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Syl Pgdca 2023

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Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan

Sanskrit University, Jaipur

(Computer Department)

Syllabus for :

Post Graduate Diploma in

Computer Application (One Year)


Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit

University, Madau, Bhankrota, Jaipur- 302026

ligibility :

I the graduate with l0 + 2 * 3 from recognized University.

Non-Rajasthan candidate reservation as per the university rules.

e of examination of PGDCA for the academic session 2023-24 and onward

affiliated colleges

1. The Syllabus will consist of 10 theory paper and 06 practical papers


2. Each theory paper shall carry 100 marks for the University Annual
examination of 3 hburs.duration.

3. The University Examination of the theory paper will consists of 6 questions on

the pattern mention blow :-

a. Candidate has to attempt six question in all.

b. Question number 1 coveringwhole syllabus will consist of l0 short

answer question carrying two marks each taking two questions from
each unit.

c. Question number 2 to 6 will consist of 5 Essay type question. Each

question has 16 marks will be frame by taking one question from each
unit there will be and internal choice within the unit.

4. Each practical paper shall be of 2 hours duration on one day and carry 200

marks for the practical examination. The Practical Examination will involve 4
exercises, each of 20 marks, practical record of 40 marks and viva-voce
examination of 80 marks.

5. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English only but the
candidate can be written its examination in English and llindi both medium.

6. The minirnum marks for passing each theory paper shall be 360/o and 40% in
all the theory papers. In the practical examination and Project Work shall be
7. In the versity examination at the end of the final examination the candidate
eligible the award PGDCA degree shall be classilied on the basis of marks
in complete Examination as follows

division with Hono ur - 75ohor more marks in aggregate provided

candidate has passed all paper and examination in first attempt.

irst division - 60Yo or more marks but fails to satisfi the criterion for
classified distinction as lay in the 7 (a).

division - All other than those included in 7(a) and 7(b) above
marks 48Yo or more but less than 60%o of the aggregate marks.
I the rest will be declared to have passed the examination if the
n a minimum pass marks in each paper as mention in the point 6.
must pass PGDCA course with three of the initial
to the course.

J w


aperl-C mputer'Fundamental

aper 2 - In ion to Operating System

3-O ce Management Tools

4- indow Programming with Visual Basic 6.0

5-D Management System

6- P's Programming With C++

r7 -I ucti.on to Emerging Technolo.gies

8- In Technology and Web Design

per9- Communication and Computer Networks

l0 - igital Marketing

11- ical Examination

12- rject Work


( (
l. TheU Examination of the theory paper will consists of 6 questions on

idate has to attempt six questions in all.

number 1 covering whole syllabus will consist of 10 short

question carrying two marks each taking two questions from

ion number 2 to 6 will consist of 5 Essay type question. Each

has 16 marks will be frame by taking one question from each
there will be and internal choice within the unit.

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Paper-I Computer Fundamental
Max Marks : 100 Time:3 Hours

Unit -I
Introduction to Computer - What is a Computer -Uses of Computer - Characteristics
and Limitations of Computers - Units of Computer System - Block Diagram of
computer -Type of computer - Analog, Digital and Hybrid Computer. Classification
of computer workstation, Mainframe,'Super computer, Client-Server computer,
Notebook, Tablet Palmtop computer. Generation of Computer. Programming
language (Machine, Assembly and High Level Language) and Language Translators
(Assembler, Interpreter and Compiler).

Unit - II
Introduction to hardware, Input /Output and Storage Devices - Input Devices -
Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Light Pen, Touch Screen, OCR, MICR, BCR
- Out
Devices - Monitors, Printers, and Plotters - Computer's Memory - Internal and
Extemal Memory - Various Storage Devices

Unit - [I
Software - Introduction - Types - System Software - Types, Features and Functions
- Application Software -Representation of Data Digital number System (Binary,
Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal numbers) - Binary Arithmetic - Boolean Algebra -
Logical Gates (NOT, OR; AND). Type of Computer Code'(BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC,

Unit - IV
Computer Networks - Terminology - Server - Workstations - Network Hardware -
Hub, Switch, Bridge, Router - Communication - Topologies - Advantages
of Networks - Types of Networks - LAN, MAN, wAN. Intemet - Advantages and
Server -
Web Browser
www -
Types of Connections
- Web

b,( L@:
Unit -V
- Web site - TypeS of Web sites - E-mail - IRC web surfing,
'eb Browser, Search Engine, Downloads
Audio and Video Conferencing, E-
( and Disadvantages). Type of E-commerce. Security issues in
iL_ D Viruses, Anti-Viruses, Firewall etc. Internet threats to the society,
Laws Legal Issues.

