Conservation of Angular Momentum

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Civil Engineering Hydraulics

Mechanics of Fluids

Conservation of Angular

¢ If we look at the angular momentum of a body,
we consider the moment or torque that
produces the rotation
¢ The expression is slightly different than for
linear momentum

 
M = Iα
2 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

¢ Both expressions are similar in form but they do
differ in the units
¢ Both expressions do involve vector quantities

  dϖ
M = Iα = I
  dV
F = ma = m
Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

¢ Now we will shift our attention to utilizing the
conservation of angular momentum rather than
the conservation of linear momentum
¢ Linear momentum will still be conserved, we
are just looking at the system with a slightly
different viewpoint

  dϖ
M = Iα = I
4 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ In the same way that in statics when we used
the sum of the moments equal to 0 we did not
violate the sum of the forces being equal to 0
¢ Now we can consider conserving both linear
and angular momentum

  dϖ
M = Iα = I
5 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ A moment required a force to generate the
moment and a moment arm
¢ A change in angular momentum requires a
change in angular velocity and the moment of
inertia about the axis of rotation
¢ If either of these quantities change, then there
must be a corresponding change in the
moments or torques acting on  the system
  dϖ
M = Iα = I
Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ A flow with a mass flow rate m and a
tangential velocity of v (with respect to
a circle and a center of rotation), has
a linear momentum along the tangent
which is equal to the product of the
mass flow rate and the tangential

m v
7 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ If this represents a change in
momentum, then a force is generated.
¢ The force in turn generates a moment
about any point not on the line of
action of the force.
¢ The moment generated by this force
about the  center of rotation is given by

F = m v
    
M = r ⊗ F = r ⊗ m v
8 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ Since we started with a tangential
velocity the radius vector is normal to
the velocity vector and the magnitude
of the moment can be calculated as
 
F = m v
    
M = r ⊗ F = r ⊗ m v
M = rmv 
9 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ Tangential velocity can also be
defined in terms of angular velocity
 
F = m v
    
M = r ⊗ F = r ⊗ m v
M = rmv 
v = rω

10 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ So the moment can be developed in
terms of the angular velocity
 
F = m v
    
M = r ⊗ F = r ⊗ m v
M = rmv 
v = rω
M = rm ( rω ) = r 2 mω

11 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Angular Momentum
¢ Remember that the M is in response
to a change in angular momentum
 
F = m v
    
M = r ⊗ F = r ⊗ m v
M = rmv 
v = rω
M = rm ( rω ) = r 2 mω

12 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

6–73 Water enters a two-armed lawn sprinkler along the vertical axis at a
rate of 60 L/s, and leaves the sprinkler nozzles as 2-cm diameter jets at an
angle of θ from the tangential direction, as shown in Fig. P6–73. The length
of each sprinkler arm is 0.45 m. Disregarding any frictional effects, determine
the rate of rotation n. of the sprinkler in rev/min for (a) θ=0°, (b) θ=30°, and
(c) θ=60°.

13 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

In order to determine the rate of rotation, n, we will need to find the

tangential velocity of any point at a distance, r, from the center of
rotation. The expression relating the tangential velocity and the rate of
rotation is given as

n&= where n is in radians per minute
2π (rpm).
So to solve our problem(s), we will need to be able to solve for the
angular velocity.

14 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

There is an expression relating angluar velocity to tangential velocity.
The expression is
Since we know r, it is given in the problem, we need the tangential
component of the velocity to solve the problem. We need to solve for
the tangential velocity.

15 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

If we consider the circle developed by the radius of the sprinkler the

control volume, we can write out momentum expression for that control

r r r
∑ M = (∑mrV
& )
− (∑mrV
& )

Setting an x-y axis through the center of rotation of the sprinkler we can
write the velocity as a vector at each jet.

16 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Setting an x-y axis through the center of rotation of the sprinkler we can
write the velocity as a vector at each jet.

The velocity of the jet on each side of the system can be written as
shown below. Since the sprinkler arms are opposed to each other we
can set the x-axis along the axis arm.

r r r r r r
Vleft = V − sin θ i + cosθ j ) (
Vright = V sin θ i − cosθ j )
17 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

The change in angular momentum on the left side would be equal to the
cross produce of the radius of the sprinkler times the velocity on the left
side times the mass flow rate.
r r
( )
rleft = r − i
dHleft r r
=m ( )
&left rleft ⊗ Vleft
r r r
(( ) ( ))
=m&left r − i ⊗ V − sin θ i + cos θ j
dHleft r
= −m &left rV cos θ k

18 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

The change in angular momentum on the right side would be equal to
the cross produce of the radius of the sprinkler times the velocity on the
right side times the mass flow rate.
r r
rright = r i
dHright r r
=m ( )
&right rright ⊗ Vright
r r r
(() ( ))
=m &left r i ⊗ V sin θ i − cos θ j
dHright r
= −m&right rV cos θ k

19 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Since the mass flow rate is the same from both sides of the sprinkles
the rate of change in momentum change across the system is equal to

r r r
dH dH right dH left
= +
dt dt dt
dH r
& cos θ k
= −2mrV
and in scalar terms
& cos θ
= −2mrV
20 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

We actually have two velocities acting here. The velocity of the
nozzle and the velocity of the jet of water as it exits the nozzle. This
isn't an easy thing to see but it is critical to the problem. If some
torque was accelerating the nozzle, we would need to look at the
relative velocity of the point with respect to center of the system.

In this case, we know that there are no applied moments on the

system so we can say that the change in angular momentum is equal
to 0.

21 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

We know that the mass flow rate is not equal to 0 and that the radius
of the sprinkler is not equal to 0 so the relative velocity of the
sprinkler to the water must be 0. What this means is the the only
velocity component acting on the system is the velocity of the water
exiting the sprinkler.

So we can state that the velocity of the sprinkler nozzle is the

velocity of the jet. This also means that the tangential
component of the jet's velocity if the tangential velocity of the
sprinkler nozzle.

22 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

The velocity of the jet can be calculated using the volumetric flow
rate and the area of the jet.

Q := 60 dia := 2cm
Q = 0.06 dia = 0.02 m
π ⋅ dia 2
A := A = 0.0003 m

Q m
V := V = 95.493
2⋅ A s
23 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Depending on the orientation of the nozzle, θ, the tangential

component of the velocity will change.

Depending on the orientation of the nozzle, θ, the tangential

component of the velocity will change.

Vtangential = V cosθ

The tangential velocity can be related to the angular velocity using

Vtangential = V cos θ
Vtangential = rω
V cos θ = rω
24 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

The rotational speed can be related to the angular velocity using


V cos θ = rω
V cos θ
2π r
25 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

r := 0.45m

V⋅ cos ( θ )
ndot ( θ ) :=
2⋅ π ⋅ r
rpm ≡

ndot ( 0) = 2026.42 rpm

ndot ( 30deg) = 1754.93 rpm

ndot ( 60deg) = 1013.21 rpm

26 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Underground water is pumped to a sufficient height through a 10-cm-
diameter pipe that consists of a 2-m-long vertical and 1-m-long horizontal
section, as shown in Fig. 6–37. Water discharges to atmospheric air at an
average velocity of 3 m/s, and the mass of the horizontal pipe section when
filled with water is 12 kg per meter length. The pipe is anchored on the ground
by a concrete base. Determine the bending moment acting at the base of the
pipe (point A) and the required length of the horizontal section that would
make the moment at point A zero.

27 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework 14-1
6–47 Water is flowing through a 12-cm-diameter pipe that consists of a 3-
m-long vertical and 2-m-long horizontal section with a 90° elbow at the exit to
force the water to be discharged downward, as shown in Fig. P6–47, in the
vertical direction. Water discharges to atmospheric air at a velocity of 4 m/s,
and the mass of the pipe section when filled with water is 15 kg per meter
length. Determine the moment acting at the intersection of the vertical and
horizontal sections of the pipe (point A). What would your answer be if the
flow were discharged upward instead of downward?

28 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework 14-2
6–48 A large lawn sprinkler with two identical arms is used to generate
electric power by attaching a generator to its rotating head. Water enters the
sprinkler from the base along the axis of rotation at a rate of 8 gal/s and
leaves the nozzles in the tangential direction. The sprinkler rotates at a rate of
250 rpm in a horizontal plane. The diameter of each jet is 0.5 in, and the
normal distance between the axis of rotation and the center of each nozzle is
2 ft. If the rotating head is somehow stuck, determine the moment acting on
the head.

29 Conservation of Angular Momentum Monday, October 1, 2012


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