UP-PGH Request For Publication 03-Oct-23

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CS Form No.

9 Electronic copy to be submitted to the esc FO

Revised 2018 must be in MS Excel format
Republic of the Philippines
Request for Publication of Vacant Positions


We hereby request the publication of the following vacant positions, which are authorized to be filled, at the UNIVERSITY OF ~IPPINES
PGH in the CSC website: r~._
Ms. Marjorie ~. Torres

Date: 3-0ct-23

Position Title Salary/ Qualification Standards

(Parenthetical Plantilla Item Job/ Monthly Place of
No. Competency
Title, if No. Pay Salary Education Training Experience Eligibility Assignment
applicable) Grade (if applicable)
40 hours of
supervisory / 4 years of
Pis. see
UPSB-ENG5 Masteral management supervisory / Philippine General
1 EngineerV 24 90078 RA 1080 attached Annex
5-1998 Degree learning and management Hospital
development experience
degree in 2 years of Pis. see
UPSB-ENG3 8 hours of Philippine General
2 Engineer III 19 51357 Engineering relevant RA 1080 attached annex
25-1998 relevant training Hospital
relevant to the experience 0-22
degree in 2 years of Pis. see
UPSB-ENG3 8 hours of Philippine General
3 Engineer III 19 51357 Engineering relevant RA 1080 attached annex
31-1998 relevant training Hospital
relevant to the experience 0-22
degree in 1 year of Pis. see
UPSB-ENG2 4 hours of Philippine General
4 Engineer II 16 39672 Engineering relavant RA 1080 attached Annex
28-1998 relevant training Hospital
relevant to the experience 0-26
Mechanical Pis. see
UPSB-MPS2 degree in Philippine General
5 Plant 13 31320 None required None required RA 1080 attached Annex
6-1998 Mechanical Hospital
Supervisor II 0-11

Completion of Career Service

two years (Subprofession
studies in al)
College or High 2 years of Draftsman or Pis. see
UPSB-DFM3- 8 hours of Philippine General
6 Draftsman III 11 27000 School relevant Illustrator (MC attached Annex
23-1998 relevant training Hospital
Graduate with experience 11,s.1996,as 0-13
relevant amended, Cat.
vocational! II) First Level
trade course Eligibility

Completion of Career Service

two years (Subprofession
studies in al)
College or High 2 years of Draftsman or Pis. see
UPSB-DFM3 8 hours of Philippine General
7 Draftsman III 11 27000 School relevant Illustrator (MC attached Annex
22-1998 relevant training Hospital
Graduate with experience 11, s. 1996,as 0-13
relevant amended, Cat.
vocational! II) First Level
trade course Eligibility

Metal Worker
UPSB- Elementary (MC 11, s. Pis. see
Philippine General
8 Metal Worker II MTW2-11- 6 17553 School None required None required 1996,as attached Annex
1998 Graduate amended, Cat. 0-14
Metal Worker
UPSB- Elementary (MC 11, s. Pis. see
Philippine General
9 Metal Worker II MTW2-12- 6 17553 School None required None required 1996, as attached Annex
1998 Graduate amended, Cat. 0-14
Plumber (MC
Elementary Pis. see
UPSB-ADA5 11,s.1996,as Philippine General
10 Plumber II 5 16543 School None required None required attached Annex
734-2004 amended, Cat. Hospital
Graduate 0-5
Plumber (MC
Elementary Pis. see
UPSB-ADA5 11,s.1996,as Philippine General
11 Plumber II 5 16543 School None required None required attached Annex
730-2004 amended, Cat. Hospital
Graduate 0-5
Completion of Career Service
Adm inistrative Pis. see
UPSB-ADA6 two years (Subprofession Philippine General
12 Aide VI (Clerk 6 17553 None required None required attached Annex
2065-2004 studies in al) I First Level Hospital
III) 0-27
College Eligibility

Completion of Career Service

Administrative UPSB- 1 year of Pis. see
two years 4 hours of (Subprofession Philippine General
13 Assistant II ADAS2-2159 8 19744 relevant attached Annex
studies in relevant training al) I First Level Hospital
(Clerk IV) 2004 experience 0-27
College Eligibility

