Developing Prophetic Ministry
Developing Prophetic Ministry
Developing Prophetic Ministry
By Rodney W. Francis
Printed by
All Rights Reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced in any form (except for brief quotations in reviews),
without prior written permission from “The Gospel Faith Messenger” Ministry Head Office, Paraparaumu, New
This booklet is dedicated to all those who genuinely and sincerely want to develop Prophetic Ministry, and
the vision and purpose of God for their lives in the 21 century through a greater revelation and receptivity to
the power of the Holy Spirit. You can do it!
Unless stated otherwise, Scripture quotations are taken from the “New King James Version” (NKJV) of the Bible.
Scriptures marked (KJV) are taken from the Authorized King James Version of the Bible.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version marked (NIV). Copyright (C) 1973, 1978, 1984 by
International Bible Society. Used by permission of Hodder and Stoughton Limited, London, England.
Scripture Quotations marked (GNB) are taken from the Good News Bible.
Word meanings marked (Bullinger’s) are taken from “A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek
New Testament” by E.W. Bullinger. Published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506, USA.
Word meanings marked (Strong’s) are taken from “The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible” by James
Strong, LL.D., S.T.D. Copyright (C) 1984. Permission to use granted by Thomas Nelson Publisher, P O Box 141000,
Nashville, Tennessee 37214-1000, USA.
Word meanings marked (Collins) are taken from “Collins English Dictionary.” Copyright (C) 1979 by William Collins
Sons & Co. Ltd., P O Box 476, GPO, Sydney 2001, Australia.
Special thanks to Richard Johnstone for his contribution to this book, and to my younger
sister, Joan Emery, for her help with the editing of it.
What a delight to read this book - not only once but twice - and with real anticipation each time. I
have been involved with the Prophetic Movement since 1967. As a Prophetic Pastor/Teacher I can
say truthfully that “I've seen it all and read it all” for a long time: the good, the bad, and the
indifferent, so when Rodney put the manuscript in my hands, asked me to read it and consider
writing a Foreword, I had mixed emotions. However, these feelings proved groundless. This work,
simply titled, Developing Prophetic Ministry is a mini-masterpiece. Mini in the sense that it is
short, concise; masterpiece, because I was fully aware of being instructed by the Holy Spirit from
beginning to end. I want to read it again, and again. The chapters draw me to desire to excel in
every manifestation of the prophetic in order to bring glory to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I
met Rodney Francis at a Conference in Cheltenham, England. What stood out so strongly about
The GFM Team was the abounding love that accompanied the teaching and the Gifts of Prophecy
in operation. It was a joy to behold. All too often the importance of the gifts functioning in love is
rather neglected. We know that the Apostle Paul exhorted strongly and encouraged pointedly the
absolute necessity for every gift to flow through, or upon, God's own love. We know this fact so
well that it is easily forgotten. Rodney turns us from the two human weaknesses which have
hindered the development of the Body of Christ in Her Prophetic Mission, namely the need to
promote oneself and the fear of making mistakes. Again, the love of God, which flows through this
corrective teaching, draws us. There is no condemnation, only real clarity as he leads us on to see
the beauty and security of Team Ministry. Read this work with joy. It is wonderfully set on the
Scriptures, and then do what you have seen and heard. ~ Margaret Clark (Pastor: The Gospel
Fellowship Church Plainsboro. New Jersey, USA).
I have been involved with Rodney in ministry since the year 2000 and have been on
many Equipping Weekend ministry trips to churches, as well as being part of The
GFM Conferences and International Training Schools (ITS) around the world.
It has been my privilege, while travelling and teaching with Rodney, to look back and
see the blessings that have come into many lives because of the power of the
prophetic as well as the understanding of the prophetic through the clear and
anointed teaching by Rodney and the Team. Many have testified to the great blessing
that the Prophetic Word has been to them, bringing confirmation and direction that
has enabled them to be aware of what God is saying in their lives.
The content of this book will prove to be a valuable guide for those churches, leaders
and individuals seeking to develop their Prophetic Gifting. I know it will assist the
saints to be released into a greater understanding of the Prophetic Ministry and to be
aware that this gift is for today and for all who desire it!
We have seen the incredible breakthrough in people’s lives where Prophetic Words
have come through Team Ministry, where Team Members have listened to and
obeyed the voice of God to be willing ambassadors, and in turn released into their
gifting that God has prepared for them. Around the world we have seen and have
heard about many who have been touched by the love of God, through the prophetic,
which is a unique characteristic of the Team Ministry that Rodney teaches, ministers
in and writes about. This book covers the importance of faith, desire and obedience
to the voice of God, which Rodney brings out so eloquently. It could be used as a
training manual for those who desire to develop their Prophetic Ministry while also
safeguarding them from deception.
Listening to God’s voice is not passive but always requires an act of obedience and is
the key to releasing the power of the prophetic to bring fresh revelation into the lives
of individuals and churches. Rodney covers many aspects of the prophetic to give
the reader a greater understanding of the practical workings of the Holy Spirit gifts
in the New Testament Church today. ~ Len Buttner (East Auckland, New Zealand).
It has been my joy to know Rodney Francis for more than twenty-five years.I first met him at a
Pastors’ Conference we attended together, and noted the powerfully encouraging Prophetic
Words he shared with some of the delegates. What impressed me were his sensitivity and the
accuracy of the words, as I knew a number of the recipients, and Rodney did not. Seeing this
inspired a hunger for a greater release of the Prophetic in my own life.
In the years since, Rodney has exercised a proven International Prophetic Ministry, and has
a wealth of insights, sound advice, and common sense ethics and practice to share with all
those interested in understanding and developing the Prophetic Gift open to them as
believers. He has clearly distilled these in the contents of this book. It will be an invaluable
resource for individuals, leaders, and churches wishing to release the incredible power of
the Prophetic in and through their lives.
The Gift of Prophecy is to be “earnestly desired” (1 Corinthians 14:1) but is all too often belittled
and undervalued. This is tragic as I believe prophecy can unlock the potential in peoples’ lives
more than any other gift. Its ability to help “others grow in the Lord, encouraging and
comforting them” (1 Corinthians 14: 3) is sorely needed today in a world where confusion, despair,
and lack of true purpose have become widespread, even among many Christians.
The various spheres of creation - business, family, music, science, arts, sport, church,
government and so on – are waiting for prophetic persons to emerge who can speak God’s
knowledge and wisdom into those arenas and bring change. This book will certainly help
anyone interested in being such a person. ~ David Peters, SpiritLife Ministries (Auckland, New
This book will challenge and inspire you and help you grow in your ministry. I wish it had been
available to me in my early days in ministry. The subject of Prophecy was not taught in those days
and it was not until I was baptized in the Holy Spirit that I saw the need and benefit of the Gifts of
the Spirit.
Speaking personally, I sought God’s Power for 18 years and was concerned at what I thought was a
lack of power. I was just a Pastor doing my best, but God brought me to a crisis point in my life
and, on my knees, I pleaded with the Lord to give me what He had given His disciples at Pentecost
or I would resign from the Ministry. Hands were laid upon my head and God’s Holy Spirit Power
flowed into me, filling my heart with joy. Something wonderful had happened. I went out visiting
homes and saw God bring 11 adults to know the Lord in three days and the blessing continued in
the church, where many people were filled with God’s Spirit.
But God had much more to give and, a few months later, a man of God visited our home, laid his
hands on me and imparted to me the Gift of Prophecy. The Word of Prophecy given to me at that
time was, “You will go overseas and Minister.” That Word has been fulfilled and God’s Gifts have
been in operation; with many decisions for Christ, Baptisms in the Spirit, Miracles and Healings.
People everywhere were looking and praying for God’s revival blessing.
It was during those days that I met Rodney Francis in the church he was Pastoring at Palmerston
North. It was a joy to witness the Gifts of the Spirit in operation and the Lord’s anointing upon his
Ministry. I count it a blessing to have shared with him in God’s Service over the years.
Jesus gave a promise in Acts1:8, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes
upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria and
to the ends of the earth.”
Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:1, “Pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially
that you may prophesy.”
As you read Rodney’s book on Developing Prophetic Ministry ask the Lord to enlarge your ministry;
and may you become an instrument to bless others. ~ Pastor Les Covic (Christchurch, New Zealand).
I commend Rodney Francis and his wonderful life partner Jean for their many years of dedicated
and fruitful service, and can say without question that my household and I have benefited greatly
from their unconditional love and support in our journey with Christ. Their love for others
ministered through the gifts of the Holy Spirit has positively impacted many lives, including mine.
Rodney has made it his life work to ensure the body of Christ is well informed, equipped and
released in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. With over 40 years of Christian ministry experience, much of
it directed through and by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Rodney not only has a wealth of knowledge
to share, but learned experience which he imparts with love and wisdom. He operates with the
gifts as a minister and also as an imparter. Rodney is passionate about you and the gifts that are
available for you to walk in.
The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry Team whom Rodney leads, are a wonderful team of people
who are committed to equipping you for leadership through the power of the Holy Spirit. The
results of this ministry continue to impact many people in many nations by removing the shroud of
mystery that so often surrounds the gifts of the Holy Spirit and making them personal and practical
for all believers who seek to make a difference in their world. When we operate with the gifts out of
a heart of love for our neighbour, the Gospel is powerful and the results awesome.
This book Developing Prophetic Ministry provides you with simple ways to grow in your
relationship and journey with the Holy Spirit which will not only impact you but those around you
also. Take it and use it as a tool, don’t just read it. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into
new dimensions of service and impact as you purpose to reach out to someone around you as you
receive. After all, gifts are for giving. ~ Tony Donaldson (Perth, Western Australia).
This new book from Rodney brings together the wisdom, inspiration, and learning of over 40
years of ministry. In these pages we see the heartbeat of a man who is passionate to hear the voice
of God, and to pass on that knowledge to others.
A number of years ago I invited Rodney to speak at my church. I had always been a believer in the
Prophetic Gift and its power to transform people, but I had the misconception that this gift was
reserved for a select few. As Rodney taught us about the Prophetic Gift, I was struck by the words
of 1 Corinthians 14:31, “For you can all prophesy…” I realised in that moment that this gift
was open to all Christians. This sudden revelation (rhema) set me on a path of practicing and
becoming more accurate in the use of prophecy. I learnt that we are all at different levels of faith
and practice, but as we use this gift more and more, we become more proficient with it.
I started attending the Equipping Station in Hamilton on a Tuesday evening as often as possible.
What I found was that as I stepped out, overcame the fear of being wrong, and took the risk of
saying what I thought God was saying to me, I was becoming more accurate and more specific in
prophecy. As I got to know the people at the Equipping Station better I became less concerned
about being wrong, because I had the security of being part of a team, who would if necessary,
lovingly point me in the right direction.
It has been an exciting journey and I fully endorse and commend this book to anyone who wants to
take their relationship with God to a new level. By deciding to learn more about the Prophetic Gift
and by putting it into practice, you will unlock a future with God that will be exciting for yourself
and a blessing to others. May God bless you and open your eyes to the wonderful blessing you can
be to others as you practice the prophetic. ~ Richard Johnstone (Drury, New Zealand).
Over many years I have been privileged to see The GFM Ministry grow from strength to strength,
and now being taught how to move in the Prophetic Ministry is very exciting. To know that God
speaks to us in so many different ways, and that He uses us to bless others. Moving in the
Prophetic is powerful, as it brings release to many people as they see and hear what God is doing
(and going to do) in their lives, and it is given in such a simple way. It is exciting to be a part of
this ministry, to be able to bless others and help them to grow in God. To be His instrument, and
to see the results, is such a blessing.
I have had great pleasure in reading this book, as God has given Rodney a wonderful gift of being
able to write in a very simple but powerful way, of explaining the subject of which he is focusing
on. Developing Prophetic Ministry is a book for the now. It is very easy reading and tells us
how important it is to see how God works and, above all, for us to be obedient. If we do not obey
then the person to whom God wanted to speak to through us, will miss out on being encouraged
and blessed - and we are the ones who are guilty. Sometimes God will use someone else and
we will know that it should have been us.
I find that at times when someone is giving a “word” to a person, that the Lord will drop a thought
or verse into my mind and then it is up to me, to deliver it. In 1 Corinthians 1:27 we are told that,
“God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise . . .” and this is what
happens when the Holy Spirit moves through us. People are often amazed at what is said, and
know that it could only have come from God.
With our world in such a mess, we need to be able to release the Holy Spirit, so He can work and
bring the world to Jesus Christ. This book will help us to understand very clearly how to do just
that” ~ Valerie Dodge (Masterton, New Zealand). Valerie is Rodney’s older sister and has served in The GFM for
many years.
Having Pastored for a number of years in a small rural community, our need for God in our lives
stands out more than anything when it comes to impacting the lives of others. The sad thing is,
not many Christians are willing to even ask God for something for another person, let alone have
the ability to deliver one. This is where Rodney and Jean have developed a ministry over the last
40 years, teaching, encouraging, guiding and directing, out of their wealth of experience. Through
Rodney's books and seminars he has released - and continues to release - many people into
hearing God’s voice (and that in a church society today that has generally extinguished the voice of
the Lord for many people). Rodney's book will go a long way to re-awakening the hunger and
passion for the Lord’s voice to be heard once again through the saints. If we are able to take hold of
the principles that are written in this book, and apply them to our lives (as well as teaching others),
who knows what the result will be in the future. The people in the world today are crying out to
hear from God concerning their future. I personally believe the answer to the world today is more
Prophetic Power. This book Developing Prophetic Ministry holds the keys. Thank you,
Rodney, for your consistency and courage in producing such incredibly relevant books for the
Church world wide. Many thanks also to The GFM Team that has caught the vision and are
running with it. Keep it up! ~ Peter Ridling (Blenheim, New Zealand).
The book you are about to read, Developing Prophetic Ministry, is a very important book
indeed. It is definitely one of my favourite books on the subject of the Prophetic Ministry. Through
Rodney Francis’s extensive experience of ministry, and in particular the Prophetic Ministry, he
imparts truth and revelation about the Prophetic Ministry which are long overdue to the hearts and
minds of believers. Developing Prophetic Ministry reveals the Biblical precedent set by the
Scriptures, its impact through Christian history and, as twenty first century Christians, how we can
trust the Prophetic Ministry. Developing Prophetic Ministry shows excellent Biblical examples
and secure Scriptural parameters within which to work, thus giving security to the minister of the
prophetic and to the one receiving the Prophetic Ministry. Rodney demonstrates consistently that
the Holy Spirit can be trusted because the Holy Spirit is God and He is always right.
In Developing Prophetic Ministry, Rodney’s frank approach challenges skepticism towards the
prophetic as well as encouraging Godly release and stepping out in faith. It brings balance,
assurance and security that the prophetic is to be trusted. Developing Prophetic Ministry shows
how powerful the Prophetic Ministry is, a gift from God to the Church and how it can be life
changing. It also demonstrates in practical and realistic ways that the Prophetic Ministry, if
released in and through the Church today, will be the vehicle by which God chooses to bring hope
to the lost and dying. Developing Prophetic Ministry is the outworking, bold, and honest
impartation of a lifetime of ministry. Rodney teaches from experience and not through what he
has heard or read, which is why this book is so powerful, as it cuts right to the core of the human
heart. Rodney has been there and shares in loving, powerful and encouraging ways how you to
can grow in this beautiful ministry. May God bless you richly in your spirit as you read, enjoy and
step out more in the Prophetic Ministry. With Love in Jesus Christ, ~ Elaine Roberts (Prophetic
Evangelist; Founder of World Mandate Ministries, Clopton, Kettering, England).
Developing Prophetic Ministry is just what any church or Christian who is serious about
Prophetic Ministry needs. Starting to minister in the Holy Spirit is always a huge thrill, but very
often (after the initial glow has gone) people give up. So the greatest challenge is to continue in it
and to make the Prophetic part of our regular ministry. This new resource will guide us so that we
do not just have a great history of God's blessing, but a present experience and a future hope. ~
Gareth Lewis (Pastor, Cheltenham Elim, England).
Chapter 1
What Is Prophetic Ministry? ………………………………………………… 3?
Chapter 2
Listening To, And Obeying God’s Voice ………………………………….
Chapter 3
Beware Of Self-Deception ……………………………………………………
Chapter 4
Why Is “Doing” Or Obedience So Important? ……………………………
Chapter 5
The Ongoing Impact Of The Prophetic ……………………………………
Chapter 6
Always Seek To Improve …………………………………………………….
Chapter 7
Three Simple Keys …………………………………………………………….
Chapter 8
So Few Understand The Prophetic …………………………………………
Chapter 9
Facing Attitudes That Currently Exist ……………………………………..
Chapter 10
The Holy Spirit Has A Language Of His Own ……………………………..
Chapter 11
Receiving Prophetic Words For Others ……………………………………
Chapter 12
Pictures, Perceptions And Visions ………………………………………….
Chapter 13
The Need To Discern What Is Happening In A Meeting ………………….
Chapter 14
It Is Important To Record Prophetic Words ……………………………….
