Improving Students Writing Skill Using A Mobile L

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Article in JURNAL BASIS · October 2020

DOI: 10.33884/basisupb.v7i2.2433

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2 authors, including:

Yohanes Kurniawan Winardi

Widya Kartika University


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Endar Rachmawaty Linuwih
Universitas Widya Kartika, Surabaya, Indonesia

Yohanes Kurniawan Winardi

Universitas Widya Kartika, Surabaya, Indonesia

Writing is claimed to be the most difficult skill for second language and foreign language
learners. Thus, it needs an effective model of teaching to improve the students’ writing
skill. This study aims to describe the use of a mobile learning application Busuu to improve
students’ writing skill. This is a classroom action research (CAR) that was conducted into
two cycles. Each cycle consisted two meetings and involved four steps namely planning,
action, observation and reflection. The data were collected by using technique of
observation, test, and interview. The subject of the research was fourteen students of Widya
Kartika University. The result showed that there was an improvement in students’ writing
skill. It can be seen from the result of writing test in each cycle which was improved. Mean
score of the students’ writing in cycle 1 was 61.14 and the mean score of the students’
writing was 71.42 in cycle 2. In addition, the results of the interview showed that the
students had a positive attitude toward the implementation of mobile learning application
Busuu in the activities of learning writing.

Keyword: writing skill, mobile learning, mobile application, Busuu

Writing skill is one of the language need to be mastered by English as a
skills that is very important for university Foreign Language (EFL) learners in order
students because of the academic purpose. to have a capability of communicating in
The students are required to write their written forms with various specific
academic text such as essays, projects, objectives.
reports, lecture notes, and theses related to However, there have been some
their programs. In the university level, studies reveal that Indonesian college
students are expected to utilize their prior students face a serious challenge in
knowledge on writing and be able develop learning English wring skills. Persada
their ideas to complete the writing tasks (2016) investigated that university students
(Ruhmann, et al, 1999). This is in line with face difficulties in writing an essay in term
Husin & Nurbayani (2017) stating that of grammar, content, vocabulary,
writing is a part of the English skills that organization, and the mechanism including

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the spelling and punctuation. In line with technological devices into teaching
Persada, Wigati (2015) showed that the learning process. One of the recent
college students struggle in writing technology that is widely becoming
English argumentative essay in the matters popularized is mobile learning (M-
of spelling, language use, and style. In Learning), it is mainly described as a
addition, Rasyidah and Antoni (2014) also learning method where users use mobile
reported that the students have difficulties platforms to learn (Rezai & Pesaranghader,
in developing the ideas and paragraphs 2013). Jacob & Isaac (2008) added that M-
along with the diction problems. Learning possibly makes a learning
According to Ariyanti (2016), the atmosphere more joyful and could also be
phenomena are caused by some relevant an additional learning medium.
problems such as student habit in learning Regarding to realizing obvious
in term of the seriousness of academic difficulties in improving the writing skills,
writing class and reading-writing culture it is important for students to acquire the
of Indonesian people in general. In skill through different approach and
addition, several studies also revealed that strategy. M-Learning provides the
traditional teaching method are the reason privilege for the students to utilize their
for the students’ poor skill in essay smart phones in order to acquire writing
writing. Reid (2013) stated in his study skill more efficiently (Yusuf & Hamidun,
that many teachers do not have much 2015). As the mobile phones have
knowledge of learning styles and integrated into youth’s life and became a
strategies. The materials and methods used main part of their life, it is believed that
and applied by the teachers are only based the use of mobile phone in learning is
on their own preferred learning without convenient, fast, and brings high efficiency
considering the students’ needs. so it could be beneficial for the students.
Conventional methods are not helpful for (Taylor, 2002). One of the best English
students in mastering writing skill because learning application is Busuu. The
they need cooperative learning strategies application is available on web, IOS, and
to maximize the results of their writing Android that allows students to practice
performance. their language skills by providing the
There are numerous strategies that can exercises such as speaking, pronunciation,
possibly adopted in the process of English grammar, listening, writing, dialogue,
learning especially in order to improve the memory, and vocabulary. In fact, not all
students’ writing skills. Recently, the sections are free in the application, but
technology has an important role in there are enough free sections to use. The
enhancing and facilitating English numerous topics and words with specific
language teaching and learning (Jassim et language training and the offline mode that
al, 2019). Consequently, teachers opt to allows the leaners to learn anytime,
use technology into English classroom. anywhere makes Busuu as a machine
Stone (2010) added that technology has its learning technology is believed to make
own impact not only on the way students mastering English language worthy,
seek for educational information but also helpful, more effective and entertaining.
how it can also be incorporated into the Therefore, this study is aimed to
teaching learning process. Therefore, it is investigate the use of Busuu to enhance
possible for teachers to integrate the

