OBE Company Law - 2023-24

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Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad

Academic Year: 2023-24 (Batch of 2021-26)



Course Code : T1498 No. Credits 02
Catalogue Code : No. Hours 30
Faculty Name : Ms. Shakshi Kothari; Ms. Shalini
Consultation : Students can meet faculty-in-charge between 4 pm to 5 pm.
Mobile : 9721669100 Email-ID Shakshi.kothari@slsh.edu.in
9959494246 shalini@slsh.edu.in

Program Objectives:-

1. By Studying law in the particular context of humanities and social sciences the students are
groomed to respond to governance, administration and human behavior.

2. Student’s gain an edge over other peers to lead and shape social and public enterprises such as
the State, Community organization and Social Enterprises.

3. Course curriculum facilitates learning Law in a profound way in response to contemporary

development with hands on experience in legal knowledge and skills in value frame work in a
fast changing India set in a de-globalizing world.

4. The Student will be groomed in intellectual integrity, ethics.

5. The Student will improve cognitive, problem solving skills, independent critical thinking with
research capabilities

Course Objectives:-

1. To be familiar with basic concepts, provisions, case laws, principles, procedures, forms
followed in relation to the company law.

2. To provide a fundamental principles of company law.

3. Understanding the principles of corporate personality.

4. Students will be able to understand the various key managerial personels and their role in
the company.

5. The provisions of company law will enrich the knowledge relating to audits and accounts
in company, company meetings, oppression and mismanagement , compromises,
arrangement, reconstruction and also the provision relating to the amalgamation

6. Similar the students will be made familiar with the provision and laws relating to winding
up of company and the role of liquidator in the process.

7. Studying the Indian capital market and the SEBI is an added feature of the company law

Learning Outcome (s):

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

1. To learn about the functioning and regulation of the companies till the stage a company
is dissolved and the life of the company comes to an end.
2. To provide an in-depth understanding of the various provisions of the Companies Act,
1956 and the allied Acts.

Books Recommended:

 Taxmann’s Company Law and Practice- A Comprehensive Text Book on Companies Act 2013,
Dr. G.K. Kapoor and Dr. Sanjay Dhamija, 23rd Edition (2018).
 Agrawal& Baby, SEBI Act: A Legal Commentary on Securities &Exchange Board of India
Taxman (2011)
 Bhandari M.C., Guide to Company Law Procedures, –18th edition, Wadhwa (2003)
 Gower L.C.B., Principles of Modern Company Law, Stevens & Son London, (1997)
 Mazumdar T.K. &Kapoor G.K., Company Law & Practice, Taxmann (2004)
 Penntings, Company Law SEBI Manual (latest)
 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa,
Nagpur (2010)
 Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th edition, Eastern Law Publication, (2009)

Course Map:-

Course Description Learning Outcomes Assessments

Company law II: Student will be able to Synopsis

includes the company understand the basic Submission
management laws principles and provisions of
including audits and company law.
Subject and Course Code: company law II:

accounts, company Student would be acquainted Test

meetings, provision with Indian capital market
relating to oppression and and sebi.
mismanagement under
It will help the student to Presentation
companies act 1956 and understand provision oppression
the role of tribunal and and mismanagement act and
the role of central SEBI.
government relating to Student will be able to Viva-Voce
the same in India. The analyse various case laws.
provision relating to the
company act provides the
modes of winding up and Student will get an idea of Project
the role of liquidator in recent amendments in
the process. Indian capital company law.

Delivery Schedule:-

Session Plan Evidence of

(Mapping CO
with SO)

Session Topic/ Intended Resources and References Intended Assessment /

Delivery Evaluation
# Learning

1 Directors, Essential Reading: Lecture, CO1/LO1-

Number of
 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies Act, PPT S

Directors, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis presentation
Position of ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur (2010)
directors. Page- 224
 Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th
edition, Eastern Law Publication,
Chapter 10 directors page- 247-258
Additional Reading:
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 435 to 518.

 Dartmouth college vs. Woodward
4 L Ed. 629: 17 US 518(1819),636
 Lennord’s Carrying Co. Ltd vs
Asiatic Petroleum co. ltd , 1915
AC 705, 713
 Tesco Supermarkets Ltd vs.
Nattrass, 1972 AC 153: (1971) 2
WLR 1166
2 Appointment  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th Lecture, CO2/LO2-
and edition, Eastern Law Publication, PPT M
reappointment of Chapter 10 directors page- 259-268 presentation,
directors Additional Reading: Case

 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies Act, Discussion

17th edition, Lexis Nexis
Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur
(2010) 3 SCC 330, Page- 230-240
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 435 to 518.
 Current problems of corporate law
management and practice of the
Indian law institute, New Delhi. By
PN Bhagwati’s,” Rights of Minority


