BACHO Journal

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Mabini Fire Station
Poblacion Mabini, Pangasinan
Cp# 09171892611

I. On the Job Training Grading Sheet

Name of trainee: FO1 Marlon B Refuerzo OJT Destination: Mabini Fire Station Date: August 25, 2022 to Sept. 23 2022


INSTRUCTION: Place an (x) mark on the O in the scale below which corresponds to the rating of the trainee.

LEGEND: 1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Fairly Agree 4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree



Trainee helps maintain cleanliness of fire trucks regularly. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee orderly keeps tools and fire equipment. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee is prompt on orders of his superiors. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee’s willingness to hop on board the fire truck/ ambulance when there O O O O O
is fire call as instructed by fire marshal or his representative 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee observes courtesy and chain of command while doing the O O O O O
operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee observes proper wearing of uniform and equipment. O O O 0 O
1 2 3 4 5
Trainee observes team building and camaraderie with his co- workers while O O O 0 O
doing operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5
Trainee shows resourcefulness on the available resources while doing O O O O O
operational tasks. 1 2 3 4 5


Reception-The capability of the trainee to maintain truthfulness while O O O O O
entertaining the inquiry from client.(ex. Front desk & telephone inquiries) 1 2 3 4 5
Time Management- The capability of the trainee to observe deadlines, and O O O O O
manage tasks within the specified time. 1 2 3 4 5
Flexibility- The capability of the trainee to handle multi-tasking duties while O O O O O
at the OJT site. 1 2 3 4 5
Observance of Courtesy- The trainee’s orientation and observance of O O O O O
chain of command; and respect to authority. 1 2 3 4 5
Dress Code- Proper wearing of uniforms and paraphernalia. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5
Assimilation- The capability of the trainee to learn from the experiences O O O O O
he/she encountered at the OJT site. 1 2 3 4 5
Ethical Capability- The capability of the trainee to decide on what is right. O O O O O
1 2 3 4 5

FO3 Exequiel R Catahan BFP FO2 Kane Irvin G Mendoza BFP

Fire Safety Inspector C, Opn/C,FSES
SFO2 Jonny Ric O Notarte BFP
Acting Municipal Fire Marshal
II. History

History of Mabini Fire Station

Mabini is a third-class municipality in the province of Pangasinan with sixteen (16) barangays and one
of the four clustered municipalities of Alaminos City Central Fire Station which includes Burgos, Dasol
and Infanta.The Alaminos City Central Fire Station is then, headed by the former City Fire Marshal,
CINSP ROMUALDO V MINA. The central fire station assists applicants applying for Fire Safety
Evaluation Clearance for Building Permit from the four clustered municipalities.

It was on January 4, 2013 when the former Regional Director, SUPT ALOVEEL B FERRER
designated /assigned Municipal Fire Prevention Officers to municipalities without fire station. The first
MFPO of Mabini is FO1 Jocelyn R Villedar from Bautista, Pangasinan. On August 7, 2013, FO1
Karen Joy T Degorio from Alaminos City was designated as the new MFPO of Mabini.

The then, newly installed Acting City Fire Marshal, INSP ROMIE J TUNGPALAN together with the
new MFPO, FO1 Karen Joy T Degorio rendered courtesy call to the Municipal Mayor, HON.
CARLITOS R. REYES. The Local Chief Executive allowed the MFPO to stay at the Office of the
Municipal Treasurer.

Various activities were conducted to introduce the Bureau of Fire Protection to the locality of Mabini
such as Lectures on Fire Safety, Evaluation on Fire Drill, Basic Firefighting techniques, trainings on
Emergency and Medical Service and Fire Safety Inspection to business establishments, schools and
municipal buildings.

The Acting City Fire Marshal together with the Mabini MFPO initiated the request to the Sangguniang
Bayan of Mabini to donate lot for the construction of Mabini Fire Station. Occasional SB sessions
were attended to enumerate the advantages of donating said lot to the Bureau of Fire Protection.

A resolution was approved on April 24, 2017 expressing the willingness of the LGU Mabini to donate
to the Bureau of Fire Protection a portion of municipal lot approximately 175 square meters for the
construction of BFP building.

