Bahan Ajar Dan LKPD
Bahan Ajar Dan LKPD
Bahan Ajar Dan LKPD
Kompetensi Dasar
3.3 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk
undangan resmi dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kegiatan sekolah/tempat kerja sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya .
4.3 Teks undangan resmi
4.3.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi lisan dan tulisan, terkait sekolah / tempat kerja
4.3.2 Menyusun teks khusus dalam bentuk undangan resmi lisan dan tulis terkait kegiatan sekolah / tempat
kerja dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar sesuai
dengan konteks
Pengalaman Belajar
Dengan diberikan beberapa contoh undangan resmi dan melalui pendekatan saintifik dengan
menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning, peserta didik mampu:
Menganalisa fungsi sosial berupa tujuan dengan baik dan benar dan penuh antusias.
Membandingkan struktur teks berupa logo, nama orang, perusahaan, atau lembaga yang
mengundang, tujuan mengundang, hari, tanggal, waktu, serta tempat, instruksi tambahan,
permitraan untuk merespon undangan dengan baik dan benar dan penuh tanggung jawab.
Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan berupa nomina singular dan plural, ucapan tekanan kata,
intonasi, ejaan tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan dengan baik dan benar dan penuh integritas.
Menganalisa isi undangan resmi sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan baik dan benar dan
penuh integritas.
Merumuskan struktur teks undangan resmi sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan baik dan
benar dan penuh semangat
Membuat undangan resmi sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya dengan baik dan benar dan penuh
tanggung jawab.
A Introduction
Let’s rock!!!
Guess the ten countries based on the clues. Don’t forget to put the first letters in the boxes!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8i 9 10
B Social Function
Formal invitation are issued for formal functions. This letter means the invite requests the present
of the reader in grand opening of his/her company. The other formal functions are:
In brief, formal invitation is to maintain interpersonal in formal context and to invite someone to formal
and social events.
An invitation consists of requesting someones presence, stating the specific event, and setting the date
and place.
SMADITA Name of institution
To: Mr. Teguh Bagus NC, M.M Phrase of inviting
You are cordially invited to
TH The occasion or event
th The date, time of occasion
On Monday, 25 of March, 2019
At ten o’clock
At SMADITA Hall The place of occasion
a. Logo
b. The name of the person/institution who invites.
c. The request for participant
d. The occasion or event for the invitation
e. The purpose of the event
f. The date, time, and place of the occasion
g. Special instruction or additional information
h. The request for reply(R.S.V.P “Respondez s’il vous plait” a France phrase means “please
1. Use of formal wording. The formal wording used in formal invitation card are:
2. Formal invitation cards are written in third person rather than first and include the full
names of the event’s hosts. Formal invitation letters may use first person, typically we, but
should still maintain a formal tone.
3. Use of perfect combination of present and future tense.
4. In a formal invitation letter, use formal tone.
5. In spoken invitation, we can use the following expressions. Pay attention the formality
Activity 1: Vocabulary
Let’s enrich our vocabulary. Find the meaning of following words! Use your dictionary!
Saturday, 4) ………………………………………
Seven o’clock to ten o’clock
D’forest and Mesem Café
Tumpang Regency
Mr. Yusakh Andriana at 081215847993
After you arrange the jumbled text above, answer the following question!
In a group, make the formal invitation by choosing one of the following purposes!
Invitation -
Entertained by: Padi Reborn band
Invitation -
11. The correct order for part number 1,2,3, and 4 are …
A. Phrase of inviting, the occasion or event, name of institution, the date and time of
B. Name of institution, phrase of inviting, the occasion or event, the date and time of
C. The date and time of occasion, the occasion or event, phrase of inviting, name of
D. Name of institution, the occasion or event, phrase of inviting, the date and time of
E. Phrase of inviting, the date and time of occasion, name of institution, the occasion or
12. The correct order for part number 5,6, and 7 are …
A. The place of occasion, additional information, the request for replay
B. The place of occasion, the request for replay, additional information
C. The place of occasion, the date and time of occasion, the request for replay
D. Additional information, the request for replay, the place of occasion
E. The request for replay, the place of occasion, additional information
February 3rd, 2019
Mr/Mrs Sales Manager
Of Collins Company
Main Road 38
Dear client,
We will introduce our latest Laser Printer Model 382 Color B during the 1) … Computer
hardware Exhibition in California from March 8th to 10th. Since you probably will attend this
major trade exhibition, we would like to 2) … you to stop by our demonstration booth, so that
we might introduce you to and demonstrate this brand new model.
We are looking forward to having the 3) … to meet you.
Mohammed Leeds