Completion of Career Service

UPSB- 1 year of Pis. see
Engineering two years 4 hours of (Subprofession Philippine General
14 ENGAS-6- 8 19744 relevant attached Annex
Assistant studies in relevant training al) I First Level Hospital
1998 experience 0-27
College Eligibility
Medical UPSB- 2 year of Pis. see
Doctor of 8 hours of Philippine General
15 Specialist III MDSPT3- 24 45039 relevant RA 1080 attached Annex
Medicine relevant training Hospital
(Part- Time) 190-2020 e>m_erience M.S
UPSB- 1 year of Pis. see
Medical Officer Doctor of 4 hours of Philippine General
16 MDOF4-137- 23 80003 relevant RA 1080 attached Annex
IV Medicine relevant training Hospital
2020 experience M.0-4

Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing. Attach the following documents to the application letter and send to the address below
not later than October 13, 2023.
1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at
2. Performance rating in the last rating period (if applicable);
3. Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/rating/license; and
4. Photocopy of Transcript of Records.

QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courierlemail their application to:

Ms. Marjorie L. Torres

Chief Administrative Officer
UP-PGH, Taft Avenue, Manila


The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified
Annex: 0-25
Position: Engineer V
Core: • Planning and Delivering
• Service Ability to sequence actions and events and
Having the commitment to place customer identify resources needed in order to execute
satisfaction at the core of our organization's initiatives in an orderly and effective manner to
business achieve mission& vision goals.

• Professionalism • Managing Information

Adherence to courtesy, honesty and Ability to organize, process, distribute and
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty manage information In order to support or
facilitate the data requirements of the
• Integrity organization
Having moral discernment, it is doing the right
thing at all times and in all circumstances • Problem Solving and Decision Making
Ability to resolve deviations and/or select the
• Compassion appropriate alternative to situations, issues or
The motivation to relieve the suffering of dilemmas in order to identify or arrive at the
others most feasible and beneficial outcome, option or
• Excellence solution for the organization and/ or its
When we demand more from ourselves than stakeholders.
our clients do.
I-o--rg-a-n-i-za-t-io-n-a-I-:--------------------~L-e-a-d-e-r-sh-i~p_: ~
• Demonstrating Personal Effectiveness • Managing Performance and Coaching for
Ability to exercise self-direction and Results
motivation in fulfilling assigned task while Ability to create an enabling environment which
meeting set standards/requirements. will nurture and sustain a performance based,
coaching culture. Effectiveness In this
• Effective Communication
competency area also includes a strong focus on
Ability to interact with other people and
developing people for current and future needs,
convey thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal;
managing talent, promoting the value of
must be clear, direct to the point empathetic,
continuous learning and improvement.
spontaneous; must be a good receiver of
communication. • Creating and Nurturing a High Performing
• Building Strategic Relationship Organization
Initiates, cultivates and maintains strategic Ability to create a high performing
alliances with management and other organizational culture that is purpose driven,
stakeholders within and outside the results based, client focused and team oriented.
organization. Identifies and addresses obstacles.
• Building Collaborative and Inclusive
Collaborates with colleagues to achieve results Working Relationships
in alignment with the mission and vision of the Ability to build and maintain a network of
hospital/university .
reciprocal, high trust, synergistic working
• Championing and Applying Innovation relationships within the organization and across
Ability to contribute new ideas, approaches and government and relevant sectors. This involves
solutions to meet/address/respond to changing the ability to successfully leverage and
situations and to capitalize on opportunities and maximize opportunities for strategic influencing
drives results. within the organization and with external
Leadership: Technical/Functional:

• Thinking Strategically and Creatively • Supervisory Skills

Ability to efficiently plan, supervise, direct,
Ability to "see the big picture", think multi-
dimensionally, craft innovative solutions, coordinate and monitor the performance of the
identify connections between situations or division to guarantee work execution aligned
things that are not obviously related and come with the latest and sound engineering principles,
up with new ideas and different ways to enhance regulations and standards.
organizational effectiveness and responsiveness. • Communication
Ability to clearly convey and receive messages
• Leading Change
to meet the needs of all.
Ability to generate genume enthusiasm and
momentum for organizational change. It • Partnering with other Government Agencies
involves engaging and enabling groups to Ability to develop networks and build alliances
understand, accept and commit to the change with other government agencies and utilize
agenda. It also includes advancing and relationships to gain support for the
sustaining change. accomplishment of goals.