Another resolution was approved on June 5, 2017, Resolution No. 06-17-61 authorizing the Municipal
Mayor, Hon. Alimar R. Briana to execute and sign for and in behalf of the Local Government of
Mabini, a Deed of Donation of a parcel of lot with an area of one hundred seventy-five (175) square
meters located beside Barangay Hall of Brgy. Poblacion, Mabini in favor of the Bureau of Fire

On June 29, 2017, a Deed of Donation was signed by the Municipal Mayor, Hon. Alimar R. Briana
and Regional Director, Region1, SR SUPT LILIBETH Q SIMANGAN.
With the continuous assistance and support of the Alaminos City Central Fire Station headed by the
former OIC City Fire Marshal, INSP BIODULO B CUSTODIO, and Caretaker, SFO4 Alexander C
Acang, the mandate of BFP to the public has been more exposed and developed through the various
activities conducted.

On January 1, 2018, the newly installed City Fire Marshal, SINSP MICHAEL JOHN V ESCAÑO
together with the MFPO, FO2 Karen Joy T Degorio, introduced the possibility of activating a
temporary fire station for Mabini. Through often communication with the Municipal Mayor, HON.
Alimar R. Briana and attending several SB sessions, LGU Mabini approved Resolution No. 08-18-39
authorizing Municipal Mayor Alimar R. Briana to donate the Municipal Firetruck bearing plate No.WCI
773 to the Bureau of Fire Protection regarding the conditions, policies ad guidelines relative to the
donated firetruck.

On October 5, 2018, a Deed of Donation was once again signed by the Municipal Mayor, Hon. Alimar
R. Briana and Regional Director, BFP R1, SR SUPT MARIA SOFIA B MENDOZA. And on October 9,
2018, the donated LGU Firetruck was transferred and registered to Bureau of Fire Protection, Region

On January 28, 2019, another resolution was approved authorizing the Municipal Mayor to allocate
temporary space for the Bureau of Fire Protection at the Municipal Bleacher pending the construction
of the proposed BFP Mabini Fire Station. The main intent of LGU Mabini and the Bureau of Fire
Protection is to deliver basic services to the protection of life and property of the community. On 19
March 2019, Mabini Fire Station was officially activated.
As one of the newly activated fire stations in Pangasinan, Mabini Fire Station continues to provide
quality service to the people of this town. Aside from accomplishing effectively the mandates of the
BFP, Mabini FS also helps the Local Government Unit (LGU) through water rationing and flushing
upon their request. This station unceasingly strives to give significant contributions to the public.
Mission and Vision


- We commit to prevent and suppress destructive fires, investigate its causes, Enforce fire code and
other related laws, respond to man-made and natural disasters and other emergencies.


- A modern fire service fully capable ensuring a fire-safe nation by 2034

Practices and Organizational Set- up

 Conduct of fire safety inspection to business establishment, buildings, structure in compliance
to R.A. 9514 otherwise known as The Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008.
 Information dissemination of fire prevention and safety through the conduct of lectures and
seminars in all public and private establishments
 During the height of typhoon, all personnel of this station under alert status to provide
necessary assistance, conducted area monitoring, roving from time to time and clearing
operations on national roads.
 Personnel of this station attended Traditional Flag Raising Ceremony every Monday of the
week at Mabini Town Plaza.
 Personnel of this Station actively joined in all Local Government Unit activities such as Four
O’clock cleaning Habit/ General Assembly/ Tree Planting and others.
 Conducted briefing of the City Fire Marshal every after Flag Raising Ceremony.
 Collected Fire Code Fees Collection in Compliance to R.A 9514
III.Duties and Responsibilities of the Trainee

 Work as a member of a team that responds to any emergency incidents.

 Promote community awareness in fire safety and fire prevention through participation in
community education programs and inspection of properties, buildings.
 Provide basic life support during emergencies.
 Undertake maintenance and testing of fire service equipment and property to ensure its
 Provide accurate information in reports and statistical data, including the use of computer
systems as required.
 Participation in learning and development activities to acquire and maintain competencies and
pursue opportunities for self-development.
 Operate fire truck and firefighting equipment in a safe and effective manner.

IV. Lessons Learned

 Human Relation

 Treating other people with respect, and understanding.

 Cooperation with the station personnel.
 Establishing rapport with the clientele.
 Developing good relationship and mutual understanding to station personnel.

 Administrative skills

 Knowledge on how to Prepare / Update Administrative matters

a.) Monthly / Quarterly Reports
b.) Processing of Personnel Records
c.) Responding to Incoming Memos/ Letters / Directives
d.) Preparation of Human Resource Development Plan
 Attendance to Meetings with Different Line Agencies.
 Always give equal service and assistance to the public.
 Demonstrated effective written and oral communication skills.
 Able to use initiative and proper judgment.
 Observance of courtesy, respect and chain of command.

