Forensic 5 Week 9-10

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The proper application of the three phases of polygraph examination was assumed to have significant contribution
to the accuracy of the result of polygraph examination.
1. Pretest Interview
2. Test Data Collection
3. Test Data Analysis


The initial part of the polygraph examination process where in the examiner inform the examinee of the purpose of
the test, discuss the test procedure, and introduce the subject to the polygraph questions relative to the issue being
tested. The length of the pretest interview ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours or longer, depending on the
complexity of the case, interactions between the subject and the polygraph examiner, and the testing technique
used. Pretest interview is use in all types of polygraph techniques.


1. Room for Polygraph Examination
An ideal polygraph examination room must be clean and orderly. It must be free from any noise, and have privacy.
There should be no displayed pictures, certificates and other items that may attract interest and will distract the
attention of the examinee is allowed. The appropriate setting of the polygraph room is a common problem
encountered by any polygraph examiner during a field polygraph test. He has of no liberty to choose whatever room
that is available. Privacy is sometimes at risk.
2. Examiners Appearance
Polygraph examiner should dress properly. His attire must not create possible distractions on the subject. He should
not wear uniform, and shall not display any weapons or badges.

3. Discussion with the Investigators

It is important to meet the investigator and other pertinent personalities in order to gather the information about
the issue to be tested. It well assists the examiner to visualize the incident and provides key in formulating the test
questions. It will help him also to determine the background of the examinee that may serves as an important guide
in post-test interview.

4. Review of Relevant Materials

Any available information such as photographs of the crime scene, statements of witness, and or subject,
investigation reports, notes and records is a great help for the examiner to appreciate how the incident under
investigation happened. It is also a key in constructing good test questions. These details also provide great insights
in the approach of posttest interview.

5. Functionality of the Instrument

Prior to conducting the examination, the polygraph examiner should ensure that the instrument is working soundly.
Each channel sensors must be in good condition. Calibration or functionality test shall be done before the
examination. APA standard of practice requires a periodic functionality test of polygraph instrument to maintain its
1. Greetings
A professional and friendly greeting to the subject is essential in stablishing rapport. The polygraph examiner will
introduce himself cordially to the examinee as a way to initiate the process. He will require the subject to turn off
the phone and anything that may cause disturbance during the test.
2. Identification
Polygraph subject will be identified by asking him any proof of identification available to him. Calling the subject by
his first name or nickname is a way to ease the tension that the examinee might be experiencing. Examiner may
express his compassion to the subject, thereby developing rapport between them. It may put the examinee at ease,
and even talk confidently with the examiner. The examiner will introduce himself professionally so as to stablish his
authority. The expertise of the examiner in handling the procedure of the test is essential to impress the polygraph


During the initial stage, the examinee is advice that the polygraph test will be recorded through an audio/video
device. He will be advised that a consent to undergo polygraph examination is necessary to be accomplished.
Subject is told that an interview on the on his personal background will be conducted for familiarization and
establishing rapport. Subject is informed about the issue to be tested and brief discussion of the topics is conducted.
The function of the polygraph and the sensors that will be connected to the examinee will also be introduced. The
process and intention of acquaintance test is explained. Test procedures will be discussed, and the instructions on
how to conduct himself during the test will be specified.


The polygraph examiner has the obligation to advise the examinee of his rights prior to conducting the test. Subject
is told that the examination is voluntary and that he has the rights to refuse anytime that he feels. Subject is also told
that the result of the examination is to be submitted to the requesting party and the examiner has no longer in
control regarding their decision. The approval of the subject is essential before proceeding with the test. The
examinee is requested to sign a consent form and provide his biographical information on the form attached to the
waiver. An interview on his background information is conducted as a means of familiarizing the subject. It serves in
stablishing rapport. Examinee is deemed suitable to the test mentally and physically when he signed the consent
form. It is suggested that before obtaining the consent or waiver form, it is important that subject was already
briefed of the procedure of the test and the function of the polygraph was also explained to him.


