CHE Mod 4
CHE Mod 4
CHE Mod 4
A polymer is a giant or macro molecule formed by the repeated union of several simple
molecules called monomers. The repeating units (monomers) are linked through strong covalent
A monomer is a simple molecule having two or more bonding sites through which each can link
to the other monomers to form a polymer chain.
Types of polymerization
Addition polymerization (Chain polymerization)
The reaction in which a rapid self addition of several bifunctional monomers to each other takes
place by chain reaction without elimination of any by products.
Eg: n H2C CH2
H2 C CH2
polymerization n
Ethene Polythene
polymerization n
Cl Cl
Vinyl Chloride Poly vinyl chloride
n F 2C CF 2
polymerization n
Tetra fluoro ethene Teflon
As the polymers are made up of mixture of molecules having different properties, its molecular
weight can be determined in two different ways:
Number average molecular mass: (Mn) It is determined by measuring the colligative properties
such as freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, osmotic pressure and lowering of
vapour pressure. It is defined as total mass of all the molecules in a polymer sample divided by
total number of molecules present.
M n W N Ni
NiMi 𝑤 𝑁1𝑀1+𝑁2𝑀2+𝑁3𝑀3+⋯.
Mn = =
∑𝑁 𝑁1+𝑁2+𝑁3+⋯
proportion to their weight in the given material. It is obtained from light scattering and ultra
centrifugation technique which measures molecular size.I n the averaging process molecular
weight of each individual species is multiplied by weight and not by number.
Where Wi is the weight fraction of the molecules whose mass is Mi.
We have Wi = NiMi
N M Mi i i
N Mi i
N M i i N Mi i
1. A polymer sample contain 100 molecules of molecular mass 1000g/mol 200 molecules of
molecular mass 2000g/mol, 500 molecules of molecular mass 5000 g/mol. Calculate number
average and weight average molecular weight.
𝑤 𝑁1𝑀1+𝑁2𝑀2+𝑁3𝑀3+⋯.
Number average molecular weight= Mn = =
∑𝑁 𝑁1+𝑁2+𝑁3+⋯
100𝑋 1000+200𝑋2000+500𝑋5000
= 100+200+500
1𝑋105 +4𝑋 105 +25𝑋105
= 800
2. A polymer sample contains 5 molecules having molecular weight 2000, 4 molecules having
molecular weight 3000, 3 molecules having molecular weight 4000. Calculate number average
and weight average molecular weight.
𝑤 𝑁1𝑀1+𝑁2𝑀2+𝑁3𝑀3+⋯.
No. average molecular weight = Mn = =
∑𝑁 𝑁1+𝑁2+𝑁3+⋯
5𝑋 2000+4𝑋3000+3𝑋4000
= 5+4+3
= 3+4+5
= 2833.3 g/mol
106 (20+36+48)
= = 3058.8 g/mol
103 (10+ 12+12
Conducting polymers:
An organic polymer with highly delocalized pi- electron system, having electrical conductance
of the order of a conductor is called a conducting polymer.
The conducting polymers are synthesized by doping in which charged species are introduced in
organic polymers having pi- back bone. The important doping reactions are
I oxidation
I2 in CCl4
The removal of an electron from the polymer pi- back bone using a suitable oxidising agent leads
to the formation of delocalized radical ion called polaron. The second oxidation of the chain
containing polaron followed by radical recombination yields two charge carriers on each chain.
The positively charged sites on the polymer chains are compensated by anions I-3 formed by the
oxidising agent during doping.
The delocalized positive charges on the polymer chain are mobile, not the dopant
anions. Thus these delocalized positive charges are current carriers for conduction. These
charges must move from chain to chain as well as along the chain for bulk conduction.
I reduction
Sodium naphthalide in THF
Recombination of radicals
CH2 Conducting
H2C Polyacetylene
The addition of an electron to the polymer backbone by using a reducing agent generates a
radical ion or polaron. A second reduction of chain containing polaron followed by the
recombination of radicals yields two charge carriers on each chain. These charged sites on the
polymer chains are compensated by cations (Na+ ions) formed by the reducing agent.
The negative charges on the polymer chains are mobile and are responsible for
As electrode material for commercial rechargeable batteries(coin type batteries).
As conductive tracks on printed circuit boards.
As sensors-humidity sensor, gas sensor, radiation sensor, biosensor for glucose,galactose
In electrochromic display windows.
In information storage devices.
Graphene oxide:
Green Fuels:
Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.
Thus, we cannot produce energy to do certain work. Therefore, we use certain substances which
help us to transform one form of energy into another form. Hence a fuel is defined as a
combustible substance, which on burning produces significant amount of heat which can be used
economically for industrial and domestic purposes.
Types of Fuels:
Green fuels are carbon-neutral or even carbon-free alternatives to fossil fuels. Produced
from hydrogen and electricity from renewable sources, they are seen as crucial to
Due to their high energy density, green fuels are well suited for both transport and power
generation. However, their production is energy-intensive and not yet economically viable. Even
though they are being tried and tested extensively, there is still a lack of infrastructure for mass
production. Therefore, facilities have to be scaled-up to reduce costs, and renewable power
generation must be expanded.
