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RPSC Programmer - 7 Paper 29-07-2024

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120 Test Date 29-07-2024
100 RPSC Programmer Paper -7
12 (Mock Test Paper – 7)

Instructions For Candidates

1. All questions carry equal marks.
1. 2. Give only one answer to each question.
2. 3. If more than one answer is given, the answer to
3. the question would be treated as wrong.

4. OMR 4. Four options are given for each question. On the

OMR answer sheet, the candidate should fill only
one of the circles or bubbles with blue or black
ball point pen indicating the correct answer.

5. 5. 1/3 part of the mark(s) of each question will be

deducted for each wrong answer. (A wrong
answer means an incorrect answer or more
than one answer for any question)
6. 6. Please correctly fill your mobile number and
other required information carefully on the OMR
sheet. Filling up of incorrect or incomplete
information can result in deduction of 5 marks
from the total marks or withholding of result for
which the candidate will be solely responsible.

Warnining: If a candidate is caught copying or any

unauthorized materaial is found in his/her
possession, then action can be taken against that
candidate under various rules and provisions.

Do not open this Test Booklet Untile you are asked to do so.



1. Which is valid declaration of a 3. The element in the collection are

float? ordered
1. float f=0.0f; 4. The collection is guaranteed to be
2. float f=1.0d; immutable
3. float f=1.0F; (a) Only 1,2
4. float f="1f"; (b) Only 2,3
5. float f='c'; (c) Only1,4
(a) only 1,2,3 (d) Only1,3
(b) only 1,2,4 6. Which of the following class level
(c) only 1,3,5 (nonlocal ) variable declaration will
(d) only 1,3 not compile ?
2. Which two guarantee that a thread (a) protected int a;
will leave the running state? (b) transient int b=3;
1. yield() (c) private synchronized int e;
2. sleep(2000) (d) volatile int d;
3. notify() 7. What will be the output of the
4. notifyAll() program ?
5. wait() public class Main {
(a) 1,5 public static void main(String arr[])
(b) 1,2 {
(c) 2,3 public int a=10;
(d) 2,5
protected int b=20;
3. Which will contain the body of the
thread ? private int c=30;
(a) start() System.out.println(a*b/c);
(b) run() }}
(c) body() (a) 6
(d) stop() (b) 6.6
4. What will be the output of the (c) 10
program ? (d) Compilation Error
public class Main { 8. Which two statement added
public static void main(String arr[]) independently at beginning of the
{ int a=0; program allow the code to compile
assert (a>0) ? true : false; successfully?
System.out.println("false"); }} /* Missing statements */
(a) compilation Error public class Main extends HashSet
(b) false {
(c) an AssertionError is thrown and public static void main(String arr[])
finished is output {
(d) Output not provided HashSet h=new HashSet();
5. Which statement is true for the }
class java.util.ArrayList ? }
1. The element in the List can be 1. import java.util.HashSet;
duplicate 2. import java.util.List;
2. The element in the collection 3. import java.util.Queue;
are accessed using a unique key 4. import java.util.*;
(a) only 1,2 (b) only 1,3
(c) only 1,4 (d) only 2,3



