Term of Reference For Procurement of Digital ID - 0001
Term of Reference For Procurement of Digital ID - 0001
Term of Reference For Procurement of Digital ID - 0001
HIll aceld6tnu
(NeW+belOII (eIIB. DeRIB.
aqa HU'Hmi UHqea. fBI
$1 and data
row EIMO
B Dttjm DukuNL
Project Management Unit
Gal overseas
B. Objective
The objective is to seek the services of an Advisor firm to provide technical and strategic
advice to Dukcapil for designing, developing, and implementing Digital ID Application
(including Bameworks and back-end systems), an Identity Verification and eKYC Platform,
Biometrics systems enhancements, and a Data Exchange Platform under the ID for Inclusive
Service Delivery and Digital Transformation in Indonesia Project.
C. Output
The output of this procurement is to onboard an Advisor firm to provide work based on the
scope of work and deliverables in this ToR, for designing, developing, and implementing
Digital ID Application (including aameworks and back-end systems), an Identity Verification
and eKYC Platform, Biometrics systems enhancements, and a Data Exchange Platform.
D. Stakeholders
The stakeholders of Advisor firm activity are:
Primary stakeholders
• Project Management Unit (PMU)
• The Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration
• Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA), Republic of Indonesia
Secondary Stakeholders
• SPBE Institutions
e Private sector and other public sector service providers
E. Scope of Work
To enhance the implementation of H) for Inclusive Service Delivery and Digital Transformation
Activities From 2023 To 2027, and especially to support the Project Management Unit (?MU), an
Advisor Firm for designing, developing, and implementing Digital ID application and back-end
system, eKYC platform, Biometrics systems upgrade, and Data Exchange Platform is required.
Relevant Project results and indicators to be supported by this Scope of Work
• Number of Indonesians who have installed the digital ID application and authenticated
themselves to access an online service at least one time in the length of the project – 25
Number of people who have used the eKYC platform for oaboarding selected services
including financial services – 50 million
o Sub indicator: Number of women using the identity verification and e-KYC
platform to onboard for a financial service – 20 million
Number of institutional users using the new identity verification and eKYC platform for
authentication – 25 relying parties
Difference between the proportion of Indonesian men and women owning a bank account
Number of institutional users using the new identity verification and e-KYC platform for
authentication – 25
Draft amended Population Administration law amendment submitted for joint discussion
between the Executive Branch and Parliament
e Digital ID Trust Framework adopted
e A national regulation governing the usage of digital ID is submitted to the President
Existing Systems covered by the Scope of Work for assessment (herein referred to as
“Existing Systems”):
• Current version oflKD
• Current ABISes, including ABIS I and ABIS 2 and their integration with SIAK and e-KTP
recording clients and manual adjudication systems
• Current Population Data and Document Utilization Systems
Target Systems and Frameworks that the Advisor firm will support development of (herein
referrod to as “Tar£et Systems and Frameworks”):
• A future version oflKD (which may be re-named/rebranded), including back-end systems,
#ameworks, and standards
A new Identity verification and eKYC platform for population data and document
TIle Advisor Firm will novi& strategic and technical support to the PW, the Dime&x-
General, other related teams in Ditjen Dukcapi] and the Ministry of Home Affairs, and
other govanment miaistde8/agencies proposed by Ditjen i>ukcapil.
The Advisor Firm is expected to work and cooRinnate closely with other consultants for the
Project, including the Pnjax Management Consultant (PMC) firm (especially on
pRxurwart, budgeting, and planning), the iCT In&8saucture, Public Key Tnf7asauctun,
and Cybersecwity Advisor finn (especially on in&asauctme designs and information and
cybwse€udty issues), and other individual consultants hired by Diyen Dl&cap a
Outputs of this Scope of Work must comply with the following norms and guiding principles
(henceforth referred to as “Guiding Norms and Principles”)
Norms :
e Indonesian laws and ngtd&ions, including related to population administratbl\ SPBE,
PDP, and cybenecuHty
Identified international standards, including at least those identified in the Scope of Work
ID for Inclusive Service Delivery and Digital Transformation in Indonesia Project loan
Principles :
e Inclusivity and Acc'w8ibility: The citizen-facing Target Systems and Frameworks must
be accessible and user-&ieadiy. For examIBe, KD should incorporate featwes to ensure
accessibHity for persons with a disability and users with lower levels of digital iheracy.
