Candidate Style Work R097
Candidate Style Work R097
Candidate Style Work R097
Cambridge National in
Creative iMedia
For first teaching in 2022 | Version 2
This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. The purpose of
the document is to help teachers mark their own candidates’ work.
This document must not be used as a resource to help with the delivery of
the qualification and should only be used to assist with marking guidance.
You must not share this document with candidates.
OCR Level 1/Level 2 Cambridge National in Creative iMedia R097 Candidate style work and commentary
This document must not be used as a resource to help with the delivery of the qualification and should only be
used to assist with marking guidance.
• post this document on any website, intranet, forum or other file sharing platform.
• be confident that the work you mark is the candidate’s own. Every candidate must produce their own work
• use enough supervision, or complete sufficient checks, to be able to judge the authenticity of the candidate’s
• make sure candidates and other teachers understand what constitutes plagiarism and not accept plagiarised
work as evidence.
A malpractice case could result in candidate work not being accepted and sanctions being placed on
teachers within your centre.
This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. The purpose of the document is to
help teachers mark their own candidates’ work.
This document must not be used as a resource to help with the delivery of the qualification and
should only be used to assist with marking guidance.
You must not share this document with candidates.
Critical information for the use of this document 2
Task 1 - Strand 1a 5
Task 1 - Strand 1b 9
Task 2 - Strand 2a 19
Task 2 - Strand 2b 33
Task 2 - Strand 2c 41
Task 3 - Strand 3a 43
Task 3 - Strand 3b 48
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
The aim of the resource is to help you understand how candidate work could be marked using the marking criteria.
Our senior assessors have created some sample candidate work and commentary. They have indicated the criteria
that should be considered and how the marking criteria could be applied.
Please note this resource is for guidance only – it does not contain candidate work from an assessment series
for this qualification and has not been through a standardisation process. The mark band awarded is only
indicative of what similar work might receive. The resource also does not in any way indicate an endorsed approach
to creating an NEA task and should not be used by students to submit as evidence.
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
Task 1 - Strand 1a
In this task you will generate an original idea for your interactive digital media product (IDMP) and plan the
creation of your product.
You must:
Age - I think that a virtual exhibition would be best targeted at older teenagers. I don’t think and audience younger
than this is would really be interested in this history as it was a really long time ago, well before some of them were
born. For my age range and a bit older there will be a bit more interest in some of the decades, particularly the ones
like the 90’s which are not as long ago. With this in mind I would think that the 90’s would appeal most in terms of
attracting a younger target audience for the product.
Gender – I think history is quite gender neutral as a topic, it would depend what I put in my product but if I made
sure I talked about topics in history that are quite varied such as music, tech, and fashion, this should appeal to all
Interests – I think that the audience would probably be interested in modern history and popular culture, they may
like the retro vibe also.
Income – As this is virtual exhibition and the brief doesn’t say whether it is a free exhibit or not, I am assuming it
would be cheap or free. As it is virtual the probably wouldn’t be transport costs so it could appeal to a wide range of
audiences as income would not be much of an issue.
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
• Simpsons
• Friends
• Futurama
• Rugrats
• Mr Bean
• Keeping Up Appearances
House style:
Main colours: Orange and Green bright colours
Heading font: Gill sans
Standard font: Arial
• Explain how your ideas would meet the client brief and appeal to the
target audience
I think that my design will work well of my audience and meets the brief effectively. I have selected the 90s era for
my museum product which is a time period I think will appeal to a younger target audience. This will help the C20
museum meet the aim of appealing to a young audience than the average of aged 55. I have planned to use some
bright retro colours which I think fit the theme but also make the design look exciting and fun and not really like a
museum which has a reputation for being more boring and older fashioned in style, this should attract a younger
audience. I have considered this in my choice of potential fonts by choosing a clear and simple font for the main text
but a bold blocky retro compute game style font for my headings and buttons.
I have chosen to focus my museum exhibit on 90s technology, TV, fashion and music. I think these areas fit the brief
in terms of linking to popular culture of the time. It will appeal to a younger audience as these are things that young
people today are still interested in and might like to look at some more retro ideas and what their parents were into
at their age. I am going to use a range of different media in my product as the brief suggests, but also because this will
help to keep my audience interested, a lot of people don’t like just reading text about a subject. If they can listen to it,
watch videos and control some of the content this is much more interactive and interesting.
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Examiner commentary
Plan Interactive Digital Media
There is some evidence of interpretation, using a mind map as a starting point. There is a clear identification of
audience and discussion of how the design is appropriate for target audience including the consideration of
different audience demographics. The work also provides an adequate interpretation of the client brief which
features the key points. This work would be placed in MB2.