1. Sinha P - Computer Fundamentals

2. M. : Computer System Architecture.

John D. arpinell : Computer Syst'em Organization & Architecture.

4. Vikas : Comdex Information Technology Course Kit

5. : Introduction to Computers

4"1! "
Paper - II Introduction to Operating Systems

100 Time:3 Hours


rating Systems - Needs of an operating System, Evolution of operating System

ultiprogramming System, Batch system, Timesharing system, Distributed system,
Time System). Introduction, Features, Functions, structure of operating System.
ing systQm components and services system calls, system programs, virtual

Unit - II
Management, process concept, process scheduling, cooperating process
inter-process communication, CPU scheduling criteria, Scheduling
ithms, Mqltiple processor, scheduling Real Time scheduling and algorithm
uation. Process Synchronization and Deadlocks.

Unit - III
ge Management: Memory Management Logical and Physical address, space,

ing, contiguous Allocation, Paging Segmentation with paging virtual

, Demand Paging and its performance, Page Replacement algorithms.
location of Frames, Threshing Page Size and Other consideration Demand

Unit - IV
troduction - Features - File system - FAT, FAT 32, NTFS - Terminology -
ndow, Mouse Pointer, Desktop, Task Bar - Folder, Short Cuts - Working with
indows - Creating folders, Removing.Folders, Renaming Folders, Creating Short
Parts of fiindow - My Computer - My documents - My Network Places -
ternet Explorer - Recycle Bin - Moving Items to Recycle Bin, Emptying Recycle
.n. Control Panel - Adding and Removing Hardware - Adding and Removing
- A{ministrative Tools - Working with DATE & TIME - Changing
ay Settings - Working with Fonts - Network Connections - Adding Printers -

-P- o>l
v' 4
Settings - Creating User IDs - Removing User IDs -

Unit -V
lnux - IIIUUU ion- Features and Advantages - Structure - File System - Shell -
of shells Basic Shell Commands - mkdir, cd, ls, mv, cp, rm, cat, wild card
ra1ralli,Lgl5 - \.It ing files, file name conventions, File Access Permissions - working
ith vi editor - Working witfr SheI Script


1. Information Technology Course Kit - by Vikas Gupta, Dreamtech

2. Systems - CBH

Galvin .B. Siberschatzl. Operating System Principles

4. Tr A.S. Operating System

5. Willian ling : Operating System, Intemal & Design Principles

6. Harvey Deitel, Opeiating System, Pearson Education

Paper.- III Office Management Tools
Max Marks : 100 Time :3 Hours

Unit -I
Introduction - What is an Office, Functi6ns of Office, Structure of an Organization,
Introduction to Office Automation -Need and importance of Office Automation. Role
of computer in Office automation and management Office Automations Hardware and
Software Requirements - MS - office 2010 - Features - Components of MS -

Unit - II
MS - Word - Introduction, Word Processor basics, Guide lines for typing, Menus in
MS Word, Saving the Document, Opening the Documents, Previewing and Printing
the document, Page Settings, Editing the document, Find, Replace and Goto, Header

and Footer, Foot notes - Inserting Pictures, files - Organization chart - Working with
Clip Arts, Auto shapes - Formatting the document, Bullets and Numbering,
Document alignment - Spelling and Grammatical Check - Thesaurus - Mail Merge,
Macros, Creating tables - Sorting, Converting, Applying Formula.
Unit - III
MS - Power Point Introduction * Features - Creating Presentations - Open the
- Slides - Inserting Slides - Delete slid.es - Normal, Slide Sorter,
presentation, Saving

Slide Show, Grid Guides - Iriserting Pictures, Sounds, Movie - Slide Design, Slide
layout, Adjusting back ground, Using Templates - Slide Show, Action Buttons,
Custom Animation.

