(s 3)(s 4)
14. Examine the controllability and observability of the
following state space system. (13) CO5
BTL 5 Evaluate
x1 x2 u 2
x 2 x3
x3 2 x2 3x3 u1 u2
15. (i) Derive the transfer function model for the following
state space system. (7)
BTL 4 Analyze
0 1 1 CO5
A ; B ; C 1 0; D 0
6 5 0
(ii) Find the state transition matrix for the state model
y 1 0 0 x 2
0 0 1 x1 (t ) 0
x(t ) 2 3 0 x 2 (t ) 2u (t );
0 2 3 x3 (t ) 0
5. 0 1 2 2 3
A ; A 6 7
Consider a matrix
2 3 BTL 5 Evaluate
.Compute eAT by two methods. (15)
CO1: Ability to develop various representations of system based on the knowledge of Mathematics, Science and
Engineering fundamentals.
CO2: Ability to do time domain and frequency domain analysis of various models of linear system.
CO4: Ability to understand and design appropriate compensator for the given specifications.