9. In java, Which classes are used for 13. Which class override the equals()
autoboxing and unboxing and hashCode() methods,
operations? inheriting them directly from class
(a) Exception classes Object ?
(b) Wrapper classes 1. java.lang.String
(c) Collection classes 2. java.lang.StringBuffer
(d) Object classes 3. java.lang.StringBuilder
10. In java which method can be used 4. java.lang.Integer
to perform unboxing ? 5. java.lang.Double
(a) valueOf() (a) 1,2,3 only
(b) intvalue() (b) 1,2,4,5 only
(c) intValue() (c) 1,4,5 only
(d) unboxing() (d) All are override
11. What will be the output of the 14. You need to store element in a
program ? collection that guarantees that no
public class Main duplicate are stored and all
{ elements can be accessed in nature
public static void main(String arr[]) order. Which interface provide that
{ capability ?
Integer a=100; (a) java.util.Map
Integer b=100; (b) java.util.Set
System.out.print((a == b) +"---"); (c) java.util.List
System.out.println(a.equals(b)); (d) java.util.collection
} 15. What is the most restricted access
} modifier that will allow members of
(a) false---true one class to have access to
(b) true---true member of another subclass class
(c) true---false in the different package ?
(d) false---false (a) public
12. What will be the output of the (b) protected
program ? (c) default access(no modifier use)
public class Main (d) private
{ 16. What will be the output of the
public static void main(String arr[]) program ?
{ public class Main
Integer a=500; {
Integer b=500; public static void main(String arr[])
System.out.print((a == b) +"---"); {
System.out.println(a.equals(b)); String s="SUNIL";
} s.toLowerCase();
} System.out.println("yadav
(a) false---true "+s.replace('u','U'));
(b) true---true }
(c) true---false }
(d) false---false (a) yadav SUNIL (b) yadav SuNIL
(c) yadav sunil
(d) yadav sUnil



17. Which are valid method signature catch (Exception obj)

in an interface ? {
1. private void a(); System.out.println("Exception
2. public void b();
catch exception");
3. public static void main(String
args [ ]); }
4. public void main(String args[ ]); }
5. public static void main(String }
args [ ]){ } (a) A catch exception
choose the right statement (b) Exception catch exception
(a) 1, 2 only (c) Compilation Error
(b) 1, 2, 4 only (d) Exception Throw
(c) 2, 4, 5 only 20. Which of the following statements
(d) 2, 3, 4, 5 only about the hashcode() method are
18. What will be the output of the incorrect?
program ? 1. The value returned by
public class Main hashcode() is used in some
{ collection classes to help locate
public static void main(String arr[]) objects.
{ 2. The hashcode() method is
int i=10, j=-1; required to return a positive int
switch (i) value.
{ 3. The hashcode() method in the
case 10 : j=20; String class is the one inherited
default: j=5; from Object.
case 11: j=3; 4. Two new empty String objects
} will produce identical
System.out.println(j); hashcodes.
} (a) 1 and 2
} (b) 2 and 3
(a) -1 (b) 20 (c) 3 and 4
(c) 5 (d) 3 (d) 1 and 4
19. What will be the output of the 21. Which class or Interface defines
program ? the wait(), notify() and notifyAll()
class A extends Exception {} methods
public class Main extends A (a) Object (b) Thread
{ (c) Runnable (d) Class
public static void main(String arr[]) 22. Which jdbc driver is the fastest
{ driver ?
try (a) Type -1 Driver
{ (b) Type -2 Driver
throw new Main(); (c) Type -3 Driver
} (d) Type -4 Driver
catch (A obj) 23. Which interface does
{ java.util.HashSet implement ?
System.out.println("A catch (a) java.util.Map (b) java.util.Set
exception "); (c) java.util.List (d) java.util.Queue



