Undergraduate Thesis
must be good at the writing skill mastery to be a good English language learner.
Writing is a productive skill that functions not only for written communication but
also for academic writing purposes such as letters, essays, papers, articles, journals,
project reports, thesis, etc (Suriyanti & Yacoob, 2016). Students start learning to
communicate through written form as they begin to interact with others at the school
level. According to Yamac and Ulusoy (2016), writing is important because it has
become increasingly important for communicating with the world and for self-
expression. The act of writing enables individuals to connect with a global audience.
advantages both within and beyond academic settings, as English serves as a widely
Foreign Language (EFL) students. Previous studies showed that writing skill is
(2012), teaching writing skills is more challenging than teaching other abilities. In
another study by Hum (2015), writing is the most difficult and complicated to learn.
join this complex period, which may affect their social life, and prepare them for a
writing not only in organizing ideas but also in writing the text to become a readable
text. They found that most EFL students do not like to write as they have no
refrain from incorporating any multimedia elements, such as images or videos, in the
teaching and learning process of writing, which could potentially enhance students'
writing skills.
researcher found that the students had some problems related to English writing. The
first problem was content aspect. Some students struggled to develop their ideas
opinions, and examples, to elaborate on the topic sentence. They often moved on to
new ideas before completing the current one, resulting in short and incomplete
paragraphs. The second problem was organization. Some students' texts were poorly
organized, sometimes lacking the necessary introduction for recount text. They did
not use appropriate connectors to link sentences. The last problem was grammar.
Students frequently used incorrect tenses in their writing, they often used the simple
present tense instead of the past tense that required for recount text. They tended to
writing skills, the teacher needs to identify effective strategies. In this context, the
students' writing challenges. In relation to this, the researcher would like to utilize
the use of technology as the teaching media to overcome the problems of students
and learning, using technology will assist students in overcoming writing issues
approach, technique, and method. In this research, the researcher aims to utilize
The term digital storytelling originates from the combination of the words
digital and storytelling. Digital is used as a learning tool which is being integrated
scientific information, personal life stories, and various other engaging tales.
Some studies are similar to this research. A study was conducted by Nuroh
and Adiyawati (2023). This study aims to determine the presence or absence of
digital storytelling on story writing skills. The result of this study showed that there
was a difference in the result of pre-test and post-test. The post-test score exceeded
the pre-test score, with an average of 54.95 on the pre-test and 80.50 on the post-test.
Therefore, it can be concluded that using digital storytelling to write stories can
This study is aimed to find out how digital storytelling helps students in learning
writing recount text, to investigate students’ responses towards the use of digital
storytelling, and to find out students’ difficulties in writing recount text through
digital storytelling. This study employed mixed methods to obtain the data for
answering the research questions. The instruments used in this study were classroom
observations, interviews, and questionnaires. It can be found that the use of digital
digital storytelling in students’ writing recount text. The result of this study showed
that the use of digital storytelling in student’s writing recount text was effective. It
could be seen from the result of the calculation that the students’ score in
experimental class was higher than the students’ score in controlled class
The novelty of this study is its focus on addressing writing issues among
challenges faced by students in English writing. In this regard, the researcher was
problem faced by students in writing skill, the researcher’s question in this study can
be formulated as follows:
Does the use of digital storytelling affect students’ writing of recount text?
From the research question as stated in the research problem, the purpose of
this research is to investigate whether or not the use of digital storytelling affects
The research significance of this study is expected to be useful for students and
teachers. Students can understand the material easily through digital storytelling
media in terms of writing recount text such as content, organization, vocabulary,
grammar, and mechanics. Through digital storytelling, students are interested in the
material and students can enjoy the lesson in English class. The teachers can improve
their knowledge in teaching their writing skills while incorporating exciting media
There are several types of text in the teaching of writing for junior high school
students such as descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, report, news item, etc.
The researcher decided to choose recount text as the teaching material for this
research. Since this research wants to improve students’ writing skill, the researcher
communicate indirectly and not face to face with other parties. For students writing
is very important because it makes it easier for students to express brainchild, ideas,
and thoughts, and deepen the responsiveness and perception of students solving
inform, convince, express oneself, and entertain. The main aim of writing is to help
students gain knowledge and develop the ability to write correctly and effectively.
