Polymers 2024 10 30 18 14 21 435
Polymers 2024 10 30 18 14 21 435
Polymers 2024 10 30 18 14 21 435
Presented By
Dr. Harisha S
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
K S Institute of Technology
Bengaluru - 09
Polymers are macromolecules,formed by the combinationof many smaller repeating molecules. These
smaller molecules are termed as monomers.
The word "polymer" is derived from Greek language poly means many, meros means molecules.
"Deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA), ribonucleicacid (RNA) and proteins are macromoleculesand are essential
forms of life and hence polymers are 'inked to life.
CHfCH2 has one functional group and two functionalities (A true monomer)
HO.CH$CHÜOH has two functional groups and two functionalities (A true monomer)
The no of repeating units or monomer units in the chain of a polymer is called degree of polymerization (DP).
The molecularweight of an addition polymeris the product of the molecularweight of the repeating unit
and the degree of polymerization (DP).
"Molecular weight Of a polymer is defined as sum of the atomic weight of each of the atoms in the
molecules, which Is present in the polymer"
+ N2M2 + + N'vli
In general, Total mass of all the N, molecules = N tv1i2
Polydispersitv Index:
It is the measure of number of molecular species having different sizes, equal to the ratio of weight average
molecular mass to number average molecular mass.
Numerical Problems:
QI. In a sample of a polymer, 100 molecules have molecularmass 103g/mol, 200 moleculeshave molecular
mass 104 g/mol and 250 molecules have molecular mass IOS g/mol. Calculate the number average, weight
average molecular mass of the polymerand PDI.
NI = 100, Ml = 103g/mol
too 200
(100 10') (200 x 104) (250*10 9)
MF 92992g/mol
PDI = 1.89
02. In a polymer sample, 20 % of molecules have molecularmass 12000 g/mol 30% molecules have molecular mass
20000 g/mol, remaining molecules have molecularmass 22000 g/mol. Calculate the number average, weight average
molecular mass of the polymer and PDI.
NI 20, Ml - 12000g/mol
NIM, +
MF 20144g/mol
PDI = 1.04
n Cl.—c n H2N c NH
li ns K VI
Aircraft fuselage panels, pressure vassals, high performance race car, bullet proof vests.
Kevlar is crystalline, light weight and Nonflammable. Used in reinforcement material for some tyres.
Resistant to heat, impact and scratch. Used in making of light weight boat hulls and Aerospace industry.
Good tensile strength. Used in bullet proof vests and combat Helmets.
Used in compact electronic devices such as polymer based transistors, LEDs etc.
Conducting polymers are generally produced by doping an oxidizingor a reducing agent into an organic polymer
with conjugated back bone consisting of pi-electron system.
I) Linear structure
The conducting polymers are synthesized by doping, in which charged species are introduced in organic polymers
having pi-back bone. The important doping reactions are;
electron from
When polyacetyleneis partially oxidized with an oxidativedopant like in CCla, it takes away an
the n-backbone of polyacetylene chain producing a free radical and positive charge (hole).
this would create new localized electronic state in the energy gap. On further oxidation, a bipolaron is formed.
If the polyacetylene Chain is heavily oxidized, polaronscondensepair-wise to form solitons which merge with
the edges of conduction bond (CB) and valence bond (VB) exhibitingconductivity.
12in CC14
.e- 12in
The most commonly used reducing agents are: sodium naptha%dein tetra hydro furan,
+ A second reduction of chain containing polaron, followed by the recombinationof yieldstwochased (-%j
carriers on each chain.
j Redudon Na - Naphth.2Ede
Il Reductzn Na -
Commercial Applications:
Focused upon polymer membranes that incorporated electronically conducting polymers and piezoelectric polymers
Gene Sensors
Printed electronics
Thank You