Unit - IV
MS - Excel Introduction - Features - Spread Sheet basics - labels, Values and
functions - Saving the Work book, Printing - Set print area - Cell and Cell Address -
Cell Pointer - Mathematical Calculations - Formulas, Formula bar, Automatic
Recalculation - Function - Arithmetic Functions, String Functions, Date and Time
Functions - Financial Functions - - Inserting and deleting
Formatting Spread Sheet
rows, columns - Sorting - Adding a Sheet to the workbook - renaming the sheet -
copying data between sheets - protecting the workbook - deleting sheet from the
work book - Working with Chart,
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Unit -V
- Access - Features - Database - Under stating RDBMS - Objects
RDBMS _ Queries, Reports - Functions of Database Management systems
Creating a - a Table - Fields, Data types, Field Name
- Keys - Query - Creating a euery - Types of eueries - using
- build expressions - running the query - working with Forms - Basic
- Navigating the records - Adding New Record - Deleting a
from Form - working with Reports - understanding the sections of
- Basic Controls - Setting Properties previewing the Report.

:200712010 Microsoft Office System

2. : Microsoft Office 200712010: Plain & Simple

J. Sanjay : Afirst Course in Comput er ZOO3Educaiton

4. R.K. Tr - MS Office

5. M

6. Comdex Technology Course Kit - by Vikas Gupta, Dreamtech

4/ lc- U-
Paper- IV Window Programming With Visual Basic 6.0

ax Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Unit - I

Introduction - IDE - Menu Bar - Toolbars - Project Explorer - Toolbox - Properties

window - Form Designer - Form Layout - Immediate Window - Saving the Project -
Elements of the User Interface - Designing the User Interface - Aligning the Controls
- running the Applications - Event Driven programming - A few common properties -
Common Methods - Common Events - Docking the tool bar

Unit - II

The Language - Declaring the Variables, Types of Variables, Converting the Variable
Types, User - defined Data Types, Special values, Examining the variable Types -
Scope of the Variable - Control Flow Statements - if .. then, if .. then .. else, Select
Case statements - Loop Statements - Do .. Loop, For .. Next, while .. Wend, Nested
Control Structures, Exit Statement - Arrays - Declaring Arrays, specifying the limits,
Multi-dimensional Arrays - Dynamic Arrays - Control Arrays - procedures

Subroutines - functions - calling procedures - Passing Arguments - File Handling

Unit - III

working with Forms - 'Start up form, Loading, Showing and hiding Forms,
Controlling one form from within another form - Designing Menus - Programming
Menu Commands - Form events - Building Dynamic Forms at runtime - SDI and
MDI - Multiple document Interface - MDI applications - Basics, Built-in Capabilities
of MDI, Parent and Child Menus, Accessing child Forms, Loading and Unloading
Child forms, Ending and MDI Application,Implementing Scrolling Forms.

Unit - IV

Database Programming - Introduction to DBMS - Recordset - Relational concepts -

Primary Key, Foreign Key, Indices - Introduction to SQL - Data Control - Data
Control Properties & Methods - Adding Records - Editing Records - Deleting
Records - Updating the tables.- Introduction to ADO control - ADO object Model -
using ADO, Establishing Connection, Executing SQL Statements.- Cursor Types and
Locking Mechanisms, Manipulating the Recordset Objects, Simple Record Editing
and Updating

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Unit - V

B&Web- to web - HTML

Introduction Pages - Server-client Interaction -
of documents - Basic HTML tags - Inserting Graphics - Tables -
-F' & Controls - Building Parameter String - Contacting a Server
ing to Web server - ASP - Creating and ASp, Active and
- Intrinsic objects; Basic'objects - the Response object - the Request

Object - The Session and Application Objects - Start and End

Up and ODBC Data Source - Opening the Database - Building a
the Record Set

. Visual Basic .0, Pragya Publications

. Visual Basic .0, BPB Publications (Hindi Edition)

VB 6.0 Blac Books

Mastering Visual Basic 6.0 - BPB Publications


: 100 Time :3 Hours

Unit -I

Overview of DBMS: Basic concepts: database, database system, architecture,

Schemas, Instances, Components, Database users, Three-tier architecture, Centralized,

Distributed and ClienVserver architecture, Data independence, Database Models :

Entity relationship model, Hierarchical model, Relational model Network model

Object Oriented data model.

Unit - II

Data modeling using ER Model : ER. Model, concepts, ER diagram, mapping,

constraints, Keys Generalization, aggregation, reduction of IIR diagram to tables
extended ER model Relationship of higher degree Enhanced IIR Model : Concepts,
Specialization, Generalization Data abstraction knowledge representation.