Even better if
The explanation could include greater detail about the actual content of the interactive digital media product,
beyond stating that there will be ‘a range of media’. This could expand into discussion of why the proposed content
would appeal to the target audience.
Teaching tips
Students should understand the difference between only restating the client brief and interpreting it. Interpretation
involves adding more to the scenario than was originally provided.
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Task 1 - Strand 1b
Produce relevant pre-production documents
• Show the layout of your IDMP
• Show the content of your IDMP
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
• Decide how you will test/check your IDMP, and create any
documentation needed
Test Expected result Actual result Retest Retest Result
Home page – The buttons should
navigation bar take the user to the
page shown on the
Fashion page – The buttons should
navigation bar take the user to the
page shown on the
TV page – navigation The buttons should
bar take the user to the
page shown on the
Music page – The buttons should
navigation bar take the user to the
page shown on the
Technology page – The buttons should
navigation bar take the user to the
page shown on the
Music page track The control buttons
like play, pause, re-
wind work correctly.
TV page video clip The control buttons
like play, pause,
rewind work
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Examiner commentary
Plan Interactive Digital Media
All aspects of the task are covered within the evidence, all pages are planned with wireframe diagrams and the
hierarchy diagrams show non- linear linking between pages. The test plan provides the ability for the user to
effectively test most functionality and some fitness for purpose. As a whole, these documents are adequate and
support the creation of most but not all elements of the final product. This fits within MB2.
Even better if
More detailed planning for functionality and interactivity could be included in the pre-production documentation,
particularly by showing how the multimedia assets will be accessed and controlled. Details of the house style and
content could also be added to the wireframe diagrams.
Teaching tips
The teaching of pre-production planning for this unit should enable students to plan for all elements of a product.
This includes content, interactions and interface as well as layout and appearance. Knowing how to annotate
documentation and diagrams effectively is a useful skill in this respect.
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Task 1 - Strand 1c
Identify the assets required and explain their planned use in your
• Identify what assets will be needed and where they will come from
• Explain where, how and why they will be used in your IDMP
• Explain what properties your assets will need to be suitable for your IDMP
When I am finding my assets, I need to think about the properties of my assets. I need to make sure that my images
are good quality and suitable sizes so that they complement the text and other items on the page. The videos will
also need to be good quality but also, they will need to be a small enough file size that they will load quickly enough
when they are played. My text will need to be the readable so I will make sure the font is clear and the colour is
contrasting with any backgrounds.
Total marks for Task 1: 20 marks
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Examiner commentary
Plan Interactive Digital Media
Assets have been identified with details of where they would be sourced from or if they would be created. There
is some information on the potential use of the assets but this is limited. Properties have been covered in general
terms but this is quite limited. The understanding of how they would contribute to the effectiveness of the product
is limited so this would be placed in MB1.
Even better if
How and where assets will be used was explained with more consideration for the assets’ contribution to the
effectiveness of the product.
A more in-depth knowledge of the properties of the assets and their impact on the effectiveness of the final
product could be demonstrated.
Teaching tips
The term assets does not solely refer to graphics, this includes all aspects making up each page. A common area of
misunderstanding here is confusion between an asset and a resource.
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Task 2 - Strand 2a
In this task you will source, create and repurpose the media components for the interactive digital media
product (IDMP). You will then combine the media, interactive and navigational components to create the
IDMP you have designed and planned.
You must:
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
Setting up the page and using the text tool to create the letters.
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
I used the shape tool with a bright green fill to create the bubble effect.
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I made a text layer and changed the font to Fascinate as this was similar to Gill Sans a font I had considered, resized it
to 400pt and placed to over my background pattern.
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I used the line to with a large stroke size to create the line and arrow.
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I think used the text tool to add the different date points to the timeline and the timeline heading.
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• Repurpose the media assets to make them suitable for your IDMP
Some of my image assets are in 300dpi resolution, to make sure they are suitable for the product I need to edit these
to make the resolution suitable for the purpose.
This is an example of changing the resolution on my images.
This image also needed to be resized to fit the space on the page. I used the crop tool to resize and change the shape
of this image.
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This image looked a little plain and the colours were not very bold which didn’t really suit the site so I increase the
saturation to brighten the colours.
To add a background, I selected the person and inverted the select to avoid colouring them and added a colour to the
white background using the paint bucket tool.
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The sound track I have sourced is a little long for the purpose of the product so I need to shorten it and apply some
effects so that it just doesn’t suddenly start and stop.
