10 FYi OKTOBER 2023

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ISSN 1675-5464


● Celebrating Global Ergonomics Month:

Creating a Comfortable Workspaces for Malaysian Employees
● Kehadiran Kulat di Tempat Kerja dan Pengurusannya
● Occupational Chemical-Induced Hearing Loss (OCIHL)
Nota Pengarah Eksekutif
ISSN 1675-5464

Assalamualaikum W. B. T.


Trend pekerjaan dan persekitaran kerja sering berubah mengikut arus pembangunan
tempatan dan juga global. Dalam menghadapi cabaran ini, majikan sentiasa berusaha
untuk mewujudkan, menetapkan dan memastikan peluang-peluang pekerjaan di
samping menyediakan suasana bekerja yang kondusif melalui penekanan terhadap
persekitaran tempat kerja yang selamat dan sihat untuk warga kerja.
● Celebrating Global Ergonomics Month:
Creating a Comfortable Workspaces for Malaysian Employees
Tempat kerja kondusif, selamat dan sejahtera melahirkan pekerja yang produktif.
● Kehadiran Kulat di Tempat Kerja dan Pengurusannya
● Occupational Chemical-Induced Hearing Loss (OCIHL) Walaubagaimanapun, tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa di antara trend penyakit pekerjaan
yang semakin meningkat adalah penyakit berkaitan ergonomik.

Ergonomik merujuk kepada penyesuaian pekerja dengan tugas dan persekitaran

Oktober 2023 kerja melalui pendekatan saintifik. Di antara keadaan dan aktiviti pekerjaan yang
eISSN 2762-7412 menyumbang kepada risiko ergonomik adalah pergerakan berulang, postur yang janggal
dan statik, getaran, faktor persekitaran seperti cahaya, suhu, bising serta kaedah kerja
yang berlebihan dan berterusan.

Umumnya, kesan daripada penyakit berkaitan ergonomik ini sering dikaitkan dengan
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), sakit belakang, keletihan mata dan sebagainya.
Maka, pengadaptasian kaedah ergonomik perlu dilakukan di tempat kerja melalui
amalan dan budaya kerja selamat dan sihat serta memastikan persekitaran tempat kerja
dalam keadaan yang baik.
Sidang Redaksi Justeru, setiap majikan dan pekerja perlu bekerjasama dan memainkan peranan
dalam mengurangkan risiko penyakit ergonomik. Antara kaedah kawalan risiko yang
Diterbitkan oleh: bersesuaian adalah dengan melaksanakan aktiviti Pengenalpastian Hazard, Penaksiran
Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Risiko dan Kawalan Risiko (HIRARC). Kaedah HIRARC ini dapat membantu majikan
Pekerjaan Negara (NIOSH) Malaysia membuat kawalan risiko bagi meminimumkan hazard ergonomik.
Alamat : Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Section 15, NIOSH melalui aktiviti latihan menyediakan kursus berkaitan seperti HIRARC, Ergonomic
Trained Person for Initial Ergonomics Risk Assessment (ERA), Ergonomics and Manual
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
Handling in the Workplace, Back Protection Management serta aktiviti rundingan,
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. penyelidikan dan pembangunan khusus dalam ergonomik sebagai solusi kepada
No. Tel : 03-8769 2100 majikan dalam memastikan keselamatan pekerjanya terjamin.
No. Fax : 03-8926 2900
Emel : general@niosh.com.my Bagi edisi FYI Oktober 2023 ini, NIOSH membawakan maklumat berkaitan penyediaan
tempat kerja yang kondusif, selesa dan produktif kepada pekerja di Malaysia dengan
Laman Web : www.niosh.com.my
mengadaptasi hasil kajian antropometrik NIOSH Malaysia bersempena dengan Sambutan
Penasihat Bulan Ergonomik Sedunia pada bulan Oktober yang lepas. Semoga perkongsian maklumat
daripada kajian antropometrik NIOSH Malaysia ini dapat disebarkan kepada semua pihak
Haji Ayop Salleh
yang terlibat dalam reka bentuk tempat kerja untuk membantu menyelesaikan masalah
Mejar Haji Hanif Maidin (B)
berkaitan ergonomik khususnya MSDs dan secara tidak langsung meningkatkan kualiti
kerja dan nama baik organisasi. ■
Haji Khairunnizam Mustapa
Noorliza Idawati Mat Nayan
Mohd Hussin Abd Salam
Siti Badariah Abu Bakar
Haji Ayop Salleh
Pengarah Eksekutif
Editor NIOSH
Joy Khong Chooi Yee
Muhamad Syarizat Azmi