Chapter 15
Prophetic Team Ministry (Richard Johnstone) ……………………………
Chapter 16
A Few Examples Of The Power Of Prophetic Ministry …………………
MUCH IS being said about the Prophetic Ministry these days, but the reality is that there are
relatively few who have the confidence to teach and impart it into a practical outworking lifestyle
that impacts others to the glory of God. It is also true that much of the Prophetic Ministry is
“caught” more than it is “taught.” In this book I am seeking to share with you some of the things we
have learned and experienced as we have walked and worked in the Prophetic Ministry. It is a
never-ending experience, for the Holy Spirit – Who is ever so creative – is always desirous to take
us further, on, in and with Him. Therefore this book is by no means complete (by the time this gets
off the printer’s press, we will have learned and/or discovered something new yet again).
May you find this book to be very helpful in your walk with the Holy Spirit, listening to His voice,
and releasing His wonderful gifts to bless others wherever you go.
Love in Jesus,
Rodney W. Francis.
Chapter One
THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY, or the Ministry of the Prophetic, is on the rise around the world. More
and more people are discovering the blessings and benefits of giving themselves to it and the
resulting fruit that comes into the lives of others as a result. This book is written to help, as well as to
make us think about how we receive and deliver “Prophetic Words” to others, as well as other lessons
that we have learned along the way. First of all, let me clarify what I mean when I use the term
“Prophetic Ministry” or “The Ministry of the Prophetic.” The Prophetic Ministry is the outworking of
God in a Holy Spirit-filled Christian’s life as a direct result of his or her ability to perceive and
recognize the present-tense word or voice (the Greek word is “rhema”) of God personally to them,
and which is demonstrated by a commitment to be obedient to that voice. There is no fulfilled
Prophetic Ministry without first there is an act of obedience to that word/voice which has been
received or heard. Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave us the key to Christianity and to following our
Master, Jesus, when she said, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it” (John 2:5). (At that point Mary
had never seen Jesus minister, as His public ministry was activated only after she made that
statement!) The Prophetic Ministry, therefore, is a love commitment to Jesus to do whatever He
tells us. He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit and the nine Spiritual Gifts, as well as in many other
ways. Each time we obey what the Holy Spirit says, other people receive the benefits of the Lord
Jesus Christ, Who dearly loves them, and Who desires only the very best for each one of us. The
Prophetic Ministry can be experienced by all Holy Spirit-filled Christians, and can then be
developed and matured as we grow in the ways of the Lord. There are keys to learn.
The nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit as recorded in 1 Corinthians 11 are all Prophetic Gifts, as they
The Holy Spirit’s wisdom
The Holy Spirit’s knowledge
The Holy Spirit’s faith
The Holy Spirit’s gifts of healings
The Holy Spirit’s working of miracles
The Holy Spirit’s prophecy (encouragement)
The Holy Spirit’s discernment of spirits
The Holy Spirit’s different kinds of tongues, and
The Holy Spirit’s interpretation of those tongues.
These Holy Spirit “revelations” are for the benefit of other people, whom God desires to speak to
through us in the “now.” We are His mouthpiece, His spokesmen and women, His ambassadors, His
representatives here on earth. All the nine gifts “operate” or function or are released as a direct result
of the Holy Spirit-filled believer hearing from the Holy Spirit and obeying what He says accordingly. It
really is as simple as that. That is why we have to deal with our doubts regarding the genuineness of
our hearing the voice of God the Holy Spirit, because if we doubt when He speaks to us, we will do
nothing. And when we do nothing with the voice of God, then the purpose for which He spoke to us in
the first place is lost; it falls to the ground and bears no fruit (1 Samuel 3:19; Luke 6:46-49). When we, His
mouthpieces, do not deliver God’s messages, others lose the opportunity to experience more of the
“God factor” in their lives. We can be guilty of “robbing” them of the “revelation” they need because
we have doubted, and then disobeyed what He wanted us to say or do. And in today’s world,
beloved, we need all the revelation of God we can get!
Chapter Two
THE MESSAGE OF LIVING by the voice of God is one that we do not hear very much about
these days. Yet it is perhaps more important than ever that we consider what the Bible has to say
about it.
The key to Christianity is in our ability to hear and recognize when God is speaking to us,
personally. Without that ability we will never grasp the principles by which God works in
our lives. Yet, far too often, there is such a negativity taught about hearing God’s voice, and such
doubts that flood in as a result, that many Christians remain ignorant to the amazing benefits of
hearing from God in a personal way. The whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is all about the
voice of God. It is all about God speaking to men and women and what happened when they
obeyed, and/or disobeyed. The whole principle of the Christian faith is built upon our ability
to hear and recognize when God is speaking to us. Faith comes to us as a direct result of our
“hearing and hearing by the word (the Greek word is “rhema”) of God” (Romans 10:17). “Rhema”
is the present-tense word or voice of God that comes to us. One of the very proofs that Jesus is
alive today is that He still speaks to His people!
Prophetic Words can vary from the very simple, “Tell that person that I love and care for him/her,”
to the dramatic, like “Tell that person that the Lord sees them as a tube of toothpaste . . . !” That
actually happened to me in London. As I was preaching (straight off a long flight), when I looked at
a lady in the meeting the Holy Spirit said those words to me. The next thing I saw a full tube of
toothpaste with the hand of the Lord wrapped around it applying pressure to release the contents.
The Holy Spirit then said to me, “That lady has been ‘taking in and taking in’ for years until she is
now full. In the past few months she has been going through experiencing the pressure I am
applying in her life. But she thinks it is the devil hassling her! Tell her it is Me Who is seeking to get
her to release those good things I have been putting into her life over many years.” My first
reaction was that I was under “the anointing of jetlag”! As the picture and words were so clear I
realized it was the Holy Spirit. So I spoke out and told the lady what I had seen and heard. Most
people were quite amazed that I would say such a thing in a Christian meeting! But she received
the word well. After the meeting was over she came up to me, placed her hand on my arm, looked
up into my eyes, and said, “You know, that’s exactly what I am. I am just a tube of toothpaste! And
to think that I have been blaming the devil, when all the time it was the Lord Who is trying to
release me to be a greater blessing to other people. It is true that I have been ‘taking in and taking
in’ for years – and now I need to give out more to others.”
Sometimes those more “scarier” things we are asked to say and do have the most lasting impact
on the people – and leave precious memories and fruit to our account.
Did you realize that the devil’s Number One strategy against you, my fellow Christian, is to simply
make you doubt the voice of God to you personally? He knows that if he can make you
doubt God’s voice, then you will never rise in faith to do wonderful exploits to the glory of
God. Theology and Bible knowledge can never do for you what the voice of God can do. The
voice of God will always be confirmed by the principles of the written Word of God. Unfortunately,
today, many Christians have become so “word bound” that they do not have the joy of being led by
the Holy Spirit of Truth into an adventurous and creative walk with Jesus that sees us blessing
others in all kinds of supernatural ways. It is a tragedy that too often the power of the supernatural
has been eliminated from the Christian faith of today. This has turned far too many of us into
“passive believers.” We passively sit in church and receive from those in the pulpit, but never
realize that our responsibility before God is to put into practice what He says to us. If God is not
speaking to you, it is because you are either not listening, have a mindset blockage, or you are in
the wrong place. Get back to where God has called you, and you will know His voice afresh. A
“passive believer” will finish up in self-deception. Self-deception comes as a result of our not
doing rather than that of doing something. It is linked into what we fail to do with that which we
hear from God. I will share further on self-deception in Chapter Three. Prophetic Ministry is not
Chapter Three
IN THIS Chapter I want to share with you some Prophetic Principles that are taken from James
1:19-27. In these verses we see how important it is to hear God’s voice. It commences by saying,
“Let every man be swift to hear . . .” (v.19). Hearing from God is so vital and necessary if we
are going to fulfil His will in our lives. Why is this so? The answer is quite simple, really: If we
do not hear, recognize and know God’s voice when it comes to us, then we will not be able to
become “doers of the word” He speaks! The doing or the fulfilling of our obedience to what
He says comes only after we have heard what He has said. Verses 22-24 develop this
“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a
hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror;
for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was.”
What is the Scripture saying here? It is telling us that our responsibility before God is to “hear and
do.” We cannot “do” if we do not “hear.” This is the principle of born-again, Holy Spirit-filled
Christianity! We are also being warned that it is not enough just to “hear”; “hearing” must be
followed by “doing.” Doing what? Doing whatever the voice of God says! If “doing” does not
follow the “hearing,” then we deceive ourselves (and we do not even need anyone else to help
In Luke 6:46-49, Jesus taught us the difference between a “doer” and a “non-doer”:
“But why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say? Whoever comes
to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a
man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the
flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it
was founded on the rock.
“But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built a house on the earth without a
foundation, against which the stream beat vehemently; and immediately it fell. And the ruin
of that house was great.”
What a very clear statement. The difference between success and failure is in our ability to hear
and to do. Notice that both the doer and the non-doer (of the word of Jesus) were active in
building a house. But it was only the one that built his house according to that which he heard
from Jesus who was able to see his work withstand the storms of life! That is why this message is
so important ~ we must hear and do (act upon) that which we hear! Only Jesus knows the way
ahead for us, and if we choose to ignore what He says to us (through our unwillingness to obey)
then we are setting ourselves up for failure and disaster ahead. For the follower of Jesus there
is no other “final authority” than what He says. If we are unable to commit to what He says,
then we are demonstrating that we are still trusting our own reasoning and ability, rather than
trusting ourselves in love to Him and His Word to us. And that is self-deception.
In these verses, Jesus makes it clear that “storms” will and do come beating against every one of
us at some time or another. There is no escaping that. How we weather the storms is all
dependent upon our ability to “hear and obey Jesus!”
If we read through John 14:15-31, we see that Jesus taught that the proof of our love for Him is
our obedience to what He says. We cannot ignore what He says and expect to keep walking in
His blessings. That is deception . . . self-deception!
It is quite tragic that in much of Christianity today we have been taught to be “so careful and
cautious” that we have become passive in our believing and faith ~ we just sit and absorb rather
than “hear and do.” This has caused us to miss out on so much of the supernatural of God,
because we do not have confidence to believe that we can hear from God for ourselves. We
cannot ignore the importance of “hearing and doing,” for if we do, then we finish up in self-
We hear very little about the perils of self-deception today. The tragedy of self-deception is
that we do not know when we are deceived! (It would not be deception if we knew.) Self-
deception, if not dealt with through personal obedience to God, will continue to deceive us
and take us on a downward spiral of decay. The word “deceiving” (as recorded in James
1:22) means: “to reckon wrong, misreckon, miscount; hence, to draw false conclusions; then to
cheat or deceive by false reasoning, hence, to deceive” (Bullinger’s). When we are drawing (or
coming to) false conclusions, we are cheating ourselves of the knowledge and power of the
truth. That then causes us to live in a state of deception . . . self-deception.
I remember a good friend made this statement: “All deception finishes up in immorality” (if not
physical adultery, then it will certainly be spiritual adultery). Why is this? Deception ~ whether it be
self-deception or otherwise ~ always takes us away from the truth of the Holy Spirit
revelation. Without that Holy Spirit revelation working in our lives we will fall to the level of
the dictating of the flesh-life. Therefore, it is imperative that we follow the clear instructions
of the Lord by developing the “art of listening” to Him. It is only through our ability to hear
and discern the voice of God that obedience can be activated. If we listen, we will hear what
He has to say. And when we hear what He has to say, we then need to follow through on
what He says to us with a physical action. That physical act of obedience to the voice of
God demonstrates that we believe the voice of God more than our own doubts, fears, and
what others might say about us, if we do something out of the ordinary.
Chapter Four
When God speaks, it always pays to capture what He says by recording or writing it down
as soon as possible. We cannot rely on our memory to retain what has been said unless we
capture it in such a way that we can revert back to it, and then obey it accordingly. A
disobedient Christian is a fruitless (useless) Christian when it comes to pleasing and
obeying God. If we do not obey, we will never enjoy the fruit of what God said to us in the
first place!
“But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful
hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does” (James 1:25).
If we do not continue in that which God speaks to us, we quickly become forgetful. A forgetful
Christian becomes a disobedient Christian. And a disobedient Christian becomes self-deceived.
He/she enters into self-deception ~ without anyone else to help him or her get there!
A prophetic person is always seeking to hear the voice of God, and out of a heart of love
for Jesus, to seek to obey whatever He says. That is how the nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit
function ~ as a result of our listening to the Holy Spirit, and then releasing and obeying what He
tells us. If we receive a word from the Holy Spirit, and do not deliver it, then we are causing “a
break down” in the purpose of God for you and the other person(s) you were meant to speak
and/or minister to. I have learned this: the sooner I can obey God after I have heard from Him,
the sooner I am released to see it come to pass. Often my obedience to God opens a new
avenue of service that I could not dream up on my own. There is often what I call “follow-up
consequences” that come into play when I obey. That can mean the start of a chain of events that
sees (in some cases) thousands more people blessed because I took the time to be diligent to
capture what God had said.
So I am learning and seeking to obey as quickly as possible: God does not ever ask us to
do anything we cannot do. He says what He means and He means what He says. And when He
says for us to do something, then He knows we can do it. If we make excuses and say we cannot
do it, then we are arguing with God Himself.
When we are committed to hearing and obeying the voice of God, there is no room for any
excuses ~ at all.
Excuses are a means of telling God there is something wrong with our love relationship
with Him!
Making excuses means that we are more self-conscious than we are God-conscious or
Excuses will take us into self-deception.
When God speaks ~ and we obey ~ there is always someone waiting on the other side of
our obedience!
There is always a blessing in obeying God!
If we do not quickly obey the voice of God, we will quickly forget what He has said – especially if it
means doing something different to the norm. If we do not capture what God is saying to us, then
even “praying about it” will cause us to finish up “forgetting” what He has said. The end result is
When God speaks, faith is released in us to do what He has asked of us. Faith is a prophetic word
that “comes by hearing and hearing by the word (“rhema” ~ “the now, present-tense word”) of
God” (Romans 10:17).
Faith is an action; the releasing or doing of that which God speaks to us.
So many opportunities in life are missed and wasted because we fail to act upon that which God
has spoken. Let us not be deceived any longer. Be committed to act upon that which God speaks,
and you will see good fruit come out of it ~ every time!
When I was in Nepal, the Lord spoke to me about putting into book form an article I had just
previously written back in New Zealand. The request seemed ridiculous (to me), because I knew
the article was very short. It was called, Do You Know And Understand The Prophetic
Foundation Of Your Life And Your Church? I wrestled with it, as I did not have any concept of
the power of a little booklet. However, once back in New Zealand, I obeyed and prepared it for
printing as a booklet. The booklet is now printed and, through that, we saw the wonderful
possibilities of the impact of printing a range of little booklets. At the time of writing this we now
have eight booklets on various subjects to do with the Prophetic Ministry and thousands of people
have been blessed as a result. If I had not obeyed what (to me) was a ridiculous request, we
would most likely not have had our eyes opened to see the potential of small, anointed booklets.
It pays to obey!
Chapter Five
The Prophetic:
One anointed word from a man or woman of God can change the course of our life. The widow of
Zarephath received a word when she was preparing to physically die (1 Kings 17). The word from
the prophet Elijah to feed him with her last morsel of food was God’s way of saying, “Just give Me
something to work with and I’ll show you what I can do.” It was God’s way of saying, “Sow a seed
so I can multiply it.” And when her flour was supernaturally replenished day after day, she did not
have to be persuaded to accept the Prophetic Word, for she was living in the fulfillment of it every
The woman, whose late husband’s debts became a millstone around her neck, knew where to turn
to in her hour of need - the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4:1-7). Elisha did not have a pocket full of money
to solve her problems in the natural, but he certainly flowed in the prophetic. “What have you got
in your house?” enquired the prophet. “Just a pot of oil,” replied the woman. “Go, borrow
vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbours – empty vessels – and don’t just gather
a few!” And then the miracle came; it was like she was living in the middle of an oil field. The oil
flowed and flowed, filling every borrowed vessel. God was still pouring when she came to the last
vessel. The blessing only ceased when the source of her vessels had dried up. In the Holy Spirit
we have the source of all we need – there will always be oil!
The Prophetic Ministry is so important that it should be right at the forefront of every
Holy Spirit-filled church and believer.
It is New Testament Christianity.
It is also 21st century Christianity.
Right now there is a huge challenge for the prophetic to be restored more fully into
the way we live and conduct our affairs.
I do not believe that it is God’s will that the Prophetic Ministry is only a “seasonal” thing that we
can walk in for a season, and then walk away from. The prophetic should have been developed
down through the generations much more than it has. It can be imparted and developed to a
place of great accuracy. Every Christian should be able to trust the time-tested, balanced,
proven-to-be-accurate Prophetic Ministries.
In the Old Testament, one of the tribes of Israel was Issachar. It appears that down through the
ages they had an ability to pursue, develop, influence and administer the prophetic in a powerful
way. The Scriptures quoted cover an approximate 400-year period, so their Prophetic Giftings
were carried on from generation to generation. Let us look more closely at their Prophetic Ministry.
