Lira University Admissions Policy-2023 Signed
Lira University Admissions Policy-2023 Signed
Lira University Admissions Policy-2023 Signed
Reviewed by
Mr. Daniel Evans Olwoch
Advocate/Ag. Senior Legal Officer
Lira University
P.O. Box 1035, Lira, Uganda
Tel: +256 471 660714
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Lira University Admissions Policy, 2023
The establishment of Lira University followed the recommendations of the National
Council for Higher Education in June 2015. The University was established as the 8th
Public University in Uganda under Statutory Instrument Number 35 of 2015 as a niche
for Health Science Training with its main campus located at Ayere Village, Barapwo
Parish, and Lira Sub-County in Lira District. In discharging its mandates Lira University
aims at ensuring that students receive the best possible quality of Teaching, Research,
Mentorship and opportunities for Community Engagements from highly qualified and
experienced Academic Staff.
This Admissions Policy was developed in 2018 and revised by Management and
Senate in 2023 to act as a guide for all the admission processes to all Academic
Programmes in the different Faculties. We currently admit students through the
following schemes; National Merit, Diploma, Postgraduate, Mature Age and the
Higher Education Access Certificate Schemes. We also have guidelines for Transfer of
Credits included in this policy document.
I strongly urge all stakeholders to read through the Admissions Policy and understand
clearly its content, where possible seek for clarifications from the Faculty Deans and
the Academic Registrar on matters that are not explicitly clear to them.
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DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.0. ABOUT LIRA UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Brief History of Lira University ................................................................................................................ 6
1.2. Vision, Mission, Motto and core values. ................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1. Vision: ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.2. Mission: ................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.3. Motto: ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.4. Core Values ............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.0. INTRODUCTION TO THE POLICY ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Citation ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2. Commencement .......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3. Admission Policy......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4. Aim of the Policy......................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5. Guiding Principles ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.6. Legal Framework ....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.7. Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.0. SCHEMES OF ADMISSION .................................................................................................................... 8
4.0. MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 8
4.1. Minimum Entry Requirements to Degree Programmes under Direct Entry Scheme. .................... 8
4.1.1. Special Entry Requirements .............................................................................................................. 9
4.2. Minimum Entry Requirements to Degree Programmes under Diploma Entry Scheme. ................ 9
4.3. Minimum Entry Requirements to Degree Programmes under Mature Age Entry Scheme ......... 10
4.4. Occasional Studentship Entry Scheme ............................................................................................... 10
4.5. Minimum Entry Requirements to Degree programmes under the Staff Development Entry
Scheme ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.5.1. Eligibility to benefit from the Staff Development Scheme. ........................................................... 10
4.5.2. Administration of the Staff Development Scheme......................................................................... 10
4.6. Degree Holder’s Scheme ...................................................................................................................... 11
5.0. WEIGHTING CRITERIA .................................................................................................................. 11
5.1. Direct Entry Scheme Weighting Criteria ........................................................................................... 11
5.2. Diploma Entry Scheme Weighting Criteria ....................................................................................... 13
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6.0. INTAKE CAPACITIES....................................................................................................................... 13
7.0. ADMISSION PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................ 13
7.1. Government Admission Procedures ................................................................................................... 14
7.1.1. Government Sponsorship through Direct Entry Scheme ............................................................. 14
7.1.2. Government Sponsorship through Diploma/Mature Age Entry Scheme ................................... 14
7.2. Private Admission Procedures ............................................................................................................ 14
7.2.1. National Applicants .......................................................................................................................... 14
7.2.2. International Applicants and/ or other Qualifications .................................................................. 15
7.2.3. Occasional Studentship Entry Scheme ........................................................................................... 15
7.2.4. Transfer of Credits Scheme from other Universities .................................................................... 16
8.0. APPEAL FOR ADMISSION .............................................................................................................. 16
9.0. OBJECTIONS TO ADMISSION OF A PARTICULAR STUDENT .............................................. 17
10.1. Change of Programme and Study Time ......................................................................................... 17
10.2. Change of subject combination ....................................................................................................... 18
11.0. ERRONEOUS ADMISSION........................................................................................................... 18
12.0. REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................. 19
12.1. General Guidelines ........................................................................................................................... 19
12.2. Names at Registration ...................................................................................................................... 19
12.3. Requirements for Registration ........................................................................................................ 20
13.0. Guidelines for Re-admission after Discontinuation from Studies................................................ 20
13.1. Credit Units ....................................................................................................................................... 20
14.0. REVIEW ........................................................................................................................................... 21
15.0. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE ........................................................................................ 21
16.0. APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................................... 21
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Academic Registrar: Officer responsible for the administration and organization of all
Academic matters including admissions, examinations, graduation, research and publications.