24. Name the implicit variable 28. The possible of error Fixed cost is
available to JSP pages that may be maximum in which of the following
used to access all the other phase of SDLC ?
implicit objects ? (a) Design
(a) Page (b) pageContext (b) Installation and Maintenance
(c) context (d) object (c) Coding (d) Specification
25. JSP pages have access to implicit 29. A Turnkey project also called ?
objects that are exposed (a) turn-key solution
automatically. Name the implicit (b) turn-key delivery
object that is of type HttpSession. (c) ready-to-use.
(a) session (b) application (d) All the above
(c) httpsession (d)httpSessio 30. Site for Alpha and Beta Testing
26. Which of the following statement Respectively ?
are correct way to find out the (a) Software company, software
number of elements currently company
present in an ArrayList Collection (b) Software company, client site
called aa? (c) Client site, software company
1. aa.stream().count() (d) Anywhere
2. aa.capacity() 31. Cohesion and coupling can be
3. aa.size() represented using
4. aa.ensureCapacity (a) Structure charts
Choose the correct statement ? (b) Specification
(a) only 1,2,3 (c) Dependency matrix
(b) only 1,3,4 (d) Cause effect graph
(c) only 1,2 32. Black box Testing is some time
(d) only 1,3 called ?
27. Which of the following statements (a) Data flow testing
are correct about the Collection (b) Behavioral testing
classes available in Framework (c) Loop testing
class library ? (d) Graph based testing
(a) it is not easy to adopt the 33. The most important feature of
existing Collection classes for spiral model is ?
newtype of objects. (a) Requirement analysis
(b) Elements stored in a collection (b) Risk management
can be retrieved but cannot be (c) Quality management
modifie (d) Configuration management
(c) They use efficient algorithm to 34. A desirable property of module is
manage the collection thereby (a) Low cohensiveness
improving the performance of the (b) High coupling
program (c) Independency
(d) Elements stored in a collection (d) Multi-functional
can be modified only if all 35. System study involves
elements are of similar types (a) Study of an existing system
(b) Documenting the existing system
(c) Identifying current deficiencies
and establishing new goals
(d) All of the above



36. System testing falls within the 42. Testing Object Oriented is made
scope of more difficult by ?
(a) White box testing (a) Encapsulation (b) Abstraction
(b) Black box testing (c) Inheritance
(c) Both of them (d) None of the above
(d) None 43. Error occur more often when ?
37. Alpha testing is (a) Data is entered by users
(a) Internal testing (b) Data is entered by operators
(b) An independent test team at the (c) When data is handwritten by user
client’s site and entered by an operator
(c) An independent test team at the (d) The key board design is bad
developer’s site 44. Verification is
(d) None (a) Checking that we are building the
38. Unit testing will be done by right system
(a) Testers (b) End users (b) Checking that we are building the
(c) Customer (d) Developers system right
39. Testing technique examines the (c) Performed by an independent test
basic program structure and it team
derives the test data from the (d) Making sure that it is what the
program logic, ensuring that all user really wants
statements and conditions 45. If an expected result is not
executes at least once. It is called specified then
as (a) We cannot run the test
(a) Block box testing (b) It may be difficult to repeat the
(b) White box testing test
(c) Gray box testing (c) It may be difficult to determine if
(d) Closed box testing the test has passed or failed
40. Software feasibility is based on (d) We cannot automate the user
which of the following inputs
(a) Business and marketing 46. Requirement specification is
concerns carried out
(b) Scope, constraints, market (a) After requirements are determined
(c) Technology,finance, time, (b) Before requirements are
resources determined
(d) Technical prowess of the (c) Simultaneously with requirements
developers determination
41. Condition testing is a control (d) Independent of requirement
structure testing technique where determination
the criteria used to design test 47. By economic feasibility of a system
cases is that they ? we mean that
(a) Rely on basis path testing (a) It is economical to operate
(b) Exercise the logical conditions in a (b) It is expensive to operate
program module (c) It will be cost- effective if
(c) Select test paths based on the implemented
locations and uses of variable (d) Finances are available to
(d) Focues on testing the validity of implement the system and it will
loop constructs be cost- effective



