Refa - HB-9
Refa - HB-9
Refa - HB-9
CHAPTER 1 – Congratulation!
CHAPTER 2 – Are you agree with me?
CHAPTER 3 – Label
CHAPTER 4 – How you do it?
CHAPTER 5 – Everybody is always in the middle of something
CHAPTER 6 – We have been to an orphan home. We went there last Sunday.
CHAPTER 7 – Narrative text.
CHAPTER 8 – They are made in Indonesia
CHAPTER 9 – Report Text
CHAPTER 10 – Come and Visit Us (Promote your product)!
CHAPTER 1 – Congratulation!
َو ُقْل ِّلِعَباِد ْي َي ُقْو ُلوا اَّلِتْي ِهَي َاْح َس ُۗن ِاَّن الَّش ْي ٰط َن َي ْن َز ُغ َب ْي َن ُهْۗم ِاَّن الَّش ْي ٰط َن َك اَن
ِلِاْل ْن َس اِن َع ُد ًّو ا ُّم ِبْي ًن ا
Katakan kepada hamba-hamba-Ku supaya mereka mengucapkan perkataan yang
lebih baik (dan benar). Sesungguhnya setan itu selalu menimbulkan perselisihan di
antara mereka. Sesungguhnya setan adalah musuh yang nyata bagi manusia.
(Q.S. Al-Isra : 53)
6. Situation :
Rania has just made a very beautiful handycraft from coconut leaf.
Chandra praises her craft and hope that she will win the national
Chandra : “____________________________________.”
I’m sure you will win the national competition.”
Rania : “Thank you. I hope so too.”
a. What is that
b. That’s a very beautiful handycraft
c. I’m glad to hear that
d. You are the winner
7. Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the
celebration of the Indonesia Independence Day. Shinta praises her that
she sings like a real singer, and she will get a big applause for that.
Shinta : “You sings like a singer.
Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”
a. I’m sure you will get a very big applause
b. You are a good student
c. I’m sorry
d. Congratulate to Nuri
8. Situation :
Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition.
Dara shows her hope that Fadel will get a prize.
Fadel : “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling
Dara : “____________________. I hope you will win the
a. Thank you very much
b. I hope so
c. I’m sorry
d. Sure, Good luck
9. Situation :
Ade has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend.
He will present it to her on her birthday. Nida praises the picture and
she’s sure that Tinta will like it.
Nida : “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.”
Ade : “__________________________.”
a. Wish me luck c. Good luck
b. Happy birthday d. Thanks. I hope so too
10. Situation :
Rahma’s father has given her permission to walk to the mountain.
Gibril is happy for her and expresses his hope that she will have a safe
Rahma: “Thank God. Finally my father lets me go to the mountain
Gibril : “______________________. Have a safe trip.”
a. I’m happy for you
b. Wish me happy
c. Thank you very much
d. I hope so
َو ٱَّلِذيَن ٱْس َت َج اُبو۟ا ِلَر ِّبِه ْم َو َأَقاُمو۟ا ٱلَّص َلٰو َة َو َأْمُرُه ْم ُشوَر ٰى َب ْي َن ُهْم َو ِمَّما َر َز ْق َٰن ُهْم ُينِفُقوَن
Dan (bagi) orang-orang yang menerima (mematuhi) seruan Tuhannya dan
mendirikan shalat, sedang urusan mereka (diputuskan) dengan musyawarah antara
mereka; dan mereka menafkahkan sebagian dari rezeki yang Kami berikan kepada
(QS. Asy-Syuara/62: 38)
B. Focus!
I agree with you I don’t agree/ disagree with you
I think that’s a good idea I think that’s a good idea, but ...
I am with you I am not with you
I think so I don’t think so
I couldn’t agree more I think ...
CHAPTER 3 – Label
Label is an information about the product.
َي اَأُّيَه ا اَّلِذيَن آَم ُنوا ِإْن َج اَء ُك ْم َف اِس ٌق ِبَن َب ٍإ َفَت َبَّي ُنوا َأْن ُتِص يُبوا َقْو ًم ا ِبَج َه اَلٍة َفُتْص ِبُح وا َع َلى
َم ا َفَع ْلُتْم َن اِدِميَن
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jika datang kepadamu orang fasik membawa suatu
berita, maka periksalah dengan teliti agar kamu tidak menimpakan suatu musibah
kepada suatu kaum tanpa mengetahui keadaannya yang menyebabkan kamu
menyesal atas perbuatanmu itu. (QS.Al-Hujurat : 6)
a. Brand of product :
b. Description :
c. Content/amount :
d. Direction to use :
e. Direction to store :
f. Expiration date :
g. Ingredients :
ED : 2027 06
a. Brand of product :
b. Description :
c. Content/amount :
d. Direction to use :
e. Direction to store :
f. Expiration date :
g. Ingredients :
CHAPTER 4 – How you do it?