Pengiklanan dan Media

Mohd Hussin Abd Salam Senarai Kandungan
Emel : dl.bmd@niosh.com.my
No. Tel :+6 0 16-559 7399
Celebrating Global Ergonomics Month: 3-5
Creating a Comfortable Workspaces for Malaysian Employees
Kehadiran Kulat di Tempat Kerja dan Pengurusannya 6-8
Occupational Chemical-Induced Hearing Loss (OCIHL) 9
Sila imbas kod
QR ini untuk Aktiviti-Aktiviti Sepanjang Bulan Oktober 2023 10 - 13
memberi Papan Kenyataan 14
maklum balas
pada penerbitan Sudut Informasi 15
NIOSH Keratan-Keratan Akhbar 16

Celebrating Global Ergonomics Month:

Creating a Comfortable Workspaces for
Malaysian Employees
Mohd Nur Ikhwan Shafiee
Consultation, Research & Development Dept (CRDD), NIOSH

2. Productivity: When you are

comfortable, you can better focus on
your tasks, leading to improved work
quality and efficiency.

3. Reduced Risk of Injury: Ergonomics

plays a key role in preventing injuries,
including back pain, wrist issues and

4. Inclusivity: Ergonomics ensures that

the workspace is accessible to all,
regardless of its dimensions, shapes
or sizes.

5. Cost Savings: By reducing injuries

and enhancing productivity,
Photo: The Star
companies can substantially reduce
In a world where we spend a significant Understanding Our Bodies: What is healthcare expenses and minimize
amount of our lives at work, it is crucial Anthropometry? lost productivity due to absenteeism.
to make our workplaces comfortable and
secure. October is a special month as it Before we dive into the importance of What Can Employers Do?
marks Global Ergonomics Month. During ergonomics, let us get to know what
this month, we take the opportunity anthropometry is all about. It is the study 1. Assess Workers' Anthropometry:
to appreciate the art of creating our of measuring the sizes and shapes of our Employers should determine the
workspaces to suit the individual’s bodies. This can include everything from specific dimensions of their workers
physical characteristics. We should also how long our arms are to the size of our to identify necessary adjustments.
acknowledge as the different body sizes hands and even the height of our desks.
and shapes of Malaysian workers plays Researchers use these measurements 2. Customize Furniture and Equipment:
a significant role in creating comfortable to figure out how to design workspaces Invest in furniture and equipment
workplaces. that suit all kinds of people (Hazwan that could be adjust to fit different
Adli, Mohd Nur Ikhwan, Nor Sahira, Siti body sizes.
We have a valuable resource to aid in Zarahah, & Siti Nur Sarah, 2021).
this effort: the Malaysian Anthropometric 3. Educate Workers: Provide training
Database, available at www. Malaysia's Unique Workers to your workforce on proper sitting
anthropometric.niosh.com.my. and working postures to prevent
Malaysia is a diverse country with people discomfort and injury.
Workplace Comfort: What is Ergonomics of various backgrounds. That means
All About? we have workers with different body 4. Regular Monitoring: Continuously
types and shapes. Therefore, when we assess the workspace to ensure it is
Ergonomics, despite the fancy name, is design workspaces, we need to think optimal for your workers and make
simply about making your workspace about all these differences. For example, adjustments as needed.
fits you perfectly. Whether you work in the average height or arm length of a
an office, a factory, or anywhere else, Malaysian worker might not be the same 5. Seek Professional Guidance: On
ergonomics helps make you feel better, as someone from another country (Mohd occasion, consulting with ergonomics
prevents injuries, and makes you more Nur Ikhwan et al., 2021). experts can help fine-tune your
productive (Pheasant & Haslegrave, workspace for maximum comfort and
2006). Why Ergonomics Matters for Malaysian efficiency.
Now, let us connect the dots. When
we apply ergonomics in our Malaysian Global Ergonomics Month is a time to
workplaces, we are essentially ensuring remind us the importance of providing
that our workspaces are designed to comfortable and secure workplaces to our
accommodate the specific physical workers. In Malaysia, this entails a deep
characteristics of Malaysian workers. understanding our distinct workforce
Here is why it matters: and designing our workspaces to cater
to individual’s needs. By achieving this,
1. Comfortable Workstation: Ergonomic we can establish environments in which
improvements, such as providing individuals take pleasure in their work,
adjustable chairs and desks, maintain good health, and deliver their
contribute to increased comfort, utmost performance. Thus, let us not only
reduced fatigue and enhanced job commemorate ergonomics in October
satisfaction among employees. but also celebrate the diversity and
Figure 2 Anthropometric measurements well-being of our Malaysian workforce
Source: Semantic Scholar throughout the year. ■