 Operational Tasks (Fire Fighting/ Rescue)

 Knowledge in Basic Fire Fighting Techniques.

 Always observe courtesy and chain of command.
 Observes proper wearing of personal protective equipment.
 Observes team work and camaraderie with co-workers.
 Performing CPR and other emergency procedures.
 Knowledge in Basic Fire Truck Operation and Safely Driving.
Mabini Fire Station
Mabini Poblacion, Pangasinan
Cp# 09171892611

V: Daily Journal

Output Report/Individual Journal

Rank/Name: FO1 Marlon B Refuerzo Unit Assignment: Mabini Fire Station

DATE Description of each day encountered and experience while
On- The-Job Training
Day 1 Courtesy call at Mabini Fire Station and OJT orientation conducted by
(25 Aug ‘22) SFO2 Johnny Ric O. Notarte, AMFM
Day 2 Orientation by FO1 Kryste Mae G. Billedo , regarding Admin-Personnel
(26 Aug ‘22) and Records Section (Advance Roster of Personnel, Stoppage of
Salary, Report of Changes, Leave Balance and Personnel Profile)
Day 3 FO1 Boyse C. Salvador discussed regarding Logistics and Supply
(27 Aug ‘22) Section (Fuel Consumption Report, Ideal Number of Breathing
apparatus, Status of Fire Fighting apparatus and Equipment, Status of
BFP Fire Truck, Status of Personnel Protective Gear and Equipment
Day 4 Attended the Traditional Flag Raising Ceremony together with the Local
(28 Aug ‘22) Government Unit headed by Municipal Mayor Reyes and Line Agency
(BFP and PNP)
Day 5 Conducted Driving Lesson by FO2 Kane Irvin G. Mendoza
(29 Aug ‘22)
Day 6 Cleaned station premises, barracks, office as well as our fire truck and
(30 Aug ’22) fire equipments.
Day 7 Oriented on conducted (FSI) Fire Safety Inspection by FO1 Boyse C.
(31 Aug ‘22) Salvador and FO1 Gerald M. Bacho
Day 8 Polishing of (AOR) Area of Resposibility together with FO1 Marabe and
(1 Sept ‘22) FO1 Lagliva
Day 9 Conducted (OLP on the Road) Oplan Ligtas sa Pamayanan and Water
(2 Sept ‘22) Level Monitoring together with FO1 Salvado and FO1 Bacho
Day 10 Regularly conducted Flushing at Mabini Public Market together with
(3 Sept ‘22) FO2 Mendoza, FO1 Lagliva and FO1 Marabe
Day 11 Regularly conducted Flushing at Mabini Municipal Covered Court
(4 Sept ‘22) together with FO2 Mendoza, FO1 Lagliva and FO1 Marabe
Day 12 Attended the Traditional Flag Raising Ceremony together with the Local
(5 Sept ‘22) Government Unit headed by Municipal Mayor Colin A. Reyes and Line
Agency (BFP and PNP)
Day 13 Conducted (OLP on the Road) Oplan Ligtas sa Pamayanan together
(6 Sept ‘22) with FO2 Mendoza, FO1 Marabe and FO1 Lagliva
Day 14 FO2 Catahan lectured regarding Fire Safety Enforcement
(7 Sept ‘22) Division, Building Plans and Evaluation Section and Computation of
Charges under R.A 9514.

Orientation how to Acknowledge Emails by FO1 Bacho

Day 15
(8 Sept ‘22)
Day 16 Join the zoomba meeting exercise
(9 Sept ‘22)
Day 17 Regularly conducted Flushing at Mabini Public Market together with
(10 Sept ‘22) FO1 Salvador and FO1 Bacho
Day 18 Regularly conducted Flushing at Mabini Municipal Covered Court
(11 Sept ‘22) together with FO1 Salvador and FO1 Bacho
Day 19 Attended the Traditional Flag Raising Ceremony together with the Local
(12 Sept ‘22) Government Unit headed by Municipal Mayor Colin A. Reyes and Line
Agency (BFP and PNP)
Day 20 Familiarization of fire truck operation and pump operator,
(13 Sept ‘22) Practiced in hose throwing, hose rolling, hose connection and hose
recovery with FO1 Salvador.
Day 21 Driving lesson conducted by FO1 Salvador
(14 Sept ‘22)
Day 22 Regularly conducted (FSI) Fire Safety Inspection together with FO1
(15 Sept ‘22) Salvador and FO1 Bacho
VI. Research and analysis

 Trends and Updates in Fire Fighting Career

 Proper use of Personal Protective and Fire Fighting Equipment.