A. Vocabulary
1. How to use Instant Seasoning Mix
½ kg of beef
1 sachet Instand Season
2 cups of water (1000 ml)
700 ml coconut milk made from ½ coconut
a. Prepared the beef, cut into pieces as desired.
b. Stir-fry an Instand Season until fragrant. Add beef, stir evenly until
change in color and the juice comes out.
c. Add water , after the water reduced, add coconut milk. Cook until
the beef is tender with medium heat, stir evently1.5 hour or as
desired. Ready to serve.
CHAPTER 5 – Everybody is always in the middle of something
A. Vocabulary
For example.
Present Past Past participle V+ing Meaning
Eat ate eaten eating makan
Cook cooked cooked cooking masak
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________
9. ___________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________
11. ___________________________________________________
12. ___________________________________________________
13. ___________________________________________________
14. ___________________________________________________
15. ___________________________________________________
16. ___________________________________________________
17. ___________________________________________________
18. ___________________________________________________
19. ___________________________________________________
20. ___________________________________________________
21. ___________________________________________________
22. ___________________________________________________
23. ___________________________________________________
24. ___________________________________________________
25. ___________________________________________________
B. Read the text correctly and loudly (Present Continuous).
1. Rayi : what are you doing raka?
Raka : I am mopping the floor because I tripped over stool
and fell and spilled my milk all over the floor.
2. Edo : where are the others? They are not having lunch now?
Siti : no. They are all in the library. They’re looking for
some texts about animals and plants in the
encyclopedia. Let’s go and join them.
early morning now, and he is still crying. I hope he will not be
crying again when I get home this afternoon.
No Present
Present Continuous Future
Past Continuous
Am I watching a Continuous
Is Rachel buying Continuous
Are Koko and Kiki
movie when1you I am mopping
Seblak for me? I was mopping I will
writing their task?be mopping
2 I am listening a
Yes, you are song. Yes, She (Rachel) is
+ watching a movie
3 buying Seblak
I am writing a for you.
when I come.
No, you are not No, She is not buying
watching a movie
I am sweeping
Seblak for you.
when I come my class.
5 He is reading
Past continuousHe was reading He will be reading
Was he reading Were they drinking a
? while I was6taking a glass of coffee whileShe was
my cooking
bath? mom was sleeping? fried rice.
7 Roby was
Yes, he was reading Yes, they were drinking
+ while you was a glass of coffee watching
when a movie.
taking a bath.
8 your mom sleeping.Kania was editing
No, he was not No, they were not a video.
reading while
9 you drinking
They are crying a glass of
They were crying They will be
was taking a bath. coffee when your mom crying
10 We will be
Future continuous
studying English.
Will they be crying Will he playing
11 We will talking
when I go to badminton tomorror
? about a dream.
bandung Next week? when we go home?
12 They will painting
Yes, they will be Yes, he will be playing their class.
crying when13
you go badminton tomorrow
to Bandung next when we go home.
week. 14
No, they will not be Not, he will not be
crying when you go playing badminton
- to Bandung next tomorrow when we go
week. home.
E. When or While?
1. When
a. I was eating banana when my brother came.
b. Kiki and Koko were reading a book in the library when I went to
c. When I was a kid, I lived in Yogya.
d. When I was doing my homework, my mom called me.
e. When Riko got home, he slept.
2. While
a. I am watcing TV while my sister is doing her homework.
b. My father was washing his car while my mother was cooking
our breakfast.
c. Gaga and Jojo were playing badminton while I was playing my
d. While Ratna was eating seblak, Siska and Hana were eating
fried noodle.
e. While we were cleaning our class, my teacher was cleaning the
CHAPTER 6 – We have been to an orphan home. We went there
last Sunday.
B. Concentration!
1. We have been married for almost four years.
2. We have been married since 2015.
3. I have lived in Cianjur for 3 years.
4. I have lived in Cianjur since 2019.
5. She has eaten that medicine for a week.
6. She has eaten that medicine since Wednesday.
C. Focus!
Ex Have you read Yes, I have read No, I have not
. Qur’an? Qur’an since 2 read Qur’an .
Have she sung? Yes, She have No, she have not
sung three songs. sung.
Have they gone to Yes, They have No, They have not
Candi Borobudur? gone to Candi gone to Candi
Borobudur three Borobudur.
CHAPTER 7 – Narrative text.