Scalability: The Target Systems and Frameworks must be able to scale horMntally to
manage expanding user bases and escalating Uansaction requests, including to minimize
latency to enable real-time responses.
Modularity: The Target Systems and Frameworks must be modular by aaain, allowing
for intercbangeabUity of individual modules or components,
Accuracy: The Target Systans and Frameworks must achieve the highest standards of
performance, in terms of data quality, veriScation performance, and other factors.
System Adaptability and Extensibility: The Target Systems and Frameworks must take
into account the need for continuous enhancement, including with the ability for Ditjen
Dukcapil to do such enhancements in-house.
Technology and Vendor Neutrality: The Target Systems and Frameworks must be
designed to reduce risk of technology and vendor lock-in and capture, such as through open
standards, open-source software, and open interfaces. Ditjen Dukcapil aims to maintain as
much of the Target Systems and Frameworks in-house as possible.
Interoperability and Standards Compliance: The Target Systems and Frameworks must
comply with relevant international and industry standards to seamlessly integrate with
various systems, both internally and externally (i.e., relying parties).
Security, Privacy and Consent Management: The Target Systems and Frameworks must
adhere to the best standards of information and cybersecurity and privacy-byqjesign, and
the Law on Personal Data Protection. This includes implementing consent management
tools for user-controlled data sharing, including using end-to-end encryption for secure
data transmission and storage.
e Redundancy and Disaster Recovery: The Target Systems and Frameworks must have
backup systems and replication of data to prepare for failover situations, including disaster
recovery strategies to guarantee uninterrupted service continuity.
e Regulatory Updates and Adaptability: The Target Systems and Frameworks must be
flexible to adapt to evolving laws, regulations, and standards.
Whole of Government (WOG): The Target Systems and Frameworks must align with
relevant WOG initiatives of the Republic of Indonesia, including (but not limited to) SPBE
and Satu Data Indonesia, such as Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023 on
Acceleration of Digital Transformation and Service Integration National Digital.
a. Enterprise and System Architectures, Designs and Processes: The Advisor Film will
produce detailed architecture, design, and process documentation for the future IKD,
ABISes (including integration with SIAK and e-KTP recording clients and manual
adjudication systems, and any future middleware requirements), Identity Verification
and eKYC Platform, and Data Exchange Platform, including:
i. Individual system-level: For each of IKD, the new ABIS (including integration
with SIAK and e-KTP recording clients and manual adjudication systems, and any
future middleware requirements), Identity Verification and eKYC Platform, and
Data Exchange Platform.
li. Enterprisblevel: Covering how the IKD, the new ABIS, Identity Verification and
eKYC Platform and Data Exchange Platform interoperate and integrate with each
other and other systems in Ditjen Dukcapil. For example, how IKD and the Identity
Verification and eKYC Platform can be used for consented data sharing, facilitated
by the Data Exchange Platform. These outputs will cover business, data,
application, and technology layer elements for these systems as per the TOG AF
Bamework, and should be developed in such a way that Ditjen Dukcapil and their
consultants can incorporate into the organization's Enterprise Architecture. The
Advisor Firm should coordinate and collaborate with other consultants in
developing the outputs.
b. Wireframes and Mockups: The Advisor Firm will produce wireframes and mockups
for the IKD, Identity Verification and eKYC Platform, and Data Exchange Platform.
c. Security Design: The Advisor Firm will produce detailed security and privacy
documentation to ensure that the Target Systems and Frameworks protect personal data,
including encryption, access controls, and secure authentication methods, in
consultation with other security consultants appointed by Ditjen Dukcapil.
The Advisor Finn will be responsible for the following:
i. Rkk Assessment: The Advisor Firm will conduct a comprehensive risk assessment
to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities for the Target Systems and
Frameworks, as well as identify mitigation measures.
