2024 State of Innovation Survey
2024 State of Innovation Survey
2024 State of Innovation Survey
State of
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
About Techstars
Techstars invests in early-stage startups led by unstoppable
entrepreneurs with transformative businesses. With 45+ accelerators
worldwide, an unrivaled network of alumni, mentors, commercial
partners, investors, and dedicated operating teams, Techstars supports
entrepreneurs throughout their entire startup journey while helping to
build thriving startup communities. Since 2006, we have invested in more
than 4,400 portfolio companies, accelerating the growth of businesses
including Chainalysis, Zipline, DataRobot, Alloy and many, many more.
accelerator companies
accelerator founders
$1B+ accelerator
cumulative market cap
companies (accelerator companies)
total lifetime raised
years backing
(accelerator companies) early-stage startups
I. Introduction from Techstars CEO David Cohen 04
II. Market Confidence: Pragmatic Optimism 06
Outlook for 2024
Long-Term Ambitions
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Introduction from
Techstars Founder
& CEO David Cohen
It’s my great pleasure to welcome you to the second Techstars State of Innovation Survey, our
annual deep dive into how our global network of entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs and venture
capital investors view innovation in their sector, startup communities, and around the world.
Techstars currently operates 48 accelerator programs in 35 cities in 13 countries. Last year we
channeled more capital to more startups than ever before (684 portfolio companies graduated
Techstars in 2023, up from 611 in 2022). Well over 4,000 startups have graduated from our
accelerator programs since inception. Together those companies cover just about every vertical in
tech from Advanced Manufacturing to Web3, and have a cumulative market cap of $113.6B. That
scale enables us to help more entrepreneurs succeed – with high quality content and personalized
support, and the vast Techstars network startups can access post-accelerator. It also results in an
ever-expanding set of data to crunch and a unique vantage point from which to track the trends
shaping early-stage entrepreneurship.
As the “Great Venture Capital Reset” continues, this year’s survey returned to many of the topics
we covered in 2023, and added some new questions to get to the heart of the global innovation
economy and find out what it’s really like to be a founder (and VC) today. Among many interesting
findings from the 1,550 responses we received, these seven stood out to me:
IPOs are out: Entrepreneurs are no less ambitious, but those ambitions are
less likely to include an IPO. With fewer startups going public overall, just 15%
of all the founders surveyed say their primary long-term goal for their startup
is to go public. One third (34%) say their goal is to be acquired by Big Tech or
a large corporation, while a similar number (30%) would opt to remain private/
Startup culture is nose-to-the-grindstone: In a tight market, nothing less
than utter conviction and a flat-out approach are required to beat the odds.
This is reflected in the hours entrepreneurs work, with nearly one-third (31%)
working at least 60 hours per week, and almost one in five (17%) working 70
hours or more.
Nearly half of founders have experienced anxiety in the past year:
How well can startups truly serve their customers if founders are suffering
poor mental health? Long hours and an always-on mindset are clearly taking
a toll throughout the industry. With respondents (entrepreneurs and VCs)
able to check as many boxes as are applicable to them, 45% say they have
experienced anxiety in the past year, with 23% experiencing “depression”.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
With rising challenges across society from climate change to human longevity, to national
resilience and defense, there has never been a more important time to support early-stage
innovation. We hope this survey can continue to play its part in casting a spotlight on this
vital stage of the entrepreneurial journey.
David Cohen
Founder & CEO
Market Confidence:
Pragmatic Optimism
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
The past 12 months have continued to be bumpy for both entrepreneurs and
VCs – the VC industry has contracted, funding is tight, valuations have dipped,
downrounds have surged, and IPOs have shown only flickers of life. Against this
backdrop, here’s a snapshot of how founders and investors view the current
state of the market:
Extremely optimistic
9% Founders:
Despite the myriad challenges,
Somewhat optimistic three-quarters (76%) of current
entrepreneurs say they are either
Neither pessimistic
32% 12% “extremely optimistic” (32%) or
nor optimistic
“somewhat optimistic” (44%) in
Somewhat pessimistic their outlook for their startup in
2024, underscoring how successful
Extremely pessimistic entrepreneurship requires innate
44% market-defying confidence and
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
As a founder, if you didn’t believe in your startup and that you have an unfair
advantage in the market, you just wouldn’t do it. We’re optimistic because
we see how much better expert dermatology care can be today. And as a
healthcare company, once you figure out your regulatory pathway, how to make
money, and what problem you solve for the various stakeholders, you can grow
disproportionately quickly, just like Techstars company PillPack, which was
acquired by Amazon after figuring these things out.