Writing acts as a medium of communication, much like speaking. Thus, the objective
of writing is to enable individuals to convey and articulate their ideas or thoughts in
events from the writer's perspective. This type of text typically starts with an
chronological order, and concludes with a reflection or summary. Recount texts often
use past tense verbs and are written in the first person when recounting personal
experiences or in the third person for events the writer has not personally
with modern technology, incorporating images, audio, video, and interactive features
to create a more engaging and immersive narrative. This method allows storytellers
to reach a wider audience through various digital platforms, making their stories
adding visual and auditory dimensions, making the story more vivid and impactful.
Hayland (2019), Writing is a way of sharing personal meanings, and writing courses
emphasize the power of the individual to construct their views on a topic. Teachers
see their role as simply to provide students with the space to make their meanings
process, they avoid imposing their views, offering models, or suggesting responses to
topics beforehand.
In addition, Brown (2010) also says that writing is a two-step process. The
first process is figuring out the meaning and the second process is putting the
meaning into language. Writing represents what we think. It is because the writing
process reflects things, which stay in the mind. Students who are reluctant to write
things down often suffer from this activity. The students find difficulties when they
start looking for some reasons to write and produce written sentences.
language in which people can share their information, stories, or ideas through a
2.1.2 Components of Writing Skill
1. Organization
Organization means how a writer puts their ideas in order, like arranging
events in a story from start to finish. According to Brown (2010), The writing
2. Content
of planning, writing, and editing to ensure that the text is clear and
opinions, and details that the writer presents to the reader. Good content is
Content must be unity which means in each paragraph only discuss one topic.
3. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a crucial component of writing skill. It refers to the words and
phrases that a writer uses to express ideas and convey meaning. Brown
mean to express ideas and the speakers meaning. A strong vocabulary allows
their message effectively. It includes not only the breadth of words a writer
knows but also their ability to use words in context, understand nuances in
meaning, and employ varied language styles to suit different purposes and
writing skill. Grammar refers to the set of rules that govern the structure and
concerned with syntax, but also related to the way words are formed, which
then can change their form to express different meaning. Knowing how to use
grammar correctly is crucial for writing well because it makes sure that your
writing is clear, makes sense, and is accurate. When you use grammar
correctly, you can express your thoughts clearly and avoid confusing or
misleading your readers. It also makes your writing easier to read and gives it
5. Mechanics
According to Brown (2010), mechanics in writing refer to the technical
ensure that the writing is clear, accurate, and free from errors that could
measure the students’ writing skill. According to Weigle (2002), there are
The teaching media serves as a crucial tool that can influence and bolster the
& Agustini, 2022). It indicated that incorporating teaching media into the educational
and platforms to support teaching and learning. This includes devices like computers
Integrating technology into education can make learning more engaging, accessible,
and interactive.
According to Sakat et al., (2012), the use of technology as a teaching media will
help teachers and students to identify the problems that often arise during the
teaching and learning process. It can be concluded that incorporating technology as a
challenges that commonly occur during the teaching and learning process. It
educational practices.
combines traditional storytelling elements with digital media, such as images, videos,
to create and share stories in a compelling and immersive way. In digital storytelling,
and engage the audience on multiple sensory levels. This can include using visuals to
integrating video clips to show events or interviews, and adding interactive elements
reach a wider audience through digital platforms such as websites, social media,
digital books, and interactive exhibits. Digital storytelling is a powerful tool that
There are some definitions form the experts about the digital storytelling.