In the First Book of Chronicles, Chapter Twelve and Verse Thirty-Two, we read an amazing
account of the sons of Issachar:
“Of the sons of Issachar (meaning “he will be hired: there is reward: he will bring reward”) who
had understanding of the times (“seasons,” “the temper of the times” – NLT & TLB) to know what
Israel (“ruling with God” and “he shall be prince of God”) ought to do, their chiefs were two
hundred; and all their brethren were at their command” (NKJV).
For many years I have been challenged by this verse. It has filled me with the desire to be able to
function like that. What a difference it makes when we have an understanding of the things we are
experiencing, seeing and knowing them from God’s viewpoint. This enables us to use that
understanding to know what we should do in the right place and at the right time. Timing is so
important. We can prove the will of God by this method. It is Prophetic Ministry. True
understanding and knowledge are Prophetic Words, for they bring us into “the now” of
God’s purpose for us.
The sons of Issachar were so “accurate” in an ongoing way that their prophetic insight,
understanding, knowledge and giftings promoted them to a decision-making responsibility for
David and his men. They knew what they had to do, and what had to be done.
In Deuteronomy 27:12-13 we see they were of the six tribes (Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar,
Joseph and Benjamin) whose call was to “bless (Hebrew is “barak” meaning “to declare blessed”
– Young’s) the people.” Their ministry was to bless.
True Prophetic Ministry brings the blessing of God. It breaks the curse and curses
off people’s lives.
In Deuteronomy 33:18-19 we read: “About Zebulun he said: Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going
out, and you, Issachar, in your tents. They will summon peoples to the mountain and there
offer sacrifices of righteousness; they will feast on the abundance of the seas, on the
treasures hidden in the sand” (NIV).
The true prophetic raises the standard of God in the people. It brings us into a “more
acceptable” place with God. The higher we go up His mountain, the clearer the view, the
fresher the air, the greater the understanding of what we are about. The prophetic “feeds”
and “benefits” people, for it brings new revelation of God’s goodness to us. No one benefits
when the “abundance of the seas” is not harvested and the “hidden treasures” are not dug up.
In Judges 5:15, we see the princes of Issachar were there with Deborah, the prophetess (Judges
4:4). Their Prophetic Ministry was right there working alongside the Prophetess Leader of the
people. Their task was to “partner with” and work alongside the Prophetess Deborah.
Deborah obviously recognized their ministry to have them working alongside her.
What were they there for?
They had to come up with the strategies to outwit the enemy and could be relied
upon to get it right.
In 1 Chronicles 7:5 the families of Issachar (87,000 of them) were called “mighty men of valour.”
In 1 Chronicles 12:38-40 they were plentiful providers and nourishers by means of food supplies to
the men who were following David.
If we summarize the works of the descendants of Issachar, we see they carried a mantle to
bring prophetic insight, focus, blessing, provision, abundance, sacrifices of righteousness,
support to the prophets/prophetesses, and to people on the home front. They were strong
people and valiant. All those things represent different aspects of the Prophetic Ministry –
that of providing the right things to the right people in the right place at the right time!
They were people who “had understanding of the times.” The word “understanding” comes
from the Hebrew word “biyn” meaning:
“To separate mentally (or distinguish); i.e. understand:- attend, consider, be cunning,
diligently, direct, discern, eloquent, feel, inform, instruct, have (intelligence), know, look well to,
mark, perceive, be prudent, regard, skillfull.” “Biyn” is then developed into “biynah” which is:
“Understanding: knowledge, meaning, perfectly, understanding, wisdom” (Strong’s).
“To separate (to distinguish); hence, to discern, to mark, to understand, all which depend
on the power of separating, distinguishing; specially to discern, perceive; to discern mentally, to
understand” (Wilson’s).
The children of Issachar had the spiritual ability to perceive and discern the times or
seasons they were living in. That made them prophetic. It gave them an ability to live in the
“now” of God’s purposes – “To know what Israel should do and the best time to do it”
(GNB). Their ministry instilled confidence into the people because of their unique understanding
and knowledge, which was beyond the ordinary.
The word “know” is also a Prophetic Word and comes from the Hebrew “yada” meaning:
“To know (properly to ascertain by seeing) . . . and includes observation, care, recognition . . .
cunning, declare, be diligent (can cause to) discern, discover . . . perceive, have understanding”
“To see – and gives the following order of significations: To perceive, to be sensible of, by
sight, by touch, but chiefly in the mind; hence to understand, observe; to consider; to mark and
observe with a purpose . . .
To come to the knowledge of, by seeing, by hearing, and by experience . . .
To know, as that which has not been known before.
To know, be acquainted with.
To know, to understand, to know how.
Absolutely, to know to be wise. In Hebrew, words of knowledge imply also the exercise of the
affections; to know implies faith” (Wilson’s).
Putting all this together in the context of 1 Chronicles 12, David knew the giftings of the
descendants of Issachar – 200 of them – and he recognized the importance of their perceptive
understanding and knowledge. David had such confidence in them that he trusted their
discernment in making decisions on what Israel should do. The Jerusalem Bible puts it this
way: “of the sons of Issachar, sound judges of the times when Israel should take action,
and the way to do it: two hundred chiefs and all their kinsmen under their command” (they
did whatever the sons of Issachar said).
David delegated much responsibility and decision-making to “those sound judges of the times,”
the sons of Issachar. He knew the accuracy, truthfulness and reliability of their God-given abilities.
The result was David released them to function and fulfil their destiny, and they helped and
released David to become the king of Israel. This is Prophetic Team Ministry in action - not David
deciding and acting alone as a “one-man band,” but David working with and trusting 200 others in
knowing what his men ought to do – and when to do it.
May God help each of us to see more of the importance of the Prophetic Ministry being
developed from generation to generation, for it is a vital means of helping God’s people “to
understand and to know what to do.” There is so much we can learn from the descendants of
Issachar – and from God’s Word – as we see how effective true Prophetic Ministry is in the
purposes of God today.
Be blessed, inspired and challenged as you follow the guiding of the Holy Spirit today.
Chapter Six
In order to be able to improve our accuracy and effectiveness in Prophetic Ministry, we need to
continually examine our own hearts, our motives and attitudes toward others ~ especially those we
are delivering a Prophetic Message to from God. A key motivation in all Christian Ministry ~ and
especially the Prophetic Ministry ~ is a strong and genuine love for those we are ministering
to. Far too many have been affected in a negative way, and have even been wounded by the way by
which some prophetic people function. That, in turn, brings about a negative reaction and a bad
testimony of the whole ministry of the prophetic. It is sad, and too often true, that prophetic people are
often their own worst enemies! The way they/we go about things is not always ethically right, or
“decently and in order” (1 Corinthians 14:40). Publicly humiliating genuine, God-loving people is
destructive! Trying to be an Old Testament style of Prophet under this New Covenant day of grace is
an ignorance and misunderstanding of what the Prophetic Ministry of today is about. Let it not be so
with any of us who are reading this (and taking heed to its advice).
In saying that we should do things “decently and in order” does not mean that there is a set pattern
or right way of doing things in Holy Spirit Ministry. The Holy Spirit is very creative and very
original, and it is often in the saying and/or doing of something prophetic, in a way we have never
done before that is exactly what He is wanting for that particular information to be transferred to that
particular person or people. In other words, He may want us to deliver His Message to someone in a
way we have never ministered it before. What might be “decent and in order” to one may be quite
“indecent and out of order” for someone else to do! The more we grow in the Prophetic Ministry, the
more creative, relaxed and free we become to obey God in ways we have never expressed before.
That is why we must be very sensitive and loving towards those we are ministering to, and to know
the reality and importance of being “led by the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 4:1; Acts 8:26-40; Romans 8:14).
Liberty is not licence “to do whatever one likes” (Galatians 5:13). Keeping a right heart, and a right
attitude, is very important in ministering in the Prophetic Ministry. Prophetic people and prophets are
not “a law unto themselves.” They have obligations and responsibilities that often others do not have,
and therefore must discharge their obedience to God in a God-honouring way.
Chapter Seven
To become more liberated within ourselves we have to become less “self-conscious” and more “God-
conscious.” By that I mean we have to face the fears in our lives and deal with them! When we
are more “self-conscious and afraid” of what people might say if we obey the voice of the Holy Spirit,
then we will never obey Him to the degree that He wants us to. These fears can often be locked
into our lives because we are also too proud to step out in obedience in a public gathering (pride robs
us more than we realize). Here are three keys that, I believe, will help you to function in a beautiful
prophetic way. Simplicity is the key!
In presenting us with the operation of Spiritual Gifts, the Apostle Paul said we need to “earnestly
desire” them (1 Corinthians 12:31; 1 Corinthians 14:1, 39). Both of these words have strong meanings. The
word “desire” has about thirteen different variations of meanings and can be described as “require,
demand, desire to have, to will, to fix the desire upon, desire earnestly, long for, to seek after, to
reach or stretch out, to have zeal for” (Bullinger’s). Collins Dictionary gives us this meaning: “to wish or
long for; crave; want.” God responds to our desire. Desire shows God we are serious about what
we are wanting from Him in order to obey Him. Even the Psalmist said, “Delight yourself also in the
Lord, and He will give you the desires (“request, desire, petition” – Strong’s) of your heart” (Psalm
37:4). The Prophetic Ministry does not just “suddenly fall into our lap” and “hey, presto! ~ it is all there,
and happening!”
No, we must not only desire, but the Bible also adds the word “earnestly” to that desire. To be
“earnest” means to be “serious in mind or intention; showing or characterized by sincerity of intention;
demanding or receiving serious attention” (Collins Dictionary). The Bible meaning in 1 Corinthians 12:31
is: “to be zealous; to be eager for” (Bullinger’s). The subject of Spiritual Gifts is one that must be
pursued with serious intention because of its great significance and importance. How sad that so very
few Christians approach Spiritual Gifts and the Prophetic Ministry with that kind of strength of desire.
But when we do, we reap the wonderful benefits of that which they represent.
It is time to get more serious about Spiritual Gifts and the Prophetic Ministry!
Why does there have to be a strong desire? It is simply because the developing of a strong desire
after specific things in God will cause us to get our priorities sorted out more definitely. If we
long for something strongly enough, then other lesser important things are going to be put aside in
order that we can attain that which we desire more than anything else. With the Gifts and Ministries of
the Holy Spirit (what I call the Prophetic Ministry), we have to come to a place in our hearts where we
see them as being extremely important in our lives ~ so much so that we come to know them as our
“Christian tools of the trade.” When we have a strong desire to obey the voice of God, then that
growing desire causes us to face the hindrances and eliminate them. What ever gets in the way of
our obeying the voice of God is a hindrance ~ whether it be doubts, fear, inferiority, insecurity,
inhibitions, self-consciousness, guilty conscience, excuses, wrong teachings, disobedience and/or
people ~ it and they need to be relegated to their proper place (some Christians even “hide” behind
Scriptures taken out of context as an excuse not to exercise Spiritual Gifts).
I have come to discover and believe that there is no room for excuses when it comes to obeying the
voice of God. Why? Because God never asks us to do anything we cannot do.
The voice of God is the very Holy Spirit of Truth (John 14:15-17; John 15:26; John 16:1-15).
He never tells a lie, and He never leads us wrong.
Yet, so often, we struggle to accept and know His voice in a way that we are prepared to totally
commit to whatever He says! We are quick to tell others to trust Him and to have faith in Him, yet if
we are totally honest with ourselves, we also do struggle in these basic areas of Christianity! If we
are genuine in our love for Jesus, then we demonstrate that love for Him by our obedience to
Him! John 14:15-31 is very clear on this. Excuses only reveal the lack of love and commitment on our
part to believing that which God speaks to us. And if there is any doubt whatsoever on our part
regarding the hearing of the voice of God, we will not commit to that which He is saying. We will do
nothing, and so nullify that which God is asking us to do. That is disobedience ~ and disobedience
never accomplishes anything to the glory of God! But, when we obey God, there is always
someone waiting on the other side of our obedience!
On one of my trips to Papua New Guinea, I was privileged to go to the island of Bougainville to
speak at a Pastors’ Conference. It was the first overseas ministry team after the signing of the
peace treaty (there had been nine years of internal war there). In one of the meetings I felt led of
the Lord to call a specific Pastor and his wife forward to minister prophetically into their lives. I sat
them on chairs facing the rest of the Conference delegates. As the team ministered to them they
both began to weep very loudly with uncontrollable sobbing. We had no idea why. It was a
precious time of ministry for them, as the Prophetic Words flowed into their lives. Why were they
sobbing so loudly? Well, prior to the meeting that day, they had sat down together in their home
and spoken of their need to hear from God in certain areas of their lives and ministry if they were
going to continue Pastoring. They actually wrote down five key areas that they needed to hear
from God on. No one knew anything about the five points they had written down; yet as they sat
there being ministered to through Spiritual Gifts, every one of those five points were specifically
answered for them! They knew it was God! They had told no one, but had talked together and
poured out their hearts to Him at home. That time of ministry to them saved their ministry, and
helped them to be good Pastors to the people, bringing much healing to that war-torn island.
All the nine Spiritual Gifts can be, and are released out of us (at different times) to function in their
God-given purposes as a direct result of the way we hear and interpret the voice of God. If we do
not recognize His voice, the impression, the prompting, or however it comes to us, then we will not
respond to and release the gifts out to others. In short, nothing happens! And nothing will
continue to happen until we learn how to hear and respond to the voice of God! The truth is
that we are not waiting for God to do something ~ He is waiting for us to respond to what He has
already said, and is saying! When we are prepared to commit ourselves to God in such a way
that when He speaks, we are committed to obeying, then things will begin to happen for us
supernaturally. But until then, we are only “passengers joy-riding on the Christian bus” or
“spectators standing on the sideline” instead of being involved as participators on the field.
I cannot emphasize this enough. So much damage is done in the Kingdom of God because we
have not taken the time to let love rule in our heart. Too many are afraid to get close to others,
and other people are often afraid to allow you to get close to them. They hold us “at arm’s length.”
All Christian Ministry on that basis is superficial. It is a strong and genuine love that makes the
Prophetic Ministry all the more powerful. Love puts us in the other person’s shoes.
Even when you are delivering a genuine Prophetic Word ~ and it is not being received ~ we still
have the responsibility to let love flow through us to them. For various reasons, there are people
who are skeptical of the Holy Spirit Ministry and Spiritual Gifts. They have been “burned” or “hurt”
by others before you came on the scene; their defences are up, and when that is the case, it is
likely they will not hear what you are saying to them. Their emotions allow them to only receive
“what they are looking for” and you can become the candidate for being labelled “a false prophet”
because of these situations. Jesus taught us this:
“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those
who curse you, and pray for those who despitefully use you. To him who strikes you on the
one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold
your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your
goods do not ask for them back. And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them
likewise. But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love
those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to
you? For even sinners do the same . . . ” (Luke 6:27-33).
While these Scriptures are not specifically about Prophetic Ministry, we can nevertheless take heed to
the principles here, especially: “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them
likewise.” Matthew 7:12 expresses it this way: “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you,
do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”
Love is a very important key! Right now, let us stop and ask the following questions:
These are important questions to answer if we are going to develop and mature in the realm of
Prophetic Ministry. Sharing with others what the Holy Spirit has revealed to us about them brings
them (through that Prophetic Word) into the realm of the spirit. It helps us to see in time what God
has destined for them/us in time, and even into eternity. The Prophetic Ministry is not about
playing with words ~ and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12) are not toys for us to play
with. That is why we have the need to examine our heart, motives and actions. They are also not to
be approached with a “take it or leave it” attitude that far too many are guilty of today. It is not by
chance that 1 Corinthians 13 - THE LOVE CHAPTER - is placed where it is in the Bible; right in the
middle of the teachings on Spiritual Gifts. Love is the motivation of why we minister and do what
we do, and the way we do it. And that is as important as the words we speak. On so many
occasions we are led by the Holy Spirit to impart love into people as we minister to them
* Recommended Reading: My book: “You Can Measure Your Love For God.”
How important this one is! If we are too proud to learn and be taught in the Prophetic Ministry, then
we are not going to last the distance - something will come along to derail us. Make no mistake about
this. The history or “track record” of the Prophetic Ministry over the years has often been chaotic. Yet
so much of the chaos could all have been avoided if the people concerned had learned to apply these
three simple keys into their hearts and spirits. A teachable spirit is a humble and gracious spirit. It
does not laud it over people and make demands on them “because I am bringing you the Word of the
Lord.” A teachable spirit acknowledges that we can make mistakes, and that we do not always get it
exactly right. A teachable spirit looks to others, especially a proven mentor or mentors for advice and
correction (when necessary), so that they can bring glory to God, credit to their gifting, and answers
to those they minister to. Never be too proud to ask the questions of those who are more mature in
their Prophetic Ministry.
If you have answered, “Yes” to this question, how do you know you have a teachable spirit? Is this
your opinion, or have others told you?
Chapter Eight
“We hear a lot about the Prophetic Ministry today, but it seems that so few understand what it is really
about. It is more than prophesying in church, or making a declaration or two ‘in the name of the Lord.’