Case laws:
 Briji Gopal Daga vs State of
kerala( 2013) 181 Comp Cas 320
 National small industries corpn ltd
vs., Harmeet Singh Paintal ,
 Usha chopra vs chopra hospital
(P) Ltd. (2006) 130 Comp Cas 483
 All India tea and trading co v.
Upendra Narain Sinha 42 CWN
 BR Kundra vs Motion Pictures
Assn, (1976) 46 Comp Cas 339
 Euro India Investments Ltd v.
Cement Corpn of Gujarat Ltd,
(1993)Comp Cas 500 (mad)
 Bharat Bhushan vs. HB Portfolio
Leasing Ltd. (1992) 74 Comp Cas
 Raghunath swarup Mathur v
Raghuraj Bahadur Mathur , (1966)
2 Comp Lj 100

2 Qualification Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

and  Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th Case M
disqualification edition, Eastern Law Publication, Discussion, ,
(2009). CHAPTER 10
of directors DIRECTORS PAGE- 268-270 PPT
Additional Reading:
 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies Act,
17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur (2010)
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 435 to 518.

 Mukul Harkisandass Dalal Vs
Jayesh Ramniklal Doshi ,(1997)
88 comp cas 808 1994 Mah LJ
 Lightening electrical contractors
ltd, re (1996) 2 BCLC 302 (ChD).
 Secy of state for trade and
industry vs Arif, (1997)1 BCLC
 Rama Narang Vs Ramesh Narang,
(1995)2 SCC 513
 Joy vs. State of Kerala, (1991) 72
Comp Cas 57(Ker).
2 Remuneration , Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
removal of Avtar singh, Company Law, 15th edition, PPT M
directors, Eastern Law Publication, (2009) presentation,
Powers and Case
duties Discussion
Additional Reading:
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 435 to 518.

 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies Act,
17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur (2010)
PERSONNEL PAGE 242-245,262-

 Metallurgical and Engg.
consultants (India)Ltd vs, Mecon
Executive Assn, ( 1998)28 CLA
381 (MP)
 Self cleansing filter syndicate co
ltd v. Cunninghame
 Marshall’s Valve Gear Co.Ltd v
Manning Wardle and co Ltd
(1909) 1 Ch 267 : 100 LT 65
 Al- Amin Seatrans(P) Ltd v.
Vessel M V Loyal Bird, (1995)17
CLA 204 (Cal)
 Scott v Scott(1943)1 All ER 582
 LIC v Escorts Ltd. (1986) 1 SCC
3 liabilities of the  Essential Reading: Avtar Singh, Lecture, CO3/LO3-
directors Company Law, 15th edition, Eastern PPT S
Law Publication, (2009)
contracts in CHAPTER 10 DIRECTORS presentation,
which directors PAGE- 257-258,291-334, 318-324 Case
are interested, Additional Reading: Discussion
disabilities of  Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies Act,
17th edition, Lexis Nexis
directors ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur (2010)
PERSONNEL PAGE 246-247,256
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann

(2004)- Pg. 435 to 518.

 New Zealand case
 Fairline shipping corpn v
 Williams v Natural life Health
Foods 1975 QB 180 : (1974)2
WLR 824
3 Managing  Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-
Directors- Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th edition, PPT S
Eastern Law Publication, (2009), Page
Appointment , 332-335 presentation,
disqualification, Case
Additional Reading:
 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies Act,
17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur (2010)
Pg. no. 215,216,219,222.
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 435 to 518.

 Boschoek Proprietary Co.Ltd v
Fuke , (1906)
 Ram Pershad v CIT (1972) 2 SCC
3 Manager- Essential Reading Lecture, CO3/LO3-
provisions of the Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th edition, PPT M
Act regarding Eastern Law Publication, (2009) Pg. no. presentation,
Manager 332,339,340 Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur
(2010), Pg. 215.
 Gibson v Barton (1875)LR 10 QB
 Newspaper Proprietary Syndicate
Ltd, re, (1990) 2 Ch 349: 83 Lt
4 Board meetings Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-
 Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,

(2009), Pg. no. 357-390 Case

Additional Reading:
 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur
(2010) Pg. 316-369.
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 549-588

 Sree Meenakshi Mills Co. Ltd v
Registrar of Joint Stock
Companies AIR 1938 Mad 640
 Indian Spg Mills Ltd v Lt General
Madan AIR 1953 Cal 355: 56
CWN 398
 NVR Nagappa Chettiar v Madras

Race Club
 Rao Bahadur MRS
Rathnavelusami v Mrs
Manickavelu Chettiar

4 Sole selling Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-

Agents  Avtar singh, Company Law, 15th PPT M
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,

(2009), pg. 356 Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 435 to 518.

5 Secretary- Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-

Appointment ,  Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies PPT S
qualification Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis presentation,

ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur Case

(2010) Pg. 282-301 Discussion

Additional Reading:
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 519-548.