Admissions Board: A committee of Senate responsible for the admission of students to Lira
Degree Entry Scheme: Mode of entry into private undergraduate programe for degree holders.
Diploma/Certificate Entry Scheme: Mode of entry into University for Certificate and/or
Diploma holders for the purpose of upgrading their qualifications.
Direct Entry Scheme: Mode of entry into university for candidates who have completed
Uganda Certificate of Education and /or Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education and/or
Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or their equivalents.
Government Sponsorship: Scheme where Uganda Government pays fees for qualifying
Intake capacity: The maximum number of candidates that are acceptable at a particular time in
the University based on the Institutions resource and Infrastructural absorption capacity.
Mature Age Entry Scheme: Mode of into university for candidates who are at least 25 years old
and have passed Mature Age Entry Examination of the University.
Occasional Studentship Entry Scheme: Mode of Entry into University for students from other
recognized Universities who wish to study selected courses of programmes at Lira University for
at least one Semester but not more than one Academic Year.
Private Sponsorship: Scheme where third parties other than Government pay fees for admitted
Programme: A set of prescribed courses offered for the award of a particular
Senate: Organ of the University responsible for the Organization, control and direction of the
Academic matters of the University.
Undergraduate: A student in the University who has not completed a first Degree; including
those studying Certificate and Diploma Programme.
University Council: The supreme organ of the University responsible for the overall
administration of the objects and functions of the University.
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1.2.1. Vision:
“A Beacon Centre of Applied Sciences and Technology
1.2.2. Mission:
To provide access to Quality Higher Education, Research and conduct professional
training for the delivery of appropriate Health Services directed towards sustainable
healthy community and environment.
1.2.3. Motto:
Lira University Motto is “The Beacon”
The following core values will guide the Implementation of this Policy:
a) Management Excellence: The University undertakes to display quality,
leadership and appropriate management style in all its endeavours.
b) Effectiveness and efficiency; The University will apply better and relevant
solutions that meet new community challenges and requirements.
c) Professionalism: Ability to act with professional due care, knowledge, gentility.
2.1. Citation
This policy shall be cited as “ Lira University Admissions Policy, 2023”
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2.2. Commencement
This policy shall commence and be effective on the date of approval.
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i) Lira University shall admit candidates taking into
account the intake capacity (availability of places).
j) Undergraduate and Graduate students who apply to
transfer from other recognized Universities or equivalent Institutions of
Higher Learning to Lira University shall be considered for admission as spelt
out in the Semester/Credit Unit Regulations and in line with the guidelines
for transfer of credits.
2.7. Scope
The Policy shall govern admission to all programmes offered by Lira University.
A candidate shall be deemed eligible for consideration for admission to a first degree programme
at the University if he/she has obtained:
a) A credit or second-class diploma in the relevant field or its equivalent from a
recognized institution. The duration of such a diploma shall be not less than two
academic years.
b) Prior to training at the diploma level, a candidate should have obtained the minimum
Uganda Certificate of Education and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or their
equivalent entry grades set by joint Admissions Board or National Council for Higher
c) Within the framework of the General Diploma Entry Requirements, candidates may
be required to sit pre-entry examinations to gain admission to a programme in a specific
Academic Unit.
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4.3. Minimum Entry Requirements to Degree Programmes under Mature Age Entry
A candidate shall be deemed eligible for consideration for admission under the Mature Age
Entry Scheme if he/she:
a) Is at least 25 years old at the time of sitting the Mature Age Examination.
b) Has passed Mature Age Examination set by the University.
A candidate shall be deemed eligible for consideration for admission under this entry scheme if
a) Is confirmed full time staff in active service or a biological child of a confirmed staff
in active service of Lira University and is listed as one with the human resource office at
the time of data capture.
b) Meets the minimum requirements for admission to the programme applied for.
c) Is admitted to the University on private sponsorship to a programme of study at the
d) Has never been a beneficiary of the same programme or in another programme in
case of biological child and in case of a staff, he or she has not benefited from the same
programme for the same level of education.