Technical/Functional: • Flexibility
Ability to work efficiently with a variety of
people and situations and adapt one's thinking,
• Risk Assessment behavior and style appropriately in dealing with
Ability to identify, analyze, evaluate and deal change. Adapting to different ways of thinking
with risks relative to the achievement of goals and doing things in a quick and positive manner.
and targets of the department.
• Data Management
• Risk Analysis Ability to analyze statistics and other data by
Ability to identify and analyze the dangers to interpreting and evaluating results to be able to
individuals, business and the agency posed by formulate a report and/or presentation as
potential natural and human-caused adverse reference to decision making.
• Stress Management
• Computer Skills Ability to cope with or lessen the physical and
Ability to operate standard personal computer emotional effects of everyday life pressure in
and use available computer software, the workplace.
applications and technology.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified

Annex: 0-22
Position: Engineer III

Core: leadership:
• Service • Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Having the commitment to place customer Ability to resolve deviations and exercise good
satisfaction at the core of our organization's judgment by using fact analysis and generating
business. and selecting appropriate courses of action to
produce positive results.
• Professionalism
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and ~O_r.:::g~a_n_iz_a_t_i_o_n_a_I_: --j
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty.
• Work Ethics
• Integrity Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
Having moral discernment which is doing the professional manner and conform to high ethical
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. standards. Ability to receive feedbacks and
corrections, learn from mistakes and make
• Compassion
The motivation to relieve the suffering of
others. • Decision Making
Ability to provide objective decisions on problems
• Excellence
affecting work; ability to exercise sound
Demanding more from ourselves than our
judgement at all times and can think positively by
clients do.
leadership: • Interpersonal Relationship
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with
• Thinking Strategically fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire people to
Ability to "see the big picture", think multi- achieve department goals.
dimensionally, craft innovative solutions,
identify connection between situations or • Innovation
things that are not obviously related and come Ability to exploit new ideas for the benefit of the
up with new ideas and different ways to organization.
enhance organizational effectiveness and • Oral/Written Communication
responsiveness. Ability to interact with other people and convey
• Achievement Orientation thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
Ability to use internal and external resources • Self-Projection
effectively to achieve individual, team and Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
organizational goals. undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
• Managing Performance and Coaching for composed in times of difficulties.
Results • Time Management
Ability to create an enabling environment Ability to spend time wisely and productively and
which will nurture and sustain a performance to report to work, meetings and other
based, coaching culture. Effectiveness in this engagements.
competency area also includes a strong focus
on developing people for current and future • Data Privacy
Ability to keep confidential matters as well as
needs, managing talent, promoting the value
ability to adhere to data privacy.
and continuous learning and improvement.
• Risk Assessment
Ability to identify, analyze, evaluate and deal with risks relative to the achievement of goals and targets of
the department.

• Risk Analysis
Ability to identify and analyze the dangers to individuals, businesses and the agency posed by potential
natural and human-caused adverse events.

• Computer Skills
Ability to operate standard personal computer and use available computer software, applications and

• Supervisory Skills
Ability to efficiently plan, supervise, direct, coordinate and monitor the performance of the Electrical,
Biomedical and PABX Sections or the Central Medical Gases and Vacuum Supply, Mechanical Shop and
Operations, Refrigeration and Airconditioning and Transportation to guarantee work execution aligned with
the latest and sound engineering principles, regulations and standards.

• Communication
Ability to clearly convey and receive messagesto meet the needs of all.

• Flexibility
Ability to work efficiently with a variety of people and situations and adapt one's thinking, behavior and
style appropriately in dealing with change. Adapting to different ways of thinking and doing things in a quick
and positive manner.