Unit - III

Relational Model : Concept, constraints, Language relational database design by ER

& EER mapping, Relational algebra relational calculus, Normalization: First Normal
Form, Functional Dependenciel, Decomposition, BCNF, Third Normal Form, Fourth
Normal form

Unit - IV

SQL: Basic Structure, Features, Set operations, Aggregate functions, Nested Sub

queries, views, Joined Relations, DDL, DML, Domain Constraints, Referential

Integrity, Assertions, Triggers, Security and Authorization.

Unit - V

Transaction Management: Transaction: Concept, State, Concurrent Executions,

Serializability, Recoverability. Concurrency Control:. Lock-Based Protocols,
Timestamp-Based Protocols," Deadlock Handling. Recovery System: Failure
Classification, Storage Structure, Recovery and Atomicity, Log-Based Recovery,
Shadow Paging, Recovery with Concurrent Transactions, Buffer Management, Failure

with Loss of Nonvolatile Storage, Advanced Recovery Techniques, Remote Backup

Book: .

F.Korth, Abraham Silberschatz, Database System concepts, 3rd

and McGraw Hill publishing company Limited.

2. Korth F and silberschataz A, System Concept; McGraw Hill

J. Leon, Leon, SQL Tata McGraw hill Pub Co. Ltd.

4. and Gharke, Database Management System

5. Data C database Management System, Pearon Educaiton Asia

A$ \*'r
Paper - VI OOP's Programming with C++
Marks: 100 Time:3 Hours
Unit- I
object-oriented Pdradigm, Structured versus objeci-oriented Development,
Encapsulation and Data Abstraction, Inheritance, . Delegation-object
composition, Polymorphism, Message Communication, popular oop
Languages, Merits and Demerits of ooPs Methodology, c++ at a Glance,
Introduction, Data Encapsulaticin and Abstraction-Classes, Inheritance-
Derived classes, Polymorphism-operator overloading, Friend Functions,
Polymorphism-virtual Functions, Generic Classes-Class Templates, Exception
Handling, Streams Computation, Introduction of C**,, Character Set, Tokens,
Identifiers, and Keywords, variables, Data Types and Sizes, variable
Definition, Variable Initialization, Characters and Character Strings, Operators
and Expressions,. Qualifiers, Typedef Statement, Promotion and Type
Conversion, Constants, Declaring Symbolic Constants-Literals, Enumerated
Data Types, Macro Functions, Operator Precedence and Associatively,

Unit- II
control Flow Statements , Introduction, If Statement, switch statement, for
Loop, while loop, do-while Loop, break statement, continue statement, goto
statement, wild statements, Arrays and Strings, Introduction, Operations on
Arrays, Modular Programming with Functions, Introduction, Function
Components, Passing Data to Functions, Function Return Data Type, Library
Functions, Parameter Passing, Return by Reference, Default Arguments, Inline
Functions, Function Overloading, Function Templates, Arrays and Functions
C++ 51ask, Scope and Extent of Variables, Storage Classes, Functions with
Variables Number of Arguments, Recursive Functions, Structures and
Unions, Introduction, Structure Declaration, Structure Definition, Accessing
Structure Members, Structure Initialization, Nesting OfStructures, Array Of
Structures, Structures and Functions, Data Type Enhancement, Using typedef,

Structures and Encapsulation, Unions, Differences between Structures and

{u- $.7
Unit- III
Pointers and Runtime Binding, Introduction, pointers and their Binding,
Address operator &, Pointer variables, void pointers, pointer Arithmetic,
Runtime Memory Management, Pointers to pointers, Array of pointers,

Dynamic Multi-dimensional Arrays, Pointer Constants, Pointers and String

Functions, Environment Specific Issues, Pointers to constants objects,
Constant Pointers, Pointer to Structures, Wild Pointers, Classes and objects,
Introduction, class Specification, class Specification, class objects,
Accessing class Members, Defining Member Functions, outside Member
Functions within the class, Data Hiding, Access Boundary of objects
Revisited, Empty classes, Pointers within a class, passing objects as