www.niosh.com.my OKTOBER 2023 NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter


Kehadiran Kulat di Tempat Kerja dan


Prof. Madya Dr. Nazlina Ibrahim
Jabatan Sains Biologi dan Bioteknologi, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

ulat adalah agen biologi dengan bawah 25°C bagi mengelak pertumbuhan peka dengan persekitaran tempat
hazard biologi yang boleh kulat. kerja yang bebas kulat. Ini penting
mengurangkan kualiti udara untuk menyediakan tempat kerja yang
dalaman terutama di tempat Selain itu, dinding yang menunjukkan sihat kepada pekerja. Penyediaan
kerja. Kulat sebagai hazard pertumbuhan kulat perlu dibersihkan dana mencukupi bagi membaikpulih
biologi walaupun disedari namun kurang dan dinyahkulat sebelum dicat semula tempat kerja agar bebas kulat juga
mendapat perhatian sehinggalah berlaku dengan cat antikulat yang bermutu. perlu dirancang. Di pihak pekerja pula,
wabak COVID-19 pada tahun 2020. Proses ini perlu dilakukan dengan cermat kebersihan tempat kerja adalah tanggung
Kehadiran kulat menjadi masalah di supaya tiada saki baki spora dan kulat jawab bersama. Pekerja mestilah peka
tempat kerja akibat daripada penutupan menempel pada permukaan dinding. dengan kehadiran kulat melalui bau dan
tempat kerja disebabkan adanya arahan Proses menyahkulat dan pembersihan juga pengamatan supaya dilaporkan
Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP). Kulat dalam tempat kerja juga perlu dilakukan. segera bagi langkah pencegahan
mudah membiak di tempat kerja jika Sekiranya terdapat permaidani di tempat bersama. ■
telah sedia ada spora yang merupakan kerja tersebut, langkah terbaik adalah
benih kulat tidak aktif, bercambah ianya dibuang dan tidak diganti baru.
apabila suhu dalaman melebihi 25°C Lantai bolehlah diubah kepada jubin
akibat daripada penutupan penghawa atau vinil yang lebih mudah dibersihkan
dingin. Berkait dengan itu, kelembapan dan tidak memerangkap spora.
relatif juga meningkat melebihi 70%.
Dalam tempoh PKP, pejabat berada Langkah jangka pendek dalam
dalam keadaan gelap yang merupakan mengurangkan pendedahan kepada
penggalak kepada pertumbuhan kulat. kulat pula memerlukan perubahan
Kehadiran kulat dan spora di tempat sikap pekerja selain daripada beberapa
kerja boleh membawa masalah kesihatan penambahbaikan dalam persekitaran.
seperti alahan terutama lelah, penyakit Tempat kerja perlu dibersihkan dan
berkaitan pernafasan seperti bengkak dinyahkulat menggunakan bahan yang
paru-paru atau paru-paru berair serta kurang toksik seperti penggunaan
kesan ketoksikan akibat pendedahan larutan peluntur yang dicairkan. Bahan
kepada toksin kulat disebut sebagai antikulat yang betul perlu digunakan
mikotoksin. untuk mendapat kesan yang diingini.
Bahan penyahvirus seperi alkohol
Punca-punca pendedahan kulat 70% dalam pembersih tangan atau