• Data Management
Ability to analyze statistics and other data by interpreting and evaluating results to be able to formulate a
report and/or presentation as reference to decision making.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified

Annex: 0-26
Position: Engineer II
Core: Leadership:
• Service • Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Having the commitment to place customer Ability to resolve deviations and exercise good
satisfaction at the core of our organization's judgment by using fact analysis and generating
business. and selecting appropriate courses of action to
produce positive results.
• Professionalism
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and ~O_r.=:=g~a_n_iz_a_t_i_o_n_a_I_:
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty.
• Work Ethics
• Integrity Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
Having moral discernment which is doing the professional manner and conform to high ethical
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. standards. Ability to receive feedbacks and
corrections, learn from mistakes and make
• Compassion
The motivation to relieve the suffering of
others. • Decision Making
Ability to provide objective decisions on problems
• Excellence
affecting work; ability to exercise sound
Demanding more from ourselves than our
judgement at all times and can think positively by
clients do.
Leadership: • Interpersonal Relationship
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with
• Thinking Strategically fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire people to
Ability to "see the big picture", think multi-
achieve department goals.
dimensionally, craft innovative solutions,
identify connection between situations or • Innovation
things that are not obviously related and come Ability to exploit new ideas for the benefit of the
up with new ideas and different ways to organization.
enhance organizational effectiveness and • Oral/Written Communication
responsiveness. Ability to interact with other people and convey
• Achievement Orientation thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
Ability to use internal and external resources • Self-Projection
effectively to achieve individual, team and Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
organizational goals. undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
• Managing Performance and Coaching for composed in times of difficulties.
Results • Time Management
Ability to create an enabling environment Ability to spend time wisely and productively and
which will nurture and sustain a performance to report to work, meetings and other
based, coaching culture. Effectiveness in this engagements.
competency area also includes a strong focus
on developing people for current and future • Data Privacy
Ability to keep confidential matters as well as
needs, managing talent, promoting the value
ability to adhere to data privacy.
and continuous learning and improvement.
• Risk Assessment
Ability to identify, analyze, evaluate and deal with risks relative to the achievement of goals and targets of
the department.

• Risk Analysis
Ability to identify and analyze the dangers to individuals, businesses and the agency posed by potential
natural and human-caused adverse events.

• Computer Skills
Ability to operate standard personal computer and use available computer software, applications and

• Infrastructure Project Planning and Implementation

Ability to efficiently plan, coordinate and monitor infrastructure projects to guarantee work execution
aligned with the latest and sound engineering principles, regulations and standards; ability to perform
regular inspection of ongoing infrastructure projects to ensure they are executed within completion date in
accordance with approved document; ability to prepare and submit periodic project accomplishment report
and to take immediate corrective action/s to prevent project delays.

• Communication
Ability to clearly convey and receive messagesto meet the needs of all.

• Flexibility
Ability to work efficiently with a variety of people and situations and adapt one's thinking, behavior and
style appropriately in dealing with change. Adapting to different ways of thinking and doing things in a quick
and positive manner.

• Data Management
Ability to analyze statistics and other data by interpreting and evaluating results to be able to formulate a
report and/or presentation as reference to decision making.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified

Annex: 0-11
Position: Mechanical Plant Supervisor II
Core: Leadership:
• Service • Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Having the commitment to place customer Ability to resolve deviations and exercise good
satisfaction at the core of our organization's judgment by using fact analysis and generating
business. and selecting appropriate courses of action to
• Professionalism produce positive results.
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and 1-----------------------+
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty. Organizational:
• Integrity
Having moral discernment which is doing the • Work Ethics
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
professional manner and conform to high ethical
• Compassion
standards. Ability to receive feedbacks and
The motivation to relieve the suffering of
corrections, learn from mistakes and make
• Excellence
• Decision Making
Demanding more from ourselves than our
Ability to provide objective decisions on problems
clients do.
affecting work; ability to exercise sound
judgement at all times and can think positively by
• Thinking Strategically • Interpersonal Relationship
Ability to "see the big picture", think multi- Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with
dimensionally, craft innovative solutions, fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire people to
identify connection between situations or achieve department goals.
things that are not obviously related and come
up with new ideas and different ways to • Oral/Written Communication
enhance organizational effectiveness and Ability to interact with other people and convey
thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
• Achievement Orientation • Self-Projection
Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
Ability to use internal and external resources
effectively to achieve individual, team and undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
composed in times of difficulties.
organizational goals.
• Managing Performance and Coaching for • Time Management
Ability to spend time wisely and productively and
to report to work, meetings and other
Ability to create an enabling environment
which will nurture and sustain a performance engagements.
based, coaching culture. Effectiveness in this • Data Privacy
competency area also includes a strong focus Ability to keep confidential matters as well as
on developing people for current and future ability to adhere to data privacy.
needs, managing talent, promoting the value
and continuous learning and improvement.