Entrepreneurs tend towards optimism, and like most founders, I’m largely
positive in my outlook for Sendbird and the tech industry as a whole for the rest
of 2024. With inflation stabilizing, layoffs slowing and rumblings of rate cuts,
the vital signs are good. But the elephant in the room? IPOs.
When asked what are the most important issues affecting their companies today (outside of core operations and
financial management), 60% of entrepreneurs cite “Access to Capital” (respondents could select up to three options).
The difficulty entrepreneurs have in accessing capital correlates directly with the ‘optimism gap’ between founders and
VCs. Only 50% of investors are “somewhat optimistic” (44%) or “extremely optimistic” (6%) for their VC firm this year
compared with 76% of entrepreneurs.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Extremely optimistic
Somewhat optimistic
Neither pessimistic
nor optimistic
Somewhat pessimistic
Optimism is part of a VC’s job description. Each
investment, especially at the earlier stages, is also a
44% 33%
leap of faith: they place these bets for the long term,
often with scant information and few metrics to go
on. But while half of the VCs in our survey do indeed
profess to have a positive outlook for their firm this year,
that optimism doesn’t necessarily translate into action;
retaining huge amounts of dry powder (aka committed
but unallocated capital), the industry’s global startup
deployment in 2023 was at a five year low
(Source: Crunchbase).
It’s notable that when asked for the most important issues facing them today, a staggering 64% of VCs surveyed say
“Sourcing High Quality Startups and Entrepreneurs” (respondents could select up to three options). For this reason, we
see a growing role for high quality accelerator programs that can provide VCs with a steady stream of pre-vetted startups
which have been through a rigorous selection process followed by an intensive entrepreneurial bootcamp.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Confidence That Tech M&As and IPOs Will Return This Year
Extremely Confident 5% 4%
11% 15%
Very Confident 13%
Moderately Confident 29%
Slightly Confident 38% 40%
Not at all Confident
Exits over the next two years: What difference does extending the horizon by another year make to market confidence
today? Not much, according to the majority of entrepreneurs and VCs in our survey, especially when it comes to IPOs,
with 39% answering that they are “slightly confident” (27%) or “not at all confident” (12%) that IPOs will spring back
within the next two years.
Confidence That Tech M&As and IPOs Will Return in the Next 2 Years
5% 5%
Extremely Confident
12% 12%
14% 18%
Very Confident
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
0 10 20 30 40 50
One-third (34%) of entrepreneurs say their primary long-term goal for their startup is to be acquired by a big tech
company or large corporation, while a similar number (30%) would opt to remain private/independent. Just 15% say they
favor an IPO. These numbers are broadly consistent with 2023. In combination with the lack of confidence that IPOs will
bounce back in short order, this year’s data further underlines the trend that startups are staying private for longer, and
IPOs are out of favor with the vast majority of early-stage entrepreneurs.
We are keeping our options open about our long-term ambitions. It’s too early
to determine the strategic moves that will allow us to become world leaders in
air-to-water harvesting, but we are always discussing collaboration
opportunities that may get us closer to our goals.
This year we wanted to get a deeper sense of the people behind the companies,
and what it’s really like to be a startup entrepreneur today. So in addition to the
two questions in last year’s survey about how and where founders work (remote
vs. flex vs. in-office), and whether they have previously worked at other startups
or have coworkers who have gone on to become entrepreneurs themselves, we
added two more questions addressing founders’ typical working week, and the
impact of starting and leading a business on their mental health.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
My working day ranges from eight to 14 hours, but I’m always thinking,
so never ‘off’. Obviously that means high stress levels, but I keep my sanity
by doing high intensity workouts to offset the anxiety and stress, and by going
on long walks with my dog.
