Norma Final Output
Norma Final Output
Norma Final Output
Longganiza or longganisa are chorizos that originated from Spain and a type
of sausage that is flavored depending on the local spices used in the region. It is
considered as a popular cuisine for Mexicans and Latin Americans as well as for
Filipinos that had adopted some of their culture (Henares, 2009). Though longganisa
did not originate in the Philippines, Filipinos had developed quite an interest to the
dish and developed a variety of flavors for it depending on what town it will came
marinated in garlic and basil, Longganisang Lucban, from Lucban, Quezon, is made
with oregano; while the longganisa in Pampanga are sweet and intensely garlic-
flavored. Traditionally, longganisa is made from ground pork and diced pork fat but
version of chicken and beef and sometimes seafood like tuna and milkfish can be
( Lourdes, 2016 ) this product is processed foods that have higher levels of salt and
fats and preservatives like nitrates that can cause obesity for children of young age.
This research study intended to help the customers to have less unhealthy
which contains sodium, added sugars and/or fat may be added during processing.
When food is processed, nutrients may be lost including fiber. Some products may
greater option for the customers rather than choosing heavily processed food ,
as it uses meat like pork meat, and chicken meat and it uses many preservatives like
monosodium glutamate for elevation of the taste and salitre that uses to preserve the
meat and prolong the shelf life of longganisa meat. Salitre in Filipino or Potassium
salt is responsible for giving the processed meat product it characteristic flavor and
( Horwood C. 2006 ).
In high concentrations it may yield these possible side effects. They are the
meats when exposed to high temperatures. However, antioxidants like vitamin C and
E may inhibit nitrosamine formation. Studies have linked it to various types of cancer.
that uses Puso ng Saging ( Musa Sapientum ) that can possibly substitute meat and
has the same taste like eating a meat to avoid the negative effects that meat can
natural preservatives like vinegar or soy sauce and salt that can prolonged shelf life
Puso ng Saging longganisa is the output and the final product of this study that
can be essential for the customer wellness and to uplift the awareness to the
negative effects of patronizing processed food that contribute negative effects to the
The main objectives of this study were to assess the Development of the Puso
2.1. Color/Appearance
2.2. Flavor/Taste
2.3. Aroma
2.4. Juiciness
Theoretical Framework
This study focused on the Food Acceptability Theory by Williams and the
influenced by many factors requiring both perceptual and physical and chemical
for acquiring develop and perceptual information. Also, the various procedures and
source of dietary fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E, total saponins, and
flavonoids. These data suggested that polyphenol rich dietary fibers in the banana
Development of
puso ng saging
Evaluate the OUTPUT
Development of
sensory qualities
puso ng saging
of puso ng saging
longganisa Development
Sensory product of Puso ng
testing. Saging as a
Data gathering Longganisa
Texture analysis.
Analyses of
production cost
Students. This innovation of a product will be an eye opener for the students
on about having awareness of having a healthy diet and will be a good body
Teachers. It will help them to know and avoid negative effects o free the
preservatives and meat to the typical longganisa that can be found in the market that
Consumer. This will help and give them an idea of the new product of a
unique version of longganisa dish but with affordable ingredients that is also good for
the health.
Researcher. For them to gain more knowledge about research that related to
the topic.
This study focuses on the current population of the present school year, 2022-
2023, its coverage is on the 15% or 80 students of the 3rd year BSIT. Its main
purpose is to identify if the puso ng saging can replace the meat in longganisa
products. The study considers the feedback of every respondent of the study
regarding the substitution and its satisfactory to them. Each of the respondents will
Definition of Terms
To make the presentation of the research findings and other pertinent information
operationally defined.
target population and the extent to which the new intervention or its components
might meet the needs of the target population and organizational setting.
heart is the heart shaped inflorescence of the blossom of the banana tree coming
into fruit.
