Design Verification Checklist - Beginning (1) - 2
Design Verification Checklist - Beginning (1) - 2
Design Verification Checklist - Beginning (1) - 2
Complete Report (Vol I, Vol II, Vol III, Vol IV) is received? Report Volumn Page no
√∕X Vol I- Main Report
√ Sailent features table
X Hydrology Report
Geotech Report
Design discharge
-Various Methods used for design discharge calculation
-Depth of high flow given
-linear waterway and effective linear waterway in case
of constriction
-Compare field observed HFL and calculated HFL(take
conservative one)
-Free Board given as per Nepal Bridge Standard(NBS)
-Afflux (in case of constricted flow)(as per IRC code)
Bearing capacity
-bearing capacity summary table(with bearing capacity
values at different depths)
-soil sample photographs(core cutter sample)
-bore log process photographs
-Bearing Capacity
-Pile Capacity
-Angle of internal friction,
-unit wight of soil, cohesion
General Arrangement REMARKS
Plan of General Arrangement
Cross section of general arrangement
cross section of bridge axis as per survey data (field verification also)
bore hole point location with its soil description
Reduced Levels(Lowest bed level,Scour level,HFL level,Soffit level,Deck
level,Existing road level,Abutment top level,foundation top and bottom level)
Minimum dimensions(length of bridge,width of bridge,foundation
length,approach slab)
Check foundation level ( atleast 2m below scour) in case of open foundation
Superstructure Codes: IRC-6,IRC-112,SP-105
RCC T-girder/cross girder
Grade of concrete and steel
ILD for BM & SF
Vehicle load, Impact factor, reaction factor calculation for Live load.
Partial safety factors used
Load combination
PSC T-girder
In addition to above,following things needs to be checked
cable properties
cable position as per freyssinet manual and IRC-112
Check if cables crosses with each other
Coordinates of cable profile
length of cable
elongation of cable
Angle of emergence of cable(angle increases as the height of cable increases)
Jacking force
Extreme stresses
Ultimate strength check
End block design
Minimum longitudinal reinforcement
Substructure Codes: IRC-6,IRC-112,SP-105
- Check if the data used for design is as per the geo-tech report & code
-Concrete grade and steel grade
- General dimensions and size
-Vertical reactions from superstructure
- Ka, Ca values
- Loads calculation & load Combinations(consider releiving and adding effect)
-Structural Design:
flexure and shear: load combination as per IRC-6 : Table B.2
Servicabilty check: load combination as per IRC-6 : Table B.3
-Horizontal reinforcement and vertical reinforcement
-Concrete grade and steel grade
- General dimensions and size
-Vertical reactions from superstructure
- Ka, Ca values
- Loads calculation & load Combinations(consider releiving and adding effect)
-Stability check(moment taken about toe): load combination as per IRC-6 : Table B.1
-Friction coefficient between soil and concrete taken as 0.5 as per IRC 78 code
-Bearing Pressure check (moment taken about base of the foundation):load combination as per IRC-78 code
-Structural Design:
flexure and shear: load combination as per IRC-6 : Table B.4
Servicabilty check: load combination as per IRC-6 : Table B.3
-Punching shear check
Concrete grade and steel grade
- General dimensions and size
-Vertical reactions from superstructure
- Ka, Ca values
- Loads calculation & load Combinations(consider releiving and adding effect)
-Pile configuration
-Load distribution on piles
-Pile capacity check
-Design of pile cap
-Design of pile shaft
tion as per IRC-78 code
Dimension and reinforcement details
Reinforcement detailing confirming to Section 16
and 17 of IRC 112
Bar bending schedule as per drawing
In case of PSC Bridge
Anchorage detailing
General Notes
Specification for working process, quality of works,
Bearing design
for load
Free in
and Fix bearing type
i . max and vertical seismic and non
seismic case,