11% 14%
Fully Remote
Despite the many headlines declaring that certain large employers are demanding staff return to the office, there is
little sign of that happening in the world of tech startups. The number of current entrepreneurs reporting that they work
in-office or flexibly (partially in-office, partially remotely) today has actually gone down year over year, while over half
(51%) say they work fully remotely.
And few expect a headlong rush back to the office anytime soon, with well over half (59%) of respondents expecting
to work flexibly and just 14% predicting a full-time return to the office five years from now. Significantly, the number
expecting to be fully remote by then almost halves from 51% currently, to 27% in five years time, suggesting that the
future looks very much flex.
When the numbers are broken down further, fully remote entrepreneurs today are most likely to work in startups based
in the U.S. (46%), and are far more likely to work remotely than founders in India (6%), the U.K. (5% – down from 11%
in 2023), Nigeria and Canada (both 5%) or Germany (4%). They are also more likely to say their U.S.-based startup
is located in California (23%) or New York (10%).
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Founders tend
to be serial entrepreneurs
Startups Worked at Before Current Startup
12% 14%
21% 22%
Five or More
2023 2024
A pattern of entrepreneurs going on to found other startups continues apace, demonstrating how momentum within
an ecosystem becomes self-sustaining. Our survey finds that entrepreneurs tend to be the rarest of breeds: undeterred
by the long hours, around the clock demands and psychological impact, they keep returning to the startup well. Over
three-quarters (79%) of current entrepreneurs have worked for other startups in the past with nearly half (45%) having
worked for two-to-four startups previously. A whopping 14% of current entrepreneurs say they have worked at five
or more startups.
9% 7%
None 5%
One or Two 4% 4%
2023 2024
44% of current entrepreneurs say that anywhere between “1 to 2” and “10 or more” coworkers have gone
on to establish other startups, with about a quarter (23%) saying that “1 to 2” employees have left to start other
companies, and 12% saying that “3 to 5” coworkers have gone on to found other companies.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
In recent years, founder mental health has become less and less of a taboo. The always-on nature of the role, combined
with the squeeze it places on friends and family time, clearly does have an impact on psychological well-being. With
respondents (entrepreneurs and VCs) able to check as many boxes as are applicable to them, 45% say they’ve felt
“Anxiety” in the past year, with just under a quarter (23%) saying they’ve experienced “Depression”.
I work 40+ hours a week, and have a one-and-a-half year old and an almost
three-year-old. From the long work weeks and young kids I developed localized
vitiligo, and after living in Bali for three years, and leaving in 2022, it’s been a
struggle for us to get back into our ‘groove’. So I now meditate five times per day
for 14 minutes each time, fast for 18 hours per day and brain dump into a journal
app on my phone called Day One.”
It Takes an Ecosystem
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
No single institution or factor is the standout driver of innovation today, according to entrepreneurs and VCs. When
asked for the biggest innovation driver in their sector currently, answers are spread evenly between “VC/Angel Investors”
(22%), “Accelerator Programs” (19%), and “Community/Proximity to Other Startups” (18%).
Reasons: When those who select “Venture Capital/ Angel Investors” as the biggest driver of innovation are asked
why they think this, answers include “They are providing not just resources, but also a common belief in causes
like Generative AI, Autonomous Agents, etc. This builds a positive reinforcement feedback loop”.
Among those who select “Accelerator Programs”, providing “opportunity for local innovators to be seen”, the ability
“to expedite their growth and develop market-ready products or services” and “a community and critical boost to
get going” are typical reasons cited. Similarly, entrepreneurs and VCs who check “Community/Proximity to Other
Startups” as the biggest innovation driver explain their decision, for example, by saying that “Community encourages
collaboration, connections and growth,” and “as a founder, the biggest challenge is ‘knowing what you don’t know.’
Proximity with other founders can help navigate this unknown landscape.”
