p.7 R.E Lesson Notes Term 1

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P.7 R.


Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
THEME : God’s word to us
SUBTHEME : Introduction to the Bible
What is a Bible?
A bible is a holy book that contains God’s message / word to us.
Facts about the Bible
- It contains God’s word
- It has two parts called testaments.
- It contains 66 books
- It was written by people inspired by God
- It is a holy book for Christians
- It is a divine book (it symbolizes God’s presence / powers)
- It is a symbol of Authority
Why is the bible regarded as a holy book?
- It contains God’s word
- It was written by people inspired by God
- It symbolizes God’s presence
In which language was the bible first written?
- Aramaic
Parts of the Bible
Old testament
- It contains 39 books
- It covers the history from the time of creation to the time of prophets.

New testament
- It contains 27 books

- It starts with the Gospel and ends with the God’s revelation about Jesus’ second
coming and final destruction of the world.
Categories of books in the old testament
Pentateuch books / law books
- They are the first five books in the old testament.
- They were written by Moses
- They contain history from the time of creation to the time the Israelites reached
the promised land of Canaan.
These are;
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
Historical books
These books contain history of the Israelites from the time of Joshua, Moses,
successor to the time of Israelites second captivity in Babylon .
These include;
- Joshua
- Ruth
- Judges
- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther

Poetic books / Books of poetry
These books explore life in its totality i.e they talk about all aspects of life, e.g.
- Suffering
- Pain
- Victory
- Lamentation
- Wisdom
- Poverty
- Riches e.t.c..
These books are;
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of songs
Name the authors of the poetic books
- Job
- King David
- King Solomon
Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
THEME : God’s word to use
SUBTHEME : Introduction to the Bible
In which books of the Bible do we find the following?
Story of creation

Ten commandments
Birth of Jesus
Mention the two Israelites who left Egypt and reached the promised land of
- Caleb
- Joshua
Who led the Israelites from Exile to Babylon?
- Ezra
Which king took the Israelites into captivity in Babylon?
- King Nebuchadnezzar
For how long were the Israelites in captivity?
In Egypt
- 400 years – 430 years
In Babylon
- 70 years
How did Moses sin against God?
- He didn’t glorify the name of God before the Israelites in the water of Meribah
Why is Gideon remembers in the history of Judges of Israel?
- Gideon had courage and he fought against the medianites using a small army.
Why did Esau hate his brother Jacob?
- Jacob took Esau’s blessings.
What sins did Eli’s sons commit against God?
- They committed fornication
- They were greedy and even ate God’s offerings
- They never respected God’s altar
Why did God reject Saul as the king of Israel?
- Saul disobeyed God’s instructions

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Books of prophecy / prophetic books
These contain the history of Israel from the time Kings ruled Israel to the birth of the
Examples of prophetic books
- Lamentations
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Ezekiel
- Daniel
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Malachi
- Hosea warned people against committing spiritual adultery
- Jeremiah preached Hope for the Good future
- Daniel had great faith in God
- Ezekiel God’s judgment on Israel.
- Joel predicted a dangerous disaster of hunger to be fall Israel
- Joel calls for repentance

- Amos preached justice and injustice
- Jonah preached about repentance to the people of Nineve
- Micah preached about social justice and injustice
- Malachi was the last prophet in the old testament
- John the Baptist is the last prophet in the Bible.
Who is a prophet according to Christian teachings?
- A prophet is a God’s messenger who foretells what will happen in future
State two main duties of prophets
- Preaching the word of God
- Prophets deliver God’s message
- Prophets warn people about their future
Complete the table below
Prophet His message
1. Isaiah - Coming of the messiah
2. Jeremiah - Hope and restoration for the future
3. Ezekiel - God’s judgment on Israel
4. Hosea - Warned people against committing spiritual adultery
5. Jonah - Repentance to the people of Nineve
6. Amos - Justice and injustice
7. Micah - Social justice and injustice
8. Elijah - Trust and true worship

What are the following prophets known for in the bible;

- Known for his faith in God.
- Never worshipped any foreign gods
- He preached repentance to the people of Nineveh

- Known for his perseverance, faithfulness and endurance
Who is the first and last prophet in the Bible?
- First – Prophet Samuel
- Last Prophet John the Baptist

Qualities of prophets
- Prophets should be able to tell future happenings
- A good prophet should be faithfull
- A good prophet should be trustworthy (truthfull)

Who was the first prophet according to the bible?

- Prophet Samuel
Name the youngest prophet in the bible
- Prophet Jeremiah
Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
THEME : God’s word to us
SUBTHEME : Categories of books in the new testament
Gospel books / synoptic books
- The word Gospel means good news of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel books contain similar information that is why they are also called
- Synoptic books
These are;
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John

They contain information abut
- Jesus’ birth
- Jesus’ teachings
- Jesus’ life history from birth to death
- Miracles he performed
- Jesus’ apostles

The Birth of Jesus

Why was Jesus born?

- To save us from our sins

Where was he born?

- In Bethlehem
Who were the first people to see baby Jesus?
- The shepherds
Mention the three gifts given to baby Jesus
- Gold
- Myrrh
- Frankincenses
Who were the magi?
- The magi were the three wise men from the East who studied the stars
Name the 3 wise men who came to see baby Jesus
- Gaspar
- Balthaza
- Melchoir
What did each of the gifts given to baby Jesus by the three wise men symbolize?
i) Gold

ii) Myrrh
iii) Frankincense
Jesus’ Baptism
Why was Jesus baptized?
- To show an example to the people.
- To fulfill the scriptures
Mention the father and mother of John the Baptist
- Father – Zechariah
- Mother – Elizabeth
What happened to John’s father before he was born?
- John’s father was dumb.
State two events that happened during Jesus baptism
- The holy spirit came upon Jesus inform of a dove
- A voice was heard from heaven saying “This is my own dear son, with whom I
am pleased.”
What message did John the Baptist preach?
- John the Baptist preached about repentance and forgiveness of sins
Why was John the Baptist born before Jesus?
- To prepare the way for the Lord.

Give two forms of baptism in the Bible

- baptism by the Holy spirit
- baptism by water
- baptism by the holy fire
At what age did Jesus start his ministry?
- At thirty years
At what age did Jesus start preaching? Matthew
- At the age of 12 years
Jesus’ teaching on the mountain (Beatitude)

Why did Jesus choose the 12 apostles
- To help him spread the word of God.

How are apostles different from disciples?
List down the 12 apostles of Jesus
- Simon Peter
- Andrew
- James
- John
- Philip
- Bartholomew
- Thomas
- Matthew
- James son of Alpheus
- Thaddeus
- Simon of Patriot
- Judas Iscariot

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
Jesus Apostles
Simon Peter
- He was the first Apostle of Jesus
- He was a fisherman before he was called by Jesus
- He received the revelation that Jesus was the Messiah
- He was the closest friend of Jesus
- He denied Jesus for three times
- He became the leader of the church after the death and ascension of Jesus.
- He performed miracles e.g. He raised Tabilha (Dorcus) from the dead.
- He healed a lame man at the beautiful gates of the temple
- He prayed and was set free from prison.

- He was crucified upside down in Rome
- He was a brother to Simon Peter
- He was a fisherman before he was called by Jesus
- He was one of the first apostles to be called by Jesus
- He was the brother of James and son of Zebedde
- He was the most beloved apostle
- He was a tax collector before he was called by Jesus

Judas Iscariot
- He was the treasurer
- He betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins
- He hanged himself
- He was buried in the field of blood / Akeldama
- He was replaced by Matthew
- He doubted Jesus’ resurrection
Miracles performed by Jesus
- Jesus changed water into wine
- Jesus fed the hungry people
- Jesus raised the dead
- Jesus healed the sick
Why did Jesus perform miracle?
- To show His authority
What is a miracle ?
- A miracle is unexpected happening believed to have been caused by God.

Briefly explain how each of Jesus’ apostles met their death.

wJesus’ teachings
- Jesus used parables in most of his teachings
Examples of Jesus’ teachings about life after death (Mathew 5)
- Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor, the kingdom of heavens
belongs to them.
- Happy are those who mourn God will comfort them.
- Happy are those who are humble they will receive what God has promised.
- Happy are those whose Greatest desire is to do what God requires. God will
satisfy them fully
- Happy are those who are merciful to others, God will be merciful to them.
- Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God.
- Happy are those who work for peace. God will call them His children
- Happy are those who are persecuted because they want to do what God requires,
the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
What is a parable?
- A parable is a short story with a hidden spiritual meaning used by Jesus in his
Give two reasons why Jesus used parables in his teachings
- To confuse his enemies
- To answer questions given to him by the Pharisees
- To teach us about the kingdom of heaven.
Mention atleast ten parables used by Jesus and state the lessons we learn
from them

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E

Parable Lessons
Prodigal son - Patience and obedience
- We learn to ask for forgiveness
- We learn to forgive
Sower - We learn to be faithful
- We learn to receive God’s word and put it into
Good Samaritan - We learn to be helpful and kind
- We should love our neighbours as we love ourselves
Lost sheep - Jesus come to save the sinners
- God is pleased with a sinner who repents his /her
Rich man and poor -
Prodigal son - Bad decisions lead to suffering
Sower - Teaches us how God’s word is perceived (received)
- Not all people who receive God’s word bear its
Good Samaritan - We cannot love God without loving our neighbours
Lost sheep - God’s love for his people that he send sent his only
son Jesus to die for our sins