When we commit to the Prophetic Ministry it will cause us to make changes in the way we
think, believe, and act. It will take us in a different direction to that which we have generally
been taught in our Christian life. It will cause us to re-examine our core values, and to let go of
those ‘Christian theories’ that simply do not work. The Prophetic Ministry will cause us to
function in a supernatural yet practical way, a way that sees lives transformed to the glory of
God. It enables us to fulfil our dreams and desires like nothing else. Why? Because the
Prophetic Ministry is all about our connecting with ‘the present tense’ (the Greek word is
‘rhema’) voice of God that releases faith in us to fulfil that which the Word or Voice of God is
saying to us today ~ ‘So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word (‘rhema’) of
God’ (Romans 10:17).
I have been a Holy Spirit-filled Christian for over 45 years, yet since I have committed my life more to
walking in the Prophetic Ministry I have seen and experienced more of the impact of God in my life
than ever before. We are ministering to thousands more people than we ever did in the past, and we
are seeing God provide financially like never before. Why? ‘The Word of the Lord is right’ when we
will hear it, receive it, and act upon it in the now!
The Prophetic Ministry is a very different way. Far too many give only ‘lip service’ to it. It is not
seen as being ‘all that important’ in the life of many churches, and therefore the people never get to
experience, flow in, or release in their own lives this powerful realm of the Holy Spirit that can take us
into ‘double portion territory’ with God. And if we do not get the opportunities to develop in the
Prophetic Ministry, then we are missing a major part of God’s purposes for our lives. Knowing
what I now know of the Prophetic Ministry, we simply cannot afford to miss this vital part of God’s
purposes, as it holds so many keys to fulfilling the will of God for the Church Internationally, and for
us individually. If we do not embrace more of the Prophetic, we will continue to slip into obscurity in a
modernistic, Christ-rejecting generation (especially in the Western world).
There are so many advantages for a Christian when we will pursue the Prophetic Ministry with all our
heart. God speaks, directs, anoints, provides, enables us to do things we have never been able to do
before, and even allows us to supersede those whose lives we have admired and whose ministries
we have longed to imitate” (end of quote).
Let us consider this Scripture seriously: “Examine (from the Greek “peirazo” meaning “to test
(objectively), i.e. endeavour, scrutinize, discipline, prove” – Strong’s) yourselves as to whether you
are in the faith (from the Greek “pistis” meaning “faithfulness, steadfastness, truth”). Test (from the
Greek “dokimazo” meaning “to try, prove, prove by test, approve, discern, examine”) yourselves. Do
you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? ~ unless indeed you are disqualified” (2
Corinthians 13:5, NKJV).
Self-examination is good for us; especially when we do it in order to improve ourselves, and not to put
ourselves down in negativity and condemnation. If we are going to improve ourselves, then it is
important that we look at what we are doing, how we are doing it, and what kind of results we
are accomplishing through that which we are involved in. This is all necessary in the Prophetic
Chapter Nine
Some Prophetic people are “a law unto themselves.” They display a manner that demonstrates they
are neither teachable, nor accountable to those in positions of authority. Their mannerisms, and the
“rough-shod riding over the people” bring about a bad reputation to the precious Prophetic Ministry.
Too many get caught up in the “Watch me, me, me” syndrome, where it is all about “performance”
rather than God and people. These things all leave “a bad taste in the mouth” on the part of Church
Perhaps the main reason as to why there is so much negativity and caution toward the Prophetic
Ministry is that the five-fold ministries of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists and Teachers (Ephesians 4:11-
16) are not given the same elevation and importance as that of the role of Pastor. Most
Charismatic/Pentecostal Leaders say they believe in these ministries, but it is only “lip service” in that
room is not made for the other four ministries to be recognized in such a way that they can freely
function within the ranks of the churches. And rarely do we ever hear of any one of the five-fold
ministries ~ other than a Pastor ~ being paid a full-time salary to function as a five-fold ministry! When
that recognition begins to happen, we will know that the respect for the Prophetic Ministry is on the
rise. But, right now, the emphasis and value of the Prophetic is still at a reasonably low ebb. Even in
those churches where the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are allowed to function, very rarely do we hear an
evaluation on the prophecy given, or “How do we apply that in our lives?” Most people, if we are
totally honest, have forgotten what was prophesied by the time the service is over! We just let the
word “fall to the ground” (1 Samuel 3:19). It is soon forgotten, and so we never do get the benefits
of why it was given in the first place.
One of the reasons why Samuel became such a great Prophet of God is that from the moment he
knew he had connected with the voice of God, i.e. he recognized the voice was that of God and not of
a man (Eli), the Scripture says, “he did let none of His words fall to the ground” (see I Samuel 3).
Samuel placed a high value on the voice of God! He quickly learned to hear, capture and apply
whatever God said to him. When we come to the place of recognizing the importance of the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit ~ that they are indeed different aspects of the voice of God to us and
the Church ~ then we will heed them much more than we do at present.
If we do not recognize the importance of Holy Spirit Ministry enough to commit to, and act upon, the
impact of what He says is lost. It is no wonder, then, that so many “forget” what they hear! And
once anything is forgotten, it becomes useless and wasted.
Here is another strange thing about Prophetic Ministry: When “Prophets” prophesy falsely, every one
gets to hear about it (especially in a small nation like New Zealand). But when they prophesy correctly
to do with matters of Church or nation, no one wants to know about it! The fact we get it right does not
mean we shall gain the accolades of those who are affected by what we say.
An experience I had in one church situation bears this out. The church was looking for a new Pastor.
When a certain name was mentioned as a possible choice, immediately the “alarm bells” began
ringing in my spirit. To make matters more difficult for me, the man concerned was totally unknown to
me. He lived outside of our country and there was no way I had of being able to confirm what I
perceived was true. When that man’s name was mentioned, the Holy Spirit spoke to me these words:
“If that man is chosen, then the church will revert back to ‘a one-man band’ style of leadership” (the
church was developing well in Team Ministry).
“That man is not a missions man, and the missions vision will diminish” (the church was a strong
missions church, and I knew for that to continue, then the Leader had to be a strong missions man).
“That man does not understand the prophetic foundation principles of the church.” Because he did
not understand, he would change the vision and direction of the church, which would have the effect
of scattering the people.
“The result of changing the vision and scattering the people will cause the attendance and finances
to fall away. When that happens, that man will resign and leave the church in a mess.”
It came to me so clearly ~ yet I had never met the man! I believed it enough to share with the local
selection committee what the Lord had shown me, strongly emphasizing the fact that he was not their
man. It fell on deaf ears. The more I tried to advise them against that appointment, the more it
seemed they were determined to hire him. Cutting a long story short, they did hire the man, and all
the above things happened ~ in less than two years! Many lives and families were caused
unnecessary dilemma and hurt, because of that decision. At the end the man resigned and left the
country. (To this day no one has acknowledged to me that what I had said was true.)
When the respect of the Prophetic Ministry Gifts has risen to gain more respect, through a
demonstration of their accuracy, we will find more and more of the above happening, but with the
decision makers listening much more closely to the words of ‘the Prophets.’ They will have learned
that God does have a concern as to who is placed in any positions of Leadership amongst His
How tragic it is that when it comes to the things of God, God’s people seem to be quite
ignorant on how He works!
Often the Prophetic Ministry is a definite means of confirming what God’s will is for a person, or a
church. On another occasion I was ministering in Bristol, England. During the course of my message,
the Holy Spirit kept giving me distinct Words of Knowledge for various people in the meeting. As this
was happening, I noticed the two Pastors (sitting side by side) were excitedly talking and laughing
together. After a while I stopped and asked them what they were so excited about (as they were
distracting to me as I was ministering). Their answer amazed me. They said, “You do not know this,
but each of those people that you have just told them their giftings and callings in God, on Monday
night (two nights previously), we held a meeting here in this church and appointed those same people
into the positions you have just told them they had!” The Pastors were overjoyed that they had got it
right ~ and God had confirmed it all through someone who knew absolutely nothing of what had taken
On another occasion I was in the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu, on an outer island, with my friend
and colleague, Harvey Walker. We were the first white (European) ministers to visit that area in 27
years. It was something of a new experience for us to have the young people touching and handling
us, because we were so pale looking in comparison to them! They had never seen any people so in
need of a suntan! During one of the meetings the Holy Spirit said to me, “Get the people to sing that
chorus, ‘We are standing on holy ground . . .’ What a dilemma for me. I do not have a strong-enough
singing voice to teach a new song, and the chances of a lot of people there knowing such a chorus
was sending negative thoughts through my mind. I asked if anyone knew the song. At the most four
or five hands went up (the meeting was in a hot, tin shed with over 300 people packed inside). What
was I to do? The Holy Spirit said to sing the chorus, so we launched into it with some difficulty. As we
sang it over and over, more and more caught the heartbeat of that chorus. Before long the whole
place was caught up in the worship of Jesus through that song. As we continued to sing, the
presence of the Lord came forth in that place in a very powerful way. It was so strong that it was like
we had to “push” our way through it when we moved around in the meeting. At the same time this
was happening, all over the meeting people suddenly began seeing visions of Jesus and Heaven,
and were receiving revelation they had never received before. As the various ones spoke out what
they were seeing and hearing, all the people were crying tears at the wonders of what was
happening, and the “thick” atmosphere in that place. We all knew Jesus was in that place! Over
forty percent of the people in that area came to Christ at that time. We heard confessions and
saw repentances by people who never attended one meeting, but had been powerfully
affected by God’s presence in that area of Pentecost Island. It was a wonderful visitation of
God. And, for me, it all started with the Lord saying, “Get the people to sing, ‘We are standing on holy
ground.’” As you will understand, that chorus has a very special place in my heart.
In so many cases we have been involved with around the world, the Prophetic Ministry is an amazing
confirmation of what God has already said to people beforehand. But the Prophetic Ministry is not
only for confirmation. It has to do with things past, present and future ~ things both known and yet
unknown. The “unknown” parts of the Prophetic make it important that the Prophetic Words are
recorded, so the unfolding of them “further down the track” can be positively seen.
Let us look now at the area of receiving Prophetic Words for other people. This is to help you to think
and pray through about what happens when you receive a Prophetic Word to give to someone else.
Chapter Ten
I remember ministering in a church here in New Zealand – the only time (to date) I have ministered in
that church. I was sitting at the back of the church waiting for the service to start. A man about 30
years of age walked in and sat down in the third or fourth row from the front. I did not see his face, but
as he walked up the aisle the Holy Spirit said to me, “That man is in to cars.” The next thing, in the
spirit I saw him sitting in a Morris Minor motorcar. I could see the gear lever was in second gear with
his left hand resting on the gear knob, and he had his right hand on the handbrake, pulling it on. My
logic tried to get in the way and make me doubt what I had seen. It made me feel that I should “water
down” – even change – the way I would speak this out to him. Those doubts plagued me enough that
when the time came in the meeting for me to minister to the man, instead of speaking out positively to
him that “I see you are a man that loves cars,” I instead changed it into a question, asking, “Do you
love motorcars?” The moment I got his positive response (I had never spoken to the man in my life
before that moment), I then told him that I saw him sitting in the driver’s seat of a Morris Minor
motorcar, that was in second gear with his left hand on the gear lever, and his right hand was on the
handbrake pulling it to slow it down. When I spoke that out, the whole church erupted into laughter –
they knew things about the man that I did not. They were amazed at the accuracy of what I had said. I
went on to minister to the man, using the illustration as a spiritual illustration of where he was
presently at with God. He had not (as yet) discovered that the Morris Minor car (which represented
him) had more gears and that God wanted him to speed up, take his hand off the handbrake, and
trust the Lord to do greater things in and through his life. Why did the church erupt into laughing? The
people excitedly spoke out publicly, saying that the man was a Morris Minor fan, he was a member of
the Morris Minor Car Club, and had eight of them sitting around his property! He was also a
racing Stock Car driver! When I spoke to that man in Morris Minor pictures and language, I instantly
had his attention, and he knew immediately how it related to his spiritual walk with Jesus Christ. Yet I
knew nothing about his involvement with Morris Minors, etc. If I had changed the picture to a general
interpretation, i.e. by saying a motorcar, rather than following what I saw as a Morris Minor motorcar,
that Prophetic Word would not have had any where near the impact that it did on his life. That is what
I call Holy Spirit language.
It is not wrong, when ministering in the prophetic, to commence by asking a question. The important
thing is that we pass on what the Holy Spirit has shown us, and, if we have some doubts, then to lead
with a question is okay. Remember, we are all “learners” in the realm of the prophetic, and there can
be a variety of ways by which we can bring the required and desired results to the glory of Jesus. The
big thing is to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and the person or people we are ministering to.
It is very important that we are mindful of the emotions that are stirred within a person when we
deliver a Prophetic Word. The truth of what is being spoken at that “right time in God” can be very
powerful and deeply impacting. A few years ago l was ministering in a large church here in New
Zealand when the Holy Spirit drew my attention to a single young lady, whom the Lord wanted to
convey to just how much He knew about her, how much He loved and cared for her, and that He had
not forsaken her. As I spoke those words out publicly, the next thing I saw her as a very beautiful rose
coming into full bloom with one or two big raindrops sparkling on the petals. Then I saw the colour of
that rose - it was a very rich dark red, a beautiful rose. I spoke the picture out and described
especially about the brilliance of the colour of that dark red rose. When I spoke that picture, the lady
burst into tears and wept before the Lord. The picture of the rose described to her the best way she
could interpret how much God loved and cared for her at that time. And, you most likely guessed it,
the rose was her favourite flower, and the dark red colour her favourite colour.
Sometimes I see a word written across a person’s head or chest (others see them diagonally across
their body like a sash, or somewhere else). Those words, I have discovered, are the key to unlocking
what the Holy Spirit is asking me to say to them (prophetically) at that time. If the word I see is “love,”
then I know they have a ministry of love, mercy and compassion.
On another occasion the Holy Spirit gave me a Word of Knowledge for a lady. It was inspirational and
encouraging (which public Prophetic Words should be). As I stepped toward her to deliver it, I
suddenly saw the words “egg shells” written across her forehead. I was somewhat bewildered, as I
had never seen such a word on a person before. I quickly asked the Holy Spirit for His interpretation,
and in a moment of time, He showed me that she was very fragile and could be easily shattered if I
did not deliver the word with great sensitivity. It caused me to be super-delicate, so that I spoke out
the Prophetic Word as gently and sensitively as I possibly could. Even then she broke and sobbed
very loudly. I was able to take her in my arms and pour in the healing love of Jesus. If I had not taken
heed to those words “egg shells” and just dismissed them as a figment of my imagination, I could
have been guilty of delivering the right word to the right person, but in a wrong manner, thus nullifying
the effect and impact of the Prophetic Word. Worse still, I could have set that lady back for years in
her walk with God! The Holy Spirit has a language of His own – and we need to recognize and give
good heed to it.
It is always a joy to see other members of The GFM Team being used in beautiful ways. Not so long
ago, Kerry Wright was desirous to know if he could step out where he had not stepped out before in
ministering prophetically. A young married couple were being ministered to prophetically. As Kerry
abandoned himself to the Holy Spirit, he saw the names of two countries that he felt God was going
to take that couple to. He boldly spoke those countries names out – United Kingdom and South
Africa. The couple responded positively, but Kerry did not know of the events that had taken place
beforehand. He thought that only United Kingdom was right. Later, when I spoke with the couple, they
relayed with excitement and amazement of how, just in recent times, they had had a big heart-to-
heart talk about their future and the call of God. They had felt that God was calling them to travel
overseas, and talked about a number of countries that could be possibilities. As they talked back and
forth, they finally came to the conclusion that there were two countries that were at the top of the list
of priorities – United Kingdom and South Africa! They had not told anyone and were so excited when
Kerry spoke those two countries out publicly. (Kerry was a little more than excited too, when I told him
that they had previously worked through on their overseas travel plans and came up with the same
two countries).
Chapter Eleven
There are many different ways that we can initially receive a Prophetic Word or Act to pass on to
others. It is up to each one of us, individually, to discover and to know how and when God speaks to
us. I have to know for me, and you have to know for you. Until we know it is God, then we are unlikely
to respond in a public gathering and speak out or do what the voice is telling us to say or do. Try not
to be locked into only one or two ways by which you receive a Prophetic Word ~ God wants us to
develop our Spiritual Gifts and Ministries in ongoing and creative new ways. Do not be afraid to
experiment in your learning to know the different ways the Holy Spirit wants to talk to you. I believe
He wants us to so know His voice that He can speak to us any way He likes ~ and we will still know it
is Him.
2. What do you normally do with that Prophetic Word between the time of
receiving it and the time of delivering it? (I call this the “incubation” period).
Does the revelation (Prophetic Word) clarify, develop, get added to ~ or subtracted from ~
during this time?
Do you know who it is for?
Does it always happen when you are in a meeting, or does it come also when you are at
home or work?
Having received a Word or Prophetic Act to carry out ~ and acknowledging in our own heart
and thoughts that this has come from God ~ we then have to commit to that word and seek the
discernment and wisdom of God as to what to do next. There is often a space of time between
the initial receiving, and the delivering of the message or instructions that God has given us. During
this space of time we need to be looking to the Holy Spirit to open the way ~ and the right timing ~ for
us to obey Him (we have to be committed to the obeying part). We may receive the message before
we even get to the gathering, or during a song, announcements even, or while the preacher is
preaching. (It is not usually a very ethical thing to jump up and interrupt what is going on by “cutting
across” the present happenings.) My experience is that the Holy Spirit will always make a way,
give an opening at the right time, when He wants us to pass on His message to others.