Are we seeing the beginning of an emergent trend towards “Corporates”, “Government”, “Universities”, and “Other”
innovation drivers? On the face of it, our survey reveals little change on last year’s data on what entrepreneurs and VCs
perceive will be the biggest driver of innovation in their sector five years from now: “Venture Capital/Angel Investors” has
dipped by 2%, “Accelerator Programs” by 3% and “Community/Proximity to Other Startups” has remained steady. But
there has been a cumulative 6% shift towards “Corporates” (up 2%), “Government” (up 1%), “Universities” (up 1%), and
“Other” (up 2%), reflecting a growing role for these alternative drivers as investors deploy less capital. Techstars’ deep
and ongoing partnerships with multiple corporates, governments (national, regional and city) and universities over the
years are both a proven means for ecosystem development and for empowering entrepreneurs with capital,
connections and domain expertise.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
2023 2024
Among the explanations for what will be the biggest driver of innovation five years from now for those who pick “Venture
Capital/Angel Investors” are “risk appetite,” and that “access to funding allows startups to move quicker and do more
experiments”. For those who select “Community/Proximity to Other Startups”, “being close to other startups creates
a vibrant community that encourages the exchange of knowledge, resources and support”, and “Ecosystem will drive
innovation - think Silicon Valley effect” are among the answers. For “Accelerator Programs”, a typical justification is
“accelerator programs provide mentorship, networks, resources, and investor readiness, accelerating startup growth.”
From a regional perspective, African respondents (24%) are significantly more likely than all other regions to say
“Accelerator Programs” will drive innovation five years from now, while Eastern European VCs and entrepreneurs (30%)
are second most likely, after those from Africa (32%), to say “Venture Capital/Angel Investors” will be the biggest driver.
Those in APAC are significantly more likely to say “Government” (20%). Eastern European (26%), Western European
(23%) and North American founders and VCs (also 23%) are the most likely to check “Community/Proximity to Other
Startups” as the biggest driver five years from now.
Founders thrive around other founders. I always feel I’m learning the most
when surrounded by smart, ambitious entrepreneurs changing the world with
their ideas and relentless execution. It reminds me of why we decided to start
a company in the first place.
Innovation by Sector:
All About AI?
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Last year saw the winds of the crypto bear market blow away many of the
unsustainable, hype-driven companies that probably shouldn’t have started in
the first place. Clearly that’s affected the perception of Web3 as a whole. But
the good news is that the clearout has left those startups with genuine value
– the ones with staying power that do need to see the light of day – and fertile
ground for new projects as well.”
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
2023 2024
DeepTech 42% 43%
HealthTech 43% 42%
Fintech 36% 33%
Sustainability 32% 29%
Enterprise & SaaS 27% 29%
Gaming, Media & Entertainment 29% 27%
Aerospace & Defense 24% 25%
Advanced Manufacturing 21% 23% While there is remarkable stability year over year
when it comes to which sectors entrepreneurs and VCs
Web3 31% 22% perceive as the most innovative today – DeepTech and
Future of Work 22% 20% HealthTech continue to top the chart – one thing stands
out dramatically: the fate of Web3. With respondents able
Travel, Infrastructure, Logistics 16% 14% to select up to five sectors, 43% pick DeepTech (up 1%
Consumer Goods & Retail 11% 11% on 2023), 42% choose HealthTech (down 1%), 33% say
Fintech (down 3%), 29% each say Sustainability (down
Natural Resources 10% 9% 3%) and Enterprise/SaaS (up 2%). However, Web3
Proptech 5% 6% plunges by 9% from 31% in 2023, to 22% this year
– a sign no doubt of the “clearout” in the sector
Other 5% 6% that Techstars MD Pete Townsend refers to.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
When considered by region, respondents in Western Europe (55%) and Eastern Europe (48%) are more likely to see
DeepTech as the most innovative sector, with those in LatAm (48%) Western Europe (44%), and North America (42%)
most likely to select HealthTech. Entrepreneurs and VCs in Africa (49%), LatAm (45%), and APAC (41%) are significantly
more likely to say Fintech is among the most innovative sectors – whereas in Western Europe and North America, just
30% and 25% respectively, and 24% each in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, view it that way. Meanwhile, 33%
of Eastern Europeans select Aerospace & Defense as the most innovative – where the overall figure is 25%.