• Computer Skills
Ability to operate standard personal computer and use available computer software, applications and

• Supervisory Skills
Ability to efficiently plan, supervise, direct, coordinate and monitor the performance of the Refrigeration
and Air-conditioning and Transportation Units to guarantee work execution aligned with the latest and
sound engineering and land transportation principles, regulations and standards.

• Equipment, Tools and Supplies Inventory and Safekeeping

Ability to maintain organized and systematic inventory and safekeeping equipment, tools and supplies;
ability to prepare and submit procurement documents for maintenance and repair works equipment and

• Communication
Ability to clearly convey and receive messagesto meet the needs of all.

• Flexibility
Ability to work efficiently with a variety of people and situations and adapt one's thinking, behavior and
style appropriately in dealing with change. Adapting to different ways of thinking and doing things in a quick
and positive manner.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified
Annex: 0-13
Position: Draftsman III

Core: Technical/Functional:
• Communication
• Service
Ability to clearly convey and receive messages to
Having the commitment to place customer
meet the needs of all; Ability to express and
satisfaction at the core of our organization's
present recommendations and inputs for
submission of reports and updates on project
• Professionalism implementation.
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and responsibility
in the discharge of one's duty. • Flexibility
Ability to work efficiently with a variety of people
• Integrity
and situations and adapt one's thinking, behavior
Having moral discernment which is doing the right
thing at all times and in all circumstances. and style appropriately in dealing with change.
Adapting to different ways of thinking and doing
• Compassion
things in a quick and positive manner.
The motivation to relieve the suffering of others.
• Excellence Orga nizationa I:
Demanding more from ourselves than our clients
• Work Ethics
Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
Technical/Functional: professional manner and conform to high ethical
• Computer Skills standards. Ability to receive feedbacks and
Ability to operate standard personal computer corrections, learn from mistakes and make
and use available computer software, applications necessary improvements.
and technology.
• Decision Making
• Drafting Ability to provide objective decisions on problems
Ability to prepare and submit plan/s or schematic affecting work; ability to exercise sound judgment
design/s using AutoCad with specifications at all times and can think positively by oneself.
compliant to the latest requirements and
• Interpersonal Relationship
standards of infrastructure projects.
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with
• Infrastructure Planning, Implementation and fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire people
Monitoring to achieve department goals.
Ability to conduct, coordinate and contribute • Oral/Written Communication
knowledge and information related to Ability to interact with other people and convey
infrastructure planning, implementation and thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
monitoring aligned to current requirements and
standards. • Self Projection
Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
• Records Management undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
Ability to maintain, manage and update as needed composed in times of difficulties.
all infrastructure plans in hard copies and
electronic files for each completed infrastructure • Time Management
project. Ability to spend time wisely and productively and
• Communication to report to work, meetings and other
Ability to clearly convey and receive messages to engagements.
meet the needs of all; Ability to express and • Data Privacy
present recommendations and inputs for Ability to keep confidential matters as well as
submission of reports and updates on project ability to adhere to data privacy.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified

Annex: 0-14
Position: Metal Worker II

Core: Orga nizationa I:

• Service
Having the commitment to place customer • Work Ethics
satisfaction at the core of our organization's Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
business. professional manner and conform to high ethical
standards. Ability to receive feedback and
• Professionalism
corrections, learn from mistakes and necessary
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty
• Integrity • Decision Making
Having moral discernment which is doing the Ability to provide objective decisions on
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. problems affecting work; ability to exercise sound
• Compassion judgment at all times and can think positively by
The motivation to relieve the suffering of oneself.
• Inter-Personal Relationship
• Excellence Ability to deal with superiors courteously and
Demanding more from ourselves than our
with fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire
clients do.
people to achieve department goals.
• Oral/Written Communication
• Sheet Metal Works
Ability to interact with other people and convey
Ability to perform repair and replacement of
thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
roofing system, ducting, drain pan and other
similar structural components.
• Self-Projection
• Machinery Operation and Tools Utilization
Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
Ability to safely use equipments involved in
undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
sheet metal work.
composed in times of difficulties
• Understand Blueprints/Plans/Schematics
Ability to read and interpret sheet metal works • Time Management
and employ designs to execute his work Ability to spend time wisely and productively and
efficiently. to report on time to work, meetings and other
• Computer Skills engagements.
Ability to operate standard personal computer
and use available computer software,
applications and technology.

l GH ·...
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified

Annex: 0-5
Position: Administrative Aide V (Plumber II)

Core: Technical/Functional:
• Computer Skills
• Service
Ability to operate a standard personal computer
Having the commitment to place customer
and use available computer software, applications
satisfaction at the core of our organization's
ang technology.

• Professionalism Orga nizationa I:

Adherence to courtesy, honesty and
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty • Work Ethics
Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
• Integrity professional manner and conform to high ethical
Having moral discernment which is doing the standards. Ability to receive feedback and
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. correction, learn from mistakes and make
• Compassion necessaryimprovements.
The motivation to relieve the suffering of
• Decision Making
others. Ability to provide objective decisions on problems
• Excellence affecting work; ability to exercise sound judgment
Demanding more from ourselves than our at all times and can think positively by oneself.
clients do.
• Inter-Personal Relationship
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with
fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire people to
• Plumbing Works achieve department goals.
Ability to perform repair and maintenance
• Oral/Written Communication
works on plumbing and drainage systems
Ability to interact with other people and convey
fixture; Ability to perform routine and timely
thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
preventive and corrective works.
• Machinery Operation and Tools Utilization • Self-Projection
Ability to safely use equipment involved in and Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
implement plumbing works. undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
composed in times of difficulties
• Understanding Blueprints/Plans/Schematics
Ability to Ability to read and interpret • Time Management
plumbing works and employ designs to Ability to spend time wisely and productively and
execute his work efficiently. to report to work, meetings and other
• Monitoring and Operation of Water System engagements.
Ability to conduct regular monitoring and
operation of hospital water system to ensure
reliable and normal 24/7 water provision.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified
Annex: 0-27
Position: Engineering Assistant/ Administrative Assistant II (Clerk IV)
/ Administrative Aide VI (Clerk III)

Core: Technical/Functional:
• Written Communications
• Service
Ability to follow standard protocol in written
Having the commitment to place customer
satisfaction at the core of our organization's communications.
business 1-----------------------+
• Professionalism
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and • Work Ethics
Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty
professional manner and conform to high ethical
• Integrity standards. Ability to receive feedback and
Having moral discernment which is doing the correction, learn from mistakes and make
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. necessaryimprovements.
• Compassion • Decision Making
The motivation to relieve the suffering of
Ability to provide objective decisions on problems
others. affecting work; ability to exercise sound judgment
• Excellence at all times and can think positively by oneself.
Demanding more from ourselves than our
• Inter-Personal Relationship
clients do.
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with
Technical/Functional: fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire people to
achieve department goals.
• Recording and Filing
• Oral/Written Communication
Ability to effectively and efficiently record,
Ability to interact with other people and convey
coordinate and file the documents received in
thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
a timely manner including incoming and
outgoing communications in an organized and
• Self-Projection
systematic manner for easy retrieval.
Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
• Utilizing Computer Devices and Office undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
Equipment composed in times of difficulties
Ability to properly operate and utilize
computer devices and other office equipment • Time Management
in preparing requests, communications or Ability to spend time wisely and productively and
other assigned tasks. Ability to type accurately to report to work, meetings and other
and with sufficient details required in forms. engagements.

