ARTICLE I - Tit-WPS Office

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Section 1. Title. This Ordinance shall be known as “An Ordinance on the Ecological Solid Waste
Management of Barangay SAWANG,MARIA,SIQUIJOR."

ARTICLE II – Coverage

Section 2. Coverage. This Ordinance shall apply to all residential houses; commercial/business
establishments such as restaurants, eateries, groceries store, sari-sari stores, vulcanizing shops;
institutions like private clinic, schools, churches, public and private offices; and agricultural areas
situated within the territorial jurisdictions of Barangay SAWANG,Maria,Siquijor."

ARTICLE III – Legal Basis, Purpose, Goal and Objectives

Section 3. Legal Basis. This Ordinance is enacted to implement the provisions of Republic Act No. 9003
which mandates the proper segregation and collection of household wastes.

SECTION 4. Purpose. This Ordinance is enacted for the following purposes:

4 To guide, control and regulate the generation of solid wastes within the Barangay and promote an
orderly and sanitary system for the same;

4 To enhance the total environment of the locality through the necessary control and mitigation of
negative environmental impacts of solid waste;
4 To promote and protect the health, safety, peace and convenience of the general welfare of the
inhabitants of the Barangay;

4 To minimize the generation of solid waste and maximize possible resource/recovery/recycling and
utilization by:

` a. Maximizing the use of goods and consumption of foods; b. Encouraging the salvaging of possible
“recoverables” from solid wastes for re-use and/or recycling back to production process; and c.
Encouraging the recycling and resource recovery of wastes in own backyards through composting.

SECTION 5. Goal. The primary goal of this Ordinance is to enhance ecological balance of the community
through sustainable and integrated waste management.

SECTION 6. Objectives. The objectives of this Ordinance are the following:

6 To ensure round-the-clock cleanliness through the orderly management of waste; 6 To eradicate

unsightly, uncovered and overflowing waste containers in streets, public places and open spaces; 6 To
maximize and optimize sanitary resource recovery for feeds, materials and others; and 6 To minimize
pollution arising into water sources/supply, and hazardous substances.

ARTICLE IV – Definition of Terms

Section 7. Definition of Terms. As used in this Ordinance, the following term has its meaning as follows:

7 Biodegradable – any material that can be reduced into finer particles (degraded or decomposed) by
microbiological organisms or enzymes (synonymous with compostable). 7 Biodegradable Wastes – fruit
& vegetable peelings, spoiled food & leftovers, vegetable trimmings, fish scales, egg shells,
seafood shells, animal entrails & carcasses, corn cobs & sheaths, rice hulls, peanut shells, wet
newspapers & cardboards, wet papers & cartons, coconut shells & husks, seeds, garden
& grass clippings, pet/poultry/livestock manure, chipped branches and sawdust; 7 Compost –
decayed organic material for use as soil conditioner or fertilizer. 7 Composting – biological degradation
under controlled conditions; the process of making biodegradables such as food waste, garden waste,
animal waste and human waste into compost by mixing them with soil, water, biological
additives/activators (optional) and air.

Section 13. Schedule of Segregated Solid Waste Materials Collection at the Barangay. The schedule of
collection for the accumulated segregated solid waste materials at the barangay will be determined in
coordination with the barangay concern and be properly disseminated by the CENRO.

SECTION 14. Residential Areas. The garbage shall be collected through the present system of collection
within the barangay. Independent collection systems of the composite barangays shall be followed.

SECTION 15. Schools, Churches, and Business Establishments. All garbage in these locations shall also be
collected in the same manner as in Section 10.

SECTION 16. Agricultural Areas. Agricultural areas shall convert organic wastes into compost in their
respective areas.

SECTION 17. Vulcanizing Shop. All vulcanizing shop shall separate their garbage into toxic and non-toxic.

SECTION 18. Time of Dumping. Time of dumping of ecological solid wastes for collection at the collection
point/sites shall be from seven o’clock to eight o’clock in the morning (7-8 am) on the day of collection
of the garbage scheduled to be collected only.