Three-quarters of entrepreneurs
say AI is a component or enabler
of their business.
Ever since ChatGPT erupted into the mainstream making Generative AI the technology megatrend of last year,
investment has deluged the sector with a record $29.1B invested globally across 691 Gen AI deals in 2023 – a 268%
increase in deal value over 2022 (Source: PitchBook).
33% 41%
We use AI as an Yes
enabler but we are When we asked current entrepreneurs in our survey
not developing an whether AI, in the wider sense, is a direct component of
AI solution their business, 41% say that it is. However, despite the
scramble to attach an AI-tag to many tech businesses
today, the majority (60%) of founders focus on other tech,
either using AI as an enabler or not at all.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Innovation by Hub:
Valley Leads, as
Asian Hubs Rise
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
2024: Most Innovative Hubs/Cities Today vs. Five Years From Now
Toronto 9% 13%
7% 11% London
23% 22% Berlin
Seattle 16% 15% Beijing
12% 12% Boston Paris 15% 23%
14% 15% 9% 11% Tokyo
Silicon Valley
66% 48% New York City 18% 17%
31% 25% Tel Aviv Seoul
Los Angeles 31% 27%
12% 11% Washington D.C. 13% 20%
4% 6% Shanghai
San Diego
4% 6% 18% 24%
4% 6% 31% 31%
5% 9%
Today In 5 Years
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Thanks in part to the AI boom, Silicon Valley’s prestige has only been burnished over the past year, according to
our survey, with two-thirds (66%) of entrepreneurs and VCs, who could select up to five cities, considering it to be the
leading global innovation hub today, compared with 63% in 2023. Tel Aviv, placed second last year with 38%, falls 7%
to 31% today, where it is joined in second place by New York City (up 2% on last year) and Singapore (also up 2%).
The leading European hub, London, remains in fifth place, albeit slipping from 26% last year, to 23% today.
When looked at from a regional perspective, Silicon Valley is considered the most innovative city across all regions, with
almost three-quarters (73%) of Western Europeans, 70% of North Americans and 65% of those in Asia-Pacific viewing it
as such. Just over half (54%) of African respondents consider the Valley to be the most innovative today, while a similar
percentage (52%) of APAC respondents consider Singapore to be the most innovative.
Almost half (48%) of entrepreneurs and VCs believe Silicon Valley will still be the world’s most innovative hub five
years from now, with Singapore remaining in second place on 31%. However, respondents in 2024 are significantly
less likely to believe third-placed Tel Aviv will be the most innovative in five years (27%) compared to those in 2023
(35%). Meanwhile, just under a quarter (23%) predict that Beijing will be the most innovative in five years time,
versus 19% in 2023, with both Beijing and Shanghai (24%) edging out London (22%).
Half of those in Western Europe (52%) and North America (56%) believe the Valley will continue to be the most
innovative hub five years from now, while just 39% of respondents in Africa and 35% of those in LatAm agree.
41% of those in APAC believe that Silicon Valley will still be the most innovative, while the same percentage of
APAC respondents believe Singapore will be on a par with the Valley in five years. 35% of North Americans
predict New York City will be the most innovative in five years, with 30% checking Tel Aviv.
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Innovation by Region:
North America
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
North America 22%
Asia-Pacific 32%
Africa 16%
Middle East
Latin America 6%
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
8% 2023
0 10 20 30 40 50
Of those who believe the Middle East will see the greatest spike, 40% (up from 35% in 2023) believe UAE will lead the
way, while they are significantly more likely to say Saudi Arabia will be in pole position (36%) compared to 2023 (19%).
They are also significantly less likely to say Israel will see the greatest spike in 2024 (14%) compared to 2023 (29%).
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Methodology &
Respondent Profile
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
Entrepreneur Status
Entrepreneur 64%
Techstars 2024
State of Innovation
19% 2% 8%
12% 4% 52%
7% 15%