UP-PGH Request For Publication 20-Sep-24

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CS Form No.

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Republic of the Philippines
Request for Publication of Vacant Positions


We hereby request the publication of the following vacant positions, which are authorized to be filled, at the UNIVERSITY~LlPPINES PGH
MANILA in the CSC website: ,
Ms. Marjorie . Torres ¥
Date: 20-Sep-24

Position Title Salary! Qualification Standards

(Parenthetical Plantilla Item Job! Monthly Place of
Title, if No. Pay Salary Education Competency Assignment
Training Experience Eligibility
applicable) Grade (if applicable)
Career Service
Records Officer UPSB-R01- Bachelor's (Professional) Pis. see attached Philippine General
1 10 24381 None required None required
I 97-1998 degree Second Level Annex M.R Hospital
Career Service
Completion of
Administrative (Subprofession
UPSB-ADA6- two years Pis. see attached Philippine General
2 Aide VI (Clerk 6 18255 None required None required al)
2169-2004 studies in Annex G Hospital
III) First Level
None required
UPSB- Elementary (MC 11, s.
Nursing Pis. see attached Philippine General
3 NATI2-495- 6 18255 School None required None required 1996, as
Attendant II Annex N.A Hospital
1998 Graduate amended,
None required
UPSB- Elementary (MC 11, s.
Nursing Pis. see attached Philippine General
4 NATT2-638- 6 18255 School None required None required 1996,as
Attendant II Annex N.A Hospital
1998 Graduate amended,
8 hours of
relevant training
on the delivery
1 year of
of psychological
services which
Master's experience
UPSB-PSY2- include RA 10029 Pis. see attached Philippine General
5 Psychologist II 15 38413 degree in involving the
61-2020 psychological (Psychologist) Annex PS-2 Hospital
Psychology delivery of
assessment and
Physical UPSB-PHT1- degree in Pis. see attached Philippine General
6 11 28512 None required None required RA 1080
Therapist I 21-2020 Physical Annex P.T-1 Hospital
degree major
1 year of
Nutritionist- UPSB-ND2- in Nutrition, 4 hours of Pis. see attached Philippine General
7 15 38413 relevant RA 1080
Dietitian II 24-1998 Dietetics or relevant training Annex 0-2 Hospital

Interested and qualified applicants should signify their interest in writing. Attach the following documents to the application letter and send to the address below
not later than September 30, 2024.

1. Fully accomplished Personal Data Sheet (PDS) with recent passport-sized picture (CS Form No. 212, Revised 2017) which can be downloaded at
2. Performance rating in the last rating period (if applicable);
3. Photocopy of certificate of eligibility/ratingllicense; and
4. Photocopy of Transcript of Records.

QUALIFIED APPLICANTS are advised to hand in or send through courier/email their application to:
Ms. Marjorie L Torres
Chief Administrative Officer
UP-PGH, Taft Avenue, Manil~


The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified
Annex: M.R
Position: RecordsOfficer I

• Work Ethics
• Service Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
Having the commitment to place customer professional manner and conforming to high
satisfaction at the core of our organization's ethical standards.
• Decision Making
• Professionalism Ability to provide objective decisions on
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and problems affecting work; ability to exercise
responsibility in the dischargeof one's duty sound judgment at a" times and can think
• Integrity positively by oneself.
Having moral discernment which is doing the
• Inter-Personal Relationship
right thing at a" times and in a" circumstances.
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and
• Compassion with fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire
The motivation to relieve the suffering of people to achievedepartment goals.
• Oral/Written Communication
• Excellence Ability to interact with other people and convey
Demanding more from ourselves than our thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
clients do.
• Self-Projection
TECHNICAL/FUNCTIONAL: Ability to exude an aura of confidence in a"
undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
composedin times of difficulties
• With preference in knowledge on the use of
Radish and ERP system, as well as the • Time Management
understanding of the Data Privacy Act. Ability to spend time wisely and productively
and to report on time to work, meetings and
• With basic knowledge ill Health Records
other engagements.
Keeping and Management.

• Can communicate effectively with • Managing Information

management. Ability to organize, process, distribute and
manage information in order to support or
facilitate the data requirements of the
• Prospective incumbentls shall be assigned at organization
DEM - Palistahan.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 900lCertified

Annex: G
Position: Administrative Aide VI (Clerk III)

Core: Organizational:
• Service • Work Ethics
Having the commitment to place customer Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a
satisfaction at the core of our organization's professional manner and conforming to high
business ethical standards.
• Professionalism • DecisionMaking
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and Ability to provide objective decisions on
responsibility in the dischargeof one's duty problems affecting work; ability to exercise
sound judgment at all times and can think
• Integrity
positively by oneself.
Having moral discernment which is doing the
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. • Inter-Personal Relationship
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and
• Compassion
with fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire
The motivation to relieve the suffering of
peopleto achievedepartment goals.
• Oral/Written Communication
• Excellence
Ability to interact with other people and convey
Demanding more from ourselves than our
thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal.
clients do.
• Self-Projection
Technical/Functional: Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
• Ability to perform a variety of clerical and
administrative tasks (sorting, collating, filing, composedin times of difficulties
retrieving, issuing and maintaining of records and • Time Management
files for easy reference) Ability to spend time wisely and productively
• Adept in recording, checking of files/documents and to report on time to work, meetings and
receivedand in recording of incoming and outgoing other engagements.
• Ability to properly operate and utilize computer
devices and other office equipment (personal
computer, printer, manual or electric typewriter,
photocopying machine, fax machine, etc.) with
preferencein the useof Radishand ERPsystems.