I remember the time when I was sitting in my local church (when I was quite new to fellowshipping
there), and the Holy Spirit said to me, “I want you to share with the Pastor that God is calling him to
the ministry of an Apostle.” I was not too keen to obey that word, as I was desirous to remain
inconspicuous. Besides that, I also did not want to be guilty of saying something that could be
misunderstood. So I told the Lord that He would have to make it definitely clear and “distinctly open
the way” if I was going to respond to His request. Because it was the Lord Who had spoken to me, He
did open the way for me to speak. But when that moment came, I just sat there unresponsive. I was
wavering in my decision to stand up, walk forward before the whole church and declare what the Lord
had shown me. As I sat there “arguing with God,” suddenly a lady sitting in the row directly behind me
reached forward, tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Are you not meant to be doing something?” I
was shocked, yet amazed at how God had spoken to someone else to get me activated. I did not
need a second prod! I stood up, walked to the front of the church (where the Pastor was), and
declared that God had called him to be an Apostle. It was enthusiastically received by the
congregation ~ not so much by the Pastor (at the time). Later I had opportunity to take that Pastor out
on ministry trips ~ both in New Zealand and overseas ~ and each time we were wonderfully blessed
as he rose to function in his Apostolic calling.
During the incubation time - the waiting time - keep meditating upon what the Holy Spirit has given
you. Look for further confirmations, that what you have received is from the Lord and not your own
imagination. That confirmation can come from others ministering ahead of you, and/or by further
revelation from the Holy Spirit. If you do not know who the message is for, then ask the Lord to give
the right way to put the message across so the right person(s) will get the benefits of why God gave
you the message in the first place. When you do not know who the message is for, it can be that the
Lord is desirous of speaking to several people specifically through what He has given you to share.
If you do know who the message is for, then discern the right time to make your move. Discern when
the person is at a place of “faith and acceptance” to be able to receive gracefully what you have been
given by God for them.
If the opening does not come for you at all, then it is possibly a case of it being the wrong time, and
you will need to incubate the word/message a bit longer, or it is a case of what I call “a lost
opportunity” - that is, when the opportunity came, you missed it by not stepping out/forward quickly
enough, and the moment passed you by. Do not get condemned by this. Use it to learn from, so that
on another occasion you will be more sensitive and ready to deliver that which God gives you. Always
seek to be learning ~ even in the times when the moment and opportunity is missed. Do not get to
rely on some stranger tapping you on the shoulder to stir you into action! It will not happen like that
every time.
Do you put yourself where the person is that you are ministering to?
Do you put yourself into their shoes?
What if you were on the receiving end of your Prophetic Word (in a public gathering)?
Are you aware of your mannerism?
Are you afraid?
Are you nervous?
Do you feel a strong love in your heart for that person, or people?
If in a meeting, and you have received a “border line” word, i.e. it is somewhat negative,
do you submit what you have received to a Leader?
Do you know your boundaries, i.e. Do you know what you are able to say and do in a
public meeting, and what you are not able to say or do? For example, it is not wise to deliver a
negative kind of word in a public meeting. The Holy Spirit can give us a word that we would call
negative, or a warning, or some insight into something not being right in the life of someone else
present. That kind of word needs to be submitted to a Leader, and not spoken out (unless that Leader
gives you the “go ahead”). In those times, we have to discern what to do with something that we – or
others – could interpret as negative if spoken out. We need to ask ourselves: “Is the Holy Spirit giving
me some personal information about someone else that I need to pray through on?” If in doubt,
always have the freedom to submit what you have received to someone in authority. Leaders should
be able to instruct you as to what to do with what you have received. Once submitted to them, the
responsibility then passes on to them to advise you further. If they tell you to say nothing, then you
need to accept that – and leave it at that. If they want you to share it personally with the person
concerned (with a Leader present preferably), then that is the direction you should take. It is very
important to be accountable and submissive in Prophetic Ministry. Whatever you do, do not take the
attitude that “God told me and therefore I have to give it, regardless of what anyone else says!”
Unfortunately there are some like that around who continue to “spoil” the reputation of the Prophetic
Ministry and thus make it more difficult for us all to gain a more credible acceptance.
All Christian Ministry should be motivated and administered in LOVE. Always remember that
any ministry without that accompanying love makes us nothing (1 Corinthians 13). “But he who
prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men” (1 Corinthians 14:3) ~ in love!
Once you have accepted that the Prophetic Word you have received is for “public consumption,” you
then look for the moment of delivery. The moment of delivery is very important. It must be done in
a loving and acceptable way in the public assembly. The message should be delivered lovingly and
positively. The Scriptural guidelines of “edification, exhortation and comfort” should be
adhered to. The Spiritual Gifts and Prophetic Ministry are not to be used to “clobber the people with
guilt trips.” The Prophetic Ministry must always build the people up, not knock them down! This realm
of the Prophetic is not dealing with the office of a Prophet (because you can prophesy does not make
you a Prophet!) ~ it is about the Body of Christ being released to function in the beautiful ministries of
Spiritual Gifts and obeying the voice of God to edify others.
4. What would your attitude be if you believed you were giving a true
Prophetic Word, yet others felt that it was wrong?
Because there has been so much negativity toward the Prophetic Ministry (some justified, some not),
Christians generally have been taught to “be careful and cautious” with regards the Prophetic; the
result being that the Prophetic Ministry loses much of its impact because the people receiving do not
know what to do with a Prophetic Word after they have received one. This negativity is such that if
someone gives a Prophetic Word, and ninety-five percent of it is very accurate and five percent is not
(or questionable), then people will tend to “pick up” on the negative five percent and dismiss the
whole Prophetic Word as being false! It may not be false at all. It could be revelation for the future
that no one has any knowledge or understanding of at that point in time! Those who continually look
for faults and negativity in Prophetic Words are not likely to gain many benefits from Prophetic
Another problem often encountered in the Prophetic Ministry is that when the subject of Spiritual Gifts
and Ministries is taught by those who do not exercise, or flow in those Spiritual Gifts and Ministries,
then their teachings have a different emphasis to those who have experienced the Word of God
becoming a working reality in our lives. Theories are not sufficient if there is no outworking
reality! Spiritual Gifts and Ministries always have an outworking so others get the benefits of
those gifts! A gift is not a gift until it is given away! For example, a prophecy is not a prophecy until it
is spoken out aloud for others to hear and receive. One can have the greatest revelation from God
the Holy Spirit in his/her heart, but it is useless in its benefit to others until it is spoken out. This
principle applies with all the nine Spiritual Gifts. The Gifts of Healings is not the Gifts of Healings if
nobody is getting healed as a result of its operation.
Often there are problems when people become “self-appointed Prophets,” and who then think they
are “God’s policemen” to the Church! All true, Holy Spirit-filled Ministries are love motivated,
teachable and accountable to those in authority in the places where they minister. Always
remain teachable, and let others see that you are teachable.
IN THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY we are seeing and hearing of more and more people receiving
“pictures,” of “seeing things” with their eyes. These pictures are given to encourage, bless, reveal,
even warn people concerning their life and future. They can be received for people prior to a
meeting, in the same meeting you are attending, or they can be received for someone absent,
even in another part of the world (there is no distance with God, nor any circumstance that is too
big for Him).
It appears the Bible has little to say about the word “picture” or “pictures.” What, then, are the
words that it does use? And what is the significance of those words? The dictionary meaning
of the word “picture” is:
“1. A visual representation of something, such as a person or scene . . .
2. A mental image or impression: a clear picture of events.
3. A verbal description, especially one that is vivid . . . ” (Collins).
In 1 Timothy 1:16, the Apostle Paul states: “However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in
me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering as a pattern to those who are going to
believe on Him for everlasting life.” Again, in 2 Timothy 1:13 he says: “Hold fast the pattern
(“form”) of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ
The words “pattern” and “form” come from the same Greek word “hupotuposis” and mean “a
sketch” (Strong’s), or “outline, a primary draught or sketch to be afterwards filled in, or painted over”
Paul’s life was like a drawing, a picture, which others could see in reality, and could therefore
follow as an example for their own walk with the Lord.
A picture is something that is seen. That sense of “seeing” is strong enough and vivid enough
to be able to describe it in words. The Bible chooses to use the words “perceive” and “vision,”
both having to do with “seeing” beyond the natural faculty and ability of the mind. Perception and
vision are part of the inheritance of Holy Spirit- filled believers in Jesus Christ.
12 Interpretations of “Perceive”:
The New Testament has twelve (12) interpretations of the word “perceive.” I share them with
you, as it is very important that we know the source of that which we “see”:
1. The Greek word is “ginosko,” meaning “to perceive, observe, obtain a knowledge of, or insight
into, to know and be influenced by the personal relation between the person knowing and the
object known, to have a knowledge which produces some emotion and affection of the mind”
(Matthew 16:8, KJV; 21:45 & 22:18; Luke 8:46; 20:19, KJV; John 6:15; Acts 23:6; Galatians 2:9 & 1 John 3:16, KJV).
2. “epiginosko,” meaning “to know thereupon, i.e. by looking on the object; hence, to know fully,
to gain and receive a full knowledge of, become fully acquainted with” (Mark 2:8; Luke 1:22; 5:22).
3. “theoreo,” meaning “to be a spectator of, to look on or at, behold, denoting the intention of
mind with which one regards or contemplates an object, expressing the desire of seeing; to
studiously and attentively consider, to see with regard and admiration, look diligently into, and all
this not being the mere act of an instant, but for a lengthened period” (John 4:19; 12:19, KJV; Acts 17:22
& 27:10).
4. “oida,” meaning “to see, referring to the mind of him who sees. ‘Oida’ is the Aorist 2 of ’horao’
in the sense of I saw, (translated) implying, not the mere act of seeing (like ‘blepo’) but the actual
perception of some object” (Mark 4:12; Luke 9:47; Acts 14:9, KJV, & 28:26).
5. “horao,” meaning “to see, perceive with the eyes, to look at, differing like ‘oida,’ from ‘blepo’ as
implying the actual perception of some object or thing seen and presented to the eye. Also
differing from ‘oida,’ in that it regards the object seen, (while ‘oida’ must be referred to the subject,
i.e. the mind of him who sees.)” (Acts 8:23, KJV).
6. “eido” (2nd perfection of ‘oida’) meaning “to have seen, perceived, or apprehended; hence, it
takes the present signification, to know, and the plu-perfect (‘past perfect’) becomes an imperfect”
(Mark 12:28).
7. “noeo,” meaning “to see, perceive, observe, understand, comprehend, to have in mind, think
of; it denotes conscious action of the mind, the mental correlative of sensational perception, the
sensation accompanied with an act of the understanding following as an effect of ‘oida’; hence, to
think, reflect, discern” (Mark 7:18 & 8:17).
8. “katanoeo,” (“noeo,” with “kata,” down, prefixed) meaning “to see or discern distinctly, perceive
clearly, mind accurately” (Luke 6:41 & 20:23).
9. “katalambano,” meaning “to take, to receive with the idea of eagerness, to lay hold of,
seize; then, to seize with the mind, and middle, as here, to comprehend for one’s self, perceive, to
find” (Acts 4:13 & 10:34).
10. “aisthanomai,” meaning “to perceive with the external senses, apprehend or notice by the
senses, (non occurs)” (Luke 9:45).
11. “blepo,” meaning “to use the eyes, sometimes with desire, but not necessarily to see the thing
looked at, the act of seeing without any thought of the object presented to the sight (thus, ‘blepo’
denotes the eye, while ‘horasis’ denotes the vision that is seen by the eye, the species or form of
the thing that falls upon the eye, and ‘horatos,’ that which is submitted to the sight, or is visible” (2
Corinthians 7:8).
12. “heurisko,” meaning “to find by perception, search, or inquiry, find out, discover” (Acts 23:29, KJV)
– (All meanings from Bullinger’s).
When we consider the ways by which God communicates with us, we discover that “seeing” and
“hearing” are two major means. All through the Bible we see God speaking to men and women
through pictures, visions, dreams and trances. He speaks through His Word and by His Holy Spirit
so that we can “hear” what He is saying. Therefore these areas are very important to us. Two
major words that work together are “perception” and “discernment.” Discernment operates in
us as a result of what we perceive. It is like ministering in the Word of Knowledge and the Word of
Wisdom. We can receive a Word of Knowledge, but we then need the Word of Wisdom to know
what, how, where and when to deliver that Word of Knowledge to whoever God has given it to us
for. The Holy Spirit realm is very different from the natural, logical realm that too many “operate” in.
Seeing also involves “vision.” Vision is what we receive as a result of hearing and seeing from
God what He wants us to commit to and fulfil in our lives. Vision is motivating and life-giving: so
much so that the Bible says if we have no vision or revelation, life goes in a downward direction:
“Where there is no revelation (“prophetic vision”), the people cast off restraint” (Proverbs 29:18,
The word “perish” has an interesting meaning: “to throw off, to let loose; hence to uncover, to
make naked; or, according to some, to give the reins . . . or, is made naked, stripped of their
honour and defence” (Wilson’s).
There is something about vision that causes us to rise above the normal mediocrity that most
people seem content to live in. Vision stirs our believing into action. It causes us to see that we
can rise and accomplish things to benefit others and to see more of the Kingdom of God revealed
and extended. Vision releases the God-factor in us to please God! Whenever we are privileged to
get close to a person who is running with God’s vision, there is something about them that inspires
you. They make you feel that you can accomplish things too.
When we are motivated by a vision of God for our lives, we inspire others to rise. We can release
those things that are necessary for others to rise up to fulfil their destiny. But when we lose our
vision, we not only slacken in our direction and disciplines, we also, by our example, also cause
others “to throw off and become stripped of their honour and defence.” They “cast off restraint”
and “perish.”
How open and receptive are we to receiving pictures and visions through the eye-
Jesus ministered a lot in parables (see Matthew 13). When He spoke He painted a picture with
words. People with spiritual understanding could “see” and “hear” what He was talking about.
Jesus used pictures to help people “to know the mysteries (“that which is known only to the
initiated” – Young’s) of the kingdom of heaven . . . therefore I speak to them in parables,
because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand . . . ”
(see Matthew 13:10-17).
Jesus teaches us that kingdom matters are “mysteries”; they have to be “seen” or
“perceived” in order to be understood. The things of God are “spiritually discerned” (1
Corinthians 2). The natural mind cannot understand the things that be of the Spirit of God. That is
why we cannot get the truth of what He speaks about unless the Holy Spirit gives
enlightenment and revelation – it is still that way today! The result of no Holy Spirit revelation
is “religion” instead of “reality”! And that, dear friend, is the devil’s deception in the world today.
We need to see the importance of perception and vision. We need to know we can give
ourselves to them and develop them to the glory of God – and the encouragement of people. To
do this we need to be clear (and clean) in our hearts and minds of guilt. We need to believe what
God says about us more than what we think and say about us (too many Christians put
themselves down on a lower level of life than they should). We need to see that God has called us
to represent Him here on this earth as His ambassadors. His ambassadors have already been
invested with power and authority to speak and act on behalf of the kingdom we represent
– the Kingdom of God and its King Who is JESUS! If we are not functioning in the capacity of
an ambassador then we are not representing the Kingdom of God like we should. And that is not
God’s fault! We are not waiting for Him to do something before we function. He is waiting for
us to rise up and use what He has already invested in us!
I personally believe that it is we Christians who regulate just how far we go in this. Far too
often we doubt that what we “see” and “hear” is from God. For too long we have allowed
the enemy to rob us of an increasing-effectiveness in God (we’ll never know how right we
are if we are not prepared to step out on what we receive. How else can we learn the
accuracy of the prophetic?) Jesus wants us to grow in our confidence so that we know the
pictures we see, the perceptions we have, and the visions we carry, have all been put there
by the Holy Spirit. As we are willing to talk about them (with like-minded Christians) and
share them with those they are given for, we will see a lot more amazing answers to prayer,
and the needs of the people being met more quickly.
In a group setting we can minister to people by encouraging someone to perceive or get a picture
of the one we are ministering to. From there the picture can be developed. Others can add to the
original picture as they discern in the Holy Spirit what the picture represents, and what it means for
that person. Prophetic Team Ministry puts a whole lot more of the “jigsaw puzzle” together (and in
place) in a person’s life. That then enables those persons concerned to know more clearly God’s
plans and purposes that are ahead for them. Whenever possible we encourage these times to be
recorded on audio or videotape, or written down for accountability (for those sharing their pictures
and visions) and further reference for those receiving those pictures and visions.
In the Prophetic Ministry there are so many different ways by which the Holy Spirit wants to use us
to bring His blessing to others. Let us not be afraid to press in more, to “step out of our comfort
zone” (like Peter stepping out of the boat at the word of Jesus – Matthew 14:22-33) and pursue new
areas of service that we have never ministered in before. The Holy Spirit wants to give us “keys” to
pass on to others so that they will know more of where they are heading in God and what He has
called them to.
