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Teacher JOY A. ANDRADE Learning Area

Teaching Date June 14,2023 QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

a) Identify the different parallel structures.

b) spot examples of parallelism

c) Discuss the importance of balance in life

d) Use parallel structures in a sentence.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other text types for a

deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

B. Performance Standards The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro-Asian Literature and other text types for a

deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

C. Most Essential Learning Competencies Use parallel structures.


D.Domain Grammar

E.Enabling Competencies Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different context to make effective choices for meaning and style

II.CONTENT Parallelism


A. References Pivot 4-A Learners Material Grade 8 (LEAP) Quarter 3

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

Pivot 4-A Learners Material Grade 8 (LEAP) Quarter 3

b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages NONE

B. List of Learning Resources for Parallelism Lesson 1 Week 7

Development and Engagement Activities

A. Introduction A. Opening Prayer

B. Checking of Attendance

C. Review


( The students will be ask to complete the given sentences with the proper conjunction)

Complete the sentences the following conjunction.

And So Or But So
1. She says that she loves her dog _______ she never plays with it . (but)
2. You must study for the test _________ you will fail. (or)
3. Mom said we must wash the dishes ________ clean the room. (and)
4. I feel sick ______ I still can work. (but)
5. He took me to the shop _____ bought me a new dress(and)
Good job everyone! It shows that you have really understood the previous discussion. For that, tell yourselves, “Good job!”. Ready, set, and go.

A. Motivation

Before we unravel our new topic this morning I have set of pictures. Observe them carefully.

Directions: These pictures have something in common, except one. Put an X mark on the picture which does not belong to the group.
What thing is not included in the first set of pictures


Correct! How about the second set of pictures? (The students will answer)

Very good! Do you think these examples are showing consistency?

That is right! How will you make the first set of pictures consistent, if the different among them is the box of books?

Correct! And how about the second set of pictures?



Now, class, we can correct the inconsistency of these things by making them similar to each other. However, inconsistency does not only happen in

things or ideas. In sentences, we can also see inconsistency or irregularities that need to be corrected by making them parallel to each other.

Guide Questions:
B. Can you tell me what have you noticed from each of the pictures?
C. Do they show similarities in idea, characteristics, etc.?

Annotation: English Grade 5 -EN5VC-IIIf-3.8

Learning Competency: MELC 2 : Interpret the meaning suggested in visual media through a focus on visual elements, for example, line,

symbols, colour, gaze and framing

- Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the learning targets founded on KSAV principles
This morning, we are going to tackle about Parallelism.

I want you to listen attentively and participate actively in our discussion because, at the end of the lesson, you are expected to achieve the following


Kindly read.

a) Identify the different parallel structures.

b) Use parallel structures in a sentence.

c) Discuss the importance of balance in life.

To start our discussion about our topic, we will have a short activity.

I want you to watch this tiktok video. ( video is being played then follow up questions being asked to the students)

The video is all about parallelism in Mathematics.

The video talks about Parallelism Lines .

Parallel lines are lines in a plane that are always the same distance apart. Parallel lines never intersect. Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at

a right (90 degrees) angle.

Annotatio n Mathematics 4 Q3 week1

Math 4 MELC Describing parallel, intersecting and perpendicular lines.

I want you to look at the following sentences.

Kindly read the directions of the activity.

Directions: Identify which part of the sentence is different and change it to make the sentence parallel.
1. Joseph bought a jacket, Joseph bought a pair of shoes, Joseph bought a tie.
2. He likes to eat ice cream, cake, chocolate
3. I like swimming better than to walk.
4. Ashley likes to ski, to swim and to jump.
5. Sam wants both a satisfying job and that pays well.

1. Joseph bought a jacket, Joseph bought a pair of shoes, Joseph bought a tie.

Study each sentence very well then follow up questions will be ask

What word in the sentence is different?

How would you correct this word to make them similar?

And what word in the sentence connects the two clauses?

What part of speech is “and”?

If “and’ is a conjunction that connects the two clauses, what do you think is our first rule in parallelism

First rule:

Use parallel structure with elements joined by coordinating conjunction.


1.) Joseph bought a jacket a pair of shoes and a tie.

2.) Should I study or sleep?

A. ACTIVITY Do you understand our first rule? Good! So, can you give me example a parallel sentence that uses this rule?

Let us proceed to our second sentence.

2. He likes to eat ice cream, cake, chocolate

Do you see a series of words, phrases, or clauses here in the sentence?

Can you tell me what are these?

Now, if the sentence has a series of words or clauses, what do you think is the second rule in parallelism?

Second rule: Use parallel structure with elements in lists or in a series.


