Communication Semester QSN Analysis
Communication Semester QSN Analysis
Communication Semester QSN Analysis
Chapter : transmitter
33) A sinusoidal signal, with an amplitude of 3.25 V is applied to a uniform quantizer of the mid-
tread type with output levels of 0, ±1, ±2, ±3 as shown in the following figure. Sketch the
waveform of the resulting quantized signal for one complete cycle of the input. [16]
34)Discuss sampling theorem . Describe the significance of nyquist rate in case of pulse
communication system[16 ,17,21]
35) A signal band limited to 4 kilo Hz is sampled at a rate 25% higher than the nyquist rate . the
quantized samples are binary coded . find the minimum bandwidth of the channel[21]
36) Suppose you have converted an analogue signal into a digital one and the digital data
sequence of the signal is 10100110 . Now implement the line coding technique to convert this
digital data into distal signal and graphically demonstrate the output signal if the following
techniques are adopted to perform the operation [21]
a)polar (NRZ)
c)polar quarternary NRZ
d) Gray coding
37)A television signal has a bandwidth of 4.5 megahertz . the signal is sampled , quantized and
binary coded to obtain a PCM signal. Determine the sampling rate if the signal is to be sampled
at a rate 25% above the nyquist rate.[20]
38) Take sampling theorem write down the significance of nyquist rate in the case of pulse
communication system. .[20]
39) Draw and explain the block diagram of the filter system to obtain signal sideband suppressed
career system. [20]
40) Draw the polar NRZ signaling and Manchester code for the electrical representation of
binary data 01100101. [20]
41) A television signal has a bandwidth of 4.5 megahertz . the signal is sampled , quantized and
binary coded to obtain a PCM signal. i) Determine the sampling rate if the signal is to be
sampled at a rate 20% above the nyquist rate. ii) If the samples are quantized into 1024 levels
determine the number of binary pulse is required to encode each sample. [19]
42)For the signal m(t)=3cos500πt+4sin1000πt determine sampling frequency and the nyquist
sampling rate.[18]
43) A signal bandwidth limited to 3 kHz is sampled at a rate 30% higher than the nyquist rate.
the maximum acceptable error in the sample amplitude is 0.8% of the peak amplitude. the
quantized samples are binary coded. find the minimum bandwidth of the channel.[18]
44) Construct NRZ , RZ and split phase format for the binary data 011010.[18]
45) With the help of circuit diagram explain how balance modulator generates modulated
46)Determine the peak frequency deviation , minimum BW and baud for fsk signal with a mark
frequency of 49 kilo HZ , space frequency of 51 kilo Hz and input bit rate of 2 kbps [18]
47)What is meant by Vestigial sideband transmission . show the frequency spectrum of an NTSC
video transmission to mention the application of VSB[17]
48) Draw the schematic diagram of sample and hold circuit and describe its working
49) Sketch the web form for the binary number 0110100011 using the following methods : polar
signaling, RZ signaling , Manchester Coding and four level grey coding [16]
50)As related to Amplitude Modulation what are over modulation under Modulation and 100%
51) suppose you are assigned to signal of 9 MHx using two baseband signals of 2 kiloHz and 4
kiloHz . the antenna current of an AM broadcast transmitter, modulated to a depth of 40% by the
audio sine wave of 2 kHz is 11 ampere . It increases to 12 ampere as a result of simultaneous
modulation by other audio sine wave of 4 kilo Hz . compute the modulation index due to the
second wave. [22]
52)How we can design a portable AM transmitter which needs to transmit and average power of
10 watts at depth modulation of 0.4 [22]
53) Show mathematically how single sideband is suppressed using phase shift method [22]
54) what Power Will disapped through a 20 ohm resistor for an FM wave if the modulation
voltage is 𝑣 = 14 sin(6 ∗ 10 𝑡 + 8𝑠𝑖𝑛1250𝑡) [22]
55) illustrate the frequency spectrum of an FM wave if 𝐽 = 0.96 , 𝐽 =0.02 and 𝐽 = 0.02 . the
carrier amplitude is 5 volt . frequency of the message and career signals are 500 hertz and 1
megaHz respectively. [22]
56) draw a suitable circuit diagram which contains a varactor diode to generate FM signal and
mathematically show how FM is obtained in this case[22]
57) what is meant by sampling for pulse modulation . briefly describe PWM with necessary
58) explain Vestigial sideband transmission phenomenon with necessary wave shapes. [22]
59)The signal of a PCM system is operated at 4 megahertz .calculate the sampling rate if the
signal is to be sampled at a rate 10% above the nyquist rate. [22]
60) demonstrate a system which will coherently detect an fsk signal and mathematically show
how the message signal is recovered. suppose the digital data stream or message signal is
1001101 . also sketch the input output wave form of the system [22]
61) draw polar NRZ signal for binary data 11010010 [22]
62) Suppose you want to transmit a signal of the form 𝑉 = 10𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜋(100𝑡). using PCM
technique employing uniform quantization with maximum allow able quantization of 0.1%. to
perform this operation determine the following required criteria: a)minimum sampling rate ,
b)number of bites in each PCM word , c) signaling rate and d)minimum channel bandwidth. [21]
63) Suppose you want to transmit an analog signal using PCM technique employing uniform
conversation with maximum available quantization Error of 1.5% . to perform this operation
determine maximum sampling rate , number of bits in each PCM word and minimum channel
bandwidth required [22]
64) Mention some types of modulation . Which type modulation is used in t video transmission?