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the students’ writing skills of Widya claimed that to make a complete and
Kartika University, Surabaya. understandable essay the students have to
be able to organize and connect their
2. LITERATURE REVIEW sentences appropriately. That explanation
2.1. Writing skill concludes that the students should master
Writing is a complex skill that in others skills to master in writing skill
requires students to not only explore their because writing skill requires an ability not
ideas or thinking into words but also apply only in arranging the ideas but also
the strategies in expressing their ideas to reshaping and revising them.
make their thoughts visible (Ruhama & 2.2. Busuu
Purwaningsih, 2018). This is in line with Busuu is a mobile language learning
Brown (2000) arguing that writing application offering twelve different
involves students’ skills on generating languages including English. The
ideas, organizing them in a coherent way, application can be downloaded on Iphone
using appropriate references and rhetorical or Andorid. The application allows the
convention to put a cohesive written text, learners to sign up for free or subscribe to
revising text to avoid ambiguity, editing a premium membership to have further
for the use of appropriate grammar, and features such as advanced grammar
finally producing the written product. lessons, offline mode, and McGraw-Hill
Moreover, Richards and Renandya (2002) education certification. Despite the fact
stated the writing process has four main that not all the sections on Busuu are free,
stages namely planning, drafting, revising, the users still can get benefit from the free
and editing. Planning refers to an activity sections. It contains lesson plans to help
encouraging the students to write their the learners to improve their English using
ideas. In drafting process, students start to audio, images, and text in each lesson. The
gather their ideas. Then, revising stage application offers four sections namely,
allows the students to do a review based on Beginner A1, Beginner A2, Intermediate
the feedback given. Lastly, editing is the B1, and Intermediate B2. Each section
process of preparing the final draft using provides the features that help students to
the accurate spelling, punctuation, diction, learn the basic vocabulary and grammar,
grammar, and sentence structure. listening exercises through audio dialogue,
One of the various writing models language games, pronunciation practice,
learnt is writing an essay. There are two and interactive lesson. The learners are
aspects in writing essays that should be also able to do the test in the form of fun
understood by the students. First, the and quick quizzes and get the instant
students should be able to transform the feedback to see how much they have
idea into a writing form, this is a process to learnt. In addition, the premium feature
present the meaning of an idea. Second, offers direct feedback on written and
the students should have a comprehensive spoken lessons from Busuu worldwide
understanding about the components of the community that connects with learners and
writing namely content, organization, English native speakers.
language use, vocabulary, and the
mechanics (Prihatmi, 2017). This is also
supported by Juardi and Utami (2017) who