We all need to be receiving this Prophetic Ministry, but if we are not functioning in it,
we are robbing others of those keys they so desperately need.
On one of my many ministry trips to the Fiji Islands, I was in a village out from Raki Raki on the
main island of Viti Levu. As I was preaching I noticed a man sitting on the floor trying to be
inconspicuous. When I quickly glanced at him, a picture appeared in front of him (no one else saw
it but me). I saw the man sitting in a truck with his foot on the brake, and smoke pouring from the
brake drums on the wheels. This continued until his brakes burned out – he had absolutely no
brakes left on his truck. I stopped preaching and began to share the picture with the man. As I
shared the people began laughing. The more I shared and went into detail as to what I was seeing
(I had never met or spoken to the man prior to this), the more the gathered people roared with
laughter. When I enquired as to what was so amusing, they told me that that man was the only
person in the village who owned a truck, and it was presently sitting idle in the village because he
had burnt the brakes out on it! The Holy Spirit gave me that picture to illustrate to the man where
he was at in God; spiritually he was keeping his “foot on the brake,” whereas he needed to “let go
and let God” work more in his life. As you can imagine, it spoke very clearly and powerfully into his
All Holy Spirit Ministry should be done with a strong love motivation to those being
ministered to. So many “mistakes” are eliminated when we minister out of genuine love for
people (John 13:34-35).
Chapter Thirteen
One thing that has really encouraged me in our pursuit of the Prophetic Ministry through our weekly
Equipping Station gatherings is to observe the discernment level rising to a “greater sharpness.” On
numbers of occasions, when we have visitors coming to be ministered to prophetically, people in the
meeting will speak out things to them that have been shared with me in private before a meeting
starts, or before we even left to go to the meeting. I like to observe people and watch them rise
through their pursuit of the prophetic. Many times, because of what I already know of the persons
being ministered to, I will purposely wait until others have ministered so I can measure their Prophetic
ability and accuracy in discerning what is in the hearts of those they are ministering to. It is wonderful.
I love ministering with these GFM Team people.
In Acts 14:8-11 we read of the Apostle Paul bringing healing to a man because he was sensitive and
discerning enough to recognize where the man’s faith level was at. Paul knew there was a timing
factor involved to get the best results.
On numbers of occasions I have received Prophetic Words for people (sometimes weeks in
advance), and when the time comes for the delivery of them, often the persons concerned are not in
a place of receiving. In a meeting situation, I will then speak and seek to build faith to catch the
person’s attention, or whatever is needed. Then, when the time is right, I deliver the word. On several
occasions I have had to wait until the meeting was over before I was able to minister to the person.
They were in the meeting, but they were not in the meeting (if you know what I mean). They were
there physically, but not spiritually. Their minds and hearts were away somewhere else on other
Prophetic people learn to discern the timing of delivery to get the greatest impact.
Chapter Fourteen
Let me share just two examples of the importance of having Prophetic Words recorded. The first took
place at one of our GFM Conferences during a Small Groups Session. A Conference attendee gave a
word to a lady in the group in a strong, demanding way. The word was insensitive to where she was
at, and was trying to get her to make some decisions quickly regarding what had been said. The lady
was troubled enough to talk to me later about her concerns. The first thing I asked for was the
cassette that her Prophetic Word was recorded on. I listened to it several times, seeking to pick up
the heartbeat of the speaker and what was said. It was not all wrong, but the mannerism of the
delivery was neither a good nor sensitive way for the person delivering the Prophetic Word, therefore
leaving the receiver in a somewhat distressed state of mind. Because the person lived out of town, I
telephoned him and spoke about the matter to him privately. My motivation was not to stop him, but to
direct him into a more loving, sensitive way of delivering his word to others. The result of this was that
no serious ‘damage’ was done to the lady, who I was able to speak to personally as well – and the
man was able to learn from the experience.
In the second example a husband and his wife questioned me about a Prophetic Word they had been
given the night before by a member of The GFM Team. When I asked for the tape, they said the word
had not been recorded, and that it was given after the taping was done. When I began to question
them further (in the presence of their Pastor who was present when the taped words were given), I
discovered that they were somewhat critical (it seemed) of every Prophetic Word that had been given
to them (even on the tape). As I listened ~ there was no way I could argue about a Prophetic Word
that had not been recorded ~ I discerned that they had a general “problem” with receiving Prophetic
Words. Fortunately, the Pastor affirmed the taped Prophetic Words. My responsibility, then, was to
talk to the team member who did not record the word he had given to that couple, and point out how
important it is to “cover oneself” for such questionings of the words given. We learned some good
lessons in working through on these two matters.
If you are one who gives Prophetic Words to others, make sure you are able to account for the things
you speak by having your words recorded. Carry a small cassette recorder and blank tapes with you,
so you can record what you have to share. We have learned to do an introduction at the beginning of
the tape that goes something like this: “This tape is being recorded on (state the dates) at the (state
the place and ministry name, occasion, seminar, conference, etc.) for (speak the name of the person
the tape is being recorded for). All who speak Prophetic Words on to that tape are encouraged to
speak their name at the commencement of their word. This straightaway allows us to know who said
what. We also encourage the people receiving words to write their name and the date on their tape as
This procedure can save you from a whole lot of unnecessary problems if ever there are any
“kickbacks” from a Prophetic Word you give to someone. Be wise to “cover yourself” by having
witnesses around you - and record what you say.
Do not take it for granted that all churches will have recording equipment. We discover that there are
churches who do not record their meetings at all, so the Prophetic Words cannot be captured that
way. To have someone writing out what is being said is the next best way, but if the deliverer of the
message is a fast talker, then it can be difficult to capture everything that is said. When you have your
own recording equipment, it can save a whole lot of hassle. In The GFM Ministry we have built up our
numbers of portable recorders, especially as we often break a Conference up into Small Groups so
everyone can be ministered to with Prophetic Words. These times are often the highlight of our
Conferences for those attending.
Everyone attending receives an empty C60 Audio Cassette tape when they register at the beginning
of a GFM Conference. They carry it with them throughout the Conference, so if there are any
Prophetic Words given by the speakers or Conference delegates, they can be recorded on to their
own personal tape. This also saves a whole lot of time searching to find the right words for the right
people at the end of a Conference and then duplicating “bits here and bits there” for every individual.
Chapter Fifteen
In The GFM Ministry at Hamilton, New Zealand, we meet each Tuesday night to pursue the things of
the Holy Spirit together. We share together, experiment, break into small groups, ask questions,
teach, encourage the sharing of revelations, discuss the “how to’s,” Holy Spirit terminology, etc. We
like to see and know how the various Gifts of the Holy Spirit can develop. We delve into the different
levels of authority and maturity, stepping out into realms we have not walked in before, etc. We use
what we call “the chair” frequently; that is, we will sit some one ~ or a married couple ~ in a chair
facing the rest of the group, and we then ask the Holy Spirit to give us discernment, Words of
Knowledge, Prophetic insight, pictures, visions, etc., which we pass on to the person(s) in the chair.
So much of the Holy Spirit Ministry functions through what we see and hear. This has caused the
discerning ability of those who are regularly involved in this ministry to rise considerably, because
they are exercising their discerning abilities through the various Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We regularly
get requests from around the world for The GFM Team to make up Prophetic tapes and send them to
the individuals concerned. We also have requests from people around New Zealand to be able to
come and sit in “the chair.” Powerful Prophetic Ministry takes place at these times. Often those in the
chair are amazed at what they are told, and numbers are reduced to tears with the accuracy of the
Team Ministry.
Out of those Tuesday night Equipping Station meetings, teams are selected to go out to minister in
churches, conferences, and other Christian organisations (all by invitation) ~ both within New
Zealand, and some to overseas nations as well.
The beauty and advantages of Prophetic Team Ministry is that the person(s) being ministered to are
able to receive a whole lot more in terms of Prophetic insight and revelation from the Lord. One
person often only sees it from one perspective, but when there is a team functioning, there is a
greater variety of input, which, when all put together, gives a whole lot more revelation and
understanding of what the Lord is speaking into their lives at that time. A fuller picture emerges as to
what God is saying and doing in those lives.
One of our Team Members, Richard Johnstone (Drury, South Auckland, New Zealand), has done some
research into Prophetic Teams, and so I share some of his findings with you:
1 CORINTHIANS 14:32 says, “And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.” Paul
wrote to the Church at Corinth that there was supposed to be accountability between those who
practiced the Gift of Prophecy. No one man could claim to have exclusive knowledge from God.
Prophecy was always supposed to be brought in a situation where there was accountability to others,
and especially to those who were also strongly moving in the Gift of Prophecy.
Apart from the very direct teaching of Paul in 1 Corinthians about Prophecy, there are a number of
good examples in the New Testament of this principle at work. Even in the Old Testament, where we
have pictures of lone Prophets standing against the idolatry of Israel, there are examples of Prophets
working in a team rather than just trying to work alone.
I wonder if our perceptions have either been based on the Old Testament model of the lonely Prophet
standing against sin, or if we have been mistaken in our assumptions? In this chapter we will look at
examples from both the Old and New Testaments, and find out what model the Bible uses most of the
Prophecies to Timothy:
Paul’s first letter to Timothy was written to encourage a young man who was lacking confidence in
being Paul’s representative in the Church at Ephesus. It seems as though there may have been a
letter from Timothy to Paul, possibly requesting that he leave Ephesus and maybe rejoin Paul
wherever he was? Paul writes to Timothy and tells him that he is the right man for the job in Ephesus
because of the prophecies that he has received (1Timothy 1:18). It appears that Paul had been
present when Timothy received those Prophecies or, as some translations suggest, was the one
through whom the Prophecies came. At the very least Paul has heard about them from either Timothy
or others.
The CEV translates this verse to say, “Timothy, my son, the instructions I am giving you are
based on what some prophets once said about you. If you follow these instructions, you will
fight like a good soldier” (1Timothy 1:18, Contemporary English Version).
William Barclay, in the “Daily Study Bible,” translates this verse as, “I entrust this charge to you,
Timothy lad, because it is the natural consequence of the messages which came to the
prophets from God, and which marked you out as the very man for this work, so that, in
obedience to these messages, you may wage a fine campaign.”
Paul has confidence in this young man Timothy, not because of his skills, or his great charismatic
personality, but because of the Prophecies that he had received. Those Prophecies were not the
result of a message by a random Prophet, but were delivered by a group of people who were known
and respected by Paul, and probably by the Church at large.
The Early Church was not unfamiliar with the Prophetic Gift, and Paul was certainly at the forefront of
encouraging the use of this gift. It also seems that there were groups of Prophets who would bring the
Word of God to people in the Church. From Acts we know about the four daughters of Philip (Acts
21:9), and the group of Prophets who came from Jerusalem to Antioch (Acts 11:27). It is likely that a
similar group of Prophets were responsible for delivering to Timothy the Prophecies to which Paul
was referring.
There is certainly safety in numbers when it comes to Prophecy. In a team there is much less chance
of error, and much more accountability. There is a relationship developed between members of a
team which discourages individuals from saying or doing anything that may reflect badly on the team
as a whole. This safety is even more enhanced when there are more than two people. It is easier for
two people to get together and collude to deceive, or to agree to overlook things, than it is with three
or more people. Paul certainly had confidence in the Prophecies given to Timothy, and I would
suggest that they came from a group of Prophets rather than just one or two.
In Acts 13 we have another example of a group of men hearing from God, Prophesying and releasing
two men into the ministry to which God had called them.
In the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger,
Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While
they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me Barnabas
and Saul for the work to which I have called them." So after they had fasted and prayed, they
placed their hands on them and sent them off (Act 13:1-3 NIV).
The Church in Antioch was the first Gentile Church founded after the persecution which arose after
Stephen had been killed (Acts 11:19). It was in Antioch where the believers in Christ were first called
Christians (Acts 11:26). It is therefore appropriate that it was from Antioch that the first two missionaries
to the Gentiles were called, commissioned and sent out. Barnabas had already discerned that Saul
(Paul) had a call of God on his life which included more than just making tents. Barnabas had been
sent to the Church in Antioch, and having seen the situation there, went down to Tarsus to get Saul
(Acts 11:22-25).
In Acts chapter 13, Barnabas and Saul were members of a group of men who were fasting and
meeting together to worship God.
“There were five prominent prophets and teachers in the Antioch church at this time. The Greek
construction suggests that Barnabas, Simeon and Lucius were prophets, and Manaen and Saul were
teachers (Scripture expositors)” (Dr. Constable’s notes on Acts 2004 edition 172).
I can imagine these men having a great time “ministering to the Lord” (KJV) and encouraging each
other with Prophecy and Words of Knowledge. It is in this setting that there is a word from God
concerning Barnabas and Saul. One of the men in the group has a Prophecy that the church at
Antioch is to set apart Barnabas and Saul to the work which God had called them to. Maybe in
another Prophecy there was more detail, and still others confirmed to those two men that that really
was the Word of the Lord. Barnabas and Saul may have already been starting to think along these
lines and had been wondering about how to take the Gospel to the rest of the Gentile world. There
was no waiting for Scriptural confirmation, or for a large cheque to arrive in the mail. They did not
even wait until church on Sunday! The group of men who were meeting together laid hands on them
and sent them on their way.
The Holy Spirit probably revealed His "call" through one or more of these Prophets (cf. Acts 8:29; 10:19;
13:4). How He did it was less important to Luke than that He did it. God leads His people through a
variety of means that His disciples who are walking with Him can identify as His leading. If Luke had
revealed just how the Spirit gave this "missionary call," every missionary candidate that followed
might expect exactly the same type of leading (Dr. Constable’s notes on Acts 2004 edition 173).
This is another example of a Team Ministry working in the Church. The power of the message to
Barnabas and Saul came from the fact of it coming through a group of men. This was not just one
person who may or may not be having a bad day. There were no egos involved. There was just a
group of men who wanted nothing more than to worship God and to encourage each other. When the
message came they were able to confirm that it was from God, and were able to act on it
What a challenge for us today. These men had the confidence to act quickly because there was
more than one of them. We are inclined to wait and have the word confirmed in a number of different
ways before we do anything. But these men knew they had heard the Word of the Lord and were able
to act immediately, beginning the process of taking the Gospel to the Gentiles and ultimately to
Rome. We don’t know which opportunities would have been missed if they had waited until after
Sunday, or until they had more money, or until a more opportune time presented itself. We should
take this example to heart, being practiced at hearing the voice of God, and being prepared to
obey as soon as we hear.
Daniel is widely regarded as one of the greatest of the Prophets of the Old Testament, but even he
did not try to do it all alone. His later Prophetic Visions may have been lonely experiences, because
just like John (who recorded Revelation), there were no other people around. Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego were likely to be either very old men, serving the Persian Empire in other parts, or
dead by that time. But also like John, the visions that he had, when submitted to other people, were
confirmed to be the Word of the Lord and not just wishful thinking, or a figment of his imagination.
While all of the recorded Prophecies and Interpretations of Dreams and Visions are attributed to
Daniel alone, there is an interesting event which shows us a little of the character of the man.
In Daniel Chapter 2 there is the story of Daniel revealing and Interpreting the Dream of King
Nebuchadnezzar. The king has a dream that he either cannot remember or does not want to reveal.
He calls in all his wise men to demand of them, firstly, to reveal the dream to him, and then to bring its
interpretation. They are shocked by this request. They are well practiced at Interpreting Dreams, but
as they said, “There is not a man on earth who can tell the king's matter; therefore no king,
lord, or ruler, has ever asked such things of any magician, astrologer, or Chaldean. It is a
difficult thing that the king requests, and there is no other who can tell it to the king except the
gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh” (Daniel 2:10-11 NKJV).
It is likely that Nebuchadnezzar was using that as a test because he had suspected that his wise men
had just made up things in the past. Whatever the reason, the result was that the wise men of
Babylon had no way of telling Nebuchadnezzar what he wanted to hear. The king was very angry that
they lacked the wisdom to reveal his dream and ordered that all of the wise men of Babylon be put to
death. Daniel and his three friends were also part of the wise men of Babylon. They were obviously
not amongst those who had been before the king, but because of their position they would also be put
to death.
Daniel interceded before the king on their behalf and promised that, if given a little time, he would
make the dream known to Nebuchadnezzar. The king agreed, and Daniel rejoined his friends to pray
that God would show them mercy - and reveal to them the dream. Their prayers were answered and,
in the night, God revealed the dream to Daniel in a vision. Before he went to the king with the
answer, Daniel spent some time worshiping and thanking God:
“I thank You and praise You, O God of my fathers; You have given me wisdom and might, and
have now made known to me what we asked of You. For You have made known to us the
king's demand” (Daniel 2:23 NKJV).
It is interesting in this study to compare the use of the singular (I and me) at the beginning of the
verse, with the plural (we and us) at the end of the verse. The Bible makes it clear that Daniel is the
one who received the vision, but Daniel includes his three friends as receptors of the knowledge
when he says, “For You have made known to us the king's demand.”
Daniel recognized that he was part of a team. Getting this revelation from God was good for all of
them, because they were all going to be put to death. I can imagine that, as soon as Daniel got the
vision, he submitted it to his friends to get their opinion on it. (Did I eat too much pizza last night?) I
can imagine that the three friends were trying to use all of the discernment that they possessed; after
all, it was their lives that were on the line! They all agreed, and so Daniel went to the king with what
he had received. And we know the rest of the story.