Cutting the song down using the cut tool
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
• Create the interactive and navigational components for use within your
This is evidenced in the creation of the product section.
Examiner commentary
Creating Components
There is evidence of creating some static image assets for use in the product. The assets are partly effective, but the
range of components is narrow so supports the creation of the final product in a limited way. The repurposing of
image assets and audio files is partly effective. The creation of interactive and navigational components is covered
within the evidence in the section describing the creation of the product element in this instance. Nevertheless it
contributes to the mark for this strand and overall the work would be placed in MB2.
Even better if
Further consideration of properties of assets and more technical skills could be demonstrated in the creation of assets.
A wider range of media assets could be created and/or repurposed in order to more fully support the creation of
the final product. This could also include the creation of interactive components.
Teaching tips
It is a common misconception that assets should only include those sourced and is limited to media such as static
images. Assets can be any part of the content and includes those both sourced and created.
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Task 2 - Strand 2b
Create your IDMP
• Use suitable software to create the IDMP you planned
To add interactive features such as the navigation bar I am going to create these and place them on the master page
of my site.
I selected a navigation bar from the assets browser and customized it fit my design and colour scheme.
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I then added all the other consistent elements to my master page starting with the banner.
I then added all the other consistent elements to my master page starting with the banner.
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I also set the page colour for my pages, the white seemed a little plain so I added a subtle background colour.
When the consistent elements are complete I can add my prepared assets to each page.
Adding the image and text content to the home page.
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
When the consistent elements are complete I can add my prepared assets to each page.
Adding the image and text content to the home page.
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I needed to check and edit the play back settings to make sure the user was able to control of the media asset when it
was in the product.
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
Examiner commentary
Creating the interactive digital media product
There is clear evidence of technical skills being used to create the different elements of the interactive product,
(including navigation and media-based interactivity which is assessed in strand a). There is some creativity in the
layout and conventions for the page design are followed. The product is adequately fit for purpose and overall
would be placed in MB2.
Even better if
Included a wider range of interactive features. More evidence of the technical set up of the product to suit the brief.
Teaching tips
A common misconception is that a website is the only suitable product which could be created for this task.
Teaching should cover the full range of specification content so that students can choose the most suitable
approach to the assessment tasks.
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Task 2 - Strand 2c
Export or publish your IDMP
• Choose a suitable electronic format and properties for your finished
IDMP so that it meets the client requirements
To enable users to access my product I need publish the site to HTML files which will allow people without the creation
software to view the pages as the client requires.
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Examiner commentary
Export and publish the interactive digital media product
Evidence of exporting the product is clear from the content provided here. In most cases the components were
appropriate in their exported format. The format is adequate in its appropriateness. This would be placed in MB2.
Even better if
Included evidence of saving to maintain an editable version on the product. Ensured the exported products are
suitably named.
Included evidence to show the exporting of component parts with suitable formats. Included evidence to show the
technical properties of the exported product and consideration of suitability for different platforms.
Teaching tips
It is a common misconception that consideration of file type or file naming alone is sufficient. There should be clear
demonstration of understanding of file types, names and properties in this strand.
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Task 3 - Strand 3a
In this task you must test/check and review the final interactive digital media product (IDMP). You must also
explain any improvements and further developments which could be made.
You must:
I think overall the assets in my product are really good. I think the images all link well with the decade of the 90’s and
I have tried to make them feature younger people in that era so that it seems more relevant to the younger audience
the client is trying to attract. Due to the age of the images the colours are a little faded which makes them a little less
eye catching than I would have liked them to be. I am a little disappointed with the timeline asset I created, I think
that the user may have difficulty using this. To fit the space available the text has ended up being really small so it
isn’t easy to read at all. The font I used for this has made the problem worse, it matches the heading text style but
doesn’t work all that well as main text.
My videos all work well, but like the images they are not the best quality as they were recorded on equipment from
the 90s.
My navigation works well in the product and would allow my audience to access all the pages in whatever order they
wanted to. Having looked at it in the final product I think it would have looked better if it went all the way across the
top of the page and this would have made the text in the boxes a little bigger also.
My text is all pretty clear and provides good information which would help the product meet the brief as it is telling
younger people about decades from the 20th century. It is maybe a little hard to follow where the sections of text are
not as clear on the page as they could be.
• Test or check and explain to what extent the technical properties of your
repurposed assets are fit for purpose
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! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
! This document is intended solely for the use of teachers. You must not share this document with candidates. You must read the disclaimer on page 2.