penyahbakteria tidak sesuai untuk
Kulat dalam udara boleh berpunca dalam menyahkulat. Permaidani tidak
tempat kerja itu sendiri ataupun dibawa digalakkan untuk dipasang di tempat
dari luar. Pertumbuhan kulat berlaku kerja. Selain mengelak kulat dari luaran
apabila keadaan dalaman sesuai untuk melekat padanya, pengumpulan kulat
percambahan spora yang berada pada dalaman juga dapat dielak.
bahan-bahan seperti perabut kayu, cat
Kelembapan udara boleh dikurangkan Gambar menunjukkan kepelbagaian kulat
tidak toksik, bahan penebat, kulit dan
dari paras 70% ke bawah yang boleh berada dalam udara dalaman di
pelbagai produk pengguna. Asap rokok
dengan menggunakan peralatan tempat kerja dengan kualiti udara kurang baik
pula boleh membawa kulat beredar dari
luar atau dalaman. Selain itu, penghawa penyahlembapan. Penukaran penapis
dingin berpusat dan sistem pengudaraan pada alatan perlu dilakukan dengan
yang tidak cekap boleh menyumbang kerap. Sebarang peralatan atau keadaan
kepada pertumbuhan kulat dalaman. yang boleh menyumbang kepada
kelembapan udara seperti akuarium
Pengurusan kulat di tempat kerja perlu dielakkan. Kebocoran paip atau
penitisan air dari kepala paip rosak juga
Menguruskan kulat di tempat kerja perlu dielak. Kelembapan udara boleh
adalah cabaran yang besar dan dikurangkan dengan meletakkan arang
memerlukan sokongan kewangan dan dalam pejabat. Ianya cara mudah dan
juga perubahan sikap dalam kalangan murah untuk mengurangkan kelembapan
pekerja. Pengurusannya boleh menjadi udara bagi mengelak pertumbuhan
lebih sukar sekiranya tempat kerja yang kulat dan boleh diberikan inovasi agar
terlibat merupakan bangunan lama dan kelihatan menarik. Arang juga boleh
sistem penghawa dingin berpusat telah menyerap bau dan dapat mengurangkan
sedia ada. Langkah jangka panjang bau dalaman yang tidak segar. Amat
yang perlu dilaksanakan memerlukan penting juga untuk mendedahkan tempat
kajian terperinci bagi mengenalpasti kerja dengan cahaya matahari bagi
punca kehadiran kulat di tempat kerja mengelak keadaan gelap yang disukai
tersebut. Sistem penghawa dingin perlu oleh kulat untuk pertumbuhan.
dinyahkulat diikuti dengan pembersihan
saluran serta penukaran penebat saluran Kerjasama semua pihak
pendingin bagi mengekalkan suhu dan
mengelak berlaku pengewapan yang Pengurusan kulat di tempat kerja
meningkatkan kelembapan udara. Suhu memerlukan kerjasama dipihak majikan Gambar menunjukkan pertumbuhan kulat
persekitaran perlulah dikekalkan pada dan pekerja. Majikan seharusnya pada permukaan meja dan juga siling

NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter OKTOBER 2023 www.niosh.com.my


Occupational Chemical-Induced Hearing

Loss (OCIHL)
Yuzainie Bin Yusof
Consultation, Research and Development Department, CRDD NIOSH