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a) An applicant applying for the Staff Development Scheme shall obtain and fill a form
issued by the academic registrar who shall submit the request to the admissions board for
b) A student admitted to the Staff Development Scheme shall be exempted from payment of
tuition fee only but shall pay all functional fees required for the programme.
c) No staff of the University shall have more than one biological child under the Staff
Development Scheme at the same point in time, unless special permission is granted by the
Vice Chancellor.
d) A student who fails to complete a programme of study within the validity period of study
for which he/she is registered shall loose the offer.
e) Dependents who are not biological off springs or child shall not benefit from this scheme.
f) Except for Staff undertaking postgraduate programme at the University, the Staff
Development Scheme shall not apply to a biological child seeking for Post Graduate
Programmes offered at the University.
g) Save for staff seeking a higher qualification, no student shall benefit from the scheme more
than once.
h) A university staff who falsifies information about an applicant so as to benefit from the
scheme shall face disciplinary action in accordance with the Human Resource Manual and
other universities policy.
i) Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to exempt a university staff from complying with
the Human Resource Manual or any other policy relating to study leave.
4.6. Degree Holder’s Scheme
a) Degree holders from recognized institutions may be admitted on private sponsorship to the
relevant programmes of Lira University basing on the Faculty/Institution Degree holders’
requirements approved by Senate.
b) Degree holder applicants shall not be admitted to any Lira University Undergraduate
Programme on Government Sponsorship.
c) The quota for degree holder candidates to undergraduate programmes shall be considered
case by case by the Faculty/Institution.
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5.2. Diploma Entry Scheme Weighting Criteria
a) Holders of relevant certificate awards shall be admitted to the first year of the
appropriate diploma programme.
b) Holders of relevant Ordinary or National Diploma awards at distinction, credit or
second class level from recognized institution or National Examination Boards may be
admitted to the Second year of the appropriate degree programme.
c) Holders of relevant higher diploma awards at distinction, credit or second class level
may be admitted to the third year of the appropriate degree programme.
d) Holders of relevant professional qualifications may be admitted to the appropriate
year of study as indicated in the programme document approved by Lira University and
accredited by National Council for Higher Education.
e) Meeting the minimum entry requirements does not in any way guarantee an applicant
a place at the University or in the desired year of entry. Such applicants may be limited
by intake capacity.
a) In admitting students to various Academic Programmes, the Admissions Board shall
be guided by the Department/Faculty/School Institute’s capacity to handle a given
number of students. Therefore, depending on the available physical and human resources,
the Board shall recommend to Senate the proposed intake capacities on an annual basis.
Senate shall thereafter approve the optimum class size below which a programme may
not be allowed to run.
b) Detailed proposed intake capacities to guide the admissions of candidates for the
subsequent academic years shall be submitted to the Academic Registrar by the Deans of
Faculty/School/Institute. This shall be done by the last working day of every month of
August. These shall include figures for both government and privately sponsored
candidates to be admitted through all the admission schemes.
c) Intake capacities for national merit and affirmative action applicants shall be
submitted to the secretariat of the Public Universities Admission Committee and Joint
Admissions/Mature Age Entry and Gender Mainstreaming Committee.
d) Where a given entry, scheme fails to realize the allotted quota of Admissible
candidates, the vacant places shall be filled through the alternative scheme as agreed
upon by the Board this should, however, be done in such a manner as not to discriminate
against any category of applicants.
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7.1. Government Admission Procedures
7.1.1. Government Sponsorship through Direct Entry Scheme
a) For vacancies on government sponsorship, the A level school Head teachers shall obtain
application forms for their respective school candidates at a prescribed fee from the Public
Universities Admissions Committee Secretariat, located at Makerere University Senate
b) Applicants who sat A’ Level Examinations in previous years should note that their results
are valid for government sponsorship for only three years. Such applicants should apply
through their former A’ Level schools and attach copies of both their O’ Level and A’ Level
c) Lira University Admission/ Mature Age and Gender Mainstreaming Committee shall fully
participate in the Public Universities Admissions Committee selection process.
d) The Admissions Board shall receive the lists of admitted students from the Academic
Registrar for ratification and onward submission to Senate.