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3. RESEARCH METHOD 4. Reflecting
This research applies the principles of This level evaluated the process of
classroom action research (CAR). The teaching learning with the
objective of CAR is to find and solve the implementation of Busuu and
problems found during teaching and learners-centered method. The
learning process. Kemmis and McTaggart interview was also conducted to see
(2014) stated that action research occurs the students’ perspective toward the
through a dynamic and complementary method. The reflection helped the
process consisting of four essential teachers to make an improvement for
moments namely planning, action, the learning teaching process in the
observation, and reflection. This study next cycle.
focuses on efforts to improve the students’
writing skills by using two cycles that each
cycle consists of four stages; planning,
implementation, observation, and
reflection with the following details:
1. Planning
As the teachers, the researcher
prepared the lesson plan including the
teaching media (Busuu mobile
application) that was collaborated with
learners-centered method to be
implemented in the teaching learning Figure.1 Cycle of Classroom Action Research
process. The students’ tests were also The research was held at Widya
planned along with evaluation sheet. Kartika University, Surabaya. The
2. Acting participants of the research the fourteen
In this stage, the planning was students of Widya Kartika who are
implemented. The teaching was done intermediate level EFL students. In
in four meetings divided into two collecting data procedure, the instruments
cycles. The process of teaching used in this research were observation,
writing skill involved the use of Busuu writing test, and interview. The
and learners-centered activities observation was conducted to deepen the
3. Observing information and descriptions about the
The observation systematically actions in the classroom. In addition, the
conducted by the researcher to see the students were required to complete the
process occurring during the class self-evaluation sheet to see the activity of
including impact and the problem of self-learning while they were using Busuu
using the method. The peer and on their mobile phone. The timed writing
teacher assessments were also applied task was used to measure the students’
to see the results of writing tasks and progress in writing. The students were
measure how the students were able to required to write an essay based on the
do self-evaluation. Therefore, the relevant topics that had been learnt on
results of the observation defined the Busuu. The students’ writing were
next process which was evaluation. evaluated using the analytical scoring

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system by Jacob et al’ (1981) which application improved the students writing
elaborated the students’ composition into skill. The students’ interest in learning
five components namely content, writing using Busuu learning application
organization, vocabulary, language use, can be seen in the first cycle. In this
and mechanics. Lastly, the interview was session, the teacher asked the students to
conducted to get the information about the use their smart phones to do the self-
students’ perspective toward the use of learning by listening to the dialogue and
Busuu mobile application in learning practicing some grammar and vocabulary
English writing skills. on Busuu with topic titled “How Was
Your Trip” in Intermediate B1 level. Next,
4. RESULT & DISCUSSION the teacher asked the students complete the
4.1. The Improvement of Students’ self-evaluation sheet to see the results the
Writing students’ self-learning. The grammar point
The researchers conducted the writing taught in this session was Simple Past
tests after implementing Busuu mobile Tense. Then the teacher explained about
learning application in teaching writing. the structures of essay including how to
The students were suggested to make an write the thesis statement followed by the
essay based on the topic given which was supporting sentences. The teacher also
related to the materials on Busuu. The provided an example of good essay to
aspects of students’ writing measured were make it easier for the students to
organization, content, language use, understand what the essay should present.
vocabulary, and mechanics. The The students showed their enthusiasm
researchers also get the students involved in the self-learning process because they
in assessing their friends’ writing by doing rarely explored their smart phone to
peer assessment. In the first cycle, the support teaching learning activities in the
highest score was 81 and the lowest one classroom by using language learning
was 52. The students got improvement in application. In the beginning, it was quite
cycle two with the highest score was 91 hard for the students to use the application
and the lowest one was 62. because they were not familiar with the
layout. However, they showed their
Table 1: The Improvement of Students’ Writing curiosity by asking the questions to the
Cycle Cycle Gain Percentage of teachers. They also completed the
Mean One Two Improvement evaluation sheet honestly and seriously
Scores Test Test while they were doing their self-learning
61.14 71.42 10.28 16.81 % practicing vocabulary, grammar exercise,
and listening to the dialogue from Busuu.
Based on the evaluation self-completed by
The table above shows the result of the students, it showed that the students
students’ writing test in cycle one and two, did not face significant difficulties, they
the result was increased in cycle two. The were able to answer most of the questions
mean score was 61.14 in cycle one and it correctly in vocabulary, listening, reading,
increased to 71.42 in cycle two, it and grammar exercise on from Busuu.
increased 16.81%. It indicated that Since self-learning allowed students to
teaching writing using Busuu mobile take control over their own learning, they
became more interested in learning.