11. Security Strategies: Based on the risk assessment, the Advisor Firm will develop
a roadmap for implementing security measures aligned with user requirements and
industry best practices in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
iii. Security Policies: Drafting and assisting Ditjen Dukcapil in implementing security
policies and protocols that govern access controls, data handling, and incident
response procedures.
iv. Technology Evaluation and Recommendations: Evaluating and recommending
security tectulologies such as encryption methods, access control systems,
firewalls9 and intrusion detection systems that align with user needs and enhance
their security posture.
d. Inputs to Procurement Plan: The Advisor Firm will produce inputs to Ditjen
Dukcapil’s Procurement Plan and Annual Work Plan and Budget on the number, tYpe,
and details of procurement activities to realize the Enterprise and System Architectures,
Designs and Processes.
e. Data Protection Impact Assusments (DPIA): TIle Advisor Firm will conduct a DPIA
and produce a reInn for each of the agreed Enterprise and System Are}Btecaires and
Designs, in compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection.
f. Use Case and Interep€abiHty Design: TIle Advisor Firm will identify priority use
cases and produce detailed iatemperability documentation to ensure that the Target
Systems and Fmmewoas can be easily integrated with each other, relying party
services, and other releyant systans, such as SPLP. This will include, at a minimum,
priority swvices iderld6ed in Pnsideatial Regulation No. 82/2023, population
administration services, financial sen’ices, telecommunhatioas suvlees, and e-
J+ Business and RweBue Mcxlels: The Advisor Firm win develop detailed business and
revenue models for the new IW Identity VeriScation and eKYC Platform, and Data
Exchange Platform. Prices and costs to end-users should be minimal so as not to
disincentivin uptake, but enough to support operational and financial stwtainabibty.
The Advisor Firm will also assist Ditjen Dukcapa to work with the &Hnistry of Finance
to turn these models into nlevarR regulations for non-tax revenue.
4. Procurement Implementation and Support
& Preparation: The Advisor Firm will conduct the following studies to support successful
procwealent, based on the recommended approaches (as per the implementation plan):
IVlarket Rwawh: The Advisor Firm will produce a market assessment report for
each of the new IKT\ the new ABIS, Identity Vuiacation and eKYC Platform, and
Data Exchange Platform. The aim of the market research would tn to validate the
chosen procwement and iInIHementation approach.
ii. Cost Estimation: The Advisor Firm will produce a detailed and credible cost
estimates for each of the new IKD, the new ABIS, Identity Verification and eKYC
Platform, and Data Exchange Platform (as per the agreed designs), to cover both
capital expent$tues and operating exlwnditwes for the next five years. This should
cover include a breakdown of costs for each component and resource reqrind such
as (but not limited to) hardware costs, software licensing fees, implementation
costs, training expenses, maintenance, support contracts, and contingency funds.
The cost estimation should include assumptions and substantiating evidence.
b. Procurement Documentation: The Advisor Firur will produce a Scopes of Work
Terms of Reference, and/or a Bills of Quantity, as well as evaluation criteria, for the
procurement packages related to the new IKD, the new ABIS, Identity Verification and
eKYC Platform, and Data Exchange Platform, and related goods and services. The
documentation should conform to relevant Government of Indonesia and World Bank
procurement regulations. The PMC will be responsible for incorporating the Scopes of
Work, Terms of Reference, and/or a Bias of Quantity into bidding documents,
The number and type of packages will be dependent on what has been agreed in the
implementation plan. For example, if the Advisor Firm and Ditjen Dukcapil agree that
one system will be developed by a Systems Integrator, then the Advisor Film will
produce documentation for that procurement. Similarly, if the Advisor Firm and Digen
Dukcapil agree that another system will be developed in-house, the Advisor Firm will
produce Terms of Reference for the procurement of developers, including individual
c. Procurement and Contracting Process Support: The Advisor Firm will support
Ditjen Dukcapil to carry out procurement processes for the Target Systems and
Frameworks, including to assist with answering questions from bidders, adjusting
requirements during the process, evaluating bids, and negotiating contracts to protect
the interests ofDiyen Dukcapil.
5. Implementation Support
a. Supervision: The Advisor Firm will be a technical resource to support Digen Dukcapil
to onboard and supervise the work of suppliers and individual consultants involved in
developing and maintaining the Target Systems and Frameworks. This includes (but not
is limited to) sharing and answering questions about relevant deliverables from the
Design phase, joining regular meetings, and advising Ditjen Dukcapil on vendor
management and how to ensure successful execution of contracts and ensuring the
migration process runs according to migration plan.
b. Pilots: The Advisor Firm will assist Ditjen Dukcapil to design, execute, and evaluate
pilots of the new IKD, the new ABIS, Identity Verification and eKYC Platform, and
Data Exchange Platform.
c. User Testing: The Advisor Firm will carry out regular Ul/UX testing for the new IKD,
especially to ensure accessibility and user-&iendhness, and feed results and
recommendations to Ditjen Dukcapil and the development team.