Daniel is the only major character in the Bible to which there is no character flaw attributed. Great
characters of the Bible, like Abraham, David, and Elijah, had flaws that we can point at and see that
they were less than perfect. Daniel and his friends were able to stand for God, no matter what was
thrown at them, or where they were thrown.
In this story, "It is the first instance of united prayer recorded in Scripture; and the fact that those
children of the captivity resorted to it, discovers to us the secret of their holy and separate walk"
(Edward Dennett, Daniel the Prophet: And The Times of the Gentiles, p.22).
Those four men knew that they needed each other. It was their unity that gave them strength, and
kept them from error. It is a lesson for us today. Even those of us with the greatest discernment
and wisdom still need to have others around us that we can submit our ideas to. In the
Prophetic it is doubly important, because the words that we are getting do not just have an
impact on us, but are also given to others, and will have an impact on their lives.
The interesting thing about Elijah as a Prophet is that he thought that he was alone. After the great
victory of God over the Prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18), Elijah fled from the wrath of
Jezebel. He felt depressed: “And he said, I have been very zealous for the LORD God of hosts;
because the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed
Your prophets with the sword. I even am left; and they seek to take my life” (1 Kings 19:14 NKJV).
This was an amazing reaction considering the incredible demonstration of the power of God that he
had just witnessed at Mount Carmel. After the fire came down from heaven, Elijah even had the
boldness to kill all the Prophets of Baal at the brook Kishon (1 Kings 18:40), and the strength to run
before Ahab’s chariot to Jezreel (1 Kings 18:46). But when Jezebel threatened to have him killed, he lost
all his boldness and fell into depression and self-pity!
At the time when Elijah was feeling his weakest, and at his lowest point, God revealed to him, “Yet I
have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every
mouth that has not kissed him” (1 Kings 19:18 NKJV). Elijah was not alone, but he was not in
fellowship with any of those seven thousand people who still followed God. Elijah had a servant (1
Kings 18:43), but that was not the same as being in fellowship with a like-minded person. Elijah’s
servant was there to look after his physical needs, rather than to be a disciple or fellow Prophet.
God then gave Elijah a series of instructions that would not only fulfil God’s purposes, but would also
provide for Elijah’s need to have fellowship with like-minded people. After he had anointed men to be
kings over both Syria and Israel, Elijah was to anoint Elisha to be his replacement as Prophet of God
to Israel. Elijah did what God commanded and Elisha joined him for the last few years of his life on
That was the beginning of a close relationship between the two men. “They seem to have spent
several years together (1 Kings 22:1; 2 Kings 1:17), for Elisha became well known among the various
schools of the Prophets” (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Elisha). Elijah was able to impart into
Elisha the dreams and lessons that he had received from God. Elisha was there to learn, to serve,
and to support Elijah in his call as the Prophet to Israel. God provided Elisha to be a support for
Elijah, but Elijah had learned his lesson.
Elijah put in place a system of support so that Prophets in the next generation would not have to
endure the loneliness of the isolation that he had felt at Mount Horeb (Sinai). It was during this time
that Elijah set up a number of “Schools of the Prophets” at various locations around Israel (2 Kings 2:3
& 5). No doubt Elijah and Elisha spent a lot of time in those schools, and probably lived at each of
them at different times. Those communities were able to support each other in the dangerous task of
hearing and declaring the Word of the Lord.
There are a number of instances that are recorded in the Bible of Prophets working in teams, but one
in particular stands out. Acts 11 records that “… Some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch.
One of them, named Agabus, stood up and by the power of the Spirit predicted that a severe
famine was about to come over all the earth. (It came when Claudius was emperor)” (Acts 11:27-
28 GNB).
That Prophecy was a very hard word to accept, but, because it was accepted by a team of known
Prophets, it was received by the Church. Obviously the ultimate test of any Prophecy is that it
comes to pass. God addressed this to the Israelites in Deuteronomy:
You may be asking yourselves, "How can we tell if a prophet's message really comes from the
LORD?" You will know, because if the LORD says something will happen, it will happen. And if
it doesn't, you will know that the prophet was falsely claiming to speak for the
LORD”(Deuteronomy 18:21-22, CEV).
In the Acts 11 event we are not only given the Prophecy, but also the result of it. It is recorded in
Scripture because Agabus, and the other Prophets from Jerusalem, got it right.
There are always going to be people who hear from God in the way of Agabus, Elijah and Daniel.
The Bible says in Amos 3:6-7(NIV): “When a trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people
tremble? When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it? Surely the Sovereign
LORD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the Prophets.”
It is God’s way to reveal His Word to His people, to tell His Prophets what He is going to do. It
is at times like this that those people who have the privilege and the responsibility of hearing
from God need our support. Just like Elijah, they can feel like they are in a lonely place and that “I
only am left,” or, like Agabus, they need to have the support of others to confirm that what they
have heard is from God.
Many of us will not develop the Gift of Prophecy to such an extent, but we still need to be subject to
one another, so we can improve the accuracy of our hearing, and so that we will not mistakenly bring
a Word of Prophecy that is harmful rather than encouraging. We need to remember that the heritage
we have is not the Old Testament model of a lone Prophet. It is not even just two people bringing the
Word of the Lord, but it is a team of people, both men and women (remember the four daughters
of Philip), who are in relationship, submitted to each other, and who are dependant on each
other. (End of Richard Johnstone’s research.)
May we all see the safety and security of learning to flow with a Prophetic Team, so we can see so
much more accomplished to the glory of God.
Chapter Sixteen
IN THIS FINAL Chapter, let me share just a few testimonies of what I have personally experienced
through the Prophetic Ministry. These experiences have not only encouraged me more, but it is a
great joy to be used of the Lord to impact other lives in such a marvellous way. They demonstrate the
power and blessing of the Prophetic Ministry.
1. In 1997 in Swansea, Wales, as a result of a middle-aged lady prophesying for the first time in
my Learning How To Prophesy session of School Of The Holy Spirit, a 28-year-old man, a
direct blood descendant of Alistair Crowley (known as perhaps the most powerful warlord in the
occult in Europe - now dead) was saved and delivered out of the occult. No one in the meeting
knew who the man was (it was his first visit), but he told me later that when the lady Prophesied,
he very clearly heard these words repeatedly in her voice: "You are in the wrong camp! You are in
the wrong camp!" That was not the message that the rest of the people heard, but the Holy Spirit
took her voice and spoke that into him at the same time as she was Prophesying. When he heard
that, he got up and left the meeting, believing that he was indeed in the wrong camp! He went
home but could not sleep for the next three nights, all the time hearing the words, "You are in the
wrong camp! You are in the wrong camp!" By Sunday night he could not take any more and came
back to the same church where I was again ministering that night. He sat right next to me and
began to confess his involvement with the occult, how he was three weeks out from being fully
initiated into it (on the strongest night there can be - Halloween). He told me about the lady's voice
and the words she spoke on the Thursday night. He pleaded for me to help him get relief! Right
there and then (before the service had actually started) sitting on the front row of a church of 400
people, I took him through a prayer of renunciation and saw him come beautifully free over the
next week (no one in church knew what was going on). I was present for his water baptism a little
while later, and his last conversation with me (before I left Wales) was when he came and told me
God was calling him into full-time ministry, and he needed to prepare himself for such.
That experience opened my eyes further to the power of the Prophetic and Spiritual Gifts.
2. In York, England, I was preaching, when God gave me some Words of Knowledge for a couple.
As I spoke them out, the man interrupted me and asked me where I was getting my information
from, adding that I had been "reading his mail." As I continued he interrupted again, and again
asked who told me of the information I was sharing. He thought I had been "set up" by the Pastor,
but then corrected his words by saying that he had not told anyone what I was telling him. It turned
out that the couple were Mormons and had been standing outside the church reading an
advertisement for an Alpha course. Then, when they saw people walking into the meeting, they
decided to come in too, just to see what was going on. Then the above happened. They were
personally ministered to in such an unexpected, impacting way that, within 24 hours, they were
both born-again and in the Kingdom of God!
3. In Milan, Italy, I was speaking in a Chinese church, when the Holy Spirit told me to release the
interpreter (a Taiwanese lady living in Hamburg, Germany) into sharing Words of Knowledge with
people. After she got over the initial shock of what I said to her (she had never done anything like
that before), she stepped forth and embraced a lady sitting halfway back in the church. The next
thing they were both sobbing their hearts out. After that she came back to the front, expecting to
carry on interpreting again. But I told her she had not finished yet; that there was someone else
she was meant to minister to. She then called a Chinese man out the front and began to minister
to him. I stepped back to give her plenty of room and, while I was watching her minister to him, I
suddenly saw the word "daughter" written clearly along the left side of the man's head. I wondered
what it could mean. So when the interpreter had finished ministering to him, I stepped forth and
asked the man if he had a daughter. His head dropped and he said, "Yes." I then asked him what
his relationship was like with his daughter. His head dropped further and he said, "Not very good.
We had a big bust up over my wanting to learn to preach. I joined the Jehovah's Witnesses to get
them to train me how to preach and tried to force my daughter to come with me. She flatly refused
and our relationship has not been right even up until today." And then he said to me quietly, "My
daughter is also in this meeting today." I called the daughter forward, a 14-year-old. In the next
fifteen minutes we witnessed the most beautiful family reconciliation I have seen anywhere in all
my years. They just wept and wept in one another's arms, asking forgiveness, sharing how much
they really did love one another, etc.
The result of that one Word of Knowledge was that the man was delivered from the teachings of
the Jehovah Witnesses. I believe God allowed me to return to that church six months later (on my
next trip to Italy). I saw firsthand a beautiful family, Dad, Mum and daughter absolutely glowing for
Jesus, and so very happy as a family.
4. In one of our GFM Auckland Days, New Zealand (27th August, 2005), we saw a young man
powerfully moved on through Prophetic Music. Within minutes of being sat in the chair (no one
knew who he was or that he had been away from God for more than 10 years), the Holy Spirit
broke him and he sat there and wept his way back to God! Prophetic Words flowed into him from
the people. It impacted everyone in the meeting very powerfully.
1. Also in Swansea, Wales, as a result of my giving a Prophetic Word to a young man, I saw him
come running out to the front of the church to give his life to Jesus. He had sat in the church for
several years but had never made a commitment to Jesus Christ. But as soon as he heard the
Prophetic Word he knew he had to get right with God. And he did.
To help you to understand something more of the impact in the lives of those who are
attending The GFM Equipping Station in Hamilton, New Zealand, and who are now a part of
our Prophetic Teams, I share a few of their appraisals:
Equipping Station is God's gift to me; a gift that is alive and breathing; a gift that is growing,
causing connectedness, growth, development and exploration in my walk with Him and His
people. I have ministered and been ministered to. I have had opportunities to minister more and
minister in different ways and places than before. Among other things, I enjoy speaking and
ministering at meetings, and invitations to do just that have come to me as a direct or indirect
result from my involvement with Equipping Station. Leading small groups, where people give
each other Prophetic Words, is another wonderful thing for me. I have seen and experienced the
benefits of Prophetic Team Ministry. Exploring and understanding God's multi-faceted ways of
communication in my life, and the life of others, has been enhanced. Dreams and Visions have
always been of special interest to me and there has been an increase in God's revelations in this
area. I have experienced wonderful worship times and a greater abandonment to God in general. I
found my spiritual father in Rodney Francis and I am so grateful to God. He has made everything
beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11a) ~ Bernadette de Wit Quaife (Otorohanga, New Zealand).
The GFM Equipping Station is a wonderful vehicle that God is using to help us “grow” spiritual
ears. I have been more immersed and impacted in these meetings on what the Bible really teaches
about Holy Spirit Ministry than in any other place. We are released to become the people God
always intended us to be, flowing freely in His Spirit to bring life, love, fulfilment and meaning to
being “doers of His Word.” I am grateful to be a part of this vibrant Ministry that goes beyond
just talking about the theory, making the practical outworkings of the Holy Spirit an achievable
part in our effectiveness in the Kingdom of God ~ Joan Emery (Hamilton, NZ).
Initially I came along to the Equipping Station evenings because I was in a dry place spiritually
and needed some direction. The GFM Ministry was not new to me, but that it had expanded the
Prophetic side of the ministry was. Over time through attending the Equipping Station
evenings I found that direction from God coming back again.
The Prophetic Team ministry suits me and is very rewarding. The best of all is that I am back
journeying with God with the opportunity to develop my gift more fully and to go far further than I
could have imagined ~ Bill Pollock (Auckland, NZ).
Since attending the Equipping Station of The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry it has helped us
both to hear from the Lord more accurately and to flow in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It has built up
our confidence and given us the ability to work in a team situation. The Equipping Station helps
others to practice moving in the Holy Spirit in a safe environment.
Another aspect that we have learnt is that it is a very relaxed atmosphere and you are not
pressurized to perform. One of the things we have learnt while attending the Equipping Station is
that we cannot limit the Holy Spirit to moving in a certain manner or formula. This is because He is
a person of great creativity and uses all kinds of ways to reveal Himself, like in dreams, music, art
or Prophetic Acts.
Imogen and I have been away on Ministry Teams here in New Zealand. These trips are very
stretching and challenging, but are profitable to help us flow in the Holy Spirit in a team situation. It
often takes us out of our comfort zone. It amazes us how the Lord will come through and we
witness people's lives impacted in amazing ways.
Another aspect we have been involved in is writing letters to the students who are doing the Bible
Correspondence Courses around the world. This is quite challenging because you do not know
anything about a person except where they are from, and sometimes their age. Often times the
Lord will give us a word for a particular student and then we receive a letter back saying that the
word we gave them was so appropriate to their situation and changed their situation completely
around. This is very encouraging because it shows that we are actually hearing from the Lord and
are prepared to step out in faith. ~ Peter and Imogen Amor (Hamilton, NZ).
Firstly I must say that Equipping Station is different to any ministry setting I have been in
before. In that you are not told to do this or that, but you are only encouraged to do what the Holy
Spirit leads you to do and to become the man/woman that Jesus wants you to become. I have been
going to the Equipping Station for almost two years now. The Lord has done a wonderful work
in me in that time. I was an extremely shy and timid person who would sneak in and sit in the
back row. But now, thanks to a growing relationship with Jesus and unconditional love and
encouragement from the folk at the Equipping Station, I go on as many team missions as I can
and look forward to speaking into people’s lives on behalf of Jesus and laying hands on people, etc.
Here are a few examples of how the Holy Spirit has used me. One of the very first times the Lord
spoke to me at an Equipping Station, an elderly lady was sitting in front of me. Every time I
looked at her I heard, “I want you to pray for that lady.” I heard this probably 30 plus times
throughout the evening. You (the reader) must understand that when you are first learning to hear
His voice He speaks VERY LOUD - to the point that my knees were knocking, my knuckles were
white and I’d broken into a cold sweat - yet there was no doubt in my mind what was required of
me. So after the meeting I approached her: “Madam, I’d like to pray for you.” “Certainly, young
man.” The Lord had not given me a single word of English to pray for this lady, so I said, “Madam,
I’d like to pray in tongues; is that okay?” “Yes,” she said. As I finished praying I looked up to see
this lady grinning from ear to ear. “Thank you so very much; I’m going into hospital tomorrow to
see if I need an operation on an aneurism.” Because of my actions this lady realized that God had
it all under control and that He was with her 100%
A few months later we were standing and singing at Equipping Station, when the Lord said to
me, “Lay your hand on that man next to you.” “What!” “Lay your hand on him.” I started arguing
with God that he (the man) might think I’m gay or something - and it’s in the middle of the
meeting! I knew if I disobeyed I would regret it for days. You learn quickly that if you disobey you
will think about it for days, “What if I had obeyed?” So I laid my hands on the man until we sat
On the way home I began to get a headache, and I woke up next morning with a worse headache.
During the morning milking (on a dairy farm) I felt worse and worse. At the end of milking we sat
down to pray (as we did every day). I could describe my condition now feeling like a swordsman’s
steel armour helmet that was shrinking and crushing my skull. Martin (my employer and fellow
Christian) said, “I’ve come across this before, I’ll…” He went to say, “I’ll pray for you,” but as soon
as his will was to do so, the Holy Spirit came upon him in great force and out came this booming
authoritative war-force tongue, the likes of which I have never heard in my life! Martin got the
biggest shock of all of us, I think, simply saying he didn’t know that was going to happen.
“You don’t take spirits off other people,” you may say, but hear the other side of the story first. The
man who I laid hands on said that, while standing, he was in such pain he was about to leave the
meeting and when I laid my hand on him a warmth swept over him from head to toe and the pain
all but left him. The Lord had much work to do in that man’s life and he received Prayer and
Prophecy before he left that night. If I had not obeyed the Lord that man would have left the
meeting and then the Lord’s opportunity to minister to him would have been lost.
