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Ch. 7. Population
1. Complete the following sentences:

A. If the birth rate is greater than the death rate then the population
…………. .
(i) decreases
(ii) increases
(iii) remains constant
(iv) becomes surplus
(ii) increases

B. People of …………… age group are included in the productive

(i) 0 to 14
(ii) 14 to 60
(iii) 15 to 60
(iv) 16 to 59
(iv) 16 to 59

C. The spread of modern technology in society is mostly dependent on

…………….. .
(i) sex ratio
(ii) birth rate
(iii) literacy
(iv) migration
(iv) migration

2. Examine the following statements and correct the incorrect ones:

a. The population density of a region can be understood from its area.
Answer : Incorrect.
Correct sentence: The population density of a region can be
understood from its area and the total volume of population living
in it.

b. The quality of population is determined on the basis of literacy.

Answer : Correct.

c. There is an adverse impact on manpower in the regions of out

Answer : Correct.

d. Greater economic prosperity indicates the development of region.

Answer : Incorrect.
Correct sentence: Greater economic prosperity as well as higher
standards of living, higher quality of life, availability of
opportunities, freedom, etc, indicate the development of region.

e. Developing countries have an HDl of 1.

Answer : Incorrect.
Correct sentence: Developing countries have and HDI of 0.50 to

3. Answer in brief.

a. What are the aspects considered in the structure of population?

The following are the aspects considered in the structure of the

1. Sex ratio/structure: Sex ratio/structure is a structure that

considers the sub division of population on the basis of gender.
2. Age structure: Age structure is a structure that considers the sub
division of population as per age groups.
3. Occupational structure: Occupational structure is a structure that
considers sub division of population on the basis of dependency
and workability.
4. Rural – urban structure: Rural – Urban structure is a structure that
considers sub division of population on the basis of area of
5. Literacy structure: Literacy structure is a structure that considers
sub division of population on the basis of capability of reading and

b. Prepare a list of advantageous and disadvantageous factors, affecting

population distribution.
A list of advantageous factors affecting population distribution is as

1. Availability of sufficient sunlight, clean air and water.

2. Region with low altitude
3. Moderate rainfall and temperature
4. Fertile soil
5. Deposits of minerals
6. Industrialisation
7. Urbanisation
8. Availability of transportation facilities
9. Availability of market
10. Political stability
11. International peace
12. Favourable government policies
13. Favourable social customs and traditions.

A list of disadvantageous factors affecting population distribution is as


1. Shortage of sufficient sunlight, clean air and water.

2. Region with high altitude
3. Extremely less or more rainfall and temperature
4. Infertile soil
5. Scarcity of minerals
6. Low industrialisation
7. Lack of urbanisation
8. Non-availability of transportation facilities
9. Non-availability of market
10. Political instability
11. International disputes
12. Unfavourable government policies
13. Evil social customs and traditions.

c. What are the problems in areas of high population densities?

The ratio of the population of a country to its area is population density.
While discussing population distribution, density of population is also
considered. The density is calculated, as per the formula given below.

Density of population = Population of a region/Area of a region.

The problems in areas of high population densities are as follows:

1. Pollution – Pollution is one of the major reasons which people face
due to high population density. Due to an increase in land degradation
by making houses and flats, land pollution will be caused, water will be
contaminated by a huge number of people, resulting in water pollution
and huge number of vehicles will cause air pollution.

2. Overcrowded – The areas with high population density become

overcrowded, which bring chaos and lack of peace in the society.
3. Lack of open space – High population density makes it difficult to get
a free open space.


d. What arc the problems in area of low population densities?

The development of a country depends upon its size of population. A
lower population is somehow manageable and resources can be
distributed equally. But, sometimes the low population leads to lower
demands of goods and services and lower tax revenues for the
government to provide goods and services.

4. Give geographical reasons:

a. Population is an important resource.


1. The economic and cultural development of any country depends

upon the volume and the quality of population.
2. If a country has a high volume and less quality of population, it has
slow economic growth and development.
3. If a country has optimum population with high quality of
population, it has fast economic growth and development. Thus,
population is an important resource.

b. Productive population is an important group.


1. People belonging to age group of 16 to 59 age are considered as

productive. Therefore this population is called productive
2. People below 16 years of age and above 60 years of age are
considered as dependent or non-working population.
3. Productive population/people are involved in services or
businesses. Therefore they play very important role in economic
4. If country has more proportion of productive population and
youth, it develops rapidly. Thus, productive population is an
important group.
c. The study of age structure is important.

1. The study of age structure helps to know the percentage of children,

adolescents, youth, middle aged, and old aged in population.

2. The study of age structure helps to know the proportion of productive

people (Working people between 16 years to 59 years of age) and
unproductive people (Non working people below 16 years of age and
above 60 years of age).

3. The study of age structure helps government in planning various

economic, social, educational, medical, etc. schemes for the overall
development of country.

4. The study of age structure helps to know the speed of economic

growth. Thus, the study of age structure is important.

d. Literacy is directly related to development.


1. The country with high literacy rate, develops rapidly in economic,

social and cultural aspects.
2. The country with low literacy rate, faces many obstacles in its
economic, social and cultural growth and development.
3. Literacy rate is related to quality of life, the opportunities available
and freedom. Thus, literacy is directly related to development.

e. The real progress of a country is understood with the help of the

Human Development Index.
1. Human Development Index is calculated by taking into account the
values of economic, health and education parameters.
2. Thus, Human Development Index is calculated on the basis of Gross
National Product, life expectancy and literacy rate.

3. Human Development Index indicates the standard of living, economic

and social welfare, quality of life, opportunities available and freedom.
Therefore, the real progress of a country is understood with the help of
the Human Development Index.

5. Write notes.

a. Sex ratio:
1. The number of females per thousand males is called sex ratio.

2. The sex ratio is calculated with the help of the following formula :

3. If the number of females per thousand males is less, the sex ratio is
considered to be low. On the other hand, if the number of females per
thousand males is more, the sex ratio is considered to be high.

4. According to Census 2011, the sex ratio was highest (1084) in the state
of Kerala. According to Census 2011, the sex ratio was 929 in the state of

5. Out-migration of males leads to high sex ratio in a region from where

males have out-migrated. Less female birth rate leads to low sex ratio.

b. Age structure:

1. Sub division of population as per age groups is known as age

2. Age structure is helpful in knowing the proportion of children,
adolescents, young, middle aged and old people in population.
3. It is also helpful in knowing proportion of active population
(Population between the ages 16 and 59) and dependent
population (Population below 16 years of age and above 60 years
of age).
4. Age structure is helpful to the government in framing various

c. Literacy:

1. Population above the age of seven can be sub divided on the basis of
capability of reading and writing.

2. People above the age of seven and are unable to read and write are
considered illiterate. On the other hand, people above the age of seven
and are able to read and write are considered literate.

3. High literacy rate is an indicator of social and economic development

of society. On the other hand, high illiteracy rate leads to slow economic,
social and cultural development of society.

4. Literacy rate is related to quality of life, the opportunities available and

freedom. Thus, it is directly related to development.

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