In the parable of the prodigal son who teaches us about the following:-

- The father
Obedience and patience
- The elder son
Not to be greedy and wasteful
- The younger son
State the spiritual / meaning of each of the following as used in the parable of
the sower
Seeds that fell on the road side
- It means people who receive God’s word but it does not sink deep into their hearts
Seeds that fell in thony bushes
- It means people who receive God’s word but are interrupted by earthly happiness.
Seeds that fell on fertile soils
- It means people who receive God’s word accept it and bear fruit.
In the parable of the good Samaritan, what do we learn from the acts of the
following people?
Priests and Levites
- We learn that we can’t love God without loving our neighbours.
The man from Samaria
- We learn to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.
According to the above story, state any two things Christians should do in
order to inherit the kingdom of heaven.
- Christians should be kind to others
- Christians should be helpful to others

In the parable of the lost sheep, what does each of the following stand for;
- The shepherd – Jesus
- The ninety nine sheep - the righteous people
- The lost sheep – the sinner


Date Class L. Area No. of children Time

P.7 R.E
THEME : God’s word to use
SUBTHEME : Jesus used parables to make his teachings interesting

Parable of the rich man and poor (Luke 18 18)

- It is very hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven
- We should not mistreat the poor
- Whoever wants to enter God’s kingdom should help the needy
- There is suffering in Hell and Joy in Heaven
- Earthly happiness is useless.
Parable of workers in the vine yard (Matthew 20)
- God shall reward us according to our works / deeds
- God is always fair and generous in rewarding
Parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18 21)
- We should forgive those who wrong against us just as God forgives us.
- Unforgiveness leads to suffering and punishment by God
Parables of the hidden treasure (Matthew 1344)
- Whoever wants to enter heaven should surrender everything and devote himself to
serving God.

Parable of Mustard seed (Luke 13 18)

- The kingdom of heaven belongs to those who develop strong faith in God

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : The events of the Holy week
- Jesus victorious entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
- Jesus initiates the sacrament of Holy communion and washing of apostles’ feet on
Holy Thursday
- Jesus goes to the garden of Gethsemane to pray and sweated blood
- Jesus’ arrest at the garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus’ trial by Pontius Pilate
- Jesus is sentences to death by Pontius Pilate
- Jesus’s hort but most painful journey from Jerusalem to Golgotha
- Jesus’ crucifixion at Golgotha
- Jesus was buried in the empty tomb in the town of Jerusalem to Golgotha.
- Jesus; crucifixion at Golgotha
- Jesus was buried in the empty tomb in the town of Jerusalem by Joseph or
- Jeus resurrects after 3 days on Easter Sunday
- Jesus appears first to Mary Magdalene and later to his disciples who were
gathered on the hil in Galilee
- Jesus ascends to heaven after 40 days on the Ascension day

Give two reasons why palm Sunday is an important day in Christianity
- Palm Sunday marks the end of lent period
- Palm Sunday marks the beginning of the Holy week
Why do Christians carry palm leaves on palm Sunday?
- To remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey.

Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet?
- To show that Jesus had come to serve the people.
Mention the two sacraments that Jesus initiated on Holy Thursday.
- Holy communion
- Washing of the Apostles’ feet
Why did Jesus go to pray in the garden of Gethsemane?
- For God to strengthen Him through the suffering he was going to undergo.
- To ask for courage and strength from God
Who led the crowds that arrested Jesus Christ?
- Judas Iscariot
Why did Pontius Pilate wash his hands before sentencing Jesus to death?
- He washed his hands to show that he was not responsible for the death of Jesus
Name the criminal who was released instead of Jesus
- Barabbas
Why was Jesus sentenced to death?
- Jesus was calling himself the king of the Jews.
Give two ways in which Jesus suffered on the way from Jerusalem to
- Jesus carried a heavy cross
- Jesus was beaten badly
Why was Jesus crucified together with the two criminals?
- To fulfill the scriptures
- To show that he came to save sinners
State two events that happened immediately after Jesus’ death
- The curtain hanging in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
- The earth shook and the rocks split apart
- The graves broke open and many of God’s people who had died were raised to

Name the two people who prepared Jesus’ body for burial
- Joseph of Arimathea
- Nicodemus
How is Jesus’ resurrection important to Christian?
- Jesus’ resurrection helps Christians to believe in life after death.
Why did Jesus appear to his disciples before His ascension?
- To give them the instructions to follow after His ascension.
Mention the roman, governor by the time of Jesus’ death
- Pontius Pilate
Who was the High priest of Israel by the time Jesus was tried?
- Caiaphas
Mention the roman emperor by the time of Jesus’ death
- Tiberious Caesar

Why do Christians carry palm leaves on palm Sunday
- They symbolize victory of Jesus Christ.
Why did Jesus wash his disciple’s feet?
- To show love
- To show servanthood
Why was Jesus sentenced to death?
- Jesus was calling himself the king of the Jews
- Jesus was calling himself the son of God
- He was acting against some Jewish customs e.g. teaching on the Sabbath,
associating with sinners
Why did Jesus appear to his disciples before His ascension?
- To prove to them that He had resurrected.

Name the following people by the death of Jesus

- Emperor – Tiberius Caesar
- Governor – Pontius Pilate
- High Priest - Caiaphas

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : The book of Acts

- It is believed to have been written by St. Luke

- It contains information about.
 Ministry of Apostles after the ascension of Jesus
 Trials and tribulations of Apostles
 St. Stephen the first Christian martyr
 God’s appointment of apostle Paul
 The Ministry of apostle Paul
 The teachings of the Apostles to the early church
 The foundation of the first Christian church for the Gentiles
Give the meaning of the word gentiles
- Gentiles mean non- belivers

Mention four examples of trial and tribulations (suffering) the apostles

- Some apostles were stoned
- Some apostles were crucified e.g. Simon Peter
- Some apostles were imprisoned.
- Some apostles were beaten to death
Why was Matthias chosen as an apostle?
- To replace Judas Iscariot

Why are the apostles also known as Saints?
- Apostles were recognized by the Christian church as holy.
Why was St. Stephen killed?
- St. Stephen refused to denounce his faith in God.
Give two examples of apostles who also became martyrs
- Simon Peter
- Phillip
Who is a martyr?
- A martyr is a person who agrees to be killed because of his / her faith in God.
Why did God choose apostle Pau (soul)?
- To take God’s word to the Gentiles
Mention the first Christian church to be founded by the apostles.
- Antich
In two ways show how the holy spirit empowered the apostle
- The Holy spirit gave courage to the apostles to preach the word of God
- The Holy spirit gave guidance to the apostles
Where did apostle Paul meet his death from?
- From Rome

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : State any three characteristics of the early church
- They shared their possessions
- They had one mind and soul
- They did not believe in material things
- They had love for one another

Give the meaning of the word Gentiles
- Gentiles mean Non – Jews
Forms of sufferings apostles underwent
- They were imprisoned
- They were beaten
- They were murdered
- Some were murdered
- They were rejected
- They were refused to preach in the name of Jesus
Why was Matthias chosen as an apostle?
- He had good qualities e.g. he was a witness throughout Jesus’ life.
Who is a saint?
- A saint is a person recognized by the Christian church as holy.
In two ways, show how the holy spirit empowered the apostles
- The Holy Spirit gave power to the apostles to perform miracles

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Apostle Saul
- He belonged to the group of Pharisees before converting to Christianity.
- He persecuted God’s people before converting to Christianity
- He was a highly educated religious leader as well as teacher of the law
- He got converted when God tricked him on his way to Damascus
- He was anointed by Ananias
- He started preaching the word of God to the kings gentiles and to the people of

- He wrote many epistles to the early church.
- He converted many people to Christianity
- He founded many churches
Challenges faced by Apostles Saul after converting to Christianity
- He was rejected by the Jews
- He was arrested and imprisoned for many times
- He was beaten
- He suffered from shipwreck
Contributions of Apostle Saul to the early church
- He spread the gospel to the gentiles
- He wrote any books to the early church
- He converted many people to Christianity
- He trained many apostles e.g.
 Timothy
 Titus
 Philemon

Saul’s letters to the early church

- Romans
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galations
- Ephesians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians
- 2 Thessalonians

- 1 Timothy
- 2 Timoth
- Titus
- Philemon
What are epistles?
- Epistles were letters written by apostle Paul to the early church.
Why did apostle Saul write epistles do the early church?
- He was far away from the churches he had founded.
Mention any two miracles performed by apostle Saul
- He healed the woman with evil spirits
- He raised Eutychus from the dead
State two qualities that enables apostle Saul to preach the gospel to the gentiles.
- He had knowledge about the law
- He was highly educated
Why did the Jews and apostles in Jerusalem first reject Saul as an apostle
- It is because Saul used to persecute God’s people

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : The Book of Revelation
- It is the last book of the Bible
- It is the last prophetic book in the Bible
- It was written by apostle John
- It contains revelations about the following:-
 Heavenly creatures e.g. angels

 The kingdom of heaven
 The defeat of Salon
 The fall of Babylon the disobedient city
 The final judgment day
 The new Jerusalem (New heaven)
 Jesus’ second coming
 The resurrection of dead people
 The end point of sinners and righteous (heaven and Hell)
 The 1000 years

How did God reveal his message to apostle John?
- Through visions

Give two reasons why Christians are encouraged to read the book of
- To know more about the judgment day
- To be encouraged to prepare for the judgment day

Mention any four things that will happen during Jesus’ second coming
- The sun will grow dark
- The moon will no longer shine
- The stars will fall from heaven
- The powers in space will be driven from their courages
State any two signs of the coming of the judgment day
How will Jesus reward his followers on the judgment day?
- Jesus’ followers will be taken to Heaven

What will happen to the people whose names will not be found in the book of
the living?
- They will be thrown into the lake of fire.