7.1.2. Government Sponsorship through Diploma/Mature Age Entry Scheme
a) Applicants shall only apply in response to the appropriate Entry Scheme advertisement.
b) A candidate may apply for a maximum of four programmes on one application form under
the Direct Entry Scheme.
c) Applicants must be realistic about whether they are likely to qualify and whether the
chosen programme matches their interests and aptitude.
d) Candidates should seriously think about the choices of the programmes they wish to apply
before completing the application forms have been submitted.
e) Under the Diploma/Certificate Entry Scheme, a candidate shall apply for only one
programme on one application form.
f) All applicants shall be required to pay the appropriate application fee prescribed by the
University Council, to the designated banks before submitting the application form.
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g) Candidates should take special care to ensure that they provide true, complete, correct and
accurate information as the University shall not be held liable for errors made by the
applicant in the application form.
h) Applicants shall be informed through the University website, Print media and notice boards
on the outcome of their applications
i) Candidates are warned that cases of impersonation, falsification of documents or giving
false/incomplete information whenever discovered either at registration or afterwards, will
lead to automatic cancellation of admission, besides being referred to police for prosecution.
a) Applicants with qualifications from other countries shall have them equated by Uganda
National Examinations Board or National Council for Higher Education prior to application.
b) Applicants whose qualifications are documented in any language other than English shall
have them translated into English by the Makerere University Institute of Languages or any
other recognized Institution prior to application.
c) Applicants with qualifications from other countries shall be required to submit originals of
equated Academic documents to the Academic Registrar on submission of the application
d) Applicants from an institution where the language of instruction is not English should
satisfy the Minimum English proficiency requirements specified by the University.
e) All refugees resident in Uganda shall be required to pay the appropriate application fee at
the rate charged for Ugandan applicants as prescribed by the University Council.
f) Applicants from East African Countries shall be required to pay the appropriate application
fee at the rate charged for Ugandan applicants as prescribed by the University Council.
g) All International applicants shall be required to pay the appropriate application fee as
prescribed by the University Council.
a) Students under this scheme shall apply to the Academic Registrar, Lira University through
the Academic Registrar of the mother University.
b) An occasional student shall apply for selected courses whose duration is at least one
c) Applicants under this scheme shall be required to pay the appropriate application fee as
prescribed by the University Council.
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7.2.4. Transfer of Credits Scheme from other Universities
a) Students who wish to transfer from other Universities to Lira University may write formal
request to the Academic Registrar
b) Undergraduate and Graduate Students who apply to transfer from other recognized
Universities or equivalent Institutions of Higher Learning to Lira University should have the
following requirements:
i.Must satisfy the admission requirement for the academic programme(s) applied for.
ii.Must obtain and submit an official Academic Transcript (s)/Statement of Results
from a recognized University/Institution of Higher Learning in which he/she was
previously enrolled indicating his/her academic status, the courses taken, the credit
units completed and the grades obtained in each course.
iii. The credit being transferred must be of a programme with similar course content as
the one at Lira University.
iv. Must have obtained the equivalent of Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.0.
v. Will be permitted to transfer to Lira University Credits earned but the maximum of
Credits should not exceed 60% of the Minimum Graduation Load of the Academic
programme applied for.
vi. If permitted to transfer she/he should not be allowed to transfer the equivalent of
Credit Units in a course in which she/he obtained a Grade point which was lower than
2.0 for Undergraduate Programmes and 3.0 for Postgraduate programmes.
vii. An application must be accompanied by recommendations from the Institution or
Authority she/he is transferring from.
viii. Must not be under suspension or dismissal from his/her former Institution indiscipline
or examination malpractice
ix. Must have not exhausted the validity period of his registration for the programme at
the previous University or Institution of Higher Learning.
c) The Department housing the programme shall advise the Admission Board on the
suitability of the applicants based on approved criteria.
a) The Academic Registrar shall prepare guidance for candidates about how and when to
b) Only applicants who applied and paid application fees but were not admitted to any
programme shall qualify to appeal.
c) Applicants shall appeal for admission to programmes which they applied for and are
within the approved cut off points for the Academic Year.
d) An applicant shall address his/her appeal to the Academic Registrar, Lira University
and attach photocopies of the following documents: Evidence of application and
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payment of application fees, O’ Level result slip and / or certificate, A’ Level result
slip and / or certificate, A-Level result slip and/ or certificate, Certificate/ Diploma
transcript and/ or certificate; whichever is applicable.