According to Frazel (2010), digital storytelling is a process that blends media and
written story. Digital storytelling helps the teacher to create a story that can give an
audio, and video clips to make an interesting story. Banaszewski (2005) defines
produce a short movie. From the previous researchers' definition about digital
Based on the figure, the four main phases in digital storytelling are:
1. Pre-production
resources such as images, videos, and audio clips. This phase is essential for
2. Production
In the production phase, content creation takes place. This includes recording
if necessary. The focus here is on generating all the raw materials needed for the
3. Post-production
During post-production, the raw materials are edited and assembled into a
cohesive narrative. This involves editing video and audio, adding transitions,
effects, and music, and ensuring the story flows smoothly. The goal is to polish
4. Distribution
The final phase is distribution, where the completed digital story is shared with
an audience. This can be done through various platforms such as social media,
promoting the story and engaging with the audience to gather feedback
Wardiman (2005), recount text is a text that tells the readers about past events such
as holiday experiences, accidents, and activity reports. The text strives to provide
readers with details about the event, while also aiming to offer the reader in
1. Orientation
being recounted. It includes details such as the time, place, and people involved.
The orientation sets the stage for the reader and helps them understand the
2. Sequence of Events
In this part, the writer describes the events or actions that took place in
chronological order. They use past tense verbs and chronological connectors
(e.g., first, then, next, after that, finally) to organize the sequence of events. This
section forms the main body of the recount text and provides a detailed account
of what happened.
3. Reorientation
The final part of a recount text offers a conclusion or reflection on the events that
were recounted. This may include the writer's thoughts, feelings, or insights
about the experience. In some cases, the reorientation may also include a lesson
Several studies are relevant to this research. A study conducted by Nuroh and
Adiyawati (2023) under the title “The Influence of Digital Storytelling on Story
Writing Skills”. This study used a quantitative approach. This type of research is pre-
experimental design with the one group pre-test post-test design method. The sample
is 25 students. The instrument is a test in the form of an essay question. The results
obtained are sig. (2-tailed) (0.00) < 0.05 means that Ha is accepted and Ho is
rejected. So it can be concluded that digital storytelling in writing stories for second-
grade students can influence students' writing skills for the better. As for the value of
how much influence is received, a value of 0.76 is obtained. This value is greater
than the criteria table, which is 0,14. So it is stated that the use of digital storytelling
Writing”. This study employed mixed methods to obtain the data for answering the
research questions. The instruments used in this study were classroom observations,
interviews, and questionnaires. The results from the classroom observation presented
that digital storytelling helped students understand the material, and it also helped
them to write recount text. The result from the questionnaire revealed that 89% of the
students stated that digital storytelling helped them learn to write recount text.
However, 61% of the students stated that a bad internet connection hindered the
process of producing stage. Therefore, the use of digital storytelling was beneficial
for junior high school students, it helped students to understand the material easily
A study was also conducted by Gunawan (2019) with the title “The Use of
Digital Storytelling in Students’ Writing Recount Text”. The method used in this
sample of this study was 40 students chosen through purposive sampling technique
and categorized into two classes; experimental class and controlled class. The
instrument used in this study was a written test and the analytic writing rubric was
used to score the student’s writing on the pre-test and post-test. The result of this
study showed that the use of digital storytelling in student’s writing recount text was
effective. It could be seen from the result of the calculation that the students’ score in
experimental class was higher than the students’ score in the controlled class
(84.4>75,5). Furthermore, the statistic hypothesis test showed that ρ-value of post-
test and the gained score was 0.004 < sig. α = 0,05. It showed digital storytelling was
recommended to be used in learning writing recount text, particularly at junior high
school level.
hypothesis as follows:
This research aims to find out whether the use of digital storytelling media can
language use, and mechanics. This research is an experimental design research which
uses a quantitative research method. There are three kinds of experimental research
2008). This research applied a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test –
Aceh. The sample of this study is VIII-6 which consisted of 30 students. The
considerations. In this regard, this class is chosen based on the result of a preliminary
study that the researcher conducted at class of VIII- 6 where the students had some
To gather the necessary data, a research instrument was essential, and in this
case, a set of tests will be employed. As outlined by Suwartono (2014), testing serves
as a means of acquiring information about an individual proficiency, competence,
mastery, or ability in a specific domain. The researcher utilized both pre-tests and
post-tests in the study. The pre-test was administered before the experiment
commenced with the objective of assessing students' writing skill before carrying out
the experiment. Additionally, the post-test was conducted after the treatment, aiming
after students are taught using digital storytelling media at SMPN 8 Banda Aceh.