َلَقْد َك اَن ِفي َقَص ِص ِهْم ِع ْبَر ٌة ُأِلوِلي اَأْلْلَباِبۗ َم ا َك اَن َح ِد يًثا ُيْفَتَر ٰى َو َٰل ِكْن َتْص ِد يَق اَّلِذ ي َبْيَن
َيَد ْيِه َو َتْفِص يَل ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َو ُهًدى َو َرْح َم ًة ِلَقْو ٍم ُيْؤ ِم ُنوَن
Sesungguhnya pada kisah-kisah mereka (para Nabi dan umat mereka) itu terdapat
pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang mempunyai akal (sehat). al-Qur’an itu bukanlah
cerita yang dibuat-buat, akan tetapi membenarkan (kitab-kitab) yang sebelumnya dan
menjelaskan segala sesuatu, serta sebagai petunjuk dan rahmat bagi orang-orang
yang beriman. (Q.S Yusuf/12 : 111)
2. “while he was busy searching for it, he heard a voice behind him”.
(paragraph 2)
The underlined word refers to.....
a. The Tami River c. Towjatua
b. The giant crocodile d. Herb plant
3. “It is forbidden for his son to kill or eat crocodiles since a crocodile
had helped him to be born”
The word “forbidden” in the sentence closest in meaning to ........
a. Allowed c. Permitted
b. Prohibited d. Dissapointed
E. Make your own Narrative text
Characters Setting
C. Exercise!
a. The class is painted green.
(past) this class was painted green.
(future) this class will be painted green.
1. The National park is designed by Amerika architects.
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
2. The complaints are sent to the head office.
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
3. Five bananas are eaten by a monkey.
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
4. The flights are cancelled beacause of the fog.
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
5. Rendang is made of beef.
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
6. (Present) ___________________________________________
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
7. (Present) ___________________________________________
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
8. (Present) ___________________________________________
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
9. (Present) ___________________________________________
(past) _____________________________________________
(future) ___________________________________________
CHAPTER 9 – Report Text
a. Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This
means that unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they
have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have
nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They
are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The
light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists
believe jellyfish glow for several reasons. For example, they may glow
to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in
fresh water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world.
They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and
South poles.
1. Which one creates jellyfish's light?
A. White blood
B. Nervous system
C. Chemical reaction
D. Salt water
2. Which one is TRUE about the jellyfish based on the text?
A. They belong to invertebrate animals
B. They have heads like other animals
C. Their brain helps them find the food
D. They cannot live in fresh water
3. What is the text about?
A. Jellyfish
B. Kinds of all fish
C. All invertebrate animal
D. Some kinds of sea animals
4. “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light.”
(paragraph 3). The word “glow” in the sentence means …
A. Move
B. Produce
C. Appear
D. Shine
b. Skin is the outer layer of the body. In human being, it is the largest
organ of the system that covers our body. Our skin has a function to
protect our body from infection and extreme temperatures, maintain
fluid balance, and synthesize vitamin D for our personal needs.
Skin has three main layers, which are Epidermis, Dermis, and
Hypodermis that have their respective tasks and need each other. The
Epidermis layer is the outermost layer of the skin. This layer does not
contain blood vessels, and is formed from Merkel cells, keratinocytes,
with melanocytes and Langerhans cells. Under the Epidermis layer,
there is Dermis layer. This layer contains hair follicles, sweat glands,
sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels.
This layer is connected to the Epidermis layer with the basement
membrane. Structurally, this layer is divided into two regions, which are
the region next to the epidermis called the Papillary region, and the
thick inner region that is known as the Reticular region. Furthermore,
there is Hypodermis layer which located below the Dermis layer. This
layer is known as Subcutaneous tissue. Hypodermis serves to attach the
skin to the underlying bone and muscle and supply them with blood
vessels and nerves. The combination of these three main layers has an
average thickness of 1 mm.
11. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. The Epidermis layer is the outermost layer of the does not
contain blood vessels
b. Under the Epidermis layer, there is Dermis layer, it is connected
to the Epidermis layer with the basement membrane
c. There are three layers of skin that have their respective tasks and
need each other
d. The combination of these three main layers has an average
thickness of 1 mm.
12. Which one is the correct statement based on the text above?
a. Skin is the outer layer of the body. In human being, it is the
smallest organ of the system that covers our body
b. The function of our body is to protect from infection and
extreme temperatures, maintain fluid balance, and synthesize
vitamin D for our personal needs
c. Skin has three main layers, which are Epidermis, Dermis, and
Hypodermis that do not have their respective tasks and need
each other
d. The Dermis layer is divided into two regions, the Papillary
region and the Reticular region.
CHAPTER 10 – Come and Visit Us (Promote your product)!
َقاَل اْج َع ْلِنْي َع ٰل ى َخ َز ۤا ِٕىِن اَاْلْر ِۚض ِاِّن ْي َح ِفْي ٌظ َع ِلْي ٌم
Dia (Yusuf) berkata, “Jadikanlah aku pengelola perbendaharaan negeri (Mesir).
Sesungguhnya aku adalah orang yang pandai menjaga (amanah) lagi sangat
berpengetahuan. (Q.S. Yusuf: 55)
The information:
The information: