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UNIT #3: A world of differences!!!

Academic English 10th

Teacher: Wendy Aguero Arroyo Student’s name: __________________________
Activity 1: Read the following information. 1

What is a stereotype?
The definition of a stereotype is: “any commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of
individual”. Stereotypes are often confused with prejudices, because, like prejudices, a stereotype is based
on a prior assumption. Stereotypes are often created about people of specific cultures or races.

Almost every culture or race has a stereotype, including Jewish people, Black, Irish people, and Polish people,
among others.

Stereotypes are not just centered on different races and backgrounds; gender stereotypes also exist. For
example, if you say that men are better than women, you are stereotyping all men and women. If you say
that all women like to cook, you are stereotyping women.

Sexual orientation stereotypes are also common. These ones occur when people have negative views on
gays, lesbians, transgender individuals, etc. People with these “opinions” are called homophobic.

Why is it bad to stereotype?

Stereotyping is not only hurtful, but also wrong. Even if the stereotype is correct in some cases, constantly
putting someone down based on your preconceived perceptions will not encourage them to succeed.

Stereotyping can lead to bullying from a young age, Jocks and Preps pick on the Nerds and the Geeks, Skaters
pick on the Goths, so on and so forth. Stereotyping is encouraging bullying behavior that children carry into

Stereotyping can also lead people to live lives driven by hate and can cause the victims of those stereotypes
to be driven by fear. For example, many gays and lesbians are afraid to admit their sexuality in fear of being
judged. It is a lose – lose situation for many, especially those who are not supported by their relatives or close
friends. It is also a lose – lose situation in the way of those who are doing the stereotype and those who are

Activity 2: Complete the following information by using the previous text about Stereotypes.

1. A stereotype is: ________________________________________________________________.

2. Stereotypes are confused with: _______________________.

3. Stereotypes are related to: _______________________ and _______________________.

4. Examples of cultures which have stereotypes are: _______________________,

_______________________, _______________________ and _______________________.

UNIT #3: A world of differences!!! Academic English 10th
Teacher: Wendy Aguero Arroyo Student’s name: __________________________
5. There are also stereotypes related to: _________________________________. 2

6. An example of a gender stereotype is: __________________________________.

7. Other common stereotypes are related to: _______________________.

8. People with negative views on homosexual people are called: _____________________.

9. A consequence of stereotyping is: _______________________.

10. Stereotypes create a feeling of _______________________ on people.

11. Many homosexual people do not admit their sexuality because they do not want to be:


12. These groups are not often supported by their: _______________________ and


Learner can: R.3. understand many subject specific words when encountered in text (e.g., diversity, culture, cultural norms,
stereotypes) to support reading comprehension by key words, diagrams, and illustrations.

Achieved 3 In process 2 Not achieved 1 N/A0

Understands information from Completes from 9 to 12 Completes from 5 to 8 Completes from 1 to 4 Does not answer or
within a text related to stereotypes sentences correctly. sentences correctly. sentences correctly. does not make the task
to complete information. properly.

Theme 2: Cultures, subcultures, and cliques.

Activity 3: Relate the following terms and definitions. Join them by drawing a line.

Culture A small close-knit group of people who do not

readily allow others to join them.

Subcultures The ideas, customs, and social behavior of a

particular people or society.

Cliques A cultural group within a larger culture, often

having beliefs or interests at variance with those of
the larger culture.
UNIT #3: A world of differences!!! Academic English 10th
Teacher: Wendy Aguero Arroyo Student’s name: __________________________
Activity 4: Complete the sentences using the words in the list. First check the words with the teacher and 3

fit in, left out, excluded, ridicule, mean, make fun of, deal with, herd, hang out

1. Before the evaluation week, students hardly have time to ______________ with
their friends.
2. Students are afraid of making mistakes because they think that others might
_________________ them.
3. Some students think that they have the right to __________________ others.
4. You do not have to be part of the __________________. It is important to value
your individuality.
5. Rosabell thinks that she does not ___________________ at her new school.
6. Students with special needs should not be ____________________ from the
school system.
7. Alina was ________________ to her classmates. She never played with them.
8. Rudy was _______________ of the theater group.
9. Some students learn how to _________________ bullying in a very positive way.

Activity 5: Match the following information related to CLIQUES. Write the words on the blanks given.

gaming – metalcore – hip hop – skater – rave scene – bodybuilding –

emo – cosplay –goth –hipsters – otaku –surfer

1. Using certain exercises to train the body into a highly sculpted, muscular form
2. A group involved in full immersion into a fictional character
UNIT #3: A world of differences!!! Academic English 10th
Teacher: Wendy Aguero Arroyo Student’s name: __________________________
3. Short for "emotional," a movement directed at fans of emotional, expressive hardcore 4
punk rock ___________________________
4. A group of people who enjoy playing video games, either individually, with friends, or
through a virtual platform ___________________________
5. People who find beauty in things others might find dark, including clothing and attire,
decor, and more ___________________________
6. Started in South Bronx in the 70s, a group of people who enjoy break dancing, graffiti,
DJs combining songs and rap, and other artistic expressions
7. A merging of many identities, including retro styles, skinny jeans, artistic movements,
urban living, ___________________________
8. A genre of music that fuses extreme metal and hardcore punk.
9. People obsessed with anime and manga. ___________________________
10. Characterized by wild parties with loud music and possibly light or laser shows.
11. A movement of teens and adults who enjoy skateboarding. _______________________
12. The people, language, fashion, and lifestyle surrounding the sport of surfing.

Activity 6: Read the following information. Then extract some important details and information and
complete the C-MAP given.

High Culture and Popular Culture

Sociologists use the term high culture to describe the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in
the highest-class segments of a society. People often associate high culture with intellectualism, political
power, and prestige. In America, high culture is associated with wealth. Events considered high culture can be
expensive and formal attending: Examples: a ballet, seeing a play, or listening to a live symphony
UNIT #3: A world of differences!!! Academic English 10th
Teacher: Wendy Aguero Arroyo Student’s name: __________________________
The term popular culture refers to the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in normal or 5
ordinary society. Popular culture events might include a parade, a baseball game, or the season finale of a
television show. Rock and pop music (“pop” is short for “popular”) are part of popular culture. Popular
culture is often expressed and spread via commercial media such as radio, television, movies, the music
industry, publishers, and corporate-run websites. Popular culture is known and accessible to most people. You
can share a discussion of favorite football teams with a new coworker or comment on small talks in line at the
grocery store.


A subculture is just what it sounds like—a smaller cultural group within a larger culture; people of a
subculture are part of the larger culture but also share a specific identity within a smaller group.

Thousands of subcultures exist within the United States. Ethnic and racial groups share the language, food,
and customs of their heritage. Other subcultures are united by shared experiences. Biker culture revolves
around a dedication to motorcycles. Some subcultures are formed by members who possess traits or
preferences that differ from most of the society’s population. In the United States, adolescents often form
subcultures to develop a shared youth identity. But even as members of a subculture band together, they still
identify with and participate in the larger society.

Examples of Subcultures in the USA

Fandom is characterized by people who are somewhat obsessed or closely identify with certain characters or
fictional worlds, though a “fandom” can be built around any shared interest. Fans have Conventions (cons),
dress up as said characters (called cosplaying), and form little individual communities around a particular
fandom, such as Doctor Who, Harry Potter, or any Anime ever.

Gamer culture in America represents the more devoted fans and players of what has become one of the
largest entertainment industries in the US. Many people in the US play video games of some form, and in
2014, more people watched the live League of Legends World Championships than the deciding game of the
NBA finals.

Sports – from watching games as a die-hard fan to being the soccer mom who drives to all the games – are an
important and defining part of American society. For people who consider sports a large part of their lives,
well, they just operate on different seasons and speak a different language than those who don’t. Even non-
sports fans tune into the Superbowl in the US every year as it’s become such a pervasive part of the
entertainment industry.
UNIT #3: A world of differences!!! Academic English 10th
Teacher: Wendy Aguero Arroyo Student’s name: __________________________
UNIT #3: A world of differences!!! Academic English 10th
Teacher: Wendy Aguero Arroyo Student’s name: __________________________

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