Another memorable occasion for me was one night when Rodney asked everybody if they needed
healing of any sort to come forward for prayer. Over half of the meeting did so. At the Lord’s
direction I went and laid hands on one of the ladies. At this point the Lord had told me I was to
say nothing, but to wait on Him. After a short time she began to experience what looked like
stomach cramps. They started gently but grew in intensity to the point that she was in obvious
pain; then it would go. As the pain left she would weep openly for awhile. As the weeping died
down the stomach cramps would start over again. This process repeated itself four or five times.
When I felt that the process was finished I was surprised to realize that everyone else was sitting
down and the meeting was carrying on with us still standing up the front. It felt as though it had
been only been a few minutes - but had obviously been a lot longer.
I spoke to her afterwards and that the Lord had spoken to me during that time. He told me that He
was doing a work so deep within her, emotionally and spiritually, that even she did not know some
things that were there. They were holding her back. He explained that I was to be silent because it
was a work that only the Holy Spirit could do and there are no words for which to describe such
spiritual matters. “That’s amazing,” she replied, “I went up for prayer for a sore back, and it is
now healed!” It is amazing how the Lord works! ~ Graeme Wiseman (Putaruru, New Zealand).
Equipping Station is so aptly named, because that is exactly what Tuesday evenings are all
about for me. Ian starting going some three years or more ago and, at first, I totally resisted
joining him there - I had such a wounded spirit and felt that I could not cope with meeting a bunch
of strangers who most likely would 'read my mail' and find me severely lacking in every area of
spiritual life. Of course this was a lie of the enemy and when I did finally attend The GFM three
day Conference in Cambridge, my life was changed forever! Tuesday nights for me means
challenging, inspirational teaching. I have learned to listen to and trust what the Holy Spirit is
saying to me and, although I at times do not share what is on my heart, it's really encouraging
when someone else brings the same word that I have been given. It’s such a safe environment to
learn and to know that if I do bring a word that is not correct, I will be put back on the right course
in a gentle, wise but firm way. I know that my discernment has stretched and grown; many times I
have been taken right out of my comfort zone, but do you know - it has resulted in tremendous
personal growth. Tuesday nights are a "must" for me. Love to you and Jean ~ Evelyn Sands
(Hamilton, NZ).
I was looking for a place where I could exercise, develop and practice my Prophetic Gift and at the
same time receive sound teaching based on the “logos” Word of God. I was introduced to Rodney
and Jean Francis at the Equipping Station in Hamilton and, although I went there with fear and
trepidation, it became quite clear that this was a safe place where I would learn from them and
others and also be equipped to fulfill the Prophetic Call of God on my life.
It took a while before I was able to set aside the fear of man and share the Visions and Words of
Knowledge I received. I wanted to obey God and stir up the gifts which He has given me. I would
like to be able to say that “all was well” and I began to flow freely in the giftings, but that was not
so. Although I faithfully pressed in (whilst continually being encouraged to take the next step),
self-consciousness, shyness and possibly pride had a huge part to play and many a night I would go
home having received a Vision or a Word for someone and not delivered it for fear of making a
mistake. I was, however, determined to press in and run with patience the race that is ahead of me.
A particularly big step for me was leading a small group at the annual GFM Conference in
Hamilton in 2005. I was totally out of my comfort zone and realized that Rodney was serious about
equipping us by sometimes throwing us into the “deep end”. I came away from that Conference
knowing that I had experienced a victory only because Rodney had persevered with love and
patience in helping me to develop my Prophetic Ministry.
I really enjoy the Team Outreaches and Team Ministry which have been a great time of “hands on”
learning, stretching and growing. The regular teaching on the Ministry of the Holy Spirit is
excellent and has helped me gain a greater understanding of the Prophetic Ministry. Thank you
Rodney and Jean for your wonderful example of “Love in Action”~ Liz van den Berg (Howick,
Auckland, NZ).
My name is Rhonda, and I am a GFM “groupy.” I have been part of the Tuesday night Equipping
Station held in Hamilton, NZ, for five years now and one question kept coming to me, “Why are
you here?” The answer to this is: “I am here to embrace everything God has for me, to develop
my calling and to embrace my destiny and purpose now and for the future. I am a ‘people’s
person’ and love to be a part of sharing God’s love to others. . .” These times have been
stretching for me, with stepping out by faith in to the realm of the Prophetic Ministry, a place I had
never been in before.
To cultivating the Voice of God in my life, and learning to live by that which I hear - and then walk
in obedience to Him - this is a discipline of the flesh . . . To exchange the fear of man for the fear
of the Lord: “Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths” (Psalm 25:4).
I have had opportunities to go on outreaches with teams and to minister to people, which has been
quite “a learning curve” for me, stepping outside of my comfort zone at times. In 2001 I went to an
International Training School in Nuku’alofa, Tonga with The GFM Ministry (my very first
overseas trip) – I enjoyed experiencing a different culture to the life style I was used to, coming
from a little backwater place called Kawhia on the West Coast of the North Island of New Zealand.
I believe “the love of God shed abroad in our hearts by the power of His Holy Spirit” (Romans
5:5) is the key to this new Prophetic move of God. We see this truth demonstrated through Rodney
and Jean as their lives are a living epistle for all to read. God’s light shines forth from their hearts
through their love and nurturing of us all. “God is love” (1 John 4:8).
This Prophetic Ministry is a “springboard” for a greater work of God beginning in our nation of NZ,
and then outreaching to the whole world for Christ. The Good News travels fast! The GFM
Equipping Station is a unique training and teaching ground for the building up and equipping of
the body of Christ - a safe place to begin stepping out in the Spiritual Gifts and using them for His
glory. I am blessed to be a Timothy. I believe The Best Is Yet To Come! Shalom ~ Rhonda Hart (Te
Awamutu, NZ).
I have learnt from the Equipping Station that Christianity is not about the latest revolutionary
ground-breaking revelation. It is not about achieving an elevated spiritual status; it is about
“being”. I am a spirit and I live in a body. I have been given the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and when I
use these gifts to elevate others by Words of Encouragement, exhortation, comfort and love, I
discover who God made me to be. ~ Kerry Wright (Hamilton, NZ).
I have been regularly attending The GFM Equipping Station for nearly two years, having not had
regular church fellowship for approximately three years prior to that. My relationship with God had
been distanced and somewhat clouded as a result of 18 years of daily marijuana use and ongoing
marital problems. Although I had been born-again and had received Jesus as my personal
Saviour, my lifestyle was certainly far from that I desire to lead today.
In April 2004 I had a serious work accident in which my upper leg was severely lacerated by a
chainsaw, causing major concern for my career as an Arborist, and our position of self-
employment. My life to this point was very hectic and way out of balance. Within a split second I
had been physically broken, yet as a consequence this incident prompted my surrender to Him,
Whom I could not deny in my heart was somewhere in the midst of this adversity.
A month after my accident I received an invitation from Rodney (my Uncle) and Aunty Jean to
attend the annual GFM Conference which I was happy to accept. For various reasons I was not
personally ready at that time to slot back into a regular Sunday church programme, yet The GFM
was an environment that provided a very real form of spiritual rehabilitation for where I was at.
I have found that at The GFM Equipping Station I simply can not be a spectator because of the
nature of the ministry. It has provided for me a spiritual gymnasium and a place of healing where I
have learned that anybody who is open to the Voice or the Prompting of the Holy Spirit can
develop and exercise their gifts in a safe, practical and loving way. The encouragement by
Leadership and those attending have also helped me to make the necessary adjustments in my
life, especially in how I perceive things and deliver Words of Encouragement to others. I have also
come to realise that my obedience to God is a significant and pivotal act because it releases the
hand of God to touch others lives through me. The GFM has helped reinforce this truth to me as
obedience to God is at the forefront of the Prophetic Ministry.
Each individual act of obedience to God clearly forms building blocks or bridges in our spiritual
growth and development - not to mention the miraculous that awaits on the other side of our
Many thanks to The GFM for encouraging all of us to become participators in God’s Kingdom by
stepping out and trusting Him to help us to bless others.
I am so happy to say that I am now enjoying leading a victorious life without the chains of drug
addiction and its idolatrous oppressions. I can truly see everyday God giving back what the
enemy has stolen and I’m seeing before my eyes His blessings on my marriage and relationship
with my daughters. I have had a miraculous recovery from my injury and I am so thankful to the
Lord that He is in control of everything. Many thanks. ~ Riki Emery (Matangi, Hamilton, NZ).
The Scripture that God gave me when I was thinking of the relevance and blessing that The GFM
was to me was John 15: about the true vine. Verse 5 particularly sums it up: "I am the vine, you
are the branches, he who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you
can do nothing."
Driving 120km on a Tuesday night after a day’s work, made me realize how hungry and thirsty I
really was to hear fresh revelation from God; how passionate I was to learn more of God, and how
He speaks to us and through us. I was beginning to realize that a Word from God was worth a
thousand of our own made up words. I was serving God in a Ministry where I wanted to be able to
speak those words of life into broken, needy, and lost people.
I am now much more confident in hearing God and speaking His Words. I've found that God's
Voice is loud and clear; at other times just a soft whisper. As I sit under the marvelous teaching of
The GFM Team I feel absolutely blessed to be in such an atmosphere of humility and
righteousness. It seems that the Tuesday night meetings are like the vine to me, where I come
and 'plug in' and am refreshed and invigorated for the coming week. Thanks ~ Tricia Burns (Howick,
Auckland, NZ).
Twenty five years ago our youngest son died. He loved the Lord with all of his heart. I believed,
but was not born again. Before Ryan's burial I asked Jesus into my heart and was immediately
aware of the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Within days I was 'hearing' the audible Voice of God and
Scriptures were placed in my mind. I would rush home from the cowshed to share with my wife
(Jackie) and we would write everything down. I was amazed at what God was saying to me as I had
only just started to read the Bible.
Over the next few years of “hearing” and delivering the “Words” I had received led to many an
adventure and meeting new people that God had given me the Words for. This all required a great
deal of faith to step out and deliver, as I had always been very shy and preferred to remain in the
In the late 80’s our lives were impacted by Rodney and the Teams he would bring with him and the
encouragement we received in the Prophetic. In 1997 we attended the first GFM New Zealand
International Training School (ITS) where I received confirmation to go to the Fiji Islands.
We went for four months. At the 1998 ITS it was confirmed that we were to go for one year. We
“burnt our bridges” and had no home to return to; so while we were in Fiji we kept asking, "Where
to Father when we return?" Through dreams to both of us (He had often spoken to us in this way
and continues to do so) we knew that on our return that we were to support/serve The GFM
Ministry. We shared this with Rodney and Jean on our return and, in January 2000 we shifted to
Hamilton to do this. Today we manage the Hamilton Office for the Bible Correspondence Courses
and Jackie oversees our other New Zealand Offices.
We love Equipping Station; it blesses us to see people come and flourish in a safe environment
of love, where each one is encouraged to step out in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We look forward
each week to hearing from the Holy Spirit in order that we might be a blessing to our brothers and
sisters. It is always exciting to place people/situations/ churches from overseas in “the chair,” and
record all the Words that come forward on tape, and then to hear the feedback a few weeks later. It
is only in the power of the precious Holy Spirit that the Words given can be so accurate, edifying,
bringing hope and encouragement to His body.
To walk in the Prophetic, to obey the Holy Spirit’s promptings has brought about many changes of
lifestyle - selling a farm, managing a Church-based Community Drop-in-Centre , serving Him
overseas, buying and selling a home here in Hamilton, currently farming/renting a home on 15
acres - (fulfillment of what we were shown in Fiji via dreams), sowing into the Nations, believing to
go out - what a wonderful adventure we enjoy when we dare to step out and take God at His Word.
Our God is so awesome ~ Doug and Jackie Hodges (Hamilton, NZ).
Four years of visiting The GFM Equipping Station has transformed my life. I have learned to
have confidence in God, not man. Understanding the Prophetic has brought to me a greater
knowledge of how creative the Holy Spirit is – and therefore how creative I have become because
of Him. I was meant to be this way! Overcoming fear and allowing the Prophetic Holy Spirit to
minister at equipping nights has unpacked and renewed my mindsets! That has challenged me
about how God desires to communicate with me, and/or for others. He knows best! Over the last
four years of attending The GFM Equipping Station, Jesus has written stories about me and
others that has brought - among other things - love, restoration, revelation, courage and strength.
In order to succeed in my visits to Equipping Station, I have needed to cultivate love and a daily
crucifying of the fear of man. Out of that comes the revelation and understanding of obedience and
knowing what it is to hear His Voice or know His heart. I am continually unraveling the call of God
on my life by taking up the challenges that God has pursued me for ~ Yvette Harry-Wright (Raglan,
Finally . . .
The challenge that is facing all of us in Prophetic Ministry, is to see the standard, accuracy, quality
and impact of it rise to the point where Church Leaders and churches generally, will recognize the
value of it, and learn to include it in their decision-making processes. It seems to me that at
present (as a general statement) the Prophetic Ministry is not valued highly enough amongst the
Christian ranks to be prepared to commit seriously to what is Prophesied. The truth is that there
are Prophetic people around today who are hearing from God with regards to Church Leaders,
church matters, people appointments, etc., but who, unfortunately, are either ignored or unheeded
to the point of the church concerned then going through unnecessary seasons of “problems”
because the Prophetic Word was not considered serious enough to take heed to. Prophetic people
then watch the working out of their Prophetic Words in a negative way, something we do not enjoy
seeing, especially when we know that if the Word was heeded the church concerned could have
enjoyed the benefits of the Holy Spirit’s wisdom. As Richard Johnstone mentions in a previous
chapter, the Early Church Leaders certainly held a high respect for the Prophetic Ministry and
acted upon it quickly. So, for me, the challenge to those of us who are actively pursuing Prophetic
Ministry is to make sure we keep raising the standard until the Christian Church sees the
wonderful benefits of what can be accomplished through it. After all, the Prophetic Ministry is
simply allowing God the Holy Spirit to have His way, and to speak through us to the Body
of Christ.
“Holy Spirit of God, please help us to listen to YOU more and more, with the commitment to
OBEY YOU in whatever YOU say! Amen.”
Rodney is the Founder/Director of The Gospel Faith Messenger Ministry which ministers to thousands through
literature, Bible Correspondence Courses, books, manuals, preaching/teaching, conducting Seminars, Schools Of The
Holy Spirit, International Training Schools and the Equipping of Timothy’s. He has authored more than 34 books and
carries a heart to see this generation of believers equipped with leadership skills to do the job of fulfilling the purposes
of God. He ministers out from Paraparaumu, New Zealand, carrying credentials both with The GFM Ministry, and
United Kingdom Elim (ECI).
Other books, booklets and manuals by Rodney W. Francis and/or The GFM Team Members:
Divine Healing – A Key To The Growth Of The Christian Church! (English, Nepalese and Italian
Voices, Worms and The Prophetic Ministry
You Can Measure Your Love For God (English, Telugu India, French. Nepalese and Italian)
The Prophetic In The Exodus (English, French, Swahili Kenya and Italian)
God’s Call Can Be Fulfilled!
Unbelief – The Power That Needs To Be Broken! (English and Italian)
An Encounter With God (English and Telugu India)
Counselling And Deliverance (English, Urdu Pakistan and Korean)
Flowing In The Holy Spirit
Equipping for Leadership (English ad French, Ivory Coast)
Are You Called To The Ministry?
The Evil Powers Of Canaan
Discovering The God-Factor
How To Handle Criticism
Keys To Worship God
Spiritual Warfare
Blessed Are . . . (Teaching on the Beatitudes)
School Of The Holy Spirit (English, Nepalese and Italian)
Counselling And Deliverance
The Book Of James (Verse by verse teaching)
Bible Basics (Foundational teaching for newer Christians) (English and Mandarin China)
Kingdom Living (Teaching on Matthew Chapters 5 to 7)
Curses (What the Bible has to say)
Baal Worship
For further spiritual help, literature and/or a free Bible Correspondence Course, and to get on to our free E-Mailing
Ministry List,
articles on The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit and Prophetic Ministry,
Please contact us at Head Office:
Rodney W. Francis was converted in 1959 at 17 years of age, and sovereignly received the
Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the midst of a herd of cows at 18 years of age. There he received the
call of God to preach. Doors opened up for him to commence preaching a short time later, and he
has been preaching ever since. He is the Founder/Director of The Gospel Faith Messenger, a
many-faceted Christian Ministry that reaches out to multiplied thousands of people around the
world through Gospel literature, books, manuals, E-Mail ministries, the World Wide Web, 3 Bible
Correspondence Courses (free), Equipping Stations (Training of Prophetic Teams), International
Training Schools, Prophetic Conferences, Personal Prophetic Ministry, Schools Of The Holy Spirit,
Church Meetings, Counselling, Audio Cassettes, DVD’s, etc. For more than 46 years (commenced
April 1964) this Ministry has impacted multiplied thousands of people in over 100 nations. Today
many are discovering their Spiritual Gifts and the joys of hearing and obeying the voice of God
through the teachings of The GFM Teams.
Rodney and his wife, Jean, live by faith and the Ministry has a number of dedicated, voluntary
workers that enable us to make the financial donations go almost 100% toward reaching people
for Christ. Your ongoing prayer support of The GFM Ministry is greatly appreciated.
~ If you no longer wish to receive from The GFM Ministry, please send us an E-Mail with the word "Unsubscribe" in
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