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Beside the enthusiasm in practicing in their writing, thus the cycle 2 needs to
self-learning, the students found be conducted.
difficulties in writing an essay. Lack of The treatment in the second cycle was
vocabulary and inappropriate grammar use similar to the first cycle. The teaching and
were the main problems faced by them. learning process implemented mobile
This indicated that it was very complicated learning application Busuu but the topic
and difficult for the students to write was different from the one in the previous
sentences with correct structure of English cycle titled “The World Biggest Sport
and chose correct word for certain Events”. The students also learnt
sentence context. Some students also independently about the use Comparative
encountered difficulties in paragraph & Superlative Degree. After that, the
organization, the length of the paragraph students were asked to complete the self-
was inappropriate since they wrote too evalution sheet while they were doing their
many sentences and they only had one or self-learning practicing vocabulary and
two sentences for a paragraph which did grammar exercises and listening to the
not meet the required number of sentences dialogue. The students were also asked to
in a paragraph. write an essay based on the relevant topic
During the implementation of Busuu from Busuu. After doing the writing task,
in teaching and learning process, the the students did peer assessment in order
students did not only do self-learning by to give and get the feedback from their
completing the exercises with relevant friends. The feedback was expected to help
topic provided on Busuu but also do the the students to develop the writing quality
peer assessment by evaluating their and stimulate learner autonomy.
friends’ essay writing. Since all students The improvement in students’
were not familiar with the activity of peer participation can be seen from their
assessment, the teachers gave brief enthusiastic in answering the question,
explanation related to scoring system for doing the self-learning, writing an essay
each component in writing based on the and assessing their friends’ essays. The
rubrics. The students participated actively students actively participated in teaching
in assessing their friends’ writing using the learning process due to the mobile learning
writing rubrics given. By doing the peer application used in the classroom. Based
assessment, the students were encouraged on the result of the students’ writing, the
to critically reflect each other’s work. mean score of the students’ writing was
Therefore, they were motivated to have increased to 71.42. There were six students
better understanding each aspect in who had high score, and there were eight
composition. In conclusion of cycle 1, the students who had medium score. This
results showed that the mean score of indicated that the improvement of the
students’ writing was 61.14 which was students’ writing skill was found in the
categorized as fair. There were eight second cycle.
students or more than 50% of the total 4.2. Students’ perception using Mobile
numbers of the students who got low Learning Application Busuu to
scores, four students who had the medium improve English Writing Skill
scores and two students who got good In term of determining the students’
scores in writing an essay. In conclusion, perception towards the use of mobile
the students still needed the improvement

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learning application Busuu to improve 5. CONCLUSION
their writing skill, the researcher did the The researchers conducted the
interview with the participants. Based on teaching and learning activity using Busuu
the data obtained of question one, most of as the mobile language learning
them responded they had never been application to help the students enhance
exposed to mobile learning application in their writing skills since they faced
English class before. It was the first time difficulties in writing an essay. Busuu
for them to apply mobile application offers an opportunity to the users to do the
Busuu in teaching and learning process. self-learning, so they can learn anytime
On the statement two asking how the and anywhere. The study also introduced
students experienced Busuu in class, the the student to do the peer assessment, it is
students responded positively about their expected that the peer assessment are
experience in implementing Busuu in their beneficial for the students to learn more
learning. They did not face major from their friends’ work. Based on the
difficulties in doing self-learning on results of the study, the researchers can
Busuu, they stated that the application is conclude that students could use Busuu for
considered to be a friendly-used mobile their learning activities in writing very
learning application. Since Busuu provides well. Their writing skill was improved
the direct feedback, it allows the students when Busuu was applied in writing
to do the self-learning. Consequently, they learning process that can be seen from the
got the benefits of doing the self-study mean score of students writing in cycle
such as feeling more encouraged to further one was only 61.14 and the mean score
explore the topics and more motivated to increased to 71.42 in cycle two. The use of
learn. Busuu made the atmosphere in learning
The obtained data of the statement writing to be more relax because they have
three questioning the students if the space to learn independently. In addition,
application supports them to understand the interview conducted with the students
the materials showed that the majority of revealed that they enjoy learning using
the students agree to Busuu as a tool Busuu, the application was the new and
facilitating them in enriching their fresh way to not easily get bored in class.
vocabulary and using the appropriate As a result, the students gave the positive
grammar. Consequently, on the statement feedback toward the use of Busuu in class.
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