This part of the study outlines the state of literature on the development of
puso Ng saging longganisa. Specially, the first part of the review illustrates how the
Banana plant where the puso ng saging can get, illustrates it’s benefits to the
consumer. The current paper then presents the current state and gap in the literature
Banana plant (Musa acuminate) is familiar to all people. All part of banana
plant can be used by people to make a product or even have medical applicants: the
burns; the roots in digestive disorder. Banana as fruit or vegetables can be used as
Banana leaves can act as traditional food wrap. The residues of banana tree
can be used as pulp for paper and combustible. Banana flower, which may call
banana blossom or banana heart is a large, dark purple blossom which grows on the
tip of a banana bunch on the end of the stem holding a cluster of bananas. In most
tropical countries, banana blossoms are used as vegetable either raw or cooked
which only the tendon core is sliced and eaten. Banana blossom has a huge
acid content, flavonoids, saponin, essential and nonessential amino acid, tannins,
glycoside, and steroid. Besides, banana flower also contents of 9.9 grams of
carbohydrate, 5.7 grams of fiber, 1.6 grams of protein, 0.6 gram of fat per 100
diabetes and anemia; weight loss; rich source of vitamins and minerals; healthy
uterus. Korean food is rich in color, bold flavors, fermentation, and taste. The
diversified color will arouse people’s appetite greatly (Joan Raymond, 2021).
the alternative possibility to consume banana blossom. Nutrition and Health Benefits
diabetes, averts cancer and heart diseases, improves lactation, slows aging process
fermented or even let it ferment longer in the fridge for extra-tangy flavor. (Joan
Raymond, 2021).
and finally some kick of spiciness. KIM BA-SOM is a very good source of probiotics
as the result of fermentation. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are heterogenous group of
Sui, 2019).
They ferment food carbohydrates and produce lactic acid as the main product
various alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters, and Sulphur compounds contribute to the
specific flavor development in different fermented food products. The basic principle
of fermentation is firstly the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria to vegetables, and the
fermentation products with unique flavor; the second is to add salt, evenly penetrate
the inside of the vegetables, so that the water inside the tissue exudes and improve
the quality; Third, through various physical and chemical processes in the
fermentation process. The reaction produces a unique flavor, color, and texture
(Stanley E. 2019).
types of processed food can cause cancer. WHO’s International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC), in a report released in the Lancet medical journal, says
that many studies show the links between cancer and the consumption of hot dog,
bacon, red meat and processed pork, beef and lamb. “These findings further support
current public health recommendations to limit intake of meat,” Dr. Christopher Wild,
People can have different diseases and health risks. Some of this are Viral
Diseases, Roundworm Infestation and Heart Disease Risk. Intake of pork and other
meat. There are 10 vegetables that can be a substitute for meat. Tofu is a
replacement chicken and when ground up, it can also be a substitute for ground
beef. Mushroom can also replace meat in any recipe. Jackfruit is perfect as beef,
chicken, and pork meat. Egg plant because it has a rich meaty taste. Lentils also
replace ground beef. Beef and Legumes also replace any meat. Cauliflower as a
chicken. Potatoes as a substitute for pork and beef. Beets that can be burger patties.
use, experience, discard, and make decisions about goods, services, or even
phenomenon, one should not be overly dogmatic about this definition. Consumer
Acceptance and Sensory Attributes theory according to the study of This indicates
specific action when there is an equally specific result expected. From the time the
consumer decides to act to the time the action is completed, the consumer retains
the ability to change his or her mind and decide on a different course of action.
purchasing decisions, post-purchase attitudes, and the role of object utility. The most
obvious is for marketing strategies., for making better marketing campaigns. For
when they are hungry, the marketers learn to schedule snack advertisements late in
the afternoon.
In 2005, Ancel Keys and fifteen colleagues began field surveys in the U.S.,
Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, the Netherlands, Finland, and Japan to examine the
impact of diet, lifestyle, risk factors and rates of coronary heart disease and stroke
among populations who differ in levels of dietary fat. Repeating the surveys at five-
and ten-year intervals over forty-five years, they concluded that high blood
diseases (Keys et al., 2009). Based on these findings, recommendations for low-fat
Chapter II
In this part, we will be going to present and discuss the methods used in the
conduct of the study, particularly the design, the locale, to the respondents and the
Research Design
This research study utilize the experimental approach that will examine the a
Research Locale
Biliran Province State University has a mission and vision that will contribute
to the development of the University. The Mission of BiPSU “is a state university
Research Respondents
The chosen respondents of the study is the teacher and students. The
Technology and Computer Studies Department. It is limited only inside the campus.
The chosen respondent is the teachers and students because they are the one who
Research Instrument
The researchers utilize and survey questionaries as a feedback tool and a like
Material Used
In this section of the study illustrates the materials used in making the Puso Ng
Stove Knife
Ingredients Used
puso Ng saging
1 cup Onion
¼ Cup Calamansi
1 Cup Sugar
Preparation process
This part of the study illustrates the process on how to prepare puso ng saging
Step 2:
Step 3.
