Living With - Grey Squirrels (V2.0) - 2015

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Grey squirrels are native to North
America but were introduced in the
nineteenth and twentieth century. They
have since spread throughout England
and Wales, replacing our native red
What food can I put out for
Grey squirrels are most numerous in broad-leaved
woodlands containing oak, beech, sweet chestnut and Squirrels?
hazel but will occur in a wide range of habitats such as Before encouraging squirrels do consider
parks, gardens and urban areas where there are whether it is a good idea if they might
suitable trees. They mainly eat seeds and plant subsequently cause problems. If you would
material like buds, shoots and flowers but will also eat like to offer your local squirrels a little
insects and birds’ eggs. Retrieval of buried nuts may be additional food, unsweetened and unsalted
mainly by smell but squirrels may also have some form nuts are the favoured food during any season.
of mental map of locations. However, many of the Hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds seem to be
buried seeds are not rediscovered and this helps the top of the list but peanuts are also taken. The
dispersal and germination of new plants. addition of chopped apple, carrots, spinach,
Usually two litters of young are produced a year - one in green beans, bean sprouts and celery will also
February/March, the other in June/July. Litter size be welcomed.
averages three. The young start to leave the nest at
If you are having problems with grey squirrels
about seven weeks old. They are weaned at eight to ten
digging into your lawn, avoid peanuts and
weeks and then quickly become independent at about
other hard foods. Try providing shredded food
three months.
items instead. This may help to discourage
Grey squirrels are not, strictly speaking, ‘territorial’ but them from burying it for later consumption.
there will be a 'pecking order' amongst the animals in an
area with some animals being dominant to others.

Incidentally, grey squirrels are not always grey! Some Can I relocate grey squirrels to an area
squirrels are black or melanistic and in some parts of away from my garden?
south-east England true albino squirrels are quite
frequent. Some greys also have a very red-tipped coat It is sometimes suggested that grey squirrels can be trapped in
colour and are mistakenly identified as red squirrels. live-catch traps and then relocated to another site. However,
under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) it
Many people enjoy seeing grey squirrels and feeding is illegal to release grey squirrels, as they are a non-native
them in parks or their gardens, but others regard them species. Additionally, such action may not be humane since a
as a serious nuisance and want to discourage or kill squirrel moved to a new area is likely to have difficulty in settling
them. They can cause considerable damage to trees into an established population and may either die or keep
through stripping bark and if they enter houses may travelling. In suburban situations a displaced squirrel is more
cause serious problems by chewing service pipes or likely to be killed by a car, a dog or a cat. If grey squirrels were
electricity cables. However, non-lethal deterrence released into areas where there are still red squirrels it might
should always be used over trapping or culling. even lead to the demise of the reds. Page 1 of 3
How can I deter grey squirrels / remove
them from my house?
Prevention is easier than resolving such problems after they
have arisen! The eaves, soffits and the rest of the roof should
be kept in good repair to prevent access by squirrels. It is also
advisable to cut back any branches that overhang the roof
which could provide the squirrels with easy access to the

 Grey squirrels, as with other wildlife, are attracted to areas

where they can gain access to food and shelter. To
discourage them try to reduce the food available. For
example, if you feed the birds use squirrel resistant bird
feeders rather than putting food out loose. When planting
bulbs; cover them with wire mesh to allow the plants to
grow whilst also deterring the squirrels from digging them

 If squirrels have gained access to the loft, try and find out
if the squirrel has built a nest and is rearing young. If
there are young then, if at all possible, delay action
until they have left the nest. Wait until the whole family
Can I provide nest boxes for is safely able to survive outside, i.e. the young have been
squirrels? seen foraging for food outside for two to three weeks. If
Studies of squirrel populations have found there is no nest present, make sure the squirrel is outside
that the provision of nest boxes can increase before blocking off the points of access. Grey squirrels
tend to be more active during mid morning and mid
grey squirrel densities. However, an increase
afternoon, when they are probably away from their nest
in the number of squirrels will lead to an
foraging. These are clearly the best times to carry out the
increase in the demand for suitable sources
exclusion work. In autumn, it is also advisable to take
of food and shelter and therefore perhaps action sooner, rather than later, to exclude squirrels and to
increase future conflict with people in the encourage them to prepare nests outside the property for
area. It may therefore be advisable to leave the winter.
the squirrels to select the most appropriate
sites that are naturally available in the area

for building their dreys. Lightweight summer
Points of access to
dreys are shallow platforms of twigs. They
the loft should be
are built in June, usually by the juveniles.
blocked with strong
wire netting
If you decide to provide a wooden nest box
(e.g. weldmesh or
as a potential winter nesting site, it needs to
hexagonal mesh of
be a larger version of a bird nest box with a
16 gauge and no more
hinged sloping roof. The height of the back than 25 mm size mesh).
should be about 60cms, with the height of the Any damage should
front approximately 50cms, the width 28cms also be repaired.
and the depth 25cms. Provide an entrance Garden centres or
hole, approximately 7cms square, in the top hardware stores may
back corner of a side panel rather than in the also sell an approved
front of the box. Securely place the nest box animal repellent that
high up in a tree. can be used to help to
deter squirrels.

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How can grey squirrels be legally

Wherever possible the RSPCA would always prefer Although grey squirrels can legally be caught
alternative, humane solutions. Only if there is a serious and killed by a variety of methods, lethal control
problem and alternative means are ineffective or should only ever be viewed as a last resort in
impractical, should killing be contemplated. In this case extreme cases, once all humane alternatives
control should be carried out legally, precisely targeted have been exhausted. It is also worth noting
and carried out by the most humane method available in such methods may not be legal in areas where
the circumstances. Killing squirrels is also unlikely to be a red squirrels could also be at risk.
long-term solution, as their biology is such that other
The RSPCA would not normally advocate that
squirrels may very quickly replace any that are removed
ordinary members of the public try to capture
from a garden - perhaps within as little as a month.
Alternative approaches to address what is attracting them and/or kill grey squirrels, because of the various
to the garden may be more effective. A leaflet from risks involved. If you have exhausted all humane
Natural England - Urban grey squirrels (TIN056) - alternatives and decide to proceed with the
control of squirrels we suggest that you contact a
provides more information on control and can be
reputable pest control contractor.
obtained by calling their Wildlife Licensing Unit on 0845
601 4523 or by downloading from the publications section
of their website (

What should I do if I find a sick, injured or orphaned squirrel?

Resist the temptation to pick it up. Remember that squirrels use their teeth to crack open nuts, so they have a very
strong bite! There may also be a disease risk. It is currently illegal, except under licence, to keep or release grey
squirrels. Euthanasia may therefore be the most appropriate course of action to prevent further suffering. Call the
RSPCA or your local vet for advice.

However, if you are advised to transport the squirrel to a vet, do not attempt to do so unless it can be safely
contained, for example, in a secure metal or plastic pet carrier. Otherwise, if the animal becomes active en route, it
could quickly chew its way out of a cardboard box and be loose inside your car! Lining the carrier with a thick towel
can provide some padding and insulation.

To report an
injured or sick
squirrel to the
RSPCA please ring
the 24-hour cruelty
and advice line on
0300 1234 999

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Wilberforce Way, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9RS
0300 1234 999
The RSPCA helps animals in England and Wales. Registered charity no. 219099. Page 3 of 3
The RSPCA only exists with the support of public donations. © RSPCA 2015.
Photos: Whpq, Tony Hisgett, Nickfraser, George Chriss - Wikimedia Commons

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