48. The major goal of requirement 52. Which of following is not valid
determination phase of about Verification ?
information system development is 1. Verification is carried out
(a) Determine whether information is before the validation
needed by an organization 2. Testing like condition testing,
(b) Determine what information is path testing , statement
needed by an organization testing is done under
(c) Determine how information verification
needed by an organization can be 3. Cost of error caught in
provided verification is more than error
(d) Determine when information is to found in validation
be given 4. Execution of code is not comes
49. The most common reason for the under verification
presence of a large number of bugs (a) 2, 3, 4 only
in a software product is (b) 2 and 4 only
(a) Incompetence of the developer (c) 2 and 3 only
(b) Incompetence of the tester (d) 1 and 4 only
(c) Bad requirements 53. Which statement is correct about
(d) Wrong use of tools and techniques of testing
50. Debugging is 1. It is done only for customer
(a) Creating program code satisfaction that the product is
(b) Creating the bugs in the program working properly and is
for testing optional steps
(c) Finding and correcting error in the 2. It is a problem statement which
program code lists specific inputs that are
(d) Creating the algorithm typically expected to be entered
by the user and precise output
51. Match the following ?
values that a perfect program
1. Verification A. checking whether the would return for those input
software meets the values
decided Specification 3. It is finalized when the coding is
2. Validation B. ready blueprint of completed
system,database,ER 4. Testing can be decide quality of
model etc product.
3. Testing C. checking whether the (a) 1 and 3 only
software meets (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 3 and 4 only
(d) 2 and 4 only
4. Design D. to check is the
software is giving 54. Correct order of stages of testing ?
(a) Unit, integration, regression,
desired output for all
system, acceptance
inputs (b) Integration, system, unit,
(a) 1-A,2-B, 3-D, 4-C regression, acceptance
(b) 1-A,2-C, 3-D, 4-B (c) System, regression, unit,
(c) 1-B,2-A, 3-D, 4-C integration, acceptance
(d) 1-B,2-A, 3-C, 4-D (d) Unit, integration, system,
regression, acceptance



55. Match the following 60. Generally new term error, bug and
1. Backtracking approach A. black box testing failure represented by
2. Software maturity index B. white box testing (a) client,developer, end users
3. Equivalence partitioning testing C. debugging
(b) developer, enduser, tester
4. Path structure testing D. maintenance metric (c) developer, tester , enduser
(a) 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D (d) tester, developer , enduser
(b) 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A 61. Generally the cause of
(c) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B system/software failure with
(d) 1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B respect to one another
56. In unit testing, interface testing is
performed to access. (a) error make failure that create
(a) Efficiency defect
(b) Behavior (b) defect make failure that create
(c) Functional independence error
(d) Internal logic of code (c) failure make defect that create
57. Which of the following is perform error
by regression test case ?
(d) error makes defect that create
1. A representative samples of tests
that will exercise all software
functions 62. Which of the following is not
2. Additional tests that focus on another name of white box
software functions that are likely testing?
to be affected by the change 1. structural testing
3. Tests that focus on the software 2. behavioural testing
component that have been
changed 3. clear box testing
4. Low level components are 4. function testing
combined into clusters that 5. glass box testing
perform a specific software sub-
(a) 1, 3, 4 only
5. Regression testing is done before (b) 2, 3, 4 only
and after acceptance testing in (c) 2, 4 only
case of requirement change (d) 1, 3 only
6. Regression testing is a part of
system testing . 63. Match the following Severity of
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4
1. Blocker A. main function not working
(b) 1, 2, 3, 5
2. critical B. this defect show application
(c) 2, 3, 4, 5 not processed
(d) All are correct statement 3. major C. look and feel (Eg-spelling
58. Clients play what role in the mistake in rules and
development of a new system ? regulation )
(a) Develop the project plan 4. minor D. some undesirable behaviour
(b) Define the business processes (Eg. OTP sent but msg not
(c) Lead the project team
(a) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C
(d) Fund the project
(b) 1-A, 2-B, 3-D, 4-C
59. Error report is an example of
(c) 1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D
(a) Process (b) Input process
(d) 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A
(c) Output process
(d) None of these



