Bs20001 Class Test 1 (Spring - 2018) - Set A - Solutions
Bs20001 Class Test 1 (Spring - 2018) - Set A - Solutions
Bs20001 Class Test 1 (Spring - 2018) - Set A - Solutions
School of Bioscience
Class Test (SLOT-1)
1. During DNA replication, helicase enzyme unwinds the double stranded DNA to produce localized single stranded
DNA. In a PCR reaction, we use an alternative mechanism for DNA unwinding. What is that?
(A) A special buffer with high salt concentration (B) High temperature
(C) A special DNA polymerase that can denature DNA (D) Very low pH
2. In gel electrophoresis different sized DNA migrate at different rate. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
(A) DNA is positively charged and hence migrates towards the negative terminal in the applied electric field gradient
(B) Different DNA molecules separate according to mass
(C) Smaller molecules migrate faster
(D) DNA is visualized in the gel by staining with ethidium bromide, which fluoresces under UV light
3. Griffith’s experiment proving DNA as the genetic material was based on the principle of
(A) Termination (B) Transformation (C) Transcription (D) Translation
6. In classic Sanger DNA sequencing technique, four types of ddNTPs are used along with the normal dNTPs. Which
of the following is the correct combination?
(A) All four ddNTPs and four dNTPs in same reaction tube
(B) Each tube with one type of ddNTP and one type of dNTP (e.g., ddATP + dATP in tube 1, ddGTP + dGTP in tube
2 and so on)
(C) Each tube will have one type of dNTP and all four types of ddNTP
(D) Each tube will have one type of ddNTP and all four types of dNTP
7. Following is the protein coding part of the DNA sequence of a hypothetical gene:
What will happen to the protein product of the gene if you mutate (change) the 10th codon from GAA into TAA?
(A) Protein length will be unaffected (B) Protein will be shorter in length
(C) Amino acid composition will be changed (D) No protein will be synthesized
8. Estimate the length of the protein coded by the following DNA sequence. Start and stop codons are in bold letters;
introns are underlined.
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 13 (D) 14
9. Theoretically, a vast number of different proteins can be assembled from 20 different amino acids. How many
polypeptide chains are possible that are 10 amino acids long?
(A) 20 X 10 (B) 2010 (C) 1020 (D) 2010 X 1020
10. In lac operon, if you remove the lac operator (the repressor binding site) what will be the effect on the metabolic
state of the bacteria?
(A) Lactose metabolizing enzymes will be produced irrespective of the presence or absence of lactose
(B) Glucose metabolism will be hampered
(C) Lactose will never be metabolized because the enzymes will never be synthesized
(D) RNA Polymerase will not be able to bind the promoter
13. During transcription, RNA polymerase reads the template DNA strand in:
(A) 3’- 5’ direction (B) 5’- 3’ direction (C) in both directions (D) does not require a DNA template