What will happen to salon on the judgment day?

- Salon will be thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur.
Why should Christians prepare for Jesus’ second coming?
- So as to be taken to heaven during Jesus’ second coming.
Why was angel Lucifer sent away from heaven?
By whom was the book of Revelation written?
- By apostle John
Name the place where the righteous will go after judgment day
- Heaven
Which is the last book in the Bible
- Revelation
How did God reveal his message to apostle John?
- Through Angels
Why people are encouraged to read the book of revelation?
- To get hope for eternal life
- To endure suffering with hope that they will be rewarded
- To prepare for Jesus’ coming
- To know more about the kingdom of Heaven.
Things that will happen during Jesus’ second coming
- The dead will resurrect
- Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire
- The dead and the living will be judged
- The righteous shall ascend to heaven

- The sinners will be thrown into Hell
- The righteous will see God.

Signs that will appear before the judgment day (coming of Jesus) –Matthew
- The sun will grow dark
- The moon will no longer shine
- The stars will fall from heaven
- The great trumpet will be sounded
How Jesus will reword His followers
- They will eat one the tree of life
- He will take them to heaven
- He will wipe their tears
Why we should prepare for Jesus ‘ second coming
- To wait for Jesus with hope for eternal life
- To overcome trials and temptations
Why angle Lucifer was sent away from heaven?
- Angel Lucifer glorified himself more than God
Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
THEME : The story of creation(Gen:1:1 – 20)
- Before creation, the world was empty and shapeless filled with water and darkness
The order of creation
First day
- Light

- God separated light from darkness
- God named light day and darkness/ night
Second day
- God created the sky (dome)
- The dome separated water under it and above it.
Third day
- God created the earth and the sea
- God made the water below the sky come together
- He named the water as sea and the land as earth
Forth day
- God created light giving objects e.g. sun, moon and stars
Fifth day
- God created all creatures that live in water and all winds of birds

Sixth day
- God created all kinds of animals that live on land
- God created man
- He named the man Adam which mean man kind
- Adam was given powers to control other creatures

Seventh day
- God rested from the work of creation
- God blessed the seventh day and made it holy
- He named the seventh day Sabbath
Why did God bless the seventh day and make it holy?
- It is the day God rested from creation.
Which days of the week is the seventh day?
- Saturday

Why do most Christian go for prayers on Sunday?
Why is Adam called a co-creator of God?
- Adam was given ability to create other things.
Why was Adam not happy before for Eve was created?
- Adam was lonely before Eve was created
Why do most Christians go for prayers on Sunday?
- To honour the day Jesus resurrected.
Why was Adam called a co creator of God(pro-creator)
- Adam was to take part in God’s work of creation

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : The Creation Of Man
- Man was created on the sixth day
- Man was created from dust and God breathed into his nostrils to give him life.
- Man was created in God’s / image i.e human beings resemble God
- Man was given ability to create other things i.e Human beings are co-creators /
pro – creators of God
- Man was also given authority to care and control other creatures
Give two ways human being resemble God
- Human beings were created in God’s image
- Human beings have ability to think and reason
- Human beings have ability to create other things just as God does
Give any one way in which man is different from God
- Man is mortal while God is immortal

Give three ways in which human beings take care for God’s creation
- By conserving wild life
- By practicing afforestation, Agro-forestry and re-afforestation
- By conserving water bodies
- By caring for the needy
Roles of human beings as pro-creators of God
- Reproducing
- Inventing machines that are harmless to God’s creation
- Creating other things
- Naming God’s creatures
How was the creation of Adam different from that of Eve?
- Adam was created from dust while Eve was created from Adam’s rib.
Why did God create both a man and a woman?
- To produce and have many descendants
The fall of man (Gen 3)
- At first man was created to live for ever
- God planted the garden where man lived
- God gave authority to man to eat all kinds of fruits in the garden of Eden except
the fruit from the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and bad.
- This fruit came to be known as forbidden fruit
- However, man failed to live up to God’s standards by eating the forbidden fruit.
- The serpent tempted Eve to eat who later convinced her husband Adam to also eat
- Adam was accused by God for listening to the voice of the wife and ate the
forbidden fruit.
What happened to Adam and Eve immediately after eating the forbidden fruit?
- They were given understanding and realized that they were naked.
What was the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate
- It was the fruit of knowledge

Why did Eve eat the forbidden fruit?
- Eve was tricked by the snake.
Why did Adam cat the forbidden fruit?
- It is because he was convinced by Eve.
What was the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve ate
- The fruit from the tree that gives knowledge of what is good and bad.

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
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SUBTHEME : Consequences of man’s disobedience to God
- Man lost powers of living for every i.e to die.
- Enmity was created between man and the serpent i.e the off springs of man will be
bitten by the serpent and vice versa
- Sin entered into the world
- Suffering entered into the world
- God’s relationship with man was broken
- Man had to work hard in order to get what to eat i.e the ground was cursed.
- Man discovered his nakedness i.e He gained knowledge of what is good and bad.
How did God punish each of the following after disobeying him
Adam (man)
- To work hard in order to get what to eat
- He was not to live forever
Eve (woman)
- To produce in pain
- To be a subject to man
- Her off springs to be bitten by the serpent

- To eat dust
- To crawl on its belly
- To be killed by man
Sin and suffering
What is a sin?
- A sin is an act of disobeying God.

What is sinning?
- Sinning is the act of doing something that annoys God.
Types of sins
Spiritual sins/ immortal sins
- This is a sin one commits as a result of associating God with other gods
- Witch craft
- Use of charms
- Worshipping idols
Mortal sins
- These are sins one commits as a result of fulfilling his/ her bodily desires
- Fornication
- Adultery
- Prostitution
- Lying
- Murder
- Accusing others falsely
- Corruption
- Injustice
Causes of sinning

- Poverty
- Fear
- Greed for money
- Ungodiliness (lack of fear and respect for God)
- Jealousy
- Anger
- Admiration

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SUBTHEME : Effects of sinning

- Suffering
- Death
- Loss of peace
- Hatred
- Loss of friendship
- Loss of eternal life
- Loss of God’s relationship

How did sin enter into the world?

- When Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit
Give four ways man today has failed to live up to God’s standards
- Stealing other people’s property
- Committing murder
- Committing adultery
- Worshiping other gods

- Oppression of others
- Destroying God’s creation
Give two reasons why man of today has failed to live up to God’s standards.
- Greed
- Poverty
- Fear
State three ways we can live up to God’s standards
- Respecting our elders (parents)
- Reading the Bible
- Worshiping and believing on only God
- Praying to God
- Taking care of God’s creation
- Being faithful to God
- Practicing and promoting Justice
- Suffering is the state of living a un pleasant life.
- Suffering is the state of experiencing anything bad or painful
Suffering entered into the world as a result of human disobedience to God
Give four ways in which man suffers as a result of Adam’s disobedience to God
- Women produce in pain
- Man sweats for food
- Man suffers from diseases
- Man suffers from death

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SUBTHEME : Forms of suffering

- Spiritual suffering i.e trials and temptations, persecutions for God’s name.
- Physical suffering e.g. sicknesses, accidents, torture, defilement, rape, hunger.
- Emotional suffering e.g. misunderstanding, rejection, discrimination, stress,
phobia (fear)
- Economic suffering e.g. poverty, unemployment

Give four ways in which Jesus suffered

- He was tempted
- He was tried
- He was crucified
- He was rejected and opposed
- He was born in a very poor family
- He had no home
- He was born in a kraal
State three lessons we learn from Jesus’ suffering
- We learn to remain faithful to God even in times of trouble
- We learn to endure suffering for God’s sake
- Suffering leads to success
- Whoever doesn’t endure suffering, has no eternal life
Mention four examples of people in the Bible who overcame suffering
- Job
- Jesus
- Joseph son of Jacob
- Apostle Soul
- Daniel
- St. Stephen

As a Christian, state four ways you can overcome suffering
- By praying to God for guidance
- Having great faith in God
- Reading the Bible for encouragement
- Knowing the scriptures
- Being hardworking

Causes of suffering
- Lack of faith in God
- Ungodliness
- Unemployment
- Laziness
- Ignorance
- Poverty
- Greed
- Bad personalities
- Lust
God’s plan of salvation
What is salvation?
- Salvation is the state of being free from sin
- Salvation is a state of being able to overcome suffering


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P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Stages of God’s plan of Salvation
- The process of saving mankind involved many stages and was fulfilled by Jesus
These include;
- The call of Abraham
- The rescue of Israelites from Egypt
- God’s covenant with the Israelites / Sinai covenant
- The reach of the Israelites in the promised land of Canaan
- God’s preparation of His people through leaders
- The call of prophets
- The coming of John the Baptist
- The incarnation
- The death of Jesus
- The re-incarnation
- He was born in the land of Ur of Babylon
- His father was Terob
- His brothers were Nohor and Haron
- Haran was the father of Lot
- Lot was Abraham’s nephew
- His original homeland was Haron
- He got married to Somi
- He lived in the land of Haran before God called Him
- He made an agreement with God i.e if he obeys God, the Lord will be his God and
the God of his descendants.