3.4.1 Pre-test
compose a recount text with the title "Personal experience". The test requires
this stage, students individually write a recount text about their personal experience
or most memorable life moment on paper, which then be collected by the teacher.
3.4.2 Treatments
After ending the pre-test, the treatment was delivered by teaching writing
recount text by using digital storytelling media. The researcher collected digital
storytelling media from YouTube, and the treatment was held in three meetings.
Each meeting will consist of three phases of learning activities; pre-teaching, whilst-
teaching, and post-teaching. The students were given the task of a group to make a
short digital storytelling about an unforgettable moment in the class. The teacher
asked the students to write a text according to the language features and aspects of
writing that have been studied. Finally, the students send the digital storytelling for
3.4.3 Post-test
After the treatment was done, the post-test was carried out to investigate if
there was a significant improvement in students’ writing skill after learning by using
digital storytelling media. Each student was asked to write a recount text about “A
Trip With My Family”. The test requires students to write approximately 200–250
calculations. The researcher processed the data in this study utilizing SPSS. The
procedures used to analyze the data from the pre-test and post-test are as follows.
The scores of students were assessed and evaluated based on the weight of value
To Find the score of students' answers to the pretest and posttest by using the
No Classificatio Score
2 Good 61-80
3 Average 41-60
4 Poor 21-40
During the analysis of the pre-test and post-test data, various statistical formulas
were applied, including the mean and t-test. The mean was utilized to examine the
∑ fx
Σ = Sum of
F = Frequency of class
The researcher used the following formula to calculate the percentage of students
x 2−x 1
p= × 100 %
√ ∑ X 2− √ NX 2
N −1
Then, to determine the significance of the difference between the pre-test and
D = Deviation
test and post-test results. Below is the formula for the t-test as proposed by Arikunto
√ Σ D −¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
t = t ratio
Σ = Sum of
Task Description:
Write a recount text that describes a personal experience or interesting event you
have experienced. Use the correct recount text structure, which includes orientation,
details such as time, place, people involved, and the chronology of events.
Write down a recount text approximately 200 words about "A Trip With My
Task Description:
Write a recount text describing a memorable trip you took with your family. Your
goal is to share your experience in a clear and engaging way, highlighting the key
Writing Tips:
Use past tense since you are describing events that have already happened.
Make your writing engaging by using descriptive language and vivid details.
Check for grammar and spelling errors before submitting your work.
1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara
efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan
3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan
prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,
teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata.
4. Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,
mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat), dan ranah abstrak
(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai
dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran:
1. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks recount dan struktur
kebahasaan dalam sebuah teks recount tulis
2. Peserta didik dapat menganalisis unsur kebahasaaan dalam sebuah teks
recount dengan benar.
3. Peserta didik mampu merancang sebuah teks recount tulis pengalaman
pribadinya sesuai kaedah dan unsur kebahasaan.
1. Membiasakan peserta didik berdoa untuk diri sendiri agar mendapat ridha
Allah SWT selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung dan berdoa untuk orang
lain (teman-teman) yang sakit/mendapat musibah.
2. Membiasakan peserta didik disiplin, peduli, kerjasama, percaya diri, santun,
ramah, dan bertanggung jawab.
a. Definition of Recount Text
Recount Text is a text which retells events or experiences happened in
the past in chronological order.
b. Social Function
To inform something and to entertain the reader
c. Generic Structure
• Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
• Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
• Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to
the story
d. Language Features
• Introducing personal participant; I, my group, my family, etc
• Using chronological connection; next, in addition, finally, etc
• Using action verb; run, sing, teach, study, etc
• Using simple past tense
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach
Metode : Group discussion
Model : Discovey Learning
Guru memberikan kesempatan
kepada siswa untuk mengajukan
pertanyaan sebanyak mungkin
tentang merangkai teks recount
yang ditampilkan sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya untuk
mengembangkan kreatifitas dalam
menulis sebuah cerita.
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