Arguments, Retuming Objects from Functions, Friends Functions and Friend

Classes, Constant Parameters and.Member Functions, Structures and Classes,

Static Data and Member Functions, class, objects and Memory Resource,
class Design Steps, object Initialization and cleanup, class Revisited,
Constructors, Parameterized Constructors, Destructor, Constructor
overloading, order of Constructions and Destruction, Constructors with
Default Arguments, Nameless objects, Dynamic Initialization through
Constructors, Constructors with Dynamic operations, copy Constructor,
Constructors for Two-dimensional Arrays, Constant Objects and Constructor,
Static Data Members with Constructors and Destructors, Nested Classes

Dynamic Objects, Introduction, Pointers to Objects, Live Objects, Array of

Objects, Array of Pointers to Objects, Pointers to Object Members, Function
this Pointer, Self-referential Classes, Guidelines for Passing Object Parameters

Unit- IV

Operator Overloading, Introduction , Unary Operator Overloading, Operator

Keyword, Operator Return Values, Limitations of Increment/Decrement
Operators, Binary Operator Overloading, Arithmetic Operators, Concatenation
of Strings, Comparison Operators, Arithmetic - Assignment Operators,
Overloading of new lnd delete operators, Data Conversion, Conversion

Between Basic Data Types, Conversion Between Objects and Basic Types,

conversion Between objects of Different Classes, Subscript operator
overloading, overloading with Friend Functions, Assignment operator
overloading, Tracing Memory Leaks, Niceties of operator overloading and
conversions, Inheritance, Introduction, class Revisited, Derived class
Declaration, Forms of' Inheritance, Inheritance and Member Accessibility,
Constructors in Derived Classes, Destructors in Derived Classes, Constructors
Invocation and Data Members Initialization, Overloaded Member Functions,
Abstract Classes , Multilevel Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Hierarchical
inheritance, Multi-path inheritance and virtual Base classes, Hybrid
Inheritance, object Composition-Delegation, when to use Inheritance?,
Benefits of inheritance, Cost of Inheritance

Virtual Functions, Introduction, Need for virtual Irunctions, pointer to
Derived Class Objects, Definition of Virtual Functions, Array of Pointers to
Base class objects, 'Pure virtual Functions, Abstract classes, virtual
Destructors, How is Dynamic Binding Achieved?, Rules for Virtual Functions,

Streams Computation with Console, what are Streams? Predefined Console

Streams, Hierarchy of console Stream classes, Unformatted I/o operations,
Formatted Console rlo operations, Manipulators, customfuser-Defined
Manipulators, Stream Operator with User-defined Classes, Streams
Computation with Files, Introduction, Hierarchy of File Stream Classes,
Opening and Closing of Files, Testing for Errors, File Modes, File Pointers
and their Manipulations, Sequential Access to a File, ASCII and Binary Files,
Saving and Retrieving of Objects, File Input/Output with fstream class,
Random Access to a File, In-Memory Buffers and Data Formatting, Error
Handling During File Manipulations, Filter Utilities.

Suggested Reference Book :

l. A Complete Guide to Programming in C-t'+, g11o Kirch-Prinz

2. Beginning C++ Through Game Programrning, Michael Dawson

3. C++ Primer (5th Edition) , Josde Lajoie and Stanley B. Lippman

4. The l)esign and Evolution of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup

P o\/
Paper - vII Introduction to Emerging Technorogies
Max Marks : 100
Time:3 Hours
Unit - I
lloud Computing: Introduction
of croud comp,ting: Croud computing,
sti cs and componenrsof cl oud c omputing Advantage
nd ^:l.l::,.naracteri
challenges of cloud computing and
rr 1618tr

Approaches of Migration into

cloud. Types
f Clouds, Services models, Cloud
Reference Model.

ficial Interligence Introduction concept
of AI, history. current status, scope,
ts, Type of AI, uses of AI in
daily life, future of AI, environments,
Machine learning and Deep learning.

Unit III
rduction to IoT Architecturar overview, Design principres and
bilities, IoT Apprications, Sensing,
smart City, Elements of IoT Hardware
ponents- computing (Arduino,
Raspberry pi), communication,
ation, rlo interfaces. Industrial
automation, Transportation,
hcare, Home Automation

Unit IV
ion: Overview of Block chain, public
Ledgers, Bitcoin, Smart Contracts,
in a Blockchain, Transactions, Distributed
Consensus, public vs Private
n, Understanding Crypto

y to Block chain' permissioned Moder

of Brock chain, overview of Security
of Block chain

crypto Primitives: cryptographic Hash

Function, properties of a hash function,
'currency and Marker tree. Digital Signature. public
Key cryptography, A basic
currency Bit coin and Block chain:
Unit V
Introduction Data Science concept of Data
Science, Traits of Big
Scraping, data, Web
ysis v/s Reporting, Statistics:
Describing a Single
Correlation, Set of Data,
impson's paradox, Correlation
and Causation, Introduction
Programming Tools to
for Data Science Toolkits
using Python: Matplotlib,
Scikit-learn, LTK Numpy,

. Cloud Principle and paradigms,
Edited By Raj Kumar
Buyya, Jemes
A , Pub.- Wiley-2016.