• Review the effectiveness of your IDMP for the client and target
My target audience was older teenagers. I think I have designed the colour scheme of my product to be bright and
colourful with an element of fun. This will help my audience to see it as more exciting than a normal museum, this
should draw them in which will help meet the aim of the project which was to make the museum exhibits a lot more
appealing to a younger audience. I have also included a range of topics that I thought would make the information
interesting to the audience by including TV and music, fashion and technology. There is something in there for lots of
different people who might be interested in different things. I have also tried to have a good mix of different types
of media such as sound, video, image and text, so that there is information for different information for people who
learn in different ways.
The client brief asked for:
• a virtual exhibition - I met this criterion by creating my website product, this could be hosted on the internet net
and could be used on a phone, computer or tablet. It is in quite a wide format so might not be as easy to access all
the content on a phone.
• about popular culture – I think I met the criteria as I picked some topics which are classed as popular culture and
will be things that my audience would want to read about.
• a decade in the 20th century – I chose the decade for the 1990s which fits the criteria.
• interactive – I have included buttons to allow the user to move around the page in any way they want, and I have
some sound and video they can control as well.
• including text, video, images and sound – I have met these criteria as I have included text and images on all the
pages and sound and video where it was relevant to the information on the page.
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Examiner commentary
Reviewing interactive digital media
A number of items of evidence are included for this topic area, a testing table is used along with some more
qualitative elements of review. Elements such as the overall content support a sound understanding. Areas such
as the review of the design style, graphical user interface and interactivity are more limited. Overall this strand fits
within MB2.
Even better if
More detail in the consideration of the technical properties of assets would help to demonstrate sound
Testing could be more detailed to include all assets and pages. The reflection on the effectiveness for the client and
target audience could be further developed.
Teaching tips
There is a common misconception that checking for the fulfillment of the brief and suitability for the audience is
the same as functionality testing.
Reviewing/testing does not have to say everything is OK, and it will not impact marks in other sections if errors or
negative aspects are considered in the review.
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Task 3 - Strand 3b
3b) Recommend areas for improvement and further development
• Explain how you could improve the assets used in your IDMP
I would make the text bigger on the timeline asset on the home page and change the font so that it is easier to read.
They would help make a better impression to my audience when they first access the product as they will be able to
get a good summary of some key points from the 90s right on the first page.
I would try and make my navigation bar wider so it fills the whole page so the buttons and the words on them could
be larger and easier to ready/click on. This would improve the product as the current buttons are a little hard to read,
particularly on the buttons with longer words such as technology.
I would try and get some brighter better-quality images or create some myself to make them a little more engaging.
Modern tech users expect a high-quality graphic and they might not understand why these are poor quality and thing
the product isn’t very good, improving or enhancing the images might help with this.
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Examiner commentary
Recommend areas for improvement and further development
All elements of this topic area have been covered here but there is variation in the level to which the tasks have
been completed. Sound understanding is demonstrated in the recommendation for improvements to assets
where this is linked to the client brief and audience. The review is more limited in the consideration of further
developments. On a best fit basis this would be placed in MB2.
Even better if
The improvements are more consistently explained fully and linked to the context of the brief and the audience
There is a comprehensive discussion of the areas for improvement which links to the results of testing and review.
The development section shows sound understanding and is supported by detailed explanations.
Teaching tips
It is a common misconception that improvements and further developments are the same thing. Students should
be clear on the differences prior to completing the assessment to ensure they can effectively respond to this
element of the assessment.
When assessing this unit, the strands should be considered independently of each other. It is feasible for candidates’
work to achieve MB3 in some areas and MB1 or no mark at all in others. Note that the marking grids align to
the order of the assignment Tasks rather than to the Topic Areas. Care should be taken when assessing Task 2 to
correctly assign marks for the components (strand 2a) and the completed interactive digital media product (strand
2b) and to note the reference to ‘components’ or ‘product’ when assessing strand 2c.
Task 2 does not necessarily require a diarised approach to how the product was created. Nevertheless the
properties of the components and final product are important and should be evidenced adequately to support the
The assessment of the product should be based on the exported file/s and not just the evidence in the write up of
the assignment. The final product is a key element required to support marks, and must be provided for assessment
purposes in a format which can be used and tested.
Where the marking criteria assess understanding (strands 1c, 3a and 3b) some commentary from the candidate is
needed to support marks above MB1, since understanding cannot be implied from the planning documentation
and final products alone. Similarly, strand 1a requires an explanation which is unlikely to be achieved through initial
planning documentation without accompanying text or commentary.
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