The polygraph examiner must ensure that test subject is suitable to undergo polygraph examination. An examinee
who are not physically and mentally sound will not be tested. In some situations, it is necessary to seek the approval
of medical authorities before the subject will be allowed to undergo a polygraph test.

Unsuitability for the Test:

1. A subject who was exposed to prolong interrogation immediately before the examination is not ideal to
undergo polygraph examination.
2. Those who are mentally or physically fatigue
3. Those who are emotional upset
4. Intoxicated
5. Those who are suffering significant physical discomfort
6. Persons with poor level of mental functioning (too young or low IQ)

Interview about the background information of an examinee is also an essential part of the test. Examiner may use it
later during the port test interview or as guide in formulating comparison questions. It also helps in developing

Establishing rapport is important to make the examinee feel comfortable. The polygraph examiners expression of
compassion may lead to more good information offered by the subject on the issue. Listening on the examinee’s
insights is important to obtain good information. Showing of expertise in handling the process is also a factor in
rapport building. Polygraph examiner should establish his authority by showing that he is in control of the interview


1. Free-narrative Interview
In diagnostic examination, polygraph subject is asked to explain and discuss his knowledge about the incident freely
without applying pressure. During subject’s narration of facts, the examiner will not interrupt and shall take note any
inconsistencies and other details that needs to be clarified. The polygraph examiner is discouraged to argue or
challenge the version of the subject about the issue. He shall encourage the subject to be frank in the details that he
will provide. It is suggested to ask an open-ended question at the start of the interview, then close-ended questions
to have the examinee rekindle the physical and mental acts of the allegations.
2. Structured Interview
In a screening type of examination, the procedure in pretest interview is more structured in nature. An outline about
the topics to be discuss can be used to obtain all information that is needed to be reviewed with the subject. Pretest
appeals may be applied to obtain any undisclosed information. Care must be observed not to overly expose the
subject to any issue. Structured interview is most preferred because of consistency.
3. Semi-structured Interview
Semi-structured interview is conducted using a structured content and question outline, for which the interviewer is
permitted to present interview questions in a manner that is individualized based on the personalities, education
levels, and rapport between the interviewer and the interviewee
Intended to make more effective use of interviewer skill and expertise to access rich information regarding the
interview content. Semi-structured interviews should be anchored by a defined interview schedule or protocol, with
clearly formulated operational definitions that describe the behavioral issues of concern. Strategies both depend on
and foster greater interviewing skill. All interview topics are addressed at some point during an interview


Examinee is provided with an explanation about the functions of the polygraph and the sensors that will be placed
on his body. Subject must understand that polygraph sensors will not hurt or cause discomfort to him during the
examination. The examinee will also be oriented with the underlying psychological and physiological basis of
reaction recorded by the polygraph. He will be briefed how to behave during the duration of the test and to give the
required answer to the test questions, he must also obey the test instructions in order to successfully complete the

1. Pneumograph Sensors
The polygraph examiner will emphasize that the pneumograph sensors that will be placed on subject’s abdomen and
chest will monitor normal body movement. These sensors are too sensitive and it is important not to move during
the test.
Ø During the placement of the sensors, subject is asked to place his hands on his head.
Ø Abdominal sensor is attached first followed by the thoracic sensor.
Ø It is suggested that the polygraph examiner must positioned himself beside or in front of the examinee in
attaching the sensors. His one hand holding the edge of the tube or band while the other hand is holding the beaded
chain or the strap.
Ø The abdominal sensor is positioned at the center above the sternum.
Ø The pneumograph should not be stretched for more than two inches to prevent damaging the elastic parts inside.
Ø The thoracic sensor is placed at the center above the nipple line. The sensors should not be too loose to slide or
too tight to lose signal or cause discomfort to the examinee. Ensure that the sensors do not touched the arm of the
Ø The polygraph examiner’s professional approach in placing the sensors is essential to the subject. Care must be
observed not to touch too much any body parts of the subject. If possible, a female examiner is suggested to
perform the sensor attachment on female subject.
Ø After connecting the pneumograph sensors, ask the examinee to lower his hand.
2. EDA Sensor

Figure 2 – Attachment of Pneumograph Sensors

Source: Polygraph Techniques, A Manual in Lie Detection
Wiseman Trading and Rey S. Lotivo, RCrim., MSCJ
Philippine Copyright 2021

In explaining the EDA sensors, the examinee is told that the transducer is sensitive to the activity of the sweat
glands. It monitors and records the phenomena happening on the sweat glands during the test. Some examinees
who are concerned about their sweaty hand are told that the sensor is designed to monitor the changes happening
in the skin surface and not the excessive sweating of their hand.