• Handling Telephone Callsand Visitors

• Data Privacy
Ability to answer promptly, with courtesy and Ability to keep confidential matters as well as
to relay immediately with accurate and ability to adhere to data privacy.
sufficient details; ability to receive and write
messageswith accuracy and completeness for
concerned recipient's information.

The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
I' )()-;,?
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
tso O()() 1rprtifipd
Annex: M.S
Position: Medical Specialist
Core: Organizational:

• Service • Organizing
Having the commitment to place customer Ability to train residents and other medical
satisfaction at the core of our organization's students, help in research activities of the
business residents, support in rendering servicesto
patients, as well as scientific and professional
• Professionalism activities of the department, in line with the
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and mission and vision of the department.
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty
• Leading
• Integrity Ability to lead the residents, in conformity and
Having moral discernment which is doing the observance to hospital policies.
right thing at all times and in all circumstances.
• Departmental Responsibilities
• Compassion Ability to be in charge of various clinical posts
The motivation to relieve the suffering of others. of the department, rendering quality services
• Excellence available from the department to patients and
Demanding more from ourselves than our clients clinicians.
do. • Supervision of Residents
Ability to supervise and teach residents on how
Technical/Functional: patients in the wards should be managed.
• Communication with other Consultants
• Regular Rounds
Ability to communicate with consultants of
Ability to personally make rounds with the
residents in his or her service at least once a other services, if needed, regarding
administrative problems in the care of the
service's patients, and suggest solutions for
• Availability to Receive Referrals or Consults such.
Ability to accommodate and receive referrals or • Time Management
consults from the service residents regarding the Ability to come on time during official
care of their patients even if they are not functions, engagements and meetings.
physically present in the wards.
• Professional/Ethical Conduct
• Evaluation of Residents Ability to deal with patients and hospital
Ability to objectively evaluate clinical personnel in a professional manner and
performance of residents using a standard conforming to high ethical standards.
evaluation tool.
• Self-projection
Ability to project a positive and pleasant
outlook through personal grooming and
• Inter-personal Relationship
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and
with fellow employees fairly and inspire people
to achieve hospital goals.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified
Annex: MO - 4
Position: Medical Officer IV


• Organizational Development • Excellence

Ability to conceptualize, develop and Demanding more from ourselves than our
implement initiatives related to clients do.
organizational development of the ORGANIZATIONAL:
department. 1----------------------------------------+
• Time Management
• Service
Ability to identify completely ahead of time Ability to spend time wisely and productively
the materials which will be needed for and to report on time to work, meetings and
quality treatment of patients. other engagements.

• Performance Monitoring • Inter-Personal Relationship

Ability to track of, regularly, the Ability to deal with superiors courteously and
subordinates' accomplishments and the with fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire
improvement of their proficiency levels. people to achieve department goals
• Patient Relation
Ability to examine, diagnose and treat • Self-Projection
patients in an efficient and professional Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
manner. undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
composed in times of difficulties
• Training
Ability to assist the Chair and consultants in
• Medical Ethics
determining residents' and students' training
Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
needs, and design, implement and evaluate
professional manner and conforming to high
effectiveness of the training program.
ethical standards.
• Liaison
Ability to effectively coordinate activities of • Planning
the department with the other units of the Ability to establish the department goals and
hospital, college and university. action plans in compliance with the hospital's
mission, strategies and policies.
• Service • Organizing
Having the commitment to place customer Ability to assign required tasks to all resident
satisfaction at the core of our organization's staff and allocate needed resource in an
business effective and efficient manner.
• Professionalism
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and • Leading
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty Ability to motivate the resident staff and
demonstrate visible commitment and
• Integrity consistent adherence to department policies.
Having moral discernment which is doing the
right thing at all times and in all
• Controlling
circumstances. Ability to monitor the performance of the
• Compassion resident staff and keep track of the department
The motivation to relieve the suffering of projects, activities and goals.

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