6 Accounts: Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

statutory books ,  Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th PPT S
forms and edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
contents of Case
balance sheet  Additional Reading: Bhandari M.C., Discussion
and profit and Guide to Company Law Procedures, –
18th edition, Wadhwa (2003)
loss accounts
 Gower L.C.B., Principles of Modern
Company Law, Stevens & Son
London, (1997)
 Mazumdar T.K. &Kapoor G.K.,

Company Law & Practice, Taxmann

6 Disclosure of Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

accounts of  Avtar singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
subsidiary edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009). Pg. 405- 420.
companies , Case
director’s report Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
and liability
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 605-630.

7 Auditors report, Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-

director’s  Avtar singh, Company Law, 15th PPT M
responsibility , edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
audit committees (2009), Pg. 391-438 Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur
(2010) pg. 428-451.
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 633- 656.
 Thomas Gerrand and sons Ltd, re,
1968 Ch 455SN Das Gupta, AIR
1956 Cal 414
7 Auditors : Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-
appointment ,  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
resignation and edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009) Pg. no. 423-424
removal of Case
auditors Additional Reading: Discussion

 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur
(2010) Pg. no. 249-440.
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 656-685.

 Basant Ram and sons v union of
India , (2004) 4 Comp LJ 55 (Del)
8 Rights and Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-
duties and  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
liabilities of edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
auditors (2009) Pg. no. 425-438. Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur
(2010) Pg. no, 443,444.
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 656-685.
 Thomas Gerrand and sons Ltd, re,
1968 Ch 455SN Das Gupta, AIR
1956 Cal 414
 City equitable fire insurance co,
re, 1925 Ch. 407
 Ultaramares Corpn v Touche

(1931)235 NY Rep 170
8 Powers of Essential Reading: Lecture, CO4/LO4-
central  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT M
government to edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009- Under Section 233A of
direct special Companies Act 1956. Pg no. Case
audit and cost 353-359. Discussion
audit Additional Reading:

 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,

Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 686-690.

9 Different kinds Essential Reading: Lecture, CO4/LO4-

of meetings  Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,

(2009). Page 357-390 Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur
(2010), Page 316-358.

 Miinakshi Mills Co Ltd v
Registrar of Joint Stock
Companies AIR 1938 Mad 640
 Spg Mills Ltd v. Lt General
Madan AIR 1953 Cal 355.
10 Laws and Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
procedures to  Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th PPT S
various meetings edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,

(2009), Page 364-390 Case
Additional Reading: Discussion
 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur
(2010) Page 322

 NVR Nagapp Chettiar v Madras
Race Club (1949) 1 MLJ 662
10 Voting ordinary Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
resolution  Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th PPT M
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,

(2009), Page 375-385 Case


Additional Reading:
 Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur
(2010) Pg. 342.
11 Special Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
resolution,  Singh Avtar, Company Law, 15th PPT S
resolution edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
requiring special (2009), Page 375- 385. Case
notice, Discussion
resolution by Additional Reading:
postal ballot  Ramaiya A., Guide to Companies
Act, 17th edition, Lexis Nexis
ButterworthsWadhwa, Nagpur
(2010), Page-347-348.

 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 589-605.
 TH Vakil v Bombay Presidency
Radio Club AIR 1945 Bom 475
12 Division of Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
powers between  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT M
board and edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Pg. no. 387-394.
General Case
Meetings Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 605-631.
13-14 Majority powers Essential Reading: Lecture, CO3/LO3-
and minority  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
rights edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,

(2009), Pg 389-397. Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 747-756.
15-17 Provisions Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
relating to Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
oppression and edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009) Pg. no. 493-528
Mismanagement Case
under companies Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Act, 1956
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 758- 843.

 Rajahmundry electric supply
corpn Ltd v A Nageshwara Rao
AIR 1956 SC 213
 Jermyn Street Trukish Baths Ltd
(1970) 1 WRL 343
 Elder v Elder & Watson Ltd 1952
SC 49

18-19 Role of tribunal Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

and central  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
government edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Page 575-610
Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 1023- 1068.
Premier Motors (p) Ltd v Ashok Tandon
(1971) 41 Comp Cas 656(ALL).
Auto steering India (P) Ltd, re, (1977) 47
Comp Cas 257(Del).
Anglo Continental Supply Co.re (1992)2
Ch 723,736.
20 Statutory Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
provisions  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
relating to edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Page 575-610
compromises, Case
arrangement , Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,

amalgamation Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 843-922.
Premier Motors (p) Ltd v Ashok Tandon
(1971) 41 Comp Cas 656(ALL)
Auto steering India (P) Ltd, re, (1977) 47
Comp Cas 257(Del)
Anglo Continental Supply Co.re (1992)2
Ch 723,736

20 Court’s power Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

and discretion  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Page 575-610.
Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 1023-1069.
21 Schemes to be Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
presented  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Page 575-610
Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 1023-1069.
22 Transnational Essential Reading: CO2/LO2-
mergers and  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th Lecture, M
edition, Eastern Law Publication, PPT
(2009), Page 575-610 presentation,
Additional Reading:
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,

Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 900-922.