- The sign of the covenant was circumcision
- He is remembered for his great faith in God
- He became the father of all believers.

God’s promises to Abraham

- To give Abraham many descendants
- To give Abraham a son
- To bless Abraham and make him famous
- To bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him.
- To possess the land of Canaan
Abraham’s greatest actions of faith
- He accepted to leave the land of his father and went to unknown land as
commanded by God
- He accepted to sacrifice to God his only son Isaac

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SUBTHEME : Abraham’s descendants
- The son of Abraham
- He accepted to be offered as a sacrifice to God
- He got married to Rebecca the daughter of Bebhuel the son of Nahor Abraham’s
- He had great faith in God
- He had two sons i.e. Esau and Jacob

Jacob and Esau
- He is the elder son of Isaac
- He was the twin brother of Jacob
- He was a hunter
- He sold his birthright for a meal
- He was rejected by God
- His descendants are the Edomites
- He was the young brother of Esau
- He was a shepherd
- He cheated his brother Esau by stealing his blessings
- He was humble and obedient to his parents
- He was chosen by God to be the father of his great nation
- His name was changed to Israel
- He is remembered for his great faith in God
- He had two wives i.e. Leah and Racheal
God’s promises to Jacob
- To give him the land of his father’s i.e. Isaac and Abraham.
- To protect him whenever he goes
- To make him a great nation
- Through Jacob and his descendants shall God bless all the nations
Jacob’s promises to God at Bethel
- To give God tithe
- To set up a place where God will be worshipped from
Name the twelve sons and daughters of Jacob
Sons of Leah
- Reuben (oldest son)
- Simeon

- Levi
- Judah
- Issachor
- Zebulun
Sons of Rachel
- Joseph
- Benjamin
Sons of Rachel’s slave Bilhah
- Dan
- Naphtali
The sons of Leah’s slave Zilpah
- God
- Asher

Daughter of Jacob
- Dinah
Give the meaning of the following;
- Birthrights are blessings given to first borns
- Jacob means cheat
- Israel mean God struggles
- Bethel means the house of God
- Peniel means the face of God
Why did God reject Esau and choose Jacob?

- He dreamt that he saw a slairway reaching from earth to heaven with angles going
up and coming down on it.
Why did God promise Abraham and Jacob many descendants?
- To form a nation that fears God
Name the place where Abraham attempted to sacrifice his only son Isaac
- Moriah
Why did Esau persecute his brother Jacob?
- His brother Jacob stole his blessings.
Why was Jacob unhappy with his first born son Reuben?
- Reuben had sexual intercourse with one of the father’s concubines named Bilhah
Mention the only daughter of Jacob
- Dinah

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P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : The Israelites go to Egypt
Who was the first Israelite to live in Egypt?
- Joseph
How did the above mentioned person reach Egypt?
- He was sold to Egypt by his brothers.
State two ways God showed favour to the above person
- God made him successful in everything he did.
- He gave him wisdom of interpreting dreams.
Mention any two hard moments the above person faced while in Egypt
- He was tempted by Patiphar’s wife
- He was imprisoned

Why did the Israelites go to live in Egypt?
- Due to famine outbreak

What happened to the Israelites in Egypt?

- They were treated as slaves
- Their male born children were being killed shortly after the death of Joseph
Where in Egypt did the Israelites live?
- Goshen
Mention any two ways the Israelites suffered while in Egypt
- They were treated as slaves i.e. they were forced to work without pay
- The king ordered for the killing of every male born child of Israelites.
How did God respond to the cries of Israelites while in Egypt?
- By sending Moses to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.

The rescue of Israelites from Egypt

Why did the king of Egypt male Israelites slave in Egypt?
- The Israelites became so numerous and strong that he thought they would be a
threat to him.
Give one way Moses suffered while still young
- The king tried to kill him.
- He was thrown by the riverbank when he was still young.
How did Moses survive to be killed at his childhood?
- His mother hid him in the tall grass at the edge of the river
Where did Moses grow up from?
- In the king’s palace.
Why did Moses run away from Egypt?
- The king wanted to kill him.
The call of Moses
Where was Moses when he was called by God?

- Madian
Why did God appear to Moses
- To send him to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt.
Why did God ask Moses to put off his sandles?
- Moses was standing on holy ground
State two reasons why Moses never wanted to go back to Egypt when asked by
- He had killed an Egyptian
- He could not speak properly
Who was Moses’ spokesman?
- Aaron
How did God appear to Moses?
- In form of a burning bush

Moses goes back to Egypt

Mention the first miracle Moses performed before pharaoh
- He turned his staff into a snake
State two reasons why pharaoh never wanted Israelites to leave Egypt.
- The Israelites were the main source of labour in Egypt.
- God had hardened pharoah’s heat.
- He feared that the Israelites would come back to attack his kingdom
Why did God harden pharoah’s heat not to listen to His voice?
- To show his powers to His people
The ten plagues
- The water turned into blood
- God sent frogs to Egypt
- All the dust in Egypt was turned into G. nuts
- God sent flies to Egypt
- Death of animals in Egypt.

- God sent boils
- God sent a heavy hailstorm
- God sent locusts
- Darkness covered the land of Egypt
- Death of first borns in each family

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : The Israelites leave Egypt
What punishment made Pharoah to let the Israelites go out of Egypt?
- Death of the first borns in each family

Mention the immediate problem Israelites faced after leaving Egypt

- Crossing the Red Sea.
Why do the Israelites celebrate the Passover festival?
- To remember the day God killed all the first borns of Egyptians and possed by the
doors of the Israelites
How were the Israelites able to cross the Red Sea?
- Moses lifted up his walking stick and the water was divided
The Israelites cross the Red Sea
Mention any two problems the Israelites faced after crossing the Red Sea.
- Lack of safe water
- Lack of food
In four ways, show how God showed cared and concern to the Israelites during
the Exodus
- He provided them with the pillar of fire to guide them during night and the pillar
of cloud to guide them during the day

- He provided them with food
- He provided them with safe water
- He helped them fight against the Amalelites
The Israelites turn against God
State three ways the Israelites sinned against God while in the wilderness
- They turned against Moses who was God’s servant
- They worshipped a small god (a golden calf)
- They put God to a tas test
Mention any two punishments God gave to the Israelites after disobeying him
- God made the Israelites wander in the wilderness
- God denied the Israelites from entering the promised land
God’s covenant with the Israelites
Which covenant did God make with the Israelites on Mt. Sinai?
- If the Israelites obey and keep God’s covenant, they will be God’s own people.
Why did the Israelites make for themselves a golden calf?
- They thought that God had abandoned them and left them to die.
“The Lord is my flog” who said these words?
- Moses
What happened to the above person before?
- God had helped the Israelites to fight and win the Amalekites
Joshua to succeed Moses
Why did God deny Moses and Aaron to reach the promised land of Canaan?
- They disobeyed God
Why did God choose Joshua to succeed Moses?
- Joshua was a courageous man.
How did Moses sin against God?
- Moses did not glorify the name of God at the waters of Meribah
Where did Moses and Aaron die from?
- Aaron – Mt. Hor

- Moses – Mt. Nebo
Where was Moses hurried?
- In the valley of Moab
How were the Israelites able to defeat the Amalekites?
- By the help of God through Moses

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SUBTHEME : God Rules His People Through Leaders
Who led the Israelites to the promised land of Canaan?
- Joshua

Mention any three examples of judges in the Bible

- Deborah
- Gideon
- Samson
Why are the following people remembered in the history of Judges of Israel;
- He used a small army to fight against the midianites because of his courage
- He was the strongest man in the Bible.
- He defended the Israelites against the Philistines
- He was a transparent judge
Who was the first king of Israel?
- King Saul

Who anointed him as a king?
- Samuel
Why did God reject him as a king?
- He disobeyed God’s orders
Who succeeded him as a king?
- King David
State any two lessons you learn from King David
- I learn to be courageous
- I learn to be faithful to God
Why was God well pleased with David?
- David was a faithful servant of God
Mention one way David sinned against God
- He committed adultery
- He committed murder

Who was the lost king of the united kingdom of Israel?

- King Solomon
Why is King Solomon regarded as the wisest king of Israel?
- Solomon judged a very difficult case fairly
State any two lessons you can learn from king Solomon
- We should seek for wisdom
- We should search for God
- We should be obedient to God
Give two reasons why God was annoyed with king Solomon
- He married foreign wives who worshipped foreign gods
- He built places of worship for small gods to make his wives happy
How did God punish him because of sinning against Him?
- God divided his kingdom

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P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : God Chooses Prophets
Who was the first prophet according to the Bible?
- Prophet Samuel
Name the two types of prophets in the bible
- Minor prophets
- Major prophets
What roles were played by prophets in God’s plan of salavation?
Mention any three prophets who proclaimed the coming of the messiah
- Prophet Isaiah
- Prophet John the Baptist
- Prophet Micah
The Birth Of John The Baptist
Why was John the Baptist born before Jesus?
- To prepare the way for the Messiah
Name the parents of John the Baptist
- Zechariah
- Elizabeth
How did John the Baptist prepare the way for the Messiah?
- He told people to repent their sins
- He baptized people
- He preached God’s word
How was the birth of John the Baptist similar to that of Jesus?
- Their births were foretold

Apart from baptism of water, mention two other types of baptism in the bible
- Baptism by Holy Spirit
- Baptism by Holy fire
What was meant by;