Ø When using the classic EDA finger plates, the sensor is placed on the volar surface of the distal phalange of the
index and ring finger. Subject is asked to wash and dry their hands to ensure that skin is clean before connecting the
sensor. The sensor is attached snugly by wrapping the Velcro fastener on each finger. It must not be too tight that
the examinee will feel the pulse on his finger or too loose that it may be detached and lost contact with the skin.
Ø Manufacturers of computerized polygraph have other EDA sensors provided to address the needs of the
polygraph examiner. When using the reusable electrode, apply a small amount of electrode paste on the cups.
Attach snugly the sensors on the palmar surface of the distal phalange of the index and ring finger. Clean the sensor
after recording.
Ø The disposable gel electrodes are placed on the palmar surface of the hand one on the base of the thumb and the
other on the base of the litter finger. Make sure that the hand of the examinee is clean before connecting the
Ø Some examiners preferred to attach the EDA sensor on the non-dominant hand. Standard practice requires that
EDA sensors must be placed on the opposite side where cardio arm cuff is attached. This is to avoid affecting the
signal due to pressure applied on the arm.

Figure 3 – Attachment of EDA sensor

Source: Polygraph Techniques, A Manual in Lie Detection
Wiseman Trading and Rey S. Lotivo, RCrim., MSCJ
Philippine Copyright 2021
3. Plethysmograph Sensor
Subject is told that the plethysmograph sensor will monitor and record the volume of blood on his veins. The
transducer is very sensitive to movements and it is important that he will not make any movement during the test.
The sensor is attached on the finger/thumb or wrist of the same hand having the electrodermal sensor.

4. Cardio Sensor
The polygraph examiner advised the subject that a blood pressure cuff will be used to monitor and record the
changes in the activity of the heart and pulse. T
Ø The proper placement of the cardio sensor is on the subject’s upper arm without the EDA and PLE sensor.
Ø Subject is asked to extend his arm forward and palm up.
Ø The polygraph examiner is positioned on the side of the subject.
Ø Ensure that the cuff is snugly attached to arm, immediately over the brachial artery.
Ø If an examinee is wearing thick jacket, advise the subject to remove it to avoid affecting the cardiovascular
Ø It is also important that the cuff will not in contact with the body of the examinee. Breathing can affect the cardio
tracing because of the pressure applied to the cuff.
The forearm or wrist and even the thumb can be an alternative site for recording cardiovascular tracings.
Computerized polygraph provides an optional sensor for these purposes.

5. Movement or Seat Sensor

The movement or seat sensors are placed on the polygraph chair during the instrument set up if a computerized
polygraph is used. Movement sensor are designed to be sensitive to somatic/behavioral nervous system activity.
The addition of an activity sensors can increase the detection of somatic activity, and this may reduce occurrence of
false accusations of countermeasure use.
The proper placement of sensors contributes to the quality of tracings collected during the examination. Polygraph
examiner must ensure that sensors are properly attached and will not interfere or cause discomfort to the subject. It
is also important that wirings or rubber hose of the sensor must not be crimpled or pinched and not be placed in
front of the examinee. It may cause distraction on the subject during the test.

Figure 5: Seat Sensor

Source: Polygraph Techniques, A Manual in Lie Detection
Wiseman Trading and Rey S. Lotivo, RCrim., MSCJ
Philippine Copyright 2021

Figure 6: Proper Placement of Polygraph Sensors

Source: Polygraph Techniques, A Manual in Lie Detection
Wiseman Trading and Rey S. Lotivo, RCrim., MSCJ
Philippine Copyright 2021


Acquaintance test is given to an examinee after the explanation of the functions of the polygraph instrument. This
test is designed to prepare and introduce the subject to the process of the examination. The procedure of the
acquaintance test is explained to the examinee and after its completion, feedback is necessary to provide an
impression to the subject about the effectiveness of the test.

