The Trumpet Call: Our Vision
The Trumpet Call: Our Vision
The Trumpet Call: Our Vision
Our Vision
Pastors Corner
I hope and pray you are finding enjoyment and relaxation this summer, even in
unexpected ways and places! I want you to know that even though church people
vacation in the summer months, including yours truly in a few weeks, the church itself
never takes a vacation. There are still hurting people who reach out to us for help and
hope, and we help in appropriate ways and always offer the hope of Jesus Christ.
Worship happens every week, and many people in our church work together to make it
meaningful and worthy of God's praise. Special events continue with regularity, such as
our weekly block parties which also feature worship, and are planned and attended by
many faithful members and friends of our church. Thanks to all of you for making sure we
are not a "three season" church but are a church which continues to minister to our
community all year long in a variety of ways!
Special thanks go to the Stephen Ministers of our church, headed by Peggy Strack, who presented
incredibly meaningful worship experiences on the morning of July 17. They took up my challenge to
somehow work the movie, Up, into the service and they did so quite successfully in the message and
music. Please prayerfully consider whether or not God may be calling you to Stephen Ministry, either as a
caregiver or a care receiver.
Last Sunday evening, we showed the movie, Secondhand Lions, and this Sunday I'll preach on one of the
major themes of the movie which is abandonment. All of us can think of times we have been let down by
our own family members or by friends, and have struggled with feelings of isolation and rejection. Certainly
Joseph in the Old Testament could relate to those feelings, too, having been rejected by most of his
brothers and sold into slavery. We'll consider both stories, giving extra weight of course to the biblical story
of Joseph, and what we can learn about God's care for us in difficult circumstances when we feel all alone
in the world. This coming Sunday evening (6:30 pm in Oberholtzer Hall), we'll view the movie, The Trip to
Bountiful, a movie most have never heard of. It's a favorite for Karen and me, even though it is a somewhat
slow and plodding film which features dialogue over action and adventure. I believe older teens and adults
(Continued on page 2)
will appreciate the themes of this movie, and I hope to see you both on
Sunday morning for worship and Sunday evening for the sixth and
second-to-last film of our summer film/movie series.
Please remember that our final Block Party takes place on Thursday,
July 28, from 6:00-7:30 pm in front of the church building. Since youth
director Scott Kuhnle and our senior high youth and leaders will be away
on their mission trip next week, we'd love to have as much volunteer help
as possible for cooking, serving, and cleaning up. Also, don't forget our
worship service which takes place immediately afterward for about 20-25
minutes in the Sanctuary. Thanks for all who have participated in these
services and helped to make our guests feel right at home. I'll see you on
Pastor Jim
Stephen Ministry
And if you're trying, he'll help you make the right choices
You're a promise to be anything He wants you to be!
You can go anywhere that he wants you to go,
You can be anything that he wants you to be -You can climb the high mountain, You can cross the wide sea,
You're a great big promise you see!
So my friends, be encouraged and read on.
Pastor Bob
Contact Us
Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m. to Noon. We will be breaking down and bagging
leftover Styrofoam from VBS for disposal. Carpet cleaning and some carpentry
assistance with apartment interior door lock. Please come and help the team
keep our church well maintained.
If you are pursing or "think" God is leading you into Ministry a.k.a. pastoral,
missions, ESUMC has a scholarship fund that might be able to assist you
in your financial situation. It is called the Oberholtzer Scholarship Fund.
For further information on this Scholarship, please contact the church
office for an application and further details.
Keep It Simple
Church Office
(570) 421-3280
Hours: 9 am to 3 pm
Mon thru Fri
Jim Todd
Ext. 1014
Maria Ragonese
Ext. 1010
Congregational Care
Peggy Strack
Ext. 1023
Youth Ministries
Scott Kuhnle
Ext. 1013
Childrens Ministries
Erica Dorsch
Ext. 1017
Sue Mertz
Ext. 1015
Financial Secretary
Cyndie Faunce
Ext. 1025
William Mack
Ext. 1018
SextonJude Porter
Organist/Traditional Music
Pauline Fox
Contemporary Music
Doug Malefyt
Joe Dorsch
Technology Support
Michael Corey
Ext. 1012