Prophet of doom
- A prophet of doom is a prophet or God’s messenger who foretold bad things yet to
Prophet of loom
- A prophet of loom is a God’s messenger who foretold good things yet to happen.
Examples of prophets of doom
- Prophet Ezekiel
- Prophet Amos
- Prophet Joel
- Prophet Jonah

Examples of Prophet of loom

- Prophet Isaiah
- Prophet Jeremiah
- Prophet John the Baptist
How were prophets important to the people of old testament?
- Prophets foretold future happenings to the people
- Prophets warned God’s people
- Prophets delivered God’s messages to the people
- Prophets taught / preached God’s word
- Prophets prepared God’s people for the coming of the Messiah
Write brief notes about the following prophets in Islam
- He was the first prophet in Islam

- He built the Kaaba
- He attempted to sacrifice his son Israel
- He is known for his perseverance

- He received the book of Tauret
- He received the book of Zabur.
- He received the book of Injir
- He received the Quran

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P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : The Incarnation
What is meant by the term incarnation?
- Incarnation was the process by which God the son appeared on earth in form of a
human being.
- Incarnation was a fulfillment of God’s promise of salvation of mankind.
Why was Jesus born?
- To save man kind
How was the birth of Jesus different from that of other human beings?
- He was conceived by the powers of the holy spirit unlike other human beings

- His birth was foretold by God’s angel unlike other human beings.
How did God fulfill His plan of salvation?
- By sending His only son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.
- Jesus died for our sins on the cross.
Why is Jesus also called
The redeemer
- He saved man king from the power of evil
The prince of peace
- His birth brought peace into the world
King of Jews
- He was sent to save the lost sons of Israel
The Messiah
- He saved mankind
Mention the first and last prophet to proclaim Jesus’ birth
- First – Prophet Isaiah
- Last – Prophet John the Baptist
The Reincarnation
- Reincarnation was the process by which God the son ascended to heaven.
- This is the last stage of God’s plan of salvation
Why did Jesus ascend to heaved after his resurrection?
- To prepare a place for His chosen followers in Heaven
What is resurrection?
- Resurrection is the process of coming back to life after death.
Why is Mary regarded as a blessed woman among all women?
- Mary was the mother of Jesus the Messiah.

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P.7 R.E
THEME : Our ancestors, ourselves and the spirit
SUBTHEME : The holy spirit and the early church

Which promise did Jesus leave with his apostles

- Jesus promised his apostles a helper who was the Holy spirit
Why did Jesus make the above promise to his apostles?
- To guide them
- To encourage them to preach the word of God without fear
How did Jesus fulfill the above promise?
- He sent the Holy spirit to the disciples on Pentecost day
The Pentecost day (Acts 2)
What is the Pentecost day known for in Christianity?
- It is the day the disciples of Jesus received the Holy spirit.

How did the holy spirit descend upon the disciples on the Pentecost day?
- In form of strong wind
Where were the apostles gathered when the holy spirit descended unto them?
- In Jerusalem in the upper room of the temple
What happened immediately to the apostles after receiving the Holy spirit?
- They began to talk in other languages as the spirit enabled them to speak.
Mention the fruit that God give to his people through the holy spirit
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience

- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self control
(Corinthians 128)
Name the gifts that God gives to his people through the holy spirit
- Gift of wisdom
- Gift of knowledge
- Gift of faith
- Gift of power to heal
- Gift of power to speak God’s message
- Gift of power to work miracles
- Gift of power to speak strange tongues
- Gift to explain what is said
What does each of the following symbols of the holy spirit symbolize?
- The presence of God
Flames of fire
- It symbolizes God’s purification
Strong wind
- String wind is a symbol of freedom
State four ways the holy spirit empowered the Apostles
- The holy spirit gave courage to the apostles to preach the word of God without
- The holy spirit enabled them to perform miracles
- The holy spirit enabled them to overcome the trials and temptations
- The holy spirit enabled them to speak in different languages.

Give four ways Christians benefit from the presence of the holy spirit
- The holy spirit guides Christians
- The Holy spirit encouraged Christians
- The Holy spirit enables Christians to preach the word of God
- The Holy Spirit enables Christians to know more about God
- The Holy spirit enables Christians to read and understand the Bible
- The Holy spirit helps us to overcome trials and temptations
- The Holy spirit enables Christians to perform miracles
- The Holy spirit makes us humble
- The Holy spirit gives us knowledge
- The Holy spirit enables us to pray to God

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P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : People inspired by the holy spirit during the early church
St. Stephen
- He was the first Christian martyr according to the Bible
- By the help of the Holy spirit, He was able to
o Preach the word of God without fear
o He was able to face death for God’s sake.
Give two ways St. Stephen was inspired by the Holy spirit
Apostle Saul (Paul)
- He persecuted Christians before converting to Christianity.
- He was touched by the Holy spirit and converted to Christianity

State two ways apostle Paul was empowered by the Holy spirit
- He was able to preach the word of God to the gentiles
- He was able to write epistles
- The Holy spirit enabled him to overcome trials and tribulations
- The holy spirit enables him to endure suffering
- Philip was touched by the Holy spirit and preached the gospel to an Ethiopian
- He baptized him after accepting Jesus as his savior

Peter and John

- The holy spirit enabled them to;
o Boldly preach the word of God
o Perform miracles e.g. they healed a lame man at the beautiful gates of the
o Endure suffering for God’s cake
- He was a roman Ruler
- He persecuted many Christians
- He was touched by the Holy spirit and declared Christianity as a sole state religion
across the roman Empire.
John Newton
- He was a notorious captain of a slave ship
- He persecuted the slaves
- He was later converted to Christianity and became a priest
- By the help of the Holy spirit, he composed the hymn “Amazing Grace”.
Uganda Martyrs
State three ways the holy spirit worked in the lives of the Uganda martyrs
- The holy spirit enables them to face suffering with hope for life after death

- The holy spirit enabled them to overcome trials and tributions
- The Holy spirit enabled them to be faithful to God even in times of suffering.
- The holy spirit enabled them to be faithful to God even in times of suffering.

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Ways we can co-operate with the holy spirit

Through prayers i.e
- For our prayers to be heard by God must be guided and directed by the holy spirit.
Through reading the Bible .i.e.
- The holy spirit enables us to read and understand the scriptures.
Listening to advice i.e.
- The holy spirit guides to choose between good and bad advice.
Through meditation i.e.
- This is a silent way of thinking about God.
Through listening to the inner voice i.e.
- The holy spirit always warns us from listening and making bad decisions.
Major World Religions
- The word Religion simply means belief in spiritual beings
- Some Religions worship God, gods, goddess or goodesses
Examples of Religions
- Christianity
- Islam
- African Traditional Religion
- Judaism

- Hinduism
- Budhism
- Bahai faith e.t.c.
Signs and symbols of Religions
What is a Religious sing?
- A Religious sign is an action used to convey a particular religious message.
- Baptism
- Holy communion
- Ablution
- Circumcision
- Prostration
- Removing shows before entering a worshipping place e.t.c.
Examples of religious symbols
- Wine and bread
- Cross
- Rosary
- Palm leaves
- Crescent and star
- Bible
- Koran
- Socred cow
- Statues
Give the meaning of the following signs and symbols
- Baptism means the initiation of one into God’s family.

Holy communion
- It represents the blood and body of Jesus Christ.
- Ablution means purification
- Prastraton represents respect
Removing shoes before entering a worshipping place
- It represents respect for the worshipping place.
Wine and bread
- The blood and body of Jesus Christ
- It represents salvation

Palm leaves
- Palm leaves represents victory
Cresent and star
- They represent the new month.
- It represents the presence of God
- It presents the presence of Allah
Sacred cow

Give the meaning of the following signs and symbols
- It initiates one into Islam
- It represents sacred prayers `
Cresent and star
- It represents the beginning of the new month.
Sacred cow
- It represents the mother of Hindus
- Spiritual being


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P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Selfishness
- Is the act of caring for only oneself without minding about others.
Examples of selfish behaviours
- Cheating examinations
- Corruption
- Bribery
- Stealing

- Accusing others falsely
- Abusing
- Fighting
Effects of selfishness
- Selfishness leads to loss of friendship
- Selfishness leads to loss of relationship with God
- Hatred
- Suffering death
- Curses
- Shame and humiliation

What is selfishness?
- Selfishness is the act of showing concern to others more than yourself.
Examples of selfless behaviours
- Sharing with others
- Advising others with good advice
- Treating others fairly
- Helping the needy
- Showing trustworthy
- Being passionate
Importance of being selfless
- It promotes harmony – (peaceful living)
- It promotes friendship
- It builds trust in one another
- In enables one to win favour from God

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P.7 R.E
Listens and write
- Theism
- Deism
- Atheism
- Gnostism
- Agnostism
Meaning of;
- Is a belief in existence of God or gods.
- Is a belief in existence of God the creator and Almighty.
- Is a belief that God does not exist.
- Is a belief that human beings cannot understand the true nature of God.
Mention any eight examples of common religious beliefs
- Belief in existence of God or gods
- Belief in life after death
- Belief in existence of God the creator and almighty
- Belief that God does not exist
- Belief that Human beings cannot understand the true nature of God
- Belief in the day of judgment
- Belief in resurrection.
- Belief in angels

What are religious beliefs?
- Religious beliefs are sets of ideas, principles and doctrines that are highly valued
by a particular group of believers.
Comparison between religions
African Traditional Religious (ATR)
- It is an ancient religion in Africa and still having many believers across the
- It existed before Islam and Christianity were introduced in Africa.
- It was a religion of our ancestors i.e. our ancestors knew God before the coming
of missionaries.
Ways in which our Ancestors knew God
- They knew God as a creator
- They knew God as the protector
- They knew God as the provider
- They knew God as a giver of life
What evidence is there to prove that our Ancestors know God?
- They offered sacrifices to God
- They had local names for God
- They searched for God’s hope whenever their human understanding failed
- They believed in life after death.
Why is it wrong to say that missionaries introduced religion in Uganda?
- ATR existed before the coming of missionaries to Uganda.
Give four ways in which Christians’ understanding about God in different from
that of our ancestors
- Our ancestors knew God as harsh while Christians know God as a loving father.
- Our ancestors knew God as fearsome unlike Christians.
- Our ancestors believed the God lives very far from them while Christians believe
that God is everywhere / omnipresent)
- Our ancestors believed that God exists alongside other gods while Christians
believe that God is almighty.