64. With defect report priority 69. Before form submission checkbox
P1(Medium) defect will be solve rules are not highlighted. It is
and fixed ? consider to be
(a) Next version
(a) High priority and minor severity
(b) Fixed in next release
(c) Fixed immediately in same version defect
(d) No need to fixed defect (b) High priority and major severity
65. Defect report are useful as they defect
contain ? (c) Low priority and minor severity
1. Defect id defect
2. Defect status (d) Low priority and major severity
3. Severity
4. Security
5. Priority 70. Which of the following approaches
6. Compatibility are not the part of Integration
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 only Testing ?
(a) Top-down approach
(b) 1, 2, 3, 5
(b) Big-bang approach
(c) 1, 3, 5, 6 (c) Bottom-up approach
(d) All are contain (d) Matrix approach
66. What is not true about priority 71. Which of the following testing is
(a) Priority is impact of defect on the part of non-functional testing
business 1. Boundary value analysis
(b) Priority can be high, medium and 2. Path testing
low 3. Performance testing
(c) Priority can be decide based on 4. Security testing
severity of defect 5. Regression testing
(d) Priority can be decide by developer Choose the correct statement
67. Which of the following status is (a) 1 and 5 only
perform by developer in Bug life (b) 1 and 3 only
cycle model ? (c) 2 and 4 only
1. New (d) 3 and 4 only
2. Open 72. Developer fixed the bug to check
3. Assigned the defect on bases of ?
4. Fixed (a) Flexibility (b) Priority
5. Closed (c) Severity (d) Traceability
Choose the correct one or more 73. Acceptance testing are based on
statement (a) Design specification
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 only (b) Requirement specification
(b) 2, 3, 4, 5 only (c) Decision specification
(c) 2, 3, 4 only (d) 3, 4, 5 only (d) Code specification
68. The logo of the company in the 74. Bug status is set to Deferred due to
front page is wrong. It is consider the ?
to be 1. Priority of that bug may be low
(a) High priority and minor severity 2. Data may be unavailable
3. No need to fixed this types of bug
4. Bug already existing in developer
(b) High priority and major severity Choose the correct statement
defect (a) 1 and 3 only
(c) Low priority and minor severity (b) 1 and 4 only
defect (c) 1 and 2 only
(d) Low priority and major severity (d) 2 and 4 only



75. Who is responsible for acceptance 80. this() and super() both use
testing ? constructor calling and always first
(a) Software tester statement of the constructor but if
(b) Developer we want to use both of them then
(c) Customer/client they will be ?
(a) this() must be first statement then
(d) Designer
super() allow
76. Smoke testing is conducted to
(b) super() must be first statement
make sure ?
then this() allow
1. The software doesn’t crash when
(c) if the no-argument this() is called
and super() will called later
2. Smoke testing conducted on
(d) not allow both this() and super()
stable build
on same time of the constructor
3. Major functionality of software
81. Which of the following statement
is/are true ?
4. All compulsory and optional
1. an instance method is allowed
functionality work properly
to reference a static variable
Choose the correct statement
2. a static method is allowed to
(a) 1 and 2 only
reference an instance variable
(b) 2 and 3 only
3. a final variable may be set in a
(c) 1 and 4 only
(d) 1 and 3 only
4. a final static variable may be set
77. Which testing is concerned with
in a constructor
behaviour of whole project as per
(a) 1 and 2 only
specified requirement?
(b) 1 and 3 only
(a) Acceptance testing
(b) Component testing (c) 1 and 4 only
(c) System testing (d) 2 and 4 only
(d) Integration testing 82. Which of the following Throwable
78. What is the output of the following types is it recommended not to
when code will run as - java Main catch in a java application ?
public class Main
(a) Exception
public static void main(String arr[]) (b) CheckedException
{ (c) Error
System.out.println(arr[0]); (d) RuntimeException
} 83. Which of the following is a checked
} Exception ?
(a) The code does not compile (a) ClassCastException
(b) The code throws an (b) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException
NullPointerException (c) IllegalArgumentException
(c) The code generate output – Main (d) SQLException
(d) The code throws an 84. Which keyword are required
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException immediately after a try statement?
79. What is the command to call one 1. catch
constructor to another constructor 2. finalize
in the same class ? 3. finally
(a) super (b) this Choose the correct statement ?
(c) call (d) contructor



(a) 1 and 2 only System.out.println("call me ");