1. He is smart, honest, and responsible.

2. To love, to care, and to die for our country is nationalism.

3. I like swimming better than to walk.

What are the two things in the sentence being compared?

And between the two things being compared, what word seems different?

Now, if this sentence contains comparison, what do you think is our third rule in parallelism?

B. ANALYSIS Third rule: Use parallel structure with elements being compared.

(X is more than / better than Y)


1. I enjoy going out to a movie as much as I enjoy staying at home to watch it

2.Staying at home is much more comfortable than going outside.

Do you understand this rule? I am glad to hear that!

4. Ashley likes to ski, to swim and to jump.

Is there a linking verb in the sentence?

And what is the linking verb?

what are the two phrases being linked by our linking verb?

Which among these phrases seems different?

Now, class, if these sentences are linked by a linking verb, what do you think is our fourth rule in parallelism?

Fourth rule: Use parallel structure with elements joined by a linking verb or a verb of being.


1. To succeed is to open a new opportunity.

2. Being a student is being able to sleep late.

5.Sam wants both a satisfying job and that pays well.

Is there a correlative conjunction found in the sentence?

What are the two phrases connected by a conjunction?

Between these two phrases which one seems different?

How would you change this phrase to make it parallel?

Now, if there is a correlative pronoun here and these sentences have to be parallel to each other, what do you think is our last rule in


Fifth rule: Use parallel structure with elements joined a correlative conjunction (not only... but also, both... and, either... or, neither... nor)


1. Clara wants money but also wants fame.

2. I am fine with either a cup of coffee or a cup of tea. Is the fifth rule clear to you, class?

I am glad to hear that! So, can you give one example with this rule?Do you have any questions on our topic this morning, class?

Values Integration In Parallelism,

It is very important to show consistency in every word that we used. Thus, we should learn to balance the words. On the other hand,

balancing is not only present in grammar, it can also be found in life. Every day, we try to balance everything such as our studies,

works, and household chores. It is difficult, but how do you balance your priorities in life?

Most of us try to balance our priorities through time management, and it is very important to follow proper time management. Why?

for us to be able to do our priorities in life. Without time management, we might be able to forget an important task for that day

because we are very busy with our studies, lovelife, or work. It is not easy but we can work it out through practice. If we devote

ourselves to one thing, such as work, while neglecting our family, it will have a negative effect in our life. Do you understand what I

am trying to say, class? Alright! Let us proceed with our last activity for today.


Learning competency: MELC 13 : Naipamamalas ng mag-aaral ang pag-unawa sa mga isyu at suliraning kaugnay ng pakikipagkapwa

( Video is being played about Parallelism)

Rules of Parallelism

1.Use parallel structure with elements joined by coordinating conjunction.

2.Use parallel structure with elements in lists or in a series.

3. Use parallel structure with elements being compared.

4. Use parallel structure with elements joined by a linking verb or a verb of being.

5. Use parallel structure with elements joined a correlative conjunction (not only... but also, both... and, either... or, neither... nor)

✔ Words and Phrases

∙ With the -ing form (gerund) of words:

Parallel: Joanne likes writing, swimming, and reading.

∙ With infinitive phrases:

Parallel: Jhoanne likes to hike, to swim, and to ride a bicycle. OR

Jhoanne likes to hike, swim, and ride a bicycle.

(Note: You can use "to" before all the verbs in a sentence or only before the first one.)

∙ Do not mix forms.

Parallel: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle.

Parallel: The production manager was asked to write his report quickly,

accurately, and thoroughly.

Parallel: The teacher said that he was a poor student because he waited until the last minute to study for the exam, completed his

lab problems in a careless manner, and lacked motivation.

The learners will do/perform the activities Using the illustrations below, they will be group into 3 then will form a sentence using the

given format of parallelism. (We are going to have a THINK and SHARE Activity within the group .
Students will be given a sheet of Paper and has an activity assigned to each group.)

Using the illustrations below, form a sentence using the given format of parallelism. Group Activity

1. With adjectives

2.With infinitive phrases

3.With -ing form



ASSESSMENT Directions: Supply the correct word or phrase to make the sentence complete and parallel. Guide words are given before the number.

(respect) 1. Filipinos are hospitable, responsible, and ______ people.

(go) 2. Jessica was neither going to sleep nor ______ to eat.

(love) 3. You have a wonderful smile and a _______ attitude.

(gather) 4. She likes walking along the seashore, climbing mountains, and _____ corals. (walk) 5. I like biking better than ________

Expected Answers: 1. respectful 2. going 3. lovely 4. gathering 5. Walking

.REFLECTION - The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that _____________.

I realize that __________________.

Prepared by:


Teacher II



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