Sketch the waveform of the video transmitted signal [16]
65) In what way PCM is different from other modulation system ? What makes it a digital signal
5) [21]
6) How the granular noise and slop overload distortion can be improved in ADM [21]
7) Calculate the noise voltage at the input of a TV RF amplifier using a device having 300
ohm equivalent noise resistance parallel with the 250 ohm input resistance . The BW of
the amplifier is 6.5MHz and temperature is 17°C. [20]
8) Show that the SNR of a PCM system is (α+6n)dB where the symbols have their usual
meaning[16,17,18,20,22] (In ’16 qsn , α=1.8)
9) Show the relationship between noise figure and temperature of a receiver.[20]
10) What are the basic elements of a PCM system ? explain functions of regenerative repeater
11) Why uniform quantization is suffered from SNR variation problem in case of PCM? how
can you overcome this problem[20,22]
12) See qsn-5 (Duration was used in stead of term position) [20]
13) Explain different types of noise involved in communication system [19]
14) Calculate the noise voltage at the input of a TV RF amplifier using a device having 200
ohm equivalent noise resistance parallel with the 350 ohm input resistance . The BW of
the amplifier is 6.2MHz and temperature is 18°C. [19]
15) Describe signal to quantization noise ration of PCM system [19]
16) With necessary diagrams explain it technique for achieving non uniform quantization
using a uniform quantizer[19]
17) Show the DPCM system achieves higher SNR compared to PCM system[16,18,19]
19) Name the different sources of random noise and impulse noise external to abc how can
this no this be avoided or at least minimized[18]
20)Explain the reasons for the following noise in a transistor a)Flipkart noise b)transistor
thermal noise and c)partition noise[18]
21) Describe in detail the PCM technique with focus on its sampling rate and signal to
quantization [18]
22) What are the factors affecting information in a channel? how the effects of them can be
23)A receiver connected to antenna whose resistance is 40 ohm and its noise figure is 2.04
dB. calculate the receiver equivalent noise resistance and its equivalent noise temperature[17]
24)A sinusoidal signal is transmitted using PCM the output signal to quantizing rice ratio is
required to be 55.8 dB. find the maximum number of Representation level l required to
achieve this performance[17]
25)What is quantizing error ? show the output wave of a quantizer and indicate the
corresponding quantizing error on it[17]
26) Calculate the noise voltage at the input of a TV RF amplifier using a device having 200
ohm equivalent noise resistance parallel with the 300 ohm input resistance . The BW of the
amplifier is 6MHz and temperature is 18°C. [16]
27) In case of PCM , SNR varies from talker to talker and remains low most of the time
when uniform quantization is employed. analyze a procedure to overcome this problem
associated with PCM.[22]
28) Discuss communication channel selection criteria [21]
29) If the noise power in a channel is 5 mW and the signal power is 20dB , what is SNR?
30) The carbon-granade microphone of telephone acts as AM modulator – explain .
31) Draw the block diagram of DM and ADM system . Explain advantages of DM over
32) Explain how SNR is improved in PCM and DPCM system [16]
33) A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7-bit binary encoder. The bit rate
of the system is equal to 50 megabits per second. (i) What is the maximum message bandwidth
for which the system operates satisfactorily? (ii) Determine the output SNR when a full load
sinusoidal modulating wave of frequency 1 kHz is applied to the input. [16]
34) Quote the Shannon theorem ? Explain the domental importance of this theorem [16]
Chapter : Overview Of
COmmuniCatiOn system
1) A digital signal is described by it’s bit rate , and an analog signal is described by it’s
frequency range – justify the statement with numerical example [21]