SFN 00845
SFN 00845
SFN 00845
Every Early Childhood Program is required to have certain information on file. These requirements are set forth in the rules
and regulations for Early Childhood Services as adopted by the North Dakota Department of Human Services. All information
requested herein is required and shall be kept confidential.
Child's Name Date Child Enrolled Preferred or Nickname of Child Date of Birth
Parent's Name Home Telephone Number Cell Phone Number Work Telephone Number
Parent's Name Home Telephone Number Cell Phone Number Work Telephone Number
In case of an emergency and parents cannot be reached, who should be contacted?
Name Relationship to Child Work Telephone Number Home Telephone Number
I hereby authorize the Early Childhood Program to secure emergency medical treatment for my child under the following conditions:
1. An emergency or unanticipated condition necessitates immediate action for the preservation of the life or health of the child, and
2. Reasonable attempts to contact me have failed.
Parent Signature Date Parent Signature Date
Per North Dakota Century Code section 12-60-26(7)(c), proof of identity means a certified copy of a birth certificate or any other documentary
evidence the child care facility considers appropriate proof of identity.
The identification of this child has been verified. As proof of identification, the child's parent has produced:
Copy of Child's Birth Certificate Child's Passport Other
Signature of Operator