Understand the-WPS Office
Understand the-WPS Office
Understand the-WPS Office
Be able to explain the three approaches used to determine the economicfeasibility of building
Farm structures form an important part of any farming enterprise and arerequired for the following:
•Farm animals, including poultry are housed part-time or full time inbuildings.
•Buildings are required for certain activities such as shearing, milking,sorting and grading of farm
•Buildings are necessary for the storage of farming requirements andimplements, farm produce, feeds
and food.
•Buildings or rooms are necessary for a workshop and for office from whichthe farm is managed.
•Farm structures/buildings represent a production or storage cost. Just asa return from feed or labour
cost is expected, a benefit from a buildinginvestment should also be anticipated.
(i)Facilities for an efficient operation.(ii)An environment providing good health and sanitary
conditions(iii)Comfortable surroundings for both stock and workers.(iv)Safe conditions for both stock
and workers.(v)Desirable conditions for production and storage.Agriculture is not static. Changes and
improvements in techniques take placecontinuously. Farm buildings also have to be continuously
improved, altered andexpanded to comply with the changing needs of agriculture. The modern
farmertherefore, must have a sound knowledge of the planning, principles, layout,equipment and
constructional requirements of the different kinds of farmstructures/buildings. In addition, the farmer
must be conversant with practicalbuildings. Even if he/she has not intention of expanding his/her farm
buildings,the existing buildings require regular maintenance or improvements, which thefarmer has to
carry out or supervise.
number of factors must be considered in planning a building to obtain thegreatest number of benefits at
a reasonable cost. Some of these design factorsare:-1.The functional requirements for the enterprise
e.g. space, temperature,light, physical protection, sanitation and safety.2.The efficiency of the system
including mechanization, centralized operation,circular travel, and bulk handling of
materials.3.Structural design adequate to sustain the loads to which the building will besubjected and
one in which both the original cost and maintenance costs arereasonable and one, which will provide
the desirable length of life.4.The suitability of materials; including such characteristics as durability,
fireresistance, cost, upkeep, ease of cleaning, insulating value and appearance.5.Economy of
construction. Costs are reduced by choosing module (standard)dimensions, standardize, material and
components and profitable sub-assemblies.6.Flexibility of design that will allow production methods for
the proposedenterprise to be altered or a completely new enterprise to be establishedwith minimum
expense. Examples of planned flexibility include suchfeatures as large doors, level floors, truss
construction and a large electricalservice designed to allow the addition of several circuits.
A building usually starts with a drawing. The building plans are drawingsnecessary as an aid in locating,
arranging and fitting out buildings and inestimating quantities of materials. Furthermore, building plans
are essential inorder to prescribe to the builder what is to be done and are always drawn onscale.
1.5.1 Scales
The drawings are prepared according to scale. A numerical scale 1:100 meansthat 10mm on the drawing
represents 1000mm or 1m on the ground or structure.
In building construction, different kinds of drawing, each with a specific purpose,are used. The following
types are in general use:
These plans show environment, roads, farm boundaries and/or other buildings.The purpose is to locate
the building site2.
Site plans