• Ability to store, issueand maintain recordsof office


• Ability to assist patient/client inquiries via

telephone callsand personalcorrespondences.

• Ability to prepare/consolidate reports and other

job related request/so
Annex N.A

Subject: Nursing Attendant II

Competence Title Desired

Competence Definition
Competency Level
1. Human Resource Ability to participate in activities for the personal and 4
Management professional capability of the nursing personnel towards
enhanced and dynamic productivity, efficiency and effectivity in
the nursing care units.
2. Unit Management Ability to practice safe and proper utilization, allocation and 4
maintenance of resources within the nursing care unit for the
equitable delivery of nursing care services.
3. Networking and Ability to establish collaborative relationship with colleagues 4
Linkages and other members of the healthcare team.
1. Quality Patient Care Ability to assist in the delivery of safe and effective nursing 4
care services.
2. Training and Ability to participate in learning and experiential 4
Education opportunities for career and personal growth.
3. Research Involvement in research related activities within the 4
Philippine General Hospital.
1. Time Management Ability to report on time during official functions, 4
engagements and meetings.

Ability to finish assigned tasks within the specified time.

2. Work Ethics Ability to deal with clients, colleagues, and fellow 4
employees in a professional manner conforming to high
ethical standards.
3. Self-Projection Ability to appear neat and well groomed. 4
Ability to observe proper decorum.
Ability to project a caring attitude.
4. Interpersonal Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with fellow 4
Relationship employees fairly and a team player to achieve hospital goals.

4 Expert on the job; can teach others
3 Can do improvements on the assigned job
2 Can do the job effectively and efficiently; meeting all planned requirements of the job
1 Familiar with the job; still needs guidance in the execution of the job
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 900 I Certified
Annex: P.S-2
Position: Psychologist II
Core: Technical/Functional:
• Service • Deputy Chief
Having the commitment to place customer Ability to perform management and
satisfaction at the core of our organization's administrative functions relevant to the section;
business. perform other duties assignedby the department
chair or section chief to whom she/he is directly
• Professionalism
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and
responsibilityin the dischargeof one's duty. • Staff Member
Ability to perform all other duties as may be
• Integrity
assigned by the department chair and section
Having moral discernment which is doing the
chief to whom she/he is directly accountable;
right thing at all times and in all circumstances.
actively participate in special projects and
• Compassion activities of the department including research;
The motivation to relieve the suffering of actively participate in conference and meetings
others. that requires his/her attendance; provide patient
care (diagnostic and therapeutic) in accordance
• Excellence
with the guidelines and standards set by the
Demanding more from ourselves than our
section/department; actively participate in
clients do.
training activitiesof the department.
Organizational: • Equipments and Supplies Office
• Work Ethics Ability to ensurethe maintenanceof the section's
Ability to deal with clients and other parties in a different equipment and materials; formulate
professional manner and conforming to high and/ or revisepoliciesand guidelinesto ensureits
ethical standards. availabilityand quality.
• Decision Making • Archives Forms and Documentations Officer
Ability to provide objective decisions on Ability to ensurethe availability and quality of all
problems affecting work; ability to exercise the forms, and documents such as evaluation
sound judgment at all times and can think reports,test materialsand home programs.
positivelyby oneself.
• Training Officer
• Inter-Personal Relationship Ability to assistin the formulation of the training
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and program of the department and of the section as
with fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire guided by the objectives set by the department;
peopleto achievedepartment goals. participates in the preparation of the scheduleof
• Oral/Written Communication all training activities; keep and accurately record
Ability to interact with other people and convey all the necessarydata for the training program;
thoughts whether verbal or non-verbal. conducts orientations, lectures and moderate
presentationswhen necessary.
• Self-Projection
Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all • Clinician
undertakings and to carry one's self calm and Ability to provide psychological assessment
composedin times of difficulties procedures as well as managementfor patients
referred to the section; write evaluation reports;
• Time Management participate as relevant in the caseconferenceof
Ability to spend time wisely and productively the different specialty clinics ( Burn, Cardiac,
and to report on time to work, meetings and Stroke,Pediaetc.) .
other engagements.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified

Annex: P.T-l
Position: Physical Therapist I
Core: • Self-Projection
• Service Ability to exude an aura of confidence in all
Having the commitment to place customer undertakings and to carry one's self calm and
satisfaction at the core of our organization's composed in times of difficulties
business • TIme Management
Ability to spend time wisely and productively
• Professionalism
and to report on time to work, meetings and
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and
other engagements.
responsibility in the discharge of one's duty
• Integrity
Having moral discernment which is doing the • Conducting Physical Therapy Evaluation
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. Ability to perform accurately and safely physical
therapy assessment procedures and operate
• Compassion equipment to patients in all PTclinics.
The motivation to relieve the suffering of • Implementing Therapeutic Exercises
others. Ability to administer therapeutic exercise
procedures or instruct the patient to correctly and
• Excellence safely perform therapeutic exercisesto achieve PT
Demanding more from ourselves than our treatment goals in all PTclinics.
clients do.
• Administering Physical Modalities
Ability to correctly and safely operate PT
Organizationa I: equipment or machinery to achieve PT treatment
goals in all PTclinics.
• Work Ethics
Ability to deal with clients and other parties in • Recording PT assessment and Treatment
a professional manner and conforming to high Procedures
ethical standards. Ability to accurately document and maintain
records of PT assessment and treatment
• Decision Making procedures.
Ability to provide objective decisions on
problems affecting work; ability to exercise • Conducting Maintenance of all PT Facilities and
sound judgment at all times and can think
Ability to monitor good working conditions of all PT
positively by oneself.
facilities and equipment, recognition of defective
• Inter-Personal Relationship or below-par performance and prepare the
Ability to deal with superiors courteously and necessaryjob order request.
with fellow employees fairly. Ability to inspire • Appraising Trainee Performance
people to achieve department goals. Ability to recognize strengths and weaknessesof
trainee while performing training activities.
• Oral/Written Communication
• Appraising Progress of Programs and Projects
Ability to interact with other people and
Ability to recognize status, strengths and
convey thoughts whether verbal or non- weaknessesof section projects or programs.
The National University Hospital
University of the Philippines Manila
Taft Avenue, Manila
(PHIC-Accredited Health Care Provider)
ISO 9001 Certified
Annex: 0-2
Position: Nutritionist-Dietitian II
CORE: • Recording foodstuff (contract and negotiated)
deliveries and petty cash purchases. (Food
Procurement and CostAccounting)
• Service
Having the commitment to place customer • Certifying the accuracy of Disbursement Vouchers.
satisfaction at the core of OUf" organization's (Food Procurement and CostAccounting)

• Professionalism
• Orienting, supervising and evaluating subordinate
personnel. (Food Procurement and CostAccounting)
Adherence to courtesy, honesty and
responsibility in the dischargeof one's duty • Requesting, issuing and checking Inventory of
housekeeping supplies. (Food Production and
• Integrity
Having moral discernment which is doing the Personnel Management, Meal Planning and
right thing at all times and in all circumstances. Storeroom Control)

• Compassion • Checking and Supervising Storage and inventory of

The motivation to relieve the suffering of others. foodstuffs. (Food Production and Personnel
Management, Meal Planning and Storeroom Control)
• Excellence
Demandingmore from ourselvesthan our clients • Testing/Standardizing recipes and portion servings.
do. (Food Production and Personnel Management, Meal
Planning and Storeroom Control)
• Providingquality and timely nutritional careto all +-----------------""'""'------1
in-patients. (Charity (Surgery) Dietitian)
• Oral/Written Communication
• Conducting accurate diet instruction and
Ability to interact with other people and convey
nutrition/education lectures to patients and
thoughts whether verbal or non- verbal.
watchers. (Charity (Surgery) Dietitian)
• Interpersonal Relationship.
• Conducting training programs to students, Ability to deal with superiors courteously and with
personnel, medical and paramedicalstaff. fellow employees fairly, and inspire people to
achievedepartment's goals.
• Relievingduties as needed.
• Time Management
• Directing and supervising meal service and Comeson time during official functions, engagement
plating of regular diet. (Late Meal Service and and meetings.
Equipment Control)
• Business Ethics
• Ability to prepare/consolidate reports and other Ability to deal with clients, business partners and
job related request/so other parties in a professional manner and
conforming to high ethical standards.
• In-charge of equipment control. (Late Meal
Service and Equipment Control) • Self Projection
Ability to project a confident and pleasant outlook in
• Preparing and submitting reports.(Late Meal all undertakings.
Service and Equipment Control)
• Decision- Making
• Updating job description. (Late Meal Service and Ability to provide objective decisions to problems
Equipment Control) affecting work. Exercise sound judgment. Thinks
• Checking/Supervising preparation of table
appointments and venue of all catering
services/special functions of the hospital. (Late
Meal Service and Equipment Control)

• Receiving and inspecting foodstuffs/deliveries.

(Food Procurement and CostAccounting)

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