 Knowledge regarding Basic Fire Fighting Technique like hose throwing, hose rolling, hose
connection and hose recovery.
 Able to know the different types of nozzle and pressure adjustment from fog to solid streams.
 Knowledge regarding different types of fire extinguisher and how to use it.

Work Ethic/values learned

 Staying humble and willing to learn from the seniors.

 Delaying self-gratification by exercising self- control and discipline.
 Accept responsibility for my actions and for the consequences of my actions.
 Support the concept of fairness and the value of diverse thoughts and opinions.
 Always conduct myself, on and off duty, in a manner that reflects positively on me, my
department and the fire service in general.
 Continue to uphold the Integrity and Trust in our profession.

 Knowledge and Skills learned

 Knowledge regarding computation of taxes and fire code fees.

 Learned regarding different types of fire extinguisher and proper technique in how to use it.
 Basic Firefighting Techniques and Basic Life Support procedures.
 Knowledge regarding Fire Safety Inspection.
 Knowledge regarding Fire Truck Operation.

 Problems encountered and their solutions

 Lack of EMS Equipment: Procurement of EMS Equipment.

 Lack of Personnel: there is a need of additional personnel to the station to maintain sufficient
service for effective fire and rescue operation.

 Need of a Fire Station Renovation or new Fire Station Building.

Observation and Overall benefits derived from training

The on-the-job training provided me with knowledge regarding Fire Safety Inspection, basic
firefighting techniques, proper steps in using fire extinguisher and familiarization of fire truck
operation. Such training will enable me to survive emergency situations, prevent me from
encountering accidents that might occur at the workplace and to help other people in times of fire and
emergencies to minimize injuries.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Fire is powerful enough to take away everything in the blink of an eye. This is the main reason
why it is important to know how to prevent fire incidents from happening and to know what has to be
done in case of fire. The one month on-the-job training plays a vital part in educating Fire Trainee
regarding firefighting. It will improve also the needed skills to educate people on how to avoid fire, and
about the fundamentals of fire prevention and protection. In conclusion, the on-the-job training was
successful in providing knowledge to fire trainee to become effective and efficient firefighter.

Prepared by: Noted by:

FO1 Marlon B Refuerzo SFO2 Johnny Ric O Notarte

Acting Municipal Fire Marshal

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government
Mabini Fire Station
Mabini Poblacion, Pangasinan
Cp# 09171892611


Based on the outcome of the Performance Scale for the On-the-Job Training, Marlon B.
Refuerzo got ____ on Operational Skills and ____ on Administrative Skills. The trainee also recorded
a complete attendance. As a result the Trainee comes highly recommended to continue to undergo
further training.

SFO2 Johnny Ric O Notarte BFP

Acting Municipal Fire Marshal


  Courtesy call at Pangasinan Provincial Headquarters and OJT orientation
conducted by Supt Bryan A Pocyao, APFD
 Courtesy call at Mabini Fire Station headed by SFO2 Johnny Ric O Notarte AMFM
for my 30 days On The Job Training (OJT)
 Regular Flushing at Mabini Public Market together with FO2 Mendoza, FO1 Lagliva and
FO1 Marabe
 Regular Flushing at Mabini Municipal Covered Court together with FO2
Mendoza, FO1 Lagliva and FO1 Marabe
 Driving lesson with FO1 Salvador
 Oriented on Fire Safety Inspection (FSI) by FO1 Boyse C Salvador and FO1 Gerald M

 Conducted health and wellness thru random exercises together with FO1 Lagliva
and FO1 Marabe
 Orientated on how to Acknowledge Emails by FO1 Bacho
 Conducted Clean Up Drive at Balincanguing River together with Local Government Unit,
MDRRMO, BFP and PNP headed by the Municipal Mayor Colin A. Reyes
 Oriented regarding on Petty Cash Replenishment by FO1 Krystel Mae G Billedo
 Attended the Traditional Flag Raising Ceremony together with the Local Government
Unit headed by Municipal Mayor Colin A. Reyes and Line Agency (BFP and PNP)
 Oriented on donning and doffing of fire fighting apparatuses by FO1 Marabe and
FO1 Lagliva

  Join the zoomba meeting

 Respond to a post fire in barangay San Pedro, Mabini, Pangasinan together with
FO2 Mendoza, FO1 Lagliva, and FO1 Marabe


Submitted by:

FO1 Marlon B Refuerzo

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