There are several type of acquaintance tests, the effect depends on every type of examinee. The selection of what
acquaintance test will be may depend on the examinee’s level of understanding, education, background and
previous experience in polygraph. The polygraph examiner may choose the one that is suitable to the subject. The
choice depends on the purpose of achieving the objective of determining the truthful and deceptive response of the

Acquaintance test can contribute to the accuracy of polygraph test result. Once the effectiveness of the process was
instilled to the subject, truthful subject will be assured that their truthful response will be recorded properly by the
polygraph, thus the fear for failing the test will be eliminated. The deceptive subject will be more focus on the
relevant topic thereby creating fear of being detected on his lie.

Polygraph examiners sometimes do not administer an acquaintance test. Especially in a situation where polygraph
subject has undergone test for several times. However, it is suggested that it must be conducted in every test
regardless whether the subject has previous experience in polygraph examination. Acquaintance test can help a
polygraph examiner to determine the physiological pattern that an examinee produced during the first chart prior to
conducting the succeeding relevant tests. It gives him the opportunity to assess the physiological tracings of a
polygraph subject and make the necessary adjustment. Also, the polygraph examiner can have a chance to observe
first the subject’s behavior to determine any indications of countermeasures.


1. To familiarizes the polygraph subject with the testing process, sensors, examiner’s voice and procedures.
2. To reassure the innocent, and focus the guilty.
3. To have an idea about the normal tracings of the subject.
4. To adjust the proper instrument settings according to examinees physiological tracings
5. To ensure the cooperation of examinee and determine any indication of countermeasures.


1. There should be no trickery involved or any appearance of trickery.
2. Acquaintance test must have proper pretest and posttest procedure.
3. The polygraph examiner shall not manipulate the tracings during the administration of acquaintance test.
4. Feedback is given to the examinee after the completion of acquaintance test.


1. Calibration Verification of Sensitivity

This type of acquaintance test is conducted as the first chart after the test questions were already presented and
reviewed to the subject. It is administered to determine the examinee’s capability to process information, discover
any type of countermeasures which the examinee partakes or has prepared prior to the examination.


Ø The examinee is told that he will be given a practice test to calibrate the polygraph and determine his
responsiveness to the test questions.
Ø The questions that will be asked in CVOS will be reviewed to the subject except the math question.
Ø The first question to be ask is a neutral question (name, age, date, day, location)
Ø The second question is also neutral.
Ø The third question is a math question (What is 7 X 9 – 15?). A difficult math question will require more cognitive
load and will indicate strong physiological response.
Ø The fourth question is about drug intake (Did you take any kind of medication today or Apart from what you have
told me, did you take other medication today?).
Ø The last question is presented in this manner, Regarding the stabbing incident, do you intend to answer each
question truthfully?
Ø Polygraph examiner will look into subject’s physiological responses after the completion of the CVOS. Reaction to
math question is expected, response to drug question may indicate countermeasure, and an absence of reaction to
question number five will require a second review of test questions.
Ø Finally, subject is asked what questions affects him most. If it is about drugs, subject is required to explain.

2. Known Number Acquaintance Test

The Known Number Acquaintance Test is a first test chart administered after explanation of the functions of
polygraph, sensors and physiological basis of reactions. This test involves no trickery or employ any form of trickery.
The purpose of this test is to instill confidence in the polygraph technique which gives the truthful examinee more
confidence and creates more specific responses among deceptive subject. According to Decker (1978) this type of
acquaintance test is useful in identifying a Spot Responder or proving the falsity of such claim by a deceptive