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P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Common beliefs of ATR
- They believe in life after death
- They believe in existence of God the creator they also believe in small gods
- They believe in superstitions
Common practices of ATR
- Offering sacrifices
- Removing shoes before entering shrines
- Caring for burial places
- Naming children after their Ancestors
- Polygamy
- Witch craft
- Burying the dead with tools / materials
- Human sacrifice
- Appeasing the dead
- Charms
Why did our ancestors appease the dead
- To get blessing from their ancestors
- To show respect to their ancestors
- To avoid punishments from their ancestors
Why do African Traditional Believers offer sacrifices to the dead?
- To appease the dead
- To ask for forgiveness from the dead
- To get blessings from the dead
Why did our ancestors name their children after the dead?
- To remember the dead

- To show that the dead are not dead.
Mention any four evil practice done by African Traditional Believers
- Charming
- Witch craft
- Polygamy
- Human sacrifice
Comparison between ATR and Christianity
- Both Christians and African Traditional Believers believe in life after death
- Both Christians and African Traditional Believers in God the creator
- Both Christians and African Traditional Believers believes in life after death
- Both Christians and African Traditional Believers praise and worship their gods
- Christians believe in judgment day unlike African Traditional believers
- Christians believe in the resurrection of the body unlike African Traditional
- Christians believe in one God while African Traditional Believers believe in many
- African Traditional Believers appease the dead unlike Christians.
- African Traditional Believers offer sacrifices to their gods unlike Christians
- African Traditional Believers believe superstitions unlike Christians
- African Traditional believers practice polygamy unlike Christians
- African Traditional Believers practice witch craft unlike Christians

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Difference in beliefs about life after death between
Christians and African Traditional Believers
- Christians believe in the resurrection of the body unlike African Traditional
- Christians believe in the day of judgment unlike African Traditional Believers
- African Traditional Believers believe that after death, the deceased continues with
his/ her occupation unlike Christians.
- Christians believe in going to heaven after death while African Traditional
Believers do not
- African Traditional Believers believe that the dead can come back on earth to
punish, bless or curse the living unlike Christians.
Our ancestors believed that the dead are not dead. Give four reasons as to why?
- The dead could bless curse or punish the living
- The dead could speak to the living
- The living could pray to the dead and get healed.
- The dead used to perform miracles and wonders
Christians believe that there is life after death .give two reasons to support the
- The resurrection of Jesus gives hope to Christians about life after death.
- The scripture in the bible also give Christians hope for eternal life.
Biblical teaching about life after death.
- Death originated from the disobedience of Adam and Eve.
- Death is not the end of life but the beginning of eternal life.
- Jesus’ resurrection is a proof that there is life after death.
- All the dead shall resurrect on the judgment day .both the sinners and the

- The righteous will sit on the right hand side of the throne with Jesus while the
sinners on the left hand side.
- The righteous shall go to heaven while sinners to hell.

Memory verses.
1. Genesis 3:19
2. John 3:6
3. Matthew 25:31
4. 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
Qn : Give two reasons why Christians should not fear death.
- Death is not the end of life
- Death is a way to eternal life.
State anyone reason why many people fear death.
- Many people don’t believe in eternal life.
- Many people don’t have hope for eternal life.
- Many people are sinners.
Mention two ways Christians can overcome the power of death.
- Living repentant life
- By being obedient to God
- Living a holy life.
Why did Jesus resurrect Lazarus?
- To give hope for life after death
Give one reason why Christians should not worry about their fellow Christians
who die.
- They have hope of seeing their fellow Christians again.

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P.7 R.E

1. Make a list of 20 quotations from the old testament bible
b) State who said those words and to whom were they said.
Quotations Who said To whom were the words
Genesis 2:16-17 God Man
“He said to him, you may
eat the fruit of any tree in
the garden, except the tree
that gives knowledge of
what is good and what is
The snake tricked me into Eve God
eating it.
Genesis 3:13
Genesis 3:16 God Woman
I will increase your trouble
in pregnancy and your pain
in giving birth
Genesis 7:1 The lord Noah
Go into the boat with your
whole family ,I have found
that you are holy and only

one in all the world who
does all what is right”
Genesis 12:1 God Abram
“Leave your country, your
relatives and your father
home and go to the land
that am going to show you.
Exodus 3:5 God Moses
“Don’t come any closer.
Take off your sandals,
because you are standing on
holy ground.
Exodus 3:11 Moses God
“Am no body .how can I go
the king and bring the
Israelites out of Egypt.
1 Samuel :1:14 Eli Hannah
“stop making a drunken
show of yourself, stop your
drinking and sober up”
1 kings 3;11 God Solomon
“because you have asked
for the wisdom to rule
justly, instead of a long
time to have riches or death
of your enemies”

1 Samuel 15:11 God Samuel

“Iam sorry that I made Saul

king, he has turned away
from me and disobeyed my

1 Samuel 19:2 Jonathan David

My father is trying to kill
you, please be careful
tomorrow morning ,hide in
some secret place and stay

1 Samuel 18:17 Saul David

“here is my elder daughter
merab,I will give her to you
as your wife on condition
that you serve me as a brave
and loyal soldier and fight
he lord’s battles”
Ruth 1:16 Ruth Naomi
“Don’t ask me to leave you!
Let me go with you.
Wherever you go, I will go,
wherever you live, I will
live, your people will be my
people and your god will be
my God wherever you die, I
will die and this is where I
will be buried. May the
lord’s most punishment

come upon me if I let any
thing but deaths separate
me from you?”
1 chronicles 10:4 King Saul A young man who was
Draw your sword and kill carrying king Saul’s
me, to keep these godless weapons.
philistines from gloating
over me”
“seize the prophet of Baal; Prophet Elijah The people who worshipped
don’t let any of them go the prophets of Baal.
Joshua 1:11 Israelites Joshua
“get some food ready,
because in three days ,you
are going to across the river
Jordan to occupy the land
that the lord your God is
giving you”
“You know that am such a God Moses
poor speaker, why should
the king listen to me”
Exodus 6:26 God Aaron and Moses
“lead the tribes of Israel out
of Egypt”
Genesis 3:12 Adam God
“The woman you put here
with me gave me the fruit
and I ate it.”

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
Give the meaning of the following Islamic words.
a) Islam
Islam is the total submission to the will of Allah.
b) Allah
Allah means one God the almighty
c) Salat
Salat is an Islamic word for prayer i.e. it is a humble way of talking to Allah.

d) Iman
Iman means strong faith
e) Ibadat
Ibadat means Islamic practices
f) Sheikh
Sheikh is a trained teacher of Islam
g) Imam
An imam is a person who leads prayers in a mosque.
h) Bismillah
Bismillah means in the name of Allah, the most merciful and gracious.
i) Hajji/Hijja/Pilgrimage
Hajji a compulsory journey of Muslims to Mecca and medina
J) Hajji
Hajji is a title given to a male Muslim who has ever performed Hijja.
K) Umra
Umra is an optional journey made by Muslims to Mecca and medina.

Introduction to Islam
- It was founded by prophet Muhammad
- It is the second largest religion in the world today.
- Its followers are called Muslims/ Moslems.
- Its holy book is called Quran/Karan.
The origin of Islamic religion
- It started in Middle East in the continent of Asia in countries of.
- Saudi Arabia
- Syria
- Iraq
- Kuwait
- Yemen
- United Arab emirates
- E.t.c
The first Islamic converts
Prophet Muhammad
- He was born in AD570
- His father was Abdullah and Aminah was his mother.
- He was born in the of Mecca
- The name Muhammad means “the praised one”
- However, he lost both parents and was brought up by his uncle Abu Twalib and
his faster mother Halima.
- He got married at the age of 25 years to a rich widow called Khadijah.

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Muhammad’s revelation (Quranic revelation)
- In the month of Ramadan, Prophet Muhammad was praying in a cave on Mt.Hira
and heard a voice of an angel.
- The angel ordered him to read (Iqraa) but Prophet Muhammad could not read
because he was illiterate.
- The angel pressed his ribs and that is how he received the Quran revelation.
Give the meaning of the term Quran
Quran means recitation
Which is the first word of the word of the Quran?
Which angel revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad?
Angel Jibril
Where was Prophet Muhammad when he received the Qran Revelation?
In a cave of Mt.Hira
Name the first and last Surah in the Quran
- First surah surah Alfatiha last surah Surah Nas
Give two reasons why the Muslims recite the Quran on A daily basis.
- To ask for Allah’s blessings
- To present their needs to Allah
State two ways in which Muslims give respect to the Quran
- Getting ablution before touching the Quran
- By not putting anything on top of the Quran
Why is Ramadan considered as a holy month in Islam?
- Ramadhan is a month in which Moslems fast.
- Ramadhan is a month when Prophet Muhammad received the Quran revelation.

