Critical Analysis
Critical Analysis
Critical Analysis
Analysis of a specific artifact is called critical analysis or critique. This is typically a process of
developing a line of interpretation, or a “reading,” and of identifying the interrelated parts of the text
that are meaningful.
There’s a lot of shared ground between rhetorical and critical analysis—by some accounts, they’re
essentially the same thing. One difference is the starting point of each kind of analysis: While
rhetorical analysis emphasizes the relationship between the author, context, and reader, critical
analysis starts from the elements of the text itself. The most important part of critical analysis (and
really any textual analysis) is a reading strategy called “close reading.”
Close Reading
Close reading focuses on significant details or patterns in a text. The goal is to develop a deep,
precise understanding of the text’s relationship to your purpose, topic, or field of study. Note that
there’s a difference between close reading and simply reading a text carefully. If reading is like
digging a hole, close reading is more like an archeological dig. Using special tools and a systematic
approach, close reading scrapes away various layers of meaning to find new patterns and buried
significance within a text.
At the beginning of your close reading, your greatest asset is time; therefore, you should slow down.
Analyzing a text is a multi-stage process and finding evidence from a text is the very beginning of that
You should not jump immediately to your thesis; instead, you need to gather complex
evidence by reading slowly with a pencil in hand. You should take this time to annotate the
text you are reading with your observations and initial interpretations.
Make a note of things that are interesting, confusing, or repeated. When your task is to analyze a text,
resist the need to jump in and begin drafting your thesis right away. Instead, to ensure you will
eventually make an argument of adequate complexity, you should devote the time necessary to
examine the text thoroughly.
You will always begin by reading with a pen in hand, writing in the margins, underlining, highlighting
and otherwise marking on the text, if you own the text, or by taking notes on a separate piece of
paper if you are borrowing the text. You can draw arrows in the margins to link different parts of the
text as a way of following the author’s logic and argument. If you are reading online, you should get in
the habit of annotating your reading experience in some way. You can do this on paper, or with a
digital text editor or PDF editor which allow you to highlight and make notes or
comments. is a free general purpose web and PDF annotator that you can use for that
2. Take notice
During your first reading of a text, you should be looking for elements that jump out at you, that you
think are interesting or puzzling, or that you think may need more attention in a second reading.
Underline or highlight words you do not understand, then seek out definitions for those words. If you
encounter a word that is new to you, it is likely that the word is significant to the central message or
theme of the text.
3. Be granular
Reading critically requires being granular. It is not enough to just flag whole sentences or even whole
paragraphs. You must get down to the level of the word. Begin by looking for some straightforward