e) Appeals shall be accepted in a period of two weeks after publishing the admission
f) The Admissions Committee shall consider the appeals and the applicants shall be
informed of the outcome, one week after the deadline of receiving he appeals.
a) Persons, who wish to object to the admission of a particular student for a given
programme on the ground that he/ she is not qualified for admission, shall do so in
writing to the Academic Registrar.
b) When a complaint is made, the complainant should give as much information as
possible about the student whose admission is objected to, stating the nature of the
objection and wherever possible produce documentary evidence in support of the
c) Where the objection appears to have credibility, the Academic Registrar’s shall have
preliminary inquiry and table it for determination by the Admission Board.
d) The Admission Board shall follow the same procedure for Examination and
Malpractice Committee with such modification in so far as its applicable and an
aggrieved student may appeal in the manner laid down in the Examination and
10.1. Change of Programme and Study Time
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f) Candidates shall fill the change of programme or study time application form and attach a
copy of admission letter, result slips, certificates and payment receipt for change of
programme/study time,
g) Applications for change of programme or study time shall be received within the first
two weeks of the beginning of the academic year.
h) Applicants shall be informed of the outcome of their application for change of
programme or study time on the University website and notice boards.
i) Once a candidate changes programme, he/she shall not be allowed to revert to the
programme he /she was originally admitted to.
10.2. Change of subject combination
e) If the Board decides to cancel admission and the student does not have requirements
to change to another programme, the student’s fees shall be refunded.
f) A student who qualifies for another programme offered at lira university but is not
willing to take the offer to change to that programme will also have his money refunded
in full.
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12.1. General Guidelines
a) The names by which the student shall be registered are those which appear on his/her
admission letter and which should correspond with those which appear on the students’
O’ Level, A’ Level results slips and /or certificates as well as on the Diploma/Degree
transcripts. All names must be written in full for those whose academic documents have
initials. A sworn affidavit made before a commissioner for Oaths shall be required for
variations in names.
b) Marriage Certificates shall be required for married female students who wish to
include names of their spouses.
c) Notwithstanding the above clause, change of name must comply with The
Registration of Person Act and any other law in force.
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12.3. Requirements for Registration
Every fresh student at the time of registration shall be required to present originals and three
photocopies of the following documents:
a) Admission letter
b) Uganda Certificate of Education (O-level) (or equivalent) result slip and Certificate.
c) Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (A-Level) (or equivalent) result slip and
d) Diploma Transcript and Certificate (for Certificate/ Diploma Scheme Entrants only)
e) Identify card from previous schools/Institutions
f) Valid passport (for international students only)
g) Students Pass (for International Students only)
h) Birth Certificate from the Uganda Registration Service Bureau or National Identity
i) UNHCR Refugee Pass (for Refugee students only)
j) National Council for Higher Education fees slip
k) Bank payment slip and general receipt for tuition and functional fees
l) Passport size photographs .
m)Any other document that the Admission Board may determine from time to time.
13.0. Guidelines for Re-admission after Discontinuation from Studies.
The following are the guidelines to manage cases of re-admission after discontinuation from
studies due to weak Academic Performances;
(i) A student who has been discontinued from studies because of weak academic
performance may be permitted to re-apply to another Programme and compete with
other applicants for re-admission into first year.
(ii) A student who applies and gains re-admission after being discontinued due to weak
academic performance will not be permitted to transfer Credits earned from previous
Academic Programmes.
(iii)A student who was discontinued or dismissed from his/her studies because of indiscipline
or examination malpractice and irregularities will not be considered for re-admission.
13.1. Credit Units
A Credit or Credit Unit is the measure used to reflect the relative weight of a given Course
towards the fulfilment of the appropriate Degree, Diploma, Certificate or other programmes
required. One Credit Unit shall be One Contact Hour per Week per Semester or a series of
Fifteen (15) Contact Hours.
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14.0. REVIEW
The Lira University Admissions Policy shall be applied in conjunction with other existing
National and University regulations and Policies and shall be reviewed from time to time.
15.2. The Academic Registrar shall from time to time provide the appropriate address for
correspondence regarding admission and registration of students.
The Lira University Admissions Policy is approved this ……………day of………….. 2023
Signature: Signature:
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