Romeo and Juliet Summrary

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Classical Comics Teaching Resource: Romeo & Juliet Understanding the Play


Scene 1 It is Sunday, and the streets of Verona are
busy. Two Capulet servants, Sampson and
Gregory, are teasing each other quite rudely
and as early as the seventh line mention how
much they hate a rival family, the Montagues.
Abraham and Balthasar of the Montagues
enter, and a fight breaks out. Benvolio tries
to stop it, but Tybalt refuses to help, and the
fight turns into a riot that is eventually broken
up by the town guards. The Prince threatens
death to anyone who disturbs the peace again. Romeo enters after the scene and tells his
friend Benvolio that he wants nothing to do with violence. He also admits to being lovesick
because the woman he loves (Rosaline) doesn’t want to know him.

Scene 2 Paris visits Lord Capulet, asking to marry his daughter, Juliet. We learn she is not quite 14
years old, and Capulet tells Paris to wait two more years. Nevertheless, Capulet invites Paris
to a masked ball, or party, at their house. Benvolio and Romeo find out about the party, and
Benvolio encourages Romeo to go so that he can forget about Rosaline.

Scene 3 Lady Capulet tells Juliet that Paris wants to marry her. Juliet’s Nurse is very excited, but
Juliet hasn’t thought about marriage yet.

Scene 4 It’s now Sunday evening, and several partygoers, among them Romeo, Benvolio and
Mercutio, are outside Capulet’s house. Mercutio’s light-hearted and clever banter contrasts
with Romeo’s dark mood, though it’s obvious Mercutio has his own dark side too.

Scene 5 Preparations are being made for Capulet’s party, and the guests arrive, followed by lots of
dancing and music. Romeo sees Juliet for the first time, from a distance, and is overwhelmed
by her beauty. Despite his mask, Romeo (Montague) is spotted by Tybalt (Capulet), who
wants to kill Romeo for sneaking in uninvited – but Capulet forcefully stops him. Tybalt is
angered by this and vows revenge against Romeo. Romeo approaches Juliet. They talk and
then kiss. Nurse interrupts and tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet, much to his dismay.
Later, Juliet finds out that Romeo is a Montague, and she reacts in much the same way.

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Classical Comics Teaching Resource: Romeo & Juliet Understanding the Play


Scene 1 Romeo manages to hide from his friends outside Capulet’s orchard and refuses to join them,
despite Mercutio’s teasing.

Scene 2 This is perhaps the most famous scene in the history of English drama, known as “The Balcony
Scene”. Romeo is in the orchard and sees Juliet high on her balcony. Not knowing Romeo is
there, Juliet speaks about him lovingly but laments the fact that he’s a Montague. Romeo lets
her know that he is there. Juliet is shocked, but the two of them engage in loving conversation.
Again interrupted by the Nurse, they hastily arrange to marry.

Scene 3 It is now early on Monday morning, and Romeo goes to see his friend, Friar Laurence. When
Laurence last saw Romeo he was lovesick about Rosaline, and Laurence is pleased to see
the change in him – until he realizes that Romeo wants to marry some new girl. Friar
Laurence agrees to marry Romeo to Juliet in the hope that the union will bring peace to the
warring families.

Scene 4 This is a very happy scene and the only one in the play in which we see Romeo enjoying time
with his friends. Mercutio teases Benvolio and Romeo. The Nurse arrives, and Mercutio
teases her mercilessly, provoking her anger. Romeo tells the Nurse to inform Juliet that she
should go to Friar Laurence’s cell that afternoon to be married.

Scene 5 Juliet anxiously awaits the Nurse’s return. When she does come back, she takes a long time
to reveal the message, much to the annoyance of Juliet.

Scene 6 Romeo waits for Juliet with Friar Laurence. She arrives, and the couple kiss. Romeo and Juliet
are married – though, interestingly, the ceremony is not performed on stage.

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Classical Comics Teaching Resource: Romeo & Juliet Understanding the Play



Scene 1 This is the play’s pivotal scene. The audience (and Romeo, of course!) will be on an
emotional high after the wedding, but it all comes crashing down in this scene. It is only one
hour after the marriage. Benvolio and Mercutio talk in Verona’s streets. Benvolio is trying to
persuade Mercutio to go indoors as it is very hot and he fears a brawl if they come across
the Capulets. Typically, Mercutio rejects this idea and teases Benvolio. Tybalt enters; he and
Mercutio have a heated discussion. Romeo enters. Tybalt hands out insults to Romeo, who
does not take the bait. Instead, Mercutio fights Tybalt, and is killed; Tybalt strikes the fatal
blow as Romeo moves between them. Grief-stricken, feeling guilty and seeking revenge,
Romeo kills Tybalt. He runs away, and the Prince, in Romeo’s absence, banishes him from

Scene 2 Juliet has no idea what has gone on and sits at home looking forward to her wedding night
with Romeo. The Nurse enters, crying, shouting Romeo’s name and that someone has died.
Juliet assumes it is Romeo but soon discovers it is Tybalt – and that Romeo killed him. At first
she criticizes Romeo; then, she defends him to the Nurse. The Nurse agrees to find Romeo,
telling him to come and bid farewell to Juliet.