In which two ways is the Quran different from the Quran Bible
- A Quran is one book while a bible is made up of many books.
- The Quran is read from right to left while the bible is read from left to right.
- The Quran was originally written in Arabic while the Bible was originally written
in Aramaic.
Why is Mt.Hira regarded as a holy place in islam?
It is where Prophet Muhammad received the Quran from.
Why is Ramadan considered as a holy month in Islam?
- Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan
- Prophet Muhammad received the Quran in the month of Ramadan.
Why is Mt.Hira regarded as a holy place in Islam?
Mt.Hira is where Prophet Muhammad received the Quran revelation.
The caliphs of Prophet Muhammad.
Caliphs were the immediate successors of Prophet Muhammad

- Was the closest friend of prophet Muhammad
- Compiled the Quran after the death of prohet Muhammad.
- Was prophet Muhammad’s cousin
- Was prophet Muhammad’s slave
Reasons why the caliphs are still remembered I the history of Islam
- They spread the word of Allah
- They compiled the holy Quran.

Why the following women are still remembered in the history of Islam.
- She was prophet Muhammad’s first wife
- She was the most beloved wife of prophet Muhammad
- She was Prophet Muhammad’s foster mother.
- She was the first Islamic martyr

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The spread of Islam
- Prophet Muhammad started spreading Islam in A.D610 ( at the age of 40 years )
in his own of Mecca.
- He converted many people to Islam however, many also never believed in him
hence persecuting him.

State any two reasons why many meccans never believed in Prophet Muhammad as
a true messenger of Allah?
- He was a fellow pagan before
- He was illiterate
- He was known as a son of a widow.
Reasons why the meccans turned against Prophet Muhammad and persecuted him
- He was preaching against their religion
- He was calling himself the messenger of Allah

- He was preaching against their evil practices.

Prophet Muhammad’s holy journeys

Prophet Muhammad’s journey to taif.
- It was his first journey when the meccan pagans wanted to kill him
- However the people of taif also turned against him by stoning him
- He again returned to Mecca
- He was prophet Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to medina
- It was performed to free himself from the meccan pagans who wanted to kill him.
- Isra was prophet Muhammad’s holy journey from medina to Jerusalem
- Miraj was prophet Muhammad’s night journey to heaven

a) State two reasons why Muhammad’s is regarded as the greatest prophet in

- He founded Islam
- He converted many people to Islam
- He completed the work of all other prophets.
b) Mention any two miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad.
- He changed sand into bees.
- He was able to read yet he was illiterate
c) Give the meaning of the term hadith.
- Hadith are the traditions of prophet Muhammad.(P.B.U.H)
d) How are the following places related to Prophet Muhammad?
- It is the town where Prophet Muhammad was born.

- It is where Prophet Muhammad was buried.
- It is where Prophet Muhammad first went after escaping from Mecca.
Why is Mecca regarded as a holy city of Islam?
- Mecca is where Prophet Muhammad was born.
The spread of Islam in Uganda
- It is believed that Islam was introduced in Uganda in 1844 by a team of Arab
traders led by a rich Arab know as Ahmed Bin Ibrahim.
- Islam started during the reign of Kabaka Suuna II.

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
- Islam was the first foreign religion to be introduced in Uganda i.e. it was
introduced before Christianity.
- However, Christianity spread faster than Islam.

Reasons why Christianity spread faster than Islam.

- The Arabs who spread Islam were more interested in trade than missionary work.
- Many people feared circumcision.
- Arabic language in which Islam was spread was difficult to learn.
- Arabs who spread Islam were hated by local people due to slave trade and
- The Christian missionaries were more friendly and peaceful than Islamic

Effects of the spread of Islam in Uganda
- It caused divisions among people
- It led to decline of A.T.R
- It led to inter religious wars in Buganda.
State any two causes of inter – religious wars in Buganda
- The desire to win the Kabaka’s favour
- The desire to win many converts.
How did the inter religious wars in Buganda affect the local people.
- It caused division among people
- It caused religious persecutions.
Common beliefs in Islam (pillars of Iman)
- Muslims believe in Allah and prophet Muhammad as his messenger
- They believe in internal life
- They believe in the day of judgment
- They believe in the ministry of prophets and angels
- They believe in the four divine books of Islam.
Examples of Islamic practices (pillars of Ibadat)
- They believe in Allah and prophet Muhammad as his messenger (shahadat)
- They pay five times a day (salat)
- Zakah i.e aims giving in Islam
- Saum i.e fasting during the month of Ramadan
- Hajj i.e performing a holy journey to Mecca and medina
Mention any three signs and symbols of Islam
- Circumcision
- Ablution
- Prostration
- Way of greeting

- Quran
- Mosque
- Crescent
- A star
- Misbaha/prayer beads
Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
There are three types of prayers namely:
- Congregation payer
- Obligatory prayer
- Optional prayer
What are congregational prayers?
- Congregation payers are prayers said by Muslims as a group.
- Juma prayers
- Idi prayers
Advantages of congregation payers
- They promote unity among believers
- They promote harmony among people (believers)
- They enable believers to know one another.
What are obligatory prayers?
- Obligatory prayers are prayers said by every Muslim on a daily basis.
- Subhi
- Zuhur / Zuhr

- Aswir
- Magharib
- Ishae
Give two reasons why Muslims perform the 5 daily prayers.
- To receive Allah’s blessings or rewards
- To please Allah
- To fulfill the second pillar of Islam.
Optional prayers (Sunnah prayers)
- These are prayers said voluntarily by Muslims
- Duwa prayers
- Tarawiih prayers
State any one reason why Muslim perform.
Duwa prayers
- To ask for blessing from Allah
- To ask for protection from Allah
- To Give thanks to Allah
Tarawiih Prayers
- To ask God to purify their fasting

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Zakat and Sahaqah
What is zakat?
Zakat is the alms giving in Islam
Zakat is the amount of money or goods which a Muslim must give to Allah.
Reasons why muslims pay zakat.
- To help the needy
- To ask allah’s blessings
- To purify their wealth
- To purify their fasting/prayers

Types of zakat
- Zakatulmali
- Zakatul el fitri
What is zakatulmali?
Zakatulmali is a form of Zakat paid by Muslims to purify their wealth.
What is zakatul – el- fitri
Zakatul – el- fitri is a form of zakat paid to purify someone’s fasting.
Items in which zakat is given
- Money
- Animals
- Minerals
- Agricultural produce
- Clothers
Recipients of zakat
- The needy
- The poor
- New converts
- Stranded muslims

- Zakat collectors
Examples of zakat collectors
- Imam
- Sheikhs
How do Muslims benefit from alms giving?
- Muslims get blessings
- Muslims get material help from other Muslims
- Their wealth is purified.
State two conditions to fulfill before giving zakat.
- One must not have debts
- Repenting before giving zakat
- One must have Niyyah(intention)
- One must have ablution
Why are Tarawiih prayers said by Muslims?
- To get blessings
- They enable Muslims to present their needs to Allah
What is Sadaqah?
- Sadaqah are scarifies given by Muslims to Allah.
Why do Muslims offer sadaqah?
- To receive Allah’s blessings
- To fulfill Islam teaching

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
Saum is the act of fasting in Islam
Muslims fast for 30 days during the month of Ramadan

Ramadan therefore is the period or month during which Muslims fast
Saum is the fourth pillar of Islamic practice
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.

What is fasting according to Islam?
Fasting is the act of abstaining from food, drinks, sex and other bodily desires from
dawn to dusk
Importance of fasting to a Muslim
- Fasting enables a Muslims to repent his/her sins
- Fasting enables a Muslim to get Allah’s blessings
- Fasting renews one’s relationship with Allah
- Fasting draws Muslims nearer to Allah
- Fasting enables Muslims to present their request to Allah through prayer
Examples of forbidden acts during saum.
- Smoking of cigarettes
- Hypocrisy
- Fornication
- Having sexual intercourse during of fasting
- Eating /drinking in the course of fasting
- Use of bad language

Things that a Muslim should observe during Saum

- Performing the five daily prayers
- Helping the needy
- Sharing with the needy
- Repenting our sins
- Being humble.