Kumar Sa "Cloud Computing,' Wiley pub

, 2016.
Dr. Dheeraj Basics Of Artificial Inrelligence
And IVIachine Leaming
BLOCK , Real-Word Applicatin and
Understanding, Wayne
R for Data Shriff/OReiIy
Paper vIII: Internet Technorogies and \r,eb Design
Max Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Unit - I
Introduction to Intemet: History
-The way internet works- connecting to Internet
Uses of Intemet - Internet Service Providers. Internet Access Tools:
Retrieval Tools: FTP, Gopher
- Communication tools: Telnet, Usenet
- Multimedia
Information tools: Home Page
Information search tools: Archie veronica
- -
WAIS. world wide web (www): what is www web page-
- web site _ web
browsers - Uniform Resource Locator (uRL)
Search Engines- DNS - - Electronic
mail: Introduction - Advantages of E-mail - Address - E-mail components _ E-mail

Unit - il
Introduction to web Design: creating and Maintaining web Site; planning,
Navigation and Themes, Site types and architecture element
of a web page publishing
and publicizing site/structuring web site. HTML: Basic
concepts - Structure of
HTML document : HTML elements. Links and Addressing:
Linking Basics, uRL -
HTML and Images: HTML Image Basics.

Unit - III
Frames: overview of Frames, Frame Targeting, Floating
Frames. Form _ Advantages
of Form, Element of form, Imprement of Form Erement in a web page
(creation of

Unit - IV
cascading Style sheets: Understanding Style sheet, cSS Syntax
and Applying style
Sheet to HTML document, Developing Style Sheets: Inline,
Internal and External.
<DIV> tag. Using class and ID, Styling Background,
Styling border, styling .fext,
Styling Fonts, Styling Links, Styling Lists, Styling Tables, Margin

Unit - IV
Java Script : Introduction of scripting Language, Memory concepts, arithmetic
decision making. Java Script control structure, Java script Functions,
events, program

(hf ' 0y
modules in va Script. Function definition duration
of identifiers, scope rures,
Controlling ing Flow, recursion Java Script
Global Functions.

Unit V
ava Script & arrays: introduction,
array declaring and allocating
memory, passing
to rns, multiple subscripted arrays.
The Java Script object Model Java
Langu : object,'Developing Interactive Forms,
Cookies and Java Script
Iing Frames in Java script, client -
Side Java Script custom, Java
pt Object.

uggested Refi

: Complete Reference b: Internet,

Tata McGraw Hill
2. . Powel Web Design; C.R

J. . Powel HTML & XHTML

ttals of Internet and www by Reymond Greenlaw and Ellen H"pp,

Tata Graw Hill.

The Co Reference Web Design by Thomas

A. powell, Tata McGraw
Hill edit

The Reference HTML by Thomas A. powell, Tata McGraw Hill

Second ition (Chapters 3, 4, 5, g,10, I 1 13, 14)

P' L5y
va Script. Function definition duration
of icrentifiers, scope rures,
gramming Flow, recursion Java
Script Global Functions.

Unit V
Script & /s: introduction, array declaring and allocating
memory, passing
to multiple subscripted arays. The
Java Script object Moder Java
e object, Deveroping Interactive Forms,
cookies and Java script
lling Frames in Java Script, crient -
Side Java script custom, Java

M. L. Yo : Complete Reference b: Internet,

Tata McGraw Hill
Thomas . Powel Web Design; C.R

Thomas . Powel HTM-L & XHTML

F rtals of Internet and www by Reymond Greenlaw and Elren
Tata Mc Graw Hill.
The ete Reference web Design by Thomas
A. powell, Tata McGraw
Hill editi

The C lete Reference HTML by Thomas

A. powell, Tata McGraw Hill
Second ition (Chapters 3, 4,5, g,10, I l, 13,

Paper - IX Data Communication and Computer

'l' Time:3 Hours

[-'--'' Unit --I

Data Communications & Network Models: Data communications: components.
Data Representation and Data flow, Networks:
Distributed processing, Network
criteria' Network Moders, categories
r.;;;;; ;;.,-".-,',1;:,-"T:
;;; rrrwrrrvLwLrrr\., IIltgfnel anCI
Protocols and Standards. Network
Models: Layered tasks, the oSI moder,
Layers in
the OSI Model, TCP/IP protocol
Suit, Addressing.