(b) 1,2 and 3 only }
(c) 1 and 3 only private static int call()
(d) No need to write anyone. Single {
try statement work. return 10;
85. Which import statement is }
required to be declared in order to }
use the Exception, (a) 10
RunTimeException and Throwable (b) The code does not compile
classes in an application ? (c) call me
1. import java.lang.*; (d) The code does not compile due to
2. import java.exception.*; ambiguity
3. import java.util.exception.*; 89. Which of the following statement
4. no need to write any import about overriding a method is
statement incorrect ?
Choose the correct (a) The return types must be
statement/statements covariant
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) The access modifier of the method
(b) 1 and 3 only in the child class must be the
(c) 2 and 3 only same or broader than the method
(d) 1 and 4 only in the superclass
86. A program must handle or declare (c) A checked exception thrown by a
________ but should never handle method in the child class must be
____ ? the same or narrower than the
(a) Java.lang.Error , unchecked exception thrown by the method
exception in the parent class
(b) Java.lang.Throwable, (d) A checked exception thrown by
java.lang.Error the method in the parent class
(c) Checked exception, java.lang.Error must be thrown by the method in
(d) Unchecked exception, checked the child class.
exception 90. Which of the following statement
87. A try statement has finally block(s) about interfaces is not true ?
and catch block(s) 1. An interface can extends
(a) Zero or more, zero or more another interface
(b) One, one or more 2. An interface can implements
(c) Zero or one, zero or more another interface
(d) One or more, zero or one 3. An interface can extends
88. What is the output of the following another class
java code ? 4. An interface can extends one or
public class Main more interface
{ Choose the correct(s) statement
public static void main(String arr[]) (a) 1 and 2 only
{ (b) 2 and 3 only
new Main().Call(); (c) 3 and 4 only
} (d) 2 and 4 only
public void Call()



91. What is the filename extension for 96. Which of the following lines of
a java bytecode compiled file ? code is allowed as the first line of a
(a) .java (b) .bytecode java class file ?
(c) .class (d) .code 1. import pack1.pack2.*;
92. Which variable scope limited to a 2. //my program
method and specific blocked ? 3. void call()
(a) Class variable 4. int f;
(b) Instance variable 5. package pack1;
(c) Local variable
6. class A
(d) Static variable
choose the correct statement ?
93. Which of the following is not a
valid code comment in Java ? (a) 1, 2, 3, 5 only
(b) 2, 3, 4, 5 only
(a) /// sunil code
(c) 1, 2, 5, 6 only
(b) /* /// * sdfafdaf */
(d) 3, 4, 5, 6 only
(c) /*** -----------***/
97. Which of the following is true of a
(d) /* ======== #/ java bytecode file ?
94. Which statement about a valid
(a) It can be run on any computer
.java file is true ? with a compatible JVM
1. It can only contain one class
(b) It can only be executed on the
declaration same type of computer that it was
2. It can contain one public class created on
declaration and one public
(c) It can be run only windows and
interface definition
linux , unix based platform
3. It may define at most one public
(d) It requires the corresponding .java
file that created it to execute
4. It must define at least one
98. Which of the following is not a
public class
property of a JVM ?
5. All class present in .java file
(a) It support platform independence.
have separate .class file
(b) It manages memory for the
Choose the correct statement/
(c) It prevents java bytecode from
(a) 1, 2, 3 only
being easily decoded / decompiled
(b) 3 and 5 only (d) It translates java instructions to
(c) 2, 3 and 5 only machine instructions
(d) 4 and 5 only 99. Which of the following method
95. Which statement about java are signature is allowed an entry point
true ? a java application ?
(a) The java command can execute 1. public static void
.java and .class file main(String…args)
(b) The javac command compiles 2. public static void main(String[ ]
directly into native machine code args)
(c) The javac command can execute 3. public static void main(String
.java and .class file args[ ])
(d) The java command can execute 4. public static void main(String
.class and java execute .class file args)



5. public static void

main(String…args[ ])
choose the correct statement/
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 only
(b) 1, 2, 3, 5 only
(c) 1, 2, 3 only
(d) 2, 3, 5 only
100. What is required to define a valid
java class file ?
(a) A class declaration
(b) A package statement
(c) At least one import statement
(d) The public modifier


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