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Packing in Containers
Step 8:
Sterilizing Process
Step 9:
The researcher secured a permit to conduct the study from the research
adviser, subject teacher, and to the STCS Dean. Then, a letter to the respondents
The researchers adopted the recipe used in the study, but the only thing used
is Puso ng Saging longganisa however, it was modified based on the need of the
from School of Technology and Computer Studies Department with an age that
and will be interpreted using the appropriate statistical tools namely, percentage,
mean, standard deviation, and t-test for independent and paired samples. Microsoft
Data Scoring
Data in this study were analyzed using the scale that measure the learning of
the students. The percentage of the scores obtained by respondents, the main range
of value together with the corresponding level will adhere to the following scales.
Table 3
4 Liked Moderately
3 Liked Slightly
2 Disliked
means they are not able to accept the Puso ng Saging longganisa. While the
students and teachers who’ve rate 2 were in the level of disliked, means that they
cannot accept the Puso ng Saging longganisa. Those who’ve rate 3 are in the level
of liked slightly means that they accept the Puso ng Saging longganisa just enough.
While for those who’ve rate 4 were in the liked moderately level, they can accept the
Puso ng Saging longganisa much. And for those who’ve rate 5 are they liked very
Chapter III
This part of the paper deals with the results of the study conducted presented
Table 2
Longganisa has a slightly reddish Color when it’s cooked, and has enriched
garlic flavor which, brings out the consumers appetite (Macalaay, 2021). A variety
Philippines, for example according to Micutan (2022) the Vegetables longganisa has
appearance of the puso ng saging longganisa, students acquired the mean score of
4.54 with the SD= 0.66 compared to the teachers that has a 4.00 mean score with
SD= 0.60 . This revealed a high level of acceptability of puso Ng saging longganisa
In total, the results of the students and teachers combined mean is 4.22 and
also it’s combined SD= 0.63 which means they liked very much the appearance of
Table 3
smell or aroma. As shown in the table, the aroma of the puso Ng saging longganisa
was liked very much by all the respondents. Garlic is the crucial ingredients in
making longganisa which heightens it’s garlicky aroma unlike to other longganisa
variety in the Philippines feature its smoky aroma due to smoking meat for
preservation purpose (Tee, 2022). It indeed brings out the appetite for food
consumption. According to Yin et al. (2017), food aroma can increase ones appetite
based on the Aroma of the puso ng saging that results of 4.85 mean score of the
students and its SD= 0.38, unlike to the teacher mean score 4.69 and its SD= 0.63
respondents, which is students and teachers all combined results of the average
mean score is 4.77 and the combined average SD= 0.51which means they liked very
Table 4
saging longganisa
longganisa. As shown in the table, puso Ng saging kongganisa’s flavor was liked
very much by the respondents. Philippines longganisa has two main variables, the
hamonado, and rekado. The hamonado has an ingredients of brown sugar, which
brings out the sweet flavor in a longganisa, and the rekado is made of garlic, vinegar,
and spices, bringing up a richer aroma taste. It has a combination of spicy, salty,
In this table shows the acceptance results of the respondents based on the
taste/flavor indicate the results of students mean score 4.62 with SD=0.51 and the
results of the teachers mean score 5.00 with the SD= 0 with means both of them
liked very much the taste of puso ng saging longganisa. In general results of the
respondents how’ve gave the both results average mean score of both, in total of
4.81 and have a SD= 0.26 which means the results says that bot of the respondents
Table 5
juiciness. As shown in the table, the juiciness of the puso ng saging longganisa was
liked very much by the respondents. Juiciness is thought to come from the tro
sources: salivary moisture and moisture produced by the meat after initial bite and
throughout chewing. It can increase a dish’s palatability and the perception of the
saging longganisa’s juiciness to the respondents. Students mean score is 4.69 with
the SD= 0.63 which means they liked very much. And for the teachers mean score is
4.52 with the SD= 0.28 which means teachers liked very much the juiciness of the
4.61 with the combined SD= 0.46 which means both of students and teachers liked
Table 6
In this table shows the acceptability of the respondents based on the texture,
longganisa, which gave the fine texture of the food product. It is not lumpy nor grainy
in feels, just the right texture for each feeling of the tongue of the consumers.
mean score 4.69 with the SD= 0.63 and for the teachers acceptability results is has a
mean of 4.00 with the SD= 0.57, both of them interpreted liked very much.