Unit --II
Data and Signals &w urErfar..rr-ansmrssron:
Digital Transmission: Data
uata and signars: Anarog and Digitar
and Signals:
Data' Analog and Digital Signals,
Periodic and Non periodic Signals. Transmission
rrl[Parnnenl Data
infpairment. Data rate limits and
and Performance. Transmission modes. Transmission
Media: Guided media (Twisted Pair cable,
coaxial cable
& Fiber-optic cable) and
Unguided media Radio wave, Infrared,
Microwave communication. Satellite.
Geosynchronous Sateilites communication
and opticar fiber communication.

Unit --III
Multiplexing & Switching Digital rransmission: Digital to Digital conversion:-
Line coding(Unipolar, polar & Bipolar), Block
coding, Anarog to Digital conversion:
PCM & DM. Digitar to analog conversion:
ASK, FSK, psK & eAM. Anarog to
Analog conversion: Amplitude Modulation, Frequency
Modulation & phase
Modulation' Multiplexing: FDM, wDM, Synchronous
TDM and statistical rDM.

Unit -IV
Error Detection and correction: switching: circuit switched
networks, message
switching & packet switching. Datagram networks,
virtual circ;uit networks. Error
Detection and correction: Introduction, Block
coding: Hamming Distance & parity
bit, Iinear block codes, cyclic codes: CRC, VRC
& LRC, and Checksum. Data Link
control: Data Link control: Framing. Introduction of Flow
und Error control.

Link Protocors: simplest protocor, stop
& wait protocor and
for a Noisy channels.

Unit --V

Functions and protocors: Routing,

Routing argorithms. Network
ryer protocol cf Internet- IP protocol,
Internet contror protocols Transport
unctions and Protocols: Transport
services. Berkeley socket interface
ransport la protocol of Internet- uDp and
TCp. overview of Apprication rayer
ew of DNS pr'otocol, overview
of www & HTTP protocol.

ted ce Book :

Behrouz A oruzan,Data Communication and Networking;

McGraw. 3rd Edition ;Tata

Behrouz A TCP/IP Protocol Suite; 2nd Edition

Hill. ;TataMcGraw

Stalling Wil ian; Data and computer

communication; gnd Edition pearson.
Tannenbas ; Computer Network; 4th ediotion, pHL


Paper - X Digital Marketing

Max Marks: 100

Time:3 Hours

Digital Marketing Fundamentals Marketing
v/s Sales, Marketing Mix and 4 ps, what
s Digital
iS Disital Marketing,
Markefino raDr\/r
cRM platform,
-l^+r^-- cRM^nr . models, cRM pratform, Marketi
rr r\vlrrt6lng
Automation' Inbound vs outbound
Marketing, content Marketing, Understanding
Traffic, Understanding Leads, Strategic
Frow for Marketing Activities.

website Planning and Structure objective
of website and Flou,, one page website.
Google Analytics, Tracking code, website
Auditing. Search Ilngine optimization:
Basic concepts, how Search Engine works.
Keywords. Keywords, titles, meta tags,
on page optimization techniques, off page optim ization
techniques. sEo Audit &
Future of SEO.

Email Marketing: content writing, contents
writing Techniques and Tools. Email
Machine The strategy. Email Frequency, Triggers
in Emair usilg 4ps, Sequence of
Email Triggers' Email Software and Tools, Importing
Email Lists, planning Email
campaign. Email Templates and Designs, Sending
HTML Email campaigns, web
Forms Lead Importing, Integrating Landing page
Forms campaign Reports and

Google Adwords: Basics, Google Ad rypes, pricing ppc cost Formula, Ad
Page Runk Billing and Payments, Adwords
User Interface, Keyword planning.
Keywords Control, creating Ad campaigns,
creating Text Ads, crreating Ad Groups,
Bidding Strategy for CpC.