Today, most hydrogen is not produced from carbon-neutral energy sources, but with natural gas
(gray hydrogen), coal (brown or black hydrogen), nuclear power (pink or red hydrogen) or from
fossil fuels combined with carbon capture (blue hydrogen). But in order to reduce the carbon
footprint, green hydrogen is paramount. Hydrogen requires storage and transportation at either
high-pressure or very low temperatures; conversion to other green fuels with higher energy
density can mitigate that issue.
A wide range of power technologies exist which can make use of the solar energy
reaching earth and converting them into different useful forms of energy. Solar energy utilization
can be of two types, direct solar power and indirect solar power.
Direct solar power: It involves only one step transformation into a usable.
Ex: 1) Sun light hits photovoltaic cell (also called photoelectric cell) generating electricity.
2) Sun light hits the dark absorbing surface of a solar thermal collector and the surface warms.
The heat energy may be carried away by a fluid circuit.
Indirect Solar Power: It involves more than one transformation to reach a usable form.
Photovoltaic cells:
Introduction: Photovoltaic cells or solar cells are semiconductor devices that convert
sunlight into direct current electricity. As long as light is shining on the solar cell, it generates
electrical power. When the light stops, electricity stops.
Groups of photovoltaic cells are electrically configured into modules and arrays, which
can be used to charge batteries, operate motors and to power any number of electrical loads.
With the appropriate power conversion equipment, photovoltaic systems can produce alternating
current (AC) compatible with any conventional appliances.
All electromagnetic radiations including sunlight consist of particles called photons. The
photons carry a certain amount of energy given by E = hc/λ
Where h is Planck’s constant, c is the velocity of light, λ is the wave length of radiation.
When electromagnetic radiation (sunlight) is incident normal to the plane of the solar cell, the
photons which possess energy sufficient to overcome the barrier potential are absorbed &
electron-hole pairs are formed. Electrons are driven out into the external circuit & could be
stored & used for various applications.
Solar energy is the energy which has a greatest potential of acting as alternate source of energy
because of the reason that the reserves of fossil fuels are very limited and are depleted very fast.
1) Fuel source is vast and essentially infinite.
2) No emission, no combustion or radioactive residues for disposal. Does not contribute to global
climate change or pollution.
3) Low operating costs (no fuel).
4) No moving parts and no wear or tear.
5) Quick installation
6) High public acceptance and excellent safety record.
1) Sunlight is a diffuse source; i.e. it is relatively low density energy.
2) High installation costs.
3) Energy can be produced only during the day time.
It combines with oxygen to form water, which is absolutely necessary for life on this
It has a high energy content per weight (nearly 3 times as much as gasoline), but the energy
density per volume is quite low at standard temperature and pressure. Volumetric energy
density can be increased by storing the hydrogen under increased pressure or storing it at
extremely low temperatures as a liquid. Hydrogen can also be adsorbed into metal
Hydrogen is highly flammable; it only takes a small amount of energy to ignite it and make
it burn. It also has a wide flammability range, meaning it can burn when it makes up 4 to 74
percent of the air by volume.
Hydrogen burns with a pale-blue, almost-invisible flame, making hydrogen fires difficult to
The combustion of hydrogen does not produce carbon dioxide (CO2), particulate, or sulfur
emissions. It can produce nitrous oxide (NOX) emissions under some conditions.
Hydrogen can be produced from renewable resources, such as by reforming ethanol (this
process emits some carbon dioxide) and by the electrolysis of water (electrolysis is very
Green hydrogen is the most basic electrofuels (e-fuels). It is created by splitting water (H2O) into
oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H2) in a process called electrolysis, using power from renewables.
Hydrogen can then be used either directly as fuel e.g. for internal combustion engines – or as
core component for the synthesis of other green fuels such as ammonia (with nitrogen) or
methanol, SNG (with carbon, captured from the air, biomass or industrial plants' exhaust gases).
The cell potential of electrolysis of pure water is negative and hence is thermodynamically
unfavourable. Because of the low concentration of ions and the interfaces to be crossed electrons
an extra voltage (Overvoltage) at each electrode is needed to about 0.6V. In practice, continuous
electrolysis of pure water is possible only at an external voltage of 2.4V. Since the electrolysis of
pure water is thermodynamically non-feasible, methods to make it kinetically feasible are being
investigated. One of the methods is to increase the conductivity by increasing the number of ions
available by adding acid, base, or non-reacting salts.
Additional hydroxyl ions, release their electrons to anode, while electrons at the cathode oxidize
water molecules near it.
Like electrolysis in an acid medium, electrolysis in the basic medium also needs much lower
In PEM water electrolysis, water is electrochemically split into hydrogen and oxygen at
their respective electrodes such as hydrogen at the cathode and oxygen at the anode. PEM
water electrolysis is accrued by pumping of water to the anode where it is spilt into
oxygen (O2), protons (H+ ) and electrons (e). These protons are traveled via proton
conducting membrane to the cathode side. The electrons exit from the anode through the
external power circuit, which provides the driving force (cell voltage) for the reaction. At
the cathode side the protons and electrons re-combine to produce the hydrogen, the
following mechanism as shown in Figure. Typically, in PEM water electrolysis noble
metal based electrocatalysts are used such as Pt/Pd-based catalysts as cathode towards the
hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and RuO2/IrO2 catalysts as anode for oxygen
evolution reaction (OER).