Categories of people exempted from fasting
- Very young mothers
- The elderly
- Expectant mothers
- Long distance travelers
- The sick
a) Which prayer do Muslims perform at night during the month of Ramadan
- Tarawiih prayer
b) State two things that nullify someone’s fasting
- Using bad language
- Smoking cigarette
c) Why are vulnerable groups of people exempts from fasting
- Their health can easily be harmed if not fed well
d) What meat do Muslims eat before and after fasting during Ramadan?
- Futali/suhur
e) What meat do Muslims eat before and after fasting during Ramadan
Before - Daku
After – Futali
How do Muslims differ from Christians in terms of beliefs?
- Christians believe that Jesus is a son of God while Muslims don’t.
- Christians believe that Jesus is a son of God while Muslims believe that Jesus is a
- Christians believe in the holy bible while Muslims believe that in the four divine
books of Islam.
- Muslims believe that prophet Muhammad is a messenger of Allah while Christian
- Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah while Christians believe in trinity

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P.7 R.E
Pilgrimage is a holy journey to a holy place
Pilgrimage is a holy place performed by Muslims to Mecca and medina
Pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islamic practices

Types of pilgrimage in Islam

- Hajji is a compulsory journey performed by Muslims to Mecca and medina
- Umra is a voluntary journey performed by Muslims to Mecca and medina
Differences between hajj and umra
- Hajj is a compulsory while umra is voluntary
- Hajji is performed once while umra can be performed many times
- Hajji is performed in the month of Dhul – Hijja while umra can be perfomed
during any month.
Hajji is performed by a Muslim who has never visited Mecca while umra is performed
by a Muslim who ahs ever visited Mecca.
Similarities between hajj and umra
- Both are holy journeys performed to holy places
- Both enable a Muslim to receive Allah’s blessings/rewards.
Reason why Muslims perform hajj
- To receive Allah’s blessings /rewards
- To fulfill the fifth pillar of Islamic practices
- To see the kaaba (the holy house of Allah in Mecca)
- To strengthen their faith in Allah

- To promote brotherhood and equality among Muslims
Places Muslims visit during hajj
- The swafa and muruwa
- Mecca
- Medina
- Mina
- Zam zam springs
Give one reason why pilgrims visit the above places
- To see the kaaba
- To see the tombs of prophet Muhammad where prophet Muhammad was buries
- To see where prophet Ibrahim was put to the test
Swafa and maruwa
- To see the zam zam springs
Zam zam springs
- To see where hajara and ismael got water to quench their thirst.
Rites of hajj
- Getting niyyah (intention)
- Saying a prayer called talbiyah
Dressing of hajji
- One must put on Hiram to symbolize equality ,sacrifice and single minded
- A woman pilgrim has to wear a long white gamet with long sleeves
Forbidden acts during hajj
- Men must not wear jewellery or rings
- No one may use perfume
- Men must not cover their heads but they can use an umbrella
- No one must cut hair or finger nails

- Women must not cover their faces
The kaaba
- It is a holy house of Allah
- It is found in Mecca
- It was first built by prophet Ibrahim.
- It marks the beginning of the walk enciroling the Kaaba.
Rites of Umra
- A Muslim must show Niyyah (intention)
- Taking a bath at the beginning of Umra
- A Muslim must put on Hiram
- Running around the Kaaba seven times
- Running between the hills of Maruwa and Safa
- Shaving off hair from the head.
Conditions to fulfill before hajj
- One must make a will
- One must be debt free
- One must have enough money for the journey
Importance of umra
- It is an act of worship
- It shows devotion
- It shows unity among Muslims
- It signifies equality

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- It is a religion of the Jews
- It was founded by Moses in 1330 BC
- It’s promise is the coming of the messiah
- They believe in thee torah
- They regard Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob as their fore fathers
Basic beliefs in Judaism
- They believe on one god but not the trinity
- They believe in the torah as their holy scriptures
- They believe in Sabbath as a holy day of rest
- They believe in God’s prophets
Differences between Judaism and Christianity
- Christians believe in the holy trinity while Jews believe in one God but not the
- Christians believe in both the old and new testament while Jews believe in only
the old testament
- Christians believe that Jesus is the promised messiah unlike the Jews
- The Jews honor and respect the Sabbath day as a holy day of rest unlike
- Both believe in God as the Almighty and creator
- Both believe in God’s prophets
- Both believe in the Old Testament bible.

Signs and symbols in Judaism

a) symbols
- Jewish prophets
- Temple and synagogue
- David’s star (Shema)

- Circumcision
- Festivals e.g. Passover
- Celebration of the Sabbath
- Jewish food laws
Why do the Jews not recognize Jesus as the promifed messiah?
- Jesus was not born from a royal home
- Jesus was not a warrior to fight battles
Why don’t they believe in the New Testament bible?
- They believe that the New Testament is for the gentiles.
Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
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- It is a religion of the Indians
- It was started by Siddharta Gautama Buddha
- The name Buddha means the unlighted one
- Buddha lived for eight years.
Basic beliefs in Buddhism
- Belief in God called Brahma Sahampati
- Belief in rebirth (reincarnation)
- Belief that the goal of life is eternal life (nirvana)
- Belief in the magic world called Montra
Signs and symbols
- Reciting of the magic saying called Montra
- Initiation ceremonies
- Kneeing down before the image of Buddha
- Removing shoes before entering the shrine.

- The Noble truth (collection of core teaching of Buddhism)
- The round/many sided table called Mandala
- The word Hindu is a pension word to mean an Indian
- It has no founder and neither a prophet therefore: one practices Hinduism simply
because he/she was born a Hindu
- They believe in many gods and a supreme god called Brahma
Basic beliefs of Hinduism
- They believe in many gods.i.e more than one million gods
- They believe in eternal life.(Nirvana)
- They believe in re-incarnation
- They believe in the law of karma (records of deeds)
Signs and symbols
- Using cow urine to purify people who have broken the cast taboo.
- The caste system
- Ablution from the water of river Ganges which symbolizes life without end.
- Celebration of festivals.
- Chief statute in the temple
- The sacred cow
- Their holy book called Bhagavad Gita
State two differences in beliefs between Christianity and Hindu
- Hindus believe in many gods while Christians believe in one God.
The Baha’i faith
- It was founded by two men i.e Bab and Baha’ullah
- The name Baha’ullah means the Glory of God
- The name Bab means the Gate

- The word Bahai comes from its founder Baha’ullah
- It has its head quarters in Haifa,Isreal
- It has no priest or ordained clergy
Basic beliefs of Bahai Faith
- They believe in one God
- They believe in equal treatment of men and women
- They believe that Bahai faith is a true religion of this generation
- They believe that religion, science and technology can move hand in hand
- They believe in truth and unity of all people.
Give two ways in which Baha’i faith is similar to Christianity
- Both believe in one God
- Both believe in truth and unity
Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : In the spirit we serve others
What is service?
Service is the acts of extending help to others more so the needy
Through service, we enrich other people’s needs

Examples of people who need our service.

- The orphans
- The sick
- The poor
- The widows
- The lame
- The elderly
- The hungry

- The refuges
- The strangers
- The travelers
Examples of ways we can serve others
- By providing orphans with school fees (taking care of orphans)
- By taking care of the sick, e.g counseling them, providing medical needs, praying
for them.
- By helping the poor.e.g feeding them giving them clothes,shelter,jobs e.t.c
- By supporting the widow e.g. meeting their needs, giving them comfort
- By helping the lame people e.g. by providing them with basic needs
- By supporting the elders e.g. helping them in doing domestic work
- By feeding the hungry
- By providing food, shelter and clothes to the refuges
- By welcoming strangers and caring for their needs
- By caring for the needs of travelers.
Biblical teaching about service
Jesus as an example of good servant hood
- He accepted to come on earth in form of a human being
- He offered selfless service to people by caring for their needs
- He accepted to die on the cross to save the sinners
- He teaches us that the reward for serving others is eternal life
- He also teachers us that serving others means serving God.
How did Jesus care for the following people needs of people?
Spiritual needs
- He preached the word of God
- He died for our sins
Physical needs
- He healed the sick
- He fed the hungry

- He made the blind to see
- He made the lame to walk
Emotional needs
- He comforted those who had last their beloved ones.
- He rose the dead
State two ways to show how Jesus offered selfless service to others
- He healed the sick
- He fed the hungry

Date Class L. Area No. of children Time
P.7 R.E
SUBTHEME : Relief organizations
Relief organizations are voluntary groups of people that extend services to others
Relief organizations are groups of people that willingly offer free services to others
- Some are religious based while others are not.
Religious organization
Religious organizations are organizations formed to extend free services to members of
their faith
Some are Christians founded while others are Islamic founded.

Roles played by relief organizations

- Some provide health services e.TASO,ICRC,IRA,ADRA
- Some provide educational services e.ADRA,IRA
- Some care for the disadvantaged groups of people e.g opharns,widows,Aids
victims, the lame,blind,deaf,refugees,people hit by disasters.

Christian founded relief organization
ADRA = Adventist Development Relief Agency
YMCA = Young Men’s Christian Association
YWCA = Young Women’s Christian Association
UJCC = Uganda Joint Christian Council
Mother’s union
Compassion international
Scripture union Uganda.

Islamic founded relief organization

UMSC – Uganda Muslim Supreme Council
IRA – Islamic Relief Agency
Foundation for Islamic development
UMEA: Uganda Muslim Education Association
The Uganda Muslim youth assembly
The Uganda Muslim cultural association
Makerere university Muslim student’s association
Uganda Muslim student’s association
State any two roles played by the inter- religious council of Uganda
- It promotes unity and harmony among all religious sects in Uganda
- It sets and regulates morals standards to be followed by all religious group
- It fosters development of religious sects

How have religious organization promoted.

Social development
- They have built orphanages for orphans
- They have promoted unity and harmony among people
- They have provided food and shelter to people.

Economic development
- They provide jobs to people
- They train people with practical skills
Education services
- They have built schools
- They have provided school fees to children
- They have given scholarships to children
Health services
- They have built hospitals
- Some donate blood to people
Moral development
- Some organization have provided guidance and counseling to people
- They have taught people moral values
- They have taught people religious values.
What is selfless service?
- A selfless service is the act of serving others without expecting any form of
State any four examples of selfless services you can offer to people in society
- Helping the blind to cross the road
- Providing food to the hungry
- Caring for the sick
- Serving in position of leaders
Give any two examples of selfless services that the church offers to the community
- Providing guidance and counseling people
- Visiting and praying for the sick
- Building social service centers e.g hospitals
- Providing safe water to people
- By spreading the gospel (evangelism)


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