Scene 3 We return to Friar Laurence’s cell, where Romeo is understandably distraught by events.
Laurence tries to make him see sense, but Romeo won’t hear it. The Nurse enters and tells
Romeo that Juliet is constantly crying. Romeo takes a knife and offers to stab himself to
remove his name. Friar Laurence stops him, and becomes angry. Laurence tells Romeo to
visit Juliet as previously arranged but warns him to make sure he leaves Verona before dawn
and go to nearby Mantua.

Scene 4 It is late on Monday evening, and Paris has visited Capulet to repeat his request to marry
Juliet. Capulet changes his mind, as he thinks it will cheer her up following the death of her
cousin, and sets Thursday as the wedding day.

Scene 5 It is now very early on Tuesday morning, in Juliet’s bedroom. Romeo and Juliet have spent
the night together, and neither wants to part, although they realize Romeo must go or risk
death if he is captured. Romeo leaves. Lady Capulet enters and tells Juliet that she will be
married to Paris on Thursday. Juliet refuses. Lord Capulet becomes very angry and
threatens her. Juliet turns to the Nurse, but her advice is to marry Paris. Juliet, realizing she
has nowhere else to turn, plans to visit Friar Laurence for help.

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Classical Comics Teaching Resource: Romeo & Juliet Understanding the Play


Scene 1 Paris is with Friar Laurence, trying to arrange his marriage to Juliet, when she enters. Paris
leaves, and Juliet threatens to kill herself if Laurence cannot help her. He comes up with a
plan: she should go home and tell her father that she is sorry and will marry Paris. Laurence
provides Juliet with a potion that will make her unconscious, mimicking the signs of death for
42 hours. She will then be taken to the Capulet tomb and laid to rest. In the meantime, the
Friar will send a message to Romeo, telling him to return secretly from Mantua and take Juliet
away once she wakes up.

Scene 2 It is now Tuesday afternoon and the Capulet household is preparing for the wedding. Juliet
enters and apologizes to her father. Capulet decides to move the wedding forward by a day
to Wednesday (the very next day).

Scene 3 Juliet is in her bedroom with the Nurse and her mother but manages to get them to leave, as
this is necessary for her plan to work. Juliet is very worried about the potential
consequences of drinking the potion; but, finally, she does it.

Scene 4 Wednesday morning in the Capulet house, and wedding preparations are in full swing.

Scene 5 The Nurse goes to Juliet’s bedroom to wake her up but realizes she is “dead.” The scene is
one of great emotion (and also dramatic irony, seeing as the audience knows that she is still
alive) as the Nurse, Lord and Lady Capulet and Paris all grieve over the shocking event. Friar
Laurence enters and tries to reassure everyone that she will be peaceful and happy now.
Capulet says all the preparations for a wedding will now change to a funeral.

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Classical Comics Teaching Resource: Romeo & Juliet Understanding the Play


Scene 1 The setting switches to Romeo in exile in Mantua. His servant Balthasar has gone on
horseback to see him and inform him that Juliet has died, her body placed in Capulet’s family
tomb. Romeo asks Balthasar if he is carrying any message from the Friar, but he has none.
Romeo plans to return to Verona and see Juliet. He plans to kill himself and lay with her in
the vault. He stops off on the way and buys some very strong poison with which to kill

Scene 2 We discover that Friar Laurence had previously sent Friar John to deliver a letter to Romeo in
Mantua. However, Friar John returns, explaining he was unable to do so. He wasn’t even
allowed to leave Verona by the city’s health officers, as he was suspected of carrying an
illness. Immediately realizing the potentially disastrous consequences of this, Laurence asks
Friar John to get him a crow bar. Juliet will awake shortly, and the Friar intends to break into
the tomb to be with her. He plans to keep her at his cell until he can inform Romeo about
what has happened.

Scene 3 Paris has gone to Juliet’s tomb to pay his respects. Romeo also approaches the tomb. Not
knowing anything about the relationship between Romeo and Juliet, Paris assumes that
Romeo has come to do something vile against the Capulets, seeing as he is a Montague.
Paris challenges Romeo, who tries to warn him not to do so. Paris rejects this advice, the pair
fight, and Paris is killed. Romeo, not realizing that Juliet will shortly awake, is surprised at
how her cheeks and lips have kept their color. Overwhelmed by grief, he drinks the poison,
gives Juliet a final kiss and dies. Friar Laurence enters the tomb, and Juliet wakes. Some
noise from outside signifies that they are about to be disturbed, most likely by the Watch.
Fearing capture, Laurence runs away. Juliet stays. Realizing Romeo has killed himself with
poison, she tries to do the same, but there isn’t any left. She kisses Romeo, then stabs
herself with his dagger. The Watch and the Prince enter, as do Lord and Lady Capulet and
Lord Montague. We find out that Lady Montague died earlier that night, heartbroken at
Romeo’s exile. Friar Laurence and Balthasar are captured by the Watch. Laurence later tells
the whole story to the Prince, who believes him, especially as he is supported by a letter in
Romeo’s own hand, given to the Prince by Balthasar. A saddened and enraged Prince
condemns the hatred between the two families. Capulet and Montague shake hands; the pair
say that they will build golden statutes of Romeo and Juliet to remind the people of Verona
the power of true love and the need to live peacefully.


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