Introduction and typically evaporate easily at room that solvents may induce peripheral
temperature. Inhalation of the volatilized hearing loss in human subjects, although
It is widely acknowledged that noise form of these solvents is a common none of them offer evidence of central
is a common physical agent in many route of exposure, as they are readily auditory dysfunction induced by solvent
workplaces, which can lead to various absorbed through the respiratory tract. exposure.
illnesses, including hearing damage. Given their versatility, organic solvents
Thus, it is important to recognize that are widely utilized in numerous industrial Furthermore, a prior study conducted
certain chemical agents, either in applications worldwide. Table 1 provides by Fuente and McPherson in 2011 found
pure form or as mixtures, can also be a summary of the primary organic evidence of central auditory dysfunction
detrimental to hearing. These ototoxic solvents and their common industrial associated with exposure to a mixture
chemicals are frequently found in the uses. of organic solvents. The study utilized a
workplace, often as solvents. The effects comprehensive battery of behavioural
of these agents are compounded when OCIHL studies central auditory assessment procedures,
workers are also exposed to high levels including pure-tone audiometry (PTA),
of noise. Animal studies have demonstrated that Dichotic Digits (DD), Pitch Pattern
exposure to organic solvents, including Sequence (PPS), Filtered Speech (FS),
Ototoxic Chemical toluene, styrene, xylene, and ethyl Random Gap Detection (RGP), Masking
benzene, can have adverse effects on the Level Difference (MLD), and Hearing-in-
The harmful effects of exposure to outer hair cells in the cochlea, resulting Noise Tests (HINT). Despite all subjects
hazardous chemicals in the workplace in peripheral auditory dysfunction. having normal hearing thresholds,
on human hearing loss have been Moreover, some animal studies have significant differences were observed in
acknowledged globally. In recent years, indicated that organic solvents, such the results of DD, PPS, FS, and RGD tests
researchers have brought attention to as styrene and toluene, may inhibit between the solvent-exposed and non-
the ototoxicity of workplace chemicals the efferent auditory pathway, thereby exposed groups. The results indicated
and their interaction with noise, causing blocking the acoustic reflex in rats and that solvent-exposed participants had
damage to both cochlear structures and leading to central auditory dysfunction poorer performance in these tests,
the central auditory system. Morata and associated with organic solvent exposure. even after adjusting for age and hearing
Lemasters (1995) proposed that solvents In rats, there is evidence of synergism thresholds.
and similar chemicals can adversely between exposure to solvents and noise.
affect hearing by causing ototoxicity that The findings of this study are consistent
results in dysfunction of the outer hair Most studies conducted on humans with Fuente’s previous investigations
cells in the cochlea, similar to noise, and exposed to organic solvents have involving solvent-exposed and non-
neurotoxicity that causes central auditory reported reduced audiometric hearing exposed workers, which found that
dysfunction. The observable audiological thresholds when compared to samples of solvent exposure was significantly
manifestation of ototoxicity is an subjects not exposed to organic solvents. associated with poorer pure-tone
unexpected decline in hearing thresholds Exposure to a mixture of solvents may thresholds, reduced amplitudes of
for a given age. Audiological signs of induce hearing loss in humans, and transient evoked otoacoustic emissions
neurotoxicity may or may not include a at certain frequencies, solvents may (TEOAEs), and poorer performance
decline in hearing thresholds, as well damage the inner ear to a greater extent on tests assessing central auditory
as difficulties in discriminating sounds, than noise exposure. A study by Kim et al. functioning. Another study found that
particularly speech, in challenging (2005) in the aviation industry found that workers exposed to xylene had longer
listening conditions. workers simultaneously exposed to both auditory brainstem response (ABR)
noise and solvents had a prevalence of latencies compared to non-exposed
Organic solvents are colourless liquids hearing loss of 54.9%, compared to 17.1% workers. Fuente also recommends
that are frequently used in various among workers only exposed to noise, specific audiological assessments that
industrial processes to dissolve other 27.8% among workers only exposed to could be included in the test battery
substances. These volatile liquids solvents, and 6% among non-exposed to evaluate solvent-induced auditory
are known for their pungent odours workers. These studies provide evidence dysfunction, which is outlined in Table 2.

Organic solvent Industrial uses

Toluene Electroplating, adhesive manufacture, laboratory chemicals, metal degreasing, paint
manufacture, paint stripping, paper coating, pharmaceuticals manufacture, printing, rubber
manufacture, wood stains and varnishes, and footwear manufacture.
Styrene Fabrication of fibreglass boats, pulp and paper manufacture and in plastics, resins, coatings,
and paint manufacture.
Xylene Laboratory chemicals, machinery manufacture and repair, paint manufacture, paint stripping,
paper coating, pesticide manufacture, pharmaceuticals manufacture, printing, rubber
manufacture, and in wood stains and varnishes.
Ethyl benzene Machinery manufacture and repair, paint manufacture, paper coating, rubber manufacture,
wood stains and varnishes.
Trichloroethylene Electroplating, integrated iron and steel manufacture, machinery manufacture and repair,
metal degreasing, pulp and paper manufacture.
Table 1. Main industrial uses of selected organic solvents.

