Winding Filament Theory
Winding Filament Theory
Winding Filament Theory
Figure 1. (a) Schematic of a skeletal muscle half-sarcomere illustrating the layout of titin (yellow with a red N2A segment).
Each titin molecule is bound to the thin filaments (blue) in the I-band, and to the thick filaments (green) in the A-band.
Note that, for simplicity, thick filaments are illustrated as double-stranded, whereas in vertebrate skeletal muscle, they are
actually triple-stranded. The N2A segment is located between the proximal tandem Ig segment and the PEVK segment.
(b,c) Ca2þ-dependent binding of N2A to thin filaments. (b) Resting sarcomere at slack length at low Ca2þ concentration
(pCa ¼ 9). (c) Upon Ca2þ influx (pCa ¼ 4.5), N2A titin binds to the thin filament (blue), which shortens and stiffens the
titin spring in active sarcomeres.
composed of the distal immunoglobulin (Ig) domains of spring at low force, but as an enthalpic, or Hookean,
six titin molecules, emerges from the tip of each thick fila- spring at higher forces [14,31]. As sarcomeres are stretched
ment at the A/I junction [24]. Interaction among the Ig from a resting length of 2.1–3.5 mm, the length of PEVK
domains maintains the axial position of the end filament increases more than 10-fold [14]. At physiological sarco-
at the centre of the hexagonal array of thin filaments mere lengths, elongation of PEVK largely determines the
that surround each thick filament [24]. passive elasticity of skeletal myofibrils and cardiac myocytes
The carboxy terminus of titin is located at the M-line, [28,32]. The sarcomere length at which passive tension
where titin filaments from adjacent half-sarcomeres with increases varies with the titin isoform expressed in different
opposite polarity overlap [15]. In the A-band, titin is muscles [28].
composed of repeating fibronectin (FNIII) and Ig
domains, rendered inextensible by their tight association
with the thick filament [25]. In the I-band, titin is com- 4. IS THERE A ROLE FOR TITIN IN ACTIVE MUSCLE?
posed of proximal and distal tandem Ig segments that In active muscle fibres, Ca2þ influx increases tension and
flank the PEVK region. The proximal tandem Ig and stiffness of a non-cross-bridge structure, possibly titin
PEVK segments function as springs in series [14,26]. In [19]. In both PEVK fragments and single muscle fibres,
the Z-disc, titin is anchored to thin filaments, a-actinin, Labeit et al. [20] demonstrated not only that Ca2þ influx
and anti-parallel titin molecules from the adjacent sarco- increases titin stiffness, but also that increasing Ca2þ in
mere [27]. Overlap of titin molecules in both Z-discs and myofibrils results in a leftward shift of the force–extension
M-lines produces a titin filament system that is continu- curve. However, the effects of Ca2þ on titin stiffness
ous along the entire length of every myofibril [15]. observed in these studies are approximately 10 times too
small to account for the observed increase in parallel elastic
stiffness of muscle fibres upon calcium activation [19].
3. TITIN CONTRIBUTES TO MUSCLE Force enhancement in muscle is an increase in steady-
PASSIVE TENSION state force after active stretch above the isometric force at
Numerous studies have described the passive force– a corresponding length [6], which has been attributed to
extension relationship for intact myofibrils, as well as for recruitment of a passive element [33]. In addition, the
individual titin molecules or portions thereof [14,20,28]. passive force after deactivation of an actively stretched
At shorter sarcomere lengths, passive stretch straightens muscle fibre is higher than the force produced after pas-
the folded Ig domains of I-band titin with little increase sive stretch, or after deactivation from an isometric
in passive tension [28,29]. At longer sarcomere lengths, contraction at a corresponding length [18], further
the PEVK domain elongates and the passive tension suggesting that ‘passive force enhancement’ is owing to
increases steeply [26,30]. PEVK behaves as an entropic recruitment of a passive element, namely titin [18].
Joumaa et al. [34] measured passive force enhancement in shorter lengths compared with resting muscle; the titin
myofibrils in which active force production was prevented spring is approximately 10 per cent shorter and approxi-
by removal of troponin C. Like Labeit et al. [20], they also mately 2.5 times stiffer in active soleus muscles than in
observed a Ca2þ-induced increase in titin-based stiffness, resting soleus muscles. By contrast, no change in the
but the increase was too small to account for passive force length or stiffness of the titin spring is observed upon acti-
enhancement. They proposed that passive force enhance- vation of muscles from mdm mice, which are missing
ment not only requires Ca2þ influx, but also requires numerous amino acids in the N2A region [39]. These
cross-bridge formation or active force production [34]. observations are consistent with the hypothesis that bind-
In myofibrils stretched beyond overlap of the thick and ing of N2A titin to thin filaments on Ca2þ influx shortens
thin filaments (sarcomere length (SL) . 3.8 mm), Leo- and stiffens the titin spring.
nard & Herzog [35] also found evidence for both an
activation-dependent and a force-dependent increase in
titin stiffness. These data demonstrate that titin stiffness 6. Ca21-DEPENDENT N2A –ACTIN INTERACTIONS
is increased by Ca2þ influx and force development in active CONTRIBUTE TO LENGTH –TENSION
muscle. The winding filament hypothesis, described RELATIONSHIP
below, provides molecular mechanisms for effects of If N2A titin could bind at multiple locations along the
both Ca2þ influx and cross-bridge cycling on titin-based length of the thin filaments, then muscle force and vel-
tension in active sarcomeres. ocity [41] would remain relatively constant as sarcomere
length increased (figure 2a,b). In this way, Ca2þ-depen-
dent binding of N2A titin to thin filaments would
5. Ca21-DEPENDENT BINDING OF TITIN TO reinforce the plateau in the active length –tension relation-
THIN FILAMENTS ship, which corresponds to the cross-bridge free zone in
The N2A region (figure 1b,c) is in the ideal position for the middle of the thick filaments [42].
modulation of titin stiffness through Ca2þ-dependent An unsolved question in muscle physiology is why car-
binding to thin filaments. Binding of titin to actin at diac muscles, in contrast to skeletal muscles, have no
this location would eliminate low-force straightening of plateau in their active length – tension relationship. The
proximal tandem Ig domains in the I-band that normally plateau is expected to be at least as broad or broader in
occurs upon passive stretch of myofibrils at slack length cardiac than in skeletal muscles [42] on the basis of varia-
[14]. Furthermore, when Ca2þ-activated sarcomeres are bility in thin filament lengths [43]. In contrast to skeletal
stretched, the PEVK segment will elongate at high muscles, which express the N2A isoform of titin, cardiac
force. If Ca2þ-dependent binding between N2A titin myocytes in the ventricles of mice and rats express only
and thin filaments could be prevented, then active force the N2B isoform [44], which shows no Ca2þ-dependent
production should decrease at short sarcomere lengths. binding to actin [45]. Therefore, like muscles from mdm
Any strain developed in titin would straighten the mice, cardiac myocytes are predicted to lack binding of
tandem Ig segments at low force rather than extend the N2A titin to the thin filaments. Cardiac myocytes of
PEVK segment at higher force. Thus, any contribution rats and mice exhibit no plateau in active force [46,47].
of titin to the total active force would be reduced. By contrast, cardiac myocytes from trout express the
The available evidence suggests that titin binds to thick larger N2BA isoform, which includes both N2A and
filaments in the presence of Ca2þ. However, the location N2B isoforms, and is therefore predicted to exhibit
of the binding site within the giant titin molecule remains Ca2þ-dependent binding to thin filaments. The increased
unknown. In skeletal muscle, a product of titin proteolysis compliance of trout myocardium provided by the N2AB
(T2) binds to actin and reconstituted thin filaments with isoform allows for greater extension during diastolic fill-
high affinity in a Ca2þ-dependent manner [36]. This T2 ing. As predicted by the hypothesis, trout cardiac
fragment (approx. 2 MDa, approx. 920 nm) includes myocytes, like skeletal muscles, exhibit a plateau in the
the C-terminal and A-band FNIII and Ig domains, length – tension relationship [48].
PEVK and part of the N2A region [37]. The N2A An important difference between cardiac and skeletal
region contains an epitope that binds p94/calpain3 [38]. muscle is that cardiac muscle is never stretched while
It is thought that the T2 fragment forms when p94/cal- active, although it does experience passive lengthening
pain3 digests titin near this binding site in the N2A during diastolic filling [49]. Thus, there is no need for a
region. In the absence of Ca2þ, there is a weak interaction Ca2þ-dependent increase in titin stiffness in cardiac muscle.
between T2 and thin filaments, but when Ca2þ increases By contrast, skeletal muscle is routinely active during stretch
(pCa ¼ 4.5), the affinity of T2 for thin filaments increases [49–51] and possesses an isoform of titin (N2A) that
[36]. The location of the Ca2þ-dependent actin-binding is hypothesized to increase in stiffness on Ca2þ activation.
site within the large T2 fragment remains to be identified.
We suggest that this Ca2þ-dependent actin-binding
site is located at the N-terminal end of the T2 fragment 7. DOES CROSS-BRIDGE CYCLING ROTATE
in the N2A region of titin (figure 1b,c). Our recent work THE THIN FILAMENTS?
on intact soleus muscles of mutant mice (mdm) suggests In active muscle sarcomeres, cross-bridges probably
that an epitope of titin, in or near the N2A region, rotate as well as translate the thin filaments. Given the
binds to thin filaments in the presence of Ca2þ [39]. In structure of the thick and thin filaments, Morgan [10]
mice, the mdm mutant is characterized by a 779 base- showed that maintenance of stereospecific binding
pair deletion in the N2A region of the titin gene [40]. between an actin monomer and its three neighbouring
During rapid unloading in muscles of wild-type mice, thick filaments requires the thin filaments to rotate by
activation shifts the force– displacement curve towards approximately 288 as the myosin heads translate the
end of
(a) cross-bridge thin
overlap zone filament
2.4 µm
(b) 2.6 µm
Figure 2. Schematic illustrating the winding filament hypothesis. (a,b) Ca2þ-dependent binding of N2A to thin filaments con-
tributes to length–tension relationship. If N2A (red) binds non-selectively to thin filaments (blue) in the presence of Ca2þ, and
if the binding site depends on sarcomere length at the time of Ca2þ influx, then a plateau is predicted in active force at sarco-
mere lengths between (a) 2.4 and (b) 2.6 mm in rabbit psoas muscle. (c,d) Cross-bridge cycling results in titin winding.
(c) Cycling of the cross-bridges winds PEVK on the thin filaments (arrow indicates direction of rotation). In the model, the
winding angle depends only on sarcomere geometry. (d) Stretch of an active sarcomere extends the PEVK segment and
enhances the active force.
length of one actin monomer (approx. 5.5 nm). This rotation of thin filaments during force development and
would produce one full rotation of the thin filaments for active shortening.
every approximately 71.5 nm of translation. Changes in Z-disc structure upon muscle activation are
Rotation of actin filaments by heavy meromyosin has also consistent with thin filament rotation. In the Z-disc,
been observed in vitro [52 – 54]. Nishizaka et al. [53] each thin filament is anchored to its neighbours by four
observed that myosin heads produce a right-handed a-actinin ‘lanyards’ that form a small square pattern in
torque on actin filaments along their long axis, which resting sarcomeres when viewed in cross section [57].
winds up the right-handed twists of the actin double When muscles develop isometric force or shorten isotoni-
helix. In vitro, where the interactions between actin and cally, Z-disc structure changes from a small square to a
myosin are more diffuse than in muscle sarcomeres, basket-weave pattern [57]. This change in the orientation
actin filaments complete one full turn of rotation for of a-actinin is consistent with thin filament rotation [58].
every 1 mm of translation [54].
In a muscle sarcomere, because the actin filaments are
anchored to the Z-disc, cross-bridges could produce 8. THE WINDING FILAMENT HYPOTHESIS
twisting of the thin filaments in addition to rotation, Because titin is bound to thick filaments in the A-band
which could reduce the helical pitch of the actin helix and to thin filaments in the Z-disc [23], rotation of thin
[53]. Using X-ray diffraction, changes in the helical pitch filaments by the cross-bridges must lead inevitably to
of thin filaments have been observed in active muscle winding of titin upon them. Rotation of the thin filaments
fibres [55,56], although a confounding factor is that the by the cross-bridges would also produce a torque in
thin filaments also change in length during activation. a-actinin in the Z-disc. Winding of titin on the thin fila-
Bordas et al. [55] observed no difference in helical pitch ments is predicted to change the length and stiffness of
between fibres at rest and maximum isometric force, PEVK, storing elastic potential energy during isometric
although the thin filaments became longer at maximum iso- force development and active stretch. This energy could
metric force. The helical pitch of actin filaments decreased be recovered during active shortening.
during unloaded shortening. Tsaturyan et al. [56] found Unwinding of titin from the thin filaments could be
that thin filaments were more twisted in rigour than at prevented by electrostatic interactions between PEVK
rest. For a 1 mm long thin filament, the observed decrease and the thin filaments [31,45,59]. Spontaneous dis-
in helical pitch between rigour and rest corresponds to sociation rates of PEVK bound to actin are low, and the
a 2708 right-handed twist of the thin filaments. These force required to break the bonds is approximately equal
observations are consistent with the hypothesis that cross- to the force required to break an actomyosin cross-
bridge interactions with actin produce a right-handed bridge [59]. Unwinding of PEVK from the thin filaments
bound PEVK
thin filament
attachment fre
thick filament + distal Ig
r φ
Xw (bound length) dXw
rdf q
x( dd1
h eng
h q x
d1 d2–d1
Figure 3. Kinematics of titin winding. Winding angle (u) is the angle formed between the titin filament and a line (h) parallel to
the Z-disc. In the model, the winding angle is determined by sarcomere geometry and increases with sarcomere length. As the
winding angle (u) increases, the length of free PEVK (x) will decrease for a given angle of thin filament rotation ( f ). Abbrevi-
ations: d1, distance from the Z-disc to the point at which bound PEVK becomes free; d2, distance from the Z-disc to the distal
(C-terminal) end of PEVK; r, radius.
is hypothesized to occur (i) during active shortening [59] model, the winding angle is determined only by sarcomere
at low loads when the combined PEVK –actin and cross- geometry, and thus increases with sarcomere length. As thin
bridge forces are too low to hold the torques in titin and filament rotation (f ) increases, the length of the free PEVK
a-actinin, as well as (ii) during muscle relaxation. segment will decrease and the stress in this segment will
increase, thereby increasing its effective stiffness. However,
the edge between free and bound PEVK will also advance
9. TITIN WINDING DURING ISOMETRIC FORCE towards the M-line, reducing PEVK strain. In the model,
DEVELOPMENT AND ACTIVE STRETCH titin winding varies from approximately 2008 at 2.4 mm
During isometric force development, we propose that SL to approximately 308 at 3.7 mm SL. The proportion of
winding of titin on the thin filaments proceeds until the winding owing to twisting versus rotation of actin will
radial component of the cross-bridge force is equal to the depend on the rotational stiffness of actin versus a-actinin.
sum of the radial forces in titin and a-actinin. As force A nonlinear ordinary differential equation was used to
develops, the length of bound PEVK that is wound upon simulate the kinematics of PEVK winding and resulting
the thin filaments would increase, increasing strain, or stiff- axial forces for a given profile of thin filament rotation
ness, or both, in the free portion of PEVK (figure 2c). f(t) and sarcomere geometry. In the axial direction, the
When active sarcomeres are lengthened by application of total force is the sum of the axial forces produced by
an external force (figure 2d), the work done in elongating PEVK and the cross-bridges. In the axial plane, the
free PEVK would also be stored as elastic potential sum of the torques owing to radial forces produced by
energy, resulting in force enhancement at low energy cost. PEVK in the I-band and a-actinin in the Z-disc is equal
We developed a kinematic model (figure 3) to quantify and opposite to the torque produced by the cross-bridge
the effects of thin filament rotation on PEVK during iso- forces. Cross-bridge forces were calculated based on
metric force development and active stretch. The model is Pavlov et al. [60], PEVK forces were calculated based
based on a sarcomere structure similar to rabbit psoas on Linke et al. [14] and the torque in a-actinin was
muscle [14,60], with a thin filament diameter of 10 nm modelled as an exponential spring.
[61] and a titin filament diameter of 4 nm [23,62]. The Using this model, we simulated force enhancement on
length of the PEVK segment is approximately 104 nm the descending limb of the force–length relationship by
at SL ¼ 2.6 mm [14]. calculating the axial forces produced by the cross-bridges
Increasing strain and stiffness of PEVK owing to thin and titin in sarcomeres activated at different initial lengths,
filament rotation depend on the winding angle upon the and then stretched while active (figure 4). The results are
thin filament (figure 3). The winding angle (u) is defined qualitatively similar to experimental observations [63].
as the angle formed between the titin filament and a line These results demonstrate that the winding filament
(h) parallel to the Z-disc at the point at which PEVK is no hypothesis accounts for the observed pattern of residual
longer in contact with the thin filament (figure 3). In the force enhancement in actively stretched muscle.
stress (N mm–2)
2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000
sarcomere length (nm)
Figure 4. Simulation of residual force enhancement on the descending limb of the force– length relationship. Predicted axial
stress owing to cross-bridges (green) and PEVK (red). Total axial stress (blue) is the sum of axial stress owing to cross-bridges
and PEVK. Baselines show steady-state isometric stress. Branches show increased stress owing to stretch. Residual force
enhancement (black) is the increase in force owing to active stretching above the isometric force at the corresponding length.
10. TITIN WINDING DURING ACTIVE SHORTENING nonlinearity in shortening rate during after-loaded
During active shortening, cross-bridge interactions trans- isotonic contractions [66].
late the thin filaments towards the M-line, decreasing Hill [66] initially claimed that the heat of shortening
elastic energy storage in PEVK, but also rotate the thin increases monotonically with shortening velocity in active
filaments, increasing energy storage. Owing to the depen- muscles. His measurements were later revised, however,
dence of cross-bridge force, duty factor and step size on to show that the shortening heat levels off at about
shortening velocity [64,65], PEVK would increasingly 0.5Vmax and decreases thereafter despite the increase in
unwind from the thin filaments as the cross-bridge force shortening velocity [67]. Although the nature of this
declines with shortening velocity. In fact, without such relationship was well predicted by Huxley’s [68] two-state
unwinding, the amplitude of muscle shortening will be attachment model, the model does not specify the source
limited unrealistically by the bound PEVK. of the energy needed to increase contraction velocity
These considerations lead to the prediction that net above 0.5Vmax. (Note that this energy cannot come from
storage or recovery of elastic potential energy during ATP hydrolysis because the heat of shortening is declin-
active shortening should depend on the shortening vel- ing.) The winding filament model explains the levelling
ocity. For example, when a muscle shortens slowly and subsequent decline in ATPase rate with shortening vel-
against a load that is close to its maximum isometric ocity as an increase in the rate of conversion of elastic
force, the recovery of elastic energy from PEVK owing energy stored in PEVK to kinetic energy.
to thin filament translation will be small relative to the
energy stored in PEVK owing to thin filament rotation.
Furthermore, the high cross-bridge force and duty 11. INSTANTANEOUS ELASTICITY OF
factor will tend to prevent PEVK unwinding. Thus, the ACTIVE SARCOMERES
muscle will exhibit a net storage of elastic energy in It is widely accepted that the instantaneous elasticity of
PEVK despite shortening. active muscle fibres resides solely in the cross-bridges
By contrast, when a muscle shortens against a small [69]. Supporting evidence includes the observations that
load at a velocity close to Vmax, the cross-bridge force the change in length required to reduce the transient
and duty factor will be smaller and the step size will be force to zero (4–14 nm per half-sarcomere [70]) is of the
larger, so the rate of elastic energy recovery from PEVK order of a single cross-bridge step, and that the elastic
owing to thin filament translation would exceed the rate behaviour of stretched muscle fibres varies in direct
of energy storage owing to thin filament rotation. In proportion to the overlap between the thick and thin
addition, the reduced cross-bridge force would permit filaments [69].
PEVK unwinding, which would further increase recovery However, there is some disagreement about whether
of elastic potential energy. the cross-bridges alone can account for the instantaneous
Likewise, the winding filament model predicts that elasticity of active sarcomeres [71]. Working with permeabi-
shortening velocity should decline over time during iso- lized, isolated muscle fibres, Galler & Hilber [72] reported
tonic contractions at small loads as the elastic energy that the length change required to reduce the transient force
stored in PEVK is dissipated. Shortening velocity should to zero increased from 6 to 18 nm per half-sarcomere when
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