Soclal Media Optimizarion (SMO): Introd uction,
Advanced Facebook Marketing,
w'1d Press Blog Creation, Twitter Marketing, Linkedln. plus /
Marketing. Google

4r)l LOt
' social Media Anaryticar Toors, Scheduring posts,
Sociar media
Reply Message' Social media Ad campaigns
& components, youTube
mel Links' channer Keywords, Branding
watermark. Uproading
ideos, F Contents on Channel

uggested Refr

lan Dodson, Art of Digjtal Marketing ,,,

Wiley ,201g
Seema G "Digital Marketing" Mc_Graw Hill, l,,Edition,
References: Singh Bhatia, "Fundamentals of
Digital Marketing,,. pearson. I,,

4. Vandana Ahu "Digital Marketing", Oxford University press

5. Philip Kotler, Marketing 4.0.-Moving

from Traditional to Digital,,. Wiley,2OlT

il- v d,.
Paper - XI practical Examination
Time : 2 Hours
r Pattel for Practical Examination:
No. of Questi )n marks lbr each Total From
Ouestion Marks
04 25 100 Pape. -
ile Work
iva Voce 50 Marks
50 Marks

Paper - XII'project Work

ine for ring a project report

able to develop a small real time application using

e which is part of their course
curriculum or any new upcoming

uidelines rding Project

L Student work in group minimum number

of students in one group can
be 02 imum number of students in one group
can be 04.
2. Student ill be working under supervision of
one teacher.
J. Student I submitted a project in 2 copy.
4. The should be spiral bound along with
the soft copv of the project.
5. The should be submitted with the foilowing
Guideline in the prescribe

a. size A4
b. left 1.5 write top and bottom I inch
c. Time Romance
d. Heading 16 pt
e. Headings l4 pt
f. b Headings 12 bold.
b' Metter l2 pt.
h. topics should be number accordingly.
i. gap 6 pt maximum
j. Li Spacing 1.5

<f L02
'op Page

<Title of project Work>

Project repor submitted in partial

fulfiilment of the reuirement for
the award of the
D ploma of Post Graduate Diploma
in Computer Application


<Name of Candidatep

<Roll No.> I

<Enrollment Number> i

. Session>
<Session :

" <University logo>


Name of the current Affiliated

Jagadp uru Ramanandacharya
Rajasthan Sanskrit University, Jaipur I

cond Page

Th is is to be cer ified that the project report
entitled .... being submitted
by Mr/Mrs. in I rartial fulfillment for the award of the degree post
of Graduate
Di; rloma in Con Lputer Application
to the Jagadguru Ramanand acharya Rajasthan
Sar rskrit Univers ty, Jaipur
is a record of bonafide work carried out the
lhe "self under my guideline and supervision

Tht result embor lied in this project report have not been subrnitted to any other
uni ,ersity or instii ute for the award of any
Degree or Diploma.

(H( ,D/Director) Guide

Nar le
Des gnation

k- oz
fhird Page

third pag may include the Certificate
given by the Original and
company where
andidate has cne his/her project.

'ourth Page

he fourth pal should contain the declaration

by the student (See the sample

'his is
to certil ied that the work reported
in the present project entitled <titre
of the
I roject work> i ; a record of work done by me in the <Department
Name> <Name of
( ollege/Organi:
'ation>' The report are based on the project
work done entirely uy u,
a td not copied iom the
other source.

S gnature ofcan lidate i

ttrame of studer rt> I


R, rll number

Se ssion

th Page

: Fifth page m .y include the Acknowledgement

S th and Sevenr

:se Page shou contain a table of contents list of table

rist of figure must be

hth Page

Eighth page J contain an abstract of the project

report. 'rhe candidate Mein

hasize here hi contribution in this report.

Nol :: all the pager ; are to be number in

Roman nu-.*I, of lo*ffi
lxcept the top page.

Th following is format for arranging the project report matter

vat rus chapter.


L 5Y
t, a
This must be describe introduction about your
survey/Review of the Literature
Define Problem
Define module and their functionalities

4. System Design and Implementation

ion of the problem should be described

in this chapter ##
must include the following items

ofdatabase project
this UML diagram must include
the following

a diagram
a and collaboration diagram
O Object d
a Use case iagram

ofa project the report must include

the foilowing items
ER di

Conclusi and future enhancements/Recommendations


(if any)



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