d. Technical Testing and Quality Assurance: The Advisor Firm, working closely with
Ditjen Dukcapil, will conduct functional and non-functional testing of the new IKD, the
new ABIS, Identity Verification and eKYC Platform, and Data Exchange Platform,
including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, user acceptance testing (UAT),
load testing, and code reviews. The Advisor Firm will maintain documentation for tests
e. Developer Documentation and Third Party Integration: The Advisor Firm will
assist Ditjen Dukcapil and suppliers to develop comprehensive and accessible developer
documentation (e.g., API specifications) for external stakeholders and to supervise
integration of relying parties with the new IKD, the new ABIS, Identity Vednc&tior! and
eKYC Platform, and Data Exchange Platform.
6. Capacity Building and Knowledge Management
a. Training and Capacity Building: The Advisor Firm will regularly conduct training
workshops for D&jen l>ukcapil officials on international good practices and standards
related to the Target Systems and Frameworks, with topics targeted at addressing
knowledge gaps identi$ed in the Study of Existing Systems and with requirements
during implementation (e.g., for conducting testing according to appropriate
b. Version Control and Maintenance: The Advisor Firm will be responsible for keeping
upto-date the documentation produced under the Design category over the course of
the assignment, including version control, in consultation with the PMC. For example,
design documents and the Trust Framework should be updated in line with the
c. Knowledge and Documentation Management: The Advisor Firm will support Digen
Dukcapil to properly manage know}edge and docwnentation, including to maintain
institutional memory and records of decisions made.
7. Exit Management
& Knowledge Transfer: The Advisor Firm will transfer knowledge and capabilities to
Ditjen Dukcapil teams for ongoing management and development of the Target Systems
and Frameworks.
b. Exit Management Plan: The Advisor firm will produce for Ditjen Dukcapil plans for
provision of contingent support for the Target Systems and Frameworks. This Exit
Management plan shall be furnished in writing to Ditjen Dukcapi! or its nominated
agencies within 30 days from the receipt of notice oftaminadon or ttuw months prior
to the expiry the engagement.
Gathering [1.1] inception Contract + 4 10% of Total Contract
Report weeks Value
Inception and kick
2. Study Id Analysis
Study of Existing [2.1] As-Is Study 4 weeks after
Systems and
Report Inception Report
Verification and
eKYC Platform
Identity Plan.
Verification and
eKYC Platform
Data Exchange
: JC till i}< iii) I-\ pc nt i '_ \ rICfiCIIcc it i >LI iii it !C:it 11_Ii-IS
m;lgb irl--m>
Science/ Software Engineering, Computer
Management/ Information
Systems/Information Engineering.
User Testing
Version Control
and Maintenance
Knowledge and
7. Exit Management
12 weeks before
Knowledge [7.1] Knowledge
Transfer project
Transfer Report
completion. 5.5% of Total contract
12 weeks before
Exit Management [7.2] Exit
Plan project
Management Plan
Trust Framework
and Standards
[3.8] Trust
Framework and
Governance Design Document
[4.1] Report on
Market Research and
Preparation Cost Estimation 2% of Total Contract Value
5. Implementation Support
projects for national identity and digital ID
-id&tMige in Computer
Science/ Software Engineering/ Computer
Management/ Information
Systems/Informatics Engineering/ Design .
hifi;';-dig;ge in COIl
Advisor Science/ Software Engineering/ Computer
Management/ Information
Systems/Informatics Engineering proven
by a diploma.
H. Evaluation Criteria
Bicidus must have experience in poviding consulting services involving de sigh and
implementadca support for Digital iD pm for States
Bidders must have exped mce in providing consuldng services involving desigr!, and
implementation support for handBag eKYC systems
Bidders must have exlnrience in providing consuldng services involving design, and
implementation support for biamebic systems
Bidders must have experience in providing consuidag services iavolvirrg design, and
implementation support for Data Exchange platforms.
K Closure
This is the Terms of Reference for the activity of providing profwsioaai Expert Personnel in the
form of Procurement of Consulting Companies for Digital ID, Biometrics, eKYC and Data
Exchange in 2024 to be used as material for consideration by consultants in submitting offer
documents and as a guideline in their implementation.
Jakarta, 2024
Commitment-Making Official
Component II
Foreign Loans/Grants Directorate General
of Population and CivJl Registration