Ø The polygraph examiner will write down the number 1, 2, 4 and 5 on a bond paper. Subject is instructed to write
the number three.
Ø Subject is told that a practice test will be administered to familiarize him with the testing procedures, to
differentiate truthful and deceptive response and to ensure that he can follow test instructions.
Ø During the review of questions, examinee will be asked if he write down the numbers 1, 2,3 4, and 5. He will be
instructed to answer NO to every number including the number 3.
Ø The numbers are placed in front of examinee during the administration of acquaintance test.
3. True Blue Control Test
The True-Blue Control Test helps in convincing a truthful examinee about the difference in physiological tracings
when being truthful or lying during the test. It lessens the fear of innocent subject that his truthful answer will
appear untruthful on the polygraph charts because of nervousness. On the other hand, deceptive examinee will be
given opportunity in trying to distort the physiological tracings by making it appears as a truthful response. The True-
Blue Control test, increases the fear of detection on the deceptive examinee by convincing him that his lies will be
found out as indicated by physiological response recorded on the chart. The True-Blue Control test sends a warning
on deceptive examinee who attempted to employ countermeasures that his efforts to beat the test will not
succeed. The polygraph examiner will have a chance to view which channels the subject’s displays the most
consistent deceptive tracings when he is lying. It also helps to obtain ideal deception response when the subject is
untruthful to the comparison and relevant questions during the test.


Ø Subject is advised that he will be given a special test to differentiate the changes in physiological response when
he is lying or telling the truth. Also, the subject is told the polygraph examination will not continue if there will be no
changes observe.
Ø The examiner uses 6 pieces index card with corresponding number from 1 to 6. The number is one is written in
red; number two is written in blue; number three is half blue and half red, number 4 is blue, number five is red and
the number six is three fourth blue and one fourth red.
Ø Subject is instructed that if the red number is asked, he will give a lie answer and if the blue number is asked, he
answer the question truthfully. Subject’s answer is full lie and full truth.
Ø Subject will be asked if number three is blue, he will be instructed to answer the question with NO, hence
subject’s answer is a half-truth and half-lie.
Ø The subject will be asked if the number six is red, a NO answer is required, therefore, the answer of the subject on
the question is only small lie.

4. Fail-Proof Blind Number Test

This type of acquaintance test also employs no trickery. The examiner does not know which number the subject has
selected. This is effective in reducing fear and anxiety on the truthful examinee, and increasing admissions on
screening test. It becomes more effective when the examiner correctly determines the chosen number. According
to Barland (1978) a polygraph examiner who has never tried a blind number test usually feels inadequate, or those
who did not properly recover from mistake in identifying the number, affects their confidence and doubted their
efficiency. Examinee who has doubt on the effectiveness of the instrument are even encourage to suppress their
reactions, evidently their responsiveness to the chosen number is obvious. It is important that the polygraph
examiner will not make a direct statement that he will correctly identify the chosen number at the end of the test.


Ø Ask the examinee to choose a number between 2 and 6. He is told to write down the selected number on a small
piece of paper and kept it on himself.
Ø Advise the subject about the procedures of the acquaintance test. He is informed that the test is consisting of
three phases. In the first phase, he will be asked what number he picked starting from number one up to number six
in straight order. Subject will deny the selected number and he will answer NO to all of the numbers. The polygraph
examiner will observe the examinee’s physiological response on numbers 3, 4, and 5.
Ø The second phase is randomized, the number that will be asked will start from number 2, followed by number 6.
The third number to be asked is the one exhibiting strong physiological response, followed by number 1, and the
number with second strongest physiological reactions. The last number to be asked in randomized series is the
remaining number.
Ø On the third phase, the examinee is instructed to answer the questions truthfully. He will be advised that if the
correct answer to a question is NO, he will give a NO answer and if the correct answer is YES, he will answer the
question with YES.
Ø The polygraph examiner will then ask the subject about the number that showed the strongest physiological
response. If the subject answer YES, the test is terminated.
Ø If a NO answer was given by the subject on the first question/number (with strongest physiological reaction), the
second to be ask is the number one, followed by number two, number six, the remaining number, and the last
question is the one number with second strongest reaction.
Ø If the polygraph examiner correctly identified the chosen number, he will impress the subject that the polygraph
is capable if recording truthful and deceptive response. The examinee will however, not be aware if the polygraph
examiner failed to identify the selected number.

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