In general average ratings of both combined mean score is 4.35 with the
combined SD=0.57 with means both teachers and students liked very much the
Table 7
In this table shows the general acceptability of the respondents towards the puso
ng saging, the mean score of the students tells 4.69 with the SD= 0.63 which means
they liked very much. And the general acceptability of the teachers tells the mean
score 4.77 with the SD= 0.51 which means teachers liked very much the puso ng
saging at all.
In general, combined mean scores and standard deviation results is the following;
means score of both student and teacher is 4.73 with the combined SD= 0.51 which
Summary of Findings
abundant supply in the locality were in the farmers also can benefits.
and juiciness were denoted as they liked very much the puso ng saging longganisa.
affordable cost, and technically possible for it’s healthy benefits and economically
consumer. According to the panelists they evaluated the puso ng saging longganisa
based on the sensory qualities and rated they liked very much, with the taste,
appearance flavor, texture, aroma and juiciness and it’s sensory attributes, but also
Based on the findings of the study and conclusions of the study about the
consistent supply of high-quality puso ng saging from the farmers for them to
benefits also.
enhance it’s taste, appearance, flavor, texture , aroma and it’s juiciness.
consumers satisfaction.
4. Invest in attractive and informative packaging that convey the unique qualities
identity that resonates with the target market and effectively communicates
5. Shelf life deterioration assessment of the product should also monitored and
and aroma. Gather all the information from the monitoring days of expiration
and analyze.
puso ng saging (musa sapientum) and its quality such as taste, appearance, flavor,
The puso ng saging is a high favored part of the banana consumed globally
due to its nutritional value and versatility in various culinary preparation. Puso ng
saging, high-protein alternative for meat has gained popularity as it mades from puso
ng saging from the banana plant, which are used specially for this purpose
bananas, some indigenous to the area. Commonly, we have the gardaba, saba,
lakatan (binangay, latundan?), senorita and some are introduced such as the
cavendish, etc. Banana blossoms (puso ng saging) have been used in Philippine
cuisine. They are made into salad (with coconut milk), an ingredient for our famous
sinigang na bangus and lately for making burgers. Banana blossoms are rich in
vitamins and minerals beneficial for our health. So everytime you have your banana
blossoms, think about the rich nutrients you are eating as these are beneficial to your
banana and puso ng saging is endemic food in the Province of Biliran. Being an
agricultural province, most locals’ plants banana as one of the major sources of food
banana in the province. The climate in Biliran Province is a combination of warm and
cool climate zones making it ideal for the cultivation of a wide range of agricultural
and support extended by some kind-hearted people to whom the researchers convey
their endless thanksgiving and that wishes to acknowledge the deeds with genuine
We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those
who have contributed to the successful completion of this research project. Without
their support, guidance, and assistance, this endeavor would not have been
Dr. Victor C. Cañezo, Jr., the University President III, for his sterling
Technology and Computer Studies headed by Dr. Chona Sabinay, DIT, Dean STCS
for providing the necessary resources and research environment that facilitated our
study. The access to relevant data and respondents played a significant role in the
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to our Research Professor, Dr.
Norma M. Duallo, PhD-TM; LlB: DM for his invaluable guidance, expert knowledge,
and continuous support throughout the research process. His insightful feedback and
constructive criticism greatly shaped the direction and quality of this work;
And also, we would like to extend our deepest thanks to our Research
Adviser, Mr. Marclin G. Aguilar, for her invaluable guidance, expert knowledge, and
generously shared their time, experience, and insights. The willingness to be part of
this research has contributed immensely to the depth and accuracy of our findings.
We are also grateful to our friends for their unwavering support and
patience, and belief in our abilities have been a constant source of motivation.
have referenced and cited in this study. Their significant contribution to the field have
laid the foundation for our research and have provided us with valuable insights.
To God almighty we thank you for your goodness to us without those Grace
and Blessings it would have been difficult for us to complete our studies. We thank
him for the good health he granted to us during our studies and pursuit in this
To our Parents our heartfelt gratitude for your understanding and financial
support throughout this study, sincerely appreciation to all of you who have
contributed directly or indirectly to this study. Your support has been instrumental to
our successful completion, and we are truly grateful for you understanding of our
July 2023
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