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Procedure Auditory-related aspects Procedure references

Pure-tone audiometry Hearing thresholds from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz. Gelfand, 2001.
Otoacoustic Emissions OHCs status. Differential diagnosis sensory/neural hearing loss. Stach, 1998
Auditory Brainstem Status of the brainstem auditory pathways. Differential diagnosis Arnold, 2000
Response (ABR) sensory/neural hearing loss.
Filtered speech (FS) Low redundancy monaural speech discrimination. Bellis, 2003
Wilson & Mueller, 1984
Random gap detection Temporal processes (temporal resolution). Bellis, 2003
(RGD) Keith, 2000, 2002
Pitch pattern sequence Temporal processes. Bellis, 2003
(PPS) Musiek, 1994
Dichotic digits (DD) Dichotic stimulation. Bellis, 2003
Musiek, 1983
Hearing-in-noise test Speech discrimination in the presence of background noise. Nilsson et al., 1994
(HINT) Functional assessment of hearing disability. Laroche et al., 2003

Table 2. Recommended audiological tests for the evaluation of hearing in solvent-exposed subjects.
OCIHL Legislative such workers in hearing conservation Conclusion
Since noise exposure is widely known Research shows that solvents have
to cause hearing loss, many countries The European Agency for Safety and neuro- and ototoxic properties, affect the
have set national exposure standards Health at Work (2009) has identified outer hair cells, and have a synergistic
for noise in the workplace. However, toluene, styrene, and p-xylene among impact with noise, leading to a higher
current permissible exposure limits for other solvents as having strong evidence incidence of hearing loss among workers
chemicals have not been updated to of harmful effects on hearing. In Germany, exposed to solvents. Permissible
reflect their potential ototoxic effects on a position paper has emphasized public exposure limits (PELs) for chemicals
humans due to a limited understanding risk communication and considering established in many countries do not
of the exposure-response relationships. ototoxicity while setting occupational consider the possible auditory effects,
Thus, the existing chemical exposure exposure limits for certain chemicals. but guidelines have emerged in some
standards, based on ACGIH's TLVs, do not In Australia and New Zealand, toluene, developed countries to reduce the risk
consider the risk of hearing impairment. xylenes, styrene, and trichloroethylene of hearing loss, highlighting the need for
are classified as industrial ototoxic global modification of PELs for ototoxic
International organizations and agents, with recommendations on agents.
governments have issued guidelines reducing daily noise exposure and
or recommendations for the potential regular audiometric testing for workers Chemical-induced hearing loss is a
ototoxic effects of certain chemicals, exposed to combined noise and solvent preventable and prevalent issue in many
both individually and in combination with exposure. industries. To address this, workers,
noise. The ototoxic properties of only a few employers, healthcare professionals,
chemicals, such as toluene, xylene, and In contrast, the situation in most and legislators should be informed
potassium bromate, are acknowledged developing countries is very different, as of the risks and preventive measures.
by a joint program consisting of the ILO, there are no established regulations or This includes increasing awareness
WHO, and the United Nations. The U.S. guidelines pertaining to the permissible of the effects of solvents on hearing,
Army and ACGIH have also recommended exposure levels to ototoxic chemicals detecting early signs of hearing loss,
actions for addressing ototoxic exposure, in the workplace or Occupational Safety and implementing hearing conservation
including annual audiometric testing and Health (OSH) practices to mitigate programs for chemical-exposed workers
for workers exposed to 50% of the exposure to such chemicals that may regardless of their noise exposure levels.
occupational exposure limit, irrespective result in hearing impairment among ■
of noise exposure, and incorporating workers.

NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter OKTOBER 2023 www.niosh.com.my


03-04 NIOSH sertai sambutan 1st Oil & Gas Health

Okt 2023 & Well-Being Conference 2023 anjuran
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
03 - 04 Oktober 2023, Putrajaya - NIOSH
telah dijemput untuk turut bersama
menjayakan program “1st Oil & Gas Health
& Well-Being Conference 2023” sebagai
pempamer. Program dua hari tersebut
telah dijalankan di Le Meridien,Putrajaya.
Persidangan tersebut telah dirasmikan
oleh YBhg. Datuk Dr Muhammad Radzi
Bin Abu Hassan, Ketua Pengarah
Kesihatan, Kementerian Kesihatan
Malaysia. Beliau turut melawat tapak
pameran yang dibuka oleh NIOSH dan
mencadangkan usaha sama kajian
yang boleh dilaksanakan bersama
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia. ■

04 Okt 2023 Unit Kesihatan Komuniti,

Fakulti Perubatan dan Kesihatan Pertahanan
(FPKP), Universiti Pertahanan Nasional
Malaysia (UPNM) lawat NIOSH, Bangi
04 Oktober 2023, Bangi - NIOSH telah
menerima lawatan daripada Unit
Kesihatan Komuniti, Fakulti Perubatan
dan Kesihatan Pertahanan (FPKP),
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
(UPNM). Ini adalah antara siri lawatan dan
taklimat organisasi daripada pelbagai
agensi bagi memenuhi keperluan
“District Health Management Posting”
kepada para pelajar perubatan Tahun
3 FPKP bagi sesi 2022/2023. Seramai
33 orang pelajar dengan diiringi oleh 2
orang pensyarah telah hadir. Program
lawatan dimulakan dengan sesi taklimat
pengenalan kepada Keselamatan dan
Kesihatan Pekerjaan dan seterusnya
melawat fasiliti NIOSH termasuk makmal
Dust Mask Lab dan Fall Protection
Equipment Testing Lab. ■

www.niosh.com.my OKTOBER 2023 NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter


05 Okt 2023 NIOSH sertai sambutan Minggu Keselamatan

& Kesihatan
Pekerjaan 2023 anjuran Fakulti Perubatan
Universiti Malaya
05 Oktober 2023, Kuala Lumpur - NIOSH
telah dijemput untuk mengadakan
pameran di Fakulti Perubatan Universiti
Malaya sempena Minggu Keselamatan &
Kesihatan Pekerjaan 2023. ■

11 Okt 2023 Penyertaan NIOSH sebagai Pempamer di

sambutan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan
Pekerjaan Persekitaran 2023 Peringkat
Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah Persekutuan &
Putrajaya (JKWPKL&P)
05 Oktober 2023 - NIOSH telah dijemput
bagi menjayakan Sambutan Hari
Kesihatan Persekitaran 2023 Peringkat
Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah Persekutuan
Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya (JKWPKL&P)
sebagai pempamer. Majlis telah
dirasmikan oleh YBrs. Dr. Hjh. Nor’aishah
Binti Abu Bakar, Pengarah Kesihatan
Negeri Jabatan Kesihatan Wilayah
Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya
(JKWPKL&P). Beliau turut melawat tapak
pameran yang telah dibuka oleh NIOSH.

NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter OKTOBER 2023 www.niosh.com.my


11 Okt 2023 Lawatan Kolej Komuniti Kelana Jaya ke

NIOSH, Bangi

11 Oktober 2023, Bangi - NIOSH telah

menerima kunjungan daripada Kolej
Komuniti Kelana Jaya di bawah program
“Industry in 4IR - Knowledge and Skills”
bagi pelajar Program Sijil Penyenggaraan
Industri. Seramai 38 orang pelajar dengan
diiringi oleh 7 pensyarah telah hadir.
Program lawatan tersebut dimulakan
dengan sesi taklimat Pengenalan Kepada
OSH dan NIOSH sebelum diteruskan
dengan program lawatan ke fasiliti

12 Okt 2023 NIOSH sertai sambutan Hari Sihat anjuran

Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) di Kuala
12 Oktober 2023 - NIOSH telah dijemput
bagi menjayakan program Hari Sihat PNB
2023 dengan membuka pameran untuk
memberi kesedaran ke arah keselamatan
dan kesihatan pekerja kepada kakitangan
PNB. ■

www.niosh.com.my OKTOBER 2023 NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter


26 Okt 2023 Kunjungan hormat dari dua organisasi utama

6 Okt
26 Oktober 2023, Bandar Baru Bangi - Kunjungan kedua-dua organisasi yang
NIOSH telah menerima kunjungan hormat diketuai oleh Dr. Ir. Rudiyanto (Pengarah
dari dua organisasi utama Indonesia iaitu Eksekutif ICCOSH), dan En. Subhan
Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi di Bidang Hariri (Pengerusi Forum FQSHE BUMN
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Kerja (LSP Konstruksi) disambut oleh YBrs. Tuan
LSK-K3 ICCOSH) dan Forum QHSE BUMN Haji Ayop bin Salleh Pengarah Eksekutif
Konstruksi. NIOSH bersama barisan pengurusan.
Perkongsian pengalaman dan idea
LSK-K3 ICCOSH adalah organisasi kerjasama antara ketiga-tiga organisasi
yang dilesenkan oleh Badan Nasional dibincangkan khususnya dalam pelbagai 20 Okt
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) Indonesia inisiatif KKP yang boleh diterokai
untuk persijilan profesional bagi standard bersama.
kompetensi berkaitan keselamatan
dan kesihatan pekerjaan (KKP). Antara Memorandum persefahaman antara
peranan ICCOSH di Indonesia adalah NIOSH, ICCOSH dan Forum QSHE
pelaksanaan pengujian dan perakuan BUMN Konstruksi turut dimeterai bagi
pekerja serta pembangunan standard memulakan pelbagai program kerjasama
kompetensi berkaitan KKP. yang dipersetujui. ■

Forum QHSE BUMN Konstruksi ialah

organisasi yang dibentuk oleh pemegang 12 Okt
taruh profesional kualiti, kesihatan,
keselamatan dan alam sekitar dalam
sektor pembinaan Indonesia. Ia dibentuk
untuk menyokong usaha meningkatkan
kesedaran awam berkaitan KKP dalam
projek pembinaan infrastruktur di

27 Okt 2023 Program #FITNIOSH 2023 bersempena

sambutan Hari Sukan Negara 2023
16 Nov

27 Oktober 2023, Nilai - NIOSH telah
menganjurkan program #FITNIOSH 2023
bersempena sambutan Hari Sukan
SEMINAR Negara 2023 Peringkat Kebangsaan
(HSN2023), di Kompleks Sukan Dreamtel,

Program separuh hari tersebut

dirasmikan oleh Setiausaha Eksekutif
NIOSH, Mejar (B) Tuan Haji Hanif Maidin,
dan melibatkan lebih 100 warga NIOSH
12 Okt yang bertanding dalam acara boling dan

NIOSH, melalui Kelab Kebajikan dan

Sukan IKKPN (KKSI) menyokong usaha
pihak Kementerian Sumber Manusia
untuk sama-sama memeriahkan program
HSN2023 yang telah dilancarkan pada 14
Oktober di Putrajaya. ■

NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter OKTOBER 2023 www.niosh.com.my



6 Okt

20 Okt

12 Okt

16 Nov


12 Okt

www.niosh.com.my OKTOBER 2023 NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter


NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter OKTOBER 2023 www.niosh.com.my


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NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter OKTOBER 2023 www.niosh.com.my


www.niosh.com.my OKTOBER 2023 NIOSH Malaysia Newsletter

BH - 17102023 - ms 6

BH - 08102023 - ms 11

HM - 30102023 - ms 4

HM - 20102023 - ms 5

HM - 07102023 - ms 6

HM - 02102023 - ms 5

Copyright 2023. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia. All right reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced, stored in retrieval system,
or transcribed in any forms or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Facts and opinions in
articles published on FYi are solely the personal statements of respective authors. Authors are responsible for all contents in their articles including accuracy of the facts,
statements, citing resources and so on.

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Kementerian Sumber Manusia untuk muat
Lot 1, Jalan 15/1, Seksyen 15, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan FYi NIOSH
Tel: 03-8769 2100 Fax: 03-8926 5655

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