Project Planning: Jesper Larsen
Project Planning: Jesper Larsen
Project Planning: Jesper Larsen
Project Planning
Jesper Larsen
Jesper Larsen 1
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Project Management
Project Management is a set of techniques that
helps management manage large-scale projects;
projects that typically require coordination of
numerous tasks throughout the organisation.
The Reliable Construction Company has just made
the winning bid of a $ 5.4 million contract to
construct a new plant.
Jesper Larsen 3
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
How can the project be displayed graphically to
better visualize the flow of the activities?
What is the total time required to complete the
project if no delays occur?
When do the individual activities need to start
and finish (at the latest) to meet this project
completion time?
When can the individual activities start and
finish (at the earliest) if no delays occur?
Jesper Larsen 4
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
More questions
Which are the critical bottleneck activities where
any delays must be avoided to prevent delaying
project completion?
For the other activities, how much delay can be
tolerated without delaying the project
If extra money is spent to expedite the project,
what is the least expensive way of attempting to
meet the target completion time?
Jesper Larsen 5
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Project Networks
Project networks consists of a number of nodes and
a number of arcs. There are two alternatives for
presenting project networks.
Jesper Larsen 6
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 7
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Critical path
A path through a project network is one of the
routes following the arcs from the START node to
the FINISH node. The length of a path is the sum of
the (estimated) durations of the activities on the
St->A->B->C->D->G->H->M->Fi 40
St->A->B->C->E->H->M->Fi 31
St->A->B->C->E->F->J->K->N->Fi 43
St->A->B->C->E->F->J->L->N->Fi 44
St->A->B->C->I->J->K->N->Fi 41
St->A->B->C->I->J->L->N->Fi 42
Jesper Larsen 8
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 9
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 10
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
where LS = LF - duration
Jesper Larsen 11
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 12
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Identifying slack
The slack for an activity is the difference between
its latest finish time and its earliest finish time.
Slack Activities
0 A, B, C, E, F, J, L, N
pos. D, G, H, I, K, M
Jesper Larsen 13
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Crashing an activity
Crashing an activity refers to taking (costly)
measures to reduce the duration of an activity
below its normal time. Crashing the project refers
to crashing a number of activities in order to reduce
the duration of the project below its normal value.
crash cost
normal cost
Jesper Larsen 14
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 15
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 16
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Modelling using LP
What are our decision variables? xj = reduction
in the duration of activity j due to crashing this
How will our objective function look like? The
objective function is to minimize the total cost of
crashing activities:
min 100, 000xA + 50, 000xB + . . . + 60, 000xN .
To impose the constraint that the project must
be finished in less than or equal to a certain
number of weeks we impose another variable:
yF i .
Jesper Larsen 17
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 18
Informatics and Mathematical Modelling / Operations Research
Jesper Larsen 19