3.1 Introduction of Transport Layer Service

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Transport layer

The transport layer is a central piece of the layered network architecture.

It has the critical role of providing communication service directly to the
application processes running of different host.
TCP and UDP transport layer protocols.
TCP is connection full.
UDP is connectionless.

3.1 Introduction of Transport layer service

A Transport layer Protocols provides for logical communication between application processes running
different host.
Send side: break app message into segment passes to network layer.
Rev side: segment into messages, passes to application layer.

More than one transport layer protocol available to network application. For example the internet has two
protocols TCP and UDP

3.1.1 Relationships b/w transport and network layer

Network layer:
Logical communication between hosts. If the network layer protocol cannot provide delay or
bandwidth guarantees for transport layer segment sent between host, network layer cannot
guarantee the confidentiality of transport layer segment.
Transport layer
Logical communication between processes. Than transport layer protocol cannot provide delay
or bandwidth guarantees for application message sent between processes. The transport protocol
can offer reliable data transfer service to application.
3.1.2 Transport layer in the internet.
a. TCP
(Reliable delivery in order, error control, flow control, congestion control,
Connection oriented)
b. UDP( Unreliable, Unorder delivery,)
c. Services not available
.delay guarantees.
.bandwidth guarantees.
3.2.Multiplexing and Demultiplexing.
We discuss transport layer multiplexing and demultiplexing, that is extending the host-to-host
delivery service provide by the network layer ta a process- to-process delivery service
application running on the host. Multiplexing and demultiplexing service needed for all
computer networks.

The job of gathering data chunk with header information to create segment, and passing the segments to
the network layer called multiplexing

This job of delivering the data in a transport layer segment to the socket is called demultiplexing.

How demultiplexing work

 Host receives ip datagrams
.each datagram has source IP address,
.each datagram carries one transport layer segment.
.each segment has source, destination port number
 Host uses IP addresses & port number to direct segment to appropriate

32 Bit
Source port# Dest port#

Other header fields

Application data (payload)

TCP/UDP segment format

Connectionless multiplexing and demultiplexing

When UDP socket is created in this manner, the transport layer automatically assigns a port
number to the socket. The transport layer assign a port number in the range 1024 to65535 that is
currently not being used by any other UDP port in the host.
It is important to note that a UDP socket is fully identified by a two-tuple consisting of
destination IP address and destination port number.
If two UDP segment have different source IP address and or source port number, but have the
same destination IP address and destination port number.
Connection- oriented multiplexing and demultiplexing

TCP connection establishment.

TCP socket 4 tuple.

 Source IP address
 Source port number
 dest IP address
 dest port number
Server host may support many simultaneous TCP sockets.
.each socket identified by 4-tuple
Web server have different sockets for each connecting client
.non-persistant HTTP will have different socket for each request.

3.3 connectionless transport: UDP


No handshaking between UDP sender, receiver

Each UDP segment handled independently of other.

 Streaming multimedia apps
Reliable transfer over UDP:
 Add reliability at application layer
 Application-specific error recovery

3.3.1 UDP Segment structure.

32 bit
Source port# Dest port #

length Checksum
Application data (payload)
3.3.2 UDP Checksum
The UDP checksum provide for error detection. The checksum is used to determine whether bit
within the UDP segment have been altered it moved from source to distination.

Internet checksum: example

Example; add two 16-bit integers

3.4 Principles of reliable data transfer

We consider the problem of reliable data transfer in general context. This is appropriate since the
problem of implementing reliable data transfer occurs not only at the transport layer, but also at
the link layer and the application layer as well. The general problem is thus of central importance
to networking. If one had to identify a ‘’top-ten,, list of fundamentally important problems. In the
The provided to upper-layer entities is that of a reliable channel through which data can be
transferred with reliable channel, no transferred data bits are corrupted or lost, and all delivered
in the order.
It is the responsibility of a reliable data transfer protocol

For example TCP is reliable data transfer protocol implemented on the top of an unreliable (IP) end to
end network layer.

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