Renouvellement Du Contrat 2023

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Republic Deutschland

Notar : Mr. GUENTER STEPHAN. Ministry Justice of

legislation Human rights of Deutsche approval /69782


It is mutually agreed SG. Tarheeb Almosafer Trading, borrowed a

sum of 50,000,000 EUR and Ms. Gruhn Petra in Berlin 33900
(German) Relevance German
Corporate Structure.

The borrower undertakes to pay the credit fully 50,000,000

EUR more interest of 2% of the lender Mrs. Gruhn Petra for a
period of 25 February.
Given the confidence that the Bank and lenders have renounced
their customers, the insurance must be signed and the insurance
covers the loan during and throughout its mandate (credit
coverage in death, lack of payment or Other unforeseen
circumstances) of the borrower must be the full program to
ensure a good relationship between the borrower and the lender.
The first refund must be 211927.17 EUR after the end of three
months after the receipt of the funds of 50,000,000 EUR, because
the Bank grants the borrower for three months before the first
payment. Mr. Alkaabi Khalifa Salem K will once you have
completed the bank's customer and will ensure that the EUR
50,000.000 loan will be transferred to the bank account by SG.
Traheeb Almosafr Trading repayments (capital + interest) are
carried out by The borrower by bank transfer. at the account of
the creditor in fixed altitude 29000 EUR These refunds are
manufactured by the borrower
the fifth day of each month; The borrower agrees to respect these
monthly payments.

SG. Traheeb Almosafr Trading You do not pay anything as a fee for
the 211927.17 EUR. The repayment procedure will be initiated immediately
after the transfer of EUR 50,000,000 will be in the borrower's account. This
payment agreement agreement serves as evidence that the borrower
declares to pay the 300 month credit each month with an amount..

Article I : Remittance method

The account of the borrower SG. Traheeb Almosafr Trading

The loan amount will be credited 24 hours after signing of
contract. The transfer order is determined by the creditor in
consultation with your bank via your account manager, your
Article II : Refund mode

Since the account, Mr. Alkaabi Khalifa Salem K is credited

with the credit of the creditor Ms. Gruhn Petra, the Bank
sends the borrower a statement of account, so that he can
start by reimbursement 2 years after the transfer of
50,000.000 EUR in your bank account.
Article III : Payment method

The sum of 29000 EUR will be transferred for a period of

the creditor's account 300 months. If Mr. Alkaabi Khalifa
Salem K wants to miss a monthly payment, he must inform
the creditor about this decision so he informs his bank.
Article IV : agreement

In accordance with this Treaty between the two parties

(borrower lenders) a contract, from which the borrower benefits
from a loan 50,000,000 EUR during 300 months. the
The borrower has the complete freedom to use the credit
according to his wishes.

Article V : Signature Mr. GUENTER STEPHAN

As a notary, I validate the contract and authorize him

Mrs. Gruhn Petra transferred the loan to the Lord Alkaabi
Khalifa Salem K. As soon as the credit is completed.

Article VI : Fees to be paid 29000 Euro

The lender retains the opportunity to offer a new loan as soon

as the borrower has paid the loan. I declare the borrower the
money is heard as soon as the transfer takes place 24 hours after
signing this repayment agreement.
This Agreement confirms the full agreement and the full understanding of
the parties. He is trapped in a spirit of mutual understanding and trust.
Bank address: Deutsche Bank Filiale

Done for Bordeaux, the 17/11/2023

Lender Notary borrower

Gruhn Petra GUENTER STEPHAN Alkaabi Khalifa Salem K


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