SBMS 6am 24112022

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Date : 24-11-2022

Spring Boot and Microservices

6AM | Mr. Raghu | (ASHOK IT)

Chapter#1 Spring Core

*) Simple Spring Core First Application.

1. Spring Bean
=> Simple Java class that follows rules given by Container
2. Spring Configuration File(XML)
=> It gives object details (name, data, links with other objects ..etc)
3. Test class
=> Just find, container created or not? Object is created or not?
===Spring Core XML Tags============================================
<bean> - Object creation

<property> -- calling set method

<constructor-arg> -- call parameterized constrcutor

<value> ---- To provide data to Primitive Type.

<list> <set> <map> <props> -- To provide data to collection type

<ref/> --- To link two objects

1. To create object
<bean id="objName" class="FullQualifiedClassName"> </bean>

2. To call set method

<property name="variableName">


3. To provide data to Primitive Variable.

<value> SOME DATA </value>

1. Spring Bean
public class PaymentService {
private int token;
private boolean active;
private String provider;
2. Spring XML Configuration Code
<bean class="" id="psObj">
<property name="token">
<property name="active">
<property name="provider">
*) value as attribute:
<bean class="" id="psObj">
<property name="token" value="115623" />
<property name="active" value="true" />
<property name="provider" value="ICICIB" />

--------Equal Java code -------

<bean class="" id="psObj">
is equals to:
PaymentService psObj = new PaymentService();

<property name="provider">
is equals to:

1. XML is case-sensitive, <bean> and <BEAN> are different.
2. Every tag must have closing tag or self closed.

<property name="provider">

<property name="provider" value="ABC" />

Create Maven Project with below steps:
1. Create Project
> File > new > other > Type Maven > Choose Maven Project > next
> Choose Checkbox [v] Create Simple Project > Next > Enter details

GroupId :
ArtifactId: SpringCoreFirstApp
Version : 1.0

> Finish

2. pom.xml [POM-Project Object Model]

(Paste below code after version tag and before project close tag)


3. Update Maven Project (alt+F5)
> Right click Project > Maven > Update Project > Choose Check box
[v] Force Update > Finish

======================STS/Eclipse Key Shortcuts=====================

ctrl + / ctrl - : To adjust font sizes

ctrl + shift + F : To do Indentation

Alt+F5 : To update Maven Project

ctrl+shift+T : To open any pre-defined java class

ctrl+O : View all members of class

ctrl+L : Goto Line Number


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