ARTICLE VII – Prohibited Acts

SECTION 19. Prohibited Acts. The following acts are prohibited and its corresponding Fines and
19 Bringing out and dumping of garbage outside of collection day and proper time of dumping for
collection, indiscriminately dumping garbage, littering, throwing, dumping of solid waste matters in
public places, such as roads, sidewalks, canals, drainage systems, curbs and gutters, esteros or parks,
creeks, rivers, and other natural waterways, and establishment, or causing or permitting the same;

19 The open and indiscriminate burning of residual and special wastes;

19 Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated or unsorted waste/non- segregation of wastes

into biodegradable, recyclable, and residual/special; and

19 Unauthorized removal of recyclable materials intended for collection by authorized persons.

ARTICLE VIII – Penal Provisions

SECTION 20. Fines and Penalties. The following fines and penalties shall be imposed to any person who
violates specific provisions of this ordinance. He/she shall be issued with a CITATION TICKET or NOTICE
OF VIOLATION by an enforcer duly assigned/designated by the Punong Barangay.

20 For paragraphs (19) to (19):

First Offense – Warning Second Offense – Php100. Third Offense – Php300. Subsequent – Php500.

20 Households and establishments that do not provide receptacles/containers for their refuse/solid

First Offense – Warning Second Offense – Php100. Third Offense – Php150. Subsequent – Php250.

20 Not keeping the surrounding areas and immediate premises clean by establishments, institutions,
households and other concerned occupants. Streets shall be kept clean by occupants or owners of
properties lining the street from the line of the property to the middle of the street and from one
property to the other.

First Offense – Warning Second Offense – Php150. Third Offense – Php300. Subsequent – Php500.

20 If the offense is committed by a corporation, partnership, or other juridical entity duly organized in
accordance with law, the chief executive officer, president, general manager, managing partner or such
other officer-in-charge shall be liable for the commission of the offense penalized under this Ordinance.
20 Violators shall not be given barangay clearances and certifications until he/she has paid and/or
served his/her fines/penalties. Their names also shall be posted at conspicuous places in the barangay.
20 Violations shall be accounted per household and the head of the family shall be responsible in the
implementation of the Ordinance in their respective household. In effect, any violation committed by
the household shall be carried by all members of the said household except household helps, transient
visitors, and other temporary or visiting individuals.

SECTION 21. Utilization of Collected Fines. Thirty percent (30%) of the collected fines shall accrue to the
General Fund for appropriations for the next fiscal year and the remaining Seventy percent (70%), which
shall be called as Brgy. Ecological Solid Waste Management (ESWM) Fund, shall be used for the
following within the fiscal year of which the fines were collected:

21 Honoraria for the Poblacion Sur Barangay Green Brigade of Eco-aides; 21 Procurement of Materials,
Equipment, Protective Gears and other items necessary for the proper implementation of the Ecological
Solid Waste Management of the Barangay Del Monte; 21 Information, education, communication and
monitoring activities of the Ecological Solid Waste Management of Barangay Poblacion Sur; 21
Acquisition of products, facilities, technologies and processes necessary to enhance proper ecological
solid waste management; 21 Transportation/Hauling of ecological solid wastes; 21 Awards and
incentives; 21 Research programs; 21 Technical assistance; 21 Capability-building activities; and 21
Maintenance and other related activities, programs, etc. for the Materials Recovery Facility of Cluster.

ARTICLE IX – Miscellaneous Provisions

SECTION 22. Citizen Suits. For purposes of enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance, any citizen may file
an appropriate civil or criminal action in the barangay against any person who violates or fails to comply
with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Barangay concerned shall exempt such action from payment
of filing fees.

SECTION 23. Separability Clause. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application of such provision to
any person or circumstances is declared unconstitutional, the remainder of this Ordinance or the
application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected by such

SECTION 24. Repealing Clause. All existing ordinances and resolutions of this barangay found to be
inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

SECTION 25. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall take effect in accordance with the provisions of the Local
Government Code of 1991.

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