23 Modes of Essential Reading Lecture, CO2/LO2-

winding up  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Page 623-682
Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice, Taxmann
(2004)- Pg. 922-1022.
24 Winding up by Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
the court  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Page. 623-682
Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 922-1022.
 Vanaspati industries Ltd v Firm
Prabhu Dayal AIR 1950 EP 142
 Madhusudan Gordhandas & Co. v
Madhu Wollen Industries (P) Ltd
(1971) 3 SCC 632.
 Sree Shanmugar Mills Ltd. SK
Dharmaraja Nadar AIR 1970 Mad

24 Voluntary Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

winding up  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Page 683-690

Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 922-1022.

Hardit Singh v Registrar of Companies
(1972) 42 Comp Cas 256 (Del)

24 Liquidator’s role Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

in winding up  Avtar Singh, Company Law, 15th PPT S
edition, Eastern Law Publication, presentation,
(2009), Pg. no. 659,660,667-739.
Additional Reading: Discussion
 Kapoor G.K., and Dhamija Sanjay,
Company Law & Practice,
Taxmann (2004)- Pg. 922-1022.
 Alexander Ward & Co. Samyang
Navigation Co, (1957) 1 WLR
673 HL.
 Rondon and Norw Rich
Investment Services Ltd, re, 1988
BCLC 226 (CID)
25 Indian capital Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
market and sebi  ICSI Executive Programme Study PPT S
Growth of Material on Securities markets presentation,
securities market and Capital Markets, Pg. 2-40. Case
in India, and Additional Reading: Discussion

Pg. no. 191-200.
26 SEBI Act 1992 Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
 ICSI Executive Programme Study PPT S
Material on Securities markets presentation,

and Capital Markets, Pg. 42-72. Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

Pg. no. 210-220.

26 Insider trading Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-

regulation  ICSI Executive Programme Study PPT M
Material on Securities markets presentation,

and Capital Markets, Pg. 298-323. Case

Additional Reading:
SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2015.
26 Takeover code Essential Reading: Lecture, CO2/LO2-
 ICSI Executive Programme Study PPT S
Material on Securities markets presentation,

and Capital Markets, Pg. 180-219. Case

Additional Reading: Discussion

SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares
and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011.
27-30 Tutorial Lecture, CO2/LO2-

27-30 Self Lecture, CO2/LO2-
learning ,project PPT S
s, presentation,
presentations , Case
moot courts , Discussion
simulation ,
exercise, film
review, news ,
review, field
visit ,
learning , guest

Expectations from Students:-

 To participate in the classes exercises and activities

 To be present in the class on the time specified.
 To have active class participation and interaction in the class on the subject associated
 To be sincere in doing the assignments and class preparations
 To maintain the dignity of a classroom and cooperate for the class
 To actively participate in case analysis and incorporate the theories into practical
 To undertake the tests very seriously and perform better
 To be consistent in preparation for the class and tests which enables continuous learning
 To have a parallel awareness on the current business trends and events to get associated
with the theories learnt
 To read the relevant articles in the newspaper and keep updated with the recent changes.

Evaluation Timelines:-

Keeping in line with continuous evaluation at SLS-H, the following schedules have been drawn.
Students are expected to go through the dates / sessions mentioned and prepare accordingly.

Component Component Name Expected slot / Marks Weightage

Number due date declaration by
1 Research Paper 18/03/2024 30/03/2024 20
End Term Exam 30
Total 50

Brief Profile of the Faculty Member:-

Ms. Shakshi Kothari has done her B.A.LL.B. from Faculty of Law, Banaras Hindu University
and her LL.M. specializing in Corporate and Commercial Laws from NALSAR University of
Law, Hyderabad. Currently, she is pursuing her Ph.D. from National Law University, Jodhpur.
She has qualified UGC National Eligibility Test as well. She has past experience of teaching
subjects like Company Law, Corporate Law Practice, Banking Laws, Financial and Systemic
Frauds, Law of Torts and Law of Contract.

Ms. Shalini is an Assistant Professor of Law at Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad (a constituent
of Symbiosis International University). She has completed her post-graduation (LL.M.) from
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad, and her B.A.LL.B. from Symbiosis International
University, Pune. She has qualified UGC NET LAW and is an incisive young academician and
research scholar. She has published research articles in reputed law journals and books, and
participated and presented papers at National and International Conferences. She brings her
experience of corporate to teaching. She is designated as 'Advocate